By John Riley
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Guide to DragonStone
Written by
John Riley
Contributing Writers
Michael Riley (Appendix 1& 2)
John Dwyer(Appendix 3)
Proof Readers
John Riley
Steve Yates
Cover Art
Mark O’Reilly
f Contents e
Tables and Charts................................................................................................................................................8
Overview of DragonStone .................................................................................................................................11
Player Characters ......................................................................................................................................... 11
Lady Katie Moshere (Paladin 19) ............................................................................................................. 11
Lady Claire Moshere (Cleric 27 of Athena) ............................................................................................... 11
Lord Oswald (Magic User 23) ................................................................................................................... 11
Lady El’Mordet Falzan (Elven Protector Knight 18).................................................................................. 11
Sir Goffonen the Dwarf (Half Frost Giant Barbarian 23) ........................................................................... 11
Sir Topper (Magic User 11, Assassin 15) .................................................................................................. 11
Lady Aquilla (Heirophant Druidess 16) .................................................................................................... 11
Sir Foedus Unus (Monk 20, 4th Dan)......................................................................................................... 11
Non-player Characters.................................................................................................................................. 11
Robert the Invincible (Fighter 10) ............................................................................................................ 11
Knellict the Sage ...................................................................................................................................... 11
Arundel the Brave .................................................................................................................................... 11
Wat Tyler (Ranger 8, NG)......................................................................................................................... 11
Sasha (Thief 9, NG) .................................................................................................................................. 11
The Orc Family ........................................................................................................................................ 11
Teatri Escenti (Thief 15, LE)..................................................................................................................... 12
Alice the Old Bag (Thief 10, CE) ............................................................................................................... 12
Geoff “The Executioner” (Assassin 8)....................................................................................................... 12
Pittatah (“Pity”) Human/Quasit ................................................................................................................ 12
Extending the level tables to 30th level. ........................................................................................................ 13
Level Limits .................................................................................................................................................. 15
RELIGION IN DRAGONSTONE...................................................................................................................... 15
DEMI-HUMANS IN DRAGONSTONE ............................................................................................................. 15
RATES OF TRAVEL....................................................................................................................................... 15
Rivers....................................................................................................................................................... 16
The Lake .................................................................................................................................................. 16
WEATHER IN DRAGONSTONE..................................................................................................................... 16
Temperature ............................................................................................................................................ 16
Chance of Precipitation............................................................................................................................ 16
Chance of Snow....................................................................................................................................... 16
CALCULATION OF PROFIT AND LOSS FOR DRAGONSTONE ORGANISATIONS .......................................... 16
Step 1 ...................................................................................................................................................... 16
Step 2 ...................................................................................................................................................... 16
Step 3 ...................................................................................................................................................... 16
POLITICAL OVERVIEW OF STARVENIA ....................................................................................................... 17
Starvenia, an overview. ........................................................................................................................... 17
Pinnock.................................................................................................................................................... 17
Brandenburg............................................................................................................................................ 17
Moravia.................................................................................................................................................... 18
Estavia ..................................................................................................................................................... 18
Gwent ...................................................................................................................................................... 18
The Northern Wastelands ........................................................................................................................ 18
Solastar.................................................................................................................................................... 18
The Far Lands .......................................................................................................................................... 19
The Township of Dragonstone...........................................................................................................................20
INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................... 20
Key to the Dragonstone Map........................................................................................................................ 20
1 INN ....................................................................................................................................................... 20
2 ABBEY OF ST CUTHBERT ..................................................................................................................... 20
3 BARONIAL MANOR .............................................................................................................................. 20
f Forward e
Welcome to the exciting world of the Dragonstone Lands.
Within these pages will be found details of the Dragonstone Lands that the PCs have moulded for themselves.
NPCs of note, details of businesses, maps and plans of all-important areas will be here. The PCs themselves
will have areas of their own, detailed by players and crafted to whatever level of detail they require. As the
material expands so new areas will be added, and thanks to computer technology these changes can be
reflected in a changing and developing work.
And then using this information as a living backdrop, there will be adventures, and the first of these new
endeavours is being written at the same time as this Gazetteer.
Enjoy the texture and flavour of this world, and enjoy the continuing adventure…
Overview of
f DragonStone e
Following the successful completion of several Current xp totals for the PCs as at April 2001(game
modules and subsequent adventures, the Barony of time date April 1163) are as follows:
Dragonstone has new leaders and a new and
stable economy. Katie 4,291,389
Claire 4,488,594
As it is assumed that the existing PCs and hence Oswald 4,983,742
players are using this material, it is not necessary El’Mordet 1,023,567
to repeat the basic information regarding the Goffonen 7,868,716
recent events since the Dragon Wars. Suffice it to Topper 3,736,467
say that Dragonstone has had its share of unrest Aquilla 1
and is entering a period of relative stability, at least Foedus 4,987,795
for a while… XP totals for PC’s April 2001
Firstly, a list of current levels and details for the Non-player Characters
PCs that own and run the Barony, together with
their official titles: There are a number of NPCs of special interest in
Dragonstone. These can be found in various
Player Characters locations and are detailed here for quick reference
as well as in the detailed key of the Barony.
Lady Katie Moshere (Paladin 19)
Baroness of Dragonstone, Lady Commander of the Robert the Invincible (Fighter 10)
Baronial Army of Dragonstone. Was last heard of as he went out defenceless into
the wilderness, disgusted by Foedus’s treatment of
Lady Claire Moshere (Cleric 27 of Athena) the fallen hero Arundel the Brave. Arundel was a
Abbotess of the Church of Dragonstone. murderer and was sent to the Monastery in the
mountains to do penance. Robert vowed to leave
Lord Oswald (Magic User 23) without any acroutments, return as a monk and
Was previously Lord Kheldar, Bard Laureate of challenge and kill Foedus with his bare hands. That
Dragonstone. was many years ago, and so far Robert has not
Lady El’Mordet Falzan (Elven Protector Knight
18) Knellict the Sage
Lady Protector of Dragonstone and Protector of the Ran the Barony for many years, but is now dead of
Tree of Life. (Was previously Lord El’Mordeth) old age.
Sir Goffonen the Dwarf (Half Frost Giant Arundel the Brave
Barbarian 23) Was once a murderer but is now in the employ of
Ambassador Plenipotentiary and Extraordinary of Foedus’s monastery. He will never make a monk
the Barony of Dragonstone and has proved to be very susceptible to
hypnotism and possession. He is now Arundel the
Sir Topper (Magic User 11, Assassin 15) Meek, but he is a weak link indeed.
Seneschal of the Barony of Dragonstone/
Grandfather of Assassins Wat Tyler (Ranger 8, NG)
Is a friend and travels freely throughout the realm
Lady Aquilla (Heirophant Druidess 16) observing and reporting.
Protector of Life/Heirophant of the Barony of
Dragonstone. Sasha (Thief 9, NG)
Is as mischievous as she is wanton. She is a close
Sir Foedus Unus (Monk 20, 4th Dan) personal friend of Goffonen and a dedicated rival
Master of the Hunt of Dragonstone Vale. of Aquilla, who would probably gladly see the end
of her.
speak or sing four different sounds at once. They 90,001- 7 8 Knight Initiate
may be found at Oswald’s University to the North 150,000
of Dragonstone or at the temple of Athena. Baby 150,001- 8 9 Knight Protector
Orc is of Genius intelligence and is a scientist by 225,000
nature. 225,001- 9 10 Lord Initiate
Teatri Escenti (Thief 15, LE) 325,001- 10 11 Lord Protector
A friend of Topper’s family, Teatri will only work 650,000
for Topper while in this area, but is in essence a 650,001- 11 12 Lord Protector
freelance. He has a strong sense of family honour. 975,000 11th
975,001- 12 13 Lord protector
Alice the Old Bag (Thief 10, CE) 1,300,000 12th
Alice is a freelance thief, only interested in her own 1,300,001- 13 14 Lord Protector
welfare and not a threat to anyone who leaves her 1,625,000 13th
alone. She may decide to accept employment from 1,625,001- 14 15 Lord protector
any alignments as the whim takes her. 1,950,000 14th
1,950,001- 15 16 Lord protector
Geoff “The Executioner” (Assassin 8) 2,275,001 15th
Met many years ago as a young boy, Geoff was
very impressed by Topper and followed the path of
assassination. Geoff always gets his man (or From 16th level Protector Knights gain the abilities
woman), after all, it’s only business… of Druids and progress as follows. All previous xp
is lost and the Knight starts again at 1 xp.
Pittatah (“Pity”) Human/Quasit
Pity was originally the Quasit familiar of Falzar PROTECTOR KNIGHTS TABLE 2
Everhate, the Drow Elf magic user who was killed Xp Level D8 for Level Title
for good during the adventure “The Return to hp
Dragonstone”. Pity was reincarnated and remains 1-500,000 16 16+2 Initiate
part Quasit, with some remnants of Quasit Heirophant
abilities. He was unable to return to the environs of Protector
the Tree of Life but remains loyal to the PCs and 500,001- 17 16+4 Adept
may appear in the future. Pity will be fully featured 1,000,000 Heirophant
in the Hall of Heroes Protector
1,000,001- 18 16+6 Heirophant
These and other NPCs will be detailed more fully 1,500,000 Protector
later. 1,500,001- 19 16+8 Master
2,000,000 Heirophant
Mention was made before of El’Mordet, an Protector
example of a new character class. When the PCs 2,000,001- 20 16+10 Niminous
defeated Orcus in the realm of the Undead they 2,500,000 Heirophant
were rewarded by Bahamut (the Platinum dragon) Protector
with a Tree of Life. Whilst the tree flourishes in 2,500,001- 2 16+12 Mystic
Dragonstone, the valley is free from invasion from 3,000,000 Heirophant
all of Demonkind. They cannot enter. The force of Protector
the life of the tree extends throughout the 3,000,001- 22 16+14 Arcane
Dragonstone lands, nourishing the ground and 3,500,000 Heirophant
protecting the life force of Nature. It attracts a Protector
special sort of guardian, the Elven Protector 3,500,001 23 16+16 Protector
Knights. and up Heirophant of
the Cabal
Xp Level D8 Level Titles NB: The level limit is 23rd
hp From levels 1 to 15 Protector Knights take their
0-2,250 1 2 Apprentice abilities from the Ranger class. From levels 16 and
2,251-4,500 2 3 Assistant up they take their abilities from the Druid class.
4,501-10,000 3 4 Caretaker Protector Knights of all levels can cast Druid spells
10,001-20,000 4 5 Novice protector and use the Bards table to determine the number
20,001-40,000 5 6 Probationary of spells they can cast at any particular level. The
Protector Protector Knight class was devised by Michael
40,001-90,000 6 7 Protector Riley and is also available in full in the Manual Of
June 36%
On horseback July 33%
Road 60 August 33%
Track 45 September 33%
Valley 45 October 36%
Hills 45 November 40%
Forest 30 December 43%
Mountains 20 Chance of precipitation
Rates of Travel: On horseback
Chance of Snow
Cart/Wagon If precipitation is indicated, it will be snow the
Road 30 following percentage of the time:
Track 15 January 70%
Valley 15 February 70%
Hills 10 March 60%
Forest Nil April 30%
Mountains Nil May 10%
Rates of Travel: Cart / Wagon June Nil
July Nil
Rivers August Nil
Rivers can be crossed by swimming or on September 10%
horseback. If encumbered it will be necessary to October 15%
build floats to cross (half a day) or to find a ford or November 30%
bridge (no penalty). December 70%
Chance of snow
The Lake
For snow to fall, the temperature must be below
The Lake can be traversed by boat at a rate of 30
40, but in all cases weather determination is
miles per day. Barges will be slower at 15 miles
subject to DM discretion and common sense.
per day, and rafts only 5 miles per day.
