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Artifact Compendium

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Apocalypse D&D Artifact Compendium 1

Artifact Compendium character is a thief, they may choose to “vanish from

sight without a trace”.
This is a compendium of artifacts to include in Cursed Items
treasure hordes for Apocalypse D&D.
Artifacts are items of particular power that can be 1. Dullard’s Blade
found scattered throughout the dungeon world. The Dullard’s Blade is named for King Wenclas the
One of the advantages of artifacts is that they are Dull, famous for his cowardice. The Dullard’s Blade
always efficacious. They do what they’re supposed provides +1 to damage, however on a failed move in
to do and do it well. On a failed roll, the DM’s move combat, the user must roll Defy Danger with the goal
should never be to have the artifact fail unless that of escaping from combat if possible. If the wielder is
possibility is part of the item’s description. So, a already surrounded and unable to flee, they will
magic sword should not break; a character using drop their blade and put their hands in the air.
magical climbing slippers shouldn’t slip and fall; and 2. Holey Shield
so on.
They say these were forged by the Eyrines before
Artifacts may be identified through a Spout Lore roll, the dawn of civilization. Each bears a different sigil,
experimentation, or by paying the appropriate sages. some of which may be known to the very
Cursed items may be identified by magical curse knowledgeable. The shield provides +1 armor
detection or by asking “Is it dangerous to me” on a protection over and above the normal shield bonus;
successful Spout Lore move. however, whenever the owner rolls a natural 2 while
Armor making a move in combat, one opponent will strike
through the invisible magical flaw in the shield,
1. Drake Chain doing maximum damage. These shields have an
unlucky aura to them.
Forged by a legendary race of highly developed
lizardfolk in a previous age, this chainmail has a slimy 3. Icarus Draught
feel and greenish cast. However, it provides the This potion is indistinguishable from a Theseus
wearer with +1 to all rolls to Defy Danger and is Draught except that its user becomes subject to a
nearly weightless in water. The owner may not harm risk of berserk rage and must successfully Defy
any lizardfolk while wearing it. Danger to do anything other than attack a nearby
2. Meteoric Shield target. If there are no targets visible, the drinker will
immediately fall into an exhausted sleep for 1 hour.
Few of these were ever made, owing to the rarity of
meteoric iron. In addition to the regular effects of a 4. Potion of Trust
shield, a meteoric shield provides +1 protection Not strictly cursed, this potion is prepared in a
against any hot, cold, or acid attack and a +1 to Defy similar fashion to a potion of healing. When given as
Danger where these elements are involved. a gift and drunk immediately, it prevents the drinker
3. Terrance’s Spectacular Helm from acting directly against the giver or lying to
them. Doing so causes intense abdominal pain and
This helm never belonged to Terrance but was
requires the drinker to Defy Danger using WIS
forged in imitation of his legendary headgear, the
instead of CON, or collapse in pain for 30 seconds.
Borealis Helm. Terrance’s helm produces an
unwavering light from gems set around the rim, Potions
illuminating up to 30’. This light cannot be
extinguished by magic or any other means. 1. Gorilla Glue
4. Wildwood Leathers This magical substance, applied to any surface other
than glass immediately becomes a powerful
While many armors go by the name “Wildwood
adhesive that cannot be dissolved or removed by
leathers”, true items of this name allow their owner
any means short of destroying or damaging the
to choose the option “slip into concealment” as the
things it’s stuck to. Amusing mishaps associated with
result of any successful Make my Move roll taken in
attempts to identify this substance are the mainstay
an environment where there are shadows. If the
of fireside stories at many adventuring taverns.
Apocalypse D&D Artifact Compendium 2
2. Potion of Healing 3. My Lucky Rope
The preparation of these potions requires significant These curious items turn up from time to time in
care and attention and a sacrifice of the maker’s adventuring circles. No one seems to know their
blood, hair, or skin. This potion cures 1d8 points of origin. When the owner of a Lucky Rope finds
damage and will also heal non-magical diseases. themselves in a situation where a rope might save
Anyone who accepts a potion of healing as a gift may the day, they may use their lucky rope. No move roll
not harm or act directly against the giver (after of any sort is required to achieve the owner’s goal.
drinking it) without first rolling Defy Danger, which is However, the rope is always irretrievably lost
why these potions are sometimes offered freely by immediately afterwards. No one who has owned a
temples or alchemists to select friends. Lucky Rope may ever own another in their lifetime.
3. Theseus Draught 4. Shrunken Head
Found under as many names as there are heroes, This appalling fetish still contains some of the soul of
this draught imbues the drinker with great courage its original owner. Once per day, the owner may
and aggression, making them immune to effects of keep the undead at bay using this item. Roll WIS, on
fear, charming, and immobilization for as long as a 10+ the head speaks the true names and natures of
they continue to Go Aggro or until they rest; the undead, revealing some secrets of their lair or
however. Afterwards the user must rest for an hour origin. On a 7-9 the head does not speak at all. On a
before they can undertake any strenuous activity. failure, the spirit inside the head is released to its
4. White Lightning own devices when its job is done.

