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Pedro Sánchez and King Felipe with the new government ministers after the swearing-in ceremony on Thursday. :: EFE
Of the 17 new
ministers sworn in on
Thursday by the king,
11 are women
A political comeback
Pedro Sánchez’s appointment as PM
came as a surprise to almost every-
one. Not only did the no-confidence
motion succeed where it had been
expected to fail, but Sánchez, 46,
had resigned the PSOE leadership
in 2016 rather than help the PP party
into power by having his party ab-
stain in Rajoy’s investiture debate,
as his replacement went on to do.
He then claimed the party crown
again in 2017, beating the Andalu-
Pedro Sánchez is sworn in as prime minister in front of King Felipe and outgoing PM Mariano Rajoy (right) . :: EFE sian regional president, Susana Díaz,
to the top job despite almost all other
senior PSOE members openly sup-
Biggest hashish trafficker
Man faces 172-year Man arrested for
in Europe is arrested in sentence for grooming abusing and locking
Campo de Gibraltar MALAGA
up girlfriend
The Malaga public prosecutor’s :: Á. FRÍAS / J. CANO. A 32-year-
The man known as ‘El night in an operation that was car- office has recommended a 172- old woman from the Dominican
Castaña’ is part of a ried out in La Línea. Investigators year sentence for a 27-year-old Republic who travelled to
had been looking for him for some man who has been accused of co- Benalmádena to meet her boy-
well-known clan that 19 months and he was held in a ercion and corruption of minors, friend was locked in his flat, nude,
was behind the raid on residential property in the town possession of child pornography and subjected to sexual assault
La Línea hospital at around 11pm, sources said. Tejón and the discovery and disclosure and mistreatment over a period of
was remanded in custody imme- of secrets. eight days. The couple met online
earlier this year diately because of the arrest war- The man was posing as an ado- in August and after talking on the
rants out in his name. lescent girl and offering the vic- phone she decided to fly to Malaga
:: EFE The family organisation that he tims advice about boys. A police and stay with her family there, Miguel Ángel at his trial. :: SUR
LA LÍNEA. National Police have leads, with help from his brother investigation, ‘Operation Molling,’ although she soon moved to
dealt a major blow to the drugs Francisco, who police suspect has found that the accused had spo- Benalmádena, where both her Man who killed wife and
trade in the Campo de Gibraltar fled from the immediate area, is ken with 1,000 different girls and cousin and boyfriend lived. How-
this week with the arrest of Anto- said to be largest in the south of had identified 41 separate victims. ever, her boyfriend apparently be- child found dead in cell
nio Tejón, known as ‘El Castaña’, Spain and is called ‘Los Castañitas’. The first victim, from Antequera, came jealous of her job working
ón. Tejón
in La Línea de la Concepción. Severa
Several members of the group led the police to the suspect’s ad- in her cousin’s bar, fearing she MALAGA
was one of the most attack
attacked La Línea hospital dress in Castrillón (Asturias) would meet other men, and de- :: J. CANO / Á. FRÍAS. Miguel
wanted criminalss in in o
order to free one of where he was arrested. cided to lock her in his home. Ángel, who was sentenced for mur-
Spain and is saidd to the
their members last dering his ex-partner Estefanía and
be the head of the Feb
February, accord- their child, Aarón, has been found
largest hashish ing to sources. Two arrested for racist Following the contribution of dead in his cell. According to sources
smuggling Tej
Tejón was said several Facebook users, the Na- consulted by SUR, an investigation
gang in to be behind
aggression against tional Police launched an inves- has been opened by police into the
Europe, con-on- the organisa- Chinese student tigation into the incident and soon circumstances surrounding his
trolled by his tio
tion of that identified the two suspects. The death. The body of the prisoner was
family. A large rai
raid. MALAGA events took place on 29 April taken from the prison to a facility
part of the T
The head of :: Á. FRÍAS / J. CANO. Two men when Zhang was returning from in Malaga where it was cremated.
drug shipments Nat
National Police accused of racially abusing Chinese Fuengirola after visiting the Feria Miguel was in a relationship
coming into the in La Línea said student Iris Zhang on a train between de los Pueblos with friends. Sev- with partner Estefanía between
o be
area are said to tha
that Tejón put up Fuengirola and Malaga have been eral boys were chanting racist slo- 2006 and 2013, but after they broke
down to the clan. n. no resistance and arrested thanks to her clever use of gans at her as well as hitting her up he threatened her in constant
Police sources said was the only per- social media, through which the sus- in the face and threatening her phone calls, before murdering her
that his arrest took Police image of the drug son detained on pects were quickly identified. with a lit cigarette. and their son in September 2013.
place on Wednesday trafficker’s arrest . :: SUR Wednesday.
June 8th to 14th 2018
Benalmádena proposes
funding new station itself
:: ALBERTO GÓMEZ The central government, which
BENALMÁDENA. The town has jurisdiction on matters such as
council in Benalmádena will re- these, said in December that it did
quest authorisation from the Min- not plan to build a new stop in the
istry of Finance to use its own sur- area, stating that further cost-bene-
plus to build a new Cercanías stop fit analysis was necessary.
in Nueva Torrequebrada. A coun- This is not the first time that this
cil meeting on 31 May unani- issue has been discussed by the
mously approved a proposal for an council. Nueva Torrequebra is cur-
agreement with the Ministry of rently undergoing development
Development to carry out the and has a population of 4,000 peo-
works. This would allow the ple. It is situated more than six kilo-
authorities to respond to the de- metres away from Arroyo de la Miel.
mands of residents, who currently Recent development projects in
have to travel several kilometres the area have resulted in the con-
to catch the train, which connects struction of a new school, funded
The situation has caused problems for visitors to La Paloma park. :: SUR Malaga and Fuengirola. by the regional government, and
A recent petition collected 1,400 an extension to the dam, whose
signatures in favour of the new stop. budget came out of central govern-
Revamp of main
San Pedro square
to take six months
The transformation of in the town centre where both the
the Plaza de la Iglesia will town hall and the main church are
located, will begin imminently, ac-
get under way cording to sources from the mayor’s
imminently and will be office.
completed more quickly The modernisation of this central
part of the town will be carried out
than first thought by the construction firm Guamar S.A.
The company was chosen over ten
:: NIEVES CASTRO competitors because it managed to
MARBELLA. Refurbishment works lower the budget of the bid by over
to be carried out on the Plaza de la 25% to 1,024,659 euros and reduce
A mock-up of the fountain, the umbrellas and the beds which will contain a variety of plants. :: SUR Iglesia in San Pedro, a major square the time frame of the project from
ten to six months.
The works will be carried out as
part of the financially sustainable in-
vestments plan - funds assigned in
2016 - and will begin in the coming
days, once the act to confirm the
works is signed.
This is the most ambitious work
planned during the tenure of the cur-
rent deputy mayor for San Pedro as
it aims to modernise and refurbish
the entire central plaza, providing
aesthetic and structural solutions at
all levels.
Works will be carried out to pro-
vide new surfacing, access, lighting
and underground parking. There will
also be efforts made to create shaded
areas and to improve the functional-
ity of the space so that it can better
host events.
There will also be a focus on na-
ture, with new species planted and
efforts made to preserve the existing
trees in the area, according to San Pe-
dro’s deputy mayor, Rafael Piña.
International poker
tournament returns
to Marbella
MARBELLA. For the sixth con-
secutive year the international Pok-
erStars tournament has come to
Over two million euros will
change hands over the course of the
event, which began on Monday and
concludes on Sunday.
The event attracts participants
primarily from Spain, Britain, the
rest of Europe, Russia and the Bal-
tic states.
Former Cómpeta mayor banned from despite a report from the regional
government, the Junta de Anda-
public office for planning offence lucía, which stated that there was
no evidence the building was to
be used for agricultural pur-
:: EFE who has not been named, has also poses.López issued the licence the
CÓMPETA. Former mayor of Cóm- been fined for his part in the af- following December.
peta, Leovigildo López, has been fair. The judge dealing with case said
banned from serving in public of- Events date back to December that the two men had given the
fice for six years as well as being 2005 when a private individual ap- go- ahead for the project, “know-
fined for issuing a licence to build plied for a licence to build a prop- ing that the result would contra-
a property on non-urbanisable land. erty on the rural land. In April 2007 dict urban planning laws and with
A former town hall architect, the architect approved the project, no legal basis”. La Casa La Mina in Cómpeta has been closed since 2014. :: E. C.
16 NEWS June 8th to 14th 2018
MIJAS. Mijas councillor for
beaches, Josele González, an-
nounced that the town will also
increase its lifeguard service, for
the second year in a row, by offer-
ing a team of 76 lifeguards. This
will be the highest number in the
province, ensuring Mijas’ beaches
are “the safest” in the whole prov-
González explained during a
presentation by the Rescue and
First Aid service that the aim is to
“increase the safety of Mijas’
beaches during the height of tour-
ist season”. He added that at least
50 of the people will be deployed
A lifeguard on a beach in Marbella. :: JOSELE-LANZA at any one time. “For another year
we are increasing the safety of Mi-
jas’ beaches by providing a large
The di
director of
the excavation
project, Desiré
The oven is the most important and most valuable item found so far. :: I. G. The works are continuing. :: I. G. Piñero, says the
square ove
oven with its
combustion ch chamber and
already employs 200 o one asked for him, drid, Escolano passed his prede-
but Pedro Sánchez is cessor Luis de Guindos, who is
people and plans to the new Spanish now vice president of the Euro-
expand further prime minister. And pean Central Bank. In appoint-
since he outsted Mariano Rajoy ing Brussels’ former budget man-
:: JOSÉ VICENTE ASTORGA in last Friday’s political coup, the ager as Spanish economy minis-
MALAGA. Spotahome, the com- 46-year-old has wasted no time ter, Sánchez has signalled that
pany set up by Estepona entrepre- in assembling his new cabinet, he, too, seeks greater clout for
neur Alejandro Artacho and three naming EU high-flyer Nadia Spain within EU.
partners, has just obtained 34 mil- Calvino as Spain’s new economy What will Calvino be able to
lion euros of financing from a firm Spotahome’s founders: Bruno Bianchi, Brian McEire, Alejandro Artacho minister on Tuesday. It’s a choice achieve in her new role? Very
in Silicon Valley. and Hugo Monteiro. :: SUR that shows where Sánchez’s fis- little, as it happens. It took Ra-
This is the fifth round of financ- cal priorities lie - but one won- joy’s minority government,
ing in just four years for Spota- the tenants and the renters, had Spotahome was founded in 2014 ders just how much any of the which has 134 seats in parlia-
home, a platform for renting generated 45 million euros of busi- by Alejandro Artacho, Bruno Bian- new Spanish administration will ment, almost six months to se-
houses, apartments and rooms for ness by mid-2017. It is known for chi, Bryan McEire and Hugo Mon- be able to achieve during what is cure approval for 2018’s budget.
stays of longer than one month. providing exhaustive information teiro and its visibility among in- likely to be a brief term. The PP was constantly stalled
One of Malaga’s start-ups with the about the properties and their lo- ternational investors soared two Like her predecessor Romano by smaller groups, such as the
highest exponential growth, the cations, top quality videos, 360º years ago with a presence at South Escolano, who barely got a taste Basque Nationalist Party, who
Spotahome Group is now the lead- photos, maps and descriptions. Summit, the biggest entrepreneurs of power before the Popular Party refused to back the spending
ing intermediary for online rent- This latest financing operation fair in southern Europe. The new was removed from government plan because of their opposition
als, with a portfolio of more than is led by the Kleiner Perkins in- injection of capital will be used to last Friday, Calvino has strong EU to Rajoy. But if passing new
130,000 properties in 450 loca- vestment fund; it is the first time invest in new products, better tech- credentials. Since 2014, she has economic leglislation was diffi-
tions in 65 countries. Three mil- it has operated in Spain but this is nology, appoint senior managers been at the EU Commission as di- cult for Rajoy and De Guindos,
lion people a month visit the site its fifth operation in Europe, where to handle the expansion plan and rector-general of the bloc’s it’s going to be even more of a
to look for somewhere to stay. it has supported projects such as improve customer service even budget - a role that, in Sánchez’s headache for Sánchez and
The platform, which charges Spotify and GoEuro. further. mind, qualifies her perfectly for Calvino: the PSOE has just 84
running the Spanish economy. seats in congress and has poten-
Before moving to the EU in 2006, tially also lost the support of its
Calvino was also a key player on closest leftist partner, Unidos
Unemployment in Malaga Electricity prices home turf, holding senior eco-
nomic posts in the Spanish gov-
Note, incidentally, that now
rose by about ten
province dropped by per cent in May
ernment under both the Conser-
vatives and the Socialists.
Sánchez is installed in Spain’s
highest political office, he
As different as he often claims clearly has no intention of hold-
4,238 last month to be from Rajoy, Sánchez clearly ing early elections, which he
shares at least one goal with his said he might if he became
:: JOSÉ M. CAMARERO arch rival: to increase Spain’s in- prime minister. Instead of mov-
:: JUAN SOTO for work. The next sector was con- MADRID. Electricity prices have fluence within top EU institu- ing to give Spaniards a say in
MALAGA. The latest unemploy- struction, with 437 fewer people increased again so consumers can tions. Indeed, this has been a pri- their new administration, this
ment figures for the province show unemployed. The number of peo- expect their bills for May to be ority of the Spanish government skilled career politician is busy
that 4,238 people found work in ple who have never worked before higher. Those with a contract for years. Escolano, Calvino’s sneaking members of his new
May, resulting in a reduction of 2.8% dropped by 160, and 30 fewer peo- with a regulated price (PVPC) short-lived predecessor, was cabinet in by the back door. Pre-
in unemployment compared with ple in the industrial sector are reg- will have to pay about 10 per cent vice-president of the European dictably drunk on his longed-for
the same month last year. At pre- istered as looking for a job. In the more than in April, which is Investment Bank before joining taste of power, Sánchez has for-
sent, 147,137 people in Malaga are agricultural sector the situation was about four euros. May ended with Rajoy’s ailing administration; on gotten that he is a prime minis-
registered as unemployed. the opposite last month: 35 more an average generation cost of 55 his way from Frankfurt to Ma- ter no one asked for.
