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& answers

Baptism questions and answers

Are you an adult and would you like to be

baptised or have your child baptised?
If the answer is yes, you may find yourself faced with many new
questions. This booklet gives simple answers to some of the
more usual questions. Perhaps some of the answers give rise
in turn to more questions. In the pre-baptismal conversations
with the priest/deacon you have the opportunity to talk about
your reflections.
Before you begin studying these questions and answers, the
Church would like to congratulate you who are thinking of the
possibility of becoming a Christian. You have the chance of
embarking upon an exciting journey of discovery. The Catholic
faith in all its richness is a never-ending source of joy when it is
lived out in everyday life. Baptism is a decisive step that brings
about a new orientation in life.
The Church welcomes you who are thinking of having your
child baptised. You have received a wonderful gift that brings
both great joy and a great responsibility. Your love for your
child is a part of Gods love. In Baptism your child becomes a
child of God in a special way. The Church, his/her new family,
wishes to support as you raise your child.
The Church rejoices with all those who through Baptism
become Christians, and she remembers them in her prayers.

Imprimatur: Stockholm, September 17, 2014

+ Anders Arborelius ocd, Bishop of Stockholm. Katolska Pedagogiska Nmnden 2014
English translation: father Richard Hayward. Graphic form: PCG Malm, Malm
Published in cooperation with Veritas Frlag. Printers: Norra Skne Offset AB 2014
Printed with contributions from Bonifatiuswerk
This booklet is also published in Swedish with the title: Dopet frgor och svar
ISBN 978-91-87273-11-7

1. Why should one baptise?
2. How does one baptise?
3. How does one prepare for Baptism?
4. What is expected of the parents?
5. Who can be a godparent?
6. What are the commitments of the
7. Is Baptism necessary for salvation?
8. Why are infants baptised in the
Catholic Church?
9. How old should the child be
when it is baptised?
10. Can an adult be baptised in the
Catholic Church?
11. I am a single parent. Can my
children be baptised?
12. We are not married but are just
living together. Can our child be
13. Can the child be baptised when
the parents are not in agreement?
14. Are there any costs for Baptism?
15. Should one be registered in a
Catholic parish in Sweden in order to have ones child baptised?
16. What documents does one need
to present?
17. I was baptised in another Christian church. Do I need to be

baptised again in order to become

a Catholic?
18. Can I have my child baptised in
another parish than the one I
belong to?
19. May one have ones own songs
and poems at the Baptism ceremony?
20. Among the guests there are some
who dont understand Swedish.
What can we do so that they do
not feel left out?
21. Who should hold the child at the
moment of Baptism?
22. Does one need to think about
what to wear in church?
23. What should one do if the child
cries very much?
24. Who should I contact if I want to
book a time for Baptism?
25. I dont know much about the
Catholic faith. How can I find out

Some Baptism symbols page 18

Rite of Baptism of a child
page 20
Rite of Baptism of a childpage 22
Planning the Baptism
page 26
For you who would like
to know more
page 28

1. 1. Why should one baptise?

The answer is simple: Jesus wants us to baptise and
teach (Matthew 28:19). God loves all men and women
and he wants the very best for them. Baptism is his
great gift to man who has been born in a world and in
a condition that has lost its original purity and union
with God. Through Baptism one is cleansed from sin
and one is born of the Holy Spirit to a new life. The
baptised person whether adult or child is now a
child of God and a member of Gods family, the Church.
The baptised person is called to live very close to Jesus
Christ throughout the whole of his or her life. Eternal
life already begins at Baptism. For that reason Baptism
should not be delayed without serious reasons. You can
read more about the rich grace of Baptism under the
heading Some Baptism symbols, page 18.

2. How does one baptise?

The priest (the celebrant) immerses the candidate in
water three times or pours water over his/her head
three times, saying: N, I baptise you in the name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Normally
Baptism will be performed by a priest or deacon. In
danger of death anyone can baptise, even one who isnt
baptised himself. What is needed is the proper intention (of doing what the Church wants to do).

Baptism according to Melkite

Greek Catholic Church.

Just as I have loved you,

you also should love one another.