This powerful draught blesses the drinker with a Wands and Staves
sudden burst of terrific speed, providing +3 to Make
my Move and enabling them to perform spectacular 1. Anatomist’s Staff
feats. The ability to dodge arrows or run across a This disturbingly carved bone staff has the power of
pond without sinking have been reported. The effect knitting bones and healing wounds, healing all
lasts for the duration of only one roll, however. The wounds, curses, and diseases received within the
drink also causes hangovers. last 24 hours. The one applying the healing must
make a WIS roll. On a 10+, there are no other results.
Miscellaneous Items On a 7-9, the wielder takes the same amount of
1. Crystal Ball damage as they healed. On a failure, the staff’s
demands that the healed character undertake a
There are many scrying devices, but the crystal ball is quest that serves the staff’s own obscure goals. The
perhaps the best known. To use, a character simply staff will not function again until the quest is
gazes into the ball and thinks about a person, place, completed.
or thing. Roll INT: on a 10+, the character sees the
2. Gold Digger’s Wand
target and may ask up to three questions about the
thing. On a 7-9, the character sees the target, but A fancifully wand covered with gold-leaf symbols of
questions are unanswered. The crystal ball may only wealth and good fortune. When waved allows the
show images, not speak answers. Also, the DM may user to ask “Where is the nearest treasure” as part
ask the user up to three questions as well. Be of a Spout Lore roll; however, if the roll is failed, the
warned, a crystal ball is a two-way connection, and wand breaks in two after providing the answer,
particularly powerful targets, or beings with access never to function again. The broken wand is worth
to scrying magic of their own may also be able to see 125 gp.
the user. 3. Odegard’s Wand
2. Cthonic Necklace
This wand was given to Odegard of Waymark by the
This string of beads features 1d6 red pearls hanging Wildwood Rangers and allows a non-ranger to use
from a silver chain. When a pearl is plucked and the Ranger Hunt and Track move by making the
hurled at a target, it will explode upon impact with quarry’s tracks glow slightly. The Wand was lost in
the force of a sixth-level fireball spell. The pearls are the Wildwoods when Odegard was slain by wargs.
quite hot to the touch and may be used to heat The Wildwood Rangers consider it their rightful
water for tea and other useful purposes. property.
Apocalypse D&D Artifact Compendium 3
4. Serpentine Staff
Once per day, when this staff’s true name is spoken,
it turns into a giant snake that obeys the owner’s
commands for 1 minute. The true name may be
discovered by a Spout Lore roll, hiring a sage, or
other means, however the first time the staff is used,
the owner must roll INT. On a 10+, the true name is
known and the staff may be used again without
rolling. On a 7-9, it’s pronunciation is incorrect, and
the snake becomes a free-willed creature when it’s
service is done. On a failure, the serpent attacks its
owner. If the owner joins the snake cult, they don’t
have to roll and the serpent will always serve them.
1. Bow of Mark
A plain bow made of apparently just cut green wood
which allows the user to Go Aggro using DEX instead
of STR, however each use of this power consumes 10
2. The Envenomed Dagger
This cruel-looking blade produces a terrible venom
on its blade (enough for one user per day). Using the
blade requires a Defy Danger roll to make a precision
strike. If successful, the victim takes maximum
damage and writhes in pain helplessly for 1 minute.
3. Wolfsbane
This bronze sword is a relic of the Chain Wars and
provides a +1 to all dice rolls when the owner is
fighting wolves, wargs, or werewolves. It hums
quietly when wolves are near. Rumor has it there is a
similar blade (always wielded by a werewolf) that
acts against humankind, but this may be mere
4. Odegard’s Mace
This magical mace provides +1 to Go Aggro in
combat against evil-aligned creatures. Once per day,
Odegard’s name may be invoked to smash a single
mundane object to splinters; however the user must
Defy Danger to avoid taking 1d4 damage from the
resulting blast.
Apocalypse D&D Artifact Compendium 4

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