Francisco, Miranella B. BS Civil Engineering September 19, 2019
Francisco, Miranella B. BS Civil Engineering September 19, 2019
Francisco, Miranella B. BS Civil Engineering September 19, 2019
BS Civil Engineering
September 19, 2019
“Let us SEE”
1. How many answered: For me the Church is a:
3 - house of prayer/worship
1 - place where people gather
6 - we are the church
2. How many answered: The Church is still relevant
10 - Yes
3. How many answered: The church is important because:
Basically the answers I got were generic. All of them have the same thought; the church
is important because it somehow unites people, and it is a place where people with the same
beliefs about our Father gather. It breaks people’s barriers because it makes them one. They
believe that the church is present to remind us the teachings of God that we sometimes forget. It
is a constant reminder that no matter how cruel or chaotic the world is, there is this one God, our
Father, that guides us and always helps us in times of trouble. It gives us the sense of security
because we believe that there is someone above us.
“Let us ACT/PRAY”
1. Describe what is happening as a news reporter would.
2. Interview at least three (3) parents.
i. Why are you in church today?
a. All of them were in the church today to witness their child being baptized. For
them, as Christians, baptism is a must because it is when we ‘officially’
become fully doctrine Christians.