3. How does one prepare for Baptism?

Before the Baptism of a child it is important to meet the priest or deacon
two or three times. Conversations with the priest/deacon are a good opportunity to deepen ones own faith. By planning the Baptism ceremony
together it is easier for everyone to understand what is happening and
what commitments the parents and godparents have after the Baptism.
A well-prepared ceremony is often more rewarding and meaningful for
everyone. Some parishes arrange courses in which several parents and
godparents can take part together.
Preparation for older children and for teenagers is often given
together with the catechesis organised by the parish. For adults there is
a special preparation for Baptism also known as the Rite of Christian
Initiation of Adults (RCIA). Contact the parish for more details.

4. What is expected
of the parents?
The Baptism of children presupposes
that they will be told why they have been
baptised. It is important that children learn
to pray in the family and from an early
age feel at home in the Church and in its
liturgy. Children can be a challenge with
their tricky and unexpected questions.
Parents have the possibility of discovering
and growing in their faith together with
their children. The godparents and the
parish can help them in this task. Parents
are expected to ensure that their children
take part in catechism classes arranged by the parish in preparation for
first holy communion and confirmation. Parishes begin catechism classes the same autumn as the children begin school. Contact the parish in
good time.

5. Who can be a godparent?

A baptised and confirmed catholic may be a godparent. He/she must

be at least 16 years old. The godparent should be a person who has the
capacity and the determination to help the baptised person to grow
as a catholic. One can have up to two godparents. It is good to choose
one woman and one man. The childs mother and father may not be
godparents. An Orthodox Christian can be a godparent if the child can
receive a Catholic education. A baptised member of another Christian
denomination may be present as a Baptism witness.

6. What are the commitments of the

At the Baptism of an infant the role of the parents and godparents is to
profess the faith of the Church on behalf of the child. The godparent
helps the child to grow in faith. He/she tries to accompany the godchild
in the Christian life and be a good example. It is important that the
godparent pray for the child and keep in contact.

What can a godparent do?

Some examples: Send greetings on the anniversary of Baptism.

Talk about Jesus and Mary. Be prepared to listen and talk to the
godchild. Accompany the family at Mass and offer to help if the
child becomes restless. Remind the family about catechism classes
in the parish. Be present at the childs First Holy Communion and

Even adults who are going to be baptised need a godparent. Baptism

is only the first step. The baptised person still needs help in the rest of
his or her life as a Christian so that faith may grow. The godparent can
be an interlocutor and show how to live ones faith in everyday life. It is
good if godparents can already be involved while the adult is preparing
for Baptism.

7. Is Baptism necessary for salvation?

Baptism is necessary for salvation for those to whom the Gospel has been
preached and who have had the possibility to ask for this sacrament. The
Church never refuses to baptise anyone, though in certain cases Baptism may
be postponed. This is the basic principle, but God is not bound by Baptism. The
Church lives in the hope that unbaptised children are received by Jesus who has
said: Let the children come to me, do not hinder them; for to such belongs the
kingdom of God (Mark 10:14).
What about the billions of people who have never heard about Christ? The
Catechism of the Catholic Church affirms: Every man who is ignorant of the
Gospel of Christ and of his Church, but seeks the truth and does the will of God
in accordance with his understanding of it, can be saved (n. 1260). God wants
all to be saved, Jesus Christ has died and risen for all.

8. Why are infants baptised in the Catholic Church?

Infant Baptism is an old tradition in the Church. The little child hasnt committed any sins but has been born in a world and a condition that has lost its
original purity and union with God. Baptism restores this union. Baptism gives
a promise of eternal life. At the Baptism of infants it is specially clear that Gods
love always comes first.
An objection to infant Baptism is that one should decide freely if one will
be a Christian or not. A little child lacks the capacity to choose. It grows up in
specific surroundings which affect its personality. If the child doesnt grow up
as a Christian it will become something else. The empty space is always filled
with something. But one can turn the question around and ask: could Christian
parents choose not to baptise their child? After all they want to give it the very
best. A child who has been baptised and has received instruction in the Catholic
faith can later choose to say yes to its Baptism and profess its faith when he or
she is confirmed. Only those who know what Christian faith involves can take a
Oriental Catholics are already confirmed at Baptism. Later on, e.g. when
other Catholic friends are confirmed, instead of being confirmed again they can
renew their baptismal promises and the grace of confirmation.

