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Reading Boat 1 Student S Book PDF

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Wde***rc.e* tm ffimmd$rrug ffimmt ffi4
fu€*e€ €k* #fumrmmtmrs ##

uoil or Buster the Dog 09

usi{oa Ghase Me, Dad! l5

ur,iros Babies, Babies, Babies t7

{.,n.r 04 At the Supermarket 2t

unir 05 Sid the Alphabet Snake 25

{,}nr06 What Do Birds Like? 29

unm o? Hide and Seek 33

rinry &8 Baboon 37

un*&e I Drink Milk 4l

uni{ ro Buying Shoes 45

fftlif il Like an Ange! 5l

unir rz Tal!, Taller, Tallest 55

{,nr rr The Rich King 59

tntittq The World of lnsects 63

unr lE Thanks, Mr. Bee 67

unir 16 On the Beach 7l

unir tr Valentine's Day 75

uail 18 My Fashion 79

unr re Two-Minute Exercise 83

unfro Rock-Paper-Scissors 87

Picture Dictionary 92
1. Easy-to-Follow Lesson Process: Three Stages of Reading

) l)

2. Cumulative Reading Skill Practice

Reading skills are recycled through the Reading Series, so students can practice repeatedly and
consolidate their reading skills step by step.

r Skill3
Skill2 i ldentifying main ideas

3. Cumulative Vocabulary Practice

Target words are practiced 6 times in the student book and the workbook
This cumulative practice will help students to remember the words better.

Step 1 Step 2 ,,$tep 3,, $tep 4, 5

Step Step 6
New Word Word Word Word Word
Words Practice 1 Practice 2 HEVIEW I Review 2 Link

4. Engaging Stories wath Golorful lllustrations & Animated Audio Recording

. Engaging stories motivate students to read.

. Colorful illustrations help students to understand the stories better
. Students can listen to the audio recording of the reading.
. Key Vocabulary is in bold-face type.
I . Pre-Reading
Part A: New Words
New target words are introduced in this activity.

Part B: Grammar
A grammar chart concisely shows the target grammar point of
each unit.
Part C: Warm-up Ouestions
Warm-up questions help students guess what the passage is

I ourtng tled;ng
A n€adandm;*your.nre.rhtfi!story-
I Fhd afid circh. ,* Ckcte lfi€ eimals
,$ Walklikeanelephad
Jufrp like a kaagaroo.
2. Durang Reading
Fart A: Reading Skill 1- Scanning for lnformation
*e5 , Ekeandqent
This activity trains students to find specific information, fast.
ho futu'r h\eskngaroo.
Pant B: Visualization
i B.eq S*t€r .li..r.::,iil,i
fttu 1 [bam.
r:::tl_r::li; :l'
Students organize the main points as they fill in the chart.
rs Stu tiletr aqer

, Part C: Comprehension
* Clte(k{{}Teeort#,€. These questions check students' understanding of the reading
t The b&y Mlks like an elephart. i:?e llfsis passages.
: Thebabydffi tflylikeabH. i-i?re i:e
3 The b*y can jump like a kngae. f:l& :-5tu,*
4 Tho b*y slles like an ang€l. i;lr4 i jtok

!E} Afte. *eaditr$

A €irclelhe.ore(tword{rl.
1 Cindy'sbabysisterdo*n'twalk likeabfd / keaoelephant
: CindyrsbabysiSerdoesnt *t / jump likeakarearco.
3 Cindy's b&ysi$erdoesntfly like abrd / like a €t
3. After Reading
4 Cindy's bdv si$er smibs like Crndy / tike an anget
Part A: Comprehension
g Askroufrlendand.h€(kthesffiwen
These questions check students' understanding of the reading
I Can you walk like an elephant? al k, I e*a. :; {+ t{*1
: Can you jump lik6 a kangaroo? lJk, rH. aiHn,li#
3 canwuilylikeabfd? i-1is,;!+i. :_,:Ns.i{oft
Part B & D: Personalization
* Che$eand wrlte. D Wrltasnddrrw. Students identify with the characters and imagine
elsphanl Smib walk ily themselves in the story.
i I .. to school every morniog.
Part Word Practice
? Youcanseean _. atthezoo,

3 Bilds €n tut I canl- Students review and practice the target words.
Ir l'll lake a photo. -- !

##+=t=, #+a=+ ;+*rjr

They are Terry s friends

Terry is B years old.

He likes to exercise.
He likes to play board games

This is Terry's sister.

She is 6 years old.
She likes to drink milk

Buste.r is Terry's family dog.
He is 1 year old.
He likes to chase cats.

This is Terry s dad.

He is 36 years old.
He likes to drink green tea

This is Terry's mom. This is Terry's baby sister.

She is 35 years old. She is 1 year old.
She likes to drrnk coffee. She smiles like an angel.

Unit 0l Buster the Dog 09

Unit 0g Ghase Me, Dad! l3

Unit 03 Babies, Babies, Babies t7

Unif 04 At the Supermarket 2t

Uoif 05 Sid the Alphabet Snake 25

Unit 06 What Do Birds Like? 29

{.lnit 07 Hide and Seek 33

Unit 08 Baboon 37

{.rnit 09 I Drink Milk 4l

Unit l0 Buying Shoes 45
H friends.
Welcome to
Reading Boat 1 !

Have fun!

Woof! Woof!

S) rre-Reading
A Choose and write,

Word Bank run lump park cat

, ,.,,
.... : ,.| j....


, t,,,,r,1;:,'!i';,ii

:i ;., .'.;;,;',;, i,r; 1,':1

.. .. ..i.:::...::. ::a.).1i:.a,
l.'it a t::...: :;) i:.,.:: i
,. : ..:!'::a !:::::!lH
' : .. ,-,:
..' --:i
:. ".

C Look at the picture on the next page and talk about it.

E What is Buster chasing?

P Why is Terry angry?

3 How does Buster feel?

m*omcfoe, @

ffiwwwy *#s ffi*w

Buster likes to run.
Buster likes to jump.
Buster likes to go to the park.
Buster likes to chase cats.
Buster likes to eat trash.
Noooooo, Buster! !

O Ooring Reading
A Read and mark your answers in the story.

t Find and circle. rF What does Buster like to do?

E" Find and count. & How many things does Buster like to do?

B Complete the chart.

*l -t

l to

1 to ito

S Check(ffi) Tra** or FuEse.

