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Fibrilation and Stroke

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Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine xxx (xxxx) xxx

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Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine

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Atrial fibrillation and stroke: A review and new insights

Irene Escudero-Martínez a,b,∗, Lluis Morales-Caba a,b, Tomás Segura c,d
Stroke Unit, Department of Neurology, Hospital Universitari i Politècnic La Fe, Valencia, Spain
Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria La Fe - Universidad de Valencia, Valencia, Spain
Department of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine of Albacete, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Albacete, Spain
Stroke Unit, Department of Neurology, Hospital General Universitario de Albacete, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: The link between heart and brain continues to be a matter of great interest for the scientific commu-
Atrial fibrillation nity. One of the most established associations between the two is that the heart is a significant source
Ischemic stroke
of emboli and is responsible for 20-25% of all ischemic strokes. The most frequent underlying cause of
cardioembolic stroke is atrial fibrillation (AF), a disease that affects almost 3 million people in the USA
and 4.5 million in Europe. AF increases the risk of ischemic stroke by a factor of 3 to 5 times. It is esti-
mated that AF is responsible for 15% of all strokes worldwide. A more comprehensive understanding of
this association and development of intensive stroke prevention measures are needed, as we know that
AF incidence and prevalence will increase over the coming years, becoming one of the largest epidemics
and public health challenges we face.
© 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Epidemiological association of AF and stroke a cortical cardiac pacing site in the insular cortex that may partic-
ipate in an inappropriate sympathomimetic discharge when dam-
AF is the most common arrhythmia encountered in clinical aged. [9, 10]
practice, with a pooled incidence in community-based studies av-
eraging 4.70 per 10 0 0 person-years, and a prevalence ranging from
Thrombogenesis and embolism: mechanistic hypothesis
2% in people < 65 years to 9% in those > 65 years and almost 18%
in the elderly (> 85 years). [1, 2] It has been identified as one of
The classical model of embolic stroke in AF patients is that
the main sources of embolism in patients admitted for ischemic
fibrillation of the atrium produces ineffective contraction leading
stroke in stroke units since the early1970s. [3]
to stasis of blood, which favors thrombus formation and subse-
The causal association of atrial fibrillation and stroke has been
quent embolization to the brain. This classical pathophysiological
supported by a series of cohort-based studies. [4] Incidence of is-
model has been questioned in the last two decades. Failure to
chemic stroke in patients with AF without anticoagulation ranges
prove a temporal relationship between episodes of paroxysmal AF
from 7.7 to 30.8 per 10 0 0 person-years. [5, 6]
and stroke in patients with cardiac implantable electronic devices
AF is also considered to be highly prevalent among patients ad-
has contradicted one of the principles of causality. Therefore, this
mitted in stroke units due to strokes arising from other mecha-
has led investigators to search for additional factors that might be
nisms. 10% of patients with lacunar stroke also present with AF,
responsible for or contribute to AF-related strokes. [11]
and large artery atherosclerosis is twice as common in patients
Current models advocate for an interplay between abnormal
with AF as in those without. [7, 8]
atrial contractility (that is, AF itself) and other atrial factors such
Finally, AF can present as an acute complication of the stroke
as endothelial dysfunction, fibrosis, impaired myocyte function,
itself. Acute ischemic stroke and transient ischemic attack (TIA)
chamber dilatation and left atrial appendage mechanical dysfunc-
are followed by electrocardiographic abnormalities in up to 75% of
tion. These pathophysiological mechanisms have been reported in
cases, with AF being the most frequent arrhythmia. Although the
humans and experimental animal models, and they constitute the
mechanism by which stroke can produce cardiac rhythm distur-
more recent concept of atrial myopathy. [12]
bances is not fully understood, it has been postulated that there is
Endothelial dysfunction in AF manifests as decreased expres-
sion of nitric oxide (NO) synthase in the endocardium. Loss of

Corresponding author at: Stroke Unit, Department of Neurology, Hospital Uni- laminar flow and cyclic stretch would result in downregulation of
versitari i Politècnic La Fe, Av. Fernando Abril 106, 46026 Valencia, Spain. this enzyme. The decrease in NO also facilitates an increase in the
E-mail address: escudero_ire@gva.es (I. Escudero-Martínez). production of adhesion molecules that would facilitate the forma-