9. How old should the child be when it

is baptised?
Children should be baptised in the first few weeks after birth. If the
child is very ill it should be baptised immediately. When there is
danger of death anyone can baptise the child (see question number
2). Moreover there is no upper limit for Baptism.

10. Can an adult be

baptised in the Catholic Church?
Everyone who has not already
been baptised can receive Baptism.
Older children, teenagers and adults
should receive instruction in the
Catholic faith before Baptism.

11. I am a single parent. Can my children

be baptised?
The fact that you are a single parent is not an obstacle to your
children being baptised. If you are a Catholic and you want them to
grow up as Catholics, then they can be baptised.

12. We are not married but are living together. Can our child be baptised?
Yes, if you want to give your child the possibility of growing up as a
Christian. You need to speak about this with the priest or deacon.
In the conversation with the priest/deacon the question of marriage
will arise. The birth and Baptism of a child helps many couples to
decide to get married.


13. Can the child be baptised when the

parents are not in agreement?
As a Catholic in a Catholic marriage one has promised that the
child will be baptised and educated in the Catholic faith. If the
parents have entered into a Catholic marriage it means that
in principle they have agreed to this. According to canon law
(Church law) it is sufficient if one of the parents/guardians wants
the child to be baptised. In case of conflict it is good to contact
the parish and talk with the priest. Often (sometimes) a provisional solution can be to delay the Baptism. This doesnt mean
that the Church abandons the parents and the child. They are
included in the prayers of the Church.

14. Does Baptism cost anything?

Baptism doesnt cost anything, as the Church does not receive
money for the sacraments. However one may have to pay for
other items, e.g. Baptism candle, flowers and musician.

15. Should one be registered in a Catholic parish in Sweden in order to have

ones child baptised?
As a Catholic living in Sweden one should be registered in a
Catholic parish. An adult Catholic pays 1 % of his income as a
church fee (kyrkoavgift). You can see this on your tax return;
there you can also see if you are registered as a member of the
Swedish Church. If that is the case, you should request withdrawal from the Swedish Church. One cannot be a member both
of the Roman Catholic Church and of the Swedish Church or
another Christian denomination. Catholic parents and godparents who have not been registered previously will be registered in
their parishes. For more information, see www.katolskakyrkan.se.



16. What documents

does one need to obtain?
Personal certificate (personbevis) for the one who is to be
baptised www.skatteverket.se.
The godparents must be able to show that they are registered
in a Catholic parish in Sweden.
If the godparents live abroad, they should obtain a certificate
of Baptism and confirmation from the parish where they
were baptised or where they live.

17. I was baptised in another Christian

community. Do I need to be baptised
again in order to become a Catholic?
No, you do not need to be baptised again. If you were baptised
with water in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the
Holy Spirit, then the Baptism is valid.

18. Can I have my child baptised in another parish than the one I belong to?
Baptism should in principle take place in the Catholic parish
where one lives. It is desirable that the baptised child can grow
up in the local parish. For the same reason the child should not
be baptised at home. If there are special reasons Baptism may
take place in another parish.

Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you

will find; knock, and the door will be opened for
you. Matthew 7:7


19. May one have ones own songs and poems at the Baptism ceremony?
It varies from parish to parish. In some parishes they have the following praxis:
The parents can choose bible texts and hymns. One can include the
Christian names of the child and/or family members in the invocation of the saints. The family, godparents and friends can be active
in the ceremony in different ways, for example reading some texts.

In any case, it is important to remember that Baptism is not a private family party. The Baptism service affects the deepest identity
of the human being, ones relation to God and ones place in the
community of the Church. Together with the priest/deacon one can
decide what is appropriate in the ceremony. Bear in mind that poems can be read out by family and friends at the party afterwards. If
possible it is desirable that several children be baptised at the same
ceremony. Baptism can also be carried out at Sunday Mass.