Step 1
Establish with the DM the base turnover for the
Temperature (F)
year 1160, which is being taken as a starting point
January 32 +d10-d20
February 34 +(d6+4)-(d10+4) Step 2
March 42 +(d8+4)-(d10+4) For each subsequent year, determine the %
April 52 +(d10+6)-(d8+4) increase or decrease on the previous year’s
May 63 +(d10+6)-(d10+6) turnover using the following table:
June 71 +(d8+8)-(d6+6)
July 77 +(d6+4)-(d6+6) 01 Disaster - d% +30%
August 75 +(d4+6)-(d6+6) 02-10 Extremely Poor - 5-30%
September 68 +(d8+6)-(d8+6) 11-20 Very poor - 4-16%
October 57 +(d10+5)-(d10+5) 21-30 Poor - 2-12%
November 46 +(d10+6)-(d10+4) 31-70 Average + 1-10%
December 33 +(d8+5)-(d20) 71-80 Above average + 2-12%
Calculating the weather.
81-90 Very good + 4-16%
91-99 Excellent + 5-30%
Temperatures in Dragonstone Vale are relatively
00 Major success + d%+30%
mild for the latitude, partly because of the work of Calculating annual turnover
Aquilla and her Druids and partly because of the
Tree of Life. On certain occasions the DM may apply an overall
modifier to the dice roll, depending on current
Chance of Precipitation adventuring conditions.
Chance is rolled for each day as follows:
January 46% Step 3
February 40% Having determined the year’s turnover in gp the
March 44% profit margin on these activities is determined by
April 42% the following table:
May 42%
01 Huge loss - d%+30% friendly in some cases, but of course back home
02-10 Loss - 5-30% their allegiances are somewhat diluted and
11-20 Loss - 4-16% variable.
21-30 Loss - 2-12%
31-70 Profit + 1-10% We will now look briefly at these lands and
71-80 Profit + 2-12% indicate how they respond to the new order at
81-90 Profit + 4-16% Dragonstone. This is indicated by a modifier to the
91-99 Profit + 5-30% reaction roll, using either Lady Katie’s Charisma or
00 Huge profit + d%+30% the Charisma of whichever PC is interacting at the
Calculating profit margins time.
Starvenia has not been united for many centuries, The population of Rutland is more of Dragonstone
since the passing of the old line of Kings. The Lich than Pinnock, but the whole situation causes
King Zarak tried to take advantage of this, but was resentment and unrest.
defeated in his purpose by the Dragonstone
Adventurers. As indeed was his sponsor from the Brandenburg
Abyss, Orcus, Prince of the Undead.
Ruling House: Brandenburg
Following the Dragon Wars, the Duchies and Ruler: Dorian III
Baronies of the fragmented Starvenian Kingdom Crest: Pitchfork
(as was) planned a meeting of great importance, to Province population: 8,000 (5,000 Dwarves)
discuss “The Dragonstone Problem.” Capital: Ford (900 Humans), Ironstone (4,000
Fortunately for the PCs the spy Sasha had joined Reaction adjustment: Human +10-40%,
them in their adventures, having been saved from Dwarven +20-80%
her polymorphed doom as an ambulatory fungus.
Sasha had the details and the date of the meeting Brandenburg is a split Barony, the human
and what an event it must have been when Lady settlements on the southern plains being farmers,
Katie and her Ambassador Plenipotentiary and taking their produce to Dragonstone or Ford, their
Extraordinary Goffonen attended the meeting, capital. The Dwarves of Ironstone work the
together with the other PCs. mountains and even in the Svirfneblin mines, and
as such are very pro-Dragonstone. “Stone and iron,
Needless to say war was averted and the other iron and stone!” is the song that rings across the
parties were chastened and cautioned by the reaches of the Mountains, a call to all Dwarves and
Dragonstone show of might. To her face, all the even to Goffonen himself.
representatives were obsequious to Lady Katie, or
Now that the Assassins Citadel in the mountains major trade route to and from Helicon.
has been de-commissioned there is prosperity for Communications also extend to Solastar in the
all in this land. south, and as such this is a very wealthy province.
Dorian is actually a caretaker leader of the House Only this wealth keeps Hazel in power, and she
of Brandenburg, and his estate in Ford is no more looks for support to Tristan Dragonsbane, in turn
than a noble’s manor house. He has no tax supporting his claim to the Old Starvenian throne.
collecting powers, no army and no real power in This is pure convenience as she is well aware that
this land. the Dragonstone trade keeps her alive. Hence a
moderately good reaction roll from what would be
However, invasion of Brandenburg would incur the potentially, in different circumstances, a dangerous
wrath of the large Dwarven community, which no enemy.
doubt keeps would be aggressors at bay.
Ruling House: Beaumaris
Ruling House: Tenlil Ruler: Donald the Young,
Ruler: Tristan Dragonsbane, Baron of Moravia, Crest: The Open Hand of friendship
Successor-in-line King of Starvenia Province population: 14,000
Crest: Iron and Stone Club Capital: Frontiertown (8,000)
Province population: 43,000 Reaction adjustment: +10-40%
Capital: Helicon (24,000)
Reaction adjustment: -10 - +20% Wary of the Lich King and his intentions, the 19th
Baron, Donald the Old, sent his son into hiding in
Of all the Starvenian Rulers, in many ways Tristan Solastar. After the death of his father, Donald the
has the most to lose. He is actually the next in line Young returned to take his rightful place.
for the old throne, and should Starvenia ever be a
Kingdom again he has a genuine claim to the title Needless to say, Donald is grateful to Dragonstone
of King. Helicon is also the Old Capital and as such for saving the Starvenian lands, and well disposed
the centre of Starvenian power. towards the new leaders there. Together with his
close contacts to Solastar and its Paladinic
Helicon is a city of Merchants - they control the leadership, and we have a Barony very well
trade, the money and the only (mercenary) guards. disposed towards Dragonstone.
There is no Moravian Army as such.
Donald may only be seventeen years old, but is
So, despite a possible slight negative reaction, developing into a fine leader.
money and trade are the driving forces and Tristan
is powerless to stop the tide of Dragonstone trade. The Northern Wastelands
This is the major market for Dragonstone, via the The wastelands of the North extend to the North
King’s Road, and the economies of the two Gate of Dragonstone. There are communities in
Baronies are symbiotically entwined. this barren land, and sometimes they do travel
southwards, but the Dragons, Giants and other
Whatever the would be King might want to do, all horrors seem to have retreated into the obscurity
he can actually do is smile and take the cash… of the Northern Ice.
The Township of
f Dragonstone e
INTRODUCTION the Thoughtful. There is a small theological library,
a scribing room and four cells for the clerics to live
The following encounter key describes the main in. Currently only Alain lives here.
areas and inhabitants of the town, although the Alain the Thoughtful:
term town may already be somewhat of a Cleric of St Cuthbert/St Sollars 8
misnomer. The numbered areas are identified AC0 hp 47 AL LG
accordingly on the Map of Dragonstone. Most
current maps are produced by the excellent Mace +5 THACO 11 D 2-7 +6
Dragonstone Mapping Co. Staff +2 THACO 14 D 1-6 +3
Key to the Dragonstone Map. S16 I15 W17 D18 C17 Ch13
F0 hp2 Baird
F0 hp3
All supplies listed in the PHB are available here, at
double the indicated costings. Any strangers Sally
encountered are charged up the ten times the PHB F0 hp1
Baird is a fat jolly man who flirts outrageously with
Geoff has contacts and it is 5% likely that any the girls at the Inns - but he does not mean harm
desired magic item can be obtained, for three for he is happily married. Sally puts up with his
times the DMG price. drinking, as no matter how much he consumes it
seems to have no effect.
Benjamin 10 CARPENTER
F0 hp5 Curtis
F0 hp10
F0 hp4 Caroline
F0 hp6
Children 1hp each, Sally, Chen, Haribold, Stake,
Caryl, Sam. Daughter, Maybeline
F0 hp5
They bake especially good bread and exquisite
pies. Prices are double those indicated in the PHB Curtis can build almost anything out of wood. He
is, however, a perfectionist and will not be hurried.
7 BUTCHER He charges five times the prices in the PHB.
F15 hp 150 AC10 AL CN 11 TAILOR/WEAVER
Shaun the weaver is a skilled worker who makes
Fist THACO 3 D 1-2 +6 fine clothes at ten times the PHB costs. Many years
Dagger +5 THACO -2 D 1-4 +11 ago he was a sage in the special areas of
agriculture and animal husbandry. There is a 65%
S18/00 I10 W17 D12 C18 Ch5 chance that he will have specific knowledge in
these areas.
An ugly brute of a man, Harald has a temper that
he cannot control. A meeting requires a reaction 12 THE MARKET SQUARE
roll and he will attack on a result of 25% or less. The Market Square is filled with the usual hustle of
On a roll lower than 5% he will kill. He attacks any Town Square, and comprises up to 50 general
twice per round. stalls covering a variety of goods and services.
Here can be found:
John makes quality bows and arrows. He knows Amanda the Gypsy Fortune Teller
everything that goes on in Dragonstone and is a Carl Thunderfist the tatooist
source of malign gossip. Sable Mink the “masseur”
John the Pious the Cleric of Tymora
John Prunesquallor the Doctor
A6 AC6 (Leather) MV 12” hp 20 THACO 18 D 1-4 Matthew the Cleric of the Maiden of Pain
+1 + Poison (Dagger of Venom) AL LE Phoebe the Illusionist
Lord Nigel of Verbobonc a beggar
S12 I13 W9 D16 C12 Ch15 Vin’Cent the Mystic
Abdul the Potion Seller
PP45% OL42% F/RT 35% MS33% HS25% Siznal Torc the Money Changer
HN15% CW88% RL20% Paul the Minstrel
Morodin the Dwarven Healer
Backstab for triple damage Shylock the Barber
Alice the Old Bag
John’s prices are as indicated in the PHB, but he
does not follow up on payments as his other If general goods are sought, there is a 30% chance
sources pay him much better and he cannot be that a day in the market will prove successful.
bothered. Magical goods may be found 1% of the time.
In the market there is a 5% chance of being
here, and the clerics can perform madrigals that CASTELLE MOSHERE
protect and defend the Church from Evil. The Orc This is the home of Lady Katie Moshere herself.
family also joins in these performances from time Full details of the Castle will be presented in the
to time, taking advantage of their polyphonic Castle Appendix, as soon as completed.
voices to create ever more complex and beautiful
vocal blends. CLERICS HOUSE
This house is the home of the Lady Claire and the
The Church roster: Clerics of Athena. There is also an area here for
healing the sick.
Lady Claire Moshere, Cleric 27
Lady Jocelyn, Cleric 12 BARRACKS
Lady Cusker, Cleric 9 This barracks houses the troops of Lady Claire’s
Lady Katherine, Cleric 8 Elite Squad. Facilities for housing, feeding and
training these Holy soldiers are found here.