1050-1738/© 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: I. Escudero-Martínez, L. Morales-Caba and T. Segura, Atrial fibrillation and stroke: A review and new insights,
Trends inDescargado
Cardiovascular Medicine,
para Ronald https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tcm.2021.12.001
Eduardo Lozano Acosta (loacro@yahoo.com) en Cayetano Heredia Pervuvian University de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en febrero 14,
2022. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2022. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;December 14, 2021;20:10]

I. Escudero-Martínez, L. Morales-Caba and T. Segura Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine xxx (xxxx) xxx

tion of intracavitary thrombi. In addition, all cardiac output passes patients at truly low risk of ischemic stroke, in whom OAC has no
through the left atrium, and the atrial endocardium represents, in net clinical benefit. [24]
fact, an endocrine organ that produces NO and provides circulating Because OAC is a double-edged sword, with both benefits and
NO to the systemic circulation. Thus, dysfunction of the atrial en- associated risks, the decision-making process requires a defined
docardium may have an adverse effect on systemic vessel function and reliable, evidence-based foundation. Blood biomarkers can pro-
as a whole. [13] vide information on prognosis and risk stratification. [25] The most
Atrial fibrosis may occur in the context of systemic disease widely studied for this purpose are mentioned below but many
(such as hyperthyroidism or amyloidosis), mitral valve disease, a others have also been investigated.
long history of hypertension, or simply due to aging. Common Von Willebrand factor (VWF) elevation is one of the best-
histopathological findings are an accumulation of collagen, atro- known biomarkers: high VWF levels are suggestive of endothe-
phy, and vacuolar degeneration of myocytes with accumulation of lial dysfunction. [26] Its elevation is correlated with left atrial
lipofuscins, an increase in the quantity of adipose tissue, and grad- blood stasis in NVAF. In several cohort studies, patients who devel-
ual loss in nodal fibers with fibrofatty substitution of the sinoatrial oped thromboembolic events had significantly higher VWF activity
node. This may represent a structural substrate reentry circuit (AF and total concentration compared to those without demonstrated
genesis) and lack of NO production, thus providing a potential sub- thromboembolism. [27]
strate for thrombus formation. [14] An increase in other circulating factors, such as PAI-1 (plas-
Atrial fibrosis can be observed by gadolinium enhanced cardiac minogen activation inhibitor), TAT (thrombin-antithrombin com-
MRI even before the development of AF itself. This fact could ex- plex III) and D-dimer, has been reported as leading to decreased
plain auricular thrombus formation in subjects in sinus rhythm but fibrinolytic activity and an increase in thrombotic state in patients
with atrial fibrosis alone. [15] All those changes also lead to cham- with AF. [28, 29] Elevation of NT-proBNP (N-terminal pro–B-type
ber dilatation, which is a known and strong predictor of AF. [16] natriuretic peptide) and hs-TnT (high-sensitivity cardiac troponin
Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) measurement of the T), both linked to myocardial damage and heart failure, can add
flow pattern by pulse wave Doppler has shown an irregular AF strong prognostic information, and indicate an increase in em-
phenotype in the left atrium, despite simultaneous surface ECG bolic risk in AF patients. Those biomarkers also show independent
showing sinus rhythm. These findings would help to explain the prognostic value after risk stratification by other known factors
occurrence of embolic phenomena during periods of sinus rhythm (CHAD2s2-VASc, male sex, higher body mass index…) [30, 31, 32,
in these patients. [17] 33]
Other biomarkers such as mean platelet volume, IL-6 and TNF-α
have been studied as novel thrombotic risk predictors. They appear
Clinical and radiological characteristics of ischemic stroke due
to be increased in some patients with AF independently of antico-
to AF
agulation treatment and it may reflect an underlying inflammatory
state that has previously been related to thrombogenesis and en-
AF is associated with more severe strokes than those caused by
dothelial activation. These findings are reported in a limited num-
atheromatous disease, and one of the hypotheses is that cardioem-
ber of studies with heterogeneous populations, so the data should
bolic strokes are presumably due to embolization of large thrombi.
be interpreted cautiously. [34, 35]
AF has also been associated with silent cerebral infarctions (SBI)
It has been suggested that the implementation of all these
and TIA. [18]
biomarkers would provide highly individualized embolic risk es-
Regarding neuroimaging characteristics, multiterritorial em-
timation in AF patients, and consequently personalized prevention
bolisms are more frequently seen in cardioembolic stroke due to
treatment and strategies. Examples of clinical scales that include
AF. Additionally, there is a higher probability of DWI lesions after
biomarkers are the ATRIA score, the Intermountain risk score, and
TIA due to AF embolism than those due to other etiologies.
the ABC-Stroke scale [36, 37, 38] Moreover, adding these biomark-
ers to CHA2 DS2 -VASc score may help identify patients in an en-
Stroke risk assessment and need for treatment in patients with hanced thrombotic or decreased fibrinolytic state among patients
AF initially classified as low risk patients. [39]

