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RRs 2018 Draft

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Ministry of External Affairs
(Administration Division)

16 November 2018


Subject: Comments on the Draft Recruitment Rules of the Indian

Foreign Service

The Ministry of External Affairs proposes to amend the Indian

Foreign Service (Recruitment, Cadre, Seniority and Promotion) Rules,

2. Accordingly, all stakeholders may submit their comments on the

RRs latest by 15 December 2018. The comments may be furnished via
email atdsfsp@mea.gov.in.

(Mijito Vinito)
Under Secretary (FSP&Cadre)
(To be published in the Gazette of India)

Government of India
Ministry of External Affairs

New Delhi November, 2018

GSR: In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution and in
supersession of the Indian Foreign Service (Recruitment, Cadre, Seniority and Promotion) Rules, 1961
as amended from time to time and published by the Government of India, Ministry of External Affairs in
the Gazette of India, except as respects things done or omitted to be done before such supersession, the
President hereby makes the following rules, namely:-

1. Short title and commencement – (1) These rules may be called the Indian Foreign Service
Rules, 2018
(2) They shall come into effect from the date of notification in the Gazette of India.

2. Definitions- In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires, -

(a) “Cadre Post” means a post included in the cadre of the Service and includes a temporary post
which forms a temporary addition to the cadre;
(b) “Commission” means the Union Public Service Commission;
(c) “Controlling Authority” means the Government of India, Ministry of External Affairs;
(d) “Service” means the Indian Foreign Service;
(e) “Schedule” means schedule to these Rules;
(f) “Departmental Promotion Committee” means a Committee constituted to consider promotions
and confirmations in any grade of the Service as specified in Rule 12 and the composition of such
Committee shall be as specified in Schedule II of the Rules;

(2) All expressions used in these rules and not defined therein shall have the same meaning as in the
Indian Foreign Service (Pay, Leave, Compensatory Allowances and other conditions of Service) Rules,

4. Foreign Service Board

(1) There shall be constituted a Board called the Foreign Service Board.
(2) The Foreign Service Board shall consist of:
( i) All Secretaries to the Government of India in the Ministry of External Affairs;
(ii) The Secretary to the Government of India in the Ministry of Commerce; and
(iii) The Joint Secretary to the Government of India in the Ministry of External Affairs who
shall be Secretary to the Board.
(3) Any three members of the Board shall constitute the quorum.

5. Functions of the Foreign Service Board:-

(1) The functions of the Foreign Service Board shall be to advise the Central Government on the

(I) Postings, transfers, and leave-cum-transfers other than those of Heads of Missions and
Heads of Posts;
(II) Grant of Diplomatic status to officers posted in Indian Missions and Posts abroad.

6. Constitution of the Cadre:

(1) There shall be constituted a Cadre for the Service, the composition on the day of commencement of
these Rules will be as per Schedule I of these Rules.

(2) The strength and composition of the cadre shall be determined by the Central Government from
time to time.

Provided that nothing in this sub-rule shall be deemed to affect the power of the Central
Government to alter the strength and composition of the Cadre at any other time.

(3) The authority competent to make an appointment to a grade may make temporary or permanent
additions to that grade, as it may deem necessary from time to time subject to any general or special
order that may be issued by the President.

7. Central Government to make appointments to Cadre posts :- All appointments to cadre

posts in the service shall be made by the Central Government in accordance with the provisions of
these Rules.

8. Power to abolish posts or hold posts in abeyance:-

(1) The Central Government may abolish or hold in abeyance any permanent Cadre Posts:

Provided that no such post shall be abolished or held in abeyance, if an officer is already
confirmed against such a post and the said officer is not simultaneously provided with a lien in a
similar or higher post.

(2) The Central Government may abolish or hold in abeyance at any time any temporary Cadre post.

9. Appointments to Cadre posts: Posts of Heads of Missions, and of Heads of Posts in countries
where there are no Heads of Missions may be filled by the Central Government at its discretion by
appointment of members of the Service or of other persons.

10. Deputation of members of the Service:-

(1) The Central Government may at any time depute a member of the Service to a post equivalent to
or higher than that held by him in the Service in any other All India Services, Central Services Group A,
State Government and Public Sector Undertakings, Autonomous Bodies, Central or State Universities. A
member of the Service so deputed shall be held against a post in the deputation reserve, provided that:-

( i) The period of deputation shall not exceed three years in the first instance although the
Central Government may extend the same by further periods subject to the total period of
deputation not being more than seven years.