Magic items are generally not worn within the
Church, but the following are available for use by
the Clerics. These are in addition to Claire’s own KEY TO DRAGONSTONE VALE
personal items.
Plate mail +3 Situated on the intersection just North of
Shield +4 Dragonstone, this is a natural way station for traffic
Mace +5 of Disruption heading North.
Ring of Protection +3, with Protection from Evil
10’ radius Detailed on the appropriate maps, there is a
Potions of healing (16) Chapel to St Cuthbert, an Inn (owned and run by
Potions of Extra Healing (24) Topper) and three large warehouses for the safe
Rod of Resurrection (16 charges) storage of trade goods.
Silver Rod 6” long, being the first part of a Rod of
Seven Parts The Chapel of St Cuthbert is run by Anastasia,
Cleric 4, hp 25, THACO 16 D 2-7 +2 (Mace +2)
This strange domed building is the creation of The Inn of the Last Hope is run by Abagail,
Oswald. Fighter 2, hp 20, THACO 17, D 1-8 +5 (Longsword
Using his 10th level spell “Interdimensional Access” +3) together with assistance from Harold the
he has created a sort of interdimensional maze Barman (hp4) and Ernest the Cellar Worker (hp6).
that is a challenging testing ground for the Barmaids are Lucy (hp1) and Ellie (hp4)
intelligence of Magic Users.
The Warehouses are owned by the Dragonstone
To find your way in and out of this maze requires trading Company and manned by 10-40
an intelligence of 17 or more, plus a successful Dragonstone Guards at any one time. Guards have
Intelligence check. the same statistics as found in the patrols.
By some miracle of fate, Gibby still lives here. He Cleric Spells: Operate normally unless related to
can be hard to locate, but in a paradoxical way is nature.
both well known and yet never in anyone’s
thoughts. To find Gibby, PCs must first save vs Druid Spells: Do not function.
spells at -5 or forget that they intended to look for
him. There is a 5% chance per day of searching Potions: Only work 25% of the time, and not at all
that Gibby can be found. if Druidic in nature.
George the Ferryman The land for the University and the University
AC10 HD2 hp9 THACO 20 D 1-4 (Dagger). Estate Woodland is leased from the Township of
Dragonstone by arrangement with Lady Katie
Fee per person crossing: 10sp, 1gp return. Moshere.
28, F0, hp3, CN(E), “The Cellarman”
They have 15,000gp worth of stock and a cash
reserve of 22,546gp. Hek The Poisoner
40, A6, CN, “The Cook”
Drummond Farm owns all the land to the south Mary
down to Dragonstone itself, that is, all the land 18, F0, hp5, “Barmaid”
lying to the west of the road.
The owner is Francis “Bulldog” Drummond 17, F0, hp5, “Barmaid”
AC-10 F15 THACO 0 hp 175 Age 45 AL NG Zazoo used to employ Elven guards, but since the
Tree of Life lures their attention he now employs
Longsword +3 D 1-8/1-12 +12 24 Standard Dragonstone Guards.
Dagger +5 D 1-4/1-3 +11
The Tickled Dwarf
Second part of a Rod of Seven Parts 12Guest rooms
Ring of Wishes (5 charges) Run by Boromir the Dwarf and frequented by
Plate mail +5 Dwarves travelling to and fro the mines, who are
Shield +5 tickled by the jolly picture of a dwarf with his boots
Elven Chain Mail +5 off, feet being tickled by a large feather in the
hands of a splendidly buxom human wench. They
35,000gp are also tickled by the fine Dwarven ale, aided by
6,650pp an interesting substance from Ward Farm that
100 gems of 650gp each induces Dwarves to sing loudly and drink
prodigious amounts. This is very profitable.
Tome of Understanding
Bulldog was a mighty adventurer once, but has 95, Dwarf F10, hp100, N, “The Owner”
settled down to farming and rules his 45 workers
with a military like precision. But he pays well, and Boromina
for that his excesses are forgiven. Bulldog will only 90, Dwarf F9, hp 95, N, “The Wife” (Look, no
talk about his past with great reluctance, although beard!)
he would respect a fighter or paladin of high level.
52-FOUR LANES END 16, F0, hp5, “Human Wench”
Four Lanes End is the convergence of the roads to
and from the Moradar Dwarves, the Svirfneblin Mindy
Mines and Dragonstone. This gives it an 15, F0, hp4, “Human Wench”
importance as a stopping point and this is reflected
in the provision of two Inns of high quality. The rest of Four Lanes End comprises rich
merchants houses and warehouses. There is a
Both owned by Topper, Anna’s Inn is at the strict policy of no admittance to these other
crossroads and The Tickled Dwarf is on the Mine properties, which are heavily guarded.
Anna’s Inn One of the few inns not actually owned by Topper,
24Guest rooms Little Sasha’s Inn was designed and built by
Run by Goffonen out of respect for his little friend. The
Zazoo exterior of the Inn is designed to look like a
33, MU 15, hp61, CN, “The Boss” gigantic fungoid growth, as are the interior rooms
and fitments. Sasha is actually quite fond of the
Frankie (The Cosh) Inn named after her, and can be found here in the
38, F13, hp140, CN evenings 50% of the time. She has a room here.
The motif of this Inn is “Fungoid with pretty Ruler: Arach the Brave
wenches” and may reflect something of Goffonen’s Deity: St Cuthbert
innocent style. Population: 225
Reaction adjustment: +1-10%
These marl pits were excavated by Goffonen using Only a modest positive reaction adjustment here
“Stonesplitter” his Axe, and the material excavated because of the uncertainty regarding their
of course was used in the building of Little Sasha’s sovereignty. Actually a part of Pinnock, but
Inn. When Goffonen gets depressed, he may come effectively cut off and looking to Dragonstone for
here to do some more digging and there is a 1% succour. This is a small farming community with
chance to find him doing just that at any time of essentially Dragonstone ties but an ancient
the day or night. Pinnockian inheritance.
An unsettled community.
Goffonen’s Wall houses the South Gate and The Lancer Shire
represents the southern defence boundary of
Dragonstone. A Standard garrison defends the area Ruler: Principal Halfling Harold
and the troops are always vigilant. Deity: Any convenient
Population: 1000
South of the Gate we enter Brandenburg and the Reaction adjustment: +1-10%
road carries on south into Starvenia or east
towards the Dwarven stronghold of Ironstone. The Halflings are relatively unscathed by the
tribulations of Dragonstone and really rather too
OTHER DRAGONSTONE COMMUNITIES busy to adventure just now.
Nonetheless, when the chips were down the
We now turn our attention to the other Halflings fought side by side with everyone else,
communities in Dragonstone. but they are rather glad it’s all over.
The Centaurs of Aspen are well disposed towards This income is different to the profit/Loss
Dragonstone. They are happy to share their calculation for other Dragonstone businesses
ancient knowledge of the vale and its peoples, to because the costs are already set up and the mines
defend the southwestern mountain approaches can be freely exploited. The mining costs as such
and to care for and develop a growing herd of are borne by the dwarves, who make quite a
Dragonstone Cattle on the southern plains. considerable income anyway.
used as per the table on page 16. After making the The Svirfneblin
calculation, then deduct the commissions and
transfer the balance to the Dragonstone reserves. The Deep Gnomes must not be forgotten as they
assist in the mining, allow access through their
The figures for 1146-1163 are in the following lands and form a barrier against any infringements
table: by the Drow Elves. Dragonstone handles the
Year Gross Balance to Svirfneblin gem mining and takes a 10%
Treasury commission. The Svirfneblin turnover has been as
1146 790,000 513,500 follows:
1147 845,300 549,445
1148 912,924 593,401 Year Turnover
1149 775,986 504,392 1146 650,000
1150 900,143 585,094 1147 500,500
1151 1,035,164 672,857 1148 550,550
1152 942,000 612,300 1149 649,649
1153 998,520 649,038 1150 656,145
1154 1,078,401 700,961 1151 636,461
1155 1,175,457 764,136 1152 560,086
1156 1,093,176 710,565 1153 599,292
1157 1,191,561 774,515 1154 635,249
1158 1,417,957 921,673 1155 597,135
1159 1,276,162 829,506 1156 6,000
1160 1,339,970 870,981 1157 6,360
1161 1,473,967 958,080 1158 6,932
1162 1,665,582 1,082,629 1159 7,833
1163 1,915,419 1,245,024 1160 8,302
Gross turnover. Mines. 1146-1163 1161 8,551
1162 9,577
1163 9,194
Svirfneblin turnover, 1146-1163
Hall of Heroes:
f Adventures the First e
MONDAY NIGHT ADVENTURES affectionately known) was born in full plate
armour, although tales of arriving into the world on
Created around 1985, our Monday Night Dungeon a miniature war-horse are somewhat fanciful.
Group was assembled with the sole objective of
playing the newly released TEMPLE OF GRANDOR (The Grand)
ELEMENTAL EVIL. The log of adventures actually Cleric of St Cuthbert
completed ran as follows:
NPC Played by John Riley
The Temple of Elemental Evil (T1-4)
Scourge of the Slave Lords (A1-4) Cleric 14, LG, AC-6, hp70
Queen of the Spiders (Q1-7)
The Forgotten City of Al-Arin (JR2) Nourishing and caring for the party, Grandor (The
Bloodstone Pass (H1-4) Grand) made his name for his gleaming armour
Nightmare Keep (FA2) and his fastidious attention to detail. Later in his
Isle of the Ape (WG6) adventuring career, chastened by events and wiser
to the pain and suffering in the world he became
In between, some of the players ran adventures of known just as Grandor
their own and the whole team ran on for in excess
of ten years. Special mention must be made of the SIR SCODGE BLACKTHORN of Veluna
other two DMs John Parker and Vincent Hendrick, Bard Laureate of Dragonstone
both different in style and both brilliant in their
own right. Created and Played by Mark Scollon
Here are the details of the main PCs and also a few Sunsword, Extra 10 damage vs Vampires.
interesting NPCs as well.
Sir Scodge survives as an NPC in the current
SIR FOLDRI DAYDO campaign, living out a quiet retirement in a small
Good Knight of Veluna, Lord Marshall of the Vesve farm south of Dragonstone. He shares the farm
Forest, Lord protector of Dragonstone Pass. with a very pretty widow and her teenage daughter
and appears to be happy and content to live thus.
Created and Played by John Parker Needless to say, Sir Scodge is undisturbed by
anyone and has enough skill and power to ensure
Cavalier 19, CG, AC-10, hp147 that this remains as he wishes.
Sir Foldri is the archetypal Cavalier, brave and Created and Played by Vincent Hendrick
commanding. It is rumoured that he once slew ten
black dragons in but two rounds of combat. It is Druid 14, N, AC-7, hp65
well known that he also faced down ten red
dragons in the desert, who retreated rather than Fabian is the true neutral champion of nature and
face this formidable foe. all things natural and the keeper of the Tree of Life
in the original scenario.
Lady Marshall of the Vesve Forest ARAMIS GUNDAN III
Created by John Riley, Played by Vincent Hendrick
Played by John Parker
Magic User 14, CG
Ranger 17, NG, AC-9, hp128
Aramis has several claims to fame, including the
Lady Rowena is Foldri’s wife and the mother of his time he discovered a wand. “Oh, look it says
son. It is rumoured that Baby Foldri (as he was STRIKE!” he exclaimed, unleashing a lightning bolt,
Female Zhentarim?