The figures also show that the people registered as unemployed. euros per megawatt/hour.
number of people registered with The figures published by the Min-
Social Security rose by 12,018, the istry of Employment also show that
highest in the region, and an in- 7,000 work contracts were signed
crease of 2.01% compared with May in the province last month, which
2017. was an increase of 10 per cent com-
Once again, the reduction in un- pared with April. Of these, 435 were
employment was highest in the permanent contracts and 6,565 were
services sector, where 3,646 people temporary. So far, 76,992 contracts
are no longer registered as looking have been signed in Malaga.
COMMENT June 8th to 14th 2018
Say hello, wave goodbye
We accept letters by email (, post
or fax, but they must include identification and a telephone
number, and be exclusive to SUR in English. We do not publish THERE IS A MUSIC MAKER WWW.E-PETER.COM
anonymous letters. Opinions expressed by contributors to this IS PAGE
and other pages of SUR in English do not necessarily reflect
those of the publishers. No part of this publication may be
reproduced without written permission from the publishers. SO PLEASE
rumbs, it’s all been hap- Señor Iglesias until you actually lans, a few Basques and a couple of
A plea to lower the volume pening in Spanish poli- consider his own demeanour at blokes sitting in Paco’s bar in Toledo,
tics this week. I’m sure which point you realise that his call- playing dominoes and shouting
that it won’t have es- ing you ‘elegant’ is like Keith Rich- something about independence for
My wife and I are truly enjoy- in the audio. caped your attention that Mariano ards saying you’re sober. Still, it was blokes in Paco’s bar in Toledo. Their
ing a month-long vacation in Some mothers even had their Rajoy has been ousted from his po- a compliment of sorts, I suppose, votes were crucial in getting Señor
Torremolinos. children dancing in front of the sition as prime minister of the coun- especially when coupled with his Sánchez into power so now he’s
One of the highlights of our speakers at the front of the try after the list of corruption cases assertion that the outgoing leader obliged to provide them with a two-
visit was the surprising event venue. associated with his right-wing Par- was ‘intelligent’. So, we’ll give Pa- for-one offer on anis every Friday
showcasing Argen- At the flamenco show hosted tido Popular became so huge and blo the benefit of the doubt on this afternoon for the rest of eternity.
THIS tinian musical tal- by the casino in Benalmadena complex that eventually there was occasion despite his unnerving teen- For his part, Mr Sánchez wasted
WEEK’S ents spread over the sound levels were consis- no room left for any actual politi- age pony tail. no time in assembling a crack team
WINNING three days in Torre- tently above 100db. This was an cians at their headquarters. Anyway, the upshot of all of this to work on the crucial anis-in-Toledo
LETTER molinos. We at- excellent event but the audio There have been many bizarre is that the country’s new prime min- negotiations and, presumably, some
tended them all. needs to be adjusted to the aspects to the changing of the guard, ister is Pedro Sánchez, leader of the other stuff. He’s appointed a cou-
We have spent our careers in number in attendance. not least of which being the leader unpronounceable PSOE party who ple of token men, but it’s mostly
academia and medicine. We Most people cannot objec- of the very left-wing party Podemos, are, ostensibly at least, left wing, formidable-looking women who
both have decibel measuring tively judge the sound levels at Pablo Iglesias, describing Mr Rajoy though nowhere near as left wing have been given the not inconsid-
(dB) applications on our smart- the best of times. as ‘elegant’ as the latter shuffled out as Pablo and his chums (do keep up erable task of sorting the country
phones. One solution is to require of Moncloa with all of his worldly at the back). In order to secure his out, in an attempt to show the na-
The Argentinian festival pro- public facilities to have a possessions in two cardboard boxes position, Señor Sánchez was obliged tion that he’s a strong, independ-
duced volumes that consistently method of measuring noise. In shoved under his arms (not really - to enter into any number of unholy ent and forward-thinking sort of
exceeded 100db with spikes of our community, some public but it’s a colourful image). This alliances with a motley crew of dis- chap.
130db. places have a device that flashes would appear to have been a mag- sidents and malcontents including Actually, I suspect his wife told
We told an event organiser ‘red’ when the volume exceeds nanimous gesture on the part of Señor Iglesias himself, some Cata- him to do it.
who spoke to the sound engi- a given level such as 100db.
neer. I could see him shake his
head and our contact came back DON SHERIDAN PACHI
to say there would be no change NEW ZEALAND
So, get rid of them to the find the image strangely pow- become prime minister almost un- do in seven years in power. On the
empty straight alternative AP- erful: Mariano Rajoy, holed up expectedly, after the PSOE regis- other side, the PSOE faces its own
The A7 (N340) has vastly im- 7. Reduce accidents, increase in a restaurant, drowning his tered its motion without hope or mountain of proposals from the
proved from the 1980s: there safety and just make the road sorrows in a bottle of whisky conviction, like someone who goes opposition, accumulating since
was no middle barrier, you could more pleasant for residents and while his world crumbles around out for a quick beer and ends up 2011, with the risk that in the fu-
turn left, pedestrians crossed tourists alike. him. That unhappy extended lunch having the stroke of luck of a life- ture these demands will all pile up
over, I’m not sure there was a Pretty easy. last week, typical of a gambler who time. The socialist leader is a re- ready to smother the government
speed limit! It was deemed the has lost his largest bet, was a prel- minder that obstinacy will end up in a landslide.
most dangerous road in Europe. NEIL SHUTTLEWORTH ude to the epilogue he included in being a more productive quality Above this background music of
La Cala A7 road was straight MARBELLA his speech on Tuesday: “I think the than talent. Rajoy has also left us commitments and demands, adapt-
time has come to call it a day.” You with an obvious but valuable les- able to whoever happens to be in
have to admit there’s a certain son: refusing to budge is a strategy government and opposition, we can
Galician elegance in his farewell, that won’t work forever. hear the deafening voices of the
Published by: PRENSA MALAGUEÑA S. A. even though he’s going out the back Now come the new ministers apocalypse theorists who say that
Director General: JOSÉ LUIS ROMERO door, defeated by an improvised and promises, and while some call Spain has broken, that we’re all go-
vote of no confidence and by the for the 100 days’ grace before judg- ing under, just because their sides
Editor in Chief: Editor: Advertising Manager: corruption of a party - his own - ing the new government, others have been ousted from power, or
MANUEL CASTILLO Rachel Haynes Emma Vera
Publications Director: Assistant editor: Commercial Director:
that will take years to lick the refuse to give them even 100 sec- have never had it. They forget, in
Pedro Luis Gómez Daryl Finch Jorge Artero wounds of its not-so-isolated cases, onds. And above all we’ll see, like their mixture of irresponsibility and
if they ever heal. Pedro Sánchez has an old magic trick with the seams nostalgia, that this is democracy.
June 8th to 14th 2018
LIFESTYLE June 8th to 14th 2018
Totem, circus in
its pure state
The Cirque du Soleil returns to the origins of
this performance art with amazing displays of
acrobatics, strength and balance
:: REGINA SOTORRÍO Superpowers
MALAGA. There is silence. The audi- The artists at the Cirque du Soleil
ence is holding its breath. Maybe seem to have superpowers: they do
the artist is, as well. And then the things that would seem unthinkable
impossible happens: turning around, for any mortal, and make them look
high up in the air, holding on with simple. A contortionist looks to one
just one hand, he contorts his body side and the other with her head be-
into unimaginable positions, and tween her legs in a posture which is The monocyclists throw balls to each other’s heads without losing their balance. :: FERNANDO GONZÁLEZ
jumps even further. There are gasps almost painful to look at. The acro-
and sharp intakes of breath all around, bats perform high up in the marquee
sounds which express the essence of with no protection and trusting their
circus, an art which overcomes physi- entire weight to a single hand. And
cal limits. This is Totem, the Cirque the monocyclists smile as they throw
du Soleil production in Malaga. The bowls onto each other’s heads. If they
company is known for its impressive drop one - because they are only hu-
staging, enveloping music and im- man, after all - they just keep trying
peccable lighting, but Totem is more: until they succeed, to huge applause.
acrobatics, balancing and risk. Circus The show includes an Amerindian
in its purest state. dance with hoops, trapeze artists who
The Grand Chapiteau opened its launch themselves into the air from
doors in Malaga for the first time in bar to bar, skaters who speed around
ten years, and the show will continue a tiny platform, all synchronised with
until 1 July. In the marquee, the his- the music. And of course, Totem has
tory of humanity and evolution of clowns, but with special skills like
the species is told with a succession turning a plastic bag into a swan in
of numbers which defy all laws of the one second. The aim is to surprise,
physical and go beyond even that. and this show certainly does that. The contortionist is incredible. :: F. GONZÁLEZ The ‘acrobatic frogs’ open the show. :: F. GONZÁLEZ
June 8th to 14th 2018
30 LIFESTYLE June 8th to 14th 2018
osé Augusto Trinidad create a new passion for Spanish Articulista Columnist
Martínez Ruiz, better classical literature at a time when Refugiarse To take refuge
known by his pseudonym most texts were virtually un- Apoyar To support
Azorín, was a prominent available to the public. His move- Entender To understand
Spanish writer in the 19th and ment, the Generation of ‘98, was Viajar To travel
20th centuries. He was born in focused on rescuing Spain from Legado Legacy
Monòver in the province of Ali- its marked decline through a Pensamiento Thought
cante on 8 June 1873. There is a method other than political
museum dedicated to him and means. Spanish writer José Martínez Ruiz, also known as Azorín. :: SUR
his writings in the town to this Azorín studied law at the Uni-
day. versity of Valencia but did not Franco’s regime, is key to under-
Martínez Ruiz was part of the complete his education, instead drich Krause, who proposed identification card, but was sup- standing why he attracted criti-
Generation of ‘98, a group of moving to Madrid to become a sweeping reforms in religion and ported by Ramón Serrano Suñer, cism from across the political
authors and philosophers who journalist. However, he soon the power of the state, as well as at that time Franco’s Interior spectrum.
were writing at the time of the found that his open criticism of a new openness towards other Minister. Accepting Franco’s re- His legacy is particularly im-
Spanish-American War of the the Spanish literary and educa- European cultures. gime was the price he had to pay portant because he covered 70
same year. The United States’ vic- tional establishments closed Martínez Ruiz fled Spain in in order to be admitted back, he years of political evolution in
tory in the war led to a moral, po- many doors to him. 1936 following the outbreak of published an article in the right- Spain, from post-imperial democ-
litical and social crisis in Spain During this period he was the Spanish Civil War. When he wing journal Vértice in which he racy to dictatorship.
due to the loss of Cuba, Puerto something of an anarchist, at- returned to Spain on 23 August clearly supported the regime. Azarín died in Madrid on
Rico, the Philippines and Guam, tacking what he saw as a preoc- 1939, he found himself in “inner The changes in personal po- March 2, 1967, at the age of 93.
its last remaining colonies. cupation with aesthetics and exile” along with other intellec- litical outlook that transformed
Azorín was an important fig- faith in contemporary society. tuals who had not supported the Martínez Ruiz, a revolutionary
ure in Spanish history because He was particularly inspired by Franco regime during the con- anarchist, into Azorín, a conser- ·
Bilingual crossword
his literary criticism helped to the ideas of Karl Christian Frie- flict. He was at first denied a press vative writer working under inside back page
June 8th to 14th 2018
After a glittering
career in performing
arts, he has opened a
cultural centre in
Jimena de la Frontera
f anyone fits the descrip-
tion of a ‘true European’,
it is Marcus von Wachtel;
with a Hungarian father,
British mother and Span-
ish nationality, he has
worked and travelled extensively
in Europe and elsewhere and now
divides his time between Madrid
and the small village of Jimena de
la Frontera, in Cadiz province.
There he has opened the only pri-
vately run cultural centre, El Cor-
ral de la Paca.
Marcus, who describes his pro-
fession as a “creator in the per-
forming arts” is currently organ-
ising the 6th Festival of the Arts
in Jimena, which starts later this
month. The question has to be
asked: what brought him to Ji-
mena, of all places?
“I moved to Jimena as a child. A circus class at El Corral de la Paca. :: SUR
We were the first foreigners to
live here,” he explains. “We were
living on the coast near Algeciras, “They were theatrical background
and encouraged me
but there were plans to build a
road near our house so my parents interesting times...” when I said I wanted
to become an actor,
decided to move. A friend told and I thought this
them he had visited a nice village would be a tribute
called Jimena, so they came to see :: D. B. ered in black and white to her. Also, the
it and liked it. That was back in Marcus has a wealth of anec- body paint and wearing economic crisis
1972.” dotes about his time as an actor, nothing but a tiny piece had started and the
When he left school, Marcus especially when he and his col- of fabric to cover his arts world was hit
went to the RSDA in Madrid, the leagues used to perform street manhood. They took very hard by that.
Spanish equivalent of RADA, to theatre in Madrid. him into custody, and put It was difficult to
train as an actor. Afterwards, he “I remember that once, long him in a cell, as he was, sell productions. I de-
remained in Madrid, worked with before Lord of the Rings and the with all these hardened cided to spend my
the National Theatre Company Hobbit and so on, we were all criminal types. It was pretty time creating some-
and helped to set up small com- dressed up as elves and fairies scary, but not only was he OK, where in Jimena to share
panies with friends. That was dur- etc and suddenly, during the he also remained in character cultural knowledge, rather
ing Spain’s transition to democ- performance, there was a police throughout the whole situa- than twiddling my thumbs in
racy, which he describes as an “in- raid. One of the actors was cov- tion!” says Marcus. Madrid,” he says.
teresting period”, when young “I also thought it would be eas-
actors in independent companies ier to get institutional help, but
used theatre as a way of making director for numerous shows and and the forthcoming Festival de it turned out that it wasn’t!”
political and social commentary. managed the light, sound and las Artes has a circus theme, in- “Expo 92 was a very Marcus doesn’t have much free
They couldn’t afford to do it full- theatre department at Expo ‘92, cluding workshops for children satisfying experience. time, and says he has no real hob-
time, however. “Commercial thea- which he says was possibly the and performances from profes- bies, but he does enjoy collecting
tre was rather looked down on at most satisfying experience of his sionals in this genre of art.