3 Buster likes to walk. L"$ rrue ffi rske

k Buster Iikes to jump. E" ,i Iru€ ilffi Faise

ffi Buster Iikes to chase birds. L" t lr$Je ilff False

4 Terry says, "Noooooo, Buster!!" f,*E lrue ffi Fclse

Emorxc Aoo,
€) rqfter Reading
A Circle the correct word(s).

i cat /
t Buster is Terry's dog
t& Buster likes r to jump {_urP__l

{ Buster likes to chase , ,i"e f

4 Buster likes to eat I trash-l-
to rrnl.

B Talk about yourself.

? Do you like to run? # vea I ds. ffi N*, * dcmt.
3 Do you like to go to the park? ffi Vea I dc. ffi rq*, E d*ar'?.

S Do you Iike to eat ice cream? ffi Yea I do. ilT r*a *dsnt"

C Choose and write. D Write and draw.

Jump run cat park I Iike to

<Dr*us yffi$r $nswer her*.>

? Kangaroos can

3. Let's go to the

5 The is sleeping.

4 The horse can fast.

$ fre-Reading
A Look and match.

watch neck "-& - dad

t 'i '-

B Learn the grammar. Read and say.

t: Dad is I watchinE TV.

;i iil
il Jump - Jumprng I,
run - runnlng ill
sleeping. f'l
chase - chasing -.'

G Look at the picture on the next page and talk about it.
$ What is Cindy doing?
fr What is Dad doing?
ffi How does Dad feel?

'?-"- i
Dad is watching TV. i ::

I can tickle his feet :=

lcan tickle his armpit.

I can tickle his neck.

I can make faces.

I can run away.

Chase me, Dad !

Q) Orring Reading
A Read and mark your answers in the story.

t! Find and circle. IF Circle the body parts.

Find and underline. tp What can Cindy do?

B Complete the chart.

Cindy tickles her dad's...

C Number the sentences.

Cindy runs away. I Cindy tickles her dad.
Dad chases Cindy. Cindy makes faces.

D check(ffi) Tru* or F*!*e.

tt Cindy is watching TV. ffi Trarc ffi rclse
Cindy tickles Dad's feet. ;J EruE ffi Fslse

3 Dad runs away. ffi True # rake

& nfter Reading
A Circle the correct word(s).
I Cindy's dad is i watching TV / sleeping


& Cindy tickles her dad's hands I feet i.

s Cindy makes faces and i runs away / watches TV

B Talk about yourself.

tI Do you play with your dad? fli Yes, I dc. ffi nca *d*r*t.
*. Do you tickle your dad? ffi Yes, I do. tj Nc, I dsar't.

G Choose and write. dad watch

The giraffe has a long This is my

3 4

They like to soccer games. He is washing his

(! rre-Reading
A Look, choose and write.

Word Bank hungry wet tired homework

F Learn the grammar. Read and compare.

ili: lam hungry. hungry?

tired. ll
:i wet. li wet?

c Look at the picture on the next page and talk about it.
Why is the baby crying?

What is Mom doing?

What is Terry doing?

&rApr*c *r* @
;i:l*';'r: !r rll!

ffi#',l$ffiif'tf-,;f* "" -" l';t.-."' '-.

"Waaaaaah," said the baby.

'Are you hungry?" asked Mom.

"Waaaaaah," said the baby.

'Are you tired?" asked Mom.

"Waaaaaah," said the baby.

'Are you wet?" asked Mom.

"Waaaaaaa h, " said Terry.

"Go and do your homework!" said Mom.
I Onrr-ng Reading
A Read and mark your answers in the story.

* Find and circle. @ Who said "Waaaaah?"

B Find and underline. @ What did Mom say to the baby?
S Find and check(/) @ What did Mom say to Terry?
B Complete the sentence.

Are you Go and do your

Are you ?

Are you ?

"Waaaaaah !" said Terry.

"Go and do your homework!" said Mom.

"Are you tired?" asked Mom.

"Waaaaaah!" said the baby.

m*o,*e *o* @
€) mer Reading
A Circle the correct answer.
T What did mom say to the baby?

# Are you wet? & Do you have homework?

X Who said "Go and do your homeworkl"?

# Terry did. & Mom did.

B Ask your friends. Circle the answers.

Friend 1: Friend 2:

T Are you hungry? Yes, I am. No, I'm not. Yes, I am. No, l'm not.

ffi Are you tired?, Yes, I am. No, I'm not. Yes, I am. No, l'm not.

3 Are you happy? Yes, ! am. No, I'm not. Yes, I am. No, I'm not.

C Choose and write.

Word Bank homework hungry tired wet

a I walked in the rain. My shoes are

s=. I want to sleep. I am

3 I don't want to eat. l'm not

&* Hurray! We don't have today.
$ rre-Reading
A Read and color.

buy green "s red rce cream

cl_J_) f\ )
Jl / ,>.Y

E Learn the grammar. Read and say.

Let's l;
Let's go!
:: :l
:; ',.i
Let's eat! 1.1
t: Let's run! :

G Look at the picture on the next page and talk about it.
? Where are the boy and his mother?
ffi What vegetables can you see?
S What does the boy want?

X*o,*cmo* ffi
Let's buy some green beans.
They are good for you.

Let's buy some red peppers.

They are good for you.

And let's buy some ice cream.

It's your favorite.

Thanks, Mom !
f) nrring Reading
A Read and mark your answers in the story.

T Find and circle. :F Where are they?

ft Find and underline. nh What are they buying?

B Read, match and write.

€fr Let's buy some It',s

& €
cream. favorite.

Let's buy some They are

peppers. for you.

ffi Let's buy some They are

beans. for you.

C Check{ffi) ?r*e or F**s*.

$ The boy is at the ice cream shop. L*j f;ru#

#*gs a

fuJ r#ESe

ffi The boy Iikes ice cream. fu*d 6fl4#ffi E*jf r#Ese

* Green beans are good for you. **E AflUe ffi tr*Ese
4 They buy red peppers. &*j tr#€ ffi tr*Ese

&mornc **r @
€l nner Reading
A Circle the correct word(s).
$ The boy and his mom are at the ice cream shop
/ supermarket

& Mom buys some i green I red I beans.

lce cream / Red pepper is the boy's favorite.

B Talk about yourself.

* Do you go to the supermarket ffi vea € d*. il# ffi*, E d*m?.

with your mom?
g ls ice cream your favorite? ffi Yes- E? Es. flIE nce" $? ism-t.

