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Table of Contents

Anchors ....................................................................................... 3 Anchors

Anchor & Mooring Chain ........................................................... 23 Anchor &

Mooring Chain

Anchor Chain Attach-

Anchor Chain Attachments & Chain Stoppers ........................... 29 ments & Chain Stoppers

Marquip Tow Plates & Specialty Shackles ................................ 55 Marquip Tow Plates &
Specialty Shackles

Cleats, Chocks, Bitts, Bollards .................................................. 63 Cleats, Chocks, Bitts,


Buoys & Floats ..........................................................................69 Buoys & Floats

Release Hooks, Buoy Hooks, Capstans ..................................... 75 Release Hooks, Buoy

Hooks, Capstans

Welded Chain & Accessories ..................................................... 83 Welded Chain &


Wire Rope & Attachments ....................................................... 125 Wire Rope &


Wire Rope Stoppers.................................................................. 157 Wire Rope Stoppers

Blocks ......................................................................................161 Blocks

Rope ......................................................................................... 175 Rope

Synthetic Slings .......................................................................191 Synthetic Slings

Cargo Securing ........................................................................ 197 Cargo Securing

Chain Hoists ............................................................................ 205 Chain Hoists

Washington Chain & Supply 1


2 Washington Chain & Supply


Selection ......................................................... 4
AC-14 ............................................................... 5
Moorfast™ ...................................................... 6
Kedge .............................................................. 7
Pool ................................................................. 8
Workboat ........................................................10
Snug Style ......................................................12
Stockless ........................................................14
U.S.N. LWT..................................................... 16
U.S.N. Stockless ............................................ 18
Stato™ .......................................................... 20
Additional Anchors ........................................ 22

We maintain one of the largest inventories of new and used, imported and domestic anchors
in the United States.

Washington Chain & Supply 3

Anchor Selection

Optimum design of an anchor is influenced by the spe- 4. Freedom from fouling, which all anchors do, but
cific composition of the ocean floor. Basically, we catego- some in lesser degrees.
rize the ocean bottoms into three groups:
5. Influence developed by the chain’s catenary which
1. Mud, or silt, which varies the most in consistency absorbs shock loads and lowers the angle of pull at
and offers little resistance to forces. the anchor by its weight.
2. Sand, ideally the most consistent, and where The anchor is the key to effective anchoring or mooring.
anchors specifically designed reach excellent It is essential to know what to expect from various anchors.
holding efficiency. The resistance of an anchor to being dragged through a
3. Rock, or Marl, poor holding ground where an soil has been considered as occurring in two stages: first,
anchor’s dead weight is it’s only asset. biting into the bottom due to the ploughing effect of the
The efficiency of an anchor in a given test is expressed in flukes, and secondly, maintaining a continuous resistance
terms of “Holding Power” per pound of its own weight, to drag after it is planted into the bottom.
not in “Proof test” which indicates physical properties of Holding power is directly proportional to projected fluke
the material. area, and shear strength of the bottom material, and in-
The fluke angle of an anchor has a definite effect upon versely proportional to penetration-area resistance. In
the “Holding Power”. The flukes should enter the bot- many cases a smaller anchor with favorable fluke area to
tom at an angle that will allow the crown, or head, to pen- weight ratio is more dependable than a heavier anchor.
etrate to a depth which can produce maximum efficiency: Holding Power for the two most widely used anchors are
Additionally, we have determined the following: as follows:
1. The angle of fluke penetration in mud bottoms 1. Stockless Type anchors, in sand, develop a holding
should approximate 50°. power to weight ratio of seven to one. In mud they
2. In sand the penetration angle should be in the area develop three to one. The angle of penetration in
of 30°. both cases is 45°.
3. For anchoring in various bottoms a compromise 2. Lightweight Type anchors, in sand, develop a
approximating 43 ° is desirable. holding power to weight ratio of twenty to one, with
Other considerations in selecting an anchor should in- the angle of penetration being 30°. In mud they
clude: develop nine to one with the angle of penetration
being 50°.
1. Convenience for handling and stowing. The depth of penetration in all preceding cases is com-
2. Aptitude for taking hold. piled from three to seven feet in sand, and from seven-
teen to twenty feet in mud. All calculations incorporate a
3. Physical strength.
0° scope angle.

4 Washington Chain & Supply

AC-14 Type



This is a high holding power anchor. The flukes are shaped position. Its increased efficiency over conventional
to insure an immediate grip into the seabed. The small anchors is maintained on most bottoms including clay
flukes on either side will right the anchor to its proper and pebbly sand.

Weight (lb) A B C D E F G J
2,840 63-3/4 61-1/4 18-1/2 42 32-13/16 11-7/16 2-15/16 10-3/16
3,170 63-9/16 63-7/8 19-3/16 43-9/16 34-1/16 11-7/8 3-1/16 10-9/16
3,500 65-11/16 66-1/16 19-15/16 45-1/16 35-3/16 12-1/4 3-1/8 10-7/8
4,230 69-15/16 70-1/2 21-1/8 47-15/16 37-1/2 13-1/6 3-3/8 11-5/8
4,630 72-1/6 72-1/2 21-3/4 49-7/16 38-5/8 13-7/16 3-7/16 11-15/16
5,030 74-1/16 74-1/2 22-3/8 50-13/16 39-11/16 13-3/4 3-9/16 12-5/16
5,420 75-15/16 76-7/16 22-15/16 52-1/16 40-11/16 14-1/8 3-11/16 12-5/8
6,280 79-3/4 80-1/4 24-1/8 54-3/4 42-3/4 14-7/8 3-7/8 13-1/4
7,280 83-3/4 84-1/4 25-5/16 57-7/16 44-15/16 15-9/16 4-1/16 13-15/16
8,330 87-5/8 88-1/8 26-1/2 60-1/8 46-5/16 16-5/16 4-3/16 14-9/16
8,930 89-11/16 90-3/16 27-1/16 61-1/2 48-1/16 17-1/16 4-5/16 14-15/16
10,120 93-1/2 94-1/16 28-1/4 64-1/8 50-1/8 17-7/16 4-1/2 15-9/16
11,530 97-5/8 98-1/4 29-1/2 66-15/16 52-3/8 18-3/16 4-3/4 16-1/4
12,370 99-15/16 100-9/16 30-3/16 68-9/16 53-9/16 18-5/8 4-13/16 16-5/8
13,230 103-1/8 102-13/16 30-7/8 70-1/8 54-13/16 19-1/16 4-15/16 17
14,220 104-3/4 105-3/8 31-5/8 71-13/16 56-1/8 19-1/2 5-1/16 17-3/8
15,210 107-1/16 107-3/4 32-3/8 73-7/16 57-3/8 19-15/16 5-3/16 17-13/16
20,500 118-5/16 119-3/16 35-3/4 81-1/8 63-7/16 22-1/16 5-11/16 19-11/16
25,790 127-11/16 128-7/16 38 87-5/8 68-7/16 23-13/16 6-3/16 21-1/4
29,760 133-15/16 134-3/4 40-1/2 91-7/8 71-13/16 24-15/16 6-7/16 22-5/16
35,490 142-1/16 142-15/16 42-15/16 97-7/16 76-1/8 26-7/16 6-7/8 23-5/8
39,240 146-7/8 147-3/4 44-3/8 100-3/4 78-3/4 27-3/8 7-1/16 24-7/16
Dimensions are approximate and may differ between manufacturers.
Dimensions above are in inches, weights are in pounds.

Washington Chain & Supply 5

Moorfast™ Type Anchor F

34° or 50°


The Moorfast Type Anchor is designed with enlarged

flukes and tripping palms for quick and stable pen-
etration in sand or mud bottoms.
Weight (lb) A B C D E F
1,000 61 75 37 25 19 2
3,000 88 109 54 37 27 3
6,000 101 143 61 42 31 3-1/2
8,000 122 153 75 51 38 3-1/2
10,000 131 157 80 55 41 4
12,000 139 167 85 58 43 4
14,000 147 177 90 61 45 4
16,000 153 187 94 64 48 4-1/2
20,000 164 196 102 69 51 4-1/2
30,000 189 217 118 79 59 5
40,000 214 248 127 86 63 5-1/2
50,000 222 257 132 89 66 6
60,000 232 271 140 95 70 6
70,000 244 274 147 100 73 6
80,000 255 298 154 105 77 6-1/2
90,000 266 310 160 109 80 6-1/2
100,000 275 320 166 113 83 7


Dimensions above are in inches, anchor weight in pounds. Certified drawings of anchors listed above,
and of intermediate and larger sizes, may be furnished on request.

6 Washington Chain & Supply

Kedge Anchor

The sharp flukes of the Kedge anchor

clutch readily in many types of bottoms. B

Weight (lb) A B Rings

15 26 20 1/2 x 2-3/4
20 30 21 5/8 x 3
25 34 22-1/2 5/8 x 3
30 38 23 5/8 x 3
35 40 23 5/8 x 3
40 42 27 5/8 x 3
45 44-1/2 31 3/4 x 3-1/2
50 46 34 7/8 x 3-3/4
75 50 36 1 x 4-1/2
100 56 40 1-1/4 x 5
150 60 43 1-1/4 x 5

Dimensions above are in inches, weights are in pounds.

Washington Chain & Supply 7

Pool Anchor H

E 15°


Anchor A B C D E F G H
Weight (kg) (MM) (MM) (MM) (MM) (MM) (MM) (MM) (MM)
90 747 537 299 491 632 120 22 90
105 788 565 315 516 665 142 28 105
125 833 597 333 546 703 142 28 105
135 857 615 343 562 723 142 28 105
180 942 676 377 618 796 157 32 116
225 1016 728 406 666 858 174 36 125
270 1079 774 432 708 911 174 36 125
315 1136 815 455 745 960 201 40 140
360 1188 852 475 780 1002 201 40 140
430 1258 902 503 825 1062 201 40 140
495 1320 948 528 866 1115 201 40 140
585 1396 1002 558 916 1180 236 50 175
675 1465 1050 586 960 1236 236 50 175
765 1528 1096 610 1002 1290 236 50 175
855 1585 1138 634 1040 1338 306 60 225
970 1652 1185 660 1083 1395 306 60 225
1,080 1714 1230 685 1124 1446 306 60 225
1,195 1771 1270 708 1161 1495 306 60 225
1,305 1825 1309 730 1180 1541 306 60 225
1,440 1886 1352 764 1236 1592 306 60 225
1,565 1942 1386 777 1274 1640 361 75 255
1,710 1997 1433 799 1309 1685 361 75 255
1,845 2048 1469 819 1342 1729 261 75 255
1,980 2098 1504 838 1375 1770 361 75 255
2,140 2151 1543 860 1411 1816 361 75 255
2,295 2202 1580 880 1444 1860 361 75 255
2,475 2260 1620 904 1480 1910 400 80 290
Dimensions above are in mm, weights are in kg. Continued on next page
Certified drawings of anchors listed above, and intermediate and larger sizes, may be furnished on request.

8 Washington Chain & Supply

Pool Anchor
The Pool anchor is a high-holding power type
anchor for sand or mud bottoms.

Anchor A B C D E F G H
Weight (kg) (MM) (MM) (MM) (MM) (MM) (MM) (MM) (MM)
2,655 2312 1664 925 1513 1954 400 80 290
2,835 2364 1700 945 1550 1996 400 80 290
3,040 2418 1735 968 1585 2042 400 80 290
3,240 2471 1773 988 1620 2086 400 80 290
3,445 2522 1809 1009 1653 2129 400 80 290
3,670 2575 1847 1030 1690 2174 500 90 360
3,940 2637 1892 1055 1730 2226 500 90 360
4,210 2696 1934 1078 1763 2276 500 90 360
4,500 2757 1978 1103 1803 2328 500 90 360
4,840 2824 2026 1130 1852 2385 500 90 360
5,175 2889 2072 1155 1894 2439 550 100 400
5,515 2950 2116 1180 1934 2491 550 100 400
5,850 3009 2159 1204 1973 2541 550 100 400
6,225 3072 2204 1229 2014 2594 550 100 400
6,525 3121 2239 1248 2043 2635 550 100 400
6,975 3190 2290 1276 2092 2695 550 100 400
7,425 3258 2337 1303 2133 2751 660 130 470
7,875 3323 2384 1329 2173 2805 660 130 470
8,325 3385 2428 1354 2219 2858 660 130 470
8,775 3445 2471 1378 2253 2908 660 130 470
9,225 3502 2512 1401 2293 2958 660 130 470
9,675 3558 2553 1423 2333 3004 700 140 500
10,125 3613 2592 1445 2369 3050 700 140 500
10,573 3666 2630 1466 2404 3095 700 140 500
12,075 3881 2748 1488 2513 3235 750 150 540
13,350 3962 2842 1585 2593 3345 800 160 570
16,490 4251 3049 1700 2787 3589 870 175 625

Washington Chain & Supply 9

Workboat Anchor


Weight (lb) A B C D E F G H J
8 20 19 5-1/16 11-1/2 7-1/4 1-11/16 3/8 1-1/2 1
16 25 23-3/4 7 14-1/2 9 2-1/8 1/2 1-7/8 1-1/4
30 30-3/4 28-3/4 8-3/4 17-1/2 11-3/8 2-1/8 1/2 1-7/8 1-3/8
50 34-3/4 33 9-15/16 20 12-7/8 2-7/8 5/8 2-3/8 1-5/8
75 38 36 11 22 14-3/8 3-1/2 3/4 2-1/2 2
100 41-1/2 39-1/2 12-3/16 24 15-5/8 3-3/4 7/8 3-3/8 2-1/4
150 46-3/4 44-1/2 13-11/16 27 17-3/8 5-1/2 1 4 2-3/8
200 47-1/2 45 14-3/16 29 18-7/8 5-1/2 1 4 3-1/8
250 47-1/2 45 14-9/16 29 18-7/8 5-1/2 1 4 3-1/8
300 53 50 16-1/8 32-1/2 21-1/4 7 1-1/4 5 3-1/4
350 53 50 16-11/16 32-1/2 21-1/4 7 1-1/4 5 3-1/4
400 57-1/2 54-1/4 17-3/4 35-1/4 23 7 1-1/4 5 3-1/2
450 60 56-1/2 18-3/8 36-3/4 24 7 1-1/4 5 3-3/4
500 61-1/2 58-1/2 19 37-1/2 24 7-1/2 1-1/2 6 4-1/4
750 69 64-1/2 21-1/8 42 28-7/16 7-1/2 1-1/2 6 4-7/8
1,000 75 71 24-1/2 46 29-1/4 9-3/4 2 8 5-1/4
2,000 92-1/2 85 30 56-1/2 37-1/4 12 2 9-1/2 7
3,000 108-1/2 104 34-3/4 66 40-3/8 15 3 11 7-3/4
4,000 116 110 37-1/2 71 44 15 3 11 9
Dimensions are approximate and may differ between manufacturers.
Dimensions above are in inches, weights are in pounds. Continued on next page

10 Washington Chain & Supply

Workboat Anchor

These anchors afford excellent holding power in sand

or mud bottoms. As its name states, this is the “work-
ing” anchor for numerous offshore vessels.

Weight (lb) A B C D E F G H J
5,000 118 112 38-3/4 72 44-3/4 17 3-1/2 12-1/2 9-1/2
6,000 124 118 41 76 47-3/4 19 4 14 10-1/4
7,000 124 118 41 76 47-3/4 19 4 14 10-1/4
8,000 128 121 43-1/2 78 50-1/4 19 4 14 12
9,000 133 126 45-1/4 81-1/8 52-1/4 19 4 14 12-1/2
10,000 144 137 49 88 55-1/4 22 4-1/2 16 13
11,000 144 137 49 88 55-1/4 22 4-1/2 16 13
12,000 146 138-1/2 49-3/4 89-1/8 57-3/8 22 4-1/2 16 13-3/4
13,000 154 146 52-1/2 94 60-1/2 24 5 17-1/2 14-1/2
14,000 154 146 52-1/2 94 60-1/2 24 5 17-1/2 14-1/2
15,000 157 149-1/4 53-5/8 96 61-7/8 24 5 17-1/2 14-7/8
16,000 161 152-1/2 54-7/8 98-1/4 63-1/4 24 5 17-1/2 15-1/8
17,000 164 155-1/2 56 100 64-1/2 24 5 17-1/2 15-1/2
18,000 167 158-1/2 57 102 65-5/8 24 5 17-1/2 15-3/4
19,000 170-1/8 161-3/8 58 104 66-3/4 25 5-1/2 20 16
20,000 173 164 59 106 68 25 5-1/2 20 16-3/8
25,000 195 186 67 119 75 30 6 22 18
30,000 208 198 71 127 80 32 6 23 19

Washington Chain & Supply 11

Snug Stowing® Type Anchor






Weight (lb) A B C D E F G H J
200 30-7/8 29-11/16 12-1/16 20-1/8 16-3/16 5-1/2 1 4 2-3/4
250 33-5/16 32 13 21-11/16 17-7/16 5-1/2 1 4 3
300 35-5/16 34 13-3/4 23 18-1/2 5-1/2 1 4 3-1/8
350 37-3/16 35-3/4 14-1/2 24-1/4 19-1/2 5-1/2 1 4 3-3/8
400 38-7/8 37-3/8 15-1/4 25-3/8 20-3/8 5-1/2 1 4 3-1/2
450 40-3/8 38-7/8 15-3/4 26-3/8 21-1/8 5-1/2 1 4 3-3/8
500 41-3/4 40-1/4 16-3/8 27-1/4 21-7/8 7 1-1/4 4-7/8 3-3/4
750 48 46 18-3/4 31-1/4 25-1/8 7-1/2 1-1/4 4-7/8 4-3/8
1,000 52-3/4 50-3/4 20-5/8 34-3/8 27-5/8 7-1/2 1-1/2 5-3/8 4-3/4
2,000 66-1/2 64 26 43-1/4 34-7/8 9-3/4 2 7-3/4 6
3,000 76 73 29-5/8 49-1/2 39-3/4 12 2-1/2 9-1/4 6-7/8
4,000 83-3/4 80-1/2 32-3/4 54-1/2 43-7/8 12 2-1/2 9-1/4 7-1/2
5,000 90-3/8 86-3/4 35-1/4 58-3/4 47-1/4 15 3 10-1/4 8-1/8
6,000 96 92-1/8 37-1/2 62-1/2 50-1/4 15 3 10-3/4 8-3/8
7,000 101 97 39-1/2 65-3/4 52-7/8 15 3 10-3/4 9-1/8
8,000 105-3/4 101-1/2 41-1/4 68 55-3/8 15 3 10-3/4 9-1/2
9,000 110 105-1/2 43 71-1/2 57-1/2 17 3-1/2 12 10
10,000 113-3/4 109-1/4 44-1/2 74 59-1/2 17 3-1/2 12 10-1/4
11,000 117-1/2 112-7/8 45-3/4 76-1/2 61-1/2 19 4 13-3/8 10-1/2
Dimensions above are in inches, weights are in pounds. Continued on next page
Snug Stowing is a registered trademark of Baldt, Inc.

12 Washington Chain & Supply

Snug Stowing® Type Anchor

This anchor simplifies ship bow design, and elimi-

nates the need for cumbersome hawse pipe bolsters.
It effectively stoppers the hawse pipe, houses freely
with minimum protrudence and provides maximum
bearing on the ship’s shell. The anchor provides
great holding power for most uses.

Weight (lb) A B C D E F G H J
12,000 120-3/4 116 47-1/8 78-5/8 63-1/4 19 4 13-3/8 10-1/8
13,000 124 119-1/8 48-3/8 80-3/4 64-7/8 19 4 13-3/8 11-1/8
14,000 127-1/4 122-1/4 49-5/8 82-3/4 66-5/8 19 4 13-3/8 11-1/2
15,000 130 125 50-3/4 84-5/8 68 19 4 13-3/8 11-3/4
16,000 133-1/4 128 52 86-3/4 69-3/4 19 4 13-3/8 12
17,000 136 130-1/2 53-1/8 88-1/2 71-1/8 19 4 13-3/8 12-1/4
18,000 138-3/4 133-1/8 54-1/8 90-1/4 72-1/2 22 4-1/2 15-3/4 12-1/2
19,000 141 135-1/2 55 91-7/8 73-7/8 22 4-1/2 15-3/4 12-3/4
20,000 143-1/4 137-5/8 56 93-1/4 75 22 4-1/2 15-3/4 12-7/8
25,000 154 148 60-1/4 100-1/2 80-3/4 22 4-1/2 15-3/4 13-7/8
30,000 164 157-1/2 64-1/8 106-3/4 86 24 5 17-3/4 14-3/4
40,000 180 173 70 117 94 26 5-1/2 19 16
50,000 195 187 76 126 102 28 6 20 18
60,000 206 197 80 134 108 30 6 22 19
70,000 218 208 85 140 113 32 6-1/2 23 20
80,000 227 218 89 146 120 33 6-1/2 24 21
90,000 236 226 92 153 126 35 7 26 22
100,000 244 234 95 158 130 36 7 27 23
Certified drawings of anchors listed above, and intermediate and larger sizes, may be furnished on request.

Washington Chain & Supply 13

Stockless Type Anchor




Weight (lb) A B C D E F G H J
100 29-1/2 13-3/4 7-3/8 12-3/4 8 4 3/4 1-1/2 2-1/2
150 29-1/2 16 8-1/2 14-1/2 9 5 7/8 2-1/2 3
200 30 17-1/8 9-1/4 15-3/4 10-1/4 5 1 2-1/2 3-3/4
250 30-1/2 21 10-1/2 17 12 5 1 3-7/8 4
300 31-1/2 23-1/4 11-3/8 18 13-1/4 5-1/4 1-1/16 3-7/8 4
350 32-1/2 24-3/4 12-1/2 18-3/4 13-5/8 6 1-1/8 4-1/4 4-1/4
400 33-1/2 24-3/4 12-3/4 20-1/2 14 6 1-1/8 4-1/4 4-1/2
500 35 26-1/2 13-1/4 20-1/2 14 7 1-1/2 5-3/4 5
750 38 32 16 24 17 7 1-1/2 5-3/4 5
1,000 44 34-1/4 18 25-1/4 19-1/4 7-1/2 1-7/8 6-1/8 5-1/2
1,200 47 36 18 28 19-1/4 9-1/2 1-7/8 6-1/2 6
1,500 54 43 20 32 21-1/2 9-1/2 2 7 7
2,000 57 43 21-1/4 33-1/2 23-3/4 9-1/2 2 7 7
2,250 61 43 25-1/4 39-3/4 24-1/4 9-3/4 2-1/8 7 7
2,500 58 44-3/4 23-1/4 35-3/8 24-1/4 9-3/4 2-1/8 8-1/2 7-1/2
2,800 58 48 25 35-7/8 25-1/2 9-3/4 2-1/8 8-1/2 7-1/2
3,000 64 47 25-1/2 36 26 12 2-1/2 10 8-3/4
3,500 64 52-3/4 27-1/2 39-1/2 28-1/2 12 2-1/2 10 8-3/4
4,000 70-5/8 53-1/4 27-1/2 39-1/4 29 12 2-1/2 10 9-1/2
4,500 70-5/8 56-3/4 29 42 30 12 2-1/2 10 9-1/2
5,000 76 57-1/2 30 42 31-1/4 15 3 12 10-1/4
6,000 76 63-1/2 33-1/4 47 34-1/2 15 3 12 10-1/4
6,300 76 63-1/2 33-1/4 47 34-1/2 15 3 12 10-1/4
Dimensions are approximate and may differ between manufacturers. Continued on next page
Dimensions above are in inches, weights are in pounds.

14 Washington Chain & Supply

Stockless Type Anchor
This is the standard anchor for ships that are likely to
encounter all types of sea bottoms. It combines the ad-
vantages of dead weight for holding in very hard bottoms
with the ability to bite and hold in mud and sand. Its fea-
tures include rugged construction, simple design, with
easy handling and stowing.

Weight (lb) A B C D E F G H J
6,500 82 63-1/2 33 47-5/8 17-1/4 15 3 12 10-3/4
6,750 82 65 33-3/4 48-3/4 17-5/8 15 3 12 10-3/4
7,000 82 66-5/8 34-3/4 49-3/4 18 15 3 12 10-3/4
7,600 82 67-1/2 34-3/4 49-3/4 18-3/8 15 3 12 10-3/4
8,100 93-1/2 68-1/4 34-1/4 48-7/8 18-1/4 17 3-1/2 13-1/4 11-1/2
8,600 93-1/2 68-1/2 35-3/4 50-1/2 18-1/2 17 3-1/2 13-1/4 11-1/2
9,000 96 70-1/4 36-3/8 51-3/4 19-1/8 17 3-1/2 13-1/4 11-1/2
10,000 96 75-1/2 39 58 21 19 4 14-3/4 12
11,000 96 75-1/2 39 58 21 19 4 14-3/4 12
12,000 96 76-3/4 40 58 21-3/4 19 4 14-3/4 12
13,000 98 76-3/4 40 58 21-3/4 19 4 14-3/4 12
14,000 103 80-1/2 44 60 22-1/4 19 4 14-3/4 13
15,000 103 86 46 65 24 19 4 14-3/4 13
16,000 108 86 46 65 24 19 4 14-3/4 13
18,000 112 88-1/4 48-1/4 65-5/8 24-3/4 22 4-1/2 16-3/4 13
18,900 112 88-1/4 48-1/4 65-5/8 24-3/4 22 4-1/2 16-3/4 13
20,000 112 96 50 72 26 22 4-1/2 16-3/4 14
25,000 120 103 53-3/4 77-1/2 28 22 4-1/2 16-3/4 15
30,000 128 110 57-1/4 82-1/2 29-7/8 24 5 18-3/4 16
35,000 135 116 60 87 31-1/2 25 5 19 17
40,000 140 121 63 91 32 26 5-1/2 20 17-1/2
45,000 147 126 65 94 34 27 5-1/2 21 18
50,000 152 131 68 99 35 28 6 21-1/2 19

Washington Chain & Supply 15

U.S.N. LWT Anchor




Weight (lb) A B C D E F G H J
100 41-1/2 39-1/2 12-3/16 24 15-5/8 3-3/4 7/8 3-3/8 2-1/4
150 46-3/4 44-1/2 13-11/16 27 17-3/8 5-1/2 1 4 2-3/8
200 47-1/2 45 14-3/16 29 18-7/8 5-1/2 1 4 3-1/8
250 47-1/2 45 14-9/16 29 18-7/8 5-1/2 1 4 3-1/8
300 53 50 16-5/16 32-1/2 21-1/4 7 1-1/4 5 3-1/4
350 53 50 16-11/16 32-1/2 21-1/2 7 1-1/4 5 3-1/4
400 57-1/2 54-1/4 17-3/4 35-1/4 23 7 1-1/4 5 3-1/2
450 60 56-1/2 18-3/8 36-3/4 24 7 1-1/4 5 3-3/4
500 61-1/2 58-1/2 19 37-1/2 24 7-1/2 1-1/2 6 4-1/4
750 69 64-1/2 21-1/8 42 28-7/16 7-1/2 1-1/2 6 4-7/8
1,000 75 71 24-1/2 46 29-1/4 9-3/4 2 8 5-1/4
2,000 92-1/2 85 30 56-1/2 37-1/4 12 2-1/2 9-1/2 7
3,000 108-1/2 104 34-3/4 66 40-3/8 15 3 11 7-3/4
4,000 116 110 37-1/2 71 44 15 3 11 9
5,000 118 112 38-3/4 72 44-3/4 17 3-1/2 12-1/2 9-1/2
6,000 124 118 41 76 47-1/4 19 4 14 10-1/4
7,000 124 118 41 76 47-1/4 19 4 14 10-1/4
8,000 128 121 43-1/2 78 50-1/4 19 4 14 12
9,000 133 126 45-1/4 81-1/8 52-1/4 19 4 14 12-1/2
10,000 144 137 49 88 55-1/4 22 4-1/2 16 13
11,000 144 137 49 88 55-1/4 22 4-1/2 16 13

Dimensions are approximate and may differ between manufacturers. Continued on next page
Dimensions above are in inches, weights are in pounds.

16 Washington Chain & Supply

U.S.N. LWT Anchor

The “hook” head forces the flukes to dig in quickly,

and the large fluke design provides tremendous hold-
ing power in sand or mud bottoms. Adjuster blocks
available to alter fluke angle.