We did three shows a semi-antique and antique objects,
the time, but we all had to do it in career. This has been planned to mark day for six months” especially from Japan.
the end. It was the only way to “We were responsible for the the 250th anniversary of the birth “Antiques may be ‘things’ but
make a decent living and a name shows at the Expo, including the of modern circus, but it is a fasci- they are like people,” he says, “They
for ourselves,” he says. technical side,” he explains. “We nation which began at an early have a personality, a history, some-
Marcus’ CV makes long and im- did three shows a day for six age: in fact, he almost ran away thing to say. They are born when
pressive reading. Among many months, and 35,000 artists passed with a Portuguese circus that vis- someone creates them, and then
other things he has acted, founded through our department.” ited Jimena when he was 14. they are alive. They have magic. I
theatre and circus companies, di- One theme seems to occur fre- Having travelled the world with believe they transmit the souls of
rected productions, designed and quently through Marcus’ CV, how- such an exciting career, what made their owners and makers.”
organised parades, including Car- ever: circus. He has performed, him decide to open a cultural cen- Marcus von Wachtel is bring-
nival and Three Kings in Madrid, taught circus specialities in thea- tre in Jimena? “I inherited the ing his own type of magic to the
taught (including at the Madrid tre schools, holds classes for local house, which had been a 19th cen- small village of Jimena. Long may
Circus School), been the artistic children at El Corral de la Paca, tury cork factory. My mum had a he continue to do so.
36 LIFESTYLE June 8th to 14th 2018
:: SUR
Mariposa lily
This North American native has showy tulip-like flowers in
spring and early summer and loves hot, dry climates :: SILVIA HIMUS
Calochortus is a genus of approxi- and star tulips. The majority have the surface of the petals or in the
mately 65 species of herbaceous tulip-like flowers in shades of yel- centre of the flower. The genus LOW MAINTENANCE GARDEN
plants of which around 40 are na- low, pink, purple and white, often name Calochortus comes from the
tive to North America. Common streaked or spotted in the centre. Greek for ‘beautiful grass’.
names for the species include mari- Many species have Calochortus grows from a corm; Silvia Himus sent in this photo of her ‘low maintenance’
posa lily, fairy lanterns, globe lilies long hairs on once a source of food for early back garden and says, “We have very little planting space
Mormon settlers of the Salt in our garden so this year I’ve chosen geraniums and spider
lake Valley and for Native plants only for our pots, this will make the watering and
Americans. It has long maintenance easier.”
slender leaves and the
tthick, waxy stems GARDENING HINTS
ccarrying the single
fflowers appear in
sspring or early
ssummer. Each
Caring for roses
ccorm will produce
multiple flower
m At the moment roses are look- ning to avoid scorching and
sstems, especially if ing their best; the cooler spray the undersides of the fo-
ffed with a liquid fer- weather, bursts of sunshine liage too, to keep spider mites
ttiliser weekly during and prolific rainfall this spring away. Also if you haven’t
tthe growing season. have provided them with the mulched, then put down a
Once flowering has fin- perfect growing conditions. thick layer of organic material
iished, and the tips of the leaves The key is water; roses need around the base of your rose
start to turn yellow, feeding should more water than you may bushes now to conserve as
stop and watering reduced as the think. As soon as the ground much moisture as possible.
corm will be entering its dormant starts to dry out then watering Dead head regularly and feed
period. It can be left in the ground should begin. Aim to give two to three times a year;
over winter but if there is a dan- them a really good drenching some rose societies advocate
ger of waterlogging it is best to dig once a week; do it in the eve- April, June and late August.
up the corms, leave them to dry
and then store in a cool, dark place. PHOTOS
It is used to dry, hot regions
and should not be overwatered Calling all Email your photos to eng-
or allowed to become water- or send
logged and can survive wildfires, gardeners them to SUR in English,
often flowering more profusely Avda Dr Marañón 48, 29009
after a fire has burnt off all sur- We know that many of our Malaga, with a caption and a
rounding vegetation. Propaga- readers have lovely gardens, few words of explanation.
tion can be carried out by potting or enjoy growing plants on Alternatively, you can send
up bulblets or from seed, al- their terraces or balconies, them to us via Facebook
though the resulting seedlings so why not share them with (surenglish) or Twitter
Mariposa lily (sent in by Janet Wade) and another species (inset). :: SUR will take up to five years to start others? (@SUR_English)
June 8th to 14th 2018
June 8th to 14th 2018
mong custard apples Cantarriján beach, another im- Remains from the old Roman
Car + walking
and avocado trees, portant part of the town, whose city of Sexi (between the First
Journey time: 1 hour and 15 minutes enveloped by the residents are historically known and Fourth Centuries). Carrera de
from Malaga. clear Mediterranean as “Sexitanos”. la Concepción, s/n. 18690 Almuñé-
sea, Almuñécar is, by its own Hidden within the moun- car.
merit, the capital of Granada’s tains at the foothills of the Sierra
tropical coast. de Almijara, which stretches up
Whether visitors are gazing to Axarquía, this area is host to
Jaén far out to sea or up towards the the brilliant blue waters of the
mountains, the surrounding Mediterranean. Almuñécar’s Church of the Incarnation. Con-
views are fit for a postcard. main natural asset is its coast, sidered to be the first Baroque
Almería Of course, when the spring where land and sea mix together temple in the province of Gra-
begins to turn to summer, all below crags and cliffs, forming nada (constructed at the start of
eyes are fixed upon the rugged vast, beautiful beaches. the 17th Century). cxx401
coastline, like that of La Her- The coast isn’t the only thing (xera).
radura, alognside the Cerro worth seeing in Almuñécar. Cuesta de la Iglesia, s/n. 18690
Gordo cliffs nature reserve. Then Once the site of the ancient Ro- Almuñécar.
there’s the shore at the famous man city of Sexi, today the area
boasts a fascinating heritage of
different cultures and civilisa-
tions. At the Majuelo park, visi-
tors will find the remains of a
Phoenician salted fish factory,
the primary source of industry Castillo de San Miguel. Arab for-
for the city during this period. tress situated atop a hill of the
Among the historical sites of same name, in the centre of Al-
this town in the province of Gra- muñécar.
nada is the Cuevas de Siete Pala- Explanada del Castillo, s/n. Barrio
cios, a Roman archaeological San Miguel. 18690 Almuñécar.
museum, and the Castillo de San
Miguel, an Andalusian fortress
at the top of the town’s histori-
cal centre.
Another place of interest is
the Peñón del Santo, a cliff from
which climbers can enjoy beau-
tiful vistas of the coast and
town. It is considered obligatory
to pass by the Abderramán I
statue whilst traversing this
great rock.
This whole coastal area boasts
a lovely micro climate and is
home to friendly residents.
Thanks to pleasant tempera-
tures, visitors can indulge in the
subtropical fruits the area is fa-
mous for while they explore the
Peñones de San Cristóbal. :: TURISMO ANDALUZ Castillo de San Miguel. :: SUR
June 8th to 14th 2018
tella was a little girl so Marzipan hotel.
fearless and so bold. She landed in a jungle of liquo- And then she got back on her “Thanks! That‘s very kind of you,
“Thanks! That‘s very kind of rice trees and juicy fizzy streams. plane and off she flew away. but sorry I can’t stay.”
you, but sorry! I can’t stay!” Stella filled up the aircraft hold
She flew an old-fashioned aero- with fruit jellybeans. She touched down at the airport And then she got back on her
plane all around the world. And then she got back on her of a shiny city at night plane and off she flew away.
plane and off she flew away. Snakes were made of marshmal-
She sat with delight in the cock- lows and hives were like candy and was amazed by the traffic Stella was hungrier than usual
pit feeling real proud, She landed on a lake of ice cream, floss clouds. and the glowing neon lights. that wet winter Sunday morn-
since her seaplane had floats, ing.
So determined and excited as she surrounded by mountains of bis- She chuckled to herself climbing She walked for hours on the
ventured through the clouds. cuits with a sugar-gloss coat. the trees laughing out loud. pavement until she stopped and She woke up mum and dad and
crossed her legs, they went downstairs yawning.
She landed on a desert of cinna- Delicious melting ice cream and
mon dunes topped with caramel. golden brown syrup to taste, To wake them up completely
mum did the usual, all that it
Soon she met a kind merchant the people were so sweet and Daniel Barroso takes:
who was riding on his camel. friendly all eating without
Rosendo Coffee, hot chocolate and deli-
“Come to our oasis, my dear, cious syrupy pancakes!
don’t worry if you have no “Come on! Get on board!, The winner of this year’s
money, said a lollipop girl from the EOI short story competi- Then dad lit up the fireplace to
village nearby. tion was born in Cadiz in make the kitchen cozy and warm.
We make delicious pastries with 1973. He went on to take
pistachios, nuts and some “Scoops of strawberry ice- a degree in English Stud- They sat quietly munching while
honey.” cream for free,” she looked ies at the university of outside brewed a storm.
Stella in the eye. Seville. He is now a Secon-
She was treated to a jar of fresh dary School English Stella looked at her mum and dad
lemonade from the sparkling “Thanks! That‘s very kind of teacher in Cadiz. He likes as they clinked their ‘yummy
well you, but sorry I can’t stay!” music and literature and has mugs’ together,
published some poems and
And all the merchants even in- And then she got back on her translations. “I’m so happy here with you that
vited Stella to be a guest at the plane and off she flew away. I could stay home forever!”
he sound of the window FIRST RUNNER-UP 2018 that just breathing could result in for her the first time they met. Fun-
being violently hit by an extremely hard effort. nily enough, they wouldn’t be to-
The bucket
the robust tree branches Xiu-mei was lying on a grungy gether nowadays hadn’t Xiu-mei’s
was buzzing in Xiu-Mei’s mattress, feeling her body all but father arranged the affluent feast
head. It was pouring down in such shattered. Even though she was where Qiang worked. It was held
a way that it appeared the panes really used to enduring pain, on in the stunning manor she grew up
were going to break into pieces this occasion she felt far more vul- in. The side of her mouth curled into
sooner or later. IRENE GARCÍA FERNÁNDEZ nerable than in her entire life. a smile on picturing the scene. “It
Monsoons had arrived at Guangxi “Please, give me something to bear seemed someone else’s life,” she
earlier that year. Inside the tiny hut fixed,” Xiu-Mei thought when she huge greyish clouds which had it,” she pleaded eagerly, looking sighed. That day, the vast majority
set in the heart of Mujingshui, the saw the rusty bucket he’d placed threatened to vent their fury, and sideways at a drop of liquid which of plums blossomed; she was en-
strong wind spread even more in- beneath the incessant leak. “But we finally, they fulfilled their promise was coming out of the needle. raptured either by the pleasant scent
tensely. The deafening gale had been might not have been able to afford by far. Despite the rough weather, “Please, it’s killing me,” she begged or by the view. Delicate flowers were
shaking the dirty poor shack since it,” she gave up. The humble room beads of sweat ran down Xiu-mei’s groaning with pain. swaying in the wind as if dancing
dawn. It was about to collapse as a was intermittently lit up by pow- forehead. Along with the stifling Staring at her was Qiang, the man when he passed by her line of sight
result of the severe storm. “This an- erful lightning. That morning, Xiu- heat of the summer, especially wet with whom she had been madly in carrying a heavy tray. The
cient house needs getting the roof mei had scarily been watching those and sizzling, the air was so dense love. His atmospheric eyes recalled soft breeze rocked his fringe
revealing the most charming such beating? What can I do?” She out,” she panted. odd pushing was needed to bring
> gaze. Perhaps, if he hadn’t came to believe everything was Irene García “Stop moaning, you whiner,” blissfulness to Xiu-mei’s heart,
smiled so tenderly at her, her heart
wouldn’t have missed a beat, but
her fault. Xiu-mei was such a
wretched person, so much as for
Fernández he grunted, glancing at her ston-
ily. “If you bear a girl, she’ll be
blissfulness and fear. On the one
hand, she was as happy as the day
nonetheless he had, and she put her to want to die. “I wish I hadn’t drowned and I’ll break every sin- is long, but on the other hand, she
the smile back shyly. Sharply, the been so blind so as to go down the Irene was born in Almeria, gle one of your bones, filthy was scared stiff because of their
pitter patter of rain made her lose aisle,” she surprised herself think- where she took a degree in woman.” He spat out the unclear future.
her train of thought. She was ex- ing, every now and again. Xiu-mei Biological Sciences and words with repug- “Oh, my dear,” he guffawed at
hausted. The cramps in her lower was emotionally dependent on currently works as a nance, pointing the time he lit a cigarette and gave
belly were getting more and more him. She was actually nowhere pathology re- her to the it a long drag. “It seems to me that
painful. “Do you remember the day near as cheerful and beaming as search techni- bucket. somebody will have drowned to-
we met?” she asked to achieve a to- she used to be in the wake of his cian. She loves The deliv- day by the end of my fag,” he
ken of sympathy, to no avail. mistreatment. He shaped her up English and ery turned shouted out each word. Enfeebled
Whilst they barely knew each as a miserable and unhappy reading thrill- out a great and sore, she entreated for a mo-
other, they made the choice of get- woman. Once in a while, Xiu-mei ers. She has deal harder ment to kiss her baby’s smooth
ting married shortly after they’d thought of fleeing from everything published sev- than she cheek. Then, she carefully set down
met. She doubtlessly changed her and leave him alone, but her aim eral papers in had ever the baby on the mat, and out of
wealthy life for living in the most vanished quickly due to the fact scientific jour- imagined. the blue she whispered, “I agree…”
absolute poverty. Nevertheless, that the utter fear hindered the nals. Last year With no help, Xiu-mei could see bewilderment
the fairy tale didn’t take long to woman from making her mind up. she published My with no followed by sheer panic in Qiang’s
dissipate. Violence progressed si- As a result of labour contrac- Soul in Tears in warmth, without eyes when he peered into her hand
lently while the relationship drew tions, Xiu-mei yelled. In spite of Martiricos and the a hint of love, she did and started understanding. Even-
on. More often than not, he gave the pain screams, he kept apa- year before she won the feel lonely. She was down tually, she pushed the syringe pis-
her hell. Hits were happening day thetic, looking coldly at her. “Those writing competition in her in the dumps and she was abso- ton down, gazing at him for a
after day. At one point, she even have been especially strong. I feel language school in El Egido lutely terrified as well, remember- heart-stopping moment, and just
got used to receiving them, and weak indeed,” the young woman (Almería) with her essay enti- ing what Qiang had promised he before he knocked down, she took
nowadays the situation appeared said underneath her breath. “I tled Make Your Own Way. would do with the baby should she a look at the bucket and furiously
to be run-of-the-mill. “Do I deserve won’t be able to push. I’m worn bring a girl to life. In the end, some retorted: “Consider it done.”