Do you like going to the supermarket? ffi Y*a **. E ffi trG*, *d*m?"

C Choose and write. D Write and draw.

buy green red Ice-cream like

<*r*w y*ue qtr$wsr h*r*,>

E The fire truck is

ffi I want to some candy.

B is very cold.

4 Rabbits like grass.

$ fre-Reading
A Look and match.

come !ike 4
-3 Ietter 4 make
€ € * $

6 Look at the picture on the next page and talk about it.

$ What color is the snake?

What is the snake doing?

What noise does a snake make?

( .i

:i;1, &*''P', Sid tfue r&tph*h*t

,.( '''11 , ^
., "
't ff '(r\1
fxl $*eke
r, ' j ^'
^-.rn^.. i .,r- l '1 ,4
(, Hefe
(-/ Here COmeS
comes Sid. rr :tn -' \\]j /
:' Sssssbsssssdss' ( '- "' .! ! i
1 r.,1 A . ,in N /
Sid likes the atphabel.
z "t
.. - ,\\\
li'"' ', ssssssssssssss

llr- ' i mq,


\. *.. /
fl\ /'
,\\\\l/t ,/t
\ ////-
(- r-V/-\

.'>t' \
t 1'll
lt// ,. c-
xl,(l !/'/'*

Sid con make letters. t,

\l Now hei making a D!
{\ \r
. \:t.
Look, it's an L!

el <-
AJ r-\

Al o 11

ffi p \1
) (, I
( I
^ rl
1ll. fir r\ r*\W'U
\, it/ :'<: r
/ |

I !, :":! "2
-; '--- ,-- ' .1 a I iJ'i t\
rt '-1 ') '
.lrF r-t o jt ,
What else con you moke, Sid? -=' I t.'r I

\ .'.1'n,.- {
,:-: \\\1. ,-,-
. t.rIi',

, \ r,t''
;I-\\\ , .::,
t+i.r: s'
lit: i !
!\\lltl trr.
& P*ring Reading
A Read and mark your answers in the story.

6 Find and circle. @ What sound does Sid make?

3 Find and underline. & What letters can Sid make?

B Read, write and draw.

x a a
Sid can make an L Sid can make a Sid can make an
<&r*ss y**r *r?s*Y*r **re.> l
<*rew yst*r trffishfrrer !":ere.> <Srehu ysrir frRswer here.>



G Check(M) €rw* or FmEs*.

'fi Sid is a snake. ffi rra,s* ffi tr**s*

# Sid doesn't like the alphabet. ilJ Es',L3* ffi tr*fs*

$ Sid can't make letters. **;i In#e il] rcls*
4 Sid is making B now. L-rj Sreje ffi trclse

m*r,n" foo,
& nfter Reading
A Circle the correct answer.
fr Who is Sid?

'#' He's the snake alphabet. &, He's the alphabet snake.

X What does Sid Iike to do?

,{F He likes to make Ietters. & He likes to eat Ietters.

B Talk about yourself.

'B Can you write the alphabet? # Y#s- E c*er" il# re*, E e*mt.

X Can you make a T with your fingers? ffi Y*a E c*m" # **a fi cm*?"

3 Can you make a W with your fingers? fl# vea $ **re. #rua * c**-t.

C Choose and write. D Write and draw.

I can
' make Come like letters
q*ncw y**r ffifi61#en fuere.>

? There are 26 in the alphabet.

d here, please.

SI ice cream. lt's my favorite.

S Can you a sand castle?

$) rre-Reading
A Color the picture.
bird B tree lake


B Learn the grammar. Read and Gompare,

bird. There are some birds.

nest. nests.
tree. trees.

C Look at the picture on the next page and talk about it.

B What color is the bird on the lake?

ffi How many birds are in the tree?

S What color is the bird in the nest?

cemuxe moar



Some birds like fields.

Some birds like Iakes.
Some birds like trees.
Some birds Iike the ocea n.
:r - :ar:+
I i: . ,t .: t:{: ,t! ;:i ri :,;

But all birds like one thing"

Do you know what it is?

Yes !

All birds like nests.

\, .\ \
s} nuring Reading
A Read and mark your answers in the story.

'ffi Find, circle and count. k& Circle and count the word "birds."

ffi Find and underline rb What do birds like?

B Fill in the blanks, Choose the words from the story.

Some birds Iike Some birds like

All birds like

Some birds Iike Some birds like

C Check(ffi) Yrue or F*Ese.

re AI birds Iike lakes. +L.j ErLEe flffi Fstse

ft Some birds like trees. ffi Ynu* ;*"i Felse

S Some birds don't like nests. $_j Erue ffi trslse

€ All birds Iike nests. L__E Erue ffi Fcise

&rnuxc **, @
€l nrter Reading
A Circle the correct word.
t | 41 7 to*"-- l
birds like Iakes.

"s I All / Soml birds Iike nests.

4 All / Some birds like the ocean.

B Talk about yourself.

'E Do you like birds? ffi ves, I ds. ffi ru*, *d*re't.

A Did you ever see a bird's nest? ffi vs$, Idid. flJj r**, * didr:'r"

3 Do you have a bird at home? ffi Ves, il do" # ru*. I d*mt.

G Choose and write. Write and draw.

I like
, lake nest bird
<Druw y**r s*sw*r h*r*.>

? Can you climb a ?

? I want to swim in the

5A is singing beautifully.

&A is a baby bird's home.

$ rre-Reading
A Look, choose and write.

, word Bank behind between next to in front of


t,r Look at the picture on the next page and talk about it.

t Where is Sam hiding?


ia. Where is Jane hiding?

Who is in front of Terry?

ffii t iiIi

L+i ! t
lsli ] li
E* i-*,.:*''
i iiti

_ =iy";- I
{.,- .+.}'l
ii,tn frl
-- \\'r-)*-,
*-*"-Fi \J .l
**'.*e --:":,F.,=**t

tt, (^ ,,

_rJtil?, tuttl t eei.

Tom is behind the door.
But Terry doesn't know.

Jane is between the chairs.

tsut Terry doesn't know.

Sam is next to the TV.

But Terry doesn't know.

"l can catch you first, Buster!"

says Terry.