Weight (lb) A B C D E F G H J
12,000 146 138-1/2 49-3/4 89-1/8 57-3/8 22 4-1/2 16 13-3/4
13,000 154 146 52-1/2 94 60-1/2 24 5 17-1/2 14-1/2
14,000 154 146 52-1/2 94 60-1/2 24 5 17-1/2 14-1/2
15,000 157 149-1/4 53-5/8 96 61-7/8 24 5 17-1/2 14-7/8
16,000 161 152-1/2 54-7/8 98-1/4 63-1/4 24 5 17-1/2 15-1/8
17,000 164 155-1/2 56 100 64-1/2 24 5 17-1/2 15-1/2
18,000 167 158-1/2 57 102 65-5/8 24 5 17-1/2 15-3/4
19,000 170-1/8 161-3/8 58 104 66-3/4 25 5-1/2 20 16
20,000 173 164 59 106 68 25 5-1/2 20 16-3/8
25,000 191 178 67-1/4 116 75 26-1/2 5-1/2 20 16
30,000 198 189 67-1/2 121 78 29 5-1/2 20 17
35,000 208 199 71 127 82 30-1/2 6 21 18
40,000 218 240 75 131 86 32 6 24 20-1/2
45,000 227 250 78 136 89 33 6-1/4 26 22
50,000 235 260 81 141 92 34 6-1/2 27 23
60,000 250 278 86 150 97 36 6-1/2 29 24
70,000 264 290 91 157 103 38 7 30 26
80,000 275 304 95 165 107 40 7-1/2 31 27
90,000 287 317 99 172 112 41 8 33 28
100,000 296 328 102 178 116 43 8 34 29

Washington Chain & Supply 17

U.S.N. Stockless Anchor





Weight (lb) A B C D E F G H J
300 28-5/8 22-1/8 13-3/4 20-5/16 6-7/16 6 1-1/8 4 3-1/2
400 31-1/2 24-3/8 15-1/8 22-3/8 6-15/16 6-13/16 1-1/4 4-3/8 3-7/8
500 34 26-1/4 16-1/4 24-3/32 7-1/2 6-5/16 1-5/16 4-11/16 4-1/8
600 36 27-29/32 17-9/32 25-5/8 7-15/16 6-5/8 1-7/16 5 4-3/8
800 39-11/16 30-11/16 19 28-3/16 8-3/4 7-5/16 1-9/16 5-9/16 4-7/8
1,000 42-3/16 33-1/8 20-1/2 30-3/8 9-13/32 7-15/16 1-11/16 6 5-1/4
1,200 45-3/8 35-1/8 21-3/4 32-1/4 10 8-3/16 1-7/8 6-3/8 5-1/2
1,300 46-5/8 36 22-3/8 33-1/8 10-9/32 8-11/16 1-3/4 6-3/8 5-11/16
1,500 49 37-7/8 23-1/2 34-3/4 10-3/4 9 2 6-7/8 6
1,800 52 40-1/4 24-15/16 36-15/16 11-7/16 9-9/16 2-1/16 7-5/16 6-3/8
2,000 54 41-11/16 25-13/16 38-1/4 11-7/8 9-5/16 2-1/8 7-9/16 6-1/2
2,200 54-5/8 43 26-5/8 39-1/2 12-1/4 10-1/4 2-3/16 7-3/4 6-3/4
2,500 58 44-7/8 27-13/16 41-1/4 12-3/4 10-3/4 2-1/4 8-3/16 7-3/16
3,000 63-1/2 50 30-1/2 44-1/2 13-7/8 11-1/4 2-3/8 8-1/2 7-1/2
3,500 64-7/8 50-1/8 31-1/16 46-3/32 14-9/32 12 2-1/2 8-15/16 7-7/8
4,000 67-7/8 52-1/2 32-9/16 48-7/32 14-15/16 12-1/2 2-11/16 9-9/16 8-13/16
5,000 73 56-9/16 35 51-15/16 16-1/16 13-1/2 2-7/8 10-1/4 9-1/8
6,000 77-3/4 60-3/16 37-5/16 55-1/4 17-1/8 14-5/16 3-1/16 10-15/16 9-5/8
7,000 82 63-1/4 39-1/4 58-1/16 18-1/32 15-1/8 3-3/16 11-1/2 9-15/16

Continued on next page

18 Washington Chain & Supply

U.S.N. Stockless Anchor

These have the same usage abilities as the stockless

anchor, however the flukes are longer. Each fluke is
provided with an opening for the insertion of strap-
ping material in order to help secure the anchor to
the ship’s deck.

Weight (lb) A B C D E F G H J
8,000 85-1/2 66-1/8 41 60-3/4 18-7/8 15-3/4 3-3/8 12 10-3/8
9,000 88-7/8 68-3/4 42-5/8 63-1/8 19-5/8 16-3/8 3-1/2 12-1/2 10-3/16
10,000 92 71-1/4 44-1/8 65-3/8 20-5/16 17 3-5/8 12-15/16 10-13/16
11,000 95 73-9/16 45-5/8 67-1/2 20-29/32 17-1/2 3-3/4 13-3/8 11-13/4
12,000 97-7/8 75-3/4 47 69-1/2 21-19/32 18 3-7/8 13-3/4 11-7/8
13,000 100 77-3/8 46-5/8 71-1/16 22 18-3/8 3-15/16 14-1/8 12-5/16
14,500 104 80-5/8 50 73-1/4 22-9/16 19-3/16 4-1/8 14-5/8 12-7/8
15,000 105-1/2 82-1/4 51 74 23-1/8 19-5/8 4-1/4 15 13
16,000 107-11/16 83-11/32 51-5/8 76-1/2 23-23/32 19-7/8 4-1/4 15-1/8 13-1/4
18,000 112 86-5/8 53-3/4 79-9/16 24-5/8 20-5/8 4-3/8 15-3/4 13-13/16
20,000 116 89-3/4 55-5/8 82-7/16 25-1/2 21-7/16 4-1/2 16-1/4 14-5/16
22,500 120-1/2 93-5/16 57-13/16 85-11/16 26-17/32 22-1/4 4-3/4 17 14-7/8
25,000 125 96-11/16 59-15/16 88-13/16 27-1/2 22-15/16 5 17-9/16 15-7/16
30,000 132-3/4 102-11/16 63-5/8 94-1/4 29-7/32 24-7/16 5-1/4 18-11/16 16-3/8
35,000 139-3/4 108 67-1/16 99-5/16 30-3/4 25-3/4 5-1/2 19-11/16 17-1/4
40,000 146 113-1/16 70 103-1/8 32-1/4 27-1/8 5-5/8 20-1/8 17-3/4
45,000 152 117-5/8 72-7/8 108 33- 7/16 28 6 21-3/4 18-3/4
60,000 188 125-3/4 87-5/16 132-7/8 38-11/16 29 7-1/2 24-1/2 20-1/2
Dimensions are approximate and may differ between manufacturers.
Dimensions above are in inches, weights are in pounds.

Washington Chain & Supply 19

Stato Mooring Anchor™

This is an improved permanent type of Mooring

anchor developed by the U.S. Navy affording unusual
holding strength in either sand or mud bottoms
through the use of wedge inserts and palm exten-

Weight (lb) A B D G
200 42 59 26 3/4
3,000 129 109 72 1-3/4
6,000 144 143 92 2-1/4
9,000 160 170 100 2-3/4
12,000 186 197 113 3
15,000 204 224 126 3-1/2
20,000 210 230 129 3-3/4
25,000 226 246 137 4
30,000 235 257 145 5
A or
35,000 248 271 153 5-1/4 50°
40,000 258 283 160 5-1/2 D
45,000 269 295 166 5-3/4
50,000 277 303 171 6
60,000 297 320 180 6
70,000 310 336 191 6-1/2
80,000 322 350 200 6-1/2 B
90,000 345 366 206 7
100,000 350 380 216 7-1/2
Dimensions above are in inches, anchor weights in pounds. Cer-
tified drawings of anchors listed above, and of intermediate
and larger sizes, may be furnished on request.

20 Washington Chain & Supply

Hall Anchor


E A 42°


The Hall anchor has the characteristic of a Stockless anchor.

Weight (lb) A B C D E F G H
1,455 63-3/4 39-3/8 16-15/16 29-1/8 27-15/16 9-3/16 2-3/16 7-1/16
1,985 61-1/16 43-11/16 18-3/4 32-5/8 30-11/16 10-3/16 2-3/8 7-13/16
2,515 66-1/8 47-1/4 20-1/2 35-1/16 33-7/16 11-1/16 2-5/8 8-7/16
3,175 71-5/8 51-3/16 22-1/16 37-13/16 34 12-1/16 2-13/16 9-1/4
3,505 74 52-3/4 22-13/16 39 37-3/8 12-3/8 2-15/16 9-7/16
4,230 78-3/4 56-5/16 24-7/16 41-3/4 39-3/4 13-1/4 3-1/8 10-1/8
5,025 83-1/16 59-7/16 25-5/8 44-1/8 42-1/8 13-7/8 3-1/4 10-5/8
6,285 89-3/4 64-3/16 27-9/16 47-5/8 45-1/4 15-1/16 3-9/16 11-1/2
7,275 94-1/8 67-5/16 29-1/8 50 47-5/8 15-3/4 3-11/16 12-1/16
8,335 98-13/16 70-1/2 30-5/16 52 49-5/8 16-7/16 3-7/8 12-5/8
8,930 104-5-/16 72-1/16 31-1/8 53-1/8 50-13/16 16-7/8 3-15/16 12-15/16
10,120 105-1/8 75-3/16 32-5/16 55-1/2 53-1/8 17-9/16 4-1/8 13-7/16
15,210 120-7/8 86-1/4 37 63-3/4 61 20-1/16 4-3/4 15-3/8
20,500 133-7/16 95-1/4 40-15/16 70 64-15/16 22-7/16 5-1/4 17-1/16
25,795 103-1/8 102-3/4 44-1/8 76 72-7/16 24 5-11/16 18-7/16
29,760 151-3/16 107-7/8 46-7/16 79-1/2 76-3/8 25-3/16 5-15/16 19-5/16
34,830 159-7/16 113-3/4 48-13/16 83-7/8 80-5/16 26-3/4 6-5/8 20-3/8
40,785 167-11/16 119-11/16 51-9/16 88-9/16 84-5/8 27-15/16 6-9/16 21-7/16
44,090 172-1/16 122-13/16 52-3/4 90-9/16 78-3/4 28-3/4 6-3/4 22
50,705 180-5/16 128-3/4 55-1/2 94-7/8 90-15/16 30-5/16 7-1/16 23-1/16
54,010 184-1/4 131-1/2 56-11/16 97-1/4 92-15/16 30-11/16 7-1/4 23-9/16
60,625 191-5/16 136-5/8 58-11/16 100-13/16 96-7/16 31-7/8 7-1/2 24-7/16
Dimensions above are in inches; weight is in pounds.
Dimensions are approximate and may differ between manufacturers.

Washington Chain & Supply 21

Additional Anchors

Also known as Admiralty, Kedge, Pick and Common
Anchor. In great demand before the invention of
the stockless anchor, now used mostly on fishing ves-
sels and for permanent moorings, the sharp flukes
clutch readily in many types of bottoms. Also avail-
able in one arm version

This anchor is widely used in salvage operations. With
an open back design, it utilizes suction to increase
its holding power in soft bottoms.

Excellent for permanent moorings, channel buoys
and other navigation aids. This anchor takes firm
hold and remains fixed under adverse conditions.
As anchor oscillates under strains, it buries itself still


This unique anchor is characterized by having the
center of gravity of the flukes below the pivot point.
As a result, the flukes and shank are parallel when
hoisted. This provides variations in stowage proce-
dures—bottom-mounted stowability.

22 Washington Chain & Supply

Anchor & Mooring Chain

Di-Lok Forged Steel Stud Link Anchor Chain ..... 24

Welded Stud Link Anchor Chain ........................ 26
A.B.S. Grade Stud Link Chain ........................ 26
Oil Rig Quality ............................................... 26
Mooring Chain ...................................................28
Dimensions & Test Requirements ..................28

We maintain one of the largest inventories of new and used, imported and surplus anchor chain and
attachments in the United States.

Washington Chain & Supply 23

Di-Lok Chain Dimensions
& Test Requirements

C Length over five links


Length Weight
Over Links Per 15
Chain Size Link Link 5 Grip Per 15 Fathom Proof Break
Length Width Links Radius Fathom Shot Test Test
Inches mm A B C D Shot Approx. Pounds Pounds
3/4 19 4-1/2 2-5/8 16-1/2 1/2 357 505 48,000 75,000
13/16 21 4-7/8 2-7/8 17-7/8 17/32 329 600 56,000 86,500
7/8 22 5-1/4 3-1/8 19-1/4 37/64 305 700 64,000 98,000
15/16 24 5-5/8 3-5/16 20-5/8 5/8 285 795 74,000 113,500
1 25 6 3-5/16 22 21/32 267 900 84,000 129,000
1-1/6 27 6-3/8 3-3/4 23-3/8 11/16 251 1,020 95,000 145,000
1-1/8 29 6-3/4 4 24-3/4 25/32 237 1,140 106,000 161,000
1-1/16 30 7-1/8 4-1/4 26-1/8 25/32 225 1,275 118,000 179,500
1-1/4 32 7-1/2 4-1/2 27-1/2 25/32 213 1,415 130,000 198,000
1-5/16 33 7-7/8 4-3/4 28-7/8 7/8 203 1,560 143,500 216,500
1-3/8 34 8-1/4 4-15/16 30-1/4 7/8 195 1,705 157,000 235,000
1-7/16 36 8-5/8 5-1/16 31-5/8 15/16 187 1,865 171,000 257,500
1-1/2 38 9 5-3/8 33 1 179 2,035 185,000 280,000
1-9/16 40 9-3/8 5-5/8 34-3/8 1-1/32 171 2,195 200,500 302,500
1-5/8 42 9-3/4 5-7/8 35-3/4 1-1/16 165 2,345 216,000 325,000
1-11/16 43 10-1/8 6-1/16 37-1/8 1-3/32 159 2,530 232,500 352,500
1-3/4 44 10-1/2 6-5/16 38-1/2 1-5/32 153 2,720 249,000 380,000
1-13/16 46 10-7/8 6-1/2 39-7/8 1-3/16 147 2,925 267,000 406,000
1-7/8 48 11-1/4 6-3/4 41-1/4 1-1/4 143 3,125 285,000 432,000
1-15/16 50 11-5/8 7 42-5/8 1-9/32 139 3,335 303,500 460,000
2 51 12 7-1/16 44 1-5/16 133 3,525 322,000 488,000
2-1/16 52 12-3/8 7-7/16 45-3/8 1-3/8 129 3,750 342,000 518,000
2-1/8 54 12-3/4 7-5/8 46-3/4 1-7/16 125 3,975 362,000 548,000
2-3/16 56 13-1/8 7-7/8 48-1/8 1-15/32 123 4,215 382,500 579,100

Dimensions above are in inches; weight is in pounds. Continued on next page

24 Washington Chain & Supply

Di-Lok Chain Dimensions
& Test Requirements

No longer manufactured, Di-Lok chain is a forged The unique design of Di-Lok stud link chain allows
alloy steel stud link chain with an integral stud with the use of various alloy steels and heat treatments.
superior strength to weight. Each link is composed The integral stud is formed in the forging of the
of two forged members: a serrated stem member socketed member and cannot be dislodged.
and a socketed member. A cold heat treated serrated
With modification in die design, high strength and
member is placed into the hot socketed member and
super strength Di-Lok chain was manufactured to
assembled by forging in closed dies.
obtain superior test loads.

Length Weight
Over Links Per 15
Chain Size Link Link 5 Grip Per 15 Fathom Proof Break
Length Width Links Radius Fathom Shot Test Test
Inches mm A B C D Shot Approx. Pounds Pounds
2-1/4 58 13-1/2 8-1/8 49-1/2 1-1/2 119 4,460 403,000 610,000
2-5/16 59 13-7/8 8-5/16 50-7/8 1-17/32 117 4,710 425,000 642,500
2-3/8 60 14-1/4 8-9/16 52-1/4 1-9/16 113 4,960 447,000 675,000
2-7/16 62 14-5/8 8-3/4 53-5/8 1-5/8 111 5,210 469,500 709,500
2-1/2 64 15 9 55 1-5/8 107 5,528 492,000 744,000
2-9/16 66 15-3/8 9-1/4 56-3/8 1-11/16 105 5,810 516,000 778,500
2-5/8 67 15-3/4 9-7/16 57-3/4 1-11/16 103 6,105 540,000 813,000
2-11/16 68 16-1/8 9-11/16 59-1/8 1-3/4 99 6,410 565,000 849,000
2-3/4 70 16-1/2 9-7/8 60-1/2 1-13/16 97 6,725 590,000 885,000
2-13/16 71 16-7/8 10-1/8 61-7/8 1-27/32 95 7,040 615,000 925,000
2-7/8 73 17-1/4 10-3/8 63-1/4 1-7/8 93 7,365 640,000 965,000
2-15/16 75 17-5/8 10-9/16 64-5/8 1-7/8 91 7,696 666,500 1,005,000
3 76 18 10-11/16 66 2 89 8,035 693,000 1,045,000
3-1/16 78 18-3/8 11 67-3/8 2 87 8,379 720,500 1,086,500
3-1/8 79 18-3/4 11-1/4 68-3/4 2-1/16 85 8,736 748,000 1,128,000
3-1/16 81 19-1/8 11-1/2 70-1/8 2-1/16 85 9,093 776,050 1,169,000
3-1/4 83 19-1/2 11-11/16 71-1/2 2-1/8 83 9,460 804,100 1,210,000
3-5/16 84 19-7/8 11-15/16 72-7/8 2-1/8 81 9,828 833,150 1,253,000
3-3/8 86 20-1/4 12-1/8 74-1/4 2-3/16 79 10,210 862,200 1,296,000
3-7/16 87 20-5/8 12-3/8 75-5/8 2-3/16 77 10,599 892,100 1,339,550
3-1/2 90 21 12-5/8 77 2-5/16 77 10,998 922,000 1,383,100
3-5/8 92 21-3/4 12-15/16 79-3/4 2-5/16 73 11,607 1,021,000 1,566,000
3-3/4 95 22-1/2 13-3/8 82-1/2 2-15/16 71 12,626 1,120,000 1,750,000

Dimensions above are in inches; weight is in pounds.

Washington Chain & Supply 25

Stud Link Chain Dimensions
& Test Requirements
Welded Stud Link Chain

Chain Size Dimensions Test Requirements

Length Weight Links
Link Link Over Per 15 Grade 2 Grade 3 Oil Rig Quality per 15
Length Width 5-Links Fmshot Proof Break Proof Break Proof Break Fm
Inches mm A B C (Appx.) Load Load Load Load Load Load Shot
5/8 16 3-3/4 2-1/4 13-3/4 365 23,745 33,220 33,220 47,465 432
3/4 19 4-1/2 2-5/8 16-1/2 480 34,000 47,600 47,600 68,000 357
13/16 20 4-7/8 2-7/8 17-7/8 570 39,800 55,700 55,700 79,500 329
7/8 22 5-1/4 3-1/8 19-1/4 660 46,000 64,400 64,400 91,800 305
15/16 24 5-5/8 3-5/16 20-5/8 760 52,600 73,700 73,700 105,000 285
1 25 6 3-9/16 22 860 59,700 83,600 83,600 119,500 84,000 129,000 267
1-1/16 27 6-3/8 3-3/4 23-3/8 970 67,200 94,100 94,100 135,000 251
1-1/8 29 6-3/4 4 24-3/4 1,080 75,000 105,000 105,000 150,000 106,000 161,000 237
1-3/16 30 7-1/8 4-1/4 26-1/8 1,220 83,400 116,500 116,500 167,000 225
1-1/4 32 7-1/2 4-1/2 27-1/2 1,350 92,200 129,000 129,000 184,000 130,000 198,000 213
1-5/16 33 7-7/8 4-3/4 28-7/8 1,490 101,500 142,000 142,000 203,000 203
1-3/8 34 8-1/4 4-15/16 30-1/4 1,630 111,000 155,000 155,000 222,000 157,000 235,000 195
1-7/16 36 8-5/8 5-3/16 31-5/8 1,780 120,500 169,000 169,000 241,000 187
1-1/2 38 9 5-3/8 33 1,940 131,000 183,500 183,500 262,000 185,000 280,000 179
1-9/16 40 9-3/8 5-5/8 34-3/8 2,090 142,000 198,500 198,500 284,000 171
1-5/8 42 9-3/4 5-7/8 35-3/4 2,240 153,000 214,000 214,000 306,000 216,000 325,000 165
1-11/16 43 10-1/8 6-1/16 37-1/8 2,410 166,500 229,000 229,000 327,000 159
1-3/4 44 10-1/2 6-5/16 38-1/2 2,590 176,000 247,000 247,000 352,000 249,000 380,000 153
1-13/16 46 10-7/8 6-1/2 39-7/8 2,790 188,500 264,000 264,000 377,000 147
1-7/8 48 11-1/4 6-3/4 41-1/4 2,980 201,000 281,000 281,000 402,000 285,000 432,000 143
1-15/16 50 11-5/8 7 42-5/8 3,180 214,000 299,000 299,000 427,000 139
2 51 12 7-3/16 44 3,360 227,000 318,000 318,000 454,000 322,000 488,000 133
2-1/16 52 12-3/8 7-7/16 45-3/8 3,570 241,000 337,000 337,000 482,000 342,000 518,000 129
2-1/8 54 12-3/4 7-5/8 46-3/4 3,790 255,000 357,000 357,000 510,000 362,000 548,000 125
2-3/16 56 13-1/8 7-7/8 48-1/8 4,020 269,000 377,000 377,000 538,000 382,500 579,100 123
2-1/4 58 13-1/2 8-1/8 49-1/2 4,250 284,000 396,000 396,000 570,000 403,000 610,000 119
2-5/16 59 13-7/8 8-5/16 50-7/8 4,490 299,000 418,000 418,000 598,000 425,000 642,500 117
2-3/8 60 14-1/4 8-9/16 52-1/4 4,730 314,000 440,000 440,000 628,000 447,000 675,000 113
2-7/16 62 14-5/8 8-3/4 53-5/8 4,960 330,000 462,000 462,000 660,000 469,500 709,500 111
2-1/2 64 15 9 55 5,270 346,000 484,000 484,000 692,000 492,000 744,000 107
2-9/16 66 15-3/8 9-1/4 56-3/8 5,540 363,000 507,000 507,000 726,000 516,000 778,500 105
Dimensions above are in inches; weight is in pounds. Continued on next page

26 Washington Chain & Supply

Stud Link Chain Dimensions
& Test Requirements
How to Determine 3.6 D
Chain Link Size
Common Link
6 x Chain Diameter = Length
(eg. 1” Chain = 6” length)

3.96 D 1.1 D
Enlarged Link
6.6 x Chain Diameter = Length
6.6 D

4D 1.2 D
End Link
6.75 x Chain Diameter = Length
6.75 D
Chain Size Dimensions Test Requirements
Weight Links
Length Per 15 Grade 2 Grade 3 Oil Rig Quality per 15
Link Link Over Fmshot Proof Break Proof Break Proof Break Fm
Inches mm Length Width 5-Links (Appx.) Load Load Load Load Load Load Shot
2-5/8 67 15-3/4 9-7/16 57-3/4 5,820 379,000 530,000 530,000 758,000 540,000 813,000 103
2-11/16 68 16-1/8 9-11/16 59-1/8 6,110 396,000 554,000 554,000 792,000 565,000 849,000 99
2-3/4 70 16-1/2 9-7/8 60-1/2 6,410 413,000 578,000 578,000 826,000 590,000 885,000 97
2-13/16 71 16-7/8 10-1/8 61-7/8 6,710 431,000 603,000 603,000 861,000 615,000 925,000 95
2-7/8 73 17-1/4 10-3/8 63-1/4 7,020 449,000 628,000 628,000 897,000 640,000 965,000 93
2-15/16 75 17-5/8 10-9/16 64-5/8 7,330 467,000 654,000 654,000 934,000 666,500 1,005,000 91
3 76 18 10-13/16 66 7,650 485,000 679,000 679,000 970,000 693,000 1,045,000 89
3-1/16 78 18-3/8 11 67-3/8 7,980 504,000 705,000 705,000 1,008,000 720,500 1,086,500 87
3-1/8 79 18-3/4 11-1/4 68-3/4 8,320 523,000 732,000 732,000 1,046,000 748,000 1,128,000 85
3-3/16 81 19-1/8 11-1/2 70-1/8 8,660 542,000 759,000 759,000 1,084,000 776,050 1,169,000 85
3-1/4 83 19-1/2 11-11/16 71-1/2 9,010 562,000 787,000 787,000 1,124,000 804,100 1,210,000 83
3-5/16 84 19-7/8 11-15/16 72-7/8 9,360 582,000 814,000 814,000 1,163,000 833,150 1,253,000 81
3-3/8 86 20-1/4 12-1/8 74-1/4 9,730 602,000 843,000 843,000 1,204,000 862,200 1,296,000 79
3-7/16 87 20-5/8 12-3/8 75-5/8 10,100 622,000 871,000 871,000 1,244,000 892,100 1,339,550 77
3-1/2 90 21 12-5/8 77 10,500 643,000 900,000 900,000 1,285,000 922,000 1,383,100 77
3-5/8 92 21-3/4 12-15/16 79-3/4 11,300 685,000 958,000 958,000 1,369,000 1,021,000 1,566,000 73
3-3/4 95 22-1/2 13-3/8 82-1/2 12,000 728,000 1,019,000 1,019,000 1,455,000 1,120,000 1,750,000 71
3-7/8 98 23-1/4 14 85-1/4 12,900 772,000 1,080,000 1,080,000 1,543,000 1,205,000 1,863,000 69
4 102 24 14-3/8 88 13,700 816,000 1,143,000 1,143,000 1,632,000 1,298,000 1,996,500 67
Dimensions above are in inches; weight is in pounds.

Washington Chain & Supply 27

Open Link Mooring Chain
(Coast Guard-Type Buoy Chain)

Manufactured in accordance with U.S. Coast Guard Both the chain links and the end links are manufac-
Specification Mil-C-22521C, welded buoy chain is an tured from carbon-steel bar stock, AISI 1030 per Mil-
open-link, studless chain manufactured to a mini- S-16974, with a tensile strength ranging from 71,000
mum quality of Grade 1. to 92,500 psi.
Available with or without end links.
Ask for specifications.

Chain Length As Required

Dimensions Carbon Alloy Approx.

Link Link Link Steel Steel Weight
Diameter Length Width Proof Break Test Proof Break Test Per Foot
A B C Load (lbs.) Load (lbs.) Load (lbs.) Load (lbs.) (lbs.)
1/2 3 1-7/8 7,500 15,000 13,500 30,500 2.3
5/8 3-3/4 2-3/16 11,700 23,400 21,200 47,700 3.6
3/4 4-1/2 2-11/16 16,000 32,000 32,200 69,500 4.8
7/8 5-1/4 3-1/8 22,000 44,000 40,200 93,500 5.6
1 6 3-9/16 29,000 58,000 54,100 122,000 8.6
1-1/8 6-3/4 4 38,500 77,000 62,300 143,000 10.8
1-1/4 7-1/2 4-7/16 45,500 91,000 80,500 180,000 13.5
1-1/2 9 5-5/16 65,500 131,000 112,000 244,000 19.4
1-5/8 9-3/4 5-13/16 76,500 153,000 123,000 270,000 22.7
1-3/4 10-1/2 6-1/4 86,500 173,000 142,000 312,000 26.3
1-7/8 11-1/4 6-11/16 100,000 200,000 163,000 360,000 30.1
2 12 7 115,000 230,000 185,000 410,000 34.3
All specifications in pounds and inches.

28 Washington Chain & Supply

Anchor Chain Attachments

Detachable Chain Connecting Links .............. 32

Detachable Anchor Connecting Links ............ 36
End Links ........................................................37
Oval Pin Joining Shackles ............................. 38
Round Pin Chain Shackles............................. 39
End Shackles ................................................. 40
Jaw & Jaw Swivel Shackles ............................41
Anchor Chain Swivels .................................... 42
Naval Mooring Swivel Shackles .................... 43
Retrieving Hardware ..................................... 44
Devil’s Claw Chain Stopper Assembly ........... 46
Pelican Hook Chain Stopper Assembly ......... 48
Clear Hawse Pendant ..................................... 51
Hi-Torque Chain Stopper ............................... 52
Ulster Type Chain Stopper............................. 53

We maintain one of the largest inventories of new and used, imported and surplus anchor chain and
attachments in the United States.

Washington Chain & Supply 29

Marquip Chain Shackle
Wire Rope
Marquip Tow
Shackle Marquip Chain Shackle Carpenter Stopper
Marquip Tow
Release Hook
Marquip Tow
Connecting Link

Welded Stud
Link or
Di-Lok Chain
Pelican Hook Wire
Marquip Tow Rope
Shackle or Hi-Torque
Chain Stopper


30 Washington Chain & Supply

Carpenter Stopper

Stockless, Snug
Stowing, Workboat

Devil’s Claw or
Ulster Chain Marquip Chain
Stopper Connecting Link

Marquip Anchor Round Pin

Joining Link Anchor


Washington Chain & Supply 31

Detachable Chain Connecting Links



A Lead Plug

MARQUIP® forged detachable chain connecting links Tapered Pin

replace bulky shackles and end links. They make bet-
ter-than-original repair or replacement links, they
serve as connecting links for 90' shots of chain, and
they ride through hawse pipes and over wildcats as
Cap (with
smoothly as normal chain. Made of alloy steel, heat-
treated to a tensile strength of approximately 150,000 protrusion)
PSI, they're as strong as or stronger than the chain. Cap (without
The positive-lock assembly consists of a stainless steel protrusion)
pin and lead plug; the pin can be removed with a
sledge and drift for disassembly. Proof and break tests
surpass USN and ABS requirements; additional certi- C-Link
fications are available on request. Links are available Key Slot
in sizes up to 3-1/2". Cast links are also available in
sizes up to 4-3/4".

Chain Size Proof Test Break Test Wt.

Inches mm A B C D E F G In Pounds In Pounds Lbs.
3/4 19 4-1/2 3 1-3/64 3/4 27/32 59/64 1/2 67,500 91,100 2.1
13/16 – 7/8 21– 22 5-1/4 3-1/2 1-7/32 7/8 63/64 1-1/16 19/32 88,200 119,000 3.4
15/16 – 1 24 – 25 6 4 1-25/64 1 1-1/8 1-7/32 21/32 116,100 156,700 5.1
1-1/16 – 1-1/8 27 – 29 6-3/4 4-1/2 1-9/16 1-1/8 1-17/64 1-3/8 47/64 145,000 195,000 7.2
1-3/16 – 1-1/4 30 – 32 7-1/2 5 1-47/64 1-1/4 1-13/32 1-17/32 13/16 178,200 240,600 9.9
1-5/16 – 1-3/8 33 – 34 8-1/4 5-1/2 1-29/32 1-3/8 1-35/64 1-43/64 29/32 211,500 285,500 13.3
1-7/16 – 1-1/2 36 – 38 9 6 2-5/64 1-1/2 1-11/16 1-53/64 63/64 252,000 340,200 17.3
1-9/16 – 1-5/8 40 – 42 9-3/4 6-1/2 2-1/4 1-5/8 1-63/64 1-63/64 1-1/16 292,500 395,000 22.0
1-11/16 – 1-3/4 43 – 44 10-1/2 7-1/2 2-7/16 1-3/4 2 2-7/32 1-3/16 352,000 376,000 27.5
1-13/16 – 1-7/8 46 – 48 11-1/4 7-1/4 2-1/2 1-7/8 2-5/32 2-11/32 1-15/64 285,000 432,000 32
1-15/16 – 2 50 – 51 12 7-3/4 2-1/2 2 2-5/16 2-1/2 1-5/16 322,000 488,000 36
2-1/16 – 2-1/8 52 – 54 12-3/4 8-1/4 2-21/32 2-1/8 2-1/2 2-21/32 1-13/32 362,000 548,000 44
2-3/16 – 2-1/4 56 – 58 13-1/2 8-23/32 2-13/16 2-1/4 2-5/8 2-13/16 1-1/2 403,000 610,000 52
2-5/16 – 2-3/8 59 – 60 14-1/4 9-7/32 3-1/16 2-3/8 2-3/4 2-15/16 1-9/16 447,000 675,000 61
2-7/16 – 2-1/2 62 – 64 15 9-11/16 3-1/8 2-1/2 2-7/8 3-1/8 1-21/32 492,000 744,000 71
2-9/16 – 2-5/8 66 – 67 15-3/4 10-3/16 3-1/4 2-5/8 3-1/16 3-1/16 1-3/4 540,000 813,000 82
Dimensions above are in inches; weight is in pounds. Continued on next page

32 Washington Chain & Supply

Detachable Chain Connecting Links

Marquip® forged 3-1/2” link, 3/4” link

Chain Size Proof Test Break Test Wt.