21 New: Keirhirren Neigh, Ran 6 (Centaur)
(Acting under Barharren Ghee) Vote - 15 against 2 for
22 New: Birriden Thane, War 6 (Dwarf)
23 Under consideration: Took Crispin, War 4, It is unanimous within the Legion that we should
Rogue 3 (Halfling) not. These situations have a tendency of repeating
24 Under consideration: Sarah of Capitalia, themselves, and there is honour to be considered.
War 5 Female We can not afford a war at this time, with so many
troops deployed elsewhere. Instead a small group
will leave soon in an attempt to capture him back.
Important Minutes from last Meeting:
N.B. Sir Sirrumus has volunteered to lead a party
1. Barharren Ghee has given an in depth (but a decision was not reached on whether he
report on his last mission. It has come to light, should or not).
because of this, that we should consider retaining
thieves for such future ventures. He gave reports 3 Barharren will be knighted under the new
on each of the following, from the party: Bobby, laws of Dragonstone. This is in respect of his well-
Horatio, Jelico, Colwyn and Zorba. Apart from executed mission in the cause of uniting New
Colwyn, whom we have had dealings with in the Starvenia.
past, they were all totally irresponsible and held
little or no virtue for the cause. Freak instances of 4 A big welcome and congratulations to the
luck kept them all alive. two new members. They are of true Dragonstone
origin and passed all initiations devised by
Tok Su informed us that our problems Meredith, Grandor and Sir Foldri.
have a solution. Since thieves are necessary for
political reasons, but honour is of utmost 5 Seventy-four applications have been
importance, there is only one answer. Ninja. He received for membership into the legion, by
explained in detail their origins and noble art. officers of the military. These will be discussed and
considered when a halt is brought to the recent
Next spring Tok Su, Din Ho and four other disruptions.
members (to be decided) should travel far to the
east in search of such men and to offer them 6 Sir Foldri is to summon Vaux Celebricis
employment in Dragonstone. (Silver Dragon) and suggest he travels with
Sirrumus and Meredith to take part in a battle
2 Regarding Luke D’vere. Being of noble against the dragons to the north.
descent his family have offered the money
willingly for the return of their son. However, the Sir Foldri Daydo
dilemma faces us: do we take the gold to the
Hall of Heroes:
f Adventures the Second e
Originally a Sunday night group, this current I, Knellict, welcome thee to thine heritage. For thee
campaign consists of Sue Riley, Michael Riley, John hast been born of my magick and thee must inherit
Dwyer and Jackie Dwyer and for many years has thine destiny and thine curse.
been running on Saturday nights. The playing
sequence has been similar: Thou hast penetrated the inner sanctum of our home,
and it is imperative that thee prepare for thine
The Temple of Elemental Evil passage unto thine own son.
Scourge of the Slave Lords
Queen of the Spiders Instructions for the casting of the magick are
The Forgotten City of Al Arin prepared within the library - study thee first the
Bloodstone Pass preparation of the clone body and the methode of
Nightmare Keep preservation until thine essence be of strong enough
Mordenkainen’s Fantastic Adventure (WG5) demeanour to spare and transfer the core
The Return to Dragonstone (the adventure construction of our being. The eighteenth level of
continues……..) magedom will suffice or be thee a bard be of twenty-
third and no less.
Again special mention of our two other DMs, Sue
Riley for her exquisite sense of style and rare Together we live on and live as has been decreed and
understanding of her players’ objectives. And of only by thine own passing will thee survive for
course John Dwyer, creator of a rich and sublimely eternity. Prepare well my son and be of fine heart
detailed milieu and adventures that challenge the and sound mind.
best of AD&D.
Beware the temptation to live on as a separate entity
So here are the details of our current PCs, with a after the passing - this is the path of evil and will be
few of the major NPCs detailed as well: of poor reward.
Main PC’s Beware the Githyanki and their threat to our home.
OSWALD A. WINTHROP-SMYTHE III Beware the Lich King for he hateth Almin.
Previously Kheldar, Prince of Capitalia, Bard
Laureate of Dragonstone Vale. Beware if thee be of the name Kheldar of the
temptation of a Demon Lord - if thee surrender it will
Created and played by Michael Riley be the end of us all.
GOFFONEN THE DWARF Counter contracts are never accepted. Treachery will
Ambassador Plenipotentiary and Extraordinary of be dealt with swiftly and irrevocably.
the Barony of Dragonstone
Signed, Gort
Created and played by John Dwyer Signed, Vincenti Andolini
Barbarian 23, CN(G), AC-10, hp 322 FOEDUS UNUS
Master of the Hunt of Dragonstone Vale
Goffonen is a Half Frost Giant and as such is a very
large dwarf indeed. He is totally honest and Created and played by Jackie Dwyer
trustworthy and as gentle as a lamb, whilst in
combat against an enemy he is a force hard to Monk 20 (4th Dan), LN, AC-4, hp 62
resist. He has a number of summoning stones,
which he gives to his friends so that they can call Foedus was originally very, very ugly. Shunned by
on him in times of need. This is how he arrived in his family and local villagers because of his
the Dragonstone Lands, and may yet be the way dreadful face, he called himself Foedus Unus,
he will leave. But if he is ever called away to duty literally “ugly one.” He left to find his own path
he will surely miss his little friend Sasha. Goffonen and destiny. Now he is very, very striking in
has a Ring of Time, a special magic item that appearance, thanks to magic, and also very, very
allows him to cast 36 levels of time related spells violent. Now that the optional rule has been
per day. With his ability to affect time, it was he created, monks can progress beyond Grand Master
who saved the PCs at the end of “Return to of Flowers. This level is now 1st Dan, and
Dragonstone” and put right the time lines, progression to 10th Dan (26th level) is possible.
repairing history and ensuring the stability and the Foedus returned eventually to his monastery in the
future prosperity of the realm. There is a lingering mountains and slew all the errant monks there. He
thought that perhaps he was trying to save Sasha, starts again looking for followers, and details of
but the result was what counted….. these follow later.
Longsword +2 THACO 10 D 1-8/1-12 +6
Created by John Dwyer #AT 3/2
Long Bow THACO 12 D 1-6/1-6
Fighter 13 AC -10 THACO 0 D 1-8 + Dagger +1 THACO 11 D 1-4/1-3 +5
11(Longsword + 5) Age 35 AL LN hp 142
Draco started life as a Paladin and achieved 7th ALICE THE OLD BAG
level before becoming an alcoholic and turning to
highway robbery to feed his addiction. Lynched by Created by John Riley
wagon guards after a botched hold-up he was
found and cut down by Topper. He is now cured of Thief 10 (198,772 xp) AC -8 Age 32 AL CE hp 59
his addiction and knows his sins. Draco opted not
to take what he deemed a cowardly way out by S 14 I 13 W 10 D 18 C 18 Ch 13
taking his own life and serves topper devotedly.
Each day he lives with the memory of his crimes, Dagger +5 THACO 11 D 1-4/1-3 +5
he never seeks or works towards forgiveness, but Shortsword +2 THACO 14 D 1-6/1-8 +2
accepts the shame of his past deeds as his due Garrotte THACO 16 D 1-4/1-6
punishment till death. He is secretly in love with
Lady Katie Moshere, but only has the nerve to Bracers of Defence AC 0, Ring of protection +4
worship her from afar. PP 90% OL 82% F/RT 70% MS 88% HIS 63% HN
30% CW 99.1% RL 50%
GEOFF (“The Executioner”)
Alice frequents the inns and back alleys of
Created by John Riley Dragonstone looking for victims. She can be
employed, and will take jobs seriously, but is more
Assassin 8 (152,648xp) AC -3 THACO 17 D 1-4 +2 likely to refuse. She appears as an old crone, but is
(Dagger +2, Longtooth) Age 24 AL N hp 44 actually a very attractive 32 year-old.
S 11 I 16 W 12 D 15 C 18 Ch 17 SASHA
Bracers AC2, Cloak of Protection +4 Created by John Parker, Michelle Parker and John
Geoff was met as part of a gang of youths in the
early adventures in Dragonstone. He was very Thief 9 (120,204 xp) AC 0 Age 26 AL NG(C) hp 55
much in awe of Topper and dedicated himself to
the art of assassination. So far, he has 10 S 15 I 10 W 10 D 19(18) C 16 Ch 18
successful kills to his name. He charges 1000gp
per level of the victim and has the philosophy Longsword +2 THACO 14 D 1-8/1-12 +2
“Strike without Trace”. He is known in the Dagger +3 THACO 13 D 1-4/1-3 +3
assassin’s guild simply as The Executioner, and he
is very good at what he does.
Studded Leather +1 (Protection from Normal
Missiles), Cloak of Displacement, Ring of
WAT TYLER Protection +1, Gauntlets of Dexterity, Boots of
Elvenkind, Platinum Mirror (Scry 1 person or item
Created by John Riley per week), Stone of Goffonen Summoning
As previously detailed, Sasha seeks out high level As mentioned, these NPCs are used in more detail.
parties and endeavours to join them for protection Others will be in their appropriate locations with
and wealth. She is blatant in her attentions to the abbreviated details or in the Player’s appendices if
males of a party and equally irritating to the that is more appropriate.
females who can see right through her and are
exasperated that the men fall for it every time. She
attached herself to Goffonen after a brief attempt
at Topper (who she thought was too dangerous and
unpredictable) and despite teasing him dreadfully
she actually is rather fond of him.
Hall of Heroes:
f Followers & Retainers e
Gerald is reliable and hard working and has good Longsword THACO 17 D1-8/1-12 #AT
potential. 3/2 (Weapon of
EBERON Light Lance THACO 18, 17 D1-6/1-8
Lancer (Guard) xp –250 mounted
Cavalier 0 hp 6 AC4 (Chain + Shield) AL LG James may not be good looking and lacks wisdom,
but has a good heart and works extremely hard to
S14 I11 W14 D7 C12 CH13 better himself. He originally came from a very
poor background in the town and uses any money
Longsword THACO 20 D1-8/1-12 he earns to help his family.
Light Lance THACO 20 D1-6/1-8
Also available to Lady Katie are the following
Eberon is slightly less dextrous than desirable, but horses:
otherwise is a sound performer.
ABRAHAM AC7 MV 24” HD 2 THACO 18 #AT 2 D1-4/1-4 SZL
Armiger xp 350 AL N Int Animal
Hp 12 each
Cavalier 1 hp 14 AC3 (Chain+Shield + Dexterity)
AC7 MV 18” HD 2+2 THACO 16 #AT3 D1-6/1-6/1-
S14 I17 W11 D15 C17 Ch9 3 SZ L AL N Int Animal
Hp 16
Longsword THACO 20 D1-8/1-12
Light Lance THACO 20, 19 D1-6/1-8 LADY KATIE’S WARHORSE
mounted AC7 MV 15” HD 5+5 THACO 13 #AT 3 D1-8/1-8/1-
3 SZ L AL LG Int 7
Abraham is extremely intelligent and has a high Hp 45
constitution. This fine Paladin’s Warhorse awaits to be claimed,
somewhere beyond the North Gate, perhaps in
PAUL Sunderland.