:- l"=**%
"f''n "You're right in front of me!"
-1 r",
ir i 1
ii ! i
Ei t
!i 1x
li !.
1i 1 1i

' .. . r'i , ...

t. \-.
i .-
r'\-..,:rl r, r-i.
. .: .r..\.
... ..f ,:..
I .i.\,i
i ..,i'. _._i.,:,.\'r"_-,:- ...-...
. .- . -, .: .. .\- r,r ''
.:,r,.rt i..:,:1€
I i. - -,.':. L:r . . 3q-.
€) orring Reading
A Read and mark your answers in the story.
B Find, circle and count. t Circle and count the names.

A Find and underline. :F Where are Tom, Jane and Sam?

B Write the names.

C Check(ffi) ?ra:e or FsEs*.

€ Tom is behind the door. , , .j ?i*af& E*g s-{!Ese

X Jane is next to the TV. L# Erue ; . E Fcfis*

3 Terry can see Sam. L*E rrse : ; t-#lse

4 Terry can't catch Buster. $ t lru€ l'. j F*Ese

n*o,*" fnuo @
S! nfter Reading
A Read and match.
t i Tom is... ;e 6i: ...in front of Terry.

g. i Jane is... iO e, ...behind the door.


Sam is... e ...between the chairs.

4 Buster is... ,e s ...next to the TV.

B Loolq choose and write.

Word Bank between in front of behind next to

t The ball is "..-*- the desk. X is

The ball the tree.

The ball is *_,__ the chairs. 4 The ball is the dog.

C Talk about yourself.

3 Do you like to play games with your friends? i-l V*s, fi d*. ..,:1 fq*, E d*r:,t.

X Do you play "hide and seek"? yeA E #*. # f*A ft dm*"?.

S ls someone sitting next to you right now? *des. F,"Ii ru*.

S! rre-Readin$
A Look and match.
t c name e say dog & grandmother
e g e @

ts Learn the grammar. Read and compare.


i:...:r,:.r. The music is slow. Say it slowly. ,

a:..r,,.i i

loud. loudly. i

!:1::::a..:: : l nice. nicely.

C Look at the picture on the next page and talk about it.

X What is the boy saying to the dog?

3 How does the dog feel?

m What is the boy thinking about?

, -.: &g*t
i}{:X .tt{3

Baboon is a funny name.

Say it slowly, "Baaa-boooooooon."

Say it loudly "BA-BOOOON."
Say it to your dog, "Baboon."

But, never-ever,
Ever; ever,
Say it to you r grandmother!

ffi m*rfing Readimg
& Read and mark your answers in the story.

* Find, circle and count. @, finO the word "baboon."

re Find, underline and count. @ UnOerline and count the word "it."
B Act out. @ Say "Baboon" slowly, fast, Ioudly
and quietly.

B Complete the chart.

Word Bank grandmother dog funny

Say it to your I I Never say it to your

G Check(#) ?ru* or F****.

G The boy thinks "Baboon" is a funny name. [T ?ru* i F*ES#

k He says "Baboon" loudly. # Yna.** i*.1 rmesm

S He says "Baboon" fast. tl.j sru* fl--ll r*#se

4 Never say "Baboon" to your dog. {.._$ Ty** F*-l rsgs*

Rr*nrrue **, ffi

€) n*er Reading
A Circle the correct word(s).
=r The boy says "Baboon" slowly / fast
E The boy says "Baboon" quletly / Ioudly
S Sa, i Never say "Baboon" to your grandmother.
& , Say / Never say "Baboon" to your dog.

B Talk about yourself.

G Do you think "Baboon" is a funny name? il= Y*s- E d*. # fqa **rc?. *

A Do you like your name? ffi Ve+ E d*. fl*] ru*, * dem?.
S Do you know another funny English word? # Yss- $ d*. ffi rue, d*r*? E

C Choose and write. D Write and draw.

, dog Say name grandmother My name is

<*r*w y€iJr fir*cw*r !"1*re.>

$Mv is Terry.

PMy is 65 years old.

rc Ihavea . lt's a poodle.

6# hello to your friends.
$ fre-Reading
A Look, choose and write.

Word Bank milk hot drink

B Learn the grammar. Read and compare.

:...::ffi .',r*.,,,,.i:i

I i drink milk.
I l
I lti drinks milk. l: ii
run - runs


. She :,:

il watch - watches li
ti il
They Buster
' :.
say - says
l-:,----- -.-- ::

G Look at the picture on the next page and talk about it.
€ What is Mom drinking?
X What is Dad giving Cindy?
ffi How does Cindy feel?

m*n,*c Xoo,
'/ rr
J Urint: fuJiuc

Mom drinks coffee.

It's too bitter for me.

Dad drinks green tea.

It's too hot for me.

I drink milk.
It's just right for me.

Mmmm! lt's nice and cold.

Can I have some more?

€L Ouring Reading
& Read and mark your answers in the story.

G circle.
Find and @ Circle the drinks.
E Find and underline. @ Underline the people.
m Complete the chart.
}} What does Cindy like to drink? Draw # or @.
tl t
@ Coffee Green Tea Mitk

<Brgv", yeur **swcr herc.> <Grcw g*a:r **s*:*r h*re"> <*rew y**:r mr:sawer h*re,>

It's too It's too It's just

ru Circle the correct picture and write.

What does Cindy's mom drink? tl l

She drinks

t{ t
What does Cindy's dad drink?

He drinks

s) nfter Reading
A Circle the correct answer.
What does Cindy drink?

s , She drinks coffee. & She drinks milk.

A ,,H.o...14r,Qoes milk taste?
. m'. lt is bitter. .&' lt's nice and cold.

B Talk about yourself.

? Do you Iike milk? ffi Y€s, !d*" ffi N*, *d*n't.

X Does your mom drink coffee? ffi Y*s, sh* ds*s. ffi r*s, she dresvr?"

S Does your dad drink green lea? ffi ve+ h* d*es. il# Na l"*e dses*'t"

Choose and write. D Write and draw.

milk hot I like to drink

cold dr
<Bruqv ysur eslswsr h<!re.>

? I want to water.

3 | drink every day.

3 lt's in the winter.

4 Don't touch it! lt's

Sp rre-Keadims
A Look and match.

E shoes ffi small s big bright

e € 6 6

ts Learn the grammah Read and compare.

I I rru lu These are

!: i1
, t,il

tfris - these il
:.i . 1:

lS - afe
'i..,. -.'l!.

S Look at the picture on the next page and talk about it.
? Where is Cindy?
ffi What is she doing?

S What color shoes does she buy?

Try these shoes.

#% e%
These are loo smoll.