Inches mm A B C D E F G In Pounds In Pounds Lbs.
2-11/16 – 2-3/4 68 – 70 16-1/2 10-13/16 3-11/16 2-7/8 3-1/4 3-11/16 1-13/16 640,000 981,000 100
2-13/16 – 2-7/8 71 – 73 17-1/4 11-1/8 3-19/32 2-7/8 3-11/32 3-9/16 1-29/32 649,000 965,000 107
2-15/16 – 3 75 - 76 18 11-5/8 3-3/4 3 3-17/32 3-3/4 1-31/32 693,000 1,045,000 120
3-1/16 – 3-1/8 78 – 79 18-3/4 12-1/8 4 3-1/8 3-5/8 3-11/16 2-3/64 748,000 1,128,000 138
3-3/16 – 3-1/4 81 – 83 19-1/2 12-5/8 4-1/16 3-1/4 3-5/8 4-1/16 2-5/32 804,100 1,210,000 161
3-5/16 – 3-3/8 84 – 86 20-1/4 13-3/32 4-7/32 3-3/8 3-15/16 4-7/32 2-1/4 862,200 1,296,000 177
3-7/16 – 3-1/2 87 – 89 21-1/8 13-25/32 4-13/16 3-3/4 4-1/8 4-1/2 2-13/32 1,080,000 1,700,000 205
3-9/16 – 3-5/8 90 – 92 21-3/4 14 4-9/16 3-5/8 4-3/16 4-9/16 2-5/16 1,021,000 1,566,000 215
3-11/16 – 3-3/4 94 – 95 22-1/2 14-1/2 4-11/16 3-3/4 4-11/16 4-11/16 2-7/16 1,120,000 1,750,000 256
3-13/16 – 3-7/8 97 – 98 23-1/4 15 5 3-7/8 4-1/2 4-3/4 2-5/8 1,205,000 1,863,400 271
3-15/16 – 4 100 –102 24 15-1/2 5-3/16 4 4-5/8 4-15/16 2-11/16 1,298,000 1,966,000 288
4-1/8 105 24-3/4 16-1/2 5-7/8 4-1/8 5 5-3/16 2-25/32 1,347,000 2,062,500 384
4-1/4 108 25-1/2 17-3/8 6-1/2 4-3/8 5-1/4 5-1/2 2-7/8 1,393,700 2,134,000 422
4-3/8 111 26-1/4 18-3/8 7-1/4 4-1/2 5-5/8 5-7/8 2-15/16 1,569,700 2,398,000 460
4-1/2 114 27 19-3/8 8 4-5/6 6 6-3/16 3 1,672,000 2,508,000 500
Dimensions above are in inches; weight is in pounds.

Washington Chain & Supply 33

Kenter Joining Link




Available in grade 2 and grade 3

Chain Size Wt.
Inches mm A B C D E F G H Lbs.
3/4 19 4-1/2 3-1/8 1-1/8 3/4 7/8 15/16 1/2 1 2.3
7/8 22 5-1/4 3-11/16 1-1/16 7/8 1 1-1/8 9/16 1-1/16 3.5
1 25 6 4-1/16 1-1/2 1 1-1/8 1-1/4 11/16 1-3/8 5.7
1-1/8 29 6-3/4 4-3/4 1-11/16 1-1/8 1-1/4 1-3/16 3/4 1-1/2 7.7
1-1/4 32 7-1/2 5-1/4 1-7/8 1-1/4 1-3/8 1-5/16 13/16 1-11/16 10.6
1-3/8 34 8-1/4 5-3/4 2-1/8 1-3/8 1-1/2 1-3/4 13/16 1-1/8 14.3
1-1/2 38 9 6-1/16 2-1/4 1-1/2 1-11/16 1-13/16 1 2 18.5
1-5/8 42 9-1/4 6-11/16 2-1/2 1-5/8 1-13/16 2-1/16 1-1/32 2-1/16 24.3
1-3/4 44 10-1/2 7-1/16 2-5/8 1-3/4 2 2-1/4 1-1/16 2-1/8 29.8
1-7/8 48 11-1/4 7-7/8 2-7/8 1-7/8 2-1/8 2-3/8 1-1/4 2-1/2 36.4
2 51 12 8-3/8 3-1/16 2 2-1/4 2-7/16 1-11/32 2-11/16 45.2
2-1/8 54 12-3/4 8-11/16 3-1/4 2-1/8 2-3/8 2-3/4 1-1/16 2-7/8 53.4
2-1/4 58 13-1/2 9-3/8 3-7/16 2-1/4 2-1/2 2-7/8 1-1/2 3 62.8
2-3/8 60 14-1/4 9-11/16 3-5/8 2-3/8 2-11/16 3-1/16 1-11/32 3-1/16 75.0
2-1/2 64 15 10-1/2 3-11/16 2-1/2 2-11/16 3-1/16 1-11/16 3-3/8 86.9
2-5/8 67 15-3/4 11-1/16 4 2-5/8 3 3-3/8 1-3/4 3-7/16 100.0
2-3/4 70 16-1/2 11-3/16 4-1/16 2-3/4 3-1/8 3-1/2 1-11/16 3-11/16 113.8
2-7/8 73 17-1/4 12-1/16 4-3/8 2-7/8 3-1/4 3-27/32 1-15/16 3-7/8 131.9
3 76 18 12-5/8 4-1/16 3 3-3/8 3-7/8 2 4 148.8
3-1/8 79 18-3/4 13-1/8 4-3/4 3-1/8 3-1/2 4 2-1/32 4-1/32 170.4
3-1/4 83 19-1/2 13-1/16 4-11/16 3-1/4 3-5/8 4-1/16 2-1/16 4-3/8 190.5
3-3/8 86 20-1/4 14-1/4 5-1/8 3-3/8 3-3/4 4-3/16 2-3/32 4-3/16 215.0
3-1/2 89 21 14-11/16 5-1/4 3-1/2 3-11/16 4-1/2 2-3/8 4-3/4 238.0
3-5/8 92 21-3/4 15-1/32 5-1/2 3-5/8 4-1/16 4-11/16 2-7/16 4-7/8 262.0
3-3/4 95 22-1/2 15-3/4 5-11/16 3-3/4 4-1/4 4-13/16 2-1/2 5-1/16 289.0
Dimensions above are in inches; weight is in pounds.

34 Washington Chain & Supply

Kenter Joining Link Assembly

The Kenter-type joining link contains three parts plus and thereby keep the pin in place. Precaution must
taper pin and lead plug. The two main halves have be used to prevent flat, small pieces of lead from
numbers to be matched and arrows to be lined up flying off the joining link into the face or eyes.
for ease of assembly with the third piece (stud). The
Prior to assembly, the internal mating surfaces
two main parts are attached to the ends of the chain
should be coated with a molybdenum disulphide
in a vertical position and then fitted together (1),
grease (MIL-G-23549) or an equivalent lithium based
and the stud is then slid into place (2), which locks
grease. When assembling and before inserting the
the link. The stud is secured by hammering a tapered
new lead, any remaining lead must be reamed out.
pin into the hole drilled diagonally (3) through all
three parts of the joining link. This hole is tapered, When dissembling, the locking pin is driven out with
and when the pin is driven home, a small conical a “drift”. To part the link, a top swage (shaped to the
recess (called the “dovetail chamber”) is left clear curvature of the link) must always be used between
above its head. A lead pellet is hammered broad end the hammer and link so as to avoid damaging the
first into this chamber (4) so as to fill it completely machined surfaces.

(1) After inserting the first half of link through chain, the (2) The center stud is inserted.
other link is inserted in the other and driven together.

(3) When the center chock is in correct position the taper pin (4) The taper pin in driven in and is secured by the lead
can without a hammer be inserted as shown on the figure which pellet which is inserted into place with a hammer.
also shows the center chock in correct position.

Washington Chain & Supply 35

Detachable Anchor Connecting Links


Chain Size Proof Test Break Test Wt.

No. Inches mm A B C D E In Pounds In Pounds Lbs.
2 3/4 – 15/16 19 - 24 7-5/8 5-1/16 1-1/2 15/16 1-1/4 74,000 113,500 7
3 1 – 1-3/16 25 - 30 9-3/8 6-3/16 1-13/16 1-3/16 1-1/2 118,000 179,500 14
4 1-1/4 – 1-9/16 32 - 40 11-3/4 8-1/8 2-1/16 1-9/16 1-7/8 200,500 302,500 28
5 1-5/8 – 2 42 - 51 14-7/8 10-1/4 3 2 2-1/2 322,000 488,000 60
6 2-1/16 – 2-3/8 52 - 60 17-7/8 12-5/16 3-5/8 2-3/8 3 447,000 675,000 107
7 2-7/16 – 3-1/8 62 - 79 22-1/8 14-13/16 4-5/8 3-1/8 3-3/4 748,000 1,128,000 208
8 3-1/16 – 3-5/8 81 - 92 25-3/4 16-1/2 5-1/4 3-5/8 4-7/8 1,021,000 1,566,000 328
9 3-11/16 – 3-3/4 94 - 95 27-1/4 17-1/8 5-3/4 3-7/8 5-1/8 1,120,000 1,750,000 520
10 3-13/16 – 4 97 - 102 35 22-1/2 7-1/2 4-3/4 6-1/2 1,298,000 1,996,500 850
11 4-1/16 – 4-3/8 103 - 111 37 24 8 5 6-7/8 1,569,700 2,398,000 925
12 4-5/16 – 4-1/2 112 - 114 39 25-1/2 8-1/2 5-1/4 7-1/4 1,870,000 2,805,000 1010

Chain Size Proof Test Break Test Wt.

No. Inches mm F G H J K In Pounds In Pounds Lbs.
2 3/4 – 15/16 19 - 24 2-1/4 15/16 1-3/8 21/32 1-3/16 74,000 113,500 7
3 1 – 1-3/16 25 - 30 2-13/32 1-1/16 1-3/4 3/4 1-3/8 118,000 179,500 14
4 1-1/4 – 1-9/16 32 - 40 3-1/4 1-9/16 x 1-3/4 2-7/32 1-1/32 1-11/16 200,500 302,500 28
5 1-5/8 – 2 42 - 51 3-15/16 2-5/16 x 2-3/8 2-29/32 1-1/4 2-1/16 322,000 488,000 60
6 2-1/16 – 2-3/8 52 - 60 4-3/4 2-7/16 x 2-7/8 3-15/32 1-15/32 2-17/32 447,000 675,000 107
7 2-7/16 – 3-1/8 62 - 79 5-7/8 3-3/8 x 3-1/8 4-3/8 1-29/32 3 748,000 1,128,000 208
8 3-1/16 – 3-5/8 81 - 92 5-7/8 4-3/8 x 4 5-1/8 x 5-1/4 2-1/8 3-1/8 1,021,000 1,566,000 328
9 3-11/16 – 3-3/4 94 - 95 6-1/4 4-7/8 x 5-3/8 5-9/16 2-1/4 3-1/4 1,120,000 1,750,000 520
10 3-13/16 – 4 97 - 102 7-1/2 5-1/8 7-1/8 2-7/8 4-1/4 1,298,000 1,996,500 850
11 4-1/16 – 4-3/8 103 - 111 8 5-3/4 x 6-1/8 7-5/8 3 4-3/8 1,569,700 2,398,000 925
12 4-5/16 – 4-1/2 112 - 114 8-1/2 6-1/2 x 6-7/8 8 4-1/8 4-1/2 1,870,000 2,805,000 1010
Dimensions above are in inches; weight is in pounds.

36 Washington Chain & Supply

End Links

Welded End Link length ensures the same physical strength through-
Welded end links are manufactured in conjunction out.
with welded stud-link chain from alloy-steel bar stock.
Installed at one or both ends of the chain length,
However, to compensate for the loss of strength due
the studless end link enables shackles to be joined
to the absence of the forged stud, they are of a larger
directly to the chain — a procedure normally pre-
wire diameter than the chain with which they are
vented by the presence of a stud.
manufactured. Normalizing of the entire chain

Chain Size Weight Proof Test

Inches mm A B C Lbs. In Pounds
11/16 – 3/4 17 – 19 13/16 5-5/8 2-7/8 1.8 47,600
13/16 – 1 21 – 25 1-1/16 7-1/2 3-3/4 4.0 83,600
1-1/16 – 1-1/4 27 – 32 1-5/16 9-3/8 4-3/4 8.0 129,000
1-5/16 – 1-1/2 33 – 38 1-5/8 11-1/4 5-3/4 14.2 183,500
1-9/16 – 1-3/4 40 – 44 1-7/8 13 6-5/8 21.6 247,000
1-13/16 – 2 46 – 51 2-1/8 15 7-5/8 34.2 318,000
2-1/16 – 2-1/4 52 – 58 2-3/8 16-7/8 8-1/2 45.4 396,000
2-5/16 – 2-1/2 59 – 64 2-5/8 18-3/4 9-1/2 62.0 484,000
2-9/16 – 2-3/4 66 – 70 2-7/8 20-1/2 10-1/2 81.0 578,000
2-13/16 –3 71 – 76 3-1/8 22-1/2 11-3/8 105.0 679,000
3-1/16 – 3-3/8 78 – 86 3-1/2 25-1/4 12-3/4 148.0 843,000
3-7/16 – 3-3/4 87 – 95 3-7/8 28 14-1/4 202.0 1,019,000
3-13/16 – 4 97 – 102 4-1/4 30 15-1/4 258.0 1,143,000
Dimensions above are in inches; weight is in pounds.

Washington Chain & Supply 37

Oval Pin Joining Shackles



Chain Size Wt.

Inches mm A B C D E F G H Lbs.
1/2 – 5/8 13 – 16 5-3/16 3-1/4 2 13/16 2-7/8 1-5/8 1-1/8 1 3
11/16 – 3/4 17 – 19 6-1/4 4 2-3/8 1 3-1/8 2 1-3/8 1-1/8 5
13/16 – 7/8 21 – 22 7-1/4 4-1/2 2-5/8 1-1/8 3-5/8 2-1/4 1-9/16 1-1/4 7.5
15/16 – 1 24 – 25 7-7/8 4-7/8 3 1-1/4 3-7/8 2-3/8 1-3/4 1-3/8 10
1-1/16 – 1-1/8 27 – 29 8-5/8 5-3/8 3-3/8 1-3/8 4-1/4 2-5/8 1-15/16 1-1/2 14
1-3/16 – 1-1/4 30 – 32 9-3/8 5-7/8 3-5/8 1-1/2 4-5/8 2-7/8 2-1/8 1-3/4 19
1-5/16 – 1-3/8 33 – 34 10-3/4 6-1/2 4-1/4 1-3/4 5-1/8 3 2-1/2 2 27
1-7/16 – 1-1/2 37 – 38 11-1/2 6-7/8 4-5/8 1-7/8 5-3/8 3-1/8 2-3/4 2-1/4 34
1-9/16 – 1-5/8 40 – 41 12-1/4 7-3/8 5 2 5-3/4 3-3/8 2-15/16 2-3/8 40
1-11/16 – 1-3/4 43 – 44 13-1/8 8-1/8 5-1/4 2-1/4 6-1/8 3-5/8 3-1/8 2-1/2 52
1-13/16 – 1-7/8 46 – 48 14-5/8 8-3/4 6 2-1/2 6-3/4 3-3/4 3-1/2 2-7/8 76
1-15/16 – 2-1/8 49 – 54 15-7/8 9-1/2 6-5/8 2-3/4 7-1/8 4 3-7/8 3-1/8 100
2-3/16 – 2-3/8 56 – 60 17-3/8 10-3/8 7-1/4 3 7-3/4 4-3/8 4-1/4 3-3/8 131
2-7/16 – 2-5/8 62 – 67 19-1/8 11-1/8 8 3-1/4 8-3/4 4-5/8 4-5/8 3-3/4 170
2-11/16 – 2-7/8 68 – 73 20-1/2 12-3/8 8-5/8 3-5/8 9-1/8 5-1/8 5 4 212
3 – 3-1/8 76 – 79 22-5/8 13-1/4 9-5/8 4 9-7/8 5-1/4 5-5/8 4-1/2 293
3-1/4 – 3-3/8 83 – 86 24 13-7/8 10-1/4 4-1/4 10-1/2 5-3/8 6 4-7/8 358
3-1/2 89 25-1/2 14-3/4 10-7/8 4-1/2 11-1/8 5-3/4 6-3/8 5-7/16 427
3-3/4 95 27-5/8 16 11-3/4 4-7/8 12 6-1/4 6-15/16 5-3/4 552
Dimensions above are in inches; weight is in pounds.

38 Washington Chain & Supply

Round Pin Chain Shackles


Weld or
Cotter Pin

Shackle Size Weight

Inches mm A C D E F G H Lbs.
1 25 1/8 2-1/2 1-1/8 1 2-1/4 1 6-1/2 6
1-1/4 32 1/8 3-3/8 1-5/8 1-1/2 2-3/4 1-1/4 8-1/4 11
1-1/2 38 1/8 3-5/8 1-5/8 1-1/2 2-3/4 1-1/2 9 17
1-3/4 44 3/16 4-1/2 2-1/4 2 3-1/4 1-3/4 10-1/4 29
2 51 1/4 4-7/8 2-1/4 2 3-3/4 2 11-3/4 43
2-1/4 57 5/16 5-5/8 2-3/4 2-1/2 4-1/4 2-1/4 13-1/4 59
2-1/2 64 5/16 6 2-3/4 2-1/2 4-1/4 2-1/2 14-1/2 78
3 76 3/8 7-1/4 3-1/4 3 4-3/4 3 18 136
3-1/2 89 7/16 7-13/16 3-3/4 3-1/2 5-1/4 3-1/2 20-1/2 207
4 101 7/16 9-1/2 4-1/4 4 5-3/4 4 23 339
4-1/4 114 1/2 10-3/4 4-3/4 4-1/2 6-3/4 4-1/2 26-1/2 466
5 127 1/2 11-11/16 5-1/4 5 7-1/4 5 29 625
Dimensions above are in inches; weight is in pounds.

Washington Chain & Supply 39

End Shackles/Bending Shackles



Chain Size Wt.

Inches mm A B C D E F G H Lbs.
1/2 – 5/8 13 – 16 5-3/16 3-1/4 2 11/16 2-1/4 1-5/8 1-1/8 1 3
11/16 – 3/4 17 – 19 6-1/4 4 2-3/8 1 3-1/8 2 1-3/8 1-1/8 5
13/16 – 7/8 21 – 22 7-1/4 4-1/2 2-5/8 1-1/8 3-5/8 2-1/4 1-9/16 1-1/4 7.5
15/16 – 1 24 – 25 7-7/8 4-7/8 3 1-1/4 3-7/8 2-3/8 1-3/4 1-3/8 10
1-1/16 – 1-1/8 27 – 29 8-5/8 5-3/8 3-3/8 1-3/8 4-1/4 2-5/8 1-15/16 1-1/2 14
1-3/16 – 1-1/4 30 – 32 9-3/8 5-7/8 3-5/8 1-1/2 4-5/8 2-7/8 2-1/8 1-3/4 19
1-5/16 – 1-3/8 33 – 34 10-3/4 6-1/2 4-1/4 1-3/4 5-1/8 3 2-1/2 2 27
1-7/16 – 1-1/2 37 – 38 11-1/2 6-7/8 4-5/8 1-7/8 5-3/8 3-1/8 2-3/4 2-1/4 34
1-9/16 – 1-5/8 40 – 41 12-1/4 7-3/8 5 2 5-3/4 3-3/8 2-15/16 2-3/8 40
1-11/16 – 1-3/4 43 – 44 13-1/8 8-1/8 5-1/4 2-1/4 6-1/8 3-5/8 3-1/8 2-1/2 52
1-13/16 – 1-7/8 46 – 48 14-5/8 8-3/4 6 2-1/2 6-3/4 3-3/4 3-1/2 2-7/8 76
1-15/16 – 2-1/8 49 – 54 15-7/8 9-1/2 6-5/8 2-3/4 7-1/8 4 3-7/8 3-1/8 100
2-1/16 – 2-3/8 56 – 60 17-3/8 10-3/8 7-1/4 3 7-3/4 4-3/8 4-1/4 3-3/8 131
2-7/16 – 2-5/8 62 – 67 19-1/8 11-1/8 8 3-1/4 8-3/4 4-5/8 4-5/8 3-3/4 170
2-11/16 – 2-7/8 68 – 73 20-1/2 12-3/8 8-5/8 3-5/8 9-1/8 5-1/8 5 4 212
3 – 3-1/8 76 – 79 22-5/8 13-1/4 9-5/8 4 9-7/8 5-1/4 5-5/8 4-1/2 293
3-1/4 – 3-3/8 83 – 86 24 13-7/8 10-1/4 4-1/4 10-1/2 5-3/8 6 4-7/8 358
3-1/2 89 25-1/2 14-3/4 10-7/8 4-1/2 11-1/8 5-3/4 6-1/8 5-7/16 427
3-3/4 95 27-5/8 16 11-3/4 4-7/8 12 6-1/4 6-15/16 5-3/4 552

Dimensions above are in inches; weight is in pounds.

40 Washington Chain & Supply

Jaw & Jaw Swivel Shackles

Anchor End Chain End


Key or
G welded

The Jaw & Jaw swivel shackle is designed to accept The applied proof load is dependent upon appli-
the shank of an anchor and the chain end is designed cable design.
to accept a closed spelter socket or mooring chain.

29-1/8 13-5/8 15 3-5/8 7-1/4 4-1/8 2-5/8
29-1/8 13-5/8 15 3-3/4 7-1/4 4-1/2 3
30-3/8 18 17 4-1/4 9 5-1/2 3-1/2
30-3/8 21-1/2 19 4-1/4 10 6-1/2 4
30-3/8 21-1/2 19 6 10 7-1/2 4
Dimensions above are in inches; weight is in pounds. Other sizes available

Washington Chain & Supply 41

Anchor Chain Swivels




Note: All swivels have a common link each end.

Weights shown for these swivels include the weights
of two common links. Pictured without common

Chain Size Weight

Inches mm A B C D E F G H Lbs.
1/2 – 5/8 13 – 16 5-3/8 2-7/16 2-7/16 13/16 2-1/16 7/16 5/8 5/8 5
11/16 – 3/4 17 – 19 6-25/32 3 3 1-1/16 2-9/16 3/4 3/4 3/4 7
13/16 – 7/8 21 – 22 7-13/16 3-1/2 3-1/2 1-3/16 2-15/16 7/8 7/8 7/8 11
15/16 – 1-1/8 24 – 29 10-3/16 4 4 1-3/4 3-11/16 1 1 1-3/16 18
1-1/16 – 1-1/2 30 – 38 14-1/4 7-3/8 6-3/4 2-1/2 5-1/2 1-1/8 1-1/2 1-1/2 63
1-9/16 – 1-7/8 40 – 48 15-15/16 7-7/8 7-7/8 2-5/8 6-3/8 1-1/4 2 2 91
1-15/16 – 2-1/16 50 – 56 19-1/8 9-7/16 9-7/16 3-1/8 7-5/8 1-3/8 2-1/4 2-1/4 144
2-1/4 – 2-3/8 58 – 60 21-11/16 10-13/32 9-1/4 4 8-3/4 1-1/2 2-3/8 2-7/16 202
2-7/16 – 2-5/8 62 – 67 23-1/8 12-5/16 8-7/16 3-5/16 9-1/16 1-3/4 3-3/16 3-1/16 527
2-11/16 – 2-7/8 68 – 73 25-5/16 13-1/2 9-3/16 3-5/8 9-15/16 1-15/16 3-7/16 3-7/16 590
2-15/16 – 3-1/8 75 – 79 27-1/2 14-11/16 10 3-15/16 10-13/16 2-1/8 3-3/4 3-3/4 656
3-1/16 – 3-3/8 81 – 86 29-3/4 15-13/16 10-3/4 4-1/4 11-11/16 2-1/4 4-1/16 4-1/16 722
3-7/16 – 3-5/8 87 – 92 31-15/16 17-1/16 11-5/8 4-9/16 12-9/16 2-7/16 4-3/8 4-3/8 798
3-11/16 – 3-7/8 94 – 98 34-1/8 18-1/4 12-7/16 4-7/8 13-3/8 2-5/8 4-11/16 4-11/16 884
3-15/16 – 4 100 – 102 35-1/4 18-13/16 12-7/8 5 13-13/16 2-3/4 4-13/16 4-13/16 938
Dimensions above are in inches; weight is in pounds.

42 Washington Chain & Supply

Naval Mooring Swivel Shackle
Modified Swivel Shackle (Riser)
This modified swivel shackle has two different jaw sizes
and is designed to be used in lieu of the standard swivel
in a riser. The top end of the riser swivel shackle is re- C
quired to fit a shackle eye plate of the tension bar while
the other end will be sized to fit the upper riser link to
which it will attach.


Size A B C D E F G H K Wt.
2 26 11-1/2 8 5-3/4 2-5/8 3-3/8 3-3/4 2-7/8 8 346
2-3/4 35 15-3/4 11 8 3-1/4 4-1/2 5 3-7/8 11 588
Dimensions above are in inches; weight is in pounds.

Washington Chain & Supply 43

Retrieving Hardware
Chain Chaser and Grapnel Grapnel
Used in the recovery of anchors and mooring lines, In order to offer a total coverage for a variety of
J-type chain chasers, permanent chain chasers, de- retrieving applications, WCS offers a four-prong
tachable permanent chain chasers, and grapnels are grapnel. This unit is designed to recover lost anchors
manufactured as one-piece units from special cast and mooring lines. The four-prong reduces the out-
steel which is annealed for maximum unit strength. fitting costs, since it is designed to accommodate the
same connecting hardware as the permanent and
The retrieving hardware is designed for use with 2-
J-type chasers.
3/4 to 3-1/2 in. mooring chain and anchors in the
30,000 to 45,000-lb class. All hardware is manufac- Standard
tured with rated testing loads which vary from 150 to Swivel Shackle
250 tons.
All chasing equipment comes standard with welded 3” Safety-Type
Anchor Shackle
hard-facing on contact areas to inhibit wear. Optional
treatments include Rapid Solidification Plasma Depo- J-Type Chain Chaser
sition or R.S.P.D., for superior wear and corrosion
resistance, isolated areas or entire castings can be

J-Type Chain Chaser

The J-type chain chaser, complete with swivel shackle,
is used to retrieve a rig’s anchor when the pendant
line is broken. It is a highly refined, stronger version Notes:
of the conventional chain chaser originally developed 1. Weight – 3,200 lbs.
for use in the North Sea. The unique design uses a 2. Test load – 250 tons
sophisticated beam configuration in place of the (500,000 lbs.) straight pull
usual T-type cross section to optimize quality and re-
Permanent Chain Chaser
Permanent Chain Chaser Notes:
For rigs requiring a permanent-type chaser, we offer 1. Weight – 2,600 lbs. (approx.)
2. Test load – 250 tons (500,000 lbs.)
a stronger, better engineered version of the conven- straight pull
tional chain chaser used in the North Sea. This type
of anchor retrieval system eliminates the need for a
pendant line buoy system. As with the J-type chaser,
the permanent chaser incorporates a beam configu-
ration that lessens the possibility of breaking with a
significant decrease in eccentric bending.

Detachable Chain Chaser

A modified conventional permanent chaser designed
to make the wear area detachable and replaceable.
This innovative design allows the user to hook up Detachable Chain Chaser
easily and replace individual parts that are prone to Notes:
1. Weight – 2,610 lbs.
wear, rather than replace the entire chain chaser. 2. Proof Test – 250 tons
(500,000 lbs.) straight pull
3. Working Load Limit – Four-Prong Grapnel
110 tons (220,000 lbs.) Notes:
1. Weight – 4,000 lbs. (approx.)
2. Test Load – 150 tons

44 Washington Chain & Supply


Washington Chain & Supply 45

Devil’s Claw Chain Stopper Assembly

The Devil’s Claw Chain Stopper Assembly is designed tion; instead, the loads are arranged in line. Each
primarily to assist in securing the anchor at the hawse component of the assembly is forged alloy steel which
pipe. Additionally, it can be utilized to help retrieve is heat treated to develop a tensile strength of 150,000
mooring components. The size of the claw and the psi. As an option, customers can specify additional
jaw opening are directly proportional to the chain handles to be placed at the base of the claw, which
size which is to be engaged. When the stopper as- increase the ease of handling.
sembly is used to secure mooring chain, neither the
Higher strength devil’s claws are available upon
stopper nor the chain is placed in a bending condi-


Chain Connecting Link Devil’s Claw

Devil’s Claw

Deck Padeye Deck

46 Washington Chain & Supply

Devil’s Claw Type Chain Stoppers

Marquip Chain Connecting Link Commercial Grade

Shackle Devils’s Claw


Chain Size B B Det Link Proof

Inches mm A Min Max C D E Size Load Lbs
3/4 19 16 35-1/2 42-3/4 12 11 7/8 3/4 34,000
7/8 22 17-1/4 38-1/4 45-3/8 12 11 1 7/8 46,000
1 – 1-1/8 – 1-1/4 25-32 19-1/2 43-1/16 52-13/16 12-3/4 13 1-1/4 1-1/8 92,200
1-3/8 – 1-1/2 – 1-5/8 34- 42 23-3/4 50-1/4 60-3/4 13 16 1-1/2 1-3/8 153,000
1-3/4–2 44- 51 24-1/8 53-1/8 63-5/8 16 16 1 1/2 1-1/2 160,000
2-1/8–-2-3/8 54- 60 26-1/4 56-1/4 66-3/4 19 16 1 5/8 1-1/2 170,000
2-1/2–2-5/8 64- 67 29-3/4 65 78-1/8 20 20 1-7/8 1-5/8 200,000
2-3/4 70 29-3/4 67-1/4 80-1/4 24 20 1-7/8 2-1/8 220,000
3 76 36 76-1/4 92-3/8 24 24 2-3/8 2-1/8 220,000
Dimensions are approximate
Dimensions in inches

Washington Chain & Supply 47

Pelican Hook Chain Stopper Assembly

The Pelican Hook Chain Stopper is engineered so The chain stopper assembly consists of a shackle,
that its primary function is to secure the ship’s an- chain connecting links, turnbuckle and pelican
chor at the hawse pipe. The chain can be disengaged hook. Each component is forged from fine grain heat
from the stopper by manually deflecting the bail. To treated alloy steel, with a minimum tensile strength
facilitate handling, additional handles can be added of 150,000 psi.
to the base of the hook should the customer desire.