(ii) The Central Government may in consideration of the deputation, appoint an officer of any
All India Services, Central Services Group A, State Service or Public Sector Undertaking or
Autonomous Bodies, Central or State Universities who has been holding analogous post on
regular basis in parent cadre or department;
or with minimum service in the grade below after appointment thereto on regular basis, and
possessing qualification or experience as may be prescribed by the Controlling Authority as
defined from time to time in the vacancy circular for the post;

provided that the appointment shall be in consultation with the Commission where the field of
selection is from amongst State Governments, Autonomous Bodies, Public Sector Undertakings,
Central & State Universities.

(2) The Central Government may at any time depute a member of the Service to serve under an
International Organization or a Foreign Employer. A member of the service so deputed shall be held
against a post in the deputation reserve:

provided that the period of deputation shall not exceed three years in the first instance, although the
Central Government may extend the same by further periods subject to the total period of foreign
deputation not being longer than five years at a stretch and seven years in the total career of an officer.

11. Cadre Posts to be filled by member of the Service:- Save as provided in rules 9 and 10, every
cadre post of the Service shall be filled by a member of the Service.

12. Appointments and Promotions: Except as provided in rule 9, there shall be no direct recruitment
to Senior Scale or any higher grade of the Service.

(2) Promotion of officers to Junior Administrative Grade, Grade IV, Grade III, Grade II and Grade I
shall be made by 'selection' on the basis of the recommendations of the Departmental Promotion
Committee constituted in accordance with Schedule II of Rules from amongst members of the Service
holding posts in the next lower grade and fulfilling such eligibility conditions as laid down in Schedule
III of the Rules.

13. Appointment to Senior Scale Posts:-

(1) There shall be no direct recruitment to a cadre post in the Senior Scale of the Service.

(2) Except as in the manner specified in para 13(3) of the Rules, all posts in the Senior Scale of the
Service shall be filled by promotion on the basis of seniority-cum-fitness, from amongst officers in the
Junior Scale of the Service who have been confirmed in that scale.

(3) Such number of posts in the Senior Scale of the Indian Foreign Service as do not exceed 22.5%
of the Senior Scale and higher posts in the cadre (excluding one half of the posts of Heads of
Missions/Posts) subject to availability of vacancies in Senior Scale of Indian Foreign Service shall be
filled by promotion on the basis of merit from among officers of Grade I of the Indian Foreign Service,
Branch 'B' who have completed not less than three years of continuous service in that grade; and fulfill
minimum educational qualifications prescribed for the post;

(4) The composition of the Departmental Promotion Committee for making appointments to Senior
Scale of the Service will be as laid down in Schedule II of Rules.

14. Appointments to Junior Scale Posts: Subject to the provisions of Rule 10, all recruitment to a
cadre post in the Junior Scale of the Service shall be made on the basis of results of an open competitive
examination held by the Commission in accordance with such regulations as the Central Government
may from time to time make in consultation with the Commission.
15. Seniority:-

(1) The year of allotment of an officer recruited to the Service on the results of an open competitive
examination held by the Commission, whether before or after such commencement, shall be the year,
following the year in which the said examination was held.

(2) The inter-se seniority of officers recruited to the Service in accordance with Rule 14 shall be in
accordance with the merit list compiled by the Commission.

(3) When an officer is promoted to the senior scale of the Indian Foreign Service in accordance with
sub-rule (3) of Rule 13, he shall be given a year of allotment as follows:-

(i) One corresponding to three years prior to the year in which he/she is appointed against a
substantive post in the Senior Scale of the Indian Foreign Service.

(ii) In case the officer has completed three years of regular service in Grade I of IFS(B) but
has not been promoted due to non-availability of vacancies, for every three years of service in
Grade I of IFS(B) beyond the minimum three years required for promotion to Senior Scale of
IFS, one year of retrospective seniority will be granted.

(iii) Provided further that the year of allotment so determined shall not be earlier than 8 years
preceding the year of actual promotion to Senior Scale of the Service;

Provided that an officer promoted from Grade I of Indian Foreign Service Branch B
shall not be assigned a year of allotment earlier than the year of allotment
assigned to an officer senior to him in that Select List or appointed to the Indian Foreign
Service on the basis of an earlier Select List.

(4) As between direct recruits appointed to the service on the basis of competitive examinations
conducted by the Commission and officers promoted to the Senior Scale in the manner as laid down in
Rule 13 (3), inter-se seniority shall depend on the year of allotment assigned to them. Where the year of
allotment is the same, direct recruits shall be senior.