Stroke prevention is the main management priority in patients

with AF. To stratify embolic risk in AF patients, the CHADS2 scale AF as a cause of silent brain infarction (SBI)
was developed based on multiple clinical variables. It is widely
employed due to its simplicity and ease of use. [19, 20] SBI are defined as cerebral infarcts that are observed on neu-
More recently, the CHA2 DS2 -VASc score was developed. This roimaging in the absence of any neurological symptoms referable
score considers patients with a prior stroke/TIA or patients > 75 to the corresponding area. [40]
years as high-risk patients and therefore should receive oral an- Nowadays, epidemiological research and neuroimaging, espe-
ticoagulation (OAC) for stroke prevention. Furthermore, a combi- cially MRI, has proved that SBI contributes to neurocognitive de-
nation of at least two risk factors from the following - hyper- cline, cardiovascular events including an increased risk of first
tension, heart failure, diabetes, age 65 to 75, female gender, and stroke (10% per year and two-to-threefold of those without SBI),
pre-existing vascular disease - are also considered to be high risk. as well as disability, gait instability, depression, and death. Hence
[21] CHA2 DS2 -VASc provides a more accurate risk estimation in the the term silent is misleading and the term covert brain infarction
group of intermediate risk from CHADS2 , for whom OAC recom- (CBI) is considered more appropriate. [41, 42]
mendations were not clear. It is also suggested that CHA2 DS2 -VASc Prevalence of SBI in the general population ranges from 8 to
is a better discriminator of ‘true low-ri’sk patients when compared 28% according to epidemiological studies and has been consistently
with CHADS2 . [22] associated with age and hypertension in large population studies.
With direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs), which reduce the rate [43] AF has been postulated as a cause of SBI. A recent systematic
of major bleeding complications when compared to vitamin K an- review and meta-analysis showed that AF was associated with SBI
tagonists (VKA), physicians are less reluctant to initiate oral antico- (OR 2.62, 95% CI 1.81–3.80) independently of AF type (paroxysmal,
agulation. [23] Nowadays, the focus of stroke prevention in NVAF persistent, or permanent). [44] SBI can also occur after AF ablation
patients has shifted from predicting high-risk patients to identify due to the potential thromboembolic risk of the procedure. SBI rate

Descargado para Ronald Eduardo Lozano Acosta (loacro@yahoo.com) en Cayetano Heredia Pervuvian University de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en febrero 14,
2022. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2022. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;December 14, 2021;20:10]

I. Escudero-Martínez, L. Morales-Caba and T. Segura Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine xxx (xxxx) xxx

varies according to the technique, being significantly higher after during a mean follow-up time of 11 months. [57] In this study, ad-
thoracoscopic epicardial ablation than after catheter ablation. [45] vanced age, left atrium enlargement and frequent supraventricular
The AHA-ASA published a scientific statement on the man- extrasystole were predictive of a higher risk of developing AF. In
agement of patients with covert cerebrovascular disease in 2017. the RESPECT-ESUS trial, 5390 patients were enrolled, and AF was
This document recommends assessing common vascular risk fac- found in 7.5%. They found that advanced age and elevation of NT-
tors and pulse for AF in patients with SBI and consider echocardio- proBNP (when available) were associated with a higher risk of de-
graphy when there is a pattern of SBI which appears to be embolic veloping AF. [58]
in origin. Regarding prevention of stroke in patients with SBI, there These findings may help clinicians identify patients who may
is no clear recommendation, but the statement suggests that it benefit from more intense, long-term cardiac monitoring. Figure 1
is reasonable to consider this information when making decisions proposes an algorithm to select stroke patients for prolonged car-
about anticoagulation for those with atrial fibrillation. However, it diac monitoring.
also states that the role of SBI in prevention strategies has not been
fully studied in RCTs and that further investigation is needed. [46]
Long-term cardiac monitoring