nly three more weeks SECOND RUNNER-UP 2018 day for the next two weeks. The
and Cathy would be first ones in a long time. Maybe
calling herself a Doc- she would travel to the South. The
he world of gastronomy learns from who. There are cer-
is not short of competi- tainly more Spanish restaurants in
tions and accolades. Prac- the US than American restaurants
tically any organisation in Spain.
even tentatively linked to what we Organisers José María Guada-
eat or drink has its own way of muro of Daily Tourist Marbella and
handing out rewards, from The Helen Vossenberg of Marbella
World’s Top 50 Restaurants to the Channel hosted a who’s who of lo-
International Wine Challenge. In cal gastronomy, and popular award
Spain regional influences are al- winners were Thomas Stork, ex-
most as important as national ecutive chef of Puente Romano
ones, and while the annual Fiesta (think Sea Grill) and Jorge Manzur,
de Orujo (distillation of remnants general manager of the complex.
from grape pressing) competition Now, after this fifth edition of
in Potes (Asturias, northern Spain) the event, it will morph into a na-
brings together all the local artisan tional experience, something that
distillers, competition is so fierce is not to the liking of those who
A previous Feria Gastronómica in Almuñécar. :: SUR that the judges have to leave the supported it through its embry-
hall before the prizes are an- onic stage on the basis that Malaga
nounced – for their own safety. First was just that. Anyway, export
what is going on around them,”, says that many also come from “normal
this psychiatrist, who specialises in Alcohol is a gateway to families, but try drugs during their
addictions, child-youth psychiatry adolescence”. She also described a
and neuropsychiatry.
children’s consumption third profile which, she said, worries
Nevertheless, the illegal substances of other illegal her: “It is when parents are violent
are not always responsible for medi- substances towards their children, which is in-
cal problems which arise from an ad- creasingly a matter of concern... that’s
diction. The National Drugs Plan re- where consumption comes into it,
fers to a worrying statistic, that young- mostly of cannabis. It provides a form
sters aged 13.7 years on average are From a legal point of of relaxation for the children in light
being medicated with hypno-seda- of their parents’ behaviour and their
tives, with or without medical pre-
view, more children are relationship with their surroundings.”
scription, to which Dr Sánchez raised involved in drugs- Another speaker was Julio Alberto
a question: “Who is to blame for that?
Doctors? Parents? Teachers who have
related court cases Moreno, a former footballer with Bar-
celona FC, Atlético Madrid and the
children with problems in their class- Spanish team, who has described his
room and wash their hands of them, rehabilitation from drugs in a book,
asking the parents to take them to However, the psychiatric and clini- ‘Nunca recordaré haber muerto’, and
see a specialist?” he asked. It is a fact cal effects are not the only ones as- who insisted that addictions do not
that an increasing number of chil- sociated with addictions in adoles- depend on social class or financial cir-
dren these days can’t sleep and show cence. There are legal and judicial fac- cumstances.
signs of anxiety when treated with tors involved too, which need a de- This elite sportsman was highly
this type of pharmaceutical product. tailed analysis. critical of the decision to stop sport
The effects of long-term consump- This was provided by the Prosecu- at schools. “It means that only some
tion of this type are unknown; and tor for Juveniles at the Malaga Pro- children play sport, and they have to
all these doubts were explained at the vincial Court, María José Cobo, who organise it themselves,” he said. He
conference by the director of the Mon- explained that there are more and also talked about the lack of teaching
teAlminara centre, Nuria García: “We more drugs-related cases involving of social skills, because in his opin-
know what the consequences of tak- children nowadays. She insisted that ion this would be a powerful preven-
ing heroin will be on a large part of truly effective preventive policies are tive factor.
the population, but in this case we needed “in this intermediate stage, “Children learn languages and
don’t know what the consequences which is from the time the children mathematics, but they are not learn-
will be. The children of today don’t start trying drugs until they end up ing the necessary social skills or
have any historic memory of that, in court”, and she also described the healthy lifestyle habits,” he said.
they don’t even know what they are profile of youngsters to whom that Finally, the regional government
getting into. They are losing many applies. representative in Malaga, José Luis
behavioural skills, and the effects of Ruiz Espejo, stressed the importance
that will be seen in the future,” she Children in court of the administrations and society
said. Firstly, María José Cobo talked about working together “to move forward
She also raised a question which the children “who we know are al- in tackling this problem and make
is unanswerable from the informa- ready in a risky situation because progress in preventive policies. This
tion available: “What will happen to someone in their family consumes is something everybody needs to be
our children in ten years’ time?” or traffics drugs,” but she pointed out involved in,” he said.
52 HEALTH&BEAUTY June 8th to 14th 2018
Dorina Krstic
Benalmádena. Until 23 June. Sala
de Exposiciones, Castillo Bil Bil.
Bright, colourful paintings by
Dorina Krstic.
Creadores, Malaga
June 8th to 14th 2018
Magpie Art Talk C/Alcazabilla 4, Malaga. Tel: 902 Tues, Wed). Solo: A Star War Story: 15.45
Marbella. 8 June. Magpie Interna- 36 02 95 or visit www.cinealbe- McQueen: 15.45 (Sat, Mon); (every day).
tional Art Gallery, Calle Virgen del or 17.30 (Wed); 17.45 (Tues); 18.00 Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
Pilar, 7. Lucky: 16.30, 22.15. (Thurs); 18.10 (Fri, Mon); 18.15 3D: 17.10 (every day).
The talk will be given by Professor The Man Who Killed Don Qui- (Sun); 19.45 (Wed); 20.00 (Tues); Jurassic World: Fallen King-
Juho Ahava on “photography in art.” xote: 17.00, 19.30. 20.15 (Thurs); 20.30 (Fri-Mon). dom: 19.45, 22.25 (Mon-Fri);
Disobedience: 20.40, 22.40. The Strangers: Prey at Night: 12.30, 19.45, 22.25 (every day).
Fish and Fresh McQueen: 16.30, 18.30, 22.30. 15.30 (Sat, Mon); 18.30 (Wed).
Torremolinos. 6-8 June. Solo: A Star War Story: 15.30 Screenings of opera, ballet,
More than 70 bars, restaurants and Cinesur Miramar (Sat, Mon); 17.30 (Wed); 17.45 documentaries and theatre
stalls will be offering five popular Avda. de la Encarnación, Fuengi- (Tues); 19.30 (Fri, Thurs, Sat, www.
fish dishes for only 6 euros for a rola. Tel. 952 19 86 00. Mon); 20.00 (Wed); 22.00 (Sun); Coppelia. Live from the Bolshoi
sharing plate, with a soft drink or Jurassic World: Fallen King- Mustard Seed Gang, AEG. 22.15 (Fri, Thurs, Sat, Mon). Ballet. 10 June, 17.00, (Rincón de
small beer for 1 euro extra. dom: 12.15, 16.30, 19.05, 21.35, Deadpool 2: 15.50 (Sat, Mon); la Victoria, Vialia Málaga).
00.15 (every day). 16.00 (Sun); 20.15 (Thurs); 20.30 Swan Lake: Live from the ROH
O. V. FILM Deadpool 2: 12.00, 16.00, 17.15 Jurassic World: Fallen King- (Fri, Sat, Mon, Tues). (ballet). 12 June, 20.15, (Rincón
(every day). dom: 15.45 (Sat-Mon); 17.00 de la Victoria, Vialia)
SUR in English advises calling Solo: A Star Wars Story: 12.00, (Wed, Thurs); 17.15 (Fri-Tues); Yelmo Cines, Plaza Mayor
cinemas to check for any last min- 16.45 (every day); 19.35, 22.20 17.30 (Sun); 18.00 (Fri, Sat, Mon, Centro de Ocio Plaza Mayor, Avda. Musica Con Encanto
ute time changes. Lunchtime and (Mon, Tues, Thurs). Wed); 18.15 (Tues); 18.30 (Wed); Alfonso Ponce de León. Plaza del Santa Clara, Urb La
late night screenings weekends 18.45 (Sun); 19.45 (Fri, Sat, Mon, Tel: 902 902 103 or visit Virginia.
only. Cines Teatro Goya Tues, Thurs); 20.00 (Sun, Wed); www. La Luna Sueña en Flamenco: 30
For tickets and information call 21.00 (Wed); 21.30 (Sun); 22.15 2001: A Space Odyssey: 20.00 June, 9.30pm. 25€ .
Cine Albéniz 951196665. www.cinesteatro- (Fri, Sat, Mon, Thurs); 22.30 (Sun, (every day); 23.15 (Fri, Sat).
SPORT June 8th to 14th 2018
Iran Panama
Portugal Tunisia
8 pm 8 pm
Samara Kaliningrad
Krestovsky Ekaterinburg Kazan Arena
Arena Stadium
Stadium Stadium (2013)
(2018) (2018)
(2017) (1957) 45,500 cap.
44,918 cap. 45,015 cap.
70,000 cap. 42,500 cap.
45 10 19 ,,,,,,,,,
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Coach: Julen Lopetegui (51 years old) Coach: Didier Deschamps (49 years old) Coach: Jorge Sampaoli (58 years old)
Coach: Stanislav Cherchésov (54 years old)
Player Nº Club Age Caps Goals Player Nº Club Age Caps Goals Player Nº Club Age Caps Goals Player Nº Club Age Caps Goals
Akinfeev 1 CSKA Moscow 32 105 -71 De Gea 1 Man. United 27 27 -19 Lloris 1 Tottenham 31 96 -64 Guzmán 1 Tigres 32 6 -3
Gabulov 20 Club Brugge 34 10 -6 Kepa 13 Athletic 23 1 -1 Areola 23 PSG 25 0 0 Armani 12 River Plate 31 0 0
Lunev 12 Zenit 26 3 -7 Reina 23 Napoli 35 38 -21 Mandanda 16 O. Marseille 33 26 -27 Caballero 23 Chelsea 36 2 -5
Fernandes 2 CSKA Moscow 27 4 0 Carvajal 2 Real Madrid 26 15 0 Varane 4 Real Madrid 25 41 2 Otamendi 17 Man. City 30 53 4
Kutepov 3 Spartak Moscow 24 6 0 Odriozola 12 Real Sociedad 22 2 0 Umtiti 5 Barcelona 24 16 1 Rojo 16 Man. United 28 52 2
Ignashevich 4 CSKA Moscow 38 121 8 Azpilicueta 14 Chelsea 28 21 0 Pavard 2 Stuttgart 22 3 0 Fazio 6 AS Roma 31 8 1
Kuziaev 7 Zenit 25 5 0 Busquets 5 FC Barcelona 29 102 2 Kanté 13 Chelsea 27 22 1 Lo Celso 20 PSG 22 5 0
Gazinsky 8 Krasnodar 28 5 0 Thiago 10 Bayern Munich 27 27 2 N’Zonzi 15 Sevilla 29 2 0 Banega 7 Sevilla 29 61 6
Dzagóev 9 CSKA Moscow 27 56 9 Koke 8 Atlético Madrid 26 38 0 Pogba 6 Man. United 25 51 9 Acuña 8 Sporting P. 26 9 0
Zobnin 11 Spartak Moscow 24 11 0 Saúl 7 Atlético Madrid 23 9 0 Tolisso 12 Bayern Munich 23 6 0 Lanzini 15 West Ham 25 3 1
Miranchuk Al. 15 Lokomotiv 22 17 4 Iniesta 6 FC Barcelona 34 129 13 Matuidi 14 Juventus 31 64 9 Meza 13 Independiente 26 1 0
Miranchuk An. 16 Lokomotiv 22 5 0 Silva 21 Man. City 32 122 35 Fekir 18 O. Lyon 24 10 1 Messi 10 Barcelona 30 123 61
Goalsovin 17 CSKA Moscow 22 18 2 Isco 22 Real Madrid 26 27 10 Lemar 8 Monaco 22 10 3 Di María 11 PSG 30 93 19
Zhirkov 18 Zenit 34 83 2 Asensio 20 Real Madrid 22 10 0 Mbappé 10 PSG 19 12 3 Salvio 18 Benfica 27 8 0
Samedov 19 Spartak Moscow 33 47 6 Lucas Vázquez 11 Real Madrid 26 5 0 Dembélé 11 Barcelona 21 9 1 Dybala 21 Juventus 24 12 0
Erokhin 21 Zenit 28 17 0 Iago Aspas 17 Celta 30 8 4 Thauvin 20 O. Marseille 25 3 0 Agüero 19 Man. City 30 84 36
Smolov 10 Krasnodar 28 31 12 Rodrigo 9 Valencia 27 4 2 Griezmann 7 Atlético Madrid 27 51 19 Pavón 22 Boca Juniors 22 4 0
Dzyuba 22 Arsenal Tula 29 23 11 Diego Costa 19 Atlético Madrid 29 18 7 Giroud 9 Chelsea 31 71 30 Higuaín 9 Juventus 30 71 31
Egypt (2 World Cups. Best finish: 7th) Portugal (6 World Cups. Best finish: 3rd) Australia (4 World Cups. Best finish: 14th) Croatia (4 World Cups. Best finish: 3rd)
33 ,,,,,,,,,
81 5 12
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Saudi Arabia (4 World Cups. Best finish: 12th) Iran (4 World Cups. Best finish: 14th) Denmark (4 World Cups. Best finish: 9th) Iceland (0 World Cups.)