Scutifer xp 2740
Cavalier 2 hp 24 AC7 (Chain + Shield + Dexterity)
AL LG All are 0 Level men-at-arms
THACO 20 hp 6 each
S14 I5 W13 D4 C17 Ch14
6 Heavy Cavalry
Longsword THACO 20 D1-8/1-12 Plate Mail + Shield AC 2
Light Lance THACO 20, 19 D1-6/1-8 Heavy Lance D 3-9/3-18
mounted Broad Sword D 2-8/2-7
Topper’s Family
Followers of
f Foedus Unus e
After a clean start, the following monks are now Arundel the Meek
followers of Foedus at the Monastery of the M1 AC10 MV12” THACO 20 #AT1 D 1-2 Special
Platinum Dragon. Abilities: None AL LG
Hp 70
Details about the Monks of Foedus
Monks are covered in tattoos, every level increase
16 1st Level Monks, “Novices” adding new designs to depict the rise in level. All
AC10 MV15” THACO 20 #AT1 D 1-3 Special the monks are tutored in the skills of tattooing.
Abilities: None AL LN
Name hp Specials
Min 8 S18 THACO 19 D 1-3+2
Thomas 7
Simon 6
Can-Li-Sin 8 Female
Sing 5
Chen 6
Pylar 6
Abu 6
Ming 5
Sulu 5
Soolin 7 Female
Po-Chin 5 Female
Lan 7
Chen-Sui 8
Charles 5
Eswina 5 Female
Details of 1 Level monks following Foedus.
Name hp Specials
Kane 25
Rasputin 36 S18 THACO 17 D 1-6 +2 C18
Details of 4 Level monks following Foedus.
Oswald’s Team of
f Magic Users e
Oswald employs several magic users at the 6’ 2” tall, with brown hair and hazel eyes, Nestor
University of Dragonstone, but here we are the Gunderman is a mercenary fighter of
concerned only with his specific assistants. impressive looks and skill. He is proficient in a
large number of weapons, all of which are non-
The Team magical. In fact, Nestor does not use magic in any
BABY ORC form, which makes him both an unusual
AC6 MV9” THACO 20 D 1-4 (Dagger) AL LG Int 19 companion for Oswald and yet perhaps rather
useful as an undetected Bodyguard. Nestor actually
MU 5 30,050 xp Thaumaturgist rather likes Oswald, and protects him against
physical attack wherever he goes. He feels that
Hp 13 Oswald courts danger with all this magic and seeks
to protect him from others and from himself.
Spells 4/2/1 Perhaps in the same way that Barbarians can,
Nestor can hit creatures normally only hit by +5
SA: Can cast up to 2 spells per round (polyphonic weapons.
voice) provided one spell is verbal only.
KERSANA RINGLOW (Elven Sorceress)
Spell Book: MU9 MV12” THACO 19 (Base) Age 177 AL CG
Level xp143,044
1st Read Magic, Detect Magic, Comprehend
Languages, Friends, Unseen Servant, AC 5 (Cloak +1, Dexterity) S16 I16 W16 D18 C9
Write Ch13
2nd: Detect Invisibility, Knock, Rope Trick,
Wizard Lock Hp 21
3rd: Dispel Magic, Fly, Suggestion
Spells 4/6/3/2/1
Level Spells
NESTOR THE GUNDERMAN (Personal Bodyguard) 1st Read Magic, Burning hands, Comprehend
F14 MV12” THACO 8 (Base) Age 35 AL N(C) languages, Detect Magic, Magic Missile,
xp1,600,043 Protection from Evil, Sleep, Ventriloquism
2nd (Doubled by Ring of Wizardry) Darkness
AC 7 (Leather) S16 I16 W12 D15 C13 Ch12 15’ Radius, Detect Evil, ESP, Invisibility,
Knock, Mirror Image, Web, Wizard Lock
Hp 70 3rd Dispel magic, Explosive Runes, Gust of
Wind, Haste, Lightning Bolt, Protection
Hp 29 Aquilla, Druid 16
AC5 (Leather + Shield, Dexterity) MV 12” THACO AC8 (Leather) MV 12” THACO 20 (Base) Age 19 AL
18 (Base) Age 24 AL N hp 32 N(G) hp 13
S11 I9 W14 D13 C10 Ch10
S11 I9 W11 D16 C13 Ch8
Spells: 2/1
Spells: 4/3/2
Staff THACO 20 D1-6/1-6
Club +3 THACO 15 D 1-6/1-3 +3 Dagger THACO 20 D 1-4/1-3
Dagger +1 THACO 17 D 1-4/1-3 +1 Abraham’s weapons
Elize’s weapons
Abraham is another local, keen to progress and
Elize is a big, friendly but not overly attractive girl. further himself. He rather hopes that one day he
She is very much hands on with her druidic work will be a famous adventurer and aspires to be like
and has a special interest in improving crop yields. Almon, who has had his fair share of fame. For
now, Abraham is doing quite well with fairly
Lerissa, Druid 5 limited abilities.
xp 13,600
AC-5 (Leather +5, Shield +3, Dexterity) MV 12” THE ELVEN PROTECTOR KNIGHTS OF
THACO 17 (Base) Age 27 AL N hp 50 EL’MORDET
S18 I15 W18 D18 C18 Ch16 Closely tied to the Tree of Life and the Druid’s
Grove are the ever increasing number of Elven
Spells: 6/5/3 Protector Knights. Currently only the following
Knights are present as Elves never seem to be in a
Club +1 THACO 16 D 1-6/1-3 +3 rush about anything (they do live a very long time)
Staff THACO 17 D 1-6/1-6 +2 but more will undoubtedly be on the way.
Lerissa’s weapons
El’Mordet (Protector Knight 18)
Lerrisa is from the Northern Ice Wastes and is a
strong healthy girl. She has shown considerable Carla (Protector Knight 7)
wisdom and will one day go far. Her only problem xp102,000
is that she is fundamentally lazy and hence has AC2 (Chain +2, Shield) MV 12” THACO 13 (Base)
progressed relatively slowly. However, she is a Age 194 AL CG hp 49
Druid of very high quality and ability.
S17 I13 W18 D12 C16 Ch10
Shane, Druid 3
xp5,600 Spells: 5/5/2
AC10 (No armour) MV 12” THACO 20 (Base) Age Elven Force Wand +2 THACO 10 D 1-8/1-12 +3
22 AL N(G) hp 21 Longsword +2 THACO 10 D 1-8/1-12 +3
Dagger +4 THACO 8 D 1-4/1-3 +5
S11 I14 W17 D8 C5 Ch15 Carla’s weapons
Shane is an extremely likeable local lad, already AC-1 (Chain +3, Shield, Dexterity) MV 12” THACO
doing well in his druidic studies. He has yet to go 16 (Base) AL NG hp 35
on a major adventure to acquire magic or
experience, but hopes to be sent on temporary S14 I14 W14 D16 C13 Ch14
release as soon as an opportunity arises. He
intends to use any experience to return and take Spells: 5/3
up a permanent post at the Druid’s Grove.
S17 I17 W14 D16 C15 Ch11 In the Druids Grove at Dragonstone, and within
one mile of the Tree of Life, or any other
Spells: 5/2 compatible Tree of Life, the Elven wands will
always strike as a +5 weapon and on rolling a
straight 20 will do double damage to evil
Magickar (Male Faerie Dragon) The Knights have the special ability to Transport
AC5/1 MV 6”/24” HD2 THACO 16 hp8 #AT 1 D 1-2 via Trees with a maximum range of one mile per
SA Breath Weapon and Spells as level of the Knight. This transport must be via trees
of the same species.
MU 8 SD Invisibility MR 48% AL CG SZ S
Up to level 15 Elven Protector Knights are treated
Spells: Charm Person, Dancing Lights, Message, as Rangers, although at 7th level they do acquire the
Ventriloquism, Audible Glamer, Forget, Phantasmal Druidic Shapechange ability.
Force, Dispel Magic, Haste, Suggestion, Charm
Monster, Confusion From 16th level up, they are treated as Heirophant
Magickar is a young male who has recently moved
away from his parents’ home in the vale. He has At all levels Elven Protector Knights use the Bard
been attracted by the aura of the Tree of Life and spell progression list, with the usual bonuses for
by the magical energy of the ever-increasing high wisdom scores. Spells are, of course, taken
number of Elves. Although normally rather from the Druid Spell lists.
mischievous, and even a nuisance, this Faerie
dragon is quite excited to be part of the defence of The Elven Protector Knight character class is based
the Tree of Life and as such has become relatively upon an original design by Michael Riley, they
responsible. appear in full in the Manual of Professions,
available from Dragonsfoot.
Armed Forces of
f Dragonstone e
Proposal by Lord Oswald: 123 Daggers
20 Spears
To create an Armed Force of 600 Troops, 18 5 Quivers of 20 Arrows
Officers and create 4 Garrisons. 60 Staves
20 Broad Swords
Sites: 4 Bastard Swords
The Contingents will be sited at: 1 2HD Sword
1 Dragonstone Town 50 Suits of Plate mail
2 The North Gate 10 Medium Shields
3 Goffonen’s Wall
4 The Svirfneblin Mines I propose that Dragonstone should run a system of
Proposed sites for armed forces Honour for her soldiers. This legion of Honour
should be awarded to soldiers who have acquitted
Each Garrison will consist of 100 Men, two themselves in battle, i.e. attained the equivalent of
sergeants and one Leftenant. There will be four 1st level.
patrols of 25 men patrolling the lands of This elite squad of Soldiers will be given a prefix
Dragonstone. The remaining 100 men and 3 “Legionnaire” and be awarded with a suit of Plate
officers are set to permanently guard the caravans Mail and a Military Pick +1. The soldiers will
of dragonstones heading south into dangerous remain with their original garrison and continue
territory. The troops will consist of 0 level fighters. their duties with an added respect of being of the
The sergeants are to be 1st level and the leftenant Vale’s Finest and used for the most prestigious of
of 3rd level. occasions and as the Lady Katherine’s personal
troops on foreign visits. The maximum size of
Each trooper will have this equipment. legion of Honour is 50 as dictated by the resources
Chain mail available
Medium Shield
Long Sword
Dagger All are 0 Level men-at-arms
THACO 20 hp 6 each
Thick Blankets
Waterskin 100 Heavy Infantry
Thick boots Chain Mail + AC 4
Tabard Of Dragonstone Shield
Spear D 1-6/1-8
Each Patroller will have this equipment. Long Sword D 1-8/1-12
Leather Armour Dagger D 1-4/1-3
Short Bow
Short Sword
Dagger 2 Sergeants (F1, hp10)
THACO 20 Chain Mail + AC 4
Thick Blankets Shield
Waterskin Spear D 1-6/1-8
Rope 50’ Long Sword D 1-8/1-12
Thick Boots Dagger D 1-4/1-3
Tabard of Dragonstone
Light Horse 1 Leftenant (F3, hp 20)
THACO 18 Chain Mail + AC 4
The Township of Dragonstone owns: Shield
11 Magical Long Swords Spear D 1-6/1-8
6 Magical Plate Mail (5 +1, 1 +3) Long Sword D 1-8/1-12
50 Military Picks +1 Dagger D 1-4/1-3
70 Long Swords
205 Short Swords
25 Light Infantry
Leather Armour + AC 7
Short Bow D 1-6/1-6
Short Sword D 1-8/1-12
Dagger D 1-4/1-3
26 Light Warhorses
AC 7 MV24” HD 2 THACO 16 #AT 2 D 1-4/1-4 HP
8 each
Appendix 1 : The
f White Network e
Created in -2835NR by the Capitalian Royal family, Peirgiron Melshimber swore to restore his Family
The White Network was a spy net which helped to to the throne and had to flee the city for his ideals.
locate political threats to the Royals of the time. The White Network was ruled with an iron
discipline, as it was the only defence against his
The Network was created in a time when the enemies. In -2775, at the age of 60, Peirgiron
Imperial Capitalia was in a decline. It staved off the knew he would not restore his family or his
destruction of the Royal Family for nearly fifty Empire. The Empire had sunk into a dark age of
years. barbarity where all of the cultural advancements
had been destroyed by the almost constant waging
Eventually the internal politics, in the form of of war.
treacherous nobles, and external invasions from
the North Orc and Goblin combined tribes Peirgiron retreated to a strong hold and used the
eventually destroyed the Imperial Capitalia, remains of his incredible wealth to research a way
reducing her lands to that of a city state over a of extending his life. He discovered that the
period called the Hundred Kin Wars. None of the Human body basically wears out over time and
histories now mention Capitalia as anything other could use replacing completely; he reasoned that
than a powerful City. None other than the author all he had to do was force his consciousness into a
remember the horrors. new body and retain all his knowledge and power
at the same time.