16. Probation and Training :-

(1) An officer appointed under the provisions of Rule 14 to the Junior Scale of the Service shall be
on probation for a period of two years, during which he shall be required to undergo such training and
pass such examinations as may be prescribed by the Central Government from time to time.

(2) The Central Government may discharge from the Service forthwith any probationer, who may be
found unsatisfactory during the period of probation or who fails to complete satisfactorily the prescribed
course of training or to pass the prescribed examinations.

(3) The Central Government may at its discretion, extend the period of probation for such period as
it may deem fit.

(4) On satisfactory completion of his probation, an officer may be confirmed in the service.
17. Probation and Confirmation of Promotees :-

(1) An officer promoted to the senior scale of the service under sub-rule (3) of Rule 13, shall be on
probation for a period of two years from the date on which he/she is so promoted. During the period of
probation, he/she shall be required to undergo such training and pass such examinations as may be
prescribed by the Central Government from time to time.

(2) At the end of the period of probation, if the Central Government considers that the work of the
officer has been satisfactory, he may be permitted continue to officiate in the Senior Scale of the Indian
Foreign Service or be confirmed against a permanent vacancy with effect from the date on which the
vacancy arose.

(3) If the Central Government considers that the work of an officer during the period of probation
has not been satisfactory, it may:-

(i)Revert the officer to Grade I of the Indian Foreign Service Branch 'B';


(ii) Extend the period of probation for such further period as may be necessary, when clause
3(i) shall be equally applicable to the extended period.

(4) No officer of Grade I of the General Cadre of the Indian Foreign Service (Branch B) shall be
eligible for confirmation in the senior scale of the Service unless he/she has to the satisfaction of the
Central Government, passed the prescribed examination or test in the compulsory language allotted to

(5) The Central Government may exempt from the operation of sub-rule (4) any officer who has,
prior to the date of promotion to the Service, attained the age of fifty five (55) years.

18. Disqualification:-

(1) No person shall be appointed to the Service unless he/she is a citizen of India;
(2) No person,
(a) who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having his spouse living; or
(b) who, having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted a marriage with any person,

shall be eligible for appointment to the Service.

Provided that the Central Government, may if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the
personal law applicable to the person and the other party to the marriage and there are other grounds for
so doing, exempt any person from the operation of this sub-rule.

19. Interpretation:- If any question arises relating to the interpretation of these rules, it shall be
referred to the Central Government whose decision thereon shall be final.

20. Power to relax: Where the Central Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient
to do so, it may by order, for reasons to be recorded in writing, and in consultation with the Commission,
relax any of the provisions of these rules with respect to any class or category of persons.
21. Saving: Nothing in these rules shall affect reservations, relaxation of age-limit and other
concessions to be provided for the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, other Backward Classes and
other special categories of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government from
time to time in this regard.

Schedule I

See sub rule 1 of Rule 6

(Grades and scales of pay of posts included in the Service)

S.No Grade/Classification of Service Level in the Pay Matrix

1. Grade I of the Indian Foreign Service Level 17
(Rs. 225000)
(Secretary at Headquarters, Heads of
Missions/Posts in Missions)
2. Grade II in the Indian Foreign Service Level 15
(Additional Secretary at Headquarters,
Heads of Missions/Posts in Missions)
3. Grade III of the Indian Foreign Service Level 14
(Joint Secretary at Headquarters, Heads of
Missions/Posts or Ministers abroad)
4. Grade IV of the Indian Foreign Service Level 13
(Rs. 123100-215900)
(Directors at Headquarters/Heads of
Posts/Counsellors in Missions abroad)
5. Junior Administrative Grade Level 12
(Deputy Secretary at Headquarters/First (Rs. 78800-209200)
Secretaries in Missions abroad)
6. Senior Scale Level 11
(Rs. 67700-208700)
(Under Secretary at Headquarters/First
Secretaries and Second Secretaries in
Missions abroad
7. Junior Scale Level 10
(Rs. 56100-177500)
(Under Secretary at Headquarters/Second
Secretaries and Third Secretaries in
Missions abroad)

Schedule II
See sub rule 2 of Rule 12

Composition of Departmental Promotion Committee for considering promotion into

various grades of the Indian Foreign Service
S.No Post/Level in the Pay Matrix Composition of the Departmental
Promotion/Confirmation Committee
1. Grade I Foreign Secretary: Chairman
Level 17 of the Pay Matrix
All Secretaries in Ministry of External Affairs:

Secretary in Department of Personnel &

Training: Member
2. Grade II Foreign Secretary: Chairman
Level 15 of the Pay Matrix
Secretaries in Ministry of External Affairs:

Secretary in Department of Personnel &

Training: Member

3. Grade III Foreign Secretary: Chairman

Level 14 of the Pay Matrix
Secretaries in Ministry of External Affairs:

Secretary in Department of Personnel &

Training: Member

4. Grade IV Foreign Secretary: Chairman

Level 13 of the Pay Matrix
Secretaries in the Ministry of External Affairs:
5. Junior Administrative Grade Foreign Secretary: Chairman
Level 12 of the Pay Matrix
All Secretaries in the Ministry of External
Affairs: Members
6. Senior Time Scale Foreign Secretary or a Secretary nominated
Level 11 of Pay Matrix by him/her: Chairman

Additional Secretary (Administration):


Joint Secretary (Administration): Member

Schedule III
[See sub-rule 2 of Rule 12(2) ]
(Mode of promotion, minimum qualifying service and other eligibility criteria for
promotion into various grades of the Indian Foreign Service)
S. Name of Post & Pay Mode of Eligibility Other
N Scale Promotion condition for requirements
o promotion for promotion
1. Grade I Selection Officers will be Holding of
eligible on charge as Head
Level 17 of the Pay completion of 30 of Mission as
Matrix years of prescribed by
qualifying service the Ministry of
in the Indian External Affairs
Foreign Service from time to
subject to time.
completing a
minimum of 2
years of regular
service in Grade
II failing which 9
years of
combined regular
service in Grade
II and Grade III of
which at least one
year of regular
service is in
Grade II.
2. Grade II Selection Officers will be Successful
eligible on completion of
Level 15 of the Pay completion of 25 such mandatory
Matrix years of training as may
qualifying service be prescribed by
in the Indian the Ministry of
Foreign Service External Affairs
subject to a from time to
minimum of 2 time; and
years of regular
service in Grade Mandatory
III. period of service
at Headquarters
and holding of
charge as
prescribed by
the Ministry of
External Affairs
from time-to-
3. Grade III Selection Officers will be Successful
eligible on 1st completion of
Level 14 of the Pay January of the such mandatory
Matrix year in which 17 training as may
years of be prescribed
qualifying service by Ministry of
in the Indian External Affairs
Foreign Service from time-to-
is completed time;
subject to a and
minimum of 2
years of regular Mandatory
service in Grade period of service
IV. in Headquarters
and Missions
abroad and
holding of
charge as may
be prescribed by
Ministry of
External Affairs
from time-to-

4. Grade IV Selection On 1st January of Successful

the year in which completion of
Level 13 of the Pay 13 years of such mandatory
Matrix qualifying service training as may
in the Indian be prescribed by
Foreign Service is the Ministry of
completed. External Affairs.
5. Junior Administrative Selection On 1st January of Successful
Grade the year in which completion of
9 years of such mandatory
Level 12 of the Pay qualifying service training as may
Matrix in the Indian be prescribed by
Foreign Service is the Ministry of
completed External Affairs.
6. Senior Time Scale Seniority On 1st January of
subject to the year in which
Level 11 of the Pay rejection of 4 years of
Matrix Unfit qualifying service
in the Indian
Foreign Service is

For promotion of
Grade I of Indian
Foreign Service
Branch 'B' into
Senior Scale of
Indian Foreign
Service as laid
down in Para 13
of the Rules.

7. Junior Time Scale Level On initial

10 of the Pay Matrix recruitment

Note 1: For officers appointed to the Indian Foreign Service through direct recruitment on the basis of
competitive examination conducted by UPSC, the length of qualifying service shall be counted from the
1st January of the year following the year of the examination on the basis of which an officer is appointed
to the Indian Foreign Service.

For officers appointed to the Indian Foreign Service on the basis of promotion from Grade I of Indian
Foreign Service Branch 'B' length of qualifying service shall include combined regular service in Grade
I of IFS (B) counted from 1st January of the Year of Allotment and regular service in the Indian Foreign

Provided that for officers already promoted to the Indian Foreign Service from Grade I of the Indian
Foreign Service Branch 'B' on the date of commencement of these Rules, qualifying service for
promotion to Grade III and higher grades in the Indian Foreign Service shall include combined regular
service rendered in Grade I of Indian Foreign Service Branch B after 1st January of the year of Allotment
and the Indian Foreign Service;

Note 2: “When juniors who have completed their qualifying/eligibility service are being considered for
promotion, their seniors would also be considered provided they are not short of the requisite
qualifying/eligibility service for two years, whichever is less, and have successfully completed probation
period for promotion to the next higher grade along with their juniors who have already completed such
qualifying/eligibility service.”

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