Turnbuckle Bail


Chain Connecting Links Handle (optional)


M Pelican Hook

Deck Padeye Deck

48 Washington Chain & Supply

Forged Pelican Hook Type Chain Stoppers

Marquip Chain Connecting Link



Assembly based on USN drawing 804-860000

Chain Size B B Det. Link Proof Break
Inches mm A Min. Max. C D E Size Load Lbs. Load Lbs.
3/4 19 16 33-1/4 40-1/2 1 11 7/8 3/4 67,500 91,100
7/8 22 17-1/4 38-7/16 45-9/16 1-7/32 11 1 7/8 88,200 119,000
1 – 1-1/8 25 – 29 19-1/2 46-7/8 55-1/2 1-17/32 13 1-1/8 1-1/8 145,000 195,000
1-1/4 32 19-5/8 48 56-5/8 1-17/32 13 1-1/4 1-1/4 178,200 240,600
1-1/4HS – 1-1/2 32HS – 38 23-3/4 55-3/16 65-11/16 1-3/4 16 1-1/2 1-3/8 211,500 285,500
1-3/8HS – 1-5/8 34HS – 42 23-3/4 55-3/16 65-11/16 2 16 1-1/2 1-3/8 211,500 285,500
1-5/8HS – 2 42HS – 51 24-1/8 59-3/16 69-11/16 2-7/16 16 1-1/2 1-1/2 252,000 340,200
2-1/8 – 2-3/8 54 – 60 26-1/4 65-5/8 76-1/8 2-9/16 16 1-5/8 1-1/2 252,000 340,200
2-1/2 – 2-5/8 64 – 67 29-3/4 74-3/8 87-1/2 3-1/8 20 1-7/8 1-5/8 292,500 395,000
2-3/4 – 2-3/4HD 70 – 70HD 29-3/4 86-5/8 89-3/4 3-1/8 20 1-7/8 1-3/4 352,000 476,000
3HD – 3-1/4 76HD – 83 36 90-3/4 106-1/2 3-3/4 24 2-3/8 2-1/4 403,000 610,000
3-3/8 – 3-1/2 86 – 89 38-5/8 97-7/16 113-1/16 3-7/8 24 2-5/8 2-1/2 492,000 744,000
3-1/2HD – 3-3/4 89HD – 95 44-3/8 110 128-1/8 4-1/2 27-1/2 2-7/8 3 706,000 1,068,000
4-3/4 121 44-3/8 130-5/8 147-5/8 5-3/8 27-1/2 2-7/8 3 706,000 1,068,000
Dimensions in inches
HS High Strength Chain
HD Heavy Duty Chain
Washington Chain & Supply 49
Commercial Pelican Hook Chain Stopper



Chain Size A B C D E F G H Test Weight
Lbs. Lbs.
3/4HS* & 3/4 7/8 7/8 2 2 1 10 1-1/4 3/4 34,000 12
7/8HS & 7/8 1 1-1/8 2-1/4 2-1/4 1-7/32 12-11/16 1-3/8 7/8 46,000 16
1HS & 1, 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 2-3/4 2-1/2 1-17/32 16-11/16 1-5/8 1-1/8 92,200 32
1-1/4HS – 1-5/8 1-1/2 1-1/2 3-1/4 3 2 18-7/16 1-7/8 1-1/2 153,000 53
1-5/8HS – 2 1-3/4 1-3/4 3-1/2 3-3/8 2-7/16 21-1/4 2-1/8 1-1/2 192,000 77
2-1/8 – 2-1/4 – 2-3/8 2-1/4 2-1/4 4-1/4 4-1/8 2-9/16 25-9/16 2-1/4 1-1/2 220,000 151
2-1/2 – 2-3/4HD** 2-1/2 2-1/2 4-5/8 4-1/2 3-1/8 29-1/2 2-3/4 1-7/8 290,000 195
3HD & 3, 3-1/4 2-3/4 2-3/4 5-1/8 5 3-3/8 32-1/2 3 2 300,000 263
3-3/8 & 3-1/2 3 3 5-1/2 5-1/2 3-7/8 35-3/16 3-3/8 2-1/2 350,000 265
3-1/2HD & 3-3/4 3-1/2 3-1/2 6 6 4-1/2 37-3/4 4-1/4 2-7/8 400,000 285
4-3/4 3-1/2 3-1/2 6 6 5-3/8 46-3/8 4-1/4 2-7/8 450,000 350
Dimensions in inches, weights in pounds.
*HS = High Strength Chain
**HD = Heavy Duty Chain

50 Washington Chain & Supply

Clear Hawse Pendant Assembly

Anchor Chain
Size Marquip Connecting Link Wire Rope Clear
Clear Flash Butt Size Hawse
Hawse Welded Chain Pear-Shaped Detachable Anchor Solid Pendant
Pendant JAW Chain Stopper Detachable Link Size Shackle Thimble Length Proof Load
Assy Size MIL–C–24633 Size Link Size HS Link Std Link Size Size Dia. (FMS) (Lbs.)
3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 5/8 5/8 5 34,500
3/4 HS
7/8 7/8 & 1 3/4 MOD 3/4 3/4 5/8 5/8 5 34,500
1 HS
1-1/8 1-1/8 & 1-1/4 7/8 MOD NO. 2 1-1/8 7/8 7/8 7 71,500
1-1/8 HS
1-3/8 HS 1-3/8 to 1-3/4 1 – 1-1/8 MOD NO. 3 1-3/8 1-1/4 1-1/4 15 103,500
1-1/2 HS
1-3/4 HS 1-7/8 to 2-1/4 1-5/8 MOD 1-3/8 1-3/8 1-1/4 1-1/4 15 103,500
2-3/4 HD 2-3/8 to 3-1/8 2-1/8 – 2-3/8 MOD 1-5/8 1-3/4 1-5/8 1-5/8 15 162,500
3 HD
3-1/2 HD
3-1/4 3-1/4 to 3-1/2 3 – 3-1/4 MOD 1-7/8 1-3/4 1-5/8 1-5/8 15 162,500
3-5/8 3-5/8 to 4 3-1/2 HD – 3-3/4 #5 Inverted 1-3/4 1-5/8 1-5/8 15 162,500
4-3/4 4-3/4 4-3/4 #5 Inverted 1-3/4 1-5/8 1-5/8 15 162,500

Dimensions in inches.
FMS – Fathoms

Washington Chain & Supply 51

Hi-Torque Chain Stopper

The Hi-Torque Chain Stopper was designed specifi- port while allowing the catch plate ample space for
cally for interval or end attachment. It will accom- movement even when the stopper lies on its side.
modate a wide range of chain, end link and various The shape of the side plates enables the stopper to
wire rope rigging applications. Since its introduction lie flat on the deck in a closed or open position.
the Hi-Torque Chain Stopper has been regarded by There is no load on the deeper pin, which means it
supply vessel operators as the most proficient stop- can be removed and the stopper can be tripped open
ping device on the market for anchor handling, buoy with a tripping line attached to the catch plate.
retrieving and other applications.
This unique stopper is fabricated from hardened,
Operationally, the Hi-Torque Chain Stopper is high tensile alloy steel. Each stopper is proof tested
simple and effective. The closing lever pivots between in straight tension.
the side plates to provide additional bending sup-

Closing Lever
Tripping Line



Inboard Outboard Inboard

end Outboard
end end end

Hi-Torque Stopper Hi-Torque Stopper

End Attached Middle Attached

Stopper will accept end link with a Stopper will accept 2-1/2” to
4” inside width or greater. 3-1/4” chain or equivalent.
Proof Working
Test Load A B C D E Weight
Tension Torque
72T 35T 23-3/4 10 3-3/8 2 14-1/4 117
115T 50T 26-5/8 12-1/2 3-1/2 2-1/2 13-5/8 170
240T 110T 32-15/16 13-3/4 5 3 19-3/8 350
All specifications in pounds and inches, unless otherwise stated.

52 Washington Chain & Supply

Ulster Type Chain Stopper

The Ulster Type Chain Stopper is a versatile tool placed inboard. Also, the stopper should be secured
which is designed for multiple applications such as to the deck with bolts or by welding. The stoppers
engaging and securing anchor chain, assisting in the are manufactured from high quality cast steel. The
stowing of the ship’s anchor and accepting the high pawl is secured with an alloy heat treated hinge pin.
loads associated with mooring commercial ships, drill Depending on the customer’s requirements, the
ships, semi-submersibles and service vessels. stopper can be equipped with a pawl counterbalance
or powered cylinders.
To prevent the chain from running out during an-
chor retrieval, the pawl of the stopper should be

Hinge Pin
Stopper Plate
Pawl Pawl



Stopper bolted to deck Deck

(Can be welded, if required)

Chain Size Weight

Inches A B C (approx.)
1 – 1-1/2 20 11 13-1/2 230
1-9/16 – 1-7/8 25 14-1/4 16-1/8 450
1-15/16 – 2-3/16 30 18-1/8 22 990
2-1/4 – 2-1/2 39 21-1/2 27-3/8 1,770
2-9/16 – 2-13/16 42-7/8 24-3/4 30-1/2 3,210
2-7/8 – 3-3/16 53-1/2 29-5/8 36-1/2 3,540
3-1/4 – 3-7/16 56 31 39 3,760
3-1/2 – 3-7/8 62-1/2 34-5/8 43-1/8 4,000
3-15/16 – 4-1/4 70-3/4 39-1/4 49 10,200
All specifications in pounds and inches, are approximate.

Washington Chain & Supply 53

Cast Steel Bar Type Chain Cable Stopper
(Weld or Bolt Down Mounting)


38-40 336 378 130 540 68 65 110
42-44 366 412 142 590 75 72 138
46-48 397 450 155 640 82 78 177
50-52 428 491 170 695 88 85 214
54-56 457 528 182 745 95 92 261
58-60 488 565 195 795 102 98 319
62-64* 517 600 208 850 109 104 396
66-68* 547 635 220 900 116 110 482
70-73* 582 675 233 960 125 117 609
76-78* 617 715 245 1,020 133 123 740
*Sizes 62 to 78. The bar is equipped with a counter weight. The bar can be opened in right or left hand side.
Dimensions are in mm; weight is in kg.

Rollered Pawl Type Anchor
Chain Cable Stopper
(For Grade 3 Chain) 40°
h 39°

L6 h b
CHAIN DIA. h h1 h5 L L4 L6 B b D KGS
70, 73 125 422 860 660 640 241 980 115 584 1,096
76, 78 133 450 918 700 680 254 1,046 123 624 1,316
81, 84 143 483 983 760 720 279 1,110 134 672 1,608
87, 90 153 515 1,055 810 770 295 1,190 143 720 1,938
92, 95 162 545 1,115 860 810 317 1,250 151 760 2,289
97, 100, 102 175 584 1,196 920 860 337 1,320 161 816 2,787
105, 107 185 617 1,265 981 900 364 1,390 170 864 3,274
111, 114 195 651 1,335 1,026 940 376 1,460 180 912 3,874
117, 122 208 695 1,427 1,100 995 408 1,550 191 976 4,600
127, 132 225 750 1,542 1,190 1,060 441 1,660 207 1,056 5,750
Dimensions are in mm; weight is in kg.

54 Washington Chain & Supply

& Specialty Shackles

Chain Pattern Shackles ................................. 56

Anchor Pattern Shackles ................................57
Tow Plates ..................................................... 58
Sinker Shackles ............................................ 59
Dip Rope Shackle .......................................... 60
Tonsberg Mooring Link.................................. 62
Mandal Fairlead Shackle............................... 62

Washington Chain carries a wide selection of shackles, including bending, triangle, modeer
and others not shown here.

Washington Chain & Supply 55

Shackles–Chain Pattern
Showing double nut pin arrangement

Marquip shackles offer maximum load capacity and Safety type pins used on all shackles –
safety for marine and construction heavy lift opera- all sizes
tions utilizing a 6:1 working load limit. Wide jaws All through pins are available with double or single
facilitate easy installation on chains, flounder or tow safety nuts secured by cap screws, with hex nuts and
plates, tow wires, bell shackles and pad eyes. cotter keys to prevent backing off due to vibrations.
Both bails and pins are forged of 4340 extra high Pin ends are tapered.
strength alloy steel. Each pin is then specially ma- All certifications are available on request. With our
chined and individually precision fitted to its shackle 2,000,000 pound (1,000-ton) tensile strength testing
to minimize wear from heavy or surging loads and machine, we can provide A.B.S., Lloyd’s Shipping,
vibrations. All shackles and pins are heat treated and I.L.O. or other cargo bureau certificates as required.
magnetic particle inspected. Working load limits
range from 40 tons to 185 tons, depending on shackle
size and style. See specifications.


Custom made shackles available to meet your requirements.

No. 210 Chain Pattern

*Size A 2 2-1/4 2-1/2 2-3/4 3 3 3-1/2 4
Pin Diameter B 2 2-1/4 2-1/2 2-3/4 3 3-1/4 3-3/4 4-1/4
Jaw Width C 3-1/4 4-1/2 4-1/2 4-1/2 4-1/2 5 5-3/4 6-1/2
Reach D 6-3/4 7 10-1/2 11 13 13 10-1/2 12
F 4-1/2 5 5-1/2 6 6-1/2 6-1/2 8-1/4 9
WLL Tons 44 57 71 80 94 123 132 185
Weight Lbs. 36 62 86 110 125 142 218 310
*Note: Larger or special dimension size available on special order.
Dimensions above are in inches, weight is in pounds.

56 Washington Chain & Supply

Shackles–Anchor Pattern
Showing single nut pin arrangement



No. 211 Anchor Pattern

*Size A 1-3/4 2 2-1/4 2-1/2 2-3/4 3 3 3-1/2 4
Pin Diameter B 2 2 2-1/4 2-1/2 2-3/4 3 3-1/4 3-3/4 4-1/4
Jaw Width C 2-7/8 3-1/4 4-1/4 4-1/2 4-1/2 4-1/2 5 5-3/4 6-1/2
Reach D 7 7-3/4 9 10 11 13 13 15 16
E 5 5-1/4 5-1/2 7-1/4 7-3/4 8 8-1/2 9 11
F 4-1/2 4-1/2 5 5-1/2 6 6-1/2 6-1/2 8-1/4 9
WLL Tons 40 44 57 71 80 94 123 132 185
Weight Lbs. 23 41 62 88 112 133 146 250 358
Dimensions above are in inches, weight is in pounds.

Washington Chain & Supply 57

Towing Plates

Simpler, stronger, and safer—that’s the MARQUIP in the bridle. Cast from nickel-chrome steel,
tow plate. Its patented design lets you rig the bridle MARQUIP plates also provide maximum corrosion
with only three shackles, eliminating the extra resistance. They are available in 300,000-, 485,000-,
weight, cost, time, and risk of older-style flounder and 624,000-pound pull test capacities, and can be
plates. The No. 2 plate features an extra hole for a certified on request.
tandem shackle to tow additional barges, or to haul

N0. 1
2.5R 1.75

5.25 16


N0. 2 17.5
No. 3
2R 2R 6R

5.75 7 2.1875 10
23.5 31.5 10.125

3.5 6R 7.3125 4.375
2R 2R 4.5
11.25 15.5
3 4
22.5 31

No. 1 No. 2 No. 3
Shackle 1-1/2 2-1/4 3
Sizes* 1-3/4 2-1/2 4
2 2-3/4 - 3
Dimensions 17-1/2 x 16 22-1/2 x 23-1/2 31 x 31-1/2
Weight (lbs.) 70 170 548
Proof Test (lbs.) 300,000 485,000 624,000
*All dimensions in inches

58 Washington Chain & Supply

Sinker Shackle

Stud-link chain
pendant–size and
Plate length to suit tow
Retrieving wire

Flounder Plate
Stud-link Plate shackle termination
chain bridle as required as appropriate

B Chain
R 1.00 Ref


Sinker Chain
or Pad Eye Ref

Sinker Chain
Dash Pad Eye Dia. Dim .Dim. Radius Dia.
No. Ref. A +/- .12 B +/- .12 C +/- .12 D +/- .06
-1 1-3/4 To 2 12.06 3.03 2.56 1.88
-2 2-1/4 To 4 22.06 4.03 3.56 2.38
Dimensions above are in inches.

Washington Chain & Supply 59

Dip Shackles and Rope Assembly


Dip Shackles and Rope – Proportional Dimensions A through K

(All figures in inches except “Length of Rope” which is in fathoms)
Thimble Nylon Nylon Rope
Chain Size Dimensions (Ins.) Size Rope Thimble
High Nominal Circ. of Nominal
Strength Standard A B C D F J K Rope Dia. Rope Rope Dia.
3/4 7/8 3/4 1-1/8 4-5/8 3/8 4-1/8 1/2 2-1/16 7/8 1-3/8 7/8 2-1/4 7/8
1 1-1/8 1-1/4 1-1/2 6-1/4 7/16 5-1/2 11/16 2-9/16 1-1/8 1-7/8 1-1/8 2-1/2 1-1/16
1-1/4 1-1/2 1-5/8 1-7/8 7-3/4 9/16 6-7/8 7/8 3-3/16 1-7/16 2-5/16 1-3/8 3 1-3/16
1-5/8 1-3/4 2 2-1/4 9-1/4 11/16 8-1/4 1-1/16 3-7/8 1-3/4 2-3/4 1-5/8 3-1/2 1-7/16
1-7/8 2-1/8 2-3/8 2-3/4 11-3/8 7/8 10-1/8 1-1/4 4-3/4 2-1/8 3-3/8 2 4 1-7/16
2-1/4 2-5/8 2-7/8 3-1/4 13-1/2 1 12 1-1/2 5-9/16 2-1/2 4 2-1/4 4-1/2 1-11/16
2-3/4 3 3-3/8 3-3/4 15-1/2 1-1/8 13-7/8 1-3/4 6-3/8 2-7/8 4-5/8 2-5/8 5 1-11/16
3-1/8 3-3/4 4 4-3/4 21 1-5/16 15-5/8 1-15/16 7-7/8 3-1/4 5-1/4 3 5-1/2 2
Continued on the next page

60 Washington Chain & Supply

Dip Shackles and Rope Assembly

For One
No. Description Material Remark T W
1 Shackle Med. Stl. Galv.
2 Shackle Med. Stl. Galv.
3 Pin Med. Stl. Galv.
4 Nut Med. Stl. Galv. U V
5 Distance Piece W.I. Pipe Galv.
6 Split Pin Brass Galv.
7 Thimble Med. Stl. Galv.
8 Dip Rope Manila

Dip Shackles and Rope – Proportional Dimensions L through W

(All figures in inches except “Length of Rope” which is in fathoms)
Thimble Nylon Nylon Rope
Chain Size Circ. Length Size Rope Thimble
High of of Nominal Circ. of Nominal
Strength Standard L N O Rope Rope S T U V W Rope Dia. Rope Rope Dia.
3/4 7/8 3/4 1-1/8 7/16 2-13/16 3/8 2-1/2 14 4-3/32 3 1-7/8 3-1/16 15/16 7/8 2-1/4 7/8
1 1-1/8 1-1/4 1-1/2 9/16 3-7/16 1/2 3-1/4 14 5-1/16 3-5/8 2-3/8 3-13/16 1-3/16 1-1/8 2-1/2 1-1/16
1-1/4 1-1/2 1-5/8 1-7/8 3/4 4-5/16 5/8 4 24 6-3/32 4-5/16 2-13/16 4-5/8 1-7/16 1-3/8 3 1-3/16
1-5/8 1-3/4 2 2-1/4 7/8 5-1/4 3/4 4-3/4 30 7-1/32 5 3-5/16 5-3/8 1-3/4 1-5/8 3-1/2 1-7/16
1-7/8 2-1/8 2-3/8 2-3/4 1 6-1/2 15/16 6 36 8-1/2 6 4 6-1/2 2-1/8 2 4 1-7/16
2-1/4 2-5/8 2-7/8 3-1/4 1-1/4 7-9/16 1-1/8 7 36 9-7/16 6-5/8 4-1/2 7-1/4 2-3/8 2-1/4 4-1/2 1-11/16
2-3/4 3 3-3/8 3-3/4 1-7/16 8-5/8 1-5/16 8 36 10-7/8 7-5/8 5-1/8 8-3/8 2-3/4 2-5/8 5 1-11/16
3-1/8 3-3/4 4 4-3/4 1-3/8 10-1/2 1-1/2 9 36 12-3/8 8-5/8 5-13/16 9-9/16 3-1/8 3 5-1/2 2

Washington Chain & Supply 61

Tonsberg Mooring Link
Galvanized steel mooring link of compact design typically
utilized as connection between wire rope and fiber forerunner.
Sizes: 90, 120 and 180 Metric Tons.

Model 90T 120T 180T

Circ. (inches) 7–9 9 – 11 11 – 15
A (mm) 285 324 350
B (mm) 115 142 184
C (mm) 136 150 160
D (mm) 65 75 85
E (mm) 75 90 120 D
R (mm) 22 28 30
Breaking Load
M/Tons 90 120 180
Proof Load
M/Tons 55 70 95
Safe Working
Load M/Tons 30 40 60
11.2 kg 16.9 kg 25 kg
Weight (25 lbs.) (37 lbs.) (55 lbs.) B C

Mandal Fairlead Shackle

Stainless steel mooring shackle with sleek shape
designed to pass through fairleads.
Sizes: 90 and 120 Metric Tons.

Note: Wire Rope in the sheave.

Fiber Rope around the body.

Model 90M 120M

Circ. (inches) 6–9 9 – 11
A (mm) 255 310
B (mm) 97 121
C (mm) 120 130
D (mm) 65 82
E (mm) 67 90 A
F (mm) 100 128
R (mm) 34 45
Breaking Load F
M/Tons 90 120
Proof Load
M/Tons 55 70
Safe Working E
Load M/Tons 30 40
7.8 kg 13.3 kg
Weight (17.2 lbs.) (29 lbs.)

62 Washington Chain & Supply

Cleats, Chocks, Bitts, Bollards

Horn Cleat (Rev A) with Base ........................ 64

Horn Cleat (BU Ship) with Base .................... 65
Weld On Deck Cleat ....................................... 66
Cast Steel Double Bitts ................................. 67
Cast Steel Chocks .......................................... 68

Washington Chain is a leading supplier of horn cleats, (two-horn cleats, three-horn cleats)
as well as kevel cleats.

Washington Chain & Supply 63

Horn Cleat with Base
Rev A

Rev A based on Dwg. No. 227 6338 A

Largest Cleat
Applicable Cleat Dimensions (Inches) Test
Cleat Wire Rope Wt. Load
Size Dia A B D E H M N (Lbs.) (Lbs.)
5 – 5 1-1/4 1-13/16 7/8 9/16 3/8 1-5/16 1.50 2,700
6-1/2 – 6-1/2 1-5/8 2-3/8 1-1/8 11/16 7/16 1-11/16 3.00 5,200
8 1/4 8 2 2-3/4 1-1/4 7/8 1/2 1-7/8 4.50 6,900
10 5/16 10 2-1/2 3-3/8 1-1/2 1-1/16 9/16 2-1/4 7.50 9,000
12 3/8 12 3 4 1-3/4 1-5/16 5/8 2-5/8 11.25 12,200
14 7/16 14 3-1/2 4-3/4 2-1/8 1-1/2 3/4 3-3/16 20.0 18,400
16 9/16 16 4 5-1/2 2-1/2 1-3/4 7/8 3-3/4 32.0 27,000
18 5/8 15 4-1/2 6-1/8 2-3/4 2 1 4-1/8 44.0 36,000
20 3/4 20 5 6-7/8 3-1/8 2-1/8 1-1/8 4-11/16 63.0 48,000
22 3/4 22 5-1/2 7-5/8 3-1/2 2-3/8 1-1/4 5-1/4 88.0 60,000
24 7/8 24 6 8-3/8 3-7/8 2-5/8 1-3/8 5-13/16 118.0 73,000
26 1 26 6-1/2 9-1/8 4-1/4 2-7/8 1-1/2 6-3/8 155.0 90,000
30 1-1/8 30 7-1/2 10-3/8 4-3/4 3-1/4 1-5/8 7-1/8 215.0 106,000
34 1-1/8 34 8-1/2 11-1/2 5-1/4 3-3/4 1-3/4 7-11/16 275.0 123,000
Dimensions are in inches: weight is in pounds.

64 Washington Chain & Supply

Horn Cleat with Base
BU Ship



Based on Bu Ship No. 805-2276338

Cleat Rope Circumference Rope
(Inches) Dia. (In.) Cleat
Dimensions (Inches) Calc. 6 x 37 Test
Wt. Polypro- Fibre Core Load
A B D E H M N (Lbs.) Manila Nylon Dacron pylene Wire Rope (Lbs.)
5 1-1/4 1-9/16 5/8 9/16 1/4 1 .75 1 1/2 1/2 1 – 1,000
6-1/2 1-5/8 2-1/32 13/16 23/32 1/4 1-3/4 1.2 1-1/4 3/4 3/4 1 – 1,750
8 2 2-1/2 1 7/8 7/16 1-1/2 3.0 1-1/2 1 1 1-1/4 – 2,650
10 2-1/2 3-1/8 1-1/4 1-3/32 7/16 2 5.3 1-3/4 1 1 1-1/2 – 4,100
12 3 3-3/4 1-1/2 1-5/16 1/2 2-1/2 9.5 2 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-3/4 1/4 5,600
14 3-1/2 4-3/8 1-3/4 1-17/32 5/8 3 16.1 2-1/2 1-3/4 2 2 1/4 8,000
16 4 5 2 1-3/4 3/4 3-1/4 21.7 3 2 2 2-1/2 5/16 9,000
18 4-1/2 5-5/8 2-1/4 1-31/32 13/16 3-1/2 31.2 3-1/2 2-1/4 2-1/2 3 3/8 13,000
20 5 6-1/4 2-1/2 2-5/16 15/16 3-1/2 40 4 2-1/4 2-1/2 3 7/16 16,000
22 5-1/2 6-7/8 2-3/4 2-13/32 1-1/16 4 56 4-1/2 2-3/4 3 3-1/2 7/16 20,000
24 6 7-1/2 3 2-5/8 1-1/8 4-1/2 75 5 3 3 4 1/2 23,000
26 6-1/2 8-1/8 3-1/4 2-27/32 1-1/4 5 97 5-1/2 3 3-1/2 4-1/2 9/16 27,000
30 7-1/2 9-3/8 3-3/4 3-9/32 1-5/16 5-1/2 107 6 3-1/2 4 5 5/8 36,000
Dimensions are in inches: weight is in pounds.

Washington Chain & Supply 65

Weld On Deck Cleat

L Rad. 2


J E Rad.

Bu Ship No. S1201-860099
Wt. Load
Size A B C D E F G H J K L M Lbs. Lbs.
10 10 2-1/2 2-1/32 5-5/8 5/8 3-3/4 7/16 5/32 5/32 1-9/16 5/16 3-1/2 6.75 12,200
12 12 3 2-7/16 6-7/8 3/4 4-1/2 9/16 3/16 3/16 1-7/8 3/8 4-1/4 14.25 18,400
14 14 3-1/2 2-27/32 8 7/8 5-1/4 5/8 7/32 7/32 2-3/16 7/16 5 23.0 27,000
16 16 4 3-1/4 9-1/8 1 6 3/4 1/4 1/4 2-1/2 1/2 5-5/8 32.0 36,000
18 18 4-1/2 3-21/32 10-3/8 1-1/8 6-3/4 7/8 9/32 9/32 2-3/16 9/16 6-3/8 41.0 48,000
20 20 5 4-1/16 11-1/2 1-1/4 7-1/2 15/16 5/16 5/16 3-1/8 5/8 7-1/8 47.0 60,000
22 22 5-1/2 4-15/32 12-5/8 1-3/8 8-1/4 1 11/32 11/32 3-7/16 11/16 7-7/8 64.0 73,000
24 24 6 4-7/8 13-3/4 1-1/2 9 1-1/8 3/8 3/8 3-3/4 3/4 8-1/2 98.0 90,000
26 26 6-1/2 5-9/32 15 1-5/8 9-3/4 1-1/4 13/32 13/32 4-1/16 13/16 9-7/8 133.0 106,000
30 30 7-1/2 6-7/32 17-1/8 1-7/8 11-1/4 1-1/2 15/32 15/32 4-1/16 15/16 10-5/8 211.0 123,000

36” and 42” also in stock. Also available in Bolt-Down Style. Other sizes available.
Dimensions are in inches: weight is in pounds.

66 Washington Chain & Supply

Cast Steel Double Bitts





All dimensions are in inches.