The war that destroyed the Capitalian Royalty was
called the Hundred Kin Wars as the nobles of In -2745NR, after thirty years of intensive study
Imperial Capitalia all clamoured for the throne, and some dangerous usage of Elixirs of Youth, he
Civil Wars broke the country at a time when the made and breakthrough and discover what is now
half starved Orc and Goblin Population in the the spell “Clone”. Combining this spell with some
North Range swept through garrisons weakened by of his other discoveries he successfully transferred
rebellious treachery. his consciousness to a new body with only a minor
loss of his memories and abilities. Peirgiron called
As King Augustus Melshimber XIV attempted to this new incarnation Almin “Blackstaff”, due to the
halt the external invasion all his noble houses black Staff of Power he wielded to deadly effect.
abandoned him on the field of battle leaving the
King with only his Royal Household Guard to the Almin continued to run the network fastidiously
mercy of the Invaders. The King and his finest all towards his gains and discovered that the body he
died on that field which is, even to date called had created was able to last centuries longer than a
“Scars Field”. The invaders then swept through the conventional human. Needless to say, as rich and
North Lands destroying several important Dukes as powerful as the White Network was, it was
and Barons before being repelled by an uneasy unable to restore his Empire and Throne. At the
truce from the rebel Nobles. The appointed heir time of his next body (-2145NR), a surprise
Peirgiron Melshimber, who was a small boy at the degradation of its form happened so quickly he
time, was never allowed to take the throne. The nearly died before transferring his essence. There
Kin fought over the throne none coming close to was nothing left to restore, all of the Duchies and
beating the combined might of all the others. Noble families had settled into their respective
lands as self styled Kingdoms with no knowledge
Peirgiron Melshimber trained as a Magic User upon of their treacherous past.
reaching the standards of the Capitalian University
of the Magical Arts. With his fathers trusted Acerack was the 3rd incarnation of the Melshimber
retainer he ran the White Network and kept most Prince. Acerack is well remembered for the folly of
of his close relations safe though several of his trying to co exist with his replacement body. He
sisters and brothers were assassinated. Eventually ran the White Network forcibly but started to lose
though his mother died as well, many suspected of interest and pass more responsibility onto the
a broken heart, and Peirgiron Melshimber was the various “Fathers” of the Network when he started
last of the true blood Royals. to build his secluded tomb.
It is interesting to note that the terms “Mother” His tomb was designed to be a secure hide away to
and “Father” remained prominent titles in the experiment on his special transformations. He was
Network right up until its collapse in 1165NR. obsessed with the realisation that each new
incarnation held different views and personalities - Prince. The human life lost to his experiments
thus he became obsessed with death. When his would probably account for that of a large-scale
time came for rejuvenation, in -1545NR, he war of the time as he killed over 10,000 people
transferred his life essence and refrained from between the years of 255NR to his death in
killing himself to complete the process. The 4th 855NR. To his credit he succeeded but the cost
incarnation Ardaban Rockwalled escaped from the was huge. The Network lost its finely honed edge
dark and dismal tomb as soon as he regained and became more a financial empire than a secret
consciousness and left Acerack to a shocking fate, organisation of spies. It was racked with infighting
that of a Demi Lich. Acerack, ironically, became with several factions attempting to find Mother but
that which he obsessed about, death. Without his more importantly the creation was almost a half-
life essence he shrivelled to a husk and haunted his wit.
tomb for many centuries.
Kheldar Melshimber the 8th Prince had only a
Ardaban Rockwalled fled to a remote corner of the vague recollection of the last three and a half
world and remotely ran the Network removing centuries. Although he ran the Network with an
himself from its day-to-day administration. iron will and great intelligence he had a warped
Devoted to study and meditation he reluctantly sense of time and believed that Capitalia was still a
lived out his time adding to the study of huge and powerful Kingdom. He adventured and
rejuvenation. He wrote extensively about the tried to expand the Network as an organisation for
horrors of co existing with a Demi Lich and the first time since its creation and used the
warned future incarnations never to be tempted. information it located to a good profit. He was the
His life produced one great masterpiece, his home. only Prince to ever train as anything other than a
Once when travelling he began to wish, as he lay Magic User, Kheldar was a Bard with the sinking
under a small blanket, cold and wet, it would be suspicion he was also Almin the sage - he believed
lovely to take all the creature comforts of home that Almin actively aided his advancement which
with him whilst he travelled. When he returned although true in a sense he was really only a
home he scanned the planes of existence and schizoid.
located a Githzeri Fortress of the ethereal plane. He
created a handkerchief portal to a part of the thick Kheldar Melshimber adventured in the realms
walls and burrowed rooms into their defences. The extensively as Bards have a want to do. This
rooms were then furnished and Adaban realised adventuring career was to eventually lead to the
that when he had his home with him he rather downfall of the Network.
enjoyed travelling.
Kheldar was adventuring when he made an
In -945NR a new body was needed and Kranock unscheduled visit to Ravenloft. At the time his
the benign was created. The 5th Prince was Lawful disappearance was at a crucial time for the
Good and would have made an excellent Paladin. Network and although Father, his second in
To atone for the wrongdoing he felt bound to command, was loyal many of the other spy’s
commit at the end of his life he cared for the poor, started to think beyond the Network. It took 7
healed the sick and mortgaged every business the years to eventually return to the realms.
Network used as cover so heavily it nearly
collapsed. At the end of his life the tradition of self- Kheldar made his reappearance on the other side
preservation made him transform and again take a of the world from his Network in a small Kingdom
new body. called Starvenia. Though a hurried communiqué
was sent to the Network and senior figures rushed
In -345NR Almin was created. Almin “the sage” to Starvenia to alert Mother to the danger of
brought the White Network back on track and dissolution Kheldar was off again adventuring and
devoted a lot of time to its development and to disappeared yet again. Many of the Network went
helping the organisation find its feet. Almin was home but Father stayed desperately searching for
well known for his knowledge and his compassion Kheldar.
and was said to fight for Mythramth before it fell to
invasion. Almin lived in apparent poverty though, Unfortunately Kheldar had fallen in love with the
renting a tower in Solastar and living in Ardaban’s daughter of the Baron of Dragonstone, who was
rooms. Eventually this grandfather figure murdered by a local Assassin’s guild in the employ
rejuvenated into Knellict. of the Lich King Zanak. Kheldar attempted to travel
back in time to save her but discovered his actions
Knellict, the 7th Prince, was twisted from the eventually led to her being captured and
beginning. In fact Knellict was probably the biggest assassinated in the first place. Upon return
mistake Almin ever created. He devoted his Kheldar’s body started to age rapidly and through
considerable life to experimenting with Acerack’s the fortune of having a clone available was able to
misfortune in an attempt to co exist with the next make the transfer to the latest incarnation Oswald
Appendix 2: The
f University of Dragonstone e
Overview University to increase the Political power of
Dragonstone by creating a powerful institution
Within Dragonstone Vale, near the North Gate, lies where the ruling elite of Starvenia send their
a large tract of land that has been leased from the children.
Barony by the High Wizard Oswald A. Winthrope-
Smythe the third for building a University Characters of Note
dedicated to the advancement of knowledge.
Chancellor Oswald A. Winthrope-Smythe III
The University Campus is located on a piece of (Magic User 23)
land that was once owned by the Gan Family and Also the High Wizard of the Council of Wizardry,
ostensibly called the Kingdom of Gan by an which is based in the mountains. Oswald owns the
eccentric old man. The old man eventually died University and has supplied the finances to support
after being tolerated by Lady Katie, leaving the the start of the institution from his businesses and
land in ruin and a derelict building. the many treasures from his adventures.
Near what is now the University Campus there is a Baby Orc (Student)
poisoned lake that was contaminated by the Is a genius, has passed the test to become a Dean
Wizard Aramis by waste chemicals, this lake is also of the University. Born scientist and highly
in care of the University and experiments are respected by the other Deans - if with a small
being carried out on the lake water in an attempt amount of jealousy. Has a polyphonic voice that is
to neutralise its poison and reverse the damaging being trained to cast several spells per round.
effects on the surrounding lands. At this stage in
time, seventeen years later, the poison has stopped
spreading just short of reaching the main river Organisation
running into the Barony.
Chancellor - Owner
The University is financially maintained by the vast
wealth of Lord Oswald at this stage as it matures Deans - Departmental Heads Name
but in the fullness of time the University Estate is
Level 9th - 12th
designed to cover the expenditures of such an
institution. ▼
Teachers - Dependent on the popularity of the
The Estate is a large forest that is being managed course run; some extra teachers are needed.
in an ecological manner to produce a range of Levels 5th - 8th
young and old wood for use in the vale. Various
departments in the University also use the Estate There are several departments -
as a training ground. The Department of…
the Magical Arts (Magic Users)
The University trains students in two ways. The the Illusionary Arts (Illusionists)
first is through the classical level advancement of Agriculture (Druids, Bards, Rangers)
adventuring parties. The second is via a Primary, Martial Arts (Paladins, Fighters)
Secondary and Higher education available to those Departments in the University of Dragonstone
who can afford it.
Although the university could also teach for Clerics,
Primary Education is available to children of 6 to Monks and Thieves this would infringe on other
10 years of age. Secondary Education is available strongholds of the other players -
to children of ages 11 to 14. Higher Education is
available to adults of any age though the majority The Monastery of the Platinum Dragon can train
are of 15 to 18 years of age. This education run’s Monks and is welcome to send a representative if
three terms through the year, each term is 11 they feel the need, so far the monastery has not
weeks long with a three-week break in the depths felt the need to send anyone.
of winter and spring - Harvest time makes up the
final 11 week period in the year. The Church of Athena and the Church of St
Cuthbert are prominent in Starvenia and are
It is rumoured that Lord Oswald also created this invited to set up Chapels to care for the spirits of
The Dean of this Department is always a Druid For the Bard Colleges the bard needs to donate
(12th). There are eight other posts available in this 50% of all earnings to the University and a further
department, cost of 1000gp per level. Only one week is ever
needed to train the Bard.
