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Stroke. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2017 March 01.
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Atrial cardiopathy; atrial cardiomyopathy; atrial fibrillation; cardioembolism; embolic stroke
Thirty-three million people have atrial fibrillation (AF), a disorder of heart rhythm.1 Over
the past several decades, we have learned that this dysrhythmia originates in the interplay
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between genetic predisposition, ectopic electrical activity, and abnormal atrial tissue
substrate, and then feeds back to remodel and worsen tissue substrate and thereby propagate
itself.2 Although the importance of AF partly derives from its strong association with
ischemic stroke, there have not been as many advances in our understanding of the
mechanisms of stroke in AF. Current views rest on a century-old hypothesis that fibrillation
of the atrium produces stasis of blood, which causes thrombus to form and embolize to the
brain. When other abnormalities are acknowledged to play a role, the dysrhythmia is still
considered the primary cause of thromboembolism.3 While this formulation is intuitively
appealing, recent work suggests that the pathogenesis of stroke in AF is more complicated
and involves factors in addition to the dysrhythmia.
AF and stroke have been associated in rigorous studies,4 indicating a true association rather
than a spurious finding. Epidemiological logic suggests three explanations: 1) AF causes
stroke, 2) stroke causes AF, and/or 3) AF is associated with other factors that cause stroke.
Correspondence to: Hooman Kamel, MD, 407 East 61st St, New York, NY 10065 USA, 212-746-0225,
Disclosures: Dr. Kamel and Dr. Iadecola report no potential conflicts of interest. Dr. Okin serves as a consultant to and has received
research grants from Novartis Pharmaceuticals (modest). Dr. Elkind receives compensation for providing consultative services for
Biotelemetry/Cardionet, BMS-Pfizer Partnership, Biogen IDEC, Boehringer-Ingelheim, Daiichi-Sankyo, and Janssen Pharmaceuticals
(all modest); receives royalties from UpToDate for a chapter related to cryptogenic stroke (modest); and participates in the American
Heart Association's Cryptogenic Stroke Initiative.
Kamel et al. Page 2
To help judge whether one factor causes another or whether the two are simply correlated,
the epidemiologist Bradford Hill proposed the following widely accepted criteria: 1)
strength of association, 2) consistency, 3) specificity, 4) temporality, 5) biological gradient,
6) plausibility, 7) coherence, 8) accordance with experimental results, and 9) analogy.5 The
relationship between AF and stroke fulfills several of these criteria. Patients with AF face a
strongly elevated risk of stroke—about 3- to 5-fold higher after adjustment for risk factors.4
AF has been consistently associated with stroke in different cohorts.6 And a causal
association is biologically plausible. Intuitively, uncoordinated myocyte activity would
explain the impaired atrial contraction seen in AF, and by Virchow's triad, the resulting
stasis of blood should increase thromboembolic risk.
However, several other Hill criteria do not support a straightforward relationship between
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AF and stroke. Although many studies have found a biological gradient between AF burden
and stroke,7-10 this is not consistent across all studies.11 Furthermore, a single brief episode
of subclinical AF is associated with a 2-fold higher risk of stroke in older patients with
vascular risk factors,12 while young and otherwise healthy patients with clinically apparent
AF do not face a significantly increased stroke risk.13 These conflicting data do not suffice
to establish a clear biological gradient between the burden of AF and the risk of stroke.
The relationship between AF and stroke also fails Hill's criterion of specificity. If AF causes
thromboembolism, it should be specifically associated with embolic strokes. There does
appear to be an especially strong association between AF and embolic strokes.14 However,
10% of patients with lacunar strokes have AF,14 and large-artery atherosclerosis is twice as
common in patients with AF as those without.15 The link between AF and non-
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Third, the association between AF and stroke does not fully satisfy Hill's criterion of
temporality. A recent case-crossover analysis indicated an increased risk of stroke shortly
after the onset of AF.16 On the other hand, two other recent studies found that approximately
one-third of patients with both AF and stroke do not manifest any AF until after their stroke,
despite undergoing many months of continuous heart-rhythm monitoring before the
stroke.17, 18 These findings suggest that although the dysrhythmia itself can cause
thromboembolism, the strong association between AF and stroke also involves other factors.
