Fundamentals of Geoenvironmental Engineering
Fundamentals of Geoenvironmental Engineering
Fundamentals of Geoenvironmental Engineering
Module 1
Artificial recharge
Bed rock
( The main source and type of hazardous liquid waste include industrial
waste water contained in surface impoundments, lagoons or pits. It is also
produced from municipal solid refuse and sludge that are disposed on land. If not
handled properly sewage becomes an important source of liquid waste that has
( Petroleum exploration leaves waste brine
undesirable effect on environment.
solution which needs to be managed to prevent groundwater pollution. Liquid
waste emerges due to mining operation which is hazardous. A typical example is
acid mine drainage from dumped mine wastes.
(Some of the gaseous waste includes NOx, CO, SO2, volatile
hydrocarbons etc. Chemical reaction may take place in air producing secondary
pollutants. SO2 combines with oxygen to produce SO3, which in turn combines
with suspended water droplets to produce H2SO4 and fall on ground as acid rain.
Natural breakdown of uranium in the geoenvironment emits cancer causing
radon gas into atmosphere.
discussed would fall under the purview of geotechnical engineering. But the
evaluation of soil suitability is not complete without understanding its chemical
reactivity. In this study, cation exchange capacity (CEC) of soil is used as an
indicator of chemical reactivity. It is desirable that the pollutants released from
the waste disposal site should be effectively attenuated by the liners. This means
that the soil should have high chemical reactivity. A soil with high CEC indicates
high reactivity and hence high attenuation capacity of pollutants.
Bioremediation of oil spills:
The case history is discussed in U. S. Congress, Office of Technology
Assessment, Bioremediation for Marine Oil Spills report. It essentially deals with
a marine oil spill that has occurred on the beaches of Alaska, USA, in late 80s.
The reason was due to the grounding of a ship on the shores. Office of
Technology Assessment (OTA), USA, felt the need of technologies to fight such
calamities. A comprehensive review of the methods for oil spill clean up was
conducted to develop an environmental friendly solution. One of the effective
solutions that came up was bioremediation in which specific species of
microorganisms were used to degrade oil. This is a slow natural process and
hence the major focus was on accelerating and improving the efficiency of this
natural process. Even though, some research has been initiated, it was found
that there is a dearth of data and hence the advantage of bioremediation over
other methods of oil spill clean up is yet to be ascertained. It has been opined
that in case of emergency situation, mechanical process such as using
dispersants and in-situ burning may still be appropriate.
Protecting environment from harmful effects of mine waste
using cover system
O’Kane and Wels (2003) have discussed the performance based design
of covers for mine wastes dumped on ground. The objective of the cover system
is to control harmful contaminant release from the waste dumps, chemical
stabilization of acid forming mine waste, dust and erosion control and provide
growth medium for sustainable vegetation cover. The proposed methodology of
cover design links predicted performance of cover system to the groundwater
and surface water impacts. This method is impact oriented performance criteria.
In this method, a conceptual cover is selected first based on the type of waste,
size and geometry of the waste disposal, climate etc. A detailed cover design
analysis is performed that correlates cover design parameters (for example cover
thickness) to cover performance (net percolation). Third step links cover design
parameters to environmental impact assessment (groundwater quality). Fourth
step is to assess the risk based on the result from third step and the regulatory
law. If unacceptable, then cover design is modified. If acceptable then field trial
with performance monitoring is suggested. The feedback loop between impact
assessment and cover design is crucial for developing efficient cover system
without being overly conservative.
Value addition of waste products: Geopolymers from fly ash
Andini et al. (2008) have discussed about the value addition of fly ash by
converting it to a product called geopolymers. Davidovits first introduced the term
geopolymers for a new class of three dimensional alumino-silicate materials
(Davidovits 1989). Geopolymers are alkali-activated alumino-silicate binders and
its synthesis takes place by polycondensation from a variety of raw materials
such as metakaolin, coal fly ash etc. Polycondenstation reaction was carried out
by mixing fly ash with alkali metal silicate solution and then curing at different
temperature and time. Amorphous geopolymers are obtained at condensation
temperature ranging from 20 to 90 °C. The geopolymers has excellent
mechanical properties, thermal stability, acid resistance and are durable. It has
got a wide application in ceramics, cements, hazardous waste stabilization, fire
resistant materials etc. Environmentally sound recycling of fly ash into
geopolymers by hydro-thermal treatment is an excellent example of value
addition to the waste material.
1. Andini, S., Cioffi, R., Colangelo, F., Grieco, T., Montangnaro, F. and Santoro,
L. (2008) “Coal fly ash as raw material for the manufacture of geopolymer-
based products”, Waste management, Vol. 28, pp. 416-423.
2. Davidovits, J. (1989) “Geopolymers and geopolymeric materials”, Journal of
Thermal Analysis, Vol. 35, pp. 429-441.
3. Fang, H-Y. and Daniels, J. L. (2006) “Introductory geotechnical engineering-
An environmental perspective”, Taylor and Francis, London.
4. O’Kane, M. and Wels, C. (2003) “Mine waste cover system design - linking
predicted performance to groundwater and surface water impacts”, Sixth
International Conference, Acid, Rock, Drainage, Cairns, Queensland, Carlton
South: AUSIMM.
5. Scott, H. D. (2000) "Soil physics: agricultural and environmental applications”,
Iowa State /university Press, USA.
6. Taha M. R. and M. H. Kabir (2005) “Tropical residual soil as compacted soil
liners”, Environmental Geology, Vol. 47, pp. 375-381.
7. Thomas, G. W. (1977) “Historical developments in soil chemistry: Ion
exchange”, Soil Science Society of America Journal, Vol. 41, pp. 230-238.
8. U. S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, Bioremediation for Marine
Oil Spills-Background Paper, OTA-BP-O-70 (Washington, DC: U.S.
Government Printing Office, May 1991).
Model Questions
1) Explain the importance and scope of geoenvironmental engineering.
2) With examples, discuss the multiphase behavior of soil.
3) Why soil becomes important in geoenvironmental engineering?
4) Discuss the multidisciplinary nature of geoenvironmental engineering.