For Primary education the Bard from the The Final Bard College does not teach but it is
Fochlucan college provide the teaching and is paid rumoured that the Bard Laureate is being retained
75gp per pupil, per term. The maximum class size to teach one specific pupil but the Chancellor
is 10 pupils per level of the Bard. Oswald has not yet reviled whom that pupil will
For Secondary education there are two classes one
taught by the Bard of Mac-Fuirmidh and the other The cost of maintaining the building and the
by the Doss College. students is valued at 2% of the building cost per
month. The cost of the teachers is valued at 100gp
The Mac-Fuirmidh teaches at a charge of 125gp per level per month.
per pupil per term. The maximum class size is 5
pupils per level of the Bard. The Estate costs 150000gp over the first 15 years
to run, including labour and land, excluding
The Doss College is a higher class of Secondary specialist characters. After the first 15 years the
education teaching a broader range of subjects to a Estate starts making a turnover of 60000gp per
greater depth. The charge is 200gp per pupil per year. The profit loss table is then used to work
term and the maximum class size is 3 pupils per from that point.
level of the Bard.
Teaching costs are valued at 100gp per level per
In Higher Education there are several types of month. There are a total of 175 levels in tutors not
education. The first is a straight intellectual including the Bards who are paid separately via the
advancement of four years study, as in the Primary education system.
and Secondary system. Or there is the
advancement to a vocation, as in Magic User, 175@100gp = 17,500 per month
Paladin etc, which is mainly reserved for the ruling 17,500gp *12 = 210,000 per year
The straight education has two classes one taught The chance of an exceptional student arriving,
by the Canaith College and the other by the Cli such as an adventurer wishing to advance in level,
College. is worked out like this.
Number Arriving = d20+20 per year
The Canaith College teaches to an easier spectrum 90% of which are 1st - 9th level, this is worked out
with a charge of 300gp per pupil per term. The by rolling a d10.
maximum class size is 2 pupils per level of the 0 = 1st
Bard. 1 = 1st
2 = 2nd
The Cli College teaches an intense course of in 3 = 3rd etc.
depth subjects at a charge of 500gp per pupil per The remaining 10% are high-level characters that
term. The maximum class size is 1 pupil per level train themselves but need the facilities and are
of the Bard. created using this table using percentile dice.
The Anstruth College works towards the vocational 01-60 = 10th - 12th (use d6 to pinpoint)
subjects this is the easier of the two vocation 61-84 = 13th - 15th (use d6 to pinpoint)
courses. This type of advancement teaches a pupil 85-97 = 16th - 18th (use d6 to pinpoint)
to a character class with the background training 98-00 = 19th + (Always class as 19th)
needed to rule a powerful trading family or petty
aristocrat. The charge is 800gp per pupil per term. The charge is 3000gp per Level.
This charge includes the charge for training The university also runs satellite schools in
towards the vocation as well. The maximum class Starvenia. A school teaches a more basic education
size is 1 pupil per level of the Bard. The pupil will than the Primary education and is a lot cheaper.
leave the college as a 2nd level character. The schools in Starvenia are in Dragonstone Town
(100), Pinnock (100), Brandenburg (100), Estavia
The Ollamh College teaches the most involved (100), Gwent (100), and Moravia (200). There are
course of them all. It reaches towards a vocation at also schools in Solastar and The far Lands. Each of
the end of the four years but the subjects are more the above schools runs its courses for 15gp per
involved and in depth. The charge is 3500gp per year but the University subsidises the cost in
pupil per term. This includes the training towards Dragonstone and charges 10gp per year.
the vocation as well. The maximum class is 0.25
pupils per level of the Bard. The advantage of this There are also school’s in Helicon, the capitol of
college is the vocation class will start at 3rd or 4th Starvenia, in Moravia and Solastar’s capital, which
level after the four years. teaches a 10-week course for 50gp that allows
students to leave as 1st level Fighters, Thieves or Magic Users and Illusionists that belong to the
Magic Users. For further training they need to Council may approach Chancellor Oswald for a
journey to the University where the full charges for grant to research spells.
level advancement is applied. This school was
originally opened to 312 pupils per year on a basis Chancellor Oswald will, if the grant is approved,
of 1d6 arriving per week; in 1164 and 1165 the provide a strong, well-supplied laboratory in the
school was expanded to meet a surge in demand Wizards Enclave for the research to be conducted.
and now accepts in 624 pupils per year on the A monetary subsidy is also allowed to the tune of
basis of 2d6 per week. 4,000gp per level of the spell per month.
Appendix 3: The
f Andolini Family e
Where exactly the Andolini family originates from family, especially Topper, is treated with the
no one knows for sure, although it is widely greatest of respect. To such a degree in fact, that it
speculated that they come from an unknown is not unknown for a stranger to the area, to
kingdom far to the north. What is known for inadvertently make offensive remarks about the
certain is that Vincenti Andolini (AKA Topper) Andolinis and to receive a sound thrashing for his
arrived in Dragonstone in 1145, where he troubles.
procured hire under the then ruler Baron Gort.
Along with other high level adventurers drawn to The following is a list of the Andolini Family
Dragonstone at this time, a powerful group was members currently residing and working in the
assembled with but one objective in mind, to lift Dragonstone area:
the yoke of oppression from the vale. These
adventurers are detailed elsewhere in this Sir Topper, seneschal of the barony of
gazetteer, as are their heroic adventures. Dragonstone
aka Vincenti Andolini aka The Don
It cannot be denied that great fortunes were Head of the Andolini Family and founder of the
indeed won during the liberation of Dragonstone. Andolini Business Empire. Topper claims to be a
However, magic-user of 11th level, but as stated earlier, he is
It has long been claimed, that Topper, is in fact, also rumoured to be the Grandfather of Assassins.
the Grandfather of Assassins and the head of the Toppers statistics are unknown but he has been
local thieves guild. Both claims are vehemently seen freely casting spells of up to 5th level, adding
denied by the Andolini Family, who claim that weight to the magic-user claims. He currently lives
their personal fortune has been amassed by in retirement in the old baronial manor within
Toppers great success as an adventurer coupled Dragonstone. He also has chambers inside Castelle
with a keen business mind and sound financial Moshere that are used during official engagements
investments. Indeed, over the years, Topper has and during times of war.
opened many inns at major towns and merchant
routes across the vale. Having achieved his goals in Maria Andolini
the immediate area he has now turned his (age 52)
attentions to neighbouring realms, where his Long-standing wife of Topper and mother of his 3
influence is said to be slowly but surely taking a children. Maria is seldom seen, except at official
firm hold. engagements, preferring the quiet home life. That
Topper currently resides in the Baronial Manor she manages to retain this semblance of normal
within the Township of Dragonstone, he claims to life, despite the notoriety of her husband, is in
be a retired businessman leaving the running of his itself an achievement. Though if the truth were
affairs to other members of his family. The truth of known, Topper makes sure that his business life
this statement is difficult to prove and it is widely does not interfere with his home life. And woe
believed that very little happens without the betides anyone that tries to make it otherwise.
blessing of the Don (the head of the family).
Anna-Marie Andolini are always kept prepared for his brief visits.
(age 31)
Toppers only daughter, Anna-Marie, is the classical Alberto Andolini
high society lady. Extremely beautiful and (age 36)
constantly sought after by an endless stream of Toppers other nephew is a sensible, reliable, hard
eager males. So far, none of her potential suitors working member of the family. Alberto has
have met with approval from either Anna-Marie or devoted himself to the protection of the family, he
the Andolini Family. is currently an 8th level fighter but spends many
Rumours have it that she is in fact an 8th level hours each day in training, constantly honing his
assassin and is probably the most dangerous skills. He hopes one day to replace Draco by
member of the family. With her high intelligence Toppers side but he knows he has a long way to go
and keen grasp of commerce it is quietly yet to reach that venerated position.
speculated that she would become the true head of Last year, Alberto married a local girl called Lorna.
the family if anything ever happened to Topper. She has recently given birth to twin boys named
Favio and Vito. These are the first children born to
Tomasino Andolini the Andolini family since they arrived in the
(age 27) Dragonstone area.
The youngest of Toppers children is a 10th level A great baptism party is to be held shortly by
fighter and is already a seasoned adventurer Topper who is to be godfather to both boys.
carving a name for himself across Dragonstone Alberto and his family live with Topper in the old
and the surrounding lands. However, his baronial manor. It has been said that Topper hopes
aggressive nature and vicious temper have caused the example set by Alberto will rub off on other
Topper many problems over the years. It is widely members of his family, but only time will tell.
known that Tomasino's recklessness has caused
the death of several adventuring comrades, yet he Francis Andolini
still continues to act in the same irresponsible aka Frankie the Cosh
manner. One time bodyguard to topper, Frankie can now
Tomasino is expected to take over the running of be found at Four Lanes End with Zazoo.
the family business, yet if he is to do this Frankie is Toppers cousin and was the first
successfully he must learn to curb his erratic Andolini to arrive in Dragonstone after Topper.
nature. Topper loves his son but it is rumoured that Frankie’s choice not to wear any type of armour
he despairs of Tomasino ever becoming a suitable can sometimes lull enemies into a false sense of
Don. security, usually to their folly. Although he appears
some-what dim-witted Frankie is in fact sharp of
Margarita Andolini mind and a dangerous man to have about. He is
(age 64) utterly ruthless and loyal unto death; if you ever
Toppers sister in law was widowed nearly 30 years cross this bull-necked man, beware! For he will dog
ago when a rival business family murdered your steps until one of you breathes no more.
Toppers brother, Favio Andolini.
Since then Topper has cared for her and her Others: At present there are no other members of
children, Roberto and Alberto. the Andolini Family in the Dragonstone area, but
Unfortunately she has never recovered from the as is all to often in these parts a rumour is abroad
shock of finding her husbands dismembered body that Topper comes from a large and powerful
parts scattered about their home in various rooms. family from a distant kingdom. The truth of this
Margarita has been a hapless alcoholic ever since, statement remains for the unforeseeable future
Topper tolerates her indulgences with compassion nothing more than a fanciful rumour, but who
for she is still the mother of his brothers children, knows? Even now there may be more family on
his godsons. the way, only time will tell!
Roberto Andolini
(age 39) Close Associates
Toppers godson is heavily involved in the running
of the family business, especially in acquisition. Zazoo
For many months of the year he is absent, A high level mage, Zazoo arrived in Dragonstone
travelling to distant parts of the kingdom. He with Frankie the cosh. Together, they set up the
always travels alone but never seems to come to inn Zazoos in the town. Currently they reside in
any harm. It has been speculated that he is in fact Anna's inn at Four Lanes end.
a 9th level assassin. What ties Topper to Zazoo no one quite knows for
Whatever the truth, Roberto is always treated with sure, what is known is that Zazoo is a
the utmost respect by the Andolini family. He has mathematical genius and was Toppers right hand
private chambers within the baronial manor that man.