These are too big.


ft{ l;l ffi

\-( )

ii6 &"i *=.\


These are too bright.

=: These are loo tight

These are not small.

These are not big.
These are not tight
Hmmm. These ore not bright
l'low about these?
These are perfectl
ffi murXmg Keading
A Read and mark your answers in the story.

B Find and count. @ How many pairs of shoes does Cindy try?

ffi Find, circle and count. @ Circle and count the word "these."

ffi Complete the chart.

$hoes r Hk
5fl eb rhese are too
$h**-jfu These are too
Cindy doesn't buy them.

Sfloss S M (W,
These are too

$!t**s 4 M H
These are too

0b u
$hces 5 Id
These are Cindy buys them.

ffi Numher the sentences.

. I .i Try these shoes. :i

How about,these?

i -.,, These are not small. These are perfect.

I .i These are too small.

*r*aru6 U*, ffi

€) nfter Reading
A Circle the correct answer.
I Where is Cindy?

s, At the bookstore b At the shoe store c At the supermarket

What is Cindy buying?

s T-shirts b Socks e Shoes

S How many pairs of shoes does Cindy try?

tr ,Four pairs b Five pairs e Six pairs

4 Which ones does she buy?

s The perfect ones b The tight ones $ The big ones

B Choose and write. C Write and draw.

: big bright small shoes

My shoes are

<Srsw y*ur cnswer lrere,>

?r have a new pair of

2r like colors.

My bag is and heavy.

Ants are insects.

uor u Like an Angel 5l

uninz Tall, Talle6 Tallest 55

uor 13 The Rich King 59

unr 14 The World of lnsects 63

uoit rs Thanks, Mf. Bee 67

uhr 16 On the Beach 7l

unir t? Valentine's Day 75

unir t8 My Fashion 79

unir te Two-Minute Exercise 83

unir20 Rock-Paper-Scissors 87
H i, friends.
n t..-r- :^ ;I"

Do you like

Woof! Woof!
$ fre-Keading
TI Look and match,

re walk ffi elephant fly smile

# @ B s

ffi Learn the grammar. Ask and answer.

:: Can you lwalk like an elephant? I ucu l. No, I

he he he
she she she

S Look at the picture on the next page and talk about it.
* What animals can you see?
= What is Cindy doing?
B What is the baby doing?

BrADrNc U*, @



l-ix, illl Lfigel

Can you walk like an elephant?
Can you jump like a kangaroo?

Can you fly like a bird?

You don't walk like an elephant.

You don't jump like a kangaroo.

You don't fly like a bird.

1:11:.i.1i:! {:]*
:l!i:*::.,_i: +ii:r:e
-l,,::I:al 1!lli:r'

"ral;::; ::il:ril But you smile like an angel.

r .l
-r: :l

€) Puring Reading
A Read and mark your answers in the story.

Find and circle. # Circle the animals.
I Act out. :p Walk like an elephant.

Jump like a kangaroo.

# B Complete the chart.

..,,,,fo,,,, She doesn't like an elephant.

:, No,,, She doesn't like a kangaroo.

.:, No,1. She doesn't like a bird.

;-irYes; She Iike an angel.

G check(ffi) True or Fcls*.

'& The baby walks Iike an elephant. C_..J lr{Je i , Fsis*

ffi The baby doesn't fly Iike a bird. f" , Tra*e # tr*is*
S The baby can jump Iike a kangaroo. i $ Er$e i-'; rake

# The baby smiles like an angel. i-, i ?r**e F"*r F#ES*

Rraorxc *"* @
& gfter Readlng
A Circle the correct word(s).

i walk Iike a bird / Iike an elephant

Cindy's baby sister doesn't

ffi Cindy's baby sister doesn't eat / jump Iike a kangaroo.

S Cindy's baby sister doesn't fly Iike a bird / like a cat .

* Cindy's baby sister smiles Iike Cindy / like an angel

B Ask your friend and check the answer.

€ Can you walk Iike anelephant? 'il"l Vea * ***. .l-,j reA * ema=-*.

ffi Can you jump like a kangaroo? i : V*s- c*m. E # a€*, * c*re'?.
B Can you fly Iike a bird? V,*s, t **sE.;-".1 # rua E**m-?"

C Choose and write. tI Write and draw.

I can
elephant Smile walk fly
<&r*w y*slr #r:sw*r here.p

€t to school every morning.

ffi You can see an at the zoo.

B Birds can but I can't.

$ ere-Reading
A Color the picture.

B house apartment B mountain 4 climb

B tr ,lY
/ / (t
m o
o G]

$ Learn the grammar. Read and compare.

I'm tall.
i: ffi :.i

r big - bigger -biggest l:

i;:r small - smaller - smallest ii
i.,-- : , _ir My dad is the tallest. i:ia


C Look at the picture on the next page and talk about it.
,$ Where is Terry?

X Who is taller, Mom or Dad?

5 What is behind the house?

RrnprNc r"* @
'-futt, '-lutter, 'J
ulle; t a

My mom is tall. _: ...'"j

t::\ !.."..:".'::
: i.a: ryriiii:t::tt?r,:l

But my dad is taller.


Ou r house is ta ll
. ..,, ,:

But apartments are taller.

Trees are tall.

But mountains are taller.

If Iclimb a mountain,
am lthe tallest?

' .i,iw
, ,jd;{il+;&d4
. .i::aF.i4s&si
\ nE*ffis
i" E!!*F

:" ..1
I P*rXmg Keading
A Read and mark your answers in the story.

T Find and circle. ]& Find the words "tall," "taller," and "tallest."
B Find and complete. * * Mom < Pq4 --- ffi House <
S Tree <
e What do you think? r* ls Terry the tallest?

B Write and circle.

Mott q4

C,D talter tall taller tall taller tall taller

w P Rnry-eL*-rexlkit
tall ' taller tall taller tall taller tallest

€l nrter Readlmg
A Check(ffi) True or FcEse.
€ Terry's dad is taller than his mom. # Yru* ffi trsls*
3 Terry's house is taller than the apartments. ffi Yra** L*i r#gse

3 Trees are taller than mountains. L.-1 Ef{Je i_j E-trrse

4 Terry is the tallest person in the world. L*j lrUe j*"i g'Glse

B Talk about yourself.

3 !s your dad taller than your mom? ffi Y*s, h* Es. ffi ffie, he Esrc-?.

e Are you taller than your mom? ffi Yea Icm. ffi f-ca t're **?.