Size A B C D E F G H J K L
6 6 31-1/2 9 7-1/2 6-3/4 1-1/2 11-1/4 3 1-3/16 5/8 5/8
8 8 42 12 10 9 2 15 4 1-5/8 15/16 5/8
10 10 52-1/2 15 12-1/2 11-1/4 2-1/2 18-3/4 5 2 1 3/4
10-5/16 10-5/16 52-1/2 15 12-1/2 11-1/4 2-1/2 18-3/4 5 2 1 3/4
12 12 60 18 15 13-1/2 3 22-1/2 6 2-3/8 1-1/4 1
14 14 66 21 17-1/2 13 3-1/2 26-1/4 7 2-3/16 1-1/2 1
16 16 66 24 20 12 4 30 8 3-1/4 1-1/2 1
16M 16M 76 24 20 15 4 30 8 3-3/16 1-3/4 1
18 18 94-1/2 27 22-1/8 20-1/4 4-1/2 31-1/2 9 3-1/2 2 1-1/2
22 22 109 32 26 22 4-1/2 33-3/4 10 3-5/8 2 1-3/4
Dimensions are in inches: weight is in pounds.

Washington Chain & Supply 67

Cast Steel Chocks


Open Closed


Dimensions (Inches)
Description A B C D E F G H Shipping Weight
Open Chock 6 19-3/4 4 8 6-3/4 1 1-3/8 3-1/2 75 Lbs.
Closed Chock 84 Lbs.
Open Chock 8 25-1/4 5-3/8 10-3/4 9 1-5/16 1-13/16 4-3/4 132 Lbs.
Closed Chock 9 27-3/4 6 12 10-1/8 1-1/2 2-1/16 5-1/4 176 Lbs.
Open Chock 160 Lbs.
Closed Chock 11-1/2 33-1/2 7 14 12-1/4 1-3/4 2-3/8 6 354 Lbs.
Open Chock 12 36 8 16 13-3/8 1-7/8 2-5/8 7 435 Lbs.
Closed Chock 455 Lbs.

68 Washington Chain & Supply

Buoys & Floats

Bar Riser Buoy ............................................... 70

Cylindrical Buoy ............................................. 71
Peg Top Buoy ................................................. 72
Spherical Buoy .............................................. 72
Jim Buoy® ............................................................................................... 73
Inflatable Floats ............................................ 74

Washington Chain has a constantly changing mix of used buoys.

Washington Chain & Supply 69

Bar Riser Chain Type Mooring Buoy

Diameter Height Weight In Air NAVFAC Dwg. No.

9’- 6” O.D. 5’- 0” 7,700 lbs. 620659
10’- 6” O.D. 6’- 6” 9,600 lbs 620659
10’- 6” O.D. 7’- 6” 10,100 lbs. 620659

70 Washington Chain & Supply

Cylindrical Type Buoy

Type 1 Type 2
Dimensions: A = 5’9” & B = 12’0” Dimensions: A = 8’0” & B = 14’0”
Displacement of Seawater: 20,700 lbs. Displacement of Seawater: 45,270 lbs.
Total Buoyancy: 15,750 lbs. Total Buoyancy: 27,670 lbs.
Total Liquid Capacity as container: 2,300 gallons Total Liquid Capacity as container: 5,264 gallons
Weight: 4,950 lbs. Weight: 8,960 lbs.
Attachments: 1-3/4” mooring eyes top and bottom Attachments: mooring eyes top and bottom
wooden rubbing strips wooden rubbing strips
16” I.D. manways typical manways

Washington Chain & Supply 71

Peg Top Buoy

Dimensions: 13’0” dia. x 10’0” high

Displacement of Seawater: 48,100 lbs.
Total Buoyancy: 35,300 lbs.
Weight: 12,800 lbs.
Attachments: wooden rubbing strips
typical manways

Spherical Type Buoy

Dimensions: 58” dia. - 36” dia. - 28” dia. (typical)

58” is standard buoy:
• Displacement of Seawater: 3,770 lbs.
• Total Buoyancy: 3,000 lbs.
• Total Liquid Capacity as container: 420 gallons
• Weight: 678 lbs.
• Attachments: 1/4” reinforced steel
brackets top and bottom for
attaching mooring lines

72 Washington Chain & Supply

JIM-BUOY® Premium Mark V
The Jim Buoy Premium Mark V utilizes one of the
toughest plastics available today. . .CJ-37. This fan- JIM-BUOY’s Premium Mark V
tastic plastic provides a ROCK HARD outer shell of
a nominal 1/8” thickness that is absolutely seamless Rock Hard Shell!
and almost indestructible! The CJ-37 space aged outer shell is almost indestruc-
The core is 3 lb. high density polyeurethane foam. tible–resists the hardest blows, acids and weather
All eye bolts are permanently bonded inside the buoy extremes!
during the molding cycle, thus preventing wear and
eventual loss of flotation.

Premium Mark V Selection Chart All Mooring Buoys now available in Single Pack!
Swivel Buoyancy
Model Diam. & Eye (+ or - 5%) Pack Ship Wt.
4400 12” 1/2” 22 lbs. 4 26 lbs.
4401 15” 1/2” 46 lbs. 4 42 lbs.
4402 18” 1/2” 90 lbs. 1 20 lbs.
4402-T 18” 2” tube 87 lbs. 1 23 lbs.
4403 24” 5/8” 209 lbs. 1 27 lbs.
4403-T 24” 2” tube 196 lbs. 1 24 lbs.
4404 30” 5/8” 400 lbs. 1 47 lbs.
4404-T 30” 2” tube 396 lbs. 1 47 lbs.
®Jim-Buoy is a registered trademark of CAL-JUNE, INC.

Washington Chain & Supply 73

Inflatable Floats
Net Buoy/Raindrop Fender – red, white
Item Buoyancy DxL
No. Lbs. Inches
W0/30” 14 9 x 11
W1/40” 33 12 x 15
W2/50” 70 16 x 20
W3/60” 132 19 x 24
W4/75” 247 24 x 29
W5/95” 507 30 x 37
W6/110” 950 37 x 47
W7/135” 1,488 44 x 56



74 Washington Chain & Supply

Release Hooks, Buoy Hooks and Capstans

Washington Chain and Supply, Inc. Quick Release Each hook has a safety locking device.
Mooring Hooks are available in nominal loads of 25,
Operation can be either manual or remote by
50, 60, 80, 100, 150 and 200 tons.
hydraulic or electric control.
All motors are explosion proof U.L. approved.
Load monitoring indicating and/or recording
With or without integral power capstan. systems can be employed from a central control
Standard designs include single, double, triple &
quad mounting. Each release hook is tested and certified in our own
test facility prior to shipment. Our test machines are
Each hook of a multiple unit assembly can operate
capable of testing to 2,000,000 pounds. Our test
vertically, horizontally, and be released independent
machines are certified by the American Bureau of
of the other hooks.
Shipping, Lloyds Register, U.S. Salvage Bureau, U.S.
All hooks are suspended requiring no wearplate Dept. of Labor and OSHA
thereby eliminating the possibility of sparking.
Push button switching allows one operator to release
Lubrication points are provided for ease of mainte- any or all hooks in the mooring system.

Washington Chain & Supply 75

Our patented release hooks provide a safe, effective, Knowing the demanding environments in which our
and labor-saving method of ship mooring. Vessel ton- release hooks will operate, we’ve made maintenance
nages and their relative distances from shore have as easy as possible. All of them are hot-sprayed with
increased dramatically over the years, but the Wash- zinc, then painted or galvanized. Grease fittings are
ington Chain release hook design handles virtually recessed for both safety and ease of lubrication. Pe-
any situation. Whether it’s a single or multiple-hook riodic maintenance is all that’s required to maintain
model, each is designed to swing completely free up maximum efficiency.
to 180° horizontally and 45° vertically to maintain a
Before leaving our plant, each hook is thoroughly
straight pull on the lines at all times.
tested. Every one rated 100 tons or less is individu-
Safety, reliability, strength, and efficiency are the stan- ally tested to 1.6 times its rated capacity. Larger hooks
dards we set for our release hooks. Manufactured by are tested to American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
Washington Chain since 1970, they consistently standards of 1.3 times rated capacity. Our test ma-
exceed every other manufacturer’s specifications. chines, which can provide up to 1,000 tons of pull,
are recognized and certified by ABS, Lloyds Regis-
All working parts in our release hooks are heat-
ter of Shipping, the U.S. Department of Labor, and
treated, cast alloy metals. The units are suspended,
the Occupational Safety and Health Administration
with no wearplate to maintain and no dangerous
sparks. Any motors required are explosion proof and
approved by Underwriters Laboratories (UL) and Before any hooks are delivered to your location, we
the Canadian Standards Association (CSA). will have provided you with a bottom plate template,
allowing you to set the anchor bolts into your struc-
All models can release under full load, unlike buoy
ture as you’re building, modifying, or repairing it.
hooks, which must have slack line to release. As an
Then, when the units arrive, you merely bolt them
additional safety feature, we’ve made a safety latch
down, and they’re ready to operate. If you’re replac-
standard, which prevents the hooks from opening
ing existing mooring equipment, we can tailor our
accidentally. The latch can be operated manually or
bottom plate to fit your specifications, saving you
from a remote station, with either a pneumatically
substantial extra work.
or electrically controlled hydraulic release.
Release hooks available in single, double, triple or
quadruple configurations.

76 Washington Chain & Supply

Single Release Hooks

Model show with

integral capstan

Note: Hook can swing 180° horizontally and can elevate 45° vertically.

Users of our release hooks and capstans:

AMOCO Oil Magna Copper Shell Oil
ARCO Markey Machine Sunco Oil
Baltimore Gas & Electric J.M. Martinac Tesoro
British Petroleum Mitsubishi Texaco
Chevron McDermott Transmountain
Citgo Oil Mobil Oil Union Carbide
Concrete Technology Murphy Oil Union Chemical
Conoco Oil Co. Neptune Terminal Union Oil
Crowley N. American Shipbuilding U.S. Army
Equilon Penex Oil U.S. Coast Guard
Express Marine Port of L.A. U.S. Navy
Exxon Port of Tacoma Westshore Terminals
General Tool SeaLand Transportation

Ask for our Release Hook Catalog

Washington Chain & Supply 77

Triple Release Hooks

Note: Hook can swing 140° horizontally and can elevate 45° vertically.

You will find our hooks and capstans in:

Canada Russia
Chile Taiwan
France Thailand
Indonesia U. S. A.
Japan Venezuela
Kuwait West Indies

Ask for our Release Hook Catalog

78 Washington Chain & Supply

Rotary Release Hooks

All of our standard air- and hydraulic-release hooks

provide good dampening against the sudden shock
of line release under load. These rotary-release mod-
els, though, go a step further. By spinning freely, they
remove the strain from the hook itself, rather than
using a bumper pad to absorb recoil. This provides B A
for smoother release and allows the hooks to handle
higher loads.
In addition, the smoother release prolongs the life
of both the hook itself and the mooring lines it D C
handles. Of course, like our other models, rotary
release hooks are made of heat-treated alloy steel, H
are hot-sprayed with zinc before finishing, and
include the same safety features and ease of main-
Hook in single configuration can swing 180˚ hori-
zontally and can elevate 45˚ vertically. Each hook in
a double hook configuration can swing 140˚ hori- G
zontally and can elevate 45˚ vertically.

Hook Line Nominal Load Total Load Hook Weight

Type Size Per Hook Per Unit Weight Hook(s) w/Base
60 Tons 60 Tons 579 Lbs. 889 Lbs.
RSRH 50/60 3 A B C D E F G H J K
7-1/2 19-1/2 30-1/2 17-1/2 16-1/2 1-1/2 2 1-3/4 13-1/2 50
80 Tons 80 Tons 1,000 Lbs. 1,800 Lbs.
RSRH-80 3-1/2 A B C D E F G H J K
9-1/2 24 38-1/4 23 20-1/2 2 2-1/2 2-1/4 17-1/4 61-1/4
100 Tons 100 Tons 1,450 Lbs. 2,200 Lbs.
RSRH-100 3-1/2 A B C D E F G H J K
9 24 42-1/2 23 23 2 2-1/2 2-1/4 17-1/4 69
150 Tons 300 Tons 2,250 Lbs. 3,073 Lbs.
RSRH-150 5 A B C D E F G H J K
10-1/2 25 52-1/2 23 28 2 2-1/2 2-1/4 17-1/4 75-1/2
200 Tons 200 Tons 2,350 Lbs. 3,200 Lbs.
RSRH-200 5 A B C D E F G H J K
10-1/2 25 52-1/2 23 28 2 2-1/2 2-1/2 17-1/4 75-1/2
Note: All dimensions in inches

Washington Chain & Supply 79

Captive Release Hook
(Light Towing Hook)

Recognizing that operators’ needs vary, we also of-

fer a “captive” release hook for light towing. This
hook is designed to prevent the accidental release
of the tow line should it go slack, and allows for rapid
hookup and release of tug-and-barge combinations.







Note: Hook can swing 180° horizontally and can elevate 45° vertically.

Ask for our Release Hook Catalog

Hook Line Nominal Load Total Load Hook Hook(s)
Type Size Per Hook Per Unit Weight W/Base
50 Tons 50 Tons 166 Lbs. 304 Lbs.
CSRH-50 3 A B C D E F G H J K
4-1/2 17-1/2 22-1/4 15 14-1/4 2 1-1/4 1 10-1/2 37-1/4
NOTE:All dimensions in inches.

80 Washington Chain & Supply

Buoy Release Hook

With world shipping moving towards larger and more

sophisticated vessels especially for petroleum prod-
ucts, a device for fast and efficient mooring has be-
come a necessity.
The quick release mooring hook manufactured by
Washington Chain and Supply, Inc. fulfills all the re-
quirements for a positive labor saving method of
mooring ships.

2 Dia.

10 95⁄16
14 ⁄2 27⁄8R


⁄2 43⁄4

7 31⁄2 31⁄2


Available in proof tests of 300,000 and 400,000

pounds. Total Weight: 375 pounds.
Special opening Quick Release Hook (400,000
pounds) Weight: 570 pounds.
Meets MIL-H-11884A
Dimensions above are in inches: weight is in pounds.

Washington Chain & Supply 81


We manufacture a variety of capstans, both freestand-

ing and as an integral part of another unit. Our stan-
dard models will meet the needs of almost any appli-
cation, but custom fabrication is also available to
accommodate specific requirements. All models are
available with either one-or-two-way drive, and with
a variety of capstan head sizes and styles to match
your specifications.



Line Line
Speed Pull Weight
Model HP (fpm) (lbs.) (approx.) Height Width Depth
FSC-5 (LSC) 5 75 1,700 900 44 22-1/2 30
FSC-7.5 (LSC) 7.5 75 2,600 950 44 22-1/2 32
FSC-10 (LSC) 10 75 3,000 1,050 44 22-1/2 32
FSC-15 (LSC) 15 75 5,000 2,300 44 28 38
Note: All dimensions in inches; other line speed and line pull combinations are available.

82 Washington Chain & Supply

Welded Chain & Accessories

General Information ...................................... 84

Chain .............................................................88
Alloy Chain Slings ......................................... 89
Alloy Fittings ................................................. 92
Hooks ............................................................ 94
Swivels .........................................................102
Claw Hooks.................................................. 108
Links ............................................................ 108
Rings ............................................................ 110
Eye Bolts ...................................................... 112
Eye Nuts and Lifting Eyes ............................. 115
Turnbuckles .................................................. 116
Load Binders ................................................ 119
Shackles .......................................................120

Low and high carbon steel welded and weldless chain and attachments are not to
be used for overhead lifting purposes or where its failure is likely to cause damage
to property or persons.

Washington Chain can custom fabricate and proof test to your specifications. We carry a vast inventory
of domestic and import chain and fittings.

Washington Chain & Supply 83

Chain Inspection
Definitions PER ANSI B30.9
RATED LOAD VALUE – The maximum recommended load FREQUENT INSPECTION
that should be exerted on the item. The following terms
are also used for the term Rated Load: “WLL,” “Working Normal Service - Monthly
Load Limit,” and the “Resultant Safe Working Load.” All Severe Service - Daily to Monthly
rated load values, unless noted otherwise, are for in-line Check chain and attachments for wear, nicks, cracks,
pull with respect to the centerline of the item. breaks, gouges, stretch, bend, weld splatter, discoloration
from excessive temperature, and throat openings of hooks.
WORKING LOAD LIMIT – The “Working Load Limit” is the 1. Chain links and attachments should hinge freely to
maximum load in pounds which should ever be applied adjacent links.
to chain, when the chain is new or “in as new” condition, 2. Latches on hooks, if present, should hinge freely and
and when the load is uniformly applied in direct tension seat properly without evidence of permanent distor-
to a straight length of chain. tion.
PROOF LOAD – The average load to which an item may be
subjected before visual deformation occurs or a load that
is applied in the performance of a proof test. RECORDS REQUIRED
PROOF TEST – The “Proof Test” is a term designating the Normal Service - Yearly
tensile test applied to new chain for the sole purpose of Severe Service - Monthly
detecting injurious defects in the material or manufac- This inspection shall include everything in a frequent
ture. It is the load in pounds which the chain has with- inspection plus each link and end attachment shall be
stood under a test in which the load has been applied in examined individually, taking care to expose inner link
direct tension to a straight length of chain. surfaces of the chain and chain attachments.
1. Worn links should not exceed values given in table 1
MINIMUM ULTIMATE LOAD – The “Minimum Ultimate or recommended by the manufacturer.
Load” is the minimum load at which new chain will break 2. Sharp transverse nicks and gouges should be rounded
when tested by applying direct tension to a straight length out by grinding and the depth of the grinding should
of chain at a uniform rate of speed in a testing machine. not exceed values in Table 1.
SHOCK LOAD – A resulting load from the rapid change of 3. Hooks should be inspected in accordance with ASME
movement, such as impacting or jerking, of a static load. B30.10.
A Shock Load is generally significantly greater than the 4. If present, latches on hooks should seat properly, ro-
static load. tate freely, and show no permanent distortion.
SAFETY FACTOR – An industry term denoting theoretical 5. Chains use OSHA and ASME regulations and safety
reserve capability. Usually computed by dividing the cata- information.
log stated ultimate load by the catalog stated working load Table 1
limit and generally expressed as a ratio, for example 5 to 1.
ATTACHMENTS – Any attachments, such as hooks or links,
should have a rated “Working Load Limit” at least equal Normal Chain Maximum
to the chain with which it is used. or Coupling Link Allowable Wear
Cross Section Diameter
CAUTION – Only alloy chain should be used for overhead (in.) (in.)
lifting applications.
9/32 .037
It must be recognized that certain factors in the usage of 3/8 .052
chain and attachments can be abusive and lessen the load
1/2 .069
that the chain or attachments can withstand. Some ex-
amples are twisting of the chain, disfigurement, deterio- 5/8 .084
ration by straining, usage, weathering and corrosion, rapid 3/4 .105
application of load or jerking applying excessive loads, 7/8 .116
and sharp corners cutting action. 1 .137
Due to the crushing effect Grab Hooks have upon 1-1/4 .169
chain, the design factor for all assemblies must be
reduced by 20% with Grab Hook applications. REFER TO ANSI B30.9 FOR FULL DETAILS
All ratings given in tons refer to short tons of 2,000 lbs. Note: Exposure to temperatures in excess of 400º (F) or
200º (c) reduce the Working Load Limit.

84 Washington Chain & Supply

Crosby® SHUR-LOC® Hook


45° 45°
S-316A S-317A S-318A S-326A Right Wrong
Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3

• Always make sure the hook supports the load. (See

Figure 1.)
• Do not use hook tip for lifting. (See Figure 2.)
• When placing two (2) sling legs in hook, make sure
S-319 S-320 S-320N S-322 the angle from vertical to the leg nearest the hook tip
is not greater than 45 degrees, and the included angle
• For hooks used in frequent load cycles or pulsating between the legs does not exceed 90 degrees.* (See
load, the hook and threads should be periodically in- Figure 3.)
spected by magnetic particle or Dye Penetrant. (Note:
• See ANSI/ASME B30.10 “Hooks” for additional
Some disassembly may be required.)
• Never use a hook whose throat opening has been in-
*For two legged slings with angles greater than 90°, use
creased, or whose tip has been bent or twisted.
an intermediate link such as a master link or bolt type
• Never use a hook that is worn beyond designated lim- shackle to collect the legs of the slings. The intermediate
its. link can then be placed over the hook to provide an in-
• Remove from service any hook with a crack, nick, or line load on the hook. This approach must also be used
gouge. when using slings with three or more legs.
• Never repair, alter, rework, or reshape a hook by weld-
ing, heating, burning, or bending.
• Never side load, back load, or tip load a hook . (See

Below.) • Loads may disengage from hook if proper proce-
dures are not followed.
• A falling load may cause serious injury or death.
• Never use hook unless hook and latch are fully
closed and locked.
• Keep body parts clear of pinch point between hook
tip and hook latch when closing.
• Do not use hook tip for lifting.
Side Load Back Load Tip Load • Shank threads may corrode and/or strip and drop
Wrong Wrong Wrong the load.
• Do not swivel the S-322 or S-326A swivel hook while it • Never apply more force than the hook’s assigned
is supporting a load. Working Load Limit (WLL) rating.
• The use of a latch may be mandatory by regulations • See OSHA Rule 1926.550 (g) for personnel hoisting
or safety codes; e.g., OSHA, MSHA, ANSI/ASME by cranes or derricks. A Crosby 316, 317, 318, or 326
B30, Insurance, etc. hook may be used for lifting personnel.
• Efficiency of synthetic sling material may be reduced • Use only genuine Crosby parts as replacements.
when used in eye or bowl of hook. • Read and understand these instructions before
using hook.
®Crosby is a registered trademark of the Crosby Group, Inc.
®Shur-Loc is a registered trademark of the Crosby Group, Inc.

Washington Chain & Supply 85

Crosby® Forged Eye Bolt


Table 1 (In-Line Load)

Size Working Load Limit
Regular Nut Eye Bolt Shoulder Nut Eye Bolt Machinery Eye Bolt (in.) (lbs.)
G-291 G-277 S-279
1/4 650
Important Safety Information - Read & Follow 5/16 1,200
Inspection/Maintenance Safety: 3/8 1,550
• Always inspect eye bolt before use. 1/2 2,600
• Never use eye bolt that shows signs of wear or damage. 5/8 5,200
• Never use eye bolt if eye or shank is bent or elongated. 3/4 7,200
• Always be sure threads on shank and receiving holes 7/8 10,600
are clean.
1 13,300
• Never machine, grind, or cut eye bolt.
1-1/4 21,000
Assembly Safety: 1-1/2 24,000
• Never exceed load limits specified in Table I.
• Never use regular nut eye bolts for angular lifts.
Shoulder Nut Eye Bolt –
• Always use shoulder nut eye bolts (or machinery eye
bolts) for angular lifts.
Installation for Angular Loading
• For angular lifts, adjust working load as follows:
Direction of Pull Adjust Working Load IN-LINE • The threaded shank
must protrude
45 degrees 30% of rated working load through the load
sufficiently to allow
90 degrees 25% of rated working load 45° full engagement of
• Never undercut eye bolt to seat shoulder against the the nut.
load. • If the eye bolt pro-
• Always countersink receiving hole or use washers to 90°
trudes so far through
seat shoulder. the load that the nut
cannot be tightened
• Always screw eye bolt down completely for proper securely against the
seating. load, use properly
• Always tighten nuts securely against the load. sized washers to take
up the excess space

• Loads may slip or fall if proper eye bolt assembly and lifting

• Thickness of spacers • Place washers or

procedures are not used. must exceed this spacers between nut
• A falling load can seriously injure or kill. distance between and load so that when
the bottom of the the nut is tightened
• Read and understand both sides of these instructions, and load and the last securely, the shoulder
follow all eye bolt safety information presented here. thread of the eye is secured flush against
• Read, understand, and follow information in diagrams and bolt. the load surface.
charts below before using eye bolt assemblies.

86 Washington Chain & Supply

IMPORTANT – Read and understand these instructions before using eye bolts.
Regular Nut & Shoulder Nut Eye Bolt – Installation for In-Line Loading

Right More than Right Right Wrong

one eye bolt
diameter of Tighten hex
threads, only nut securely
(1) nut against load.
One eye
bolt diameter Tap Depth:
of threads or 2.5 x Diameter 2 x Diameter
less, use two (Minimum)
(2) nuts.

One eye bolt

Tighten hex nut Tighten hex nut diameter or less.
securely against load. securely against load.

Operating Safety
• Always stand clear of load. • Never exceed the capacity of the eye bolt - see Table I.
• Always lift load with steady, even pull - do not jerk. • When using lifting slings or two or more legs, make
• Always apply load to eye bolt in the plane of the sure the loads in the legs are calculated using the angle
eye - not an angle. from the vertical to the leg and properly size the shoul-
der nut or machinery eye bolt for the angular load.

Wrong After slings have been properly Buckling may occur

attached to the eye bolts, apply if the load is not
Do not reeve slings from one Resultant
force slowly. Watch the load stiff enough to resist
eye bolt to another. This will Load
carefully and be prepared to stop the compressive
alter the load and angle of applying force if the load starts forces which result
loading on the eye bolt. buckling. from the angular

Machinery Eye Bolt – Installation for In-Line & Angular loading

These eye bolts are primarily intended to be installed into
tapped holes. Table II
1. After the loads on the eye bolts have been calculated, Shim Thickness Required to
Eye Bolt Size Change Rotation 90º
selection the proper size eye bolt for the job.
(in.) (in.)
For angular lifts, adjust working load as follows:
1/4 .0125
Direction of Pull Adjust Working Load
5/16 .0139
45 degrees 30% of rated working load 3/8 .0156
90 degrees 25% of rating working load 1/2 .0192
2. Drill and tap the load to the correct sizes to a mini- 5/8 .0227
mum depth of one-half the eye bolt size beyond the 3/4 .0250
shank length of the machinery eye bolt. 7/8 .0278
3. Thread the eye bolt into the load until the shoulder is 1 .0312
flush and securely tightened against the load. 1-1/4 .0357
4. If the plane of the machinery eye bolt is not aligned 1-1/2 .0417
with the sling line, estimate the amount of unthreading
Shim added to change
rotation necessary to align the plane of the eye prop- eye alignment 90º
5. Remove the machinery eye bolt from the load and add
Minimum tap depth is
shims (washers) of proper thickness to adjust the angle basic shank length plus
of the plane of the eye to match the sling line. Use one-half the nominal
Table II to estimate the required shim thickness for eye bolt diameter.
the amount of unthreading rotation required.
Washington Chain & Supply 87
Carbon–Welded Chain
For additional information, see page 84.
Chain Nominal Inside Ink Weight Working
Size Dimensions (In.) Per 100 Ft. Load Limit
(In.) Length Width (Lbs.) (Lbs.)
3/16 .96 .41 38 800
1/4 1.01 .48 66 1,300
5/16 1.11 .50 98 1,900
Grade 30
3/8 1.24 .62 144 2,650
Proof Coil
1/2 1.51 .82 278 4,500
5/8 1.88 1.01 422 6,900
3/4 2.13 1.13 628 10,600
1 2.77 1.51 1,069 13,950
1/4 1.01 .48 71 2,600
5/16 1.11 .50 98 3,900
3/8 1.24 .62 144 5,400
Grade 43
1/2 1.51 .82 278 9,200
High Test
5/8 1.88 1.01 422 11,500
3/4 2.13 1.13 606 16,200 G-43
7/8 2.52 1.38 769 22,500
1 2.77 1.51 1,069 26,500
Grade 70 1/4 .84 .48 74 3,150
Binding 5/16 .99 .47 100 4,700
Chain 3/8 1.15 .54 156 6,600
7/16 1.30 .62 204 8,750
1/2 1.45 .73 259 11,300
Dimensions and weights are approximate and subject to variations.

Welded Graded Chain

Welded graded chain is an industrial grade chain used exten- The grade number relates to the strength level of the chain,
sively in rigging, towing and overhead lifting applications. CM® with the grade number increasing as the strength of the chain
graded chains are manufactured in accordance with the NACM increases.
Specification for chain, ASTM Standard A391 and ASTM Stan-
dard A413. The standardized grade designations are 30, 43 and Only alloy chain is designed for overhead lifting. The other
70 for carbon steel chain, and 63 and 80 for alloy steel chain. grade designated chains are not made from alloy steel and
should not be used for overhead lifting.
Stainless Steel Chain

Material Diameter Link Dimensions Weight

Inside Working Links Per
Nominal Actual Length Width Load Limit Per 100 Ft.
In. In. MM In. In. Lbs. Ft. Lbs.
1/8 .158 4 .88 .287 375 13.6 18
3/16 .209 5.3 .96 .401 1,200 12.5 37
1/4 .276 7 1.19 .480 2,000 10.1 63
5/16 .327 8.3 1.24 .510 2,850 9.7 93
3/8 .394 10 1.33 .570 3,550 9.0 142
1/2 .512 13 1.72 .748 6,500 6.9 240
5/8 .630 16 2.11 .818 9,500 5.7 358
3/4 .787 20 2.75 1.060 15,00 4.3 551

®CM is a registered trademark of the Columbus McKinnon Co.

88 Washington Chain & Supply

Grade 80 Alloy Chain Slings
Working Load Limit – 4 to 1 Design Factor
Spectrum 8 Alloy Chain Single Leg Double Leg Triple and Quad Leg
Size 90˚ 60˚ 45˚ 30˚ 60˚ 45˚ 30˚

(MM) (In.)
6 7/32 2,500 3,600 3,000 2,100 5,500 4,400 3,200
7 1/4 (9/32) 3,500 6,100 4,900 3,500 9,100 7,400 5,200
8 5/16 4,500 7,800 6,400 4,500 11,700 9,500 6,800
10 3/8 7,100 12,300 10,000 7,100 18,400 15,100 10,600
13 1/2 12,000 20,800 17,000 12,000 31,200 25,500 18,000
16 5/8 18,100 31,300 25,600 18,100 47,000 38,400 27,100
20 3/4 28,300 49,000 40,000 28,300 73,500 60,000 42,400
22 7/8 34,200 59,200 48,400 34,200 88,900 72,500 51,300
26 1 47,700 82,600 67,400 47,700 123,900 101,200 71,500
32 1-1/4 72,300 125,200 102,200 72,300 187,800 153,400 108,400
For additional information, see page 84.
The design factor of 4 to 1 on Alloy Chain agrees with the design factor used by the International Standards Organization (I.S.O.)
and ANSI B30.9 is the preferred set of Working Load Limit values to be used.