28 ,,,,,,,,,
4 ,,,,,,,,,
21 18
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Uruguay (12 World Cups. Best finish: 1st, twice) Morocco (4 World Cups. Best finish: 11th) Peru (4 World Cups. Best finish: 7th) Nigeria (5 World Cups. Best finish: 9th)
One to watch package One to watch One to watch
Luis Suárez En-Nesyri Guerrero Moses
Goals Goals Goals Goals
50 ,,,,,,,,,
1 ,,,,,,,,,
33 11
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June 8th to 14th 2018
Coach: Tite (56 years old) Coach: Joachim Löw (58 years old) Coach: Gareth Southgate (47 years old) Coach: José Néstor Pékerman (68 years old)
Player Nº Club Age Caps Goals Player Nº Club Age Caps Goals Player Nº Club Age Caps Goals Player Nº Club Age Caps Goals
Alisson 1 AS Roma 25 23 -11 Neuer 1 Bayern Munich 32 75 -54 Butland 13 Stoke City 25 7 -4 Ospina 1 Arsenal 29 82 -60
Cássio 16 Corinthians 31 1 -1 Trapp 12 PSG 27 3 -4 Pickford 1 Everton 24 3 -1 Vargas 12 Deportivo Cali 29 5 -1
Ederson 23 Man. City 24 1 0 Ter Stegen 22 Barcelona 26 19 -20 Pope 23 Burnley 26 0 0 Cuadrado 22 Once Caldas 33 1 0
Thiago Silva 2 PSG 33 68 5 Plattenhardt 2 Hertha Berlin 26 6 0 Alexander-Arnold 22 Liverpool 19 0 0 Zapata 2 AC Milan 31 54 2
Miranda 3 Inter Milan 33 44 2 Hector 3 Köln 28 37 3 Cahill 15 Chelsea 32 58 4 Murillo 3 Pachuca 30 11 0
Marquinhos 13 PSG 24 24 0 Ginter 4 Mönchengladbach 24 17 0 Jones 16 Man. United 26 24 0 Arias 4 PSV Eindhoven 26 38 0
Geromel 4 Gremio 32 2 0 Hummels 5 Bayern Munich 29 63 5 Maguire 6 Leicester City 25 4 0 Mina 13 FC Barcelona 23 10 3
Fagner 22 Corinthians 29 4 0 Süle 15 Bayern Munich 22 10 0 Rose 3 Tottenham 27 16 0 Mojica 17 Girona 25 2 1
Danilo 14 Man. City 26 16 1 Rüdiger 16 Chelsea 25 24 1 Stones 5 Manchester City 24 24 0 Fabra 18 Boca Juniors 27 17 1
Marcelo 12 Real Madrid 30 51 5 Boateng 17 Bayern Munich 29 70 1 Trippier 12 Tottenham 27 5 0 Sánchez 23 Tottenham 21 7 0
Filipe Luis 6 Atlético Madrid 32 31 2 Kimmich 18 Bayern Munich 23 28 3 Walker 2 Manchester City 28 34 0 Barrios 5 Boca Juniors 24 8 0
Casemiro 5 Real Madrid 26 21 0 Khedira 6 Juventus 31 74 7 Young 18 Man. United 32 33 7 Sánchez 6 Espanyol 32 83 0
Fred 18 Shakhtar D. 25 7 0 Draxler 7 PSG 24 43 6 Alli 20 Tottenham 22 23 2 Aguilar 8 Deportivo Cali 33 68 7
Delph James
Paulinho 15 Barcelona 29 47 12 Kroos 8 Real Madrid 28 82 12 17 Manchester City 28 9 0 10 Bayern Munich 26 61 21
Renato Augusto 8 Beijing Sinobo 30 28 5 Özil 10 Arsenal 29 90 23 Dier 4 Tottenham 24 25 3 Cuadrado 11 Juventus 30 69 7
Fernandinho 17 Man. City 33 41 2 Müller 13 Bayern Munich 28 90 38 Henderson 8 Liverpool 27 38 0 Uribe 15 Club América 27 5 0
Willian 19 Chelsea 29 54 8 Goretzka 14 Schalke 04 23 15 6 Lingard 7 Man. United 25 10 1 Lerma 16 Levante 23 2 0
Coutinho 11 Barcelona 26 35 9 Rudy 19 Bayern Munich 28 25 1 Loftus-Cheek 21 Crystal Palace 22 2 0 Quintero 20 River Plate 25 14 2
Neymar 10 PSG 26 85 53 Brandt 20 Bayer Leverkusen 22 15 1 Sterling 10 Mancheter City 23 37 2 Bacca 7 Villarreal 31 43 14
Kane Falcao
Gündogan 9 Tottenham 24 23 12 9 Monaco 32 70 28
Douglas Costa 7 Juventus 27 24 3 Reus 11 Borussia Dortmund 29 30 9 Vardy 11 Leicester City 31 21 7 Borja 19 Palmeiras 25 5 2
Taison 21 Shakhtar D. 30 6 1 Mario Gomez 23 Stuttgart 32 74 31 Welbeck 14 Arsenal 27 37 15 Izquierdo 21 Brighton 25 2 1
Costa Rica (4 World Cups. Best finish: 8th) South Korea (9 World Cups. Best finish: 4th) Belgium (14 World Cups. Best finish: 4th) Japan (5 World Cups. Best finish: 9th)
One to watch One to watch One to watch
Keylor Son Eden One to watch
Navas Heungmin Hazard Kagawa
Clean sheets Goals Goals Goals
30 21 21 29
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Switzerland (10 World Cups. Best finish: 5th) Mexico (15 World Cups. Best finish: 4th) Panama (0 World Cups) Poland (7 World Cups. Best finish: 3rd)
One to watch
One to watch Hirving One to watch One to watch
Shaqiri Lozano Blas Pérez Lewandowski
Goals Goals Goals Goals
20 ,,,,,,,,,
7 40 ,,,,,,,,,
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Serbia (11 World Cups. Best finish: 4th) Sweden (11 World Cups. Best finish: 2nd) Tunisia (4 World Cups. Best finish: 9th) Senegal (1 World Cup. Best finish: 7th)
One to watch
Milinkovic- One to watch One to watch One to watch
Savic Forsberg Khazri Mané
Goals Goals Goals Goals
0 ,,,,,,,,,
6 12 14
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64 SPORT June 8th to 14th 2018
En-Nesyri earns
surprise late call-up for
the Morocco WC squad
The Malaga youngster spirit we will need.”
The Fez-born striker, who became
was initially on the Malaga’s first-choice forward at the
reserve list but coach turn of the year following the ap-
Hervé Renard opted to pointment of José González as head
coach, scored a total of four goals in
take an extra forward 25 league appearances.
En-Nesyri, who has just turned 21,
:: PEDRO LUIS ALONSO / broke into the first team after a suc-
DARYL FINCH cessful preseason under Juande Ra-
MALAGA. Every cloud has a silver mos ahead of the 2016-17 season. He
lining. Young Malaga striker Youssef scored six goals over that summer,
En-Nesyri, who had to endure rele- earning him a contract extension and
gation in his first full season with a promotion to the first-team set-up.
the club, has seen his efforts re- However, only sporadic appear-
warded after being included in Mo- ances, mainly off the bench, would
rocco’s final World Cup squad on follow for the remainder of that cam-
Monday. paign. This year, though, as Malaga
En-Nesyri, who was called up as searched desperately for goals, En-
a reserve in Hervé Renard’s original Nesyri was forced into the spotlight,
squad, has taken the place ace of de- usurping the likes of Borja Bastón
fender Badr Banoun n as the and Ad
Adalberto Peñaranda to
French coach opted ted to lead tthe front line.
accommodate an n ex- En
En-Nesyri is
tra attacker, de- Mal
Malaga CF’s only
spite not taking repr
part in any y of t
at the World
the warm-up Cup
Cup. The
games so far. Sou Africa
Renard edi
edition in
said: “I have 201 was the
decided to last time cur-
take three ree ren Malaga
centre backscks play
players re-
with [Caen aen ceiv the call
midfielder from their coun-
Youssef ] Aït Ben- try. They were
nasser also capable Danis full-back Pat-
of playing there. En-Ne- M
rick Mtiliga, Portuguese
syri is a very hard midfielder Duda and
worker and will of- En-Nesyri in action for Nigerian striker Vic-
fer us the fighting Morocco. :: SUR tor Obinna.
A LOOK AT LA LIGA Commentator, Sky Sports
Benalmádena Darts
League hosts annual
trophy presentation night
The Beer Garden came Cup and came second in the Cham-
top of League 1 for the pions league. One of the team’s
star players, Wayne Dunn, col-
sixth time and they also lected trophies for the highest
won the Gold Cup checkout (151), while also sharing
the prize for most 180s hit (6) with
:: TONY BRYANT Chris Simpson, from The Padding-
Benalmádena Darts League (BDL) League 2 was won by The Beer
held its trophy presentation cere- Garden’s B team.
mony in Benalmádena Costa on The pub has one of the best track
Tuesday night. The event, which records in the league and has col-
Competitors pictured after completing the swimming section of the race. :: FRANCIS SILVA was held in, and sponsored by, Ca- lected an impressive cabinet of sil-
pone’s Bar, was attended by play- verware over the years: this is the
ers from the 15 teams that com- sixth time the C team has finished
68 June 8th to 14th 2018
Real estate
June 8th to 14th 2018 69
Damp solutions
70 June 8th to 14th 2018
Glass curtains
June 8th to 14th 2018 71
Real estate
CLASSIFIED June 8th to 14th 2018
Head Office: SUR offices: La Cala-Rincón: Avenida de Web: NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS advertisement/material received
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CALAHONDA Royal AREA Pleasant MIJAS: VILLA 5 BED, 5 BATH. AIR- Inland MIJAS Road. Real country house, 3
PROPERTY FOR newly renovated one-bedroom
apartment not far from Playa Luna
bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. 850 Euros.
To see photos. http://www.housein-
SALE Beach. Community with pool and
tropical gardens. Close to shops and
RIOUS BUYERS ONLY. PRIVATE SALE term rentals in Coín and surround- Tlf. 627642642
bus stop. Quick access to the Medi- 00447792900979 ing areas. Phil 659537525 Other areas
Fuengirola terranean Motorway, just 10 min- GAUCIN Lovely country house APARTMENTS or rent/sell on Mi-
LOS BOLICHES: Local 98m2 with utes from Fuengirola and Marbella. 10,000m2. 2 bedrooms. On the river. ami beach FROM U$90 +34
a 3 double bedroom apartment Price: ¿123,500. For more informa-
tion, contact 951 08 77 10 / 677
Other areas Long term. 616969496 684164182
above. To sell together or sepa- COIN, center, large 5 bedrooms, 2
rately. 699026009 463 651 rmartin@realestate- Property Wanted for bathrooms, 450
FOR sale bar/restaurant by retire- euros/month.679111522
Marbella ment. Price to be negotiated. Sale
Inland 952800037- 654444392 COIN, centre, 3 bedrooms, terrace
WWW.INMOANDALUZ.COM Bar- Mijas 380 euros/month.679111522 WE HAVE clients actively looking
gain inland properties for all budg- LA TRINIDAD (Golden Mile) HOUSE to rent, 3 beds, 2 baths, din- for villas, townhouses & apartments
ets, fincas, village homes, apart- Special-
SIERREZUELA: 3 bed, 2 bath bun-
Commercial ing room, lounge, f/f kitchen, air from Torremolinos to Calahonda.
ments and villas. Legal building ist. 672511088 conditioning, garden and swimming Call Joe 626.864.683
plots. Tel. 952491609 /667067269 galow, garage, pool, immaculate. Properties pool. From 400 euros + electrics. WE ARE looking for attractive
STORAGE Lowest price guaranteed! 329.000 Euros. 626.864.683 603203851
WWW.INMOANDALUZ.COM are Packaging materials. Selfstorage properties, seaview is a plus, min.
always looking for inland and Mi- CAMPO Mijas: 3 bed villa, large plot, OPPORTUNITY to purchase 9 x new 2 bedrooms between Benal-
Marbella 952811311
jas properties to sell to our inter- 299.000 Euros. 626.864.683 Apartments and set up a very prof- Marbella madena/ Marbella for our Scan-
ested buyers.Tel. 952491609/ CALANOVA Golf, impressive duplex HOUSE with sea view. This prop- itable short or long term rental busi- dinavian clients. Call 952469519
667067269 penthouse, 4 bedrooms, 4 bath- ness in the centre of Mijas Pueblo STORAGE Lowest price guaranteed!
erty is located in the urbanisation
where demand from tourists exceeds WE ARE looking for attractive prop-
rooms, 2 living areas, 392m2 + of ¿Torrenueva¿ in Mijas Costa, 5 Packaging materials. Selfstorage erties, sea view is a plus. Minimum
INLAND Properties at bargain prices: supply. Unique investment for only
Cottages to grand houses, stunning 260m2 terraces. Fully refurbished, min. drive from restaurants, super- Marbella 952811311 2 bedrooms, between Benalmadena/
jacuzzi bath, BBQ area, plunge pool, markets etc. ,5 min. walk to the 965,000 euros + 5% acquisition fee.
locations. Tel Only available as a package with 1 APARTMENT 2 Bedrooms/2 Bath- Estepona. Call 951052766/
654384171 elevator to both floors, fireplace, beach, 30 min. drive from the air- rooms for rent in Aloha Area, 750 661508286 Now!!!
port of Màlaga. Plot: approx. 700 & 2 bedrooms. Hurry! Tel: 687366
closed garage for 3 cars and stor- 315 Euros/month including water/wifi.