Diagnosis of AF as a cause of stroke There are different prolonged monitoring strategies available in
clinical practice to detect AF in stroke patients: 12-lead electrocar-
AF: to screen or not to screen? diogram (ECG), inpatient ECG telemetry during stroke admission
to the Stroke Unit/ICU, ECG Holter from 24 hours to 7 days after
The evidence for AF screening in the general population as a discharge, external long-term ECG recordings that can register up
primary prevention strategy for cardioembolic stroke is quite lim- to 30 days and cardiac implantable devices, including pacemakers,
ited. According to the AHA/ASA guidelines, screening all patients defibrillators and implantable loop recorders, which are small de-
aged 65 years and older using pulse palpation to detect AF fol- vices that are inserted subcutaneously on the chest and are used
lowed by ECG is recommended. More recently, the recommenda- for long-term ECG event recording, up to several years. [59]
tion to perform systematic AF screening in individuals aged > 75 The selection of a specific tool in clinical practice should con-
years of age has been upgraded from class IIb to class IIa in the sider different factors that include the sensitivity, the cost, or the
2020 ESC AF guidelines. [47, 48] invasiveness of the test. Table 1 summarizes the main characteris-
Systematic opportunistic screening is more likely to be cost- tics of each strategy.
effective than systematic population screening. Nurse pulse palpa- Each tool records different events: while surface ECG detects
tion or modified blood pressure monitors (if available) would be supraventricular irregular heart rhythm without p waves, im-
appropriate screening tests followed by a diagnostic 12-lead ECG plantable devices monitor the electrical activity of the atria and
interpreted by a trained general practitioner in those who screen can detect high-rate atrial activity, also defined as Atrial High-Rate
positive, with referral to a specialist for cases in which diagnosis is Episodes (AHRE). These AHREs have been found to be present in
unclear. [49] most cases of AF or flutter, and they imply a higher risk of stroke
Nowadays, smartphones and smartwatches offer the possibility than sinus rhythm. However, the best strategy for stroke preven-
of AF screening and monitoring. Although AF detection via these tion in this group remains unclear. [60] AF burden has also been
smart devices may represent an inexpensive, noninvasive approach postulated as a marker of thromboembolic risk, but this has not
to long-term AF surveillance and management, more studies are been proved by prospective studies. [60]
needed to clearly identify the ideal population for the use of these In this past year, 6 RCTs evaluating long-term cardiac monitor-
systems as well as adopt the best technology and strategy in con- ing have been published. On balance, these trials have confirmed
junction with the medical community. [50, 51] that long-term cardiac monitoring is associated with increased de-
Screening for AF is attractive because most consequences can tection of AF, but overall, there was no difference between the con-
be prevented. The optimal screening procedure, however, is not trol group of patients and those receiving long-term cardiac mon-
yet defined. Several ongoing studies [GUARD AF (NCT04126486), itoring in terms of OAC use or rates of recurrent stroke. Further
STROKESTOP 1 (NCT01593553) & 2 (NCT02743416) and the LOOP studies are needed to fill this knowledge gap. [61]
study (NCT02036450)] will report data within a few years on hard
endpoints after randomization to arms undergoing AF screening or
Secondary stroke prevention in AF patients
not. [52]
Antithrombotic therapy
In patients with valvular AF, oral anticoagulation (OAC) for
The term ESUS (embolic stroke of undetermined source) was stroke prevention with vitamin K antagonists (VKA) is indicated.
introduced in 2014 to identify patients with non-lacunar crypto- For those with non-valvular AF (NVAF), direct oral anticoagulants
genic ischemic strokes in whom embolism was the likely stroke (DOACs) are considered by AF guidelines world-wide as the pre-
mechanism. [53] The frequency of ESUS varies depending on the ferred choice of anticoagulant treatment to prevent stroke. [47, 62,
population, with most of the studies reporting a frequency of ESUS 63, 64]
ranging from 9% to 25%. [54] The optimal preventive treatment in In secondary stroke prevention, the main controversy is the
these patients remains unclear. Two large randomized clinical tri- time point at which OAC should be (re-)started after a stroke.
als (NAVIGATE-ESUS and RESPECT-ESUS) failed to demonstrate the Regarding ischemic stroke, 2021 EHRA-ESC guidelines recommend
efficacy of OAC in the prevention of stroke recurrences in these pa- OAC initiation within the first 24-72 hours in patients with tran-
tients. [55, 56] sient ischemic attack (TIA). In patients with acute ischemic stroke
In patients presenting with an ESUS, AF is an important cause (AIS), if infarct size is not expected to substantially increase the
that should be investigated due to its potential benefit in stroke risk of hemorrhagic transformation, OAC could be (re-)initiated ≥
prevention with OAC. But not all ESUS patients present the same 3 days if mild stroke, 6-8 days after if moderate stroke and in pa-
risk for AF. In the NAVIGATE-ESUS trial that included 7112 ESUS pa- tients with severe stroke at 12–14 days, after excluding secondary
tients, AF was ultimately detected in only 3.4% of the whole group hemorrhagic transformation by repeating brain imaging studies.