Fourth, a causal interpretation of the association between AF and stroke does not adequately
fit the available experimental evidence. If the dysrhythmia is the only cause of
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atrial changes caused by AF are unlikely to explain the association between a single 6-
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Even if the origin of stroke in AF is accepted to be the left atrium, other atrial factors in
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addition to AF may cause thromboembolism. Rather than being the only cause of atrial
thromboembolism, could AF sometimes be a marker of other atrial abnormalities that are
themselves the actual cause of stroke? AF frequently co-exists with atrial abnormalities such
as endothelial dysfunction,26 fibrosis,27 impaired myocyte function,28 chamber dilatation,29
and mechanical dysfunction in the left atrial appendage.30 These abnormalities have been
documented in both experimental animal models26 and in humans.27-30 Such factors have
been associated with stroke risk in patients with AF31—could these atrial abnormalities also
arise independently of AF and cause stroke? If so, they should be associated with stroke
even in the absence of AF. Indeed, premature atrial contractions,32 paroxysmal
supraventricular tachycardia,33 ECG-defined left atrial abnormality,34-36 and left atrial
size37-39 have been associated with stroke independently of AF (Table 1). Markers of atrial
dysfunction are specifically associated with cryptogenic or embolic stroke and not with in-
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situ cerebral small-vessel occlusion,34, 36, 38 indicating that these markers signal a specific
risk of atrial thromboembolism rather than general vascular risk.
Might these associations be mediated by AF? Left atrial abnormalities may reflect abnormal
atrial substrate, which causes paroxysmal and difficult-to-detect AF, which then causes
stroke.37, 39 However, adjustment for clinically apparent AF does not change the association
between left atrial abnormalities and stroke34-36—an unexpected finding if AF mediates
their relationship. Another interpretation of these associations is that subclinical AF causes
abnormal atrial substrate, which then causes stroke. In this interpretation, AF is again
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required for downstream changes to occur and result in thrombogenesis. However, structural
remodeling seems to require weeks of AF,20 not just the 6 minutes that suffice to signify an
increased stroke risk.12 Such inconsistencies undermine the concept of AF as the sole cause
of the atrial abnormalities that have been associated with stroke. These associations and their
lack of attenuation after adjustment for AF suggest that atrial disease causes thrombogenesis
via additional pathways besides AF. Proof of principle is offered by a homozygous mutation
of the natriuretic peptide precursor A gene. Even though AF is absent, this disorder leads to
atrial dilatation, progressive loss of atrial activity with eventual atrial standstill, and
more complex than currently appreciated. An up-to-date model must emphasize systemic
and atrial substrate as well as rhythm (Figure 1). Aging and systemic vascular risk factors
cause an abnormal atrial tissue substrate, or atrial cardiopathy, that can result in AF and/or
thromboembolism. For atrial cardiopathy to play such a role in thrombogenesis would be
analogous to the ventricular cardiopathy seen in myocardial infarction and heart failure, two
diseases in which thromboembolism can occur even in the absence of dysrhythmia. Once
AF develops, the dysrhythmia causes contractile dysfunction and stasis, which further
increases the risk of thromboembolism. In addition, over time the dysrhythmia causes
structural remodeling of the atrium, thereby worsening atrial cardiopathy and increasing the
risk of thromboembolism even further. In parallel, systemic risk factors increase stroke risk
via other mechanisms outside the atrium, such as large-artery atherosclerosis, ventricular
systolic dysfunction, and in-situ cerebral small-vessel occlusion. Once stroke occurs,
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This updated model largely resolves the inconsistencies between the Hill criteria and recent
data on the association between AF and stroke. If AF and thromboembolism occur as
parallel but separate downstream effects of atrial cardiopathy, then AF can increase
thromboembolic risk but is not necessary for thromboembolism to occur, so the timing and
burden of dysrhythmia need not be coupled with the timing and burden of stroke. Under this
construct, it would not be surprising that a brief period of AF is associated with stroke
months later12 or that one-third of patients with AF and stroke do not manifest AF until after
their stroke.17 An atrial substrate model also explains the lack of specificity between AF and
embolic stroke. AF patients often have non-embolic strokes because AF serves as a marker
of upstream systemic vascular risk factors. Lastly, a substrate model accords with
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experimental evidence and explains the otherwise puzzling observation that rhythm-control
treatments do not eliminate stroke risk.19 If AF is only a secondary contributor to abnormal
atrial tissue substrate, successful elimination of the dysrhythmia will not eliminate the
thrombogenic potential of the underlying atrial cardiopathy.
An updated model of stroke and AF may lead to better strategies for identifying
thromboembolic risk in patients with established AF. Assessing markers of abnormal atrial
tissue substrate in addition to the burden of upstream vascular risk factors may better
identify the few patients with truly lone AF who do not face a substantial risk of stroke.13
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An updated model may also allow better screening for thromboembolic risk in the general
population without known AF. AF screening is important but has been hampered by the
difficulty of prolonged heart-rhythm monitoring. Assessment of atrial substrate by a
standard ECG or echocardiogram can be done at a single point in time, and may help
augment AF screening efforts.