To Make Your Grade 80 or Crosby® Spectrum 8® Alloy Chain Sling

Follow these simple steps in making a sling assembly: If measurement comes in the link, cut the following link. For
Determine the maximum load to be lifted by the sling assembly. two leg type count the links and use an even number for clevis
hooks and an odd number for eye hooks. This will position hooks
Choose the type of sling assembly suited for the shape of the in the same plane. In multileg slings always use the same num-
load and the size of the sling assembly for the load to be lifted. ber of links in each leg.
The decision must take into account the angle of the sling legs
in multileg slings. Caution
Determine the overall reach for bearing point of master link to Derate chain in accordance with working load limit chart shown
bearing point on hook. above.
Select components, assemble chain and components. Affix sling A chain grab hook application will result in 20% reduction of
identification tag to sling. The tag should be stamped with size chain capacity.
chain, reach, type sling, Working Load Limit at a specific angle
of lift, and some identifying number for record keeping. Care should be taken to observe these derated applications or
chain may fracture or permanently stretch at loads less than the
advertised chain ultimate strength and proof load respectively.

Grade 80 Alloy Chain Specifications

Nominal Inside Nominal Inside Weight Per Working Load
Chain Size (In.) Length Inches Width Inches 100-Ft. Lbs. Limits Lbs.
9/32 (1/4) .846 .405 67 3,500
5/16 .940 .460 114 4,500
3/8 1.209 .567 144 7,100
1/2 1.571 .736 243 12,000
5/8 1.937 .906 372 18,100
3/4 2.417 1.134 581 28,300
7/8 2.661 1.248 699 34,200
1 2.900 1.400 996 47,700
1-1/4 3.710 1.670 1,575 72,300
®Spectrum 8 is a registered trademark of the Crosby Group, Inc.

Washington Chain & Supply 89

Crosby® Chain Sling Configurations
“Proof Tested” Parts Needed to Make Self Assembled Slings
To locate proper size Crosby chain fittings for required chain size,
use following steps:
1. Locate proper table (below) for type of sling being assembled
(Single, Double, Triple or Quad leg).
2. Determine size of chain required from the Working Load Limit
table on page 89.
3. Locate proper chain size in the “Spectrum 8 Chain Size”
column in the proper table below.
4. Follow row across until desired style of fitting is found. The size Single Leg Double Leg Triple Leg Quadruple
shown indicates the proper size Crosby chain fitting to be used. Sling Sling Sling Leg Slings

Single Leg Sling

Master Master Latching

Spectrum Master Link Link Lok-A- Clevis Latching SHUR-LOC SHUR-LOC SHUR-LOC Clevis Clevis Eye Eye Eye
8 Master Link with Assembly Loy Chain Chain Eye Eye Clevis Swivel Sling Grab Sling Grab Foundry
Chain Link Assembly Flat with Flat Link Coupler Hook Hook Hook Hook Hook Hook Hook Hook Hook Hook
Size A-342 A-345 A-344 A-347 A-337 S-325 S-314 S-315 S-316 S-317 S326 A-339 A-338 A-327 A-328 A-329

1/4 1/2 – 7/16 – 1/4 1/4 - 5/16 1/4 -5/16 1/4 - 5/16 1/4 - 5/16 1/4 - 5/16 1/4 - 5/16 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4
5/16 5/8 – 1/2 – 5/16 1/4 - 5/16 1/4 - 5/16 1/4 - 5/16 1/4 - 5/16 1/4 - 5/16 1/4 - 5/16 – – – – –
3/8 3/4 – 11/16 – 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8
1/2 7/8 – 3/4 – 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2
5/8 1 – 1 – 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 – 5/8
3/4 1-1/4 – 1-1/4 – 3/4 – – – – – – 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4
7/8 1-1/2 – 1-1/4 – 7/8 – – – – – – 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8
Double Leg Sling
Master Master Latching
Spectrum Master Link Link Lok-A- Clevis Latching SHUR-LOC SHUR-LOC SHUR-LOC Clevis Clevis Eye Eye Eye
8 Master Link with Assembly Loy Chain Chain Eye Eye Clevis Swivel Sling Grab Sling Grab Foundry
Chain Link Assembly Flat with Flat Link Coupler Hook Hook Hook Hook Hook Hook Hook Hook Hook Hook
Size A-342 A-345 A-344 A-347 A-337 S-325 S-314 S-315 S-316 S-317 S326 A-339 A-338 A-327 A-328 A-329

1/4 1/2 – 1/2 – 1/4 1/4 - 5/16 1/4 -5/16 1/4 - 5/16 1/4 - 5/16 1/4 - 5/16 1/4 - 5/16 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4
5/16 5/8 – 11/16 – 5/16 1/4 - 5/16 1/4 - 5/16 1/4 - 5/16 1/4 - 5/16 1/4 - 5/16 1/4 - 5/16 – – – – –
3/8 3/4 – 3/4 – 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8
1/2 1 – 7/8 – 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2
5/8 1-1/4 – 1-1/8 – 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 – 5/8
3/4 1-1/2 – 1-1/4 – 3/4 – – – – – – 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4
7/8 1-3/4 – – – 7/8 – – – – – – 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8

Triple and Quadruple Leg Sling

Master Master Latching
Spectrum Master Link Link Lok-A- Clevis Latching SHUR-LOC SHUR-LOC SHUR-LOC Clevis Clevis Eye Eye Eye
8 Master Link with Assembly Loy Chain Chain Eye Eye Clevis Swivel Sling Grab Sling Grab Foundry
Chain Link Assembly Flat with Flat Link Coupler Hook Hook Hook Hook Hook Hook Hook Hook Hook Hook
Size A-342 A-345 A-344 A-347 A-337 S-325 S-314 S-315 S-316 S-317 S326 A-339 A-338 A-327 A-328 A-329

1/4 – 3/4 – 3/4 1/4 1/4 - 5/16 1/4 -5/16 1/4 - 5/16 1/4 - 5/16 1/4 - 5/16 1/4 - 5/16 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4
5/16 7/8 1 – 3/4 5/16 1/4 - 5/16 1/4 - 5/16 1/4 - 5/16 1/4 - 5/16 1/4 - 5/16 1/4 - 5/16 – – – – –
3/8 – 1 – 7/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8
1/2 – 1-1/4 – 1-1/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2
5/8 – 1-1/2 – 1-1/4 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 – 5/8
3/4 – 1-3/4 – – 3/4 – – – – – – 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4
7/8 – 2 – – 7/8 – – – – – – 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8

90 Washington Chain & Supply

Crosby® Chain Sling Configurations
The Slings shown here are standard assemblies that can be made from
components and alloy chain.

Type CO Type SOS Type SOG Type SOF Type SSS Type SGG Type SGS Type ASOS

Type Description Type Description

CO Single Chain Sling with Master Link each end SSS Single Chain Sling with Sling Hook each end
SOS Single Chain Sling with Master Link and Sling Hook SGG Single Chain Sling with Grab Hook each end
SOG Single Chain Sling with Master Link and Grab Hook SGS Single Chain Sling with Grab Hook and Sling Hook

Type DOS Type DOG Type DOF Type ADOS

Type Description
DOS Double Chain Sling with Master Link and Sling Hook
DOG Double Chain Sling with Master Link and Grab Hook
DOF Double Chain Sling with Master Link and Foundry Hook
ADOS Adjustable Double Chain Sling with Master Link and Sling Hook

Type TOS Type TOG Type TOF Type QOS Type QOG Type QOF

Type Description Type Description

TOS Triple Chain Sling with Master Link & Sling Hook QOS Quadruple Chain Sling with Master Link & Sling Hook
TOG Triple Chain Sling with Master Link & Grab Hook QOG Quadruple Chain Sling with Master Link & Grab Hook
TOF Triple Chain Sling with Master Link & Foundry Hook QOF Quadruple Chain Sling with Master Link & Foundry Hook

Washington Chain & Supply 91

Crosby®Grade 8 Alloy Fittings
Master Link
• Alloy Steel – Quenched and Tempered.
• Individually proof tested to 2 times
Working Load Limit with certification
unless otherwise noted.
• Sizes from 1/2” to 2”
are drop forged. C E



Dimensions (In.)
Load Weight Proof
Limit* Each Load Deformation
Size (Lbs.) (Lbs.) (Lbs.) A B C D E Indicator
** 1/2 7,000 .82 14,000 .50 2.50 5.00 3.50 6.00 3.00
** 5/8 9,000 1.52 18,000 .63 3.00 6.00 4.25 7.25 3.50
** 3/4 12,300 2.07 24,600 .75 2.75 5.50 4.25 7.00 3.50
** 7/8 14,000 3.40 28,400 .88 3.75 6.38 5.50 8.14 4.50
** 1 24,360 4.85 48,700 1.00 3.50 7.00 5.50 9.00 4.50
** 1-1/4 36,000 9.57 72,400 1.25 4.38 8.75 6.88 11.25 5.50
** 1-1/2 54,300 16.22 113,200 1.50 5.25 10.50 8.25 13.50 6.50
** 1-3/4 84,900 25.22 169,800 1.75 6.00 12.00 9.50 15.50 7.50
** 2 102,600 37.04 205,200 2.00 7.00 14.00 11.00 18.00 9.00
†† 2-1/4 143,100 54.10 289,200 2.25 8.00 16.00 12.50 20.50 –
**†† 2-1/2 147,300 67.75 – 2.50 8.00 16.00 13.00 21.00 –
†† 2-3/4 216,900 87.70 433,800 2.75 9.50 16.00 15.00 21.50 –
†† 3 228,000 115.00 – 3.00 9.00 18.00 15.00 24.00 –
†† 3-1/4 262,200 145.00 – 3.25 10.00 20.00 16.50 26.50 –
†† 3-1/2 279,000 194.00 – 3.50 12.00 24.00 19.00 31.00 –
†† 3-3/4 336,000 198.00 – 3.75 10.00 20.00 17.50 27.50 –
†† 4 373,000 228.00 – 4.00 10.00 20.00 18.00 28.00 –
†† 4-1/4 354,000 302.00 – 4.25 12.00 24.00 20.50 32.50 –
†† 4-1/2 360,000 345.00 – 4.50 14.00 28.00 23.00 37.00 –
†† 4-3/4 389,000 436.00 – 4.75 14.00 28.00 23.50 37.50 –
†† 5 395,000 516.00 – 5.00 15.00 30.00 25.00 40.00 –
* Minimum Ultimate Load is 5 times Working Load Limit.
** Proof test load equals or exceeds the requirement of ASTM A957(8.1) and ASME B30.9-1.4 for the chain size and number of legs
shown on page 89.
† Based on single leg sling (in-line load), or resultant load on multiple legs with an included angle less than or equal to 120˚. For use
with chain slings, refer to page 89.
†† Welded Master Link.
See page 84 and 89 for additional chain information.

92 Washington Chain & Supply

Crosby®Grade 8 Alloy Fittings B

Master Link Assembly D

• Alloy Steel – Quenched and E

Tempered. C A
• Individually proof tested at
2 times Working Load Limit with
certification. F
• Proof test certification shipped
with each link. A-345
Working Dimensions (In.)
Load Weight
Size Limit*† Each Deformation Flat
(In.) (Lbs.) (Lbs.) A B C D E F G Indicator Size
3/4 10,500 2.60 .75 2.75 5.50 .56 3.35 1.57 .30 3.50 1/4 – 5/16”, 8mm
1 24,360 6.10 1.00 3.50 7.00 .69 3.94 2.36 .33 4.50 3/8”, 10mm
1-1/4 36,000 13.20 1.25 4.38 8.75 .88 3.94 2.36 .53 5.50 1/2”, 13mm
1-1/2 54,300 24.20 1.50 5.25 10.50 1.13 5.91 2.76 .65 6.50 5/8”, 16mm
1-3/4 84,900 35.60 1.75 6.00 12.00 1.25 6.30 3.54 .73 7.50 3/4”, 20mm
2 102,600 57.30 2.00 7.00 14.00 1.50 7.09 3.94 – 9.00 No Flat
† Ultimate Load is 4 times the Working Load Limit.
* Based on 60˚ included angle or smaller. For included angles greater than 60˚,
the Working Load Limit must be de-rated. For use with chain slings, refer to page 89. C
Lok-A-Loy 8 Alloy Connecting Link
• Individually Proof Tested at 2-1/2 times
Working Load Limit with certification.
• Locking system that provides for simple assem- F
bly and disassembly – no special tools needed.
• Meets ASTM A-952-96 standards for Grade 8
chain fittings.
• Forged Alloy Steel – Quenched and Tempered.
• Fatigue rated. A-337 E

Working Min. Hole

Weight Load Dimensions (In.) Diam.
Chain Size Each Limit*
(In.) (mm) (Lbs.) (Lbs.) A B C D E F
9/32 (1/4) 7 .28 3,500 .36 1.88 1.75 .78 .66 .56
5/16 8 .33 4,500 .39 2.13 1.97 .88 .69 .63
3/8 10 .73 7,100 .52 2.50 2.50 1.03 .88 .75
1/2 13 1.67 12,000 .64 3.44 3.22 1.44 1.13 .94
5/8 16 2.86 18,100 .75 4.13 3.78 1.73 1.41 1.13
3/4 20 5.00 28,300 .97 4.94 4.66 2.06 1.63 1.28
7/8 22 7.50 34,200 1.06 5.50 5.63 2.31 2.00 1.44
1 25 11.03 47,700 1.22 6.00 6.19 2.50 2.25 1.88
1-1/4 32 20.38 72,300 1.50 7.43 7.63 3.06 2.56 2.19
*Ultimate Load 4 times Working Load Limit.
®Lok-A-Loy is a registered trademark of the Crosby Group, Inc.

Washington Chain & Supply 93

Crosby Grade 8 Alloy Fittings B H
Eye Grab Hook
• Alloy Steel – Quenched and Tempered.
• Individually Proof Tested at 2-1/2 times G
Working Load Limit with certification. E
Working Dimensions (In.)
Chain Load Weight
Size Limit* Each
(In.) (Lbs.) (Lbs.) A B C D E F G H
9/32 (1/4) 3,500 .60 1.38 .59 2.56 3.84 .91 2.16 1.44 .38
3/8 7,100 1.20 1.80 .80 3.25 4.91 1.16 3.00 2.13 .50
1/2 12,000 3.00 2.25 .98 4.19 6.50 1.69 4.00 2.86 .63
3/4 28,300 8.25 3.22 1.36 5.95 9.08 2.19 5.47 4.25 .88
7/8 34,200 11.90 3.70 1.55 6.88 10.44 2.56 6.31 4.88 1.00
* Ultimate Load is 4 times the Working Load Limit. A

Clevis Grab Hook H

• Alloy Steel – Quenched and Tempered. C D
• Individually Proof Tested at 2-1/2 times
Working Load Limit with certification.
• Pin locking requires no special tools.
Working Dimensions (In.)
Chain Load Weight
Size Limit* Each Pin
(In.) (Lbs.) (Lbs.) A B C D E F G H Diameter
9/32 (1/4) 3,500 .62 1.56 1.10 2.61 4.17 .89 2.16 1.44 .38 .37
3/8 7,100 1.26 1.79 1.32 3.25 5.34 1.16 3.00 2.12 .50 .47
1/2 12,000 3.45 2.38 1.61 4.19 7.12 1.69 4.00 2.86 .62 .63
5/8 18,100 5.64 2.68 2.05 5.03 8.38 1.88 4.64 3.56 .75 .78
3/4 28,300 10.40 3.46 2.71 5.95 9.97 2.19 5.47 4.25 .88 .83
7/8 34,200 13.62 3.96 3.07 6.88 11.56 2.56 6.31 4.88 1.00 .94
* Ultimate Load is 4 times the Working Load Limit.

Chain Shortener Link

Grade 8
• Alloy Steel – Quenched and Alloy Chain
Tempered. Working
Chain Size Load Limit* Weight
• Fatigue Rated (Lbs.) Each
(In.) (mm) 4:1 (Lbs.)
• Provided with spring design – 6 2,500 .75
to retain chain. 1/4 – 5/16 7–8 4,500 1.00
• Individually Proof tested at 3/8 10 7,100 1.50
2-1/2 times the Working Load 1/2 13 12,000 3.25
Limit with certification. 5/8 16 18,100 5.60
* Ultimate Load is 4 times the Working Load Limit.

94 Washington Chain & Supply

Crosby®Grade 8 Alloy Fittings A

Eye Sling Hook
• Alloy Steel – Quenched and Tempered. L E
• Individually Proof Tested at 2-1/2 times
Working Load Limit with certification. F
• S-4088 latch kit fits hook N

Working Dimensions (In.)
Chain Load Weight
Size Limit* Each
(In.) (Lbs.) (Lbs.) A B D E F G L N R
9/32 (1/4) 3,500 .81 1.34 .56 3.47 1.30 1.75 .89 5.00 2.55 3.72
3/8 7,100 2.10 1.83 .75 4.55 1.40 2.23 1.25 6.53 3.41 4.73
1/2 12,000 3.71 2.25 .94 5.50 1.75 2.50 1.55 7.88 4.09 5.66
5/8 18,100 6.40 2.77 1.12 6.50 2.00 2.88 1.88 9.28 4.78 6.59
3/4 28,300 9.80 3.27 1.28 7.36 2.15 3.27 2.16 10.75 5.53 7.61
7/8 34,200 15.40 3.72 1.44 8.48 2.50 3.62 2.47 12.17 6.23 8.56
*Ultimate Load is 4 times the Working Load Limit.

Clevis Sling Hook
• Alloy Steel – Quenched and Tempered.
• Individually Proof Tested at 2-1/2 times J
Working Load Limit with certification. A A
• Pin locking requires no special tools. AA
• S-4320 latch fits 6mm - 5/8” hooks.
• S-4088 latch kit fits 3/4 & 7/8 hook. G G
A-339 A-339N
(New Style)
Working Dimensions (In.)
Hook Load Weight
Size Limit* Each
(In.) (mm) (Lbs.) (Lbs.) A C D F G J M O R T AA
– 6 2,500 .6 4.21 2.91 2.86 1.26 .73 .93 .63 .89 1.16 .87 1.50
9/32 (1/4) 7–8 3,500 1.5 5.25 3.58 3.59 1.50 1.00 1.06 .88 1.00 1.72 1.03 2.00
3/8 10 7,100 2.1 5.98 4.02 3.99 1.62 1.13 1.19 .94 1.09 1.85 1.16 2.00
1/2 13 12,000 4.2 7.46 4.95 4.84 2.00 1.44 1.50 1.31 1.36 2.39 1.53 2.50
5/8 16 18,100 8.4 9.38 6.22 6.27 2.50 1.81 1.78 1.66 1.61 2.67 1.96 3.00
3/4** 20 28,300 11.5 11.56 7.61 7.36 3.27 2.16 2.69 1.58 2.00 3.46 2.50 –
7/8** 22 34,200 17.7 13.12 8.56 8.48 3.62 2.47 3.06 1.75 2.50 3.96 2.63 –
* Ultimate Load is 4 times the Working Load Limit. **Old Style 339 Hooks.
See page 84 and 89 for additional chain information.

Washington Chain & Supply 95

Crosby®Grade 8 Alloy Fittings H
Eye Foundry Hook
• Alloy Steel – Quenched and Tempered. M N
• Individually Proof Tested at 2-1/2 times G
Working Load Limit with certification. E

A-329 D
Working Dimensions (In.)
Chain Load Weight
Size Limit* Each
(In.) (Lbs.) (Lbs.) B D E G H K L M N O
9/32 (1/4) 3,500 2.40 1.56 4.75 2.50 6.45 .47 1.56 .63 4.75 2.50 1.23
3/8 7,100 4.50 2.00 5.75 3.00 7.88 .63 1.88 .75 5.75 3.00 1.50
1/2 12,000 7.10 2.50 6.75 3.50 9.37 .75 2.22 1.00 6.88 3.50 1.75
5/8 18,100 12.20 3.00 7.81 4.00 10.97 .78 2.63 1.25 8.06 4.00 2.03
3/4 28,300 19.30 3.50 9.13 4.50 12.81 1.00 3.00 1.50 9.25 4.50 2.56
7/8 34,200 26.30 4.00 10.06 5.00 14.20 1.13 3.38 1.75 10.38 5.00 2.70
*Ultimate Load is 4 times the Working Load Limit.

Shur-Loc® Eye Hook with Positive Locking Latch

B H Indicates size of Wire
A Rope sling for which
hook is rated


F S-316A

Grade 8 Alloy Wire Rope XIP IWRC

Chain Working Mechanical Splice
Load Limit* Working Load Weight
Chain (lbs.) Size Limit* (lbs.) Each
Size A B C D E F G H L 4:1 (in.) 5:1 (lbs.)
6 mm .79 1.42 3.95 .79 2.60 .67 5.06 .31 1.14 2,500 5/16 2,000 .85
1/4-5/16 .98 1.76 5.24 1.10 3.50 .87 5.64 .39 1.46 4,500 7/16 3,800 1.81
3/8 1.30 2.44 6.63 1.15 4.35 1.10 8.30 .51 1.87 7,100 1/2 5,000 3.24
1/2 1.81 3.15 8.31 1.66 5.45 1.26 10.63 .67 2.11 12,000 5/8 7,800 5.96
5/8 2.20 3.94 10.06 2.05 6.56 1.50 12.97 .87 2.49 18,100 7/8 15,200 12.75
*Ultimate load is 4 times the Working Load Limit based on Grade 8 Chain. Dimension in inches (unless otherwise shown).
See page 84 and 89 for additional chain information. See application and warning information on page 85.

96 Washington Chain & Supply

Crosby® Grade 8 Alloy Hoist Hooks
Shur-Loc® Hook Series with Positive Locking Latch

S-317A S-318A S-326A

S-318A S-326A

Grade 8 Dimensions (In.)

S-317A Alloy Chain
Chain Size Working Weight
Load Limit* Each
(In.) (mm) (Lbs.) A B C D E F G H J L (Lbs.)
– 6 2,500 .28 .30 3.42 .79 2.60 .67 4.74 .67 .63 1.13 .77
1/4 – 5/16 7–8 4,500 .36 .39 4.42 1.10 3.50 .87 6.20 .88 .81 1.44 1.79
3/8 10 7,100 .43 .48 5.55 1.16 4.35 1.10 7.53 .98 .95 1.83 3.19
1/2 13 12,000 .57 .64 6.78 1.66 5.45 1.26 9.51 1.26 1.16 2.19 6.75
5/8 16 18,100 .71 .80 8.22 2.05 6.56 1.50 11.61 1.57 1.50 2.61 11.94
* Ultimate load is 4 times the Working Load Limit.
S-318A Grade 8 Dimensions (In.)
Alloy Chain
Chain Size Working Weight
Load Limit* Each
(In.) (mm) (Lbs.) A† B C D E F G J L (Lbs.)
– 6 2,500 .79 2.16 3.30 .79 2.60 .67 6.25 .63 1.13 1.00
1/4 – 5/16 7–8 4,500 1.00 2.40 4.16 1.10 3.50 .87 7.66 .81 1.44 1.99
3/8 10 7,100 1.14 2.95 5.15 1.16 4.35 1.10 9.26 .95 1.83 3.56
1/2 13 12,000 1.33 3.35 6.32 1.66 5.45 1.26 11.33 1.16 2.19 7.00
5/8 16 18,100 1.63 4.00 7.47 2.05 6.56 1.50 13.52 1.50 2.61 16.00
† Dimension before machining (as forged). * Ultimate load is 4 times the Working Load Limit.
S-326A Grade 8 Dimensions (In.)
Alloy Chain
Chain Size Working Weight
Load Limit* Each
(In.) (mm) (Lbs.) A B D E F G H J L M (Lbs.)
– 6 2,500 1.50 1.32 .79 2.60 .67 7.45 .50 .63 1.13 6.16 1.26
1/4 – 5/16 7–8 4,500 1.75 1.59 1.10 3.50 .87 9.35 .63 .81 1.44 7.62 2.62
3/8 10 7,100 2.00 1.73 1.16 4.35 1.10 10.77 .75 .95 1.83 8.86 4.70
1/2 13 12,000 2.50 2.38 1.66 5.45 1.26 13.88 1.00 1.16 2.19 11.22 8.64
5/8 16 18,100 2.75 2.54 2.05 6.56 1.50 16.48 1.13 1.50 2.61 12.74 17.00
* Ultimate load is 4 times the Working Load Limit.
See application and warning information on page 85.

Washington Chain & Supply 97

Crosby® Chain Hooks
Clevis Grab Hooks
A-330 hooks now rated for use with Grade 8 Chain.*
• Forged Steel – Quenched and Tempered. B
• Features quick and easy assembly.
• H-330 designed for Crosby Spectrum 4® chain.
• A-330 designed for Crosby Spectrum 7® chain.
• Design factor is 4:1.
Working Load
Chain Limit (Lbs.) Weight Dimensions (in.)
Size H-330 A-330 Each
(In.) Carbon Alloy (Lbs.) B C D
1/4 2,600 3,500 .36 .32 .31 1.81
5/16 3,900 4,700 .62 .39 .36 2.12
3/8 4,700 7,100 1.00 .45 .45 2.53
7/16 7,200 8,750 1.31 .66 .62 3.09
1/2 9,200 12,000 2.22 .75 .70 3.56 H-330 A-330
5/8 13,000 15,800 4.41 .91 .84 4.39
3/4 16,200 20,200 6.50 .94 .94 5.22
*Only A-330 hooks containing an “8” designating Grade 8,
have new Working Load Limits.

Eye Grab Hooks

• Forged Steel – Quenched and Tempered.
• Design factor is 4:1.
• H-323 designed for Crosby Spectrum 4® chain.
• A-323 designed for Crosby Spectrum 7® chain.
Working Load
Chain Limit (Lbs.) Weight Dimensions (in.) D
Size Carbon Alloy Each H-323 A-323
(In.) H-323 A-323 (Lbs.) B C D
1/4 2,600 3,500 .28 .53 .31 1.81
5/16 3,900 5,400 .45 .62 .38 2.12
3/8 5,400 7,100 .79 .75 .44 2.53
1/2 9,200 12,000 1.75 .88 .53 3.56
5/8 11,500 15,800 3.25 1.06 .66 4.41
3/4 18,500 24,700 5.94 1.38 .75 5.22

*Only A-323 containing an “8” designating grade 8, have new working load limits.

Both hooks are suitable for use with Grade 8 chain

in over head lifting applications as long as hook is
Proof Tested as part of the chain sling assembly or
as an individual component per ANSI D30.9-1997.
®Spectrum 4 and Spectrum 7 are registered trademarks of the Crosby Group, Inc.

98 Washington Chain & Supply

Crosby® Chain Hooks

Clevis Slip Hooks

• Forged Steel or Forged Alloy Steel – Quenched
and Tempered. B
• All Pins Alloy Steel – Quenched and Tempered. C

Working Load
Limit* (Lbs.)
Chain H-331 A-331 Weight Dimensions (in.)
Size Slip Slip Each
(In.) Hook Hook (Lbs.) B C D
1/4 1,950 2,750 .55 .32 .29 2.75
5/16 2,875 4,300 .79 .43 .34 3.06
3/8 4,000 5,250 1.21 .45 .44 3.63
7/16 5,000 7,000 2.06 .59 .60 4.34
1/2 6,500 9,000 2.75 .57 .53 4.81
5/8 9,250 13,500 4.75 .71 .71 5.63
3/4 – 19,250 11.28 1.18 1.29 7.38
For sling or lifting chains, Grade 8 alloy components are recommended.
* Ultimate Load is 4 times the Working Load Limit

Eye Slip Hooks

• Forged Carbon Steel – Quenched and Tempered.
Chain Weight Load Dimensions (in.)
Size Each Limit*
(In.) (Lbs.) (Lbs.) B C D
1/4 .40 1,950 .50 .28 2.75 H-324
5/16 .64 2,875 .63 .34 3.06
3/8 1.10 4,000 .72 .41 3.63
7/16 1.56 5,000 .81 .44 4.34
1/2 2.09 6,500 .94 .50 4.81
5/8 3.90 9,250 1.13 .63 5.63
3/4 6.93 12,500 1.38 .75 6.75
* Ultimate Load is 4 times the Working Load Limit

Washington Chain & Supply 99

Crosby® Eye Hoist Hooks – Grade 8 Alloy
Grade 8 Working Load
Alloy Chain Working Load Limit For Weight
Size Limit* Wire Rope Each
(Lbs.) (Tons) (lbs.)
(mm) (In.) 4:1 5:1
6 7/32 2,500 1 .61
7-8 1/4 (5/16) 4,500 2 1.44
10 3/8 7,100 3 2.07
13 1/2 12,000 5 4.30
16 5/8 18,100 7 8.30
20 3/4 28,300 11 15.00 S-320AN
22 7/8 34,200 15 21.60
26 1 47,700 22 39.50
*Minimum Ultimate Load is 4 times the Working Load Limit.

Shank Hooks from Crosby®

Working Load Limit*
(Tons) Shank**
Length Weight Each
Carbon Alloy Bronze Type (Lbs.)
3/4 1 .5 Std. .5
1 1-1/2 .6 Std. .75
1-1/2 2 1 Std. 1.00
2 3 1.4 Std. 1.82
3 4-1/2 2 Std. 3.69
5 7 3-1/2 Std. 7.25
7-1/2 11 5 Std. 13.49
10 15 6-1/2 Std. 18.00
15 22 10 Std. 35.33 s-319
20 30 – Std. 72.00
20 30 – Long 85.50
25 37 – Std. 134.00
25 37 – Long 172.00
*Note: Proof load is 2 times Working Load Limit.
30 45 – Std. 182.00
All carbon hooks — average straightening load (ul-
30 45 – Long 214.00
timate load) is 5 times Working Load Limit. Alloy
40 60 – Std. 268.00
eye hooks 1 ton through 25 ton — average straight-
40 60 – Long 312.00
ening load (ultimate load) is 5 times Working Load
50 75 – Std. 390.00
Limit. Alloy eye hooks 30 tons through 60 tons -—
50 75 – Long 426.00
average straightening load (ultimate load) is 4.5
– 100 – Std. 610.00
times Working Load Limit. All Alloy shank hooks —
– 100 – Long 675.00
average straightening load (ultimate load) is 4.5
– 150 – Std. 735.00
times the Working Load Limit. All Bronze hooks —
– 200 – Std. 1,020.00
average straightening load (ultimate load) is 4 times
– 300 – Std. 1,390.00
Working Load Limit.
See warning information on page 85.

