6.2.3 Cane Calorific Value
6.2.3 Cane Calorific Value
6.2.3 Cane Calorific Value
1. Rationale
This method is applicable to bagasse and determines the calorific value of the sample.
2. Principle
The higher or gross calorific value (HCV) and the lower or net calorific value (LCV) of
bagasse are calculated. When calculating the LCV it is assumed that the water formed by
combustion and the water of constitution of the bagasse remains in vapour form and that
it is not practical to reduce the temperature of the combustion products to below the dew
point to condense the moisture present and recover its latent heat. The latent heat of the
vapour is therefore not available for heating purposes and must be subtracted from the
3. Apparatus
3.1 Light duty balance readable to 0.01 g
3.5 Brush
3.15 Filter paper: Whatman No. 6, Postslip medium white or equivalent, 150 mm φ
4. Reagents
Celite is an inert powder and should not be inhaled. Use a dust mask.
5. Procedure
5.1 Moisture
Clean the moisture tray with a brush and weigh accurately to 0.1 g. Add 300 g of the
bagasse sample to the tray and weigh again accurately to 0.1 g. Transfer the tray to the
oven and dry for 1 hour at 105°C. Cool in a desiccator for 1 hour and weigh accurately to
0.1 g.
5.2 Ash
Heat the crucible and lid for approximately 30 minutes in the oven at 105°C. Remove the
crucible and lid from the oven and allow to cool in a desiccator for about 1 hour before
weighing accurately to 0.01 g. Add approximately 50 g of sample to the crucible. Weigh
the dish, lid and contents accurately to 0.01 g. Place the lid on the crucible, transfer to
the furnace at 650°C and incinerate for 10 minutes. Remove the lid and incinerate for
another 35 minutes. Replace the lid and transfer the crucible to a he at resistant surface
to cool for 2 minutes. Transfer the crucible to a desiccator to cool for 90 minutes and
weigh accurately to 0.01 g.
5.3 Brix
Weigh 350 g bagasse accurately to 0.1 g into a weighing scoop and transfer to a cold
digester. Weigh 2 541 g water accurately to 0.1 g, add to the bowl and digest for 20
minutes. Pour the contents of the bowl onto a decanter screen and use the first 300 cm 3
to rinse the 500 cm 3 bottle. Collect the next 400 cm 3 in the bottle and allow to cool to
room temperature.
Add 2 g Celite 577 to 100 cm 3 of the extract in a 250 cm 3 bottle, replace the lid and
shake vigorously. Transfer the total contents of the bottle to a fluted filter paper in a
funnel which rests directly on a 250 cm 3 beaker. Do not overrun the rim of the filter
paper. Do not allow the filtrate to touch the bottom of the funnel or filter paper. Do not
replenish the solution in the filter funnel. Seal the funnel with a watch glass to minimise
evaporation. Discard the first 10 cm 3 of filtrate and collect about 25 cm 3 of the filtrate in
another clean beaker.
Zero the refractometer using distilled water. If the reading is not 0.00°Bx at 20.0 ± 0.1°C,
record this value as the water blank.
Pour the filtrate into the refractometer cell compartment using three portions to ensure
complete displacement of the previous solution. Record the reading once it stabilizes at
20.0 ± 0.1°C.
6. Calculations
6.1 Moisture
Moisture (%) =
(M2 − M3 ) × 100
(M2 − M 1)
6.2 Ash
(M 3 − M1 ) × 100
Ash (%) =
(M2 − M1)
where M1 ≡ mass of crucible and lid (g)
M2 ≡ mass of crucible, lid and sample before incineration (g)
M3 ≡ mass of crucible, lid and sample after incineration (g)
6.3 Brix
100 × S − S × M − (S + W) × B
Fibre in bagasse (%) = (Equation 1)
S × (1 − 0.0125 × B)
B (S + W ) − 1.25 × F
Brix of bagasse (%) = 100 × (Equation 2)
100 S
7. Example
7.1 Moisture
Moisture =
(802 .73 − 651 .39 ) × 100
(802 .73 − 500 .25 )
= 50.03%
7.2 Ash
Ash =
(322 .02 − 320 .65 ) × 100
(370 .73 − 320 .65 )
= 2.74%
7.3 Brix
8. References
SASTA (1985). Laboratory Manual for South African Sugar Factories. 3rd Edition: 229 -
230, 231 - 232, 241.
Wienese A (2001). Boilers, boiler fuel and boiler efficiency. Proc S Afr Sug Technol Ass, 75:
275 - 281.