A substrate model has several implications for therapeutic strategies to prevent stroke. The
perception that the dysrhythmia is the only cause of thromboembolism often makes
providers and patients reluctant to continue anticoagulant therapy during stretches of normal
sinus rhythm.3 A greater emphasis on the atrial cardiopathy that led to AF in the first place,
and which persists even if sinus rhythm returns, may reinforce the importance of continuing
proven anticoagulant treatments. Similarly, recognition of atrial cardiopathy highlights the
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findings from randomized clinical trials that rhythm-control therapies, such as catheter
ablation of AF, should not be viewed as a stand-alone form of thromboprophylaxis.19
An updated model implies that treatments to reverse abnormal atrial substrate, not just to
restore normal rhythm, may be beneficial in reducing thromboembolic risk. Underlying risk
factors such as obesity and the metabolic syndrome promote AF and atrial cardiopathy
through numerous mechanisms.48 Local epicardial fat is increasingly recognized as a
contributor to local inflammation in the atrium, while obesity-induced obstructive sleep
apnea raises intra-atrial pressures.49 Intensive vascular risk factor management after AF
ablation appears to improve the underlying atrial substrate.50 Therefore, future trials may be
warranted to assess whether treatment of atrial substrate reduces stroke risk. In addition, if
AF is a downstream marker of vascular risk factors that separately produce non-atrial stroke
mechanisms such as carotid atherosclerosis or cerebral small-vessel disease, a
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A substrate model also has implications for stroke prevention in patients without AF. If AF
serves as a marker of thrombogenic atrial substrate, the benefit seen with anticoagulant
drugs in AF may extend to patients with atrial cardiopathy but no AF. Randomized trials
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Many of the studies that found associations between atrial cardiopathy and stroke used
consensus definitions of biomarker thresholds, but more work is required to determine
whether additional markers, such as cardiac magnetic resonance imaging of tissue fibrosis
and computed tomographic assessment of left atrial appendage morphology, may better
identify the risk of atrial thromboembolism. Combined with further research on the benefits
of anticoagulation for varying degrees of atrial cardiopathy, such work would allow for a
consensus definition of atrial cardiopathy to aid clinical decision making.
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Funding Sources: This work was supported by grant K23NS082367 (Kamel) from the National Institutes of
Health/National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
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Figure 1.
Updated Model of Thromboembolic Stroke. This model emphasizes the importance of
systemic and atrial substrate as well as rhythm in explaining the relationship between atrial
fibrillation (AF) and stroke. In this model, aging and systemic vascular risk factors cause an
abnormal atrial tissue substrate, or atrial cardiopathy, that can result in AF and/or
thromboembolism. Once AF develops, the dysrhythmia causes contractile dysfunction and
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stasis, which further increases the risk of thromboembolism. In addition, over time the
dysrhythmia causes structural remodeling of the atrium, thereby worsening atrial
cardiopathy and increasing the risk of thromboembolism even further. In parallel, systemic
risk factors increase stroke risk via other mechanisms outside the atrium, such as large-
artery atherosclerosis, ventricular systolic dysfunction, and in-situ cerebral small-vessel
occlusion. Once stroke occurs, autonomic changes and post-stroke inflammation may
transiently increase AF risk.
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Table 1
Studies Demonstrating an Association between Markers of Abnormal Atrial Substrate and Incident Stroke Independently of Atrial Fibrillation
Abbreviations: AF, atrial fibrillation; ECG, electrocardiographic; PACs, premature atrial contractions; PSVT, paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia; PTFV1, P-wave terminal force in lead V1
Hazard ratio (HR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) for the primary outcome of death or stroke.
HR (95% CI) associated with a diagnosis of PSVT.
HR (95% CI) per 1-standard deviation (SD) increase in PTFV1.
Infarct refers to silent brain infarcts detected on magnetic resonance imaging.
HR (95% CI) associated with excessive PACs, defined as ≥30 PACs per hour.
HR (95% CI) associated with ECG-defined left atrial abnormality (PTFV1 ≥4,000 ms*μV).
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HR (95% CI) per 10-mm increase in left atrial size in men. The association was not significant in women (HR, 1.4; 95% CI, 0.9-2.1).
Odds ratio (OR) and 95% CI per 10 mm/1.7 m2 increase in the left atrial diameter divided by body surface area (left atrial index).
HR (95% CI) per 1-SD increase in left atrial size.
HR (95% CI) for left atrial volume ≥32 ml/m2.
Kamel et al.
HR (95% CI) per 1-SD increase in left atrial minimum volume.
OR (95% CI) for each 1-SD increase in the left atrial ejection fraction.