NICE villa in "El Romeral" 3 bed- age rooms. 785,000.00 EUR. Tel. m2, Living space: approx. 130 m2,
room, 3 bathrooms, 200m2. Plot Direct from owners. 626130928
620552620 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, Ameri-
2,800m2. Pool. 350,000 Euros. can kitchen, Garage for 1 car. A pool APARTMENT 2 Bedrooms/2 Bath-
629555815 SEARCH all properties for sale and can be built 6 m x 8 m. Price: rooms for rent in Aloha Area, 750
ALHAURIN Torre. The longest es- rent on Costa del Sol Marbella Prop- 470.000,00 Euro. Please contact: PROPERTY TO LET Euros/month including water/wifi.
tablished Estate Agency in this area. erty List 610951177 www.Marbel- 0034/ 696 355 655. (12:00 noon Direct from owners. 626130928
New entry, luxury 2 bedroom, 2 bath- - 6 pm).
room apartments, large balconies, Benalmádena Mijas
sea/mountain views, quality furni-
ture included, parking, storeroom, GROUND floor, 2 bed 2 bath apart-
comunal pool, tennis coursts, VARIOUS rental properties avail- Property Wanted to
able starting from 400 euros/ month, ment, garden, parking, all included
165,000 euros Esme/Julia
629487762, 678457784 longterm. Benalmádena - Marbella. (no more to pay) 700 euros/month. Let
Whatsapp 00447955405153 662561773/ 952590297
LOWER Calahonda/ Las Casitas: 3 LOOKING for 2/3 bedroom unfur-
Benalmádena bedroom furnished townhouse, for nished apartment, long term rental
BENALMADENA Costa: 2 bed apart- Fuengirola long term rent, well maintained in either Urb Los Arqueros Beach or
ment, pool, sea views. 165.000 gated complex, pools, private park- Aqua, San Pedro beach. From July
Euros. 626.864.683 ing, roof terrace, walk distance to or September onwards. 605450141
LOCAL 50m2 located C/ General amenities. Available now. 1,300
ARROYO de la Miel center: Sell hard- Rodrigo nº4 Fuengirola. Call LUXURY Annual Rentals wanted for
Euros pcm. 0034605167318/ waiting clients. Contact: Marbella
ware shop(215m2) fully equipped 626248132 00447766711003
or only as local. 603256769 Luxury Rentals 640830-61 or email:
PUEBLOLÓPEZ large 2 bed house. LA CALA de Mijas: 2 bedroom, 2
BENALMADENA Pueblo, 1 bed flat, Parking. Large patio. Air con, SAT bathroom luxury apartment. Sea/
TV. Long term. References. APARTMENT 2 bedrooms ,1 or 2
pool, seaview. 129,000 642289918/ golf views. Long/ short term. 950 bathrooms as from 1st September.
952659781 670700852 Euros monthly. 643424910 Long term rental in La Cala de Mi-
CAPELLANIA Benalmádena villa 5 ALHAURIN Torre/Grande long term STUDIO countryside 2 kms. urbani- jas, Mijas Costa or Fuengirola. Budget
bed 3 bath, seaview. 750,000 rental specialists Esme/Julia sation Campomijas. Eur.390/ month up to 700 Euros p/m. Guaranteed
642289918/ 952659781 629487762, 678457784 for seniors. Tel. 952590519 monthly income. 679976327
June 8th to 14th 2018
CARS WANTED, UK or Spanish best prices, ALL CARS/ Commercials wanted CONCRETE- OZBUILD The spe-
SWIMMING POOLS also embargos/finance/ lost papers. Prob-
lems solved. Call 678808837
any age, any condition. Cash. Buyer
collects. Transfer included.
CARAVANS cialist imprinted concrete. Re-
seals, brickwork, tiling, plaster-
TRANSMATIC Automatic gearbox
AND GARDEN JAGUAR, S Type 2008, 150.000 605109796
specialists. All models including clas-
ing, screeding. 14 years
Kms green outside, beige interior ROBERTSON CARS... SEE STOCK sic cars, serviced, repaired and re- Storage coast/campo. Competitive prices,
quality finish. 952426074/
Swimming Pools ITV 2018 .Good condition .3000 ON WEB PAGE WWW.ROBERT- conditioned. Also 4x4 transfer boxes
euros ono 608061584 606745920 www.ozbuild-
SONCARS-SPAIN.COM QUALITY and power steering. Call/Fax: PARKING, storage & sales.Caravans,
WANTED, wanted, wanted!! All cars, all CARS OUTSTANDING CONDITION. 952796166/ 952805804/
CALOREX pool heat pumps. World SAMANTHA 952832173 / motorhomes, cars and boats etc.
years, all models...from exotic to clas- 615834322. transmatic2005@ya- COSTADIGGERS & Construction.
leaders ( 8x4 sic. Spanish, English, Dutch plated. Call 608658785 Short/ long term. Safe & secure. Ex- Mini digger hire, 35 years experi-
pool 4,499 Euros, fully inclusive. cellent rates. 5 minutes from Fuen-
951977329/ 606647597 ence, building projects. 678450051.
Acair ( Estab- SIMPLY The Best. Top prices paid ENGLISH Bodyshop, fully equipped, girola.
lished 1986. 952486287/ for any second-hand cars. Jeff Mijas Costa. No job too small. 679786669/ 606101807
654762993 639416333 952667074 Elec-
trician, plumbing, construction,
POOL Maintenance/ Repairs. CARS wanted. Good honest prices painting. Innovation Sotogrande
Málaga/ Estepona. 678791495/ paid. Call Steve 602407084 Paperwork
951295699 sparklenripple@hot-
RANGE Rover Evoque ED4 4x2
NAUTICAL to Marbella, 648712530 PLASTERING and tiling 15 years
PURE, 2014. Many extras, immacu- experience on the coast all work
WWW.PERFECTPOOLS..ES main- late, 42,000kms. Need to sell! New WANTED JetSki's, Boats, Quads..etc
working or not. Telf. 609521166. guaranteed call Mick 672857598
tenance, repairs & renovations. Also price 26,000 Euros. 609547483
the very latest technology in pool THE TILER. Tiling specialist. Bath-
heaters, covers & rollers. info@per- PHONE me first or last, but phone room reforms. Plastering. Small
me! Wanted UK cars, vans, mo- SPLASH Nautica RYA License 650348785 Training center Cabopino & Fuen- building jobs & plumbing. Tel.
torhomes. I pay more!!! Chris 662425275
660366033 girola. Waters sport, Dolphin trips,
and private luxury boat charters.
Garden CLASSIC VW Golf 1800 GTI, 1991. Boat sales. Tel/ Whatsapp Barry
MASTER builder, 40 years expe-
rience, trusted, reliable, all trades,
New ITV. All original. 1,800 Euros. 0034670659218 all jobs. 693051543 www.inver-
ARBOLISTA Tree surgery. Nº1 for Phone 661104115
trees & palms. On the Costa since DECKHAND with strong nautical
1998. 600260534/ 952117486 Kit MERCEDES 300SL -1988, servo UK MOT Car collected and deliv- background available. 602415010
Hogg C.G.Arb. ,A/C 2 Owners, 113.000 m ered by transporter, GBP400. Email
,Hard/soft top, passed ITV 1q 2018 PUERTO Banus 8m mooring for
DREAM Gardens: Landscaping ar- new tires, good condition, 27.750 rental Tel 630614252 Plumbers
chitecture, design (computer pre- euros (no dealers) Mob.
visualization), water features, ir- 666508510 30 YEARS on the Coast. I cover all
rigation. Specializing in beauti-
ful gardens. Also replan- SERVICES aspects of plumbing & general
maintenance. Graham, 607923486
ning/maintenance. 610502623. Buy / Sell Motorbikes CITY and Guilds. Qualified plumber.
Alarms All areas covered. Adrian 677063272
GARDENING services and other re-
lated jobs in your garden. www.ri- PLUMBER: All plumbing work un- Ricardo 637160129 MOTORCYCLES/ Scooters bought ALL types video security cameras dertaken, fully qualified. 625702772
and sold, same day response, ITV detectors recorders José Sotto JUST Leaks: Leaks detection serv-
GARDEN and pool maintenance. 952443838. 670443838
Private villas and communities. Pro- , Gestoria service. 674843115 ices. Latest state of the art equip-
fessional, reliable service. ment. 625702772
MOTORS JIM'S Home Improvements. Bath-
room/ kitchen reforms, repairs,
plumbing, carpentry, painting, til- 24H EMERGENCY Electricians. Ex-
Buy / Sell Cars ing, maintenance. Give us a call, no perts in fault finding. Complete
job too small. Mob. 692207799 rewires, extra sockets, boletins,
WANTED all cars, any registration, projects. 610887921/ 951351051
PLASTERING, rendering, artexing
runners or non runners. Embargos & coving specialist, 20.years on the POWER failure rewiring José Sotto
& finance no problem. Call now, cash Coast, 1st class job. Phone Robbie: 952443838. 670443838
waiting. 687049592/ 622156022 679646185
QUALIFIED UK electrician. LED light-
CARS & Vans any registration, in- HMS PROFESSIONAL builders. ing, fault finding, fuse board up-
stant cash. Finance/embargo UK General reforms, extensions, grade, extra sockets, surveys & re-
or Spanish.. 685524921 pools, damp specialist...We im- wires. Norman 602614359
WANTED Cars & vans. Free collec- prove on any competing quote.
Any size job.610502623 ELECTRICAL services all areas. Com-
tion same day. 685524921 plete installations, maintenance,
WANTED: Best prices paid for CONSTRUCTION in general, all fault finding, extra lights and points,
proper cars, same day collection. types of reforms. Quality building boletines, power saving surveys.
678808837 at the right price. Stuart 648153718 Call Richard on 687352358
74 CLASSIFIED June 8th to 14th 2018
CSW ELECTRICAL and maintenance Windows and Glass Carpenters Awnings-Blinds TERRACOTA cleaned and sealed. Air Conditioning /
for all your electrical and mainte- Wooden floors treated. No job too
nance needs. No job too small. Call Curtains CARPENTER Doors, Wardrobes, ROLLER shutter repairs 7 days a small. Family-run. Cleansol. 10am- Heating
Craig for a free quote. 604106414 10pm. 7 days. 952930861-
Kitchens, Flooring, Renovations, week. Conversion from manual to 607610578. SUPPLIERS of refrigeration equip-
REPLACEMENT of discoloured, plas- 13yrs Marbella, 666269751 motorised. New installations. Also ment, glass door refrigerators, ice
tic jointing, strips between the glass blinds, awnings, mosquito screens. MARBLE floors polished. Fast serv-
Decorators All areas covered coast and inland. ice. Reliable family-run. Cleansol. makers, bottle coolers, dishwash-
curtains. Also repairs. 655825931 Gates ers. Fantastic value and reliability,
655825931 952930861-607610578. 10am-
THE BEST painter/decorator on 10pm, 7 days. All areas. www.clean- after sales service. Williams Refrig-
the Coast. Call Nick 678889933 ELECTRIC Gates & Garage Doors. eration SL. 952596404/ 679284959 Intercoms and access control sys-
2.50 P/M2 Why pay more? We AIR CONDITIONING installation.
tems. New installations and re-
RAINBOW Pinturas. English, pro- pairs, for all your gate and garage (clean, crystallize, seal, polish). Service & repair to any make or
fessional paint & decorating com- door requirements call The Ga- Also repair, grinding, laying, sell- model, also repair fridge/freezers,
pany. All aspects/ jobs undertaken. rage Door Company & 2 Way Gates. ing marble. Clean, seal terraces. bottle coolers, car A/C & A/C on
Damp repairs. Also kitchen/ furni- www.the- 25 years experience. Cover all boats. All work guaranteed. All ar-
ture spraying & effects. Call / Costa. Tel: 0034-671244683 eas covered including campo. Con-
WhatsApp: Daniel 628066308. 952786178 / 605356469 www.sunshinecoast-supreme- tact Williams Refrigeration: Marble floor polishing. 952596404/679284959
FULLY qualified decorator, all as- Pest Control Terracotta cleaned and sealed. Ex- BEST service engineer.
pects covered with over 25 years UPVC and Aluminium windows SUNSHINE blinds , awnings shut- ternal pressure washing services. www.acair,com Established 1986.
experience. Friendly/ efficient serv- and doors direct from our factory. ters repairs motorized cheap toldos Call Edward 643253828 Fujitsu inverter 999 Euros fully
ice. References available. All areas COCKROACHES, all insects, fleas,
We measure! We make! We fit! wasps, rats, termite specialists. Bars, persianas fix electrify cheap awn- inclusive. 952486287/ 654762993
covered, Marbella to Granada. Con- 952587482/ 678768454. gene- houses, apartments. Sanitary de- ings shutters repair motorized cheap Locksmiths
tact Mark 653080455/ 952034078. 952467783/ 680323969 AIR CONDITIONING installations,
Facebook: m.wright partment registered. Serving the LOCKSMITH 24/7 Emergency/ Ap-
Coast and Inland since 1985. NPS repairs and servicing. Airflow
UPVC, aluminum doors, windows, pointment. Doors opened with- 952443222
SUPERIOR decoration service for Pest Control. Phone Nigel Upholstery out damage, locks changed, patio
the discerning client; interiors +ex- shutters. We manufacture and in- 606008940. Credit cards accepted
stall. 631571108 doors, windows secured. Paul AIR CONDITIONING installation
teriors, paper hanging +paint fin- 657466803 service, repair & re-gas, 24h
ishes. Call Tim on 695875118/ ADVANCED Cleaning Services.
952455551 Repairs Professional carpet and uphol- ENGLISH 24/7 Locksmith/Safe callout. All work guaranteed. Con-
stery cleaning, 27 years experi- Engineers. Established 2004. Call tact Cool Breeze 610887921/
HOUSE or apartment. Inside and/or WASHING Machines, refrigerators, ence, wet or dry clean. Honest, Daren or Mick 952660233- 951351051
outside. We do all efficiently, cleanly boilers, cookers, ovens... Profes- reliable service. 667668673-636770865
and reasonably. Please call 678808837/952669701 or email QUALITY air conditioning installa-
sionally repaired. Christian tions. Repairs and servicing. 21 years
607693536 for a free estimate 608337497
on the Coast. All areas covered. All
PAINTING & decorating. For a quick ELECTRIC gate automation and ga- UPHOLSTERY including leather Solar Energy work is fully guaranteed. www.en-
and efficient service call Ian rage door motors. Servicing or Re- cleaned as well as all carpets. info@enviroca-
603219176 685524921 GAS FIRES Wood burning stoves.
pairs. Call Colin 951242873/ Airconditioning heating. Bathroom/ 952663141/
PAINTING exterior and interior deco- 636394641 CARPETS, Sofas and mattresses kitchen heaters. Heated towel rails. 670409759
ration. REPAIRS to Washing Machines-Dish- cleaned. Reliable fast service. Fam- Solar heating. Instant gas heating
618622272 ily-run. Cleansol. 952930861- AIR-CONDITIONING by Cool and
VENTANAS Arcoplan quality UPVC washers-Ovens-Fridges. Call Garry systems. Central heating systems. Cosy. The family company that
windows at unbeatable prices, check Goodman +34 673344212. English 607610578. 10am-10pm, 7 days.