3 Are you the tallest in your class? ffi Yea *cm. ffi #s, **rc *eg.

G Choose and write. Xl Circle and draw.

, house apartment mountain climb This is my house / apartment

<Sretry y*ur **swar ft*re->
"$ I Iive in an building.

3. Cats can trees.

J* Let's go up the

"l' There are two bedrooms in the
@Bee @ G@ ffi6du-@, ,,M
$) rre-Keading
A Look, choose and write.
: Word Bank king gold tooth

Learn the grammar. Ask and answer.


ls he happy? , Yes, he is, No, ihe i isn't. ., Are you hungry? i.:,,t'
she she lshel ,'. Y 'lam' .i....,.'ri.'

I am not.
:t, ::,:l:at::li:!.1:laf'

S Look at the picture on the next page and talk about it.

ffi What is the king's bath made of?

P- Is the king happy?

B Point to the king's teeth. What is wrong?

ffisADrNG **r @
: t'i

l,/. @ &u_wffi
flictt J'-, I I lg ",4
-,T" i


The king is very rich

He has a gold bath.
He has a gold bed.
He has a gold house, *.-

ls the king happy?

No, he is not.
He is missing a tooth.
ls it a gold tooth?
Of course, it is!
ffi murXmg Kemd*mg
A Read and mark your answers in the story.

$ Find and circle. e& What does the king have?

& Find and underline. W Underline the word "gold."

B What do you think? @ ls the king happy? Why not?

ts Complete the chart.

-*- * - -- *" --* -" "- -:'.*---
- "
- -'l il
<Erow your engwer hcre., <&rcw vgl:f $nssrer hefe.> | <Drciru yeur nnswer fuere.>' <Grew y*ur *reswer her*.> i


C Number the sentences.

He is missing a tooth.

He has a gold bath, gold bed and gold house.

The king is very rich.

He is not happy.

xr*orr*e xo*r
s} n*er Reading
A Circle the correct answer.
ls the king rich?

s Yes, he is. b No, he isn't.

Why is the king not happy?

s He lost a gold shoe. & He Iost a gold tooth.

B Talk about yourself.

? Are you rich? # Y*s, * ffirft- # rua $'se re*?.

E Are you happy? # Vea **re. F-* f**- **sm R*t=

3 Do you have anything gold? * V*a € d** il"i ru*" * d*rc-?.

G Choose and write. D lmagine, write and draw.

tooth rich gold king The king has a gold

<*r*trr y*e"*r sftsw**' 3tere.>

G He's
He has a lot of money.

& The lives in the castle.

s The baby has only one

€ My mom has a nng.

EBee &@orG@ oG GaasooGs,

ffi nre-Readimg
A Look and match.

re tiny inside outside pretty

& & U &

m Learn the grammar. Read and compare.

..,,,,,,,,,,;iii]iiWr::;:r.,.,,:.'.,,,.. . 4,,r

It is tiny. They are tiny. l:i,..i

pretty. pretty. This is small. ,,i'

These are small. rr ,

inside. inside.

& Look at the picture on the next page and talk about it.

"E How many insects are there?

c What are they doing?

* Which insects are pretty?

m*o,*c mo^"
' '-f'jrri
lVurttt ai -{tur ('
They crawl.
lhey JUmp.
They fly.

They are tiny.

lney are scary.
They are pretty.

They are inside.

They are outside.
They ere everywhere.

Look closely.
Look quietly.
Look carefuily.

Can you see threm?

A During Readimg
A Read and mark your answers in the story.

T Find and circle. r& What do insects do?

ffi Find and check (./). nF What do insects Iook like?

ffi Find and underline. tF Wher:e are the insects?

B Complete the chart.

inside lrJ\i
i.^ i
Ii ;i

l! 'i

S Check(#) ?ru* or F**s*.

3 lnsects can smile.

L*F ErU€
il-3 r**se

H Insects are everywhere. i. "; EnL$e :*J rtrESe

S Insects are big. 1,""j sreje # r*$s*

4 Some insects can fly. {-*i ErUe
5*-'-a+ *
L*"j r-*ESs

5 lnsects can crawl. i.-*i lE'8i€ 1..".i FffiES&

mron,*e Xou,
@ nfter Readlmg
A Circle the correct answer.

? How do the insects move in the story?

m They crawl. & They run.

How can you see insects?

m Look for them quietly. * Look for them noisily.

B Talk about yourself.

G Do you like insects? Y€s, E d*. f,J] ruo, fi dc**f"

A Do you see insects in your house? f,,i vea t d*" il--+ rus, * d**-?.

3 Can you touch insects?

l''== Be

r .-i Y€& f cffift. # rue" *emm'?"

G Choose and write. D Circle and draw.

It'sa I pretty / scary insect.

outside pretty inside tiny

<*rge; y#c*r ft*si#*r h*n*->

T Ants are very small. They are
ffi That's a dress.

Don't go out. It's raining

It's cold today. PIay

ffi fre-KeadXm$
A Read and color.

r sheep & grass S honey 4 bee

*',& Wr*oq
y r.------"t'*

B Learn the grammar. Ask and answer.

Do you want honey?

Yes, please.
Do you want to go?
milk? 'No, thank you. Yes, I do.
ice cream? No, I don't.

C Look at the picture on the next page and talk about it.
€ What animals does Cindy meet?
ffi What does the bee have?
B Why is Cindy happy?

mu*rrr*e t*onr
&*u*o Yhemka &&n &ee
"l{ellq" said the worm.
"Do you want mud?"
"No, thank you," soid Cindy.


7/ ii
\ "Hetlq"'said the bee. L.-. 'rYr-u\|br.
\ "Do you want honey?" sS*[n^
su\ said.
€l noring Readimg
A Read and mark your answers in the story.

T Find and circle. B Who said "Hello"?

R Find and underline. t Underline the questions.

m Find and check (./). ]F Check the answers.

B Complete the chart.

-',"-***-; t-

i Do you want 2t


Cindy ffi i.
L-.--* "

I .'
. -_-__-._*.-*-****-}

t Who said what? Read and Match.

ru "Do you want grass?" , * q r CindY

'nNo, thank you." # I the worm
k "Do you want honey?', u
Cindy i

'nYes, please!" ie #, the bee

Rrauruc U*, ffi

& gfter Reading
A Write Y*s- sfu* d*es or ?€*- sfue d**s*'t.
Does Cindy want mud?