100 Washington Chain & Supply

Crosby® Swivel Hooks
Swivel Hoist Hooks C
This hook is a positioning device and is not intended to
rotate under load. For swivel hooks designed to rotate
under load see page 104 thru 107. Use in salt water S
requires shank and nut inspection in accordance with
A.S.M.E., B10- 1996.
• Forged – Quenched & Tempered
w/o R L
• Proper design, careful forging and precision controlled latch
quenched and tempering gives maximum strength without
excessive weight and bulk. O
• Rated capacity is permanently shown on each hook – K
S-322 hooks have the same rating code as 319 shank hooks. F
• Every Crosby-Laughlin Swivel Hook has a pre-drilled cam
which can be equipped with a latch. G
• Even years after purchase of the original hook, latch H M
assemblies can be added. D S-322N
Limit* Weight Dimensions (in.)
(Tons) Each
322C 322A (lbs.) A B C D F G H J K L M O R S
3/4 1 .75 2.00 .82 1.25 2.86 1.25 .75 .81 .93 .63 5.66 .56 .89 4.53 .38
1 1-1/2 1.25 2.50 1.25 1.50 3.15 1.38 .84 .94 .97 .71 6.71 .63 .91 5.37 .50
1-1/2 2 2.25 3.00 1.50 1.75 3.59 1.50 1.00 1.16 1.06 .88 7.75 .75 1.00 6.12 .63
2 3 2.30 3.00 1.50 1.75 3.99 1.62 1.13 1.31 1.19 .94 8.25 .85 1.09 6.50 .63
3 5 4.96 3.50 1.64 2.00 4.84 2.00 1.44 1.63 1.50 1.31 9.69 1.13 1.36 7.50 .75
5 7 10.29 4.50 2.29 2.50 6.27 2.50 1.81 2.06 1.78 1.66 12.47 1.38 1.61 9.66 1.00
7-1/2 11 16.18 5.00 2.37 2.75 7.54 3.00 2.25 2.63 2.41 1.88 14.54 1.63 2.08 11.16 1.13
10 15 23.25 5.62 2.48 3.12 8.33 3.25 2.59 2.94 2.62 2.19 16.09 1.94 2.27 12.00 1.25
15 22 47.00 7.10 3.76 4.10 10.38 4.25 3.00 3.50 3.41 2.69 21.22 2.38 3.02 16.59 1.50
- 30 70.50 7.00 3.75 4.00 13.62 - 3.66 4.62 4.00 2.86 23.22 2.86 3.25 18.06 1.50
322C – Carbon Steel 322A – Hook and Bail-Alloy Steel.
Dimensions for hooks 3/4 ton carbon through 22 ton alloy are for 4320 latch kit.
Dimensions for hooks 30 ton alloy and larger are for PL latch kit.
NOTE: Proof load is 2 times Working Load Limit. All carbon swivel hooks – average straightening load (ultimate load)
is 5 times Working Load Limit. All Alloy swivel hooks – average straightening load (ultimate load) is 4.5 the Working Load Limit.

Latch Kits

Hook Latch Kit PL Latch Kit
See application and warning information on page 85.

Washington Chain & Supply 101

Crosby® Forged Swivels U V
Chain Swivels B D

• Hot Dip Galvanized

• Quenched & Tempered AC M E

Meets the performance require-

ments of Federal Specifications
RR-C-27ID, Type VII, Class 1, ex- R
cept for those provisions required T
of the contractor.

Size J G

Load Weight Dimensions (In.)
Size Limit* Each
(In.) (Lbs.) (Lbs.) A B C D E G J M R T U V
1/4 850 .13 1.25 .69 .75 .62 1.12 .25 .69 .31 2.25 2.75 1.69 1.25
5/16 1,250 .25 1.63 .81 1.00 .75 1.38 .31 .81 .38 2.72 3.34 2.06 1.47
3/8 2,500 .54 2.00 .94 1.25 1.00 1.75 .38 1.00 .50 3.44 4.19 2.50 1.88
1/2 3,600 1.12 2.50 1.31 1.50 1.25 2.25 .50 1.31 .63 4.25 5.25 3.19 2.44
5/8 5,200 2.09 3.00 1.56 1.75 1.50 2.75 .62 1.50 .75 5.13 6.31 3.88 2.94
3/4 7,200 3.09 3.50 1.75 2.00 1.75 3.25 .75 1.88 .88 5.78 7.22 4.94 3.46
* Ultimate Load is 5 times the Working Load Limit.
Regular Swivels
• Hot Dip Galvanized
• Quenched & Tempered

Meets the performance requirements R

of Federal Specifications RR-C-27ID,
Type VII, Class 2 except for those pro- T
visions required of the contractor.
Size J G
Load Weight Dimensions (In.)
Size Limit* Each
(In.) (Lbs.) (Lbs.) A B C D G J M R S T
1/4 850 .21 1.25 .69 .75 1.06 .25 .69 .31 2.94 1.69 3.44
5/16 1,250 .39 1.63 .81 1.00 1.25 .31 .81 .38 3.56 2.06 4.19
3/8 2,250 .71 2.00 .94 1.25 1.50 .38 1.00 .50 4.31 2.50 5.06
1/2 3,600 1.32 2.50 1.31 1.50 2.00 .50 1.31 .63 5.44 3.19 6.44
5/8 5,200 2.49 3.00 1.56 1.75 2.38 .62 1.50 .75 6.56 3.88 7.81
3/4 7,200 4.02 3.50 1.75 2.00 2.63 .75 1.88 .88 7.19 4.31 8.69
7/8 10,000 6.25 4.00 2.06 2.25 3.06 .88 2.13 1.00 8.38 5.00 10.13
1 12,500 8.95 4.50 2.31 2.50 3.50 1.00 2.38 1.13 9.63 5.75 11.63
1-1/4 18,000 16.37 5.63 2.69 3.13 3.69 1.25 3.00 1.38 11.13 6.75 13.36
1-1/2 45,200 45.79 7.00 4.19 4.00 4.19 1.50 4.00 2.25 17.13 10.00 20.13
* Ultimate Load is 5 times the Working Load Limit.

102 Washington Chain & Supply

Crosby® Forged Swivels
Jaw End Swivels
401, 402 and 403 swivels are positioning
devices and are not intended to rotate under load.
For load swivels see pages 104-107.

• Hot Dip Galvanized

• Quenched & Tempered

Meets the performance requirements of Federal Specifications

RR-C-27ID, Type VII, Class 3, except for those provisions required
of the contractor





Size J G

Load Weight Dimensions (In.)
Size Limit* Each
(In.) (Lbs.) (Lbs.) A B C G J K L M N P R T U V
1/4 850 .21 1.25 .69 .75 .69 .69 .47 1.03 .31 .88 .25 2.63 3.38 1.69 1.69
5/16 1,250 .34 1.63 .81 1.00 .81 .81 .50 1.13 .38 .88 .31 2.94 3.88 2.06 1.81
3/8 2,250 .66 2.00 .94 1.25 1.00 1.00 .63 1.41 .50 1.06 .38 3.63 4.75 2.50 2.25
1/2 3,600 1.34 2.50 1.31 1.50 1.31 1.31 .75 1.75 .63 1.31 .50 4.50 6.06 3.19 2.88
5/8 5,200 2.48 3.00 1.56 1.75 1.63 1.50 .94 2.06 .75 1.50 .63 5.31 7.31 3.88 3.44
3/4 7,200 3.88 3.50 1.75 2.00 1.88 1.88 1.13 2.53 .88 1.75 .75 6.06 8.31 4.31 4.00
7/8 10,000 5.87 4.00 2.06 2.25 2.13 2.13 1.19 2.75 1.00 2.06 .88 7.00 9.53 5.00 4.53
1 12,500 9.84 4.50 2.31 2.50 2.63 2.38 1.75 3.72 1.13 2.81 1.13 8.56 11.69 5.75 5.94
1-1/4 18,000 15.75 5.69 2.69 3.13 3.13 3.00 2.06 4.31 1.50 2.81 1.38 9.44 13.13 6.75 6.38
1-1/2 45,200 54.75 7.00 4.19 4.00 5.63 4.00 2.88 6.00 2.25 4.44 2.25 14.74 20.84 10.00 10.84
* Ultimate Load is 5 times the Working Load Limit.

Washington Chain & Supply 103

Crosby® Swivels
For swiveling under loads.
Equipped with Tapered Roller Thrust Bearing • Pressure lube fitting provided.
• Designed to swivel under load. • NOT TO BE USED ON DEMOLITION
• All swivels individually proof tested with
certification. • Other types and capacities up to 600 tons,
available to meet your requirements.
• All hooks furnished with latches assembled.
• All jaws complete with bolts, nuts and cotter

S-1 Jaw & Hook S-2 Jaw & Jaw S-3 Jaw & Eye

Working Dimensions (In.)

Load Limit*
(metric tons) A B C D E F G H J K
3 11.44 9.28 9.34 9.41 11.50 4.84 2.75 .75 .88 1.62
5 13.34 10.31 10.06 9.81 13.09 6.28 3.00 .88 1.00 2.25
8-1/2 16.45 12.62 12.25 11.88 16.07 7.54 4.00 1.00 1.56 2.81
10 19.75 16.75 16.12 15.50 19.12 8.34 4.50 1.50 1.75 3.38
15 22.24 17.12 16.75 16.38 21.24 10.34 5.00 1.50 1.75 3.38
25 26.78 20.75 21.50 22.25 27.53 13.62 6.00 2.00 2.00 4.62
35 29.94 20.75 21.50 22.25 30.69 14.06 6.50 2.00 2.00 4.62
45 35.06 25.25 25.88 26.50 35.69 15.44 7.00 2.25 2.50 5.00
* Individually Proof tested to 2 times the Working Load Limit. Ultimate load is 5 times the Working Load Limit.

104 Washington Chain & Supply

Crosby® Swivels
For swiveling under loads.
Important - Crosby Swivels should only be
used with the recommended wire rope. Con-
tact the wire rope manufacturer for the proper
wire rope to be used with Crosby Swivels.

S-4 Eye & Jaw S-5 Eye & Eye S-6 Eye & Hook

Working Dimensions (In.)

Load Limit*
(metric tons) L M N O P Q R S T V
3 1.53 1.41 1.31 1.00 1.44 .75 1.03 1.12 1.25 1.13
5 1.94 1.69 1.62 1.12 1.82 1.00 1.28 1.25 1.25 1.44
8-1/2 2.46 2.22 2.12 1.38 2.26 1.25 1.41 1.62 1.50 1.63
10 2.59 2.41 3.50 1.75 2.60 1.69 1.69 2.75 1.88 1.94
15 2.81 3.19 3.50 1.75 3.01 1.94 2.03 2.75 2.12 2.38
25 3.44 3.62 3.69 2.38 3.66 2.25 2.31 3.88 2.38 3.00
35 3.88 3.75 3.69 2.38 4.56 2.25 2.31 3.88 2.38 3.19
45 4.75 4.25 4.00 3.00 5.06 2.50 2.53 4.00 3.00 3.25

* Individually Proof tested to 2 times the Working Load Limit. Ultimate load is 5 times the Working Load Limit.

Washington Chain & Supply 105

Crosby® Swivels For swiveling under loads.
Equipped with Tapered Roller Thrust Bearing
Working Load Wire Rope
Swivel Number Limit* Size Weight Each
(Type) (Metric Tons) (In.) (Lbs.)
3-S-1 3 1/2 9.81
3-S-2 3 1/2 9.63
3-S-3 3 1/2 9.12
3-S-4 3 1/2 9.00
3-S-5 3 1/2 8.50
3-S-6 3 1/2 9.32
5-S-1 5 5/8 15.51
5-S-2 5 5/8 13.69
5-S-3 5 5/8 13.50
5-S-4 5 5/8 12.33
5-S-5 5 5/8 11.30
5-S-6 5 5/8 14.24
8-1/2 -S-1 8-1/2 3/4 29.42
8-1/2-S-2 8-1/2 3/4 26.16 S-1 S-2
8-1/2-S-3 8-1/2 3/4 24.90 Jaw & Hook Jaw & Jaw
8-1/2-S-4 8-1/2 3/4 29.00
8-1/2-S-5 8-1/2 3/4 29.25
8-1/2-S-6 8-1/2 3/4 32.00
10-S-1 10 7/8 46.75
10-S-2 10 7/8 45.75
10-S-3 10 7/8 43.50
10-S-4 10 7/8 44.00
10-S-5 10 7/8 42.00
10-S-6 10 7/8 45.50
15-S-1 15 1 73.75
15-S-2 15 1 62.75
15-S-3 15 1 61.00
15-S-4 15 1 61.00
15-S-5 15 1 49.00
15-S-6 15 1 63.00
25-S-1 25 – 140.00 S-3 S-4
25-S-2 25 – 140.00 Jaw & Eye Eye & Jaw
25-S-3 25 – 135.00
25-S-4 25 – 135.00
25-S-5 25 – 130.00
25-S-6 25 – 135.00
35-S-1 35 – 220.00
35-S-2 35 – 155.00
35-S-3 35 – 150.00
35-S-4 35 – 150.00
35-S-5 35 – 145.00
35-S-6 35 – 215.00
45-S-1 45 – 251.00
45-S-2 45 – 235.00
45-S-3 45 – 225.00
45-S-4 45 – 225.00
45-S-5 45 – 215.00
45-S-6 45 – 270.00 S-5 S-6
* Individually Proof tested to 2 times the Working Load Limit. Eye & Eye Eye & Hook
Ultimate Load is 5 times the Working Load Limit.

106 Washington Chain & Supply

18 Ton Eye to Eye Stainless Steel Swivel
General Notes
1. Cast stainless steel, type 316
2. Timken thrust bearing
3. Grease zerk - 1/8” NPT Alemite
4. 18 ton SWL with 5 to 1 Safety Factor
5. Tapered body

2-1/8” 11” 2-1/8” 2”

2” 2”

5-1/2” Ø


Designed for the harsh working environment of the

fishing industry. Rebuildable by Washington Chain & Supply.

Washington Chain & Supply 107

Links C
Lok-A-Loy® 6 Connecting Link
• Individually Proof Tested.
• Forged Alloy Steel – Quenched and
Tempered. B
• Easy to assemble
Note: The WLL of a sling must not exceed the
lowest WLL of the components in the system.

E A-336

Chain Load Weight Dimensions (In.) Diameter of
Size Limit* Each Hole to
(In.) (Lbs.) (Lbs.) A B C D E Accept Link
1/4 3,250 .24 .31 2.06 1.69 .78 .78 .50
3/8 6,600 .58 .45 2.72 2.31 1.06 1.09 .66
1/2 11,250 1.20 .58 3.34 3.16 1.28 1.41 .88
5/8 16,500 2.42 .78 3.91 3.94 1.56 1.69 1.06
3/4 23,000 3.89 .89 4.84 4.44 1.97 2.00 1.19
7/8 28,750 6.08 1.00 5.81 5.31 2.38 2.12 1.38
1 38,750 7.03 1.08 6.48 6.07 2.84 2.55 1.47
1-1/4 57,500 13.20 1.38 8.48 7.65 3.77 3.77 1.73
* Ultimate Load is 4 times the Working Load Limit.
Note: The Working Load Limit of a sling must not exceed the lowest Working Load Limit of the components in the system.

Claw Hooks from CM®

Heat treated carbon steel
Working Wgt
For use with load limit* per 100
chain size (in.) (lbs.) (lbs.)
3/8 Clevis 6,600 120
(8 or 10mm)
3/8 Eye 6,600 115
(8 or 10mm)
Clevis-Type Eye-Type

Sling Identification Tags

Zinc Plated

For all sizes, with or without 2” split ring.

108 Washington Chain & Supply

Links from Crosby®
Double Clevis Link P
• Designed for linking all popu- G B
lar sizes of Crosby Spectrum 3®
and Spectrum 4® chain to
rings, end links, eye hooks,
pad eyes, tractor eyebolts, etc.
• All pins Alloy Steel –
Quenched and Tempered. R L
• Body is forged and heat
treated carbon steel. E
• Features quick and easy S-247 D
Chain Load Weight Dimensions (In.)
Size Limit* Each
(In.) (Lbs.) (Lbs.) A B C D E F G H L N P R
1/4 2,600 .38 .50 .75 .50 .31 .38 .75 1.00 .81 2.81 1.38 1.66 1.50
5/16 – 3/8 5,400 .81 .56 1.00 .63 .44 .47 1.00 1.19 1.00 3.53 1.75 2.25 1.91
7/16 7,000 1.25 .69 1.13 .69 .56 .59 1.09 1.31 1.19 4.06 2.00 2.50 2.19
1/2 9,200 1.56 .81 1.25 .75 .63 .66 1.25 1.44 1.31 4.53 2.25 2.75 2.47
* Ultimate Load is 4 times the Working Load Limit.

Twin Clevis Link H A
• Available in three popular sizes.
• Body is forged and heat treated D
carbon steel.
• All pins Alloy Steel – Quenched and
Tempered. C B
• Features quick and easy assembly.
• Twin Clevis design provides a
variety of uses and can be used with
Crosby Spectrum 3®, Spectrum 4®
and Spectrum 7® chain. S-249

Chain Load Weight Dimensions (In.)
Size Limit* Each
(In.) (Lbs.) (Lbs.) A B C D F G H K
1/4 – 5/16 4,700 .31 .47 2.50 1.56 .38 1.31 .43 .94 .50
3/8 6,600 .44 .53 2.81 1.81 .44 1.53 .50 1.00 .56
7/16 – 1/2 11,250 .98 .65 3.62 2.31 .56 1.91 .63 1.31 .81
* Ultimate Load is 4 times the Working Load Limit.

Washington Chain & Supply 109

Crosby® Links and Rings
Weldless End Links G-340 & S-340
• Self Colored or Hot Dip galvanized.
• Forged carbon steel – Quenched and Tempered.
G-340 from 5/8” thru 7/8” meet the performance requirements
of Federal Specification RRC-27ID, Type XV, except for those
provisions required of the contractor.

Working A
Size Load Weight Dimensions (In.)
(A) Limit*† Each
(In.) (Lbs.) (Lbs.) B C D D B
5/16 2,500 .15 .50 1.75 1.18
3/8 3,800 .22 .56 1.88 1.38
1/2 6,500 .49 .75 2.38 1.81 C
5/8 9,300 .97 1.00 3.25 2.32
3/4 14,000 1.51 1.13 3.50 2.68 G-340 & S-340
7/8 12,000 2.59 2.00 5.13 3.75
1 15,200 3.95 2.25 5.75 4.25
Weldless Rings S-643

* Ultimate Load is 5 times the Working Load Limit.

• Self Colored.
† Based on single leg sling (in-line load), or resultant load on • Forged carbon steel – Quenched and
multiple legs with an included angle less than or equal to Tempered.
120˚. Weldless Rings meet the performance requirements of Federal
Specification RR-27ID, Type VI, except for those provisions
A required of the contractor.

Size Load Limit* Weight Dimensions (In.)
C B (A) Single Pull Each
(In.) (Lbs.) (Lbs.) B C
7/8 x 4 7,200 2.72 4.00 5.75
7/8 x 5-1/2 5,600 3.47 5.50 7.25
S-643 1x4 10,800 3.69 4.00 6.00

Weldless Sling Links G-341 & S-341 1-1/8 x 6

1-1/4 x 5
• Self Colored or Hot Dip galvanized. 1-3/8 x 6 19,000 10.12 6.00 8.75
• Forged carbon steel – Quenched and Tempered. * Ultimate Load is 6 times the Working Load Limit.

Size Load Limit*† Weight Dimensions (In.) F
(A) Single Pull Each
(In.) (Lbs.) (Lbs.) B C D E F
3/8 1,800 .23 1.13 .75 3.00 2.25 .38
1/2 2,900 .55 1.50 1.00 4.00 3.00 .50
5/8 4,200 1.06 1.87 1.25 5.00 3.75 .63 D B A
3/4 6,000 1.88 2.25 1.50 6.00 4.50 .75
7/8 8,300 2.75 2.63 1.75 7.00 5.25 .88 C
1 10,800 4.35 3.00 2.00 8.00 6.00 1.00
1-1/4 16,750 7.60 4.00 2.50 10.25 7.50 1.25
1-3/8 20,500 11.30 4.13 2.75 11.00 8.25 1.38
G-341 & S-341 E
* Based on single leg sling (in-line load), or resultant load on multiple
legs with an included angle less than or equal to 120˚.
† Ultimate Load is 6 times the Working Load Limit.

110 Washington Chain & Supply

Replacement Links F
Pear Shape “Missing Link”® G-334 G
• Galvanized or Self-colored.
• Forged Steel – Quenched and Tempered.
• Has larger inside dimensions making it easier to attach
hooks or other fittings to the chain.
• An exclusive Crosby product.
• After making connections, rivets must be peened.

Not suitable for use with Grade 8 chain or chain slings C

used in overhead lifting. H
Working Weight
Chain Load Per Dimensions (In.)
Size Limit* 100
(In.) (Lbs.) (Lbs.) A B C D E F G H L
3/8 1,850 25.00 .41 2.00 .56 .81 2.94 1.63 .47 1.38 .81
1/2 3,300 50.00 .50 2.50 .69 1.00 3.63 2.00 .56 1.69 1.00
5/8 5,000 75.00 .63 2.75 .81 1.06 4.00 2.38 .63 2.06 1.13
3/4 7,100 125.00 .75 3.13 1.00 1.13 4.75 2.75 .81 2.50 1.25
7/8 9,600 200.00 .88 3.69 1.25 1.38 5.56 3.25 .94 3.00 1.50
* Ultimate Load is 4 times the Working Load Limit.

G-334 G-335

“Missing Link”® G-335 F

• Galvanized or Self-colored.
• Forged Steel – Quenched and Tempered.
• Integral rivets join the two halves.
• After making connections, rivets must be peened.
Meets or exceeds the performance requirements of
Federal Specifications RRC-27ID, Type II, except for
those provisions required of the contractor.
Not suitable for use with Grade 8 chain or chain slings
used in overhead lifting.

Chain Load Links Weight Dimensions (In.)
Size Limit* Per Per 100
(In.) (Lbs.) Box (Lbs.) A B C D E F G
** 3/16 800 20 2.50 .25 .69 .34 .34 1.19 .78 .28
** 1/4 1,325 10 6.25 .28 .88 .44 .44 1.50 1.00 .31
** 5/16 1,950 10 12.50 .34 .94 .47 .47 1.69 1.16 .38
3/8 2,750 10 20.00 .41 1.13 .56 .56 2.06 1.38 .47
7/16 3,625 10 27.50 .47 1.28 .59 .59 2.34 1.53 .53
1/2 4,750 10 37.50 .53 1.47 .66 .66 2.66 1.72 .59
5/8 7,250 10 72.50 .66 1.81 .78 .81 3.31 2.09 .75
3/4 10,250 10 122.50 .78 2.13 .94 1.06 3.88 2.50 .88
7/8 12,000 Bulk 175.00 .91 2.50 1.13 1.13 4.50 2.94 1.00
1 15,500 Bulk 250.00 1.03 2.75 1.25 1.25 5.00 3.31 1.13
* Ultimate Load is 4 times the Working Load Limit.
** Have rivets only – no interlocking lugs.
† Has reinforced rivet holes. All Sizes have countersunk rivet holes.
®“Missing Link” is a registered trademark of the Crosby Group, Inc.

Washington Chain & Supply 111

Crosby® Forged Eye Bolts
Regular Nut Eye Bolts
• Recommended for straight line pull.
• All Bolts Hot Dip galanized after threading
• Furnished with standard Hot Dip galvanized
hex nuts. ▲
ON PAGES 86 – 87
• Forged Steel – Quenched and Tempered.
• Fatigue rated at 1-1/2 times the Working Load
Limit at 20,000 cycles.


Shank Working Weight Length Shank Working Weight Length

Dia. & Load Per of Dia. & Load Per of
Length Limit* 100 Thread Length Limit* 100 Thread
(In.) (Lbs.) (Lbs.) (In.) (In.) (Lbs.) (Lbs.) (In.)
1/4 x 2 650 8.20 1.50 3/4 x 4-1/2 7,200 168.60 2.00
1/4 x 4 650 11.70 2.50 3/4 x 6 7,200 184.50 3.00
5/16 x 2-1/4 1,200 13.30 1.50 3/4 x 8 7,200 207.90 3.00
5/16 x 4-1/4 1,200 25.00 2.50 3/4 x 10 7,200 235.00 3.00
3/8 x 2-1/2 1,550 23.30 1.50 3/4 x 12 7,200 257.50 4.00
3/8 x 4-1/2 1,550 29.50 2.50 3/4 x 15 7,200 298.00 5.00
3/8 x 6 1,550 35.20 2.50 7/8 x 5 10,600 270.00 2.50
1/2 x 3-1/4 2,600 50.30 1.50 7/8 x 8 10,600 308.00 4.00
1/2 x 6 2,600 66.10 3.00 7/8 x 12 10,600 400.00 4.00
1/2 x 8 2,600 82.00 3.00 1x6 13,300 421.00 3.00
1/2 x 10 2,600 88.00 3.00 1x9 13,300 468.50 4.00
1/2 x 12 2,600 114.20 3.00 1 x 12 13,300 540.00 4.00
5/8 x 4 5,200 103.10 2.00 1 x 18 13,300 650.00 7.00
5/8 x 6 5,200 118.20 6.00 1-1/4 x 8 21,000 750.00 4.00
5/8 x 8 5,200 135.10 3.00 1-1/4 x 12 21,000 900.00 4.00
5/8 x 10 5,200 153.60 3.00 1-1/4 x 20 21,000 1,210.00 6.00
5/8 x 12 5,200 167.10 4.00
* Ultimate Load is 5 times the Working Load Limit.
Working Load Limit shown is for in-line pull.

112 Washington Chain & Supply

Crosby® Forged Eye Bolts
Shoulder Nut Eye Bolts
• Forged Steel.
• All Bolts Hot Dip galvanized after threading

• Furnished with standard Hot Dip galvanized,
heavy hex nuts. ! WARNING INFORMATION
• Fatigue rated at 1-1/2 times the Working Load ON PAGES 86 – 87
Limit at 20,000 cycles.
Shank Working Weight Length
Diameter Load Per Eye of
& Length Limit* 100 Dim. Thread
(In.) (Lbs.) (Lbs.) ID OD (In.)
1/4 x 2 650 6.60 .50 .88 1.50
1/4 x 4 650 9.10 .50 .88 2.50
5/16 x 2-1/4 1,200 12.50 .62 1.12 1.50
5/16 x 4-1/4 1,200 18.80 .62 1.12 2.50
3/8 x 2-1/2 1,550 21.40 .75 1.38 1.50
3/8 x 4-1/2 1,550 25.30 .75 1.38 2.50
1/2 x 3-1/4‘ 2,600 42.60 1.00 1.75 1.50
1/2 x 6 2,600 56.80 1.00 1.75 3.00 G-277
5/8 x 4 5,200 68.60 1.25 2.25 2.00
5/8 x 6 5,200 102.40 1.25 2.25 3.00
3/4 x 4-1/2 7,200 144.50 1.50 2.75 2.00
3/4 x 6 7,200 167.50 1.50 2.75 3.00
7/8 x 5 10,600 225.00 1.75 3.25 2.50
1x6 13,300 366.30 2.00 3.75 3.00
1x9 13,300 422.50 2.00 3.75 4.00
1-1/4 x 8 21,000 650.00 2.50 4.50 4.00
1-1/4 x 12 21,000 795.00 2.50 4.50 4.00
1-1/2 x 15 24,000 1,425.00 3.00 5.50 6.00
* Ultimate Load is 5 times the Working Load Limit.
Working Load Limit shown is for in-line pull.

Screw Eye Bolts

• Forged Steel – Quenched and Tempered.
• Hot Dip galvanized.
Shank Weight Length
Diameter Per Eye of G-275
& Length 100 Dim. Thread
(In.) (Lbs.) ID OD (In.)
1/4 x 2 4.30 .50 .88 1.50
5/16 x 2-1/4 9.90 .63 1.13 1.69
3/8 x 2-1/2 18.88 .75 1.38 1.88
1/2 x 3-1/4 37.50 1.00 1.75 2.44
5/8 x 4 85.50 1.25 2.25 3.00

Washington Chain & Supply 113

Crosby® Forged Machinery Eye Bolts
Shoulder Type Machinery Eye Bolts
• Forged Steel – Quenched & Tempered.
• Working Load Limits shown are for In-line pull.

Recommended for straight line pull.
Fatigue rated at 1-1/2 times the Working Load ▲ ! WARNING INFORMATION
ON PAGES 86 – 87
Limit at 20,000 cycles.
• All Bolts threaded UNC.

Working Weight Eye Dimensions (In.)

Load Per
Limit* 100 A** Thread of
Size (Lbs.) (Lbs.) Thread Length ID OD
1/4 x 1 650 5.00 1/4 – 20 1.02 1.13 .75
5/16 x 1-1/8 1,200 9.00 5/16 – 18 1.15 1.38 .88
3/8 x 1-1/4 1,550 15.00 3/8 – 16 1.27 1.62 1.00
1/2 x 1-1/2 2,600 28.00 1/2 – 13 1.53 1.95 1.19
5/8 x 1-3/4 5,200 55.00 5/8 – 11 1.79 2.38 1.38
3/4 x 2 7,200 96.00 3/4 – 10 2.05 2.76 1.50 S-279
7/8 x 2-1/4 10,600 154.00 7/8 – 9 2.31 3.25 1.75
1 x 2-1/2 13,300 238.00 1–8 2.57 3.76 2.00
1-1/4 x 3 21,000 399.00 1-1/4 – 7 3.09 4.50 2.50
1-1/2 x 3-1/2 24,000 720.00 1-1/2 – 6 3.60 5.50 3.00
* Ultimate Load is 5 times the Working Load Limit.
** All Bolts Threaded UNC.

