Design of A Rich Internet Application For Gas Turbine Engine Simulationsjohnson2011
Design of A Rich Internet Application For Gas Turbine Engine Simulationsjohnson2011
Design of A Rich Internet Application For Gas Turbine Engine Simulationsjohnson2011
June 6-10, 2011, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Modeling the performance and emissions characteristics This paper describes a new Web based, rich internet
of gas turbine engines can involve sequentially solving multiple application (RIA) developed to simulate gas turbine engines. A
thermodynamic states of a representative fluid flowing through RIA is an internet browser based program that uses dynamic
the engine, evaluating cycle performance, and evaluating the user interfaces to control client-server communication
chemical equilibrium of the fluid at select states. The states are processes taking place behind the scenes. This RIA is designed
defined by the combination of specified thermodynamic to simplify the solution process for gas turbine engine
conditions, process assumptions derived from established modeling by functioning as a widely accessible and technically
theory of gas turbine engines, and thermodynamic properties of accurate application of thermodynamic data.
the representative fluid. Internet based applications such as The RIA is completely Web based, allowing users to
TEST allow experienced analysts to structure and evaluate access the RIA from multiple locations or computers without
thermodynamic models of gas turbine engines and separately the need to install and update any specific software. The RIA is
evaluate the chemical equilibrium of air-fuel mixtures to also designed to limit the exposure of complex thermodynamic
predict exhaust emissions. Although the TEST thermodynamic data to users. The interface only displays relevant input and
and chemical equilibrium data retrieval is automated, analysts output parameters. All other data used for thermodynamic
are required to first structure the system model. modeling is kept behind the scenes, limiting the interface’s
The Internet based software described in this paper allows complexity.
analysts to combine the modeling of performance and The solution structure used by the RIA is also kept behind
emissions characteristics of gas turbine engines without the the scenes. Since users only have access and visibility of input
need to first structure a model, broadening the range of and output variables, users are not required to understand the
potential analysts beyond the thermodynamic and chemical solution structure or thermodynamic relationships required to
equilibrium communities. The software presented in this work solve the model, potentially broadening the user base beyond
combines a visually rich and Internet based interface to input the thermodynamic and chemical equilibrium communities.
specifications and display results, a communication mechanism
to obtain Internet based thermodynamic and chemical PROJECT BACKGROUND
equilibrium data, and a solution architecture to autonomously This RIA is grounded in and dependent on Web based
interpret user inputs and Web based data and model engine thermodynamic and chemical equilibrium data. Without
parameters. This software also allows analysts to modify the thermodynamic and chemical equilibrium databases available
model complexity, accounting for irreversibilities and auxiliary in real time, fast and Web based thermodynamic computations
devices such as regenerators, reheaters, and intercoolers as would not be possible. To obtain Web based thermodynamic
required. Data reduction features such as graphical and chemical equilibrium data, the RIA uses Web services
representation of parametric studies and combustion product available from The Expert System for Thermodynamics
distribution are also available within the software. (TEST) [1, 2, 3] developed at San Diego State University.
obtained when the pressure ratio is high enough such that the Web Service C
The RIA serves as an intermediary between the user and
the thermodynamic data required to model gas turbine engines.
The RIA understands the relationships between
thermodynamic properties as they pertain to gas turbine
engines, but does not have a database of actual values. The
user inputs supply the RIA with some information to define the
gas turbine engine model, and the RIA uses Web Services to
retrieve all other unknown thermodynamic properties.
Thermodynamic parameters such as pressure, temperature,
Figure 3. Default user interface. enthalpy and entropy are sent to and retrieved from various
Web Services.
Figure 5. Trend study results page.
If the user would like to plot another output variable as a
s function of the same trend variable, then the new output
Figure 4. Complex model T-s diagram. variable can simply be selected from the drop down menu
below the graph. When a new output variable is selected the
The flow composition (fluid mixture) is defined by a list of graph and legend are automatically updated.
comprising chemical species and their respective quantities. All of the trend study data is available to be exported for
Since the mixture represents a flow state, only the relative size use outside of the RIA. Selecting an “Export Data” button
of each species is regarded. Each species is supplied to the below the graph will open a data window containing all of the
Web Service in Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry System trend study data presented in comma separated value (CSV)
(SMILES) notation [16]. The species’ SMILES is combined format.
with its respective quantity and packaged into a Java Script When the RIA is set to the equilibrium mode, products of
Object Notation (JSON) text string [17]. An example of a combustion are calculated by a chemical equilibrium Web
mixture composed of 1 kg of oxygen and 1 kg of nitrogen is Service. The RIA uses these products as the fluid composition
shown below in JSON format. for succeeding calculations and also makes the product
{“O=O”:{“kg”:1},“[H][H]”:{“kg”:1}} composition data available for display. The products can be
JSON strings such as this are sent to the Web Services viewed in terms of mass fractions or mole fractions by
along with 2 thermodynamic properties and the other selecting one of the radio buttons at the top of the products
thermodynamic properties are returned to the RIA, also in display page. The species which are small (less than 0.01% of
JSON format, where they are then decoded and used in local the mixture) in regard to either mass or mole fraction are
computations based on thermodynamic relationships. grouped together as “trace” species. The distribution of trace
species is given shown in a second pie chart. The products
DATA ANALYSIS display page is shown in Figure 6.
The output data is not just limited to the pairing of
parameters with calculated values. The RIA is also designed to
make this data easy to analyze. Trend studies allow a user to
plot the relationships between variables and visually identify
trends and optimizations. Combustion product displays allow a
user to quickly see how design changes can affect gas turbine
engine emissions.
Trend studies involve running an engine simulation
multiple times, each time changing a certain variable by a set
70 700
65 650
60 600
50 500
40 400
55 900
50 800
Cycle Efficiency & Back Work Ratio [%]
45 700
40 600
Net Work [kW]
35 500
30 400
Cycle Efficiency [%], RIA
25 Cycle Efficiency [%], TEST 300
Back Work Ratio [%], RIA
20 Back Work Ratio [%], TEST 200
Net Work [kW], RIA
15 Net Work [kW], TEST 100
10 0
Pressure Ratio