Does Cindy want grass?

Does Cindy want honey?

B Think and circle.

3 The sheep , Iikes / like grass.


Cindy Iikes / doesn't like grass.

The bee eats / doesn't eat
Cindy eats / doesn't eat honey.
I eat / don't eat mud and grass.
I eat / don't eat honey.

C Choose and write. 0 Write and draw.

grass Bees Honey Sheep

I want to eat

-, <#rew F€ur **?sw*r fu*r*">


* Iive on a farm.
& is very sweet.

Let's sit on the

& like honey for breakfast.

ffi Wre-Keadlng
A Loolc choose and write.

Word Bank beach feet water sand

B Learn the gramrnar. Read and compare.

His face is hot. His feet are hot. , bird - birds
small. small. I foot - feet
cold. cold. , tooth - teeth

S Look at the picture on the next page and talk about it.
$ How's the weather?
# How does Terry feel?
S Why is Terry running across the sand?

t] ii\r

! .,'ffi
, **
L)iE'-1i58 5e!

Look at Terry.
He is hot.
His face is very hot.

He walks on the sand.

His feet are very, very hot!

Ru n, Terry !
Run to the water!

"Ahhhh!" says Terry"

1 1.-

O Ouring Reading
A Read and mark your answers in the story.

'E Find, circle and count. * Circle and count the word "hot."

E Find and underline. t Underline the body parts.

B Complete the chart.

On the sand ln the

He runs to the
Terry is very He is nice and cool.

G Number the sentences.

He says "Ahhhh!" t;
His feet are very hot.
!! **
Terry is hot. ** He runs to the water.
He walks on the sand. iri
tt{ Look at Terry.
!.; L---f

D Circle the correct word.

E He walk / walks on the sand / sands

2 Run / Runs to the water / waters !

n*o,*cfo* @
& gfter Reading
A Circle the correct answer.
I Whefe is Terry?

m At the park # On the beach

Why does Terry run to the water?

s He is hot. & He doesn't Iike the sand.

B Talk about yourself.

3 Are you hot now? il* Yea € cre" # hE*. *'m rc*?.
X Can you swim? # Vsa i esr*. # rqa *e**'?.
3 Do you like going to the beach? # Ves" * d*" E'} #*, ***m*?.

C Choose and write. D Write and draw.

, beach feet water sand I Iike to on the beach.

<ffr*w yeur fi*swer h*re">

I can't walk. My _-----* hurt.

I made a castle.

3 Do you want to drink ?

4 We had a picnic on the


$ fne-Reading
A Read and color.

G present 2, candy 3 cake 8, sOCkS

B Learn the grammar. Ask and answer.

:i !.1

socks OK? li
Is a card oK? i,i
shoes :l
:i a cake
chocolates :i
a present
---- | i,;

C Look at the picture on the next page and talk about it.

G What is Cindy thinking about?

A What does Dad have in his hand?
3 How does Cindy feel about the socks?

nEAD**c *^r @
Today is Valentine's D
Dad is buying a presen&
What can he buy?

Chocolates are good.

Candy is good.

A card is good. :

*l Jtffi
A cake is good.
.: Are socks OK?
w ., *ffit'

Maybe not!
,l.-','', 1,.'.,.t.: . 1--'- i

.i ,l.'iF...',..
;'l.l,; -a

:itl ir.il:t lr:i:ir'i:::-,


Q) nuring Reading
A Read and mark your answers in the story.

€ Find and circle. t Who is buying a present?

& Find and check (./). * Who is the present for?

ffi Find and underline. :F Underline the good presents.

4 What do you think? r*s Are socks a good present?

B Circle the good presents from the story.

chocolate purse shoes

rr !l
shirt candy flowers

e Check(ffi) ?ras* or F*ls*

B Today is Mom's birthday. i*j rrFJe il..".j $qls*

m Dad is buying a present for Cindy. E*_J rre".*# l-j r*Ese

S Candy is good for Valentine's Day. ;r "i IfUe []E Fetse

4 Socks are not good for Valentine's Day. i*t tr{J€ ..J FtrlS€

S) mer Reading
A Circle the correct word(s).

? I Dad / Cindy is buying a present for Mom.

P A cake is good / not good for Valentine's Day.

ffi | Chocolates / Socks I are not good for Valentine's Day.

B Talk about yourself.

'l Do you give presents to your mom and dad? ffi yma ! d*. # r*a E d*n't.

3 Do you know your mom's birthday? ffi V*s, de. ffi rua f; * d*Eru€-

S Do you want socks on your birthday? il*E yes- de. tllE ffi*, * E d*re'?.

€ Do you want chocolates on valentine's Day? il"f; v*s, d*. ilj rq*, E E d**'?.

G Choose and write. O Write and draw.

present Candy cake I want for my birthday.


<Brgw y*Lsr trmswcr here.>

My mom baked a

I'm wearing white

and chocolates are sweet.

& Can I open my now?

$ fre-Reading
A Look and match.
E winter 3 shorts sunny boots
* 3 &. a

B Learn the grammar. Ask and answer.

It's iI cold.
i t,ot. ,
windy cloudy
I sunny.
{ r |i
iL !1 .^r^.,
ralnY snowy

G Look at the picture on the next page and talk about it.
3 How does Mom feel?
ffi Look at the snowy day. What is Cindy wearing?

m Look at the sunny day. What is Cindy carrying?

mmor*cno ,@
&$g &s$efors
It's cold today.
Why are you wearing shorts?

It's sunny today.

Why are you carrying an umbrella?

It's hot today.

Why are you wearing winter boots?

Mom, you just don't understand my fashion ! ffi

Honey, you just don't understand the weather!

€) P*ring Reading
A Read and mark your answers in the story.
"E Find and circle. Eb How's the weather?
3 Find, underline and count. B Underline and count the word "why."

S Find and check (./). *' Check Cindy's fashion items.

B Complete the chart.

You just don't understand You just don't understand

the my


colA shorts

t+ Match the weather with your fashion.


G It's rainy. * # s I carry an umbrella.

3 lt's cold. & I wear shorts.

3 lt's hot. & I wear winter boots. .

ffiEADrN' *o* ffi

G) mter Reading
A Circle the correct answer.
'l ,What does Cindy wear on a cold day?
s winter boots ft,' jacket r ,,shorts

e hat & umbrella * sunglasses

B Talk about yourself.