Crosby® Pad Eyes

• Forged Steel – Quenched and Tempered.
• Forged from 1035 Carbon Steel.
• Excellent welding qualities.
• Widely used on farm machinery, trucks, steel hulled
marine vessels and material handling equipment.
• Reference American Welding Society specifications for
proper welding procedures.

Weight Dimensions C
Size Per 100 (In.)
No. (Lbs.) B C D E G H L
*0 2.80 .25 .19 .63 .31 .63 .09 .75
*1 6.50 .38 .25 .88 .41 .88 .13 1.03 L
*1-1/2 10.40 .63 .25 1.00 .44 1.13 .16 1.31
2 21.10 .75 .38 1.06 .50 1.50 .19 1.63
4 52.20 1.00 .56 1.44 .78 2.13 .22 2.34
5 82.50 1.25 .69 1.75 .81 2.63 .25 2.75
* Meets the requirement of Military Specification MS-51930A.

114 Washington Chain & Supply

Crosby® Forged Eye Nuts A

Eye Nuts K

• Forged Steel – Quenched and T D S

• Hot Dip galvanized.
• Tapped with standard UNC class 2 F J
threads after galvanizing. E
Stock Working
Size Std. Load Weight Dimensions (In.)
Size (In.) Tap Limit* Each
No. S Size (Lbs.) (Lbs.) A C D E F J K N T W
1 .25 1/4 520 .09 1.25 .75 1.00 .75 .50 .69 .63 .46 1.72 .31
2 .31 3/8 1,250 .17 1.62 1.00 1.20 .83 .56 .81 .89 .58 2.09 .41
3A .38 1/2 2,250 .28 2.00 1.25 1.44 1.08 .81 1.00 1.09 .73 2.55 .50
4 .50 5/8 3,600 .60 2.50 1.50 1.92 1.35 1.00 1.31 1.31 .83 3.25 .69
5 .63 3/4 5,200 1.00 3.00 1.75 2.28 1.59 1.12 1.50 1.57 1.05 3.96 .84
6 .75 7/8 7,200 1.65 3.50 2.00 2.50 1.96 1.38 1.88 1.77 1.14 4.40 1.00
7 .88 1 10,000 2.69 4.00 2.25 2.92 2.21 1.56 2.13 2.02 1.30 5.10 1.19
8 1.00 1-1/4 15,500 3.87 4.50 2.50 3.35 2.46 1.88 2.38 2.27 1.52 5.87 1.38
9 1.13 1-3/8 18,500 5.00 5.00 2.75 3.58 2.59 2.00 2.56 2.57 1.67 6.38 1.50
10 1.25 1-1/2 22,500 6.78 5.62 3.12 3.81 3.08 2.25 3.00 2.83 1.83 6.89 1.66
11 1.50 2 40,000 14.60 7.12 4.10 6.00 4.09 3.13 3.75 3.68 2.49 10.13 1.94
* Ultimate Load is 5 times the Working Load Limit. Rating based on standard tap size.


Crosby® Lifting Eyes K

• Forged Steel – Quenched and Tempered. E

Limit* Weight Dimensions (In.)
Size Threaded Each
No. (Lbs.) (Lbs.) A C D E F H J K L N T W
1 850 .10 1.25 .75 1.02 .66 .50 .34 .69 .67 .69 .42 2.46 .31
2 1,250 .20 1.62 1.00 1.20 .75 .56 .41 .81 .92 .94 .55 3.00 .41
3 2,250 .50 2.00 1.25 1.44 1.00 .81 .53 1.13 1.13 1.25 .68 3.69 .50
4 3,600 .79 2.50 1.50 1.92 1.19 1.00 .66 1.31 1.38 1.50 .80 4.59 .69
5 5,200 1.25 3.00 1.75 2.28 1.38 1.12 .78 1.50 1.66 1.75 .98 5.55 .84
6 7,200 2.25 3.50 2.00 2.50 1.63 1.38 .91 1.88 1.91 1.88 1.06 6.16 1.00
7 10,000 3.25 4.00 2.25 2.92 1.88 1.56 1.03 2.13 2.16 2.06 1.20 7.07 1.19
8 12,500 4.70 4.50 2.50 3.35 1.94 1.88 1.16 2.38 2.47 2.50 1.40 8.16 1.38
10 18,000 9.33 5.62 3.12 3.81 2.75 2.25 1.53 3.00 2.98 2.94 1.69 9.74 1.66
* Ultimate Load is 5 times the Working Load Limit. Rating based on UNC thread size shown in column H.

Washington Chain & Supply 115

Turnbuckles Hook & Eye
Meets Federal
Diameter Average Overall Weight (Pounds Each) Speciafications
and with Ends in Hook & Eye FF - T - 791b
Take Up Closed Eye & Eye Jaw Jaw Type 1
(In.) Position (In.) Hook & Hook & Eye & Jaw
Form 1
1/4 x 4 8-1/4 .31 .32 .36 Class 6
5/16 x 4-1/2 9-9/16 .41 .47 .52
3/8 x 6 11-7/8 .71 .76 .81
1/2 x 6 13-5/16 1.45 1.53 1.61 Eye & Eye
Meets Federal
9 16-5/16 1.68 1.71 1.74
12 19-5/16 2.00 2.06 2.11 FF - T - 791b
5/8 x 6 15-1/2 2.35 2.35 3.02 Type 1
9 18-1/2 2.88 3.06 2.88 Form 1
12 21-1/2 3.78 3.78 3.38 Class 4
3/4 x 6 17 3.64 3.87 4.11
9 20 4.31 4.30 5.10
12 23 5.08 5.36 5.65
18 29 6.29 6.57 6.86
7/8 x 12 24-5/8 7.35 7.76 8.17
18 30-5/8 9.35 9.24 9.13 Jaw & Eye
1x6 20-5/8 8.53 8.92 9.32 Meets Federal
12 26-5/8 11.23 11.20 11.18 Speciafications
18 32-5/8 13.23 13.30 14.60 FF - T - 791b
Type 1
24 38-5/8 16.58 16.30 17.30
Form 1
1-1/4 x 12 29-7/8 17.90 19.40 20.91 Class 8
18 35-7/8 22.85 24.18 25.50
24 41-7/8 26.77 28.40 28.70
1-1/2 x 12 32-3/8 27.94 28.99 30.05
18 38-3/8 33.19 32.38 31.56 Jaw & Jaw
24 44-3/8 37.69 39.18 40.67 Meets Federal
1-3/4 x 18 41-3/4 50.88 49.16 55.04 Speciafications
24 47-3/4 58.00 60.68 63.36 FF - T - 791b
2 x 24 51-3/4 89.80 94.60 100.00 Type 1
2-1/2 x 24 58-1/2 140.00 150.00 161.00 Form 1
Class 7
2-3/4 x 24 61-1/2 194.00 200.00 216.00

• Hot dip galvanized forged steel quenched and

• Outstanding design features include elongated Hook & Hook
Meets Federal
turnbuckle eyes. Shackles one size smaller than Speciafications
turnbuckles can be reeved through turnbuckle FF - T - 791b
eye. Type 1
Form 1
• Jaw End Fitting, sizes 1/4” through 5/8” have Class 5
Bolts and Nuts. Jaw End Fittings, sizes 3/4”
through 2-3/4 have pins and cotters.
• Galvanized lock nuts available for all sizes.
• Hooks not supplied on sizes larger than 1-1/2”.

116 Washington Chain & Supply




Hook Eye
Dimensions and strength Dimensions and strength
Hook Dimensions in Inches Working Eye Dimensions in Inches Working
Load Load
Limit Limit
A B C D E (Lbs.) A B C D E (Lbs.)
1/4 1/4 3/8 7/16 1-5/8 400 1/4 11/32 7/32 25/32 1-25/32 500
5/16 5/16 7/16 1/2 1-29/32 700 5/16 7/16 9/32 15/16 2-3/16 800
3/8 3/8 17/32 9/16 2-9/32 1,000 3/8 17/32 11/32 1-1/8 2-9/16 1,200
1/2 1/2 11/16 21/32 2-27/32 1,500 1/2 23/32 7/16 1-7/16 3-7/32 2,200
5/8 5/8 27/32 27/32 3-17/32 2,250 5/8 7/8 1/2 1-3/4 3-7/8 3,500
3/4 3/4 1 31/32 4-5/16 3,000 3/4 1 5/8 2-1/8 4-11/16 5,200
7/8 7/8 1-3/16 1-1/8 5 4,000 7/8 1-1/4 3/4 2-3/8 5-1/4 7,200
1 1 1-3/8 1-1/4 5-11/16 5,000 1 1-7/16 7/8 3 6-3/8 10,000
1-1/4 1-1/16 1-1/2 1-1/2 6-29/32 5,000 1-1/4 1-13/16 1-1/8 3-9/16 7-3/4 15,200
1-1/2 1-5/16 1-3/4 1-7/8 8-11/32 7,500 1-1/2 2-1/8 1-1/4 4-1/8 8-5/8 21,400
1-3/4 2-3/8 1-1/2 4-11/16 10 28,000
Proof Load Twice Working Load Limit. 2 2-11/16 1-3/4 5-3/4 12-1/8 37,000
2-1/2 3-1/8 2 6-1/2 13-9/16 60,000
2-3/4 3-1/4 2-1/4 7 15 75,000

When Ordering Turnbuckles Be Sure To Specify:

1st – Diameter of thread
2nd – Length of take-up
3rd – Types of end fitting desired.

Also available in stainless steel.

Washington Chain & Supply 117



Jaw G G
Dimensions and strength
Jaw Dimensions in Inches Working
A B C D E F G H (Lbs.)
1/4 5/8 1/4 13/32 9/32 1/2 1-5/8 5/8 500
5/16 7/8 1/4 15/32 9/32 1/2 2 11/16 800
3/8 7/8 5/16 1/2 5/16 19/32 2-3/16 13/16 1,200
1/2 1-1/16 3/8 5/8 13/32 3/4 2-3/4 1 2,200
5/8 1-5/16 1/2 3/4 1/2 1-1/32 3-1/2 1-5/16 3,500
3/4 1-1/2 5/8 15/16 9/16 1-9/32 4-1/8 1-5/8 5,200
7/8 1-3/4 3/4 1-1/8 11/16 1-15/32 4-27/32 1-7/8 7,200
1 2-1/16 7/8 1-3/16 25/32 1-21/32 5-17/32 2-1/8 10,000
1-1/4 2-13/16 1-1/8 1-3/4 1 2-3/32 7-3/16 2-5/8 15,200
1-1/2 2-13/16 1-3/8 2-1/16 1-1/16 2-15/32 7-7/8 3-1/8 21,400
1-3/4 3-3/8 1-5/8 2-3/8 1-1/4 2-29/32 9-3/8 3-1/2 28,000
2 3-11/16 2 2-1/2 1-9/16 3-17/32 10-7/8 4-3/16 37,000
2-1/2 4-7/16 2-1/4 2-7/8 1-9/16 4-5/8 13-11/32 5-5/8 60,000
2-3/4 4-3/16 2-3/4 3-1/2 1-5/8 5-3/8 15 6-1/8 75,000

Stub End Turnbuckles Stub End

Dimensions in Inches
Dimensions and strength A R S T U W (Lbs.)
1/4 4 4-3/4 3/8 2-5/8 10 500
5/16 4-1/2 5-7/16 15/32 2-21/32 10-3/4 800
3/8 6 7-1/8 9/16 4-7/16 16 1,200
A A 1/2 6 7-1/2 3/4 4-1/4 16 2,200
5/8 6 7-7/8 15/16 4-1/16 16 3,500
3/4 6 8-1/4 1-1/8 4-3/8 17 5,200
U T R T U 7/8 6 8-5/8 1-5/16 4-11/16 18 7,200
W 1 6 9 1-1/2 5 19 10,000
1-1/8 6 9-1/8 1-9/16 4-15/16 19 12,400
1-1/4 6 9-1/8 1-9/16 5-7/16 20 15,200
1-3/8 6 9-3/4 1-7/8 5-3/8 20-1/2 18,000
1-1/2 6 9-3/4 1-7/8 5-3/8 20-1/2 21,400
1-5/8 6 10-3/8 2-3/16 5-5/16 21 25,000
Dimension “W” figured with stubs screwed
1-3/4 6 10-3/8 2-3/16 5-13/16 22 28,000
in as shown. To determine overall length
2 6 11 2-1/2 6 23 37,000
of longer takeup turnbuckles add the
2-1/2 6 13-1/2 3-3/4 6-1/4 26 60,000
difference in takeup.
2-3/4 24 31-1/2 3-3/4 6-1/2 44-1/2 75,000

118 Washington Chain & Supply

Load Binders

Standard Ratchet Binder

Min-Max Working
Chain Handle Barrel Load
Size Length Length Take-Up Size Limit Length
Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Pounds Inches
5/16 – 3/8 14 10 8 5/16 – 3/8 5,400 16
3/8 – 1/2 14 10 8 3/8 – 1/2 9,200 18-1/2
1/2 – 5/8 14 10 8 1/2 – 5/8 13,000 21
Upgrade for use with Grade 7 Transport Chain


Standard Load Binders

Min-Max Working Minimum
Chain Load Handle Ultimate Proof
Take-Up Size Limit Length Strength Load
Inches Inches Pounds Inches Pounds Pounds
4-1/2 5/16 – 3/8 5,400 16 19,000 10,800
4-1/2 3/8 – 1/2 9,200 18-1/2 33,000 18,400
4-3/4 1/2 – 5/8 13,000 21 46,000 26,000
Forged steel, quenched and tempered. Hooks are quenched and tempered.


Midget Load Binder

Working Min-Max Minimum
Handle Load Chain Weight Proof Weight Ultimate
Length Limit Take-Up Size Pounds Load Pounds Strength
Inches Pounds Inches Inches Each Pounds Each Pounds
11-1/4 1,450 2-1/2 3/16 – 1/4 2.4 2,900 6.2 5,100
Forged handle, hooks and swivel link. Steel swivels and clevis.

Note: Binders shown with Proof Load Pounds have been individually proof tested to these values shown prior to shipment.

Washington Chain & Supply 119

Crosby® Forged Anchor Shackles

• Working Load Limit permanently shown on Screw Pin G-209 S-209

every shackle. Screw pin anchor shackles meet the per-
formance requirements of Federal
• Forged – Quenched and Tempered, with Specification RR-C-271D Type IVA,
Grade A, Class 2, except for those pro-
alloy pins. visions required of the contractor.
• Capacities 1/3 thru 55 metric tons.
• Look for the Red Pin® . . . the mark of genuine
Crosby quality.
• Shackles can be furnished proof tested with
certificates to designated standards, such as Round Pin G-213 S-213
ABS, DNV, Lloyds, or other certification. Round pin anchor shackles meet the
Charges for proof testing and certification performance requirements of Federal
Specification RR-C-271D Type IVA,
available when requested at the time of order. Grade A, Class 1, except for those pro-
visions required of the contractor.
• Hot Dip galvanized or Self Colored.
• Fatigue rated.
Do Not Side Load
Round Pin Shackles

Anchor Shackles
Working* Nominal Dimensions (In.)
Load Shackle Diameter Tolerance Weight
Limit Size Inside Inside Width Outside Plus or Minus (Lbs.)
(Tons) (In.) Length at Pin at Bow Pin of Eye Length Width 213 209
1/3† 3/16 7/8 3/8 11/16 1/4 9/16 1/16 1/16 – .05
1/2 1/4 1-1/8 1/2 25/32 5/16 11/16 1/16 1/16 .13 .12
3/4 5/16 1-7/32 17/32 27/32 3/8 13/16 1/16 1/16 .17 .19
1 3/8 1-7/16 21/32 1-1/32 7/16 31/32 1/8 1/16 .25 .31
1-1/2 7/16 1-11/16 23/32 1-5/32 1/2 1-1/16 1/8 1/16 .38 .38
2 1/2 1-7/8 13/16 1-5/16 5/8 1-3/16 1/8 1/16 .70 .63
3-1/4 5/8 2-3/8 1-1/16 1-11/16 3/4 1-9/16 1/8 1/16 1.50 1.38
4-3/4 3/4 2-13/16 1-1/4 2 7/8 1-7/8 1/4 1/16 2.32 2.25
6-1/2 7/8 3-5/16 1-7/16 2-9/32 1 2-1/8 1/4 1/16 3.40 3.38
8-1/2 1 3-3/4 1-11/16 2-11/16 1-1/8 2-3/8 1/4 1/16 5.00 5.32
9-1/2 1-1/8 4-1/4 1-13/16 2-29/32 1-1/4 2-5/8 1/4 1/16 6.97 6.81
12 1-1/4 4-11/16 2-1/32 3-1/4 1-3/8 3 1/4 1/16 9.75 9.50
13-1/2 1-3/8 5-3/16 2-1/4 3-1/2 1-1/2 3-5/16 1/4 1/8 13.25 13.25
17 1-1/2 5-3/4 2-3/8 3-7/8 1-5/8 3-5/8 1/4 1/8 17.25 17.70
25 1-3/4 7 2-7/8 5 2 4-5/16 3/4 1/8 29.46 30.38
35 2 7-3/4 3-1/4 5-3/4 2-1/4 5 3/4 1/8 45.75 45.00
55† 2-1/2 10-1/2 4-1/8 7-1/4 2-3/4 6 3/4 1/4 – 85.75
*Working Load Limit for vertical in-line pull. † Furnished in screw pin only.
®Load Rated is a registered trademark of the Crosby Group, Inc.
®QT – Quench & Tempered is a registered trademark of the Crosby Group, Inc.

120 Washington Chain & Supply

Crosby® Forged Chain Shackles

• Working Load Limit permanently shown on Screw Pin G-210 S-210

every shackle. Screw pin chain shackles meet the perfor-
mance requirements of Federal Specifica-
• Forged – Quenched and Tempered, with alloy tion RR-C-271D, Type IVB, Grade A, Class
2, except for those provisions required of
pins. the contractor.
• Capacities 1/3 thru 55 metric tons.
• Look for the Red Pin® . . . the mark of
genuine Crosby quality.
• Shackles can be furnished proof tested with
certificates to designated standards, such as
Round Pin G-215 S-215
ABS, DNV, Lloyds, or other certification. Round pin chain shackles meet the perfor-
Charges for proof testing and certification mance requirements of Federal Specifica-
available when requested at the time of order. tion RR-C-271D Type IVB, Grade A, Class
1, except for those provisions required of
• Hot Dip galvanized or Self Colored. the contractor.

• Fatigue rated.
Do Not Side Load
Round Pin Shackles

Chain Shackles – Round Pin & Screw Pin

Working* Nominal Dimensions (In.)
Load Shackle Tolerance Diameter Weight
Limit Size Inside Inside Plus or Minus Outside (lbs.)
(Tons) (In.) Length Width Length Width Pin of Eye 210 215
1/2 1/4 7/8 15/32 1/16 1/16 5/16 11/16 .11 .10
3/4 5/16 1-1/32 17/32 1/16 1/16 3/8 13/16 .17 .18
1 3/8 1-1/4 21/32 1/8 1/16 7/16 31/32 .24 .25
1-1/2 7/16 1-7/16 23/32 1/8 1/16 1/2 1-1/16 .40 .38
2 1/2 1-5/8 13/16 1/8 1/16 5/8 1-3/16 .59 .50
3-1/4 5/8 2 1-1/16 1/8 1/16 3/4 1-9/16 1.21 1.21
4-3/4 3/4 2-3/8 1-1/4 1/4 1/16 7/8 1-7/8 2.25 2.00
6-1/2 7/8 2-13/16 1-7/16 1/4 1/16 1 2-1/8 3.16 3.28
8-1/2 1 3-3/16 1-11/16 1/4 1/16 1-1/8 2-3/8 4.75 4.75
9-1/2 1-1/8 3-9/16 1-13/16 1/4 1/16 1-1/4 2-5/8 6.75 6.30
12 1-1/4 3-15/16 2-1/32 1/4 1/8 1-3/8 3 9.06 9.00
13-1/2 1-3/8 4-3/8 2-1/4 1/4 1/8 1-1/2 3-5/16 11.63 12.00
17 1-1/2 4-13/16 2-3/8 1/4 1/8 1-5/8 3-5/8 15.95 16.15
25 1-3/4 5-3/4 2-7/8 3/4 1/8 2 4-1/8 26.75 29.96
35 2 6-3/4 3-1/4 3/4 1/8 2-1/4 5 42.31 43.25
55† 2-1/2 8 4-1/8 3/4 1/4 2-3/4 6 71.75 –
*Working Load Limit for vertical in-line pull.
† Furnished in screw pin only.

Washington Chain & Supply 121

Crosby® Bolt-Type Shackles

• Working Load Limit permanently shown on Bolt Type Anchor Shackle

every shackle. Capacities 1/3 thru 150 metric G-2130
• Forged – Quenched and Tempered, with alloy S-2130
Bolt Type Anchor shackles with thin
pins. head bolt – nut with cotter pin. Meets
• Look for the Red Pin®. . . the mark of genuine the performance requirements of Fed-
Crosby quality. eral Specification RR-C-271D Type IVA,
Grade A, Class 3, except for those pro-
• Shackles 55 metric tons and smaller can be visions required of the contractor.
furnished proof tested with certificates to
designated standards, such as ABS, DNV,
Lloyds, or other certification.
• Certification must be requested at time of Bolt Type Chain Shackle
• Shackles 85 metric tons and larger can be G-2150
provided as follows. S-2150
• Non Destructive Tested Bolt Type Chain shackles. Thin hex
head bolt – nut with cotter pin. Meets
• Serialized Pin and Bow the performance requirements of Fed-
• Material Certification (Chemical) eral Specification RR-C271D Type IVB,
Grade A, Class 3, except for those pro-
• Certification must be requested at time of visions required of the contractor.
• Hot Dip galvanized or Self Colored.
• Fatigue rated.
Bolt Type Anchor & Chain Shackles
Working Nominal Dimensions (In.)
Load Shackle Inside Diameter Tolerances Weight
Limit Size Inside Length Width Outside Plus or Minus (Lbs.)
(Tons) (In.) 2130 2150 at Pin Pin of Eye Length Width 2130 2150
2 1/2 1-7/8 1-5/8 13/16 5/8 1-3/16 1/8 1/16 .79 .75
3-1/4 5/8 2-3/8 2 1-1/16 3/4 1-9/16 1/8 1/16 1.68 1.47
4-3/4 3/4 2-13/16 2-3/8 1-1/4 7/8 1-7/8 1/4 1/16 2.72 2.52
6-1/2 7/8 3-5/16 2-13/16 1-7/16 1 2-1/8 1/4 1/16 3.95 3.85
8-1/2 1 3-3/4 3-3/16 1-11/16 1-1/8 2-3/8 1/4 1/16 5.66 5.55
9-1/2 1-1/8 4-1/4 3-9/16 1-13/16 1-1/4 2-5/8 1/4 1/16 8.27 7.60
12 1-1/4 4-11/16 3-15/16 2-1/32 1-3/8 3 1/4 1/16 11.71 10.81
13-1/2 1-3/8 5-3/16 4-3/8 2-1/4 1-1/2 3-5/16 1/4 1/8 15.38 13.75
17 1-1/2 5-3/4 4-13/16 2-3/8 1-5/8 3-5/8 1/4 1/8 20.80 18.50
25 1-3/4 7 5-3/4 2-7/8 2 4-1/8 3/4 1/8 33.91 31.40
35 2 7-3/4 6-3/4 3-1/4 2-1/4 5 3/4 1/8 52.25 46.75
55 2-1/2 10-1/2 8 4-1/8 2-3/4 6 3/4 1/4 98.25 85.00
85† 3 13 8-1/2 5 3-1/4 6-1/2 1/4 1/4 154.00 124.25
††120† 3-1/2 14-5/8 – 5-1/4 3-3/4 8 1/4 1/4 265.00 –
††150† 4 14-1/2 – 5-1/2 4-1/4 9 1/4 1/4 338.00 –
*Working Load Limit for vertical in-line pull. Note: Maximum Proof Load is 2.2 times the Working
† Individually proof tested with certification and furnished Load Limit or as designated. Minimum Ultimate
with round head bolts with welded handles. Load is 6 times the Working Load Limit.
†† Furnished in anchor style only. ®Red Pin is a registered trademark of the Crosby Group, Inc.
122 Washington Chain & Supply
Crosby® Screw Pin Anchor Shackle

• Working Load Limit permanently shown on • Shackles can be furnished proof tested with
every shackle. certificates to designated standards, such as
ABS, DNV, Lloyds, or other certification.
• Forged Alloy Steel – Quenched and Tempered,
Charges for proof testing and certification
with alloy pins.
available when requested at time of order.
• Capacities 2 thru 21 tons.
• Hot Dip Galvanized.

Nominal Load Weight
Size Limit* Each
(In.) (Tons) (Lbs.)
3/8 2.0 .31
7/16 2.6 .38
1/2 3.3 .63
5/8 5.0 1.38
3/4 7.0 2.25
7/8 9.5 3.61
1 12.5 5.32
1-1/8 15.0 7.25 G-209-A
Screw pin anchor shackles meet the performance requirements of Fed-
1-1/4 18.0 9.88
eral Specification RR-C-271D Type IVA, Grade B, Class 2, except for
1-3/8 21.0 13.25 those provisions required of the contractor.

Trawling Shackles
Available 3/8” to 2”
Same WLL as chain shackles on opposite page.

Working* Nominal Dimensions (in.)

Load Shackle Inside
Limit Size Inside Width
(tons) (in.) Length at Pin Pin
2 1/2 1-5/8 13/16 5/8
3-1/4 5/8 2 1-1/16 3/4
4-3/4 3/4 2-3/8 1-1/4 7/8
6-1/2 7/8 2-13/16 1-7/16 1 Trawling shackle with thin square head screw pin.
*Working Load Limit for vertical in-line pull.
NOTE: Ultimate load is 4 times the Working Load Limit.

Washington Chain & Supply 123

Crosby® Alloy Bolt-Type Shackles

• Shackles are Quenched and Tempered and Notice: All 2140 shackles 120 tons and larger
can meet DNV impact requirements of 42 are magnetic particle inspected. Certification
joules at -20˚C. available on special request.
• Working Load Limit is permanently shown on
every shackle.
• Alloy bows, Alloy bolts.
• Quenched and Tempered.
• All sizes are individually proof tested to 2.0
times the Working Load Limit.
• Shackles 200 metric tons and larger are
provided as follows.
• Non Destructive Tested
• Serialized Pin and Bow
• Material Certification (Chemical)
• Certification must be requested at time of G-2140 and S-2140
order. G-2140 meets the performance requirements of Federal Specification
RR-C-271D, Type IVA, Grade B, Class 3, except for those provisions re-
• Forged Alloy Steel 30 thru 175 metric tons. quired of the contractor.
Cast Alloy Steel 200 thru 400 metric tons.
• Pins are galvanized and painted red.

Nominal Available
Shackle Working Weight
Size Load Limit* G-2140 S-2140 Each
(In.) t Galv. S.C. (Lbs.)
1-1/2 30 x x 20.8
1-3/4 40 x x 33.9
2 55 x x 52.0
2-1/2 85 x x 96.0
3 120 x – 178.0
3-1/2 150† x – 265.0
4 175† x – 338.0
4-3/4** 200† x – 450.0
5** 250† x – 600.0
6** 300† x – 775.0
7** 400† x – 1,102.0
* Maximum proof load is 2.0 times the working load limit. Minimum ultimate load is 4 times the working load limit on
200 - 400 metric tons. For sizes 30 through 175 metric tons, minimum ultimate load is 5.4 times the working load limit.
** Cast Alloy Steel † Furnished with Round Head Bolts with welded handle.

124 Washington Chain & Supply

Wire Rope
Descriptions & Common Terms ................... 126
Tables ........................................................... 130
Slings & Bridles ........................................... 133

Wire Rope Attachments

Wire Rope Clips ........................................... 140
Fist Grip Clips .............................................. 144
Wedge Sockets ............................................ 146
Swage Sockets ............................................ 148
Spelter Sockets ............................................ 150
Marquip Towing Socket ................................ 152
Slip Through Thimbles ................................. 153
Solid Wire Rope Thimbles ............................ 153
Wire Rope Thimbles ..................................... 154
Extra Heavy Wire Rope Thimbles ................. 155
Sliding Hooks ...............................................156
Barrel Hooks ................................................156

Have Washington Chain custom fabricate and proof test to your specifications.
We carry a large inventory of domestic and import wire rope and fittings, and an ever-changing
mix of good used wire.

Washington Chain & Supply 125

Standard Wire Rope Abbreviations
PRF ............... preformed MPS .............. mild plow steel
NP ................. non-preformed PS .................. plow steel grade of wire
S .................... seale
IPS ................ improved plow steel
FW ................. filler wire
GIPS .............. galvanized improved plow steel
SFW ............... seale filler wire
FWS ............... filler wire seale DR ................. drawn galvanized improved plow steel
XIP ................ extra improved plow steel
RRL ...............right regular lay GXIP ............. galvanized extra improved plow steel
LRL ...............left regular lay DR/GXIP ..... drawn galvanized extra improved plow
RLL ...............right lang lay steel
LLL ...............left lang lay GAC .............. galvanized aircraft
AL1-1 ............ alternating lay of strands, 1 lang and SS .................. stainless steel wire
1 regular
GI .................. galvanized iron wire
AL2-1 ............ alternating lay of strands, 2 lang and
1 regular COM GI ........ galvanized common iron grade of wire,
for strand
TYPE OF CORE GI SZG .......... galvanized iron grade of wire for seizing
FC ................. fiber rope core; natural or synthetic fiber strand
IWRC ............ independent wire rope core
BRIGHT ....... wire without any coating, such as zinc
PPC ............... polypropylene rope core or tin
SC ................. strand cord
BRZ ............... bronze wire

How to Order Wire Rope Products

To insure that your order is filled accurately, according to your requirements, the following information