Lesson Plan 1
Lesson Plan 1
Lesson Plan 1
Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding in the use of sewing tools in
Learning Competency:LO 1. Identify sewing tools and equipment and their uses
Contextualize Competency: Identify sewing tools and equipment and describe uses of sewing tools.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Sewing tools and equipment
B. References : DepEd Learning Module for Dressmaking/Tailoring
C. Materials : laptop/projector,pictures, Sewing Tools.
D. Values Focus: Participation
A. Preliminary
Prayer “Class please stand and let us pray.” The students will sing " Blessings" ( Video )
Thread Clipper
Very Good.
Are you familiar with these words? “Not so, ma’am”
Okay, let’s familiarize them one by
2 .Unlocking of .I need five (5) volunteers to place
Difficulties these words on their meanings on the
Correct, those are tools, usually used Ma’am, those are usually used by sewer.
Very, goo!
C.Post Activities
1. Reporting ”Ok class are you done? Yes ma’am
Let see who will got a high scores. We
start with group 1.(teacher evaluate
how many tools they classified
correctly) Group 1 (presenting their activity)
Very good, the first classification of Measuring tools- are tools that used for
tools is Measuring Tools. What is taking body measurements and for drafting
measuring tools? pattern.
(Picture on slide)
What is Yard Stick/Meter Stick?
Very good, the last type measuring
tools is Yard stick/meter stick- is use to measure
fabric and to check grain line. It can be used
(Picture on slide) in marking a long straight line and in
L-SQUARE measuring hem lengths.
What is L-square?
What else?
L-square- has a perfect square and has two
Very well said, the longer arm of L- arms connected perpendicularly
square has 24 inches long while the L-square it can also function as tape
short arm is 14 inches long. measure, it use in measuring crotch.
(Demonstrate how to use L-Square as
Tape Measure)
(Picture on slide)
SHEAR Bend Handle Dressmaking Shear- is made
What is Bend Handle Dressmaking of quality steels and holds a shard cutting
Shear? edge. And 7 to 8 inch long scissors suitable
Correct, remember that: for cutting fabric because the blades rest flat
a. All steels, chrome-plated on the cutting surface.
shears are for heavy duty
b. Stainless steel blades and
plastic handles are fine for
lightweight fabrics
c. A serrated edge shears give
maximum cutting control
and used for synthetic fibers
and slippery knits.
(Demonstrate how to use bend
handle dressmaker shears)
Next cutting tool is
(Picture on slide)
Pinking Shear- cuts a zigzag edge and is
PINKING SHEAR used for finishing hem edges, seams, etc.
What is Pinking Shear?
That correct.
4.Application Now go back to same group you The students go back to their seats.
belong. And give the corresponding
name of the following pictures and its
uses given to each group.
Let’s call it a day. Goodbye class! “Goodbye and thank you Ma’am.
Casabuena. See you around and God bless
God bless you too!
Instructional Decision:
Mastery Level:
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