Descargado para Ronald Eduardo Lozano Acosta (loacro@yahoo.com) en Cayetano Heredia Pervuvian University de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en febrero 14,
2022. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2022. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;December 14, 2021;20:10]

I. Escudero-Martínez, L. Morales-Caba and T. Segura Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 1. Proposed algorithm to select stroke patients for prolonged cardiac monitoring. Adapted from reference [59].

Table 1
Long-term monitoring devices main characteristics. Table adapted from reference [59]

Technique Recording time Invasiveness Cost

Holter Monitoring Days Non invasive Low

Wearable long term outpatient telemetry (NUUBO®) Weeks Non invasive Intermediate
Insertable cardiac monitors (Reveal®) Years Minimally invasive High
Pacemakers and implantable cardioverter defibrillators Years Invasive High

Descargado para Ronald Eduardo Lozano Acosta (loacro@yahoo.com) en Cayetano Heredia Pervuvian University de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en febrero 14,
2022. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2022. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;December 14, 2021;20:10]

I. Escudero-Martínez, L. Morales-Caba and T. Segura Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 2
Summary of ongoing RCTs regarding time of re/starting OAC after an ischemic stroke or ICH. Data from reference [65]


Clinical trial Arms of treatment Estimated Main outcome Result

ELAN (NCT03148457) Early vs standard NOAC onset, 2000 Composite of major bleed, stroke Ongoing. October 2021.
stratified by stroke severity. ∗ recurrence, systemic embolism,
vascular death at 30 days.
OPTIMAS (NCT03759938) Early NOAC onset (within 96 hours of 3478 Composite of stroke recurrence, Ongoing. September 2022.
stroke) vs standard (between days 7 intracranial bleed, systemic embolism
and 14). at 90 days.
TIMING (NCT02961348) Early NOAC onset (day 1 to 4) vs late 888 Composite of stroke recurrence, Ongoing. December 2021.
onset (day 5 to 10) after ischemic intracerebral bleed, any cause death at
START (NCT03021928) Time-to-treatment interval with NOAC 1000 Composite of stroke recurrence, To be published. Recruited until
either 60, 132, 228 and 324 hours systemic embolism, intracerebral August 2021.
after index stroke. bleed, systemic major bleeding and
any cause death at 30 days.
AREST (NCT02283294) Apixaban vs warfarin stratified: TIA - 91 Composite endpoint of fatal stroke, Early onset of apixaban does not
small - medium stroke. recurrent ischemic stroke, or TIA. increase the risk of intracerebral
hemorrhagic complications.
PRESTIGEAF (NCT03996772) NOAC vs antiplatelet after intracranial 654 Time to first first incident ischemic Proposed February 2021. Still
haemorrhage. Stratified by stroke or recurrent haemorrhage. recruiting.
lobar/non-lobar and gender.
APACHE-AF (NCT02565693) Apixaban (5 mg or 2.5 mg twice daily) 101 Number of patients who experience High subsequent annual risk of
vs single antiplatelet vs no the combination of vascular death or non-fatal stroke or vascular death,
antithrombotic. non-fatal stroke (follow up of 12 to 72 whether allocated to apixaban or to
months). avoid anticoagulation.
NASPAF-ICH (NCT02998905) NOAC vs aspirin (81 mg). 30 Composite of ischemic stroke and No cases of recurrent ICH or fatal
recurrent cerebral haemorrhage stroke were documented.
through study completion (one year).
Recruitment rate in study.
ASPIRE (NCT03907046) Apixaban (5 mg or 2.5 mg twice daily) 700 Incidence of ischemic or hemorrhagic Ongoing. October 2021.
vs aspirin (81 mg). stroke or death at 3 years follow up.
SoSTART (NCT03153150) NOAC vs VitK antagonist 203 Rate of intracranial haemorrhage Inconclusive. Lack of statistical power.
anticoagulants vs no antithrombotic. recurrence in the first year of follow
up. Recruitment rate per site-month.
A3ICH (NCT03243175) Apixaban (5 mg twice daily) vs left 300 Composite of fatal and non-fatal Ongoing. December 2023.
appendage closure. intracranial and extracranial embolic
and haemorrhagic events.
ENRICH-AF (NCT03950076) Edoxaban (60 mg or 30 mg) 1200 Stroke or major haemorrhage in Proposed February 2021. Still
median 2 years follow-up. recruiting.