'* Do you wear shorts in the summer? ffi Ye$, I d*. flffi ruc, I d*n'f.

k Do you wear boots in the winter? ffi Yes- I ds" ffi No, I dsn't"

3 Do you Iike Cindy's fashion?

ffi Vea * de. ffi n*E, ldon'?.

G Choose and write. Write and draw.

I am wearing
' shorts boots winter sunny

<*r*w Fslcr **swer hsr*.>

* It snows in the

ffi | have new winter

S lt's . Let's play outside.

@ lwear in the summer.

.! /.


' .:-:::r::ij-tl

$ fre-Reading
A Look, choose and write,

Word Bank stand bend open close

B Learn the grammar. Ask and answer.

i; ffou) Stand up! .l

1: Bend down! i: i B" quiet; please!
f: Open your arms!
i: Open the door, please!
'{1,:::::::.:-:::::::..r::::r:i::::r-.rri:::::r:;a:i:trr::r::r:,:r,-:::.:,:.::-i:rii:lr: ;')

c Look at the picture on the next page and talk about it.

€ Who is in the picture?

& What are they doing?

E How do they feel?

X*r,nc noo,
Two-Mtnute Exercise
Stand up.
Put your hands up and stretch.
Up. Up. Reach for the sky. i(

Bend down.
Put your hands down and stretch.
Down. Down. Reach for your toes.

Open your arms. Close your arms.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

How do you feel?


'--" --'*

€) ouring Reading
,fi. Read and mark your answers in the story.

Tt Find and circle. * Circte the "body parts."

2 Find and complete. rF O Stand @ Bend

O .*- your arms. @ your arms.

r) Oo "Two.Minute Exercise" together.


i StepI
! Stand Put your hands _ and

Iit Step2
; Put your hands *.- and
jt Open your arms. * your arms.

Steps 1

1a Breathe a out.
q ***-"**. -....-,.- --=*-,

Label the picture.

$) aner Reading
A Read and match.
X Put your hands up and stretch. Reach for the sky.

X Put your hands down and stretch. CIose your arms.

3 Open your arms. Breathe out.

6 Breathe in. & Reach for your toes.

B Talk about yourself.

Do you exercise? ilE Y*s- * ds= ffi ru*- Ed*m't,

P Can you bend and touch your toes?


Y*s, E fr#m. ffi r*+ *s*r=*?"
5 Can you touch the sky? il] vea * e*n*. E_J r€a * s**'?.

C Choose and write. n Circle and draw.

I feel good / great / wonderful

bend Open Stand CIose
<*r#w ?*ur sffiswer h*re.>
€ up, please!
It's cold. the door.

ffi Can you and touch

your toes?

It's hot. the window.

($ rre-Reading
A Read and color.
ttoy i
E rock i rc paper & scissors

B Learn the grammar. Ask and answer.

I want lto play games.

to eat? il
jto eat ice cream.
i: lto drink mitk.

to drink? il ll
----:t ----- :

C Look at the picture on the next page and talk about it.

X How many children are there?

3 What are they doing?
S How do they feel?

&,irse R*e&*Sop€ F- $cfsssr$
Iwant to ptay I want to play gfrry'
with toys. board oames.
J dW


Second, we play outside.

Then, we ptay with toys.
'< /

lRi;-i-ir(" ""
'.l+jt\ ,
€) Puring Reading
A Read and mark your answers in the story.

t Find and count. W How many children are there?

3 Find and underline. & What do they want to do?

3 Find and number. k& What do they do first, second and third?

4 Act out. @ PIay "Rock-Paper-scissors" with friends.

B Complete the chart.

Cindy wants to play with

w* R t Play

Terry wants to play

-. w p

Jane wants to play ffi €


C Check(#) True or Futse.

? The children do "rock-paper-scissors". fr-:i Irue ffi rahe
3 They will play board games first. L# true ffi Failse
3 They will play outside last. fr.*q, lfue ffi rske
,& They will not play with toys. +*J rrue ffi rsbe

$) ruter Reading
A Circle the correct answer.
I Who wants to play board games?

c Cindy &, Terry fl Jane

k Who wins "rock-paper-scissors"?

o Cindy & Terry fl Jane

B Talk about yourself.

{ Do you play "rock-paper-scissors"
ffi ves, I d*. ffi *€*, I doe'*'?.
with your friends?

? Are you good at "rock-paper-scissors"? ffi Yea I cm. ffi ffi*, EusE ftet"
5 Do you think "rock-paper-scissors" is ffi Y*a * d*" il} rua E dsre3?.
a good idea?

G Choose and write. D Write and draw.

rock paper toys scissors

I want to play

<*rew Hs$r cffiswar fu*rs.>

"$ Write your name on the

A Children like to play with

5 Cut the paper with the _
4 This is from the moon.
Picture Dictionary 92




cold l
ffi letter



next to open outside

present pretty



Picture Dictionary

SCISSOTS sheep shoes

" '-"'.,.
. &&*

shorts socks


" 4.....i+*' '

tooth walk

watch water
, *4&,
\ \l h4
- ".il Il,
f;rapr*c*o*u ffi
Great work!
See you in
Reading Boat 2!

Woof! Woof!
is a three-level reading series for young learners of English. ln each book,
carefully gfaded reading passages are supported by a variety of exercises. By completing
these exercises, sludents build vocabuiary, extend grammatical knowledge, and
progressively consolidate their reading skilis. To make this easier, the authors have created
fun, same-aged characters who lead each passage and capiure the imagination of young
learners. Thus, students maintain interest in the series from the first to the last passage.
Reading Boat also provides an easy-to-foilow lesson format which enables students to actively
take part in the reading and thinking p!'ocess.

. A memorable & interasting family of cfiaracters
. Exciting passages with warm feelings & humor
. Cumulative vocahrlary & reading skillpractice
. Vlvid illustralions to spark l€rners'imagination
. A concise gram,nar chart in each unit
. A systematb lessofi process
. A picture dkfiornry featured in each book
. Accompanyirg adio recordings
. Fun comics

" Stxe**mt S**k tr ff ,Workbook123

'T*eeh*r's fi*'l=*ual " &**i* **

Reading Skills and V**ahulary ftevel*pm*irt $eri*s f*r ffi*rn*ntary $txd*nts

Reading Boat 1 23 (for Grades 1 & 2)
Reading Train I 23 (1or Grades 3 & 4)
Reading Rocket 1 2 3 (for Grades 5 & 6)

lsBN 978-89-5635-1 76-6

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