CLEAN reliable painter, decorator, All areas. All work fully guaranteed. All areas cares. Installation and repairs.
plus wall paper. Established 15yrs out our offers and new product lines Service Technician. 36 years expe- covered. 21 years on the Coast. Quality machines. EcoSense
on Coast. No job too small!! Free at, we will beat rience PROFESSIONAL Upholsterer. Boats, 952663141/ 670409759 www.en- movement sensors supplied and
quote. 663424258 any genuine quote by 10%, call to- cars, houses, bars. 30 years experi- info@enviroca- fitted from 100 Euros. Coin me-
day 952667559 Bathrooms ence. 696010190 ters supplied and fitted from 260 Spe- Euros. For other energy-saving
Drain Repairs cialist manufactures, installers. High- BATHROOMS and kitchen renova- Floors WWW.SOLARSUNO.COM Solar en-
products visit www.cooland-
ergy & construction. Lowest prices.
est quality UPVC windows, doors, tions. Property reform projects. 952935513. Junta de An-
DRAINS blocked? Call David Highest quality. 653456091
enclosures, persianas. Glass replace- Plumbing, electrical installations, MARBLE polishing, crystallizing, dalucía authorised. Approved pro-
952568414, 661910772. HP Jet- ment fully guaranteed. Trade/ pub- painting, carpentry. www.master- lasting, high shine. Regrinding, SOL SISTEMAS solar energy: Hot fessional service for your peace
ting, CCTV survey. Drain- tech So- lic. Showroom. 952667761/ info@masterbuild- restoration of salty, dead floors. water. Swimming pool heating. of mind. On the Costa del Sol since
lutions 680828000 952663141/ 670409759 Cyril, 634455064 618622272 1993
June 8th to 14th 2018
Cleaning Services Mortgages MAN & VAN Big/ small removals, AMBIENTJOBS The Recruitment
PROFESSIONAL clearances. 100% reliable. Ikea col-
lection/ assembly. 20E hourly.
HIRE SERVICES Market Leaders: This week's Hot
Jobs: Business Manager Sales -
MISLAID your payslips/ P60 or
ADVANCED Cleaning Services.
SERVICES other paperwork? Recovery docu- 622020856 MOBILITY Scooters, electric wheel- Málaga province - REF:BM699587,
ment service available, fast con- 2 MEN & Van. 30 Euros/hour. Al- chairs and wheelchairs for sale or Multi-lingual Telemarketing Con-
Professional carpet and uphol- fidential, reliable.TL 617910147 rent. Same day delivery! Scooters sultants - Fuengirola - REF:
stery cleaning, 27 years experi- Lawyers ways on time. 651081610
also bought for cash!! New batter- MLT588427, Property Branch Man-
ence, wet or dry clean. Honest, ies supplied & fitted. 609581139.
reliable service. RE-MORTGAGE Spain, Fluent Fi- BRITISH Removal Company SL. ager and Consultants - Marbella,
LAWYER: Arroyo Miel/ Malaga. Regular service Spain, UK includ- www.mobiltyscootersdi-
678808837/952669701 or email Legal advice conveyancing, wills, nance can offer a free, no obliga- Málaga - REF:PBMS8852215, Prop-
tion Spanish mortgage review to see ing Scotland and Ireland. inheritances, contracts, divorces, erty Administrator/ Bookkeeper -
criminal defense, any litigation, if you can save money or better your 952426463 REF:PAB 554268, FX Business De-
RUGS, fitted carpet and upholstery terms by changing Spanish lenders.
including leather cleaned on site. WWW.SPAINUKSPAIN.COM Vehi- velopment Manager Málaga prov-
685524921 Do you have an old interest only
mortgage which needs to be refi- cle leaving Spain 9th-19th-29th, BUY / SELL ince - REF:FBM55453454. Part time
952964591 Junior Property Investment Sales
WINDOW Cleaning. Don Jose Pro-
fessional, Reliable, Affordable. LAWYER: Providing quality legal
nanced? Contact Marc 952 85 36
47, melliott@fluentfinance-
returning 10th-20th-30th.Prices
from 90 pounds per m3. Cars 525.
MISCELLANEOUS Marbella area - REF:JPI654564, Full
www.windowcleaningdon- advice in different law aspects. Prop- or visit www.fluentfi- Bikes 325. Dogs 395. Cats 295 in- HOUSE clearances specialist. Stack Python Developers, Málaga - Tel: 629769136 erty conveyancing, any litigation, cluding vet checks/ travel with your Houses, gardens, garages cleared. REF NFSP552454. Insurance Soft-
disputes and mediation. Personal pets. Various vehicles cater for your Cash on collection . Man & van re- ware Group Málaga and London:
OVEN cleaning domestic commer- injury claim (accident compensa- FLUENT Finance Abroad. Are you
looking to raise funds against your needs. 952596213, 665150227 moval service. Fast and reliable. Rich Project Manager, Business Analysis,
cial professional cleaned from 40 tion). Family law, divorce, wills, pro-
euros. 632569282 home in Spain for property reforms, MAN & VAN. Anything considered. 639229607 Joanne 649977723 re- Infrastructure and Deployment, Ac-
bate and lasting power of Attorney.
Residence card and NIE. Domestic debt consolidation or liquidity pur- No job too small. FROM 15Euros count Manager - REF:SAM44756,
LAUNDRY Self/service El Candelero. poses? We have alternatives to high Development - full stack and front-
Save time & money doing your Violence. Criminal defence, and at- per/hour+ fuel (IVA credited). FURNITURE wanted same day col-
tendance at Police Station. street Banks which offer bespoke 605215917 lection. Cash waiting. 675357575 end developer roles (Málaga ) -
weeekly laundry in one hour. Open solutions! Call us or visit www.flu-
daily 7-23h. C/ Camino de Coín, 23 +34636029345 dolores@orlex- REF:SDFS33541, Software Testing for more in- MOVING LOCALLY? Call WANTED all furniture and house-
Fuengirola. (Search on Google Maps) hold items. Best prices. 697511071 - manual and automated testing spe-
formation. +34 952 961 952 or email 952426463/ 660563131. Best
LAWYERS: PROPERTY LAW, CON- Visit cialists (Málaga) - REF: SST44521.
WINDOW cleaner, professional prices. Fully legal. British Removal CASH Today! Wanted quality fur-
and reliable. Affordable prices. VEYANCING, CONTRACTS, EVIC- our San Pedro office Please send your CV to Jochem at
TIONS, DIVORCE, CRIMINAL LAW. Company niture, jewellery, cars, vans, shop Tel
Call Chris 603630049 stock, electric, plus bric-a-brac. 0034- STORAGE Clean dry secure ware- 634344244
619-930-052 Loans housing Marbella. Container, Pallet
or Loose. Guaranteed best rates. Fo- I PAY cash for good quality brand
General Services BORROW Cash on your house. Any cus Transport 952816582 watches. Tom 647758761
Accountants property. Any amount. No monthly FURNITURE: Personal apartment
payments. No credit checks. Pay clearance. Good quality. Call for pho-
ACCOUNTANTS. English and Span- back ONLY when you sell. WORLDWIDE SHIPPING, tos 666691454
STORAGE Lowest price guaranteed! ish Accountants for all accounting/ 617333777 express4finance@ya- door2door service. British Re-
Packaging materials. Selfstorage bookkeeping jobs. Tax and company moval Company SL. 952426463
Marbella 952811311 formation. Professional, reliable,
confidential. Tel: 952440773
SEWING Services. Curtains, blinds, ALL YOUR PAWNBROKING NEEDS. Man van re-
Upholstery, made to measure, REGISTRATION of holiday proper- WE ALSO BUY. WE PAY MORE. WE movals from 20E/ Hr. Local & Euro- ANTIQUES: WHETHER YOU'RE
wide range fabrics/ foam. ties, company formations, business PAY CASH. 952588795/ BUYING OR SELLING WE PAY
start-ups, bookkeeping, taxation pean. Storage containers in Este- MORE. WE PAY CASH. EST.1981.
672800887 judeinspain@hot- 609529633 and translations. Vehicle transfers, pona. David 696810618 952588795/ 609529633
Spanish driver´s licence. Malcolm SPAIN/ UK, UK/ SPAIN. Part full
WINDOWS, doors, PVC, glass cur-
tains, sun awnings. Isolux. Fuen-
Greenwood. 699780389 Business loads. Pet transport.
girola centre. 604344251 MALAGA Expat Consulting. Paper-
work Assistance, (NIE, Residencia,
REFORMAS ESP. Air conditioning Driving Licence Renewal, Car Trans-
installed from 130 euros. Electrical ARROYO de la Miel center: Sell hard- STORAGE Lowest price guaranteed! Situations Vacant
fer, Social Security and Doctor Reg- ware shop(215m2) fully equipped
work, plumbing, construction and istrations, Translations etc), Relo- Packaging materials. Selfstorage
renovations. Andrés 647191142 or only as local. 603256769 Marbella 952811311
cation Advice. Competitive rates. QUALITY staff? With over 5000 can-
Call Irina Saltmarsh 687733743 15 METRE VAN LEAVING SPAIN didates and 400 new registrations Others FOR UK JUNE 15TH. SPACE AVAIL- monthly, we can help you hire and
DRUPAL developer needed in Fuen-
Mosquito Screens ABLE BOTH WAYS. 639928090. keep the best staff quickly and cost
STORAGE Lowest price guaranteed! effectively. Find out how at www.job- girola/ Malaga. info@re-
Translators Packaging materials. Selfstorage
LOCAL REMOVALS TOO!! or call 951400234
Marbella 952811311 MAN WITH big van, local removals, TELESALES staff needed in all ar-
MOSQUITO Screens. Sliding. Pull- OFFICIAL translations. All languages. 20 Euros/ hour. Also house clear- NEW JOB? At jobfinder Spain we
meet with you, identify your key eas.
down. Pleated. Colours. Call Nick 952789204. Mobile 654613094 ance. Ikea runs. 609321958
647072861, strengths, build you profile, then NATIVE teacher required for Al-
NATIONAL and International Trans- guide you through the selection and haurín de la Torre English academy.
REMOVALS AND port regular loads to the UK LWB interview process for that perfect Must have experience with children
STORAGE Van Focus Transport 952816582
job!.Call 951400234 www.jobfind-
and Cambrigde exams. 687035488.
CV: medi103
76 CLASSIFIED June 8th to 14th 2018
REAL ESTATE Agency located in Mi- SEKRETARIATSSTELLE Residen- BAR/ KITCHEN staff required for
jas Costa and operative on the en-
tire Coast is looking for experienced
cias Lujosas Vitalux, S.L. sucht fre-
undliche, kompetente Fachkräfte
busy Estepona Port bar. English re-
quired. Send CV to: killalaau-
sales agents and telemarketers. The für das Sekretariat. Die Sekretari-
candidates must speak English flu- atsstelle ist Aushängeschild, glei- Satellite Installation
chzeitig zentrale Anlaufstelle und WOOD hairdressing has a position
ently and preferably one of the fol- for an experienced stylist.
lowing languages: French, German, durch die Zuarbeit für die Geschäfts- TV REPAIRS, Plasmas, LCDS, digi- The undisputed
führung eine besondere Vertrauens- Con-
Nordic. Great conditions and high tact: boxes, video, hi-fi, microwaves. Free market leader
commission scheme for the right stelle. Stellenprofil: Zentrale An- estimates. Can collect. 35 years ex-
sprechstelle für den Kunden. or call 952771791/645089399 and favourite
candidates. Please send CV perience. John 952491723 / and/or Selbständige Erledigung der Korre- WAITER wanted for restaurant in 600706201 read*, reaching
call 951484500 spondenz im delegierten Aufgaben- Benalmadena. 952446426
feld. Korrespondenz, Zuarbeit und ONLY here for short periods? Af- more than
Terminplanung für die Geschäfts- WE ARE looking for 2 telemarket- fordable rental packages available 260,000 expats
führung. Objektverwaltung, Expo- ers must be native English speaking for Internet and TV with Internet.
séerstellung, Fotobearbeitung, Über- for part time hours in Fuengirola No contract required. Just pay as every week
setzungen. Anforderungsprofil: Hohe Center. Ideally you must have a sense you go!! 0034951386044 in Malaga alone
Flexibilität (je nach Aufgabenge- of humour and be able to work un-
biet 20 oder 30-35 Stunden pro Wo- der pressure, experience would be IPTV 2300+ channels from UK and (*IPSOS
preferable. Why not come and work 16 other countries, 48 hour trials independent
che). Teamfähigkeit und hohes Mass available... Full details
an Diskretion. Erfahrungen in der for a company that you know will research)
always pay you on time. Call us on or 672836621
Sekretariatsarbeit und im Kunde- (mobile/ whatsapp)
numgang. Gute Kenntnisse der MS- 952586140 after 1.00pm
Office-Funktionen. Deutsch, Eng- BBC ½ uk full uk pack 80 cm dish SPANISH in your home. Speak Span-
ENGLISH teacher required for busy
lisch und Spanisch in Wort und language school in Marbella and San Situations Wanted no internet needed no contract. ish from the first lesson. Qualified
Schrift. Arbeitsbedingungen und Wacht tv all rooms no cables. Sky Spanish teacher. Ideal method for
JAVA developers needed in Malaga Pedro area. Must have TEFL, pref- beginners. Fast, easy and effective.
Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten: Fixge- full pack iptv internet at the best
erably Celta and experience teach- ARAB family needs an indian cook vallue no contrat no dish. paye as All levels. Also tutoring for students.
for innovative projects. info@re- halt und Provisionen. Eine über dem ing children. Please send CV to Branchendurchschnitt liegende Flexi- to work for July and August. Please you go. Satellite improuve reallig- 628578645 contact 670671528 nement bbc sky and all europeens
bilität bei Arbeitsmodellen (Home
PART time native English teacher Office und Büro). Regelmä?iges DIRECTOR of studies required for DO YOU need Spanish speaking as- tv.José Sotto Since 1973.
for young learners required in Mar-
bella for September. Experience with
Coaching und persönliche Entwick-
lungsmöglichkeiten. Sehen Sie für
language school in Marbella. We are
looking for a dynamic enthusiastic
sistance for hospital visits, council
etc. For realiable service . Whatsapp
952443838. 670443838 Email jose-
children preferred. Please send C.V. sich in diesem Aufgabenfeld eine teacher who is looking to move for- Silvia 696390630 TNT sat 50 chaines francaises sans Buy / Sell
to:schooloflanguages@out- Herausforderung und möchten Sie ward in their career. Please send cv abonement José Sotto depuis 1973,
Teil eines wachsenden Immobilien- to CARER for elderly persons. Latin assistant 48 years, responsible, good 952443838. 670443838 PUPPIES German Shephards, Ken-
Unternehmens werden, so freuen nel Coroninas, excellent pedigrees,
wir uns jetzt sehr auf Ihre Bewer- LOOKING for an internal lady for references, looking for live in or part BEST price tv and Iptv internet re-
domestic service, highly qualified, time position. Do domestic work. vaccinated,microchip, info
bung! Bitte senden Sie Ihre vollstän- pairs José Sotto 952443838. 619464515 or 609535857,
dige Bewerbungsunterlagen mit Foto speaking English and with drive li- Fuengirola & surroundings. lopes- 670443838
cense. Good salary. To work in with Whatsapp
an, z.H.: Doris Kavcic
a family with two children in Soto- 672906973 BEST hd iptv full uk irish sky pack
(Residencias Lujosas Vitalux, S.L., available from jose sotto since 1973 grande (Costa del Sol). Send CV
952443838 670443838 jose-
Kennels / Cattery
LISTERS Telesales Part-time - Full LAGUNA Kennels & cosy cattery.
contract, great basic and commis-
sions. Join our successful team in
PA/OFFICE Superstar required!
Your qualities: Fully proficient in PERSONAL UK TV English Channels free inc Your pets lovingly cared for by
all MSoffice software. Able to work catch up, on demand + much more. English mother & daughter. Coín.
Las Lagunas. Call 682487563 No monthly fees. Unbeatable inc Tel 952112021/ 606838983 or la-
on own initiative. Flexible (hours Meeting Point
PROPERTY lister required for es- may slightly vary). Organised & warranty. 653061472
tablished Company. Contract plus efficient. Keen, willing & quick to CAT & DOG World Kennels and Cat-
commission. Must be car owner. learn. Have excellent attention 50+ & SINGLE? Looking for a seri- tery. 952112978/ 630197435.
Send CV and covering letter to: to detail. Have your own reliable ous relationship? We find your match! transport. Our environment: A MUSIC PETCARE Pet Hotel: Alhaurin El
NEDERLANDSTALIGE secretaresse small, friendly & busy office in
Fuengirola. You will work closely ELDERLY submissive gentleman ALLEMAND Spotif et Vital avec inté- Grande. Holiday accommodation
gezocht regio Marbella, gedeelte- WLTM a discerning male or couple rêt pour voyage musique la nature,a for dogs & cats. Individually
lijk thuiswerk mogelijk, commer- with the Operations Manager. heated/aircon kennels.
who are naturists and have a suit- la recherche de une Femme mince
ciële feeling en talenkennis zijn plus- Great opportunity for the right 952112284/ 685400216
able private venue for all round en- sympathique pour une vie commune.
punt,goede verloning,mail CV en person. Please apply by sending Follow
joyment, can travel inland fun-
foto naar : an email to: firstalterna- us on Facebook at Petcare Spain
tiveco@gmail.comInclude your
current CV with your contact num- PERSONS! wishing to enter into EURODOG, Boarding Kennels & Cat-
tery, fully licensed & sanitary ap-
ACADEMY requires native English
teacher. Nueva Andalucía.
ber & availability for a call confidentially desirous email cor-
respondence with view to eventual GOLF proved, safe, secure and loving en-
REAL ESTATE agency, Calahonda meeting contact. funseeker_71@ya- vironment. Large kennels & play ar-
952818092/ 616681031 mundi- Mijas Costa. Looking for reliable EL PARAISO Golf Club share + elec- eas. Fully refurbished, inspections staff: Customer services; sales; tric trolley in good condition. 4.000 welcome.
advertising. Languages: English TACTILE gentle man WLTM an at- euros. John 951979785 / 952464947 -679786669
BUSINESS project with contract and and German. Own car. CVs to tractive lady 50-70, who can offer 696556928
training included, preferably over an exclusive relationship and has a DOG Sitter at your house or at mine.
40 years old. Call during afternoons. penchant for receiving. Oralp- Excellent references. 650159528
640879469 RESTAURANT La Cala de Mijas look-
BOUWERSGIDS.BE zoekt Belgische
ing for experience Waiter/ Bar per-
son. Evening shift. Essential trans- MALE Bi curious WLTM similar gen-
COMPUTERS / Pet Transport
en Nederlandse televerkopers om CONSULAR Contact Centre Team
Leader A2, Malaga (ESP18.263) Brit-
port, English language. Whatsapp
CV 656357121
tleman. Email: funkyman2020@out-
INTERNET / PHONES LOOK no further for your pet trans-
ons product te promoten. Hoge ver- port. We offer a service to travel
diensten en wekelijkse betalingen. ish Consulate in Malaga. The Con- MARBELLA Latina 43, pretty,
REAL Estate Office Mijas requires with/ without your pets/ furniture.
Info: 685855297 www.bouwers-
sular Contact Centre is the front line
sale person. Must have driving li- chubby, seeks men friendship (41- Buy / Sell Pets from 295 pounds including vet
for over half of the world¿s British 89) 616801141 of cense, fluent English and some Span- checks. Various vehicles cater for
consulates. Our team in Malaga is DAYTONA Computer: Computers, your needs. 952596213,
looking for a proactive Consular Con- ish. C.V to AFFLUENT slim fashionable so- mobile phones and accessories in 665150227
tact Centre Team Leader that will dpi Real Estate is looking for tele- ciable gent 67, very fit, active, en- your language. Sales and repairs.
supervise the efficient running and marketers to deal with a massive joys walking, swimming, dining Agents Masmovil and HablaYa. Es- PET-COURIERS com. If you love
development of the team of assis- amount of quality clients looking to out, travel, yoga, WLTM slim ac- tablished 1999. your pet try us first. We are the best.
tants, providing coaching and moni- buy property on the Costa del Sol. tive lady, 55/70, for friendship/ or call 952667395 Los Boliches Door to door services throughout
toring to be able to offer a first rate Excellent working conditions, basic long term relationship. Please Europe. Specialised vehicles - be-
service to our consular customers. salary and commission. Earning po- text/ call 610361114 spoken service. Full legal service,
Please find more details about this tential of 60-100,000 Euros p.a. LADY looking to meet an eligible Repairs including documentation if required.
challenging and rewarding position You will need to be an excellent closer gentleman "60¿s" living on the coast. For further information call or email
through the following link: to be successful for this exciting po- NS. 667290152 COMPUTER problems solved! Er- us. Tel. or WhatsApp (0034) sition. Please call 952806609 or CV ror messages fixed, viruses removed. 651033670 Email: info@pet-cou-
info@directpropertyinvest- ATTRACTIVE older submissive male Hardware/software upgrades avail-
YACHT Skipper, required for the WLTM an intense, masterly contem- able. Kindle, iPad & Android help.
summer , June to August. Languages: porary for all embracing outre re- Laptops in English. Also one-to-one
lationship and who has a private se-
English/Spanish. Marbella area.
Please send CV to aesail-
CHEF/ second chef wanted for our
restaurant in Benalmádena cluded venue coast or inland. Stay
training. Experienced, reliable serv-
ice, no callout charge. Paul,
HEALTH & BEAUTY Pueblo. Full time all year round overs considered. outrefun @ya- 630652338/952493859
work. Contract given. Must have Chiropractors
SALES Reps & appointment caller minimum 3 years experience. Send
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ing. High commission. Webinfo: viva- Clairvoyants Websites J.Schaegen, specialized in treating CONTACT Centre Officer A2, Malaga neck, back & extremity disorders,
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ent English essential. 602534895 the world¿s British consulates and etc... Ibra 600290072 637517551
WE ARE looking for an interior de-
is looking for two Consular Contact
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experience in dealing with clients,
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PLOYED! Must have competent Eng- the globe in need of consular assis-
tance from the FCO, over the phone,
CLASSES ela Urbano. C/Maestro Angeles As- 619547636
lish and all qualifications. call piazu, Fuengirola, also C/Mayorazgo
tional skills. Fluent English and Span- 608040069 or forward CV to eld- email and the social media, and 8, Trapiche area, Marbella. Manual
ish. Must own a car and be willing through digital communication. HOLA! Speak Spanish from first
or automatic. 687070256
Please find more details about this lesson. Experienced qualified na-
to work on different locations. Please LOOKING for live-in housekeeper challenging and rewarding position tive teacher. One-to-one, groups. DRIVER licence in English with ROBERT James hair replacement.
send your CV to victoria@siesta- in Benalmadena. Couple with 3 year through the following link: Fuengirola. 661159330 discounts. Also with AUTOMATIC For free consultation call old child. 687513222 car! Fuengirola/Mijas. 657325808 952574075/ 602668649
June 8th to 14th 2018
Great Britain C/. Mauricio Moro Pareto 2- 2. Málaga 952352300 France 1, Plaza de Santa Cruz, Seville 954293200
USA Av. Juan Gómez 8. Ed. Lucía 1-C. Fuengirola 952474891 Italy Calle Lagasca, 98, Madrid 912106910
Belgium Avda Ricardo Soriano 20-3C, Marbella 951516019 Austria Alameda de Colón 26, Malaga 952600267
Denmark Calle Córdoba 6 404, Malaga 952211797 Finland Calle Blasco de Garay, 7, Malaga 952212435
Norway Avda Los Boliches, 60, Edf Rosenkranz, Fuengirola 952667955 Saudi Arabia Mauricio M. Pareto 2 bloque Sur 2º, Malaga 952310358
Canada C/Cervantes, Edif. Horizonte, Malaga 952223346 Greece Salitre, 16, Malaga 952311847
Germany Mauricio Moro Pareto 2, Malaga 952363591 Iceland Paseo Marítimo 91, 29640 Fuengirola 952661200
Sweden Calle Córdoba 6, 5th floor, Malaga 952604383 Philippines C/Marqués de Larios 4, 2º, Malaga 952222757
Ireland Avda. Los Boliches, Fuengirola 952475108 Hungary Av. de Andalucía 26 29007 Malaga 952308393
PASTIMES June 8th to 14th 2018
February 20th – March 20th
Speaking your mind is essential to avoid
frustration with yourself as well as
March 21st – April 20th
Someone brings you gossip that needs
looking into. Even so, don’t take it as
the truth until you are sure.
April 21st – May 21st
Being uncertain is human. There is
something in the past that will help to
guide you through the current dilemma.
Across Down
May 22nd – June 21st
Pace yourself rather than push too
hard. You cannot enjoy life if you are
exhausted. Get out in the fresh air and
sunshine and breathe!
June 22nd – July 23rd
This week you have to be willing to ‘go Talk Radio Europe Spectrum (105.5 FM, Costa
with the flow’. Events may overtake you 105.5 Axarquía Almeria/Mojácar 92.6 FM)
through no fault of your own. 91.5 Costa del Sol East 24 hour music and entertainment
91.9 Costa del Sol West
Leo 98.7 Gibraltar/Sotogrande Radio Mijas (107.7 FM)
July 24th – August 23rd News, interviews, lifestyle, sport and 3 p.m. News, views and music
Gossip and mayhem may be at your BBC World Service.
back. However, you are looking firmly Radio Sol Almijara (99.1 FM)
forward! Global (93.6 and 96.4FM) Nerja radio in English and German and
All week round the clock music and night time World Radio Network
Virgo entertainment
August 24th - September 23rd Heartfmspain (88.5 FM Costa, 96.1
Someone you have been supporting Radio Radio Network (96 and 98.3 FM inland) Music, entertainment, news
now has the chance to stand on their FM). Music 24 hours.
own. Encourage them to take the Lick FM (103.6 FM Marbella)
opportunity. Central FM (98.6 FM, 103.8) Urban music broadcast between Gibraltar
All week, classic tracks and today’s music and Calahonda
Libra broadcast to the Costa del Sol
September 24th - October 23rd Rtv Puebla (107.7 FM)
After some of the hurdles you have ACE FM (106.8 FM) Monday evenings, Rock music memories.
recently had to get over, this is like Inland radio, news and music 7 - 9pm. email:
being on a special holiday. Instructions
The Beat fm (106 FM)
Complete the 9 7 8 5 24 hours, music and entertainment Fb: Radiotelevision Peubla de Cazalla
Scorpio square making
October 24th – November 22nd sure that every 1 3 4 9
Plan something quietly pleasing to do at row of nine
the weekend and restore your sense of numbers includes 1
calm. all digits from 1 QUIZ
to 9, every 7 5 4 8
Sagittarius column includes QUESTION 1 QUESTION 2
November 23rd – December 21st
all digits from 1
to 9 and every 3
9 3
Echoes from the past seem to be What singer and songwriter In which ship did Captain
annoying you. Will you block your ears
by 3 subsection
includes all digits
6 1 9 was born Michael Barratt in James Cook sail from 1769
or deal with them though? from 1 to 9 1948? to 1771?
Capricorn 3 2 8 1. Shakin’ Stevens
December 22nd – January 20th
1. The Santa Maria
Giving others time to think sorts out 2. Alice Cooper 2. The Resolution
most situations.Being flexible and a
6 7 1 3. Prince 3. The Adventure
little forgiving saves time. 4. Ice T 4. The Endeavour
June 8th to 14th 2018
Across Down
Clockword solution Language Crossword
Quiz answers
distance of the Sun from the Earth.
between the Earth and the Sun. This would help astronomers to calculate the
Society. His main objective was to observe the planet Venus as it passed
Of interest: Cook was given command of the Endeavour by England’s Royal
Answer 2: The Endeavour
UK’s biggest-selling singles artist of the 1980s.
is a platinum-selling Welsh rock and roll singer and songwriter who was the Wordpuzzler solution Sudoku solution
Of interest: Michael Barratt (born 4 March 1948), known as Shakin’ Stevens,
Answer 1: Shakin’ Stevens
Cryptic Crossword