Over the last few years Zazoo and Topper appear Toppers Inns in the Dragonstone area
to have gone their separate ways due to Toppers
supposed retirement, however, rumours do persist The Inn
that their friendship and business ties are as strong
as ever and that Zazoo still works for Topper. Situated in the heart of The Township of
Dragonstone, this inn was one of the first
Draco acquisitions of Topper. It is still run by the original
Toppers personal bodyguard started life as a owner Stephan, so to all outward appearances
paladin actually attaining 7th level until excessive nothing has changed. It is linked by a secret
drinking bloomed finally into alcoholism. A life of passage to the thieves guild a short distance away.
crime ensued, even turning to highway robbery in It is unknown whether Topper knows of this link or
attempts to fuel his addiction. After a botched not.
hold-up Draco was lynched and left for dead by
enraged wagon guards, it was in this sorry state Zazoos
that Topper found him and cut him down.
Draco is now cured of his addictions and knows his Originally set up in Dragonstone by Zazoo and
sins, he opted not to take what he deemed a Frankie, this raucous fun bar was bought by
cowardly way out by taking his own life. He lives Topper several years after its opening. Its wild and
with the knowledge of his crimes, never seeking or innovative style is most popular, especially with
working towards forgiveness. He accepts the the armed forces of Dragonstone, though all are
shame of his past deeds as his due punishment till welcome. All manner of entertainments are said to
death. be available at Zazoos, but the exact details are a
Draco serves Topper devotedly, secure in the closely guarded secret. It is widely speculated that
knowledge that he is probably the only person that although Zazoo and Frankie were the original
Topper truly entrusts the safe keeping of his family owners, it was Toppers money that funded the
to. enterprise.
Zazoos is currently run by Ropek Gambit, a human
Geoff male aged 32.
(age 24)
After his arrival in Dragonstone, Topper and other
high level adventurers acquired a certain notoriety Anna's Inn
within the village. Geoff and several of his young
friends attached themselves to Topper, following The largest Inn at Four Lanes End is a relatively
him whenever possible (much to Toppers new building as the original Anna's Inn burnt down
amusement). Eventually Topper set them small in an apparent accident. Zazoo and Frankie reside
tasks to perform, even at an early age Geoff here and Anna is named as the owner. Beneath the
showed great potential. Inn there is said to exist an extensive thieves guild
Despite Geoff's young age, Topper has the greatest linked to other buildings in the town via secret
of faith in him, frequently sending him on delicate passages.
business negotiations. As of yet, Geoff has never The head of the thieves guild is claimed to be a 12th
let Topper down. The affection in which the level human thief called Rob McCall.
Andolini Family holds Geoff is well known and It is suspected though that the real head of the
their protection extends to him. guild is Zazoo who in turn answers to Topper.
He is frequently a guest of the Andolini household,
sharing many family meals with them. On several The Tickled Dwarf
occasions he has chaperoned Anna-Marie to official
functions, they enjoy a good friendship but it is The 2nd Inn at Four Lanes End is on the mine path
assumed that, that is as far as it goes. and is primarily run by a dwarf for dwarves.
Several unconfirmed rumours have hinted that Although Topper is the registered owner of the Inn
Geoff is in fact the 8th level assassin known as The he generally leaves Boromir the dwarven landlord
Executioner. The Andolini family fiercely guards to his own devices, content in the generous profits
Geoff’s reputation, as they do their own. Anyone that The Tickled Dwarf delivers.
caught stating such scurrilous claims will be dealt
with most harshly. The Gateway Inn
Others: There are of course many more people Situated just inside the South gate at Goffonons
associated with the Andolini Family; to name them wall the Gateway Inn is a large fortified building
all in their entirety would be impractical at this capable of handling the large amounts of traffic
time. It is felt however, that the above 3 deserved that travels the most important trade route in the
a special mention in this appendix. whole of Dragonstone. The inn is run by a 10th
level human fighter called Deklan Ironhelm.
The Red Dragon last year the total stood at 24 but for reasons
unknown 2 have ceased trading.
The most northerly of Toppers inns within the
barony of Dragonstone is situated at the North
A heavily fortified building due to its isolated
position; it is most commonly used by members of The Andolini Scholarship Fund
the garrison. Although profits are currently quite
poor at this locale, Topper has great hopes for the
future as trade with the northern kingdoms grow. Topper set up this charitable fund after the forming
The Red Dragon is currently run by Jack Slade, a of the Svirfneblin Mining Corporation in which he
giant of a man perfectly capable of dealing with holds an equal share with other party members.
any bawdy guards or clientele that get out of hand. Every year Topper pays 10% of his income from
Jack has worked for Topper for many years, the SMC to the Andolini Scholarship Fund.
usually at properties where a strong hand is The fund is managed by Topper and his daughter
needed. Once good business has been secured he Anna-Marie on a charitable basis; the fund is solely
usually moves on to his next challenging project, used for the benefit of deprived families wishing to
although it must be said that Jack is not a young set their children onto a better path of life. That is
man any more and the word is, that once the Red not to say purely on an adventuring basis, funds
Dragon becomes a stable environment he will may be released to sponsor an individual wishing
retire to Dragonstone. Maybe even setting up a to become a stonemason or a smith or in fact any
small inn of his own (with Toppers blessing of chosen profession.
course). The fund is not designed to completely finance
setting up individuals in business endeavours but
The Bearded Dwarf more to enable them to receive the appropriate
Sturm Hammerfist, a dwarven 10th level fighter, training to start them off.
runs this low-thick walled-sturdy inn, proudly However, those wishing to receive a more
stating that there is not a single step or stair within comprehensive financial backing can apply in
the building to trip the unfortunate! Combined of person to Topper for an Andolini Enterprises
many small interconnecting taprooms there are an business loan. Recipients are required not to
abundance of corners for the patrons to slump divulge the intimate details of their financial
into, where on most days you can usually find at arrangements. It has been reported however that
least a dozen dwarves in peaceful disarray. Topper is exceedingly generous in these
The Bearded Dwarf is situated on the Morodar agreements, even going so far as to provide
Road about half a mile west of Troll Bridge. backing on an interest free basis. What financial
benefits there are for Topper in such arrangements
can only be wondered at. It is common knowledge
The Inn of the Last Hope though that Topper values friendship and loyalty
most highly and when asked about such business
Situated in the centre of Beaumaris, the Inn of the arrangements he merely states that "he is helping
Last hope is currently being extended. When a good friend". Topper must have great many good
complete the inn will offer the finest friends, one must wonder though what position
accommodation in Dragonstone, catering to all you would be in if you were suddenly NOT a good
races with themed quarters such as cave like friend!
rooms for dwarves and burrow styled chambers
for halflings. The following is a year-by-year list of donations
During these extensive alterations only a small made to the Andolini Scholarship Fund from
portion of the inn remains open, under the control Toppers share holding in the Svirfneblin Mining
of a 2nd level fighter named Abagail and her staff. Corporation.
Whether or not Abagail will continue to run the inn
after completion remains yet to be seen. 1145 NIL
1146 2,625 GP
1147 2,613 GP
Other inns 1148 2,832 GP
1149 2,589 GP
The only inns to have been mentioned so far are 1150 2,906 GP
the ones within the Dragonstone area, these being 1151 3,224 GP
of the most interest to the current campaign. 1152 2,915 GP
Toppers Business Empire has however extended 1153 3,095 GP
into neighbouring kingdoms, he currently owns a 1154 3,331 GP
grand total of 22 inns (including the 8 in the vale), 1155 3,535 GP
If you wish, you can use TABLE 3 to determine the GP profit for the guild per year. Although the DM
races of the individual members, or you can fill the can alter this figure to suit his particular game
guild with races of your own choosing. setting.
For subsequent years use TABLE 6 to estimate
Guild growth changes in figures, each years new total becoming
the following years starting point. For example:
Having now created your 17 thieves, levels and Blag the 3rd level thief earns 300gp profit for the
races, you can move onto the next stage of your guild in year 1. In the following year he rolls on
guild; Annual Growth. The following tables will table 6, the rolls indicate an increase of 10%,
generate totals including fluctuations in members, bringing his new total profit to 330 GP, this figure
total numbers of skill levels and profits. This now becomes the starting point for the following
system is not designed to give exact details but to year.
give an approximation of guild performance, for TABLE 6 can be used to generate individual
those wishing to give an exact account of all members performances or the entire guilds
members, profits, levels etc etc… stop reading performance for the year. For example: Your guild
now and get a life! has a total of 70 experience levels @ 100 GP per
level this equates to a grand total of 7,000 GP
NB round UP all fractions to the nearest whole. profit in the 1st year.
In the next year take the new current level total
To generate membership growth go to TABLE 4. and multiply it by the new figure generated in table
For example; % are rolled and 68 is rolled, this 6, IE 100 GP + or - the indicated amount.
means that the guild increases in size by 1- 10 %,
a d10 is rolled and a 10 is indicated, 10% of 17 is Training fees:
1.7 rounded up to 2 makes the new guild total 19. TABLE 7 is to be used to generate the amount of
Now, this is not to say that only 2 new thieves profit the guild makes from training members and
have joined the guild. Due to the very dangerous adventurers etc…
and illegal nature of their profession it is fair to It is to be assumed that profits will be 1,500 GP per
assume that existing members may have been lost level trained, (additional money earned from
through death, imprisonment or in fact any multiple week costs are assumed as being used up
number of other reasons. Suffice it to say that the by the guild for running costs and are not
new total has incorporated all of these variables. considered as profit.)
Table 7 is used to generate exactly how many
To generate total level growth in the guild use levels are trained by a guild in any 1 year
TABLE 5. The base starting point for this table is regardless of size until total guild membership tops
the current total of levels in the guild. For example; 100, the figures then shown become percentiles,
your 17 thieves have a total of 56 experience levels once a guild starts using percentiles proceed in the
between them plus the guild-master, say 14th level, following manner.
this gives you a base starting point of 70 levels. To create the starting base for use with table 7,
Using table 5 you can now create annual first take the grand level total of all members
fluctuations in level totals. This is not totally linked including the guild-masters. Then roll on table 7,
to existing members, but is designed to reflect the the figure indicated is the amount of levels trained
possible member fluctuations throughout the year, in that year.
however, level totals must increase or decrease by For example; the starting base is 210 levels of
1 per gained or lost member to prevent guild experience, a roll of 78 indicates an increase of
imbalances occurring (i.e. 17 members must have 10%, which equates as an increase of 21, meaning
at least 17 levels between them, 19 members at that this year the guild trained people a total of 21
least 19 levels etc… levels @ 1,500 GP profit per level. A grand total
The new total created will be the base starting profit of 31,500 GP.
point for the following year.
The following years starting point must be worked
Guild funds out again using the new total level of the guild.
Again, the figures generated here are not only
The following section is designed to generate an linked to guild size or membership levels, as not all
approximation of funds earned by the guild from members automatically go up in level every year,
members and training fees. some never even get any better. It is merely a way
of simulating earnings incorporating unknown
Members contributions: variables. Thus it is possible for guild members and
For simple purposes it can be assumed that each total levels to have decreased whilst actually
guild member will generate profits for the guild at earning greater sums from outside sources.
the rate of 100 GP per level of experience per
annum. For example; A 3rd level thief will earn 300
f Maps e
Greetings from the Dragonstone Mapping Company.
There are two maps supplied with this tome, the first is an A4 sized Black and White rendering of the
Dragonstone vale, the second is a larger colour version.
To use the larger version, first print out the necessary pages and attach them together as detailed below.
Map A Map B
Map C Map D
Colour Map A
Colour Map B
Colour Map C
Colour Map D
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