20. Among the guests there are some who

dont understand Swedish. What can we
do so that they do not feel left out?
Speak to the priest/deacon about this. It is a good idea to read some
of the texts or to sing a hymn in another language so that everyone
can feel a sense of belonging. Bear in mind that it is possible to have
the whole Baptism service in English (or another language).


21. Who should hold the child at the moment of Baptism?

Usually the child is held by the mother. But there is nothing to preclude the father or one of the godparents from holding the child.

22. Does one need to think about what

to wear in church?
The child normally wears a white baptismal garment. It is a good
idea to try it on beforehand in case it is too small. As for adults, one
can remind them that the main persons in the Baptism ceremony
are God and the person who is to be baptised. Baptism is a joyful
celebration and one should dress in an appropriate manner.


23. What should one do if the

child cries very much?
This is something you can discuss with the
priest/deacon. Try to make sure that the baby is
dry before the ceremony and that it isnt hungry.
There is no problem with walking a little with
the child if it makes him/her calmer. It can also
be a good idea to have a dummy (pacifier) and a
bottle of liquid at hand. But most important of
all is that you keep calm. Even if the baby cries it
is not a disaster.

24. Who should I contact if I

want to book a time for Baptism?
Before deciding on a time for the Baptism you
should meet the priest/deacon for a pre-baptismal conversation. Contact your parish. Many
parishes have good homepages with opening
hours and important telephone numbers. You
can find your parish on the homepage of the
diocese: www.katolskakyrkan.se.

25. I dont know much about

the Catholic faith. How can I
find out more?
You can always contact your parish so as to
get to know more. Some parishes have special
courses for adults on the Catholic faith. Dont be
afraid to ask!


Some Baptism symbols

The sign of the cross is traced on the forehead. It is Jesus Christ himself who marks with his
sign the one who will belong to him. The child (or
adult) will be his. The sign of the cross reminds us
of what Jesus has done for us, it is a sign of his love.
Water is necessary for life. Water is used in
daily life to cleanse. In the bath of Baptism one is
cleansed from all sin. The water of Baptism gives
us life: in Baptism we are united with Christs death
and resurrection, which are the source of eternal
life. The new life is like a little seed that will then
grow and mature.
Chrism is a fragrant blend of oil and balsam
blessed by the bishop during Holy Week. In the Old
Testament we read that kings, priests and prophets
were anointed for their mission. The word Christ
means the Anointed One. Jesus Christ is King,
Priest and Prophet. When the baptised person is
anointed with chrism he receives a mission to bear
witness with his whole life to the love of Christ.
This is a mission for kings, priests and prophets.
Anointing signifies that the Holy Spirit is bestowed
upon the newly-baptised person. The Holy Spirit
is the Comforter who helps Christians to grow in
their mission. The Holy Spirit fills them with Gods
love, strength and life. The baptised person becomes more and more like Jesus.


The white baptismal garment/baptismal dress Immediately after the Baptism

has taken place the newly-baptised is dressed
in the baptismal garment. This makes it
clear that he/she has become a new creation
and has been clothed in Christ. The childs
baptismal garment is too long: this signifies
that the child has to grow, Baptism is just the
beginning of a whole life with Jesus.
The baptismal candle reminds us that
we have been baptised into Jesus Christ
who is the Light of the world. The light of
faith leads the friends of God through life.
The baptismal candle can be lit at First Holy
Communion, Confirmation and on ones anniversary of Baptism or birthday.

Ephata be opened! The priest (or

deacon) says these words and touches the
baptised persons ears and mouth, praying
that he/she will be open to hearing Gods
voice and proclaiming his/her faith.