These timelines have been suggested according to expert recom- ter careful weighing of risks and benefits. However, this strategy
mendations and should always be individualized for each patient requires a period of antiplatelet or anticoagulant treatment post-
taking into consideration individual thrombotic and hemorrhagic deployment, which also carries a risk of recurrent ICH. [68] Pa-
risks. [65] tients with AF after ICH in whom LAA occlusion is being consid-
The 2019 AHA/ASA guidelines conclude that ‘for most patients ered should ideally be included into an ongoing RCT. [65]
with an acute ischemic stroke in the setting of AF, it is reasonable More recently, a novel, permanent, bilateral pair of common
to initiate OAC between 4 and 14 days after the onset of neurolog- carotid artery (CCA) filters has been developed to capture big em-
ical symptoms’. [66] boli, thereby preventing major cerebral stroke in patients with
After an intracranial hemorrhage (ICH), a case-by-case consider- high-risk AF who may or may not be receiving OAC. [69]
ation is needed to determine whether to (re-)start anticoagulation,
according to individual risks and ICH etiology. The generic recom-
mendation for these patients is to (re-)start OAC 4–8 weeks after
the ICH if the individual risk of cardio-embolic stroke is high and
AF is the most common tachyarrhythmia and an important
the risk of recurrent ICH is estimated to be lower.
cause of covert and clinical stroke. The relationship between AF
The safety of oral anticoagulation in the setting of cerebral amy-
and cerebral ischemia is bidirectional and nowadays we better un-
loid angiopathy and in the presence of cerebral microbleeds (CMB)
derstand the pathophysiology of thrombosis and other mechanisms
remains unclear and merits further study. In patients with CMB,
related to AF. An early diagnosis of AF is important due to the ther-
observational studies have shown that are they are associated with
apeutic implications, mainly stroke prevention. OAC is the standard
a greater relative hazard for subsequent ICH than for ischemic
of care for these patients, and novel strategies with new devices
stroke, but the absolute risk of ischemic stroke is higher than that
are being developed as an alternative for patients in whom OAC is
of ICH. [67]
Table 2 summarizes ongoing RCTs regarding time of re/starting
OAC after an ischemic stroke or ICH.
Key trends
Other therapeutic interventions
- AF and stroke incidence and prevalence will increase over the
Left atrial appendage (LAA) occlusion is a potential alternative next years, becoming one of the largest epidemics and public
strategy to long-term anticoagulation in AF patients post ICH af- health challenges.

Descargado para Ronald Eduardo Lozano Acosta (loacro@yahoo.com) en Cayetano Heredia Pervuvian University de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en febrero 14,
2022. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2022. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;December 14, 2021;20:10]

I. Escudero-Martínez, L. Morales-Caba and T. Segura Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine xxx (xxxx) xxx

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2022. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2022. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

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