Rite of baptism of a child - summary

1. Reception of the Child
at the Church Door
Questions to the parents:
What name have you given your child?
What do you ask of Gods Church for N.?
Question about the parents willingness to bring
up the child in the Christian faith.
Questions to the godparents:
Are you ready to help the parents of this child in
their duty as Christian parents?
The sign of the cross

2. In the Church
Readings from the Bible
Invocation of the Saints
Prayer for liberation from
the power of Satan
The laying on of hands


4. Conclusion of
the Rite before
the Altar
The Lords Prayer
Prayer before Mary, Mother of
God (optional)

3. At the Baptismal Font

Blessing of the baptismal water
Renunciation of Sin and Profession of
Anointing with Chrism
Clothing with the White Garment
Lighted Candle
Ephata Prayer over Ears and Mouth


Rite of baptism of a child

The celebrant greets all present, and especially the
parents and godparents, reminding them briefly
of the joy with which the parents welcomed the
child as a gift from God, the source of life, who now
wishes to bestow life on this little one.
Celebrant: What name have you given your child?
Parents: N.
Celebrant: What do you ask of Gods Church for
Parents: Baptism.
Celebrant: You have asked to have N. /and N. baptized. In doing so you are accepting the responsibility of training him/her/them in the practice of
faith. It will be your duty to bring him/her/them
up to keep Gods commandments as Christ taught
us, by loving God and our neighbor. Do you
clearly understand what you are undertaking?
Parents: We do.
Celebrant: Asking the godparents:
Are you ready to help these parents in their duty
as Christian mother and father?
Godparents: We are.
Celebrant: N. /and N., the Church of God welcomes you with great joy. In its name I claim you
for Christ our Savior by the sign of his cross. I
now trace the cross on your forehead, and invite
your parents (and godparents) to do the same.
Sign of the cross on forehead. Invite Parents and
God parents to do the same.


Liturgy of the Word

First Reading
Responsorial Psalm
Second Reading
Prayer of Faithful
Celebrant: My brothers and sisters, let us ask our
Lord Jesus Christ to look lovingly on N. /and
N. who is/are to be baptized, on his parents and
godparents, and on all the baptized.
Celebrant: By the mystery of your death and resurrection, bathe N. /and N. in light, give him/her/
them the new life of baptism and welcome him/
her/them into your holy Church.
All: Lord, hear our prayer.
Celebrant: Through baptism and confirmation,
make N. /and N. your faithful follower(s) and witness (es) to your gospel.
All: Lord, hear our prayer.
Celebrant: Lead him/her/them by a holy life to the
joys of Gods kingdom.
All: Lord, hear our prayer.
Celebrant: Make the lives of his/her/their parents
and godparents examples of faith to inspire him/
All: Lord, hear our prayer.
Celebrant: Keep his/her/their families always in
your love.
All: Lord, hear our prayer.
Celebrant: Renew the grace of our baptism in each
one of us.
All: Lord, hear our prayer.

Litany of Saints
Holy Mary, Mother of God pray for us.
Saint John the Baptist pray for us.
Saint Joseph pray for us.
Saint Peter and Saint Paul pray for us.
All holy men and women pray for us.
Prayer of Exorcism and Anointing before Baptism:
Almighty and ever-living God,
you sent your only Son into the world
to cast out the power of Satan, spirit of evil,
to rescue man from the kingdom of darkness,
and bring him into the splendor of your kingdom
of light.
We pray for N./and N.
set them free from original sin,
make them a temple of your glory,
and send your Holy Spirit to dwell within them.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
All: Amen.
Anointing on breast with Oil of Catechumen
Celebration of the Sacrament
Blessing and Invocation of God over Baptismal
Father, you give us grace through sacramental
signs, which tell us of the wonders of your unseen
power. In baptism we use your gift of water, which
you have made a rich symbol of the grace you give
us in this sacrament.
At the very dawn of creation your Spirit breathed
on the waters making them the wellspring of all
The waters of the great flood you made a sign of
the waters of baptism, that make an end of sin and
a new beginning of goodness.
Through the waters of the Red Sea you led Israel
out of slavery, to be an image of Gods holy people,

set free from sin by baptism.

In the waters of the Jordan your Son was baptized
by John and anointed with the Spirit.
Your Son willed that water and blood should
flow from his side as he hung upon the cross.
After his resurrection he told his disciples: Go
out and teach all nations, baptizing them in the
name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the
Holy Spirit. Father, look now with your love upon
your Church, and unseal for her the foundation of
By the power of the Spirit give to the water of this
font the grace of your Son. You created man in
your own likeness: cleanse him from sin in a new
birth to innocence by water and the spirit.
We ask you, Father, with your son to send the
Holy Spirit upon the water of this font. May all
who are buried with Christ in
the death of baptism rise also with him to newness
life. We ask this through Christ our Lord.
All: Amen.

Renunciation of Sin and Profession of Faith

Celebrant: Dear parents and godparents:
You have come here to present for baptism N./and
N. By water and the Holy Spirit he/she/they is/
are to receive the gift of new life from God, who
is love.
On your part, you must make it your constant care
to bring him/her/them up in the practice of faith.
See that the divine life which God gives him/her/
them is kept safe from the poison of sin, to grow
always stronger in his/her/their heart (s).
If your faith makes you ready to accept this
responsibility, renew now the vows of your own
baptism. Reject sin; profess your faith in Christ Jesus. This is the faith of the Church. This is the faith
in which N. /and N. is/are about to be baptized.


For parents and godparents:

Celebrant: Do you reject Satan?
Parents & Godparents: I do.
Celebrant: And all his works?
Parents & Godparents: I do.
Celebrant: And all his empty promises?
Parents & Godparents: I do.
Celebrant: Do you believe in God, the Father
almighty, creator of heaven and earth?
Parents & Godparents: I do.
Celebrant: Do you believe in Jesus Christ, his only
Son, our Lord, who was born of the Virgin Mary,
was crucified, died, and was buried, rose from
the dead, and is now seated at the right and of the
Parents & Godparents: I do.
Celebrant: Do you believe in the Holy Spirit, the
holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the
body, and life everlasting?
Parents & Godparents: I do.
Celebrant: This is our faith. This is the faith of the
Church. We are proud to profess it, in Christ Jesus
our Lord.
All: Amen.
Celebrant: Is it your will that N. should be baptized in the faith of the Church, which we have all
professed with you?
Parents & Godparents: Yes.
Celebrant: N., I baptize you in the name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Anointing with Chrism
Celebrant: God the Father of our Lord Jesus
Christ has freed you from sin, given you a new
birth by water and the Holy Spirit, and welcomed
you into his holy people. He now anoints you with


the chrism of salvation. As Christ was anointed

Priest, Prophet, and King, so may you live always
as members of his body, sharing everlasting life.
All: Amen.

Anointing with Chrism on the forehead

Clothing with White Garment
Celebrant: N. you have become a new creation,
and have clothed yourself in Christ. See in this
white garment the outward sign of our Christian
dignity. With your family and friends to help you
by word and example, bring that dignity unstained
into the everlasting life of heaven.
All: Amen.
Lighted Candle
Celebrant: Receive the light of Christ.
Parents and godparents, this light is entrusted to
you to be kept burning brightly. N. /and N. has/
have been enlightened by Christ. He/she/they is/
are to walk always as a child/children of the light.
May he/she/they keep the flame of faith alive in
his/her/their heart. When the Lord comes, may
he/she/they go out to meet him with all the saints
in the heavenly kingdom.
All: Amen.
Liturgy of the Eucharist (continues as usual if
priest is celebrant)
Communion Rite
Lords Prayer:
Celebrant: Dearly beloved, N. /and N. have been
reborn in baptism. He/she/they is/are now called
child/children of God, for so indeed he/she/they
is/are. In confirmation he/she/they will receive
the fullness of Gods Spirit. In Holy Communion
he/she/they will share the banquet of Christs
sacrifice, calling God his/her/their Father in the

midst of the Church. In his name, in the Spirit of

our common sonship, let us pray together in the
words our Lord has given us:
All: Our Father, who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name;
Thy kingdom come;
Thy will be done earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
And forgive us our trespass against us;
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil.

they may be, faithful members of his holy people.

May he send his peace upon all who are gathered
here, in Christ Jesus our Lord.
All: Amen.

Concluding Rite.
Celebrant: The Lord be with you.
All: And also with you.
Celebrant: May the almighty God, bless you, the
Father and the Son, + and the Holy Spirit.
Celebrant: The Mass is ended, go in peace.
All: Thanks be to God.

Prayer after Communion

Celebrant: God the Father, through his son, the
Virgin Marys child, has brought joy to all Christian mothers, as they see the hope of eternal life
shine on their children. May he bless N. /and N.
the mother of N. /and N. She/they now thank (s)
God for the gift of N./and N. May she/they be one
with him in thanking him for ever in heaven in
Christ Jesus our Lord.
All: Amen.
Priest: God is the giver of all life, human and
divine. May he bless N. /and N. the father of N. /
and N. With N. /and N. He/they will be the first
teachers of N. /and N in the ways of faith. May he/
they be also the best of teachers, bearing witness
to the faith by what they say and do, in Christ
Jesus our Lord.
All: Amen.
Celebrant: By Gods gift, through water and the
Holy Spirit, we are reborn to everlasting life. In
his goodness, may he continue to pour out his
blessings upon all present, who are his sons and
daughters. May he make them always, wherever


Planning the baptismal service

Suggested Bible texts which can be read at the baptismal service

A text from the Old Testament

or the New Testament
1 Cor 12:12-13
Tit 3:4-7
Rom 6:3-5
1 Pet 2:4-5, 9-10
Ex 17:3-7

Ez 36:24-28
Eph 4:1-6
Ps 23
Ps 27
Ps 34

We choose the following text


The text will be read by


A text from the Gospel

Mark 10:13-16
Matt 28:18-20
John 6:44-47
Matt 22:35-40

Mark 1:9-11
John 3:1-6
John 7:37b-39a

We choose the following Gospel text


The text will be read by the priest/deacon.

We would like to sing the following hymn/hymns

We would like the following patron saints to be named in

the Invocation of the Saints



The Intercessions will be read by


One can also formulate ones own intercessions, especially

when they will be read by one or more children. Sometimes
the names of the brothers/sisters of the baptised child can
be mentioned in the intercessions.

For you who would like to know more

The Catechism of the Catholic Church
A comprehensive summary of the whole of the Catholic Churchs teaching both as
regards faith and the practice of the Christian life.

Catholic prayer book in Swedish, with daily prayers, meditations, Liturgy of the
Hours, prayers for the liturgical year, etc. A presentation of the Sacraments.

Catholic hymnbook. Contains hymns for the whole liturgical year, texts of the Mass,
responsorial psalms, prayers of the priest for all Sunday Masses and a liturgical calendar.


Published by Katolska Pedagogiska Nmnden

25 frgor och svar om katolsk tro
Concise answers to frequently asked questions.
Rakt p sak om att vara katolik
The most common questions about the faith and life of
Catholics. Misconceptions are clarified and receive serious answers. Informative and entertaining. (Gallagher/Henesy, Katolska Pedagogiska Nmnden) English
original: How to survive being married to a Catholic
Katolsk tro
A series of 27 small booklets on the faith and life of the
Dpt och sedan?
Baptised what now? Support for parents so that they
can grow in faith together with their children.
Min egen babybook
An attractive book with thoughts, poems and prayers.
Contains pages to fill in with facts and memories from
the childs first years.
5 DVD (Robert Barron, Katolska Pedagogiska Nmnden, Katolska Utskottet fr Evangelisation, Bilda).
English soundtrack. Subtitles in Swedish, Polish and


Bookstores and

Vatican homepage

Catholic Church
in Sweden
with news, all the Catholic parishes in
Sweden, Catholic organisations, schools,
associations. Links to homepages related
to our Church.


Catholic movement that works to
promote the inviolability of human life
from conception to a natural death.

Courses and seminars in theology, philosophy and culture.

Catholic encyclopedia


Baptism of the Lord by Mattia Petri (1613-1699) Photo Scala, Florence

Image sources
Church window page 12 from Maria i Rosengrd parish, Malm Malgorzata Jarosz.
Baptismal images page 6, 9, 15, 16, 18, 19 from Vr Fru Catholic parish in Tby, photo Carina kesson.
Page 4, Baptism according to the Melkite Catholic rite, photo Michel Louis. Baptismal font page 28
from the Church of Tysslinge, photo Per Englund. Illustrations page 20-21 Rauha Navarro Marttinen.


This booklet contains information about the Baptism

of the Catholic Church. It is a helpful guide to the
preparation of the sacrament of Baptism, for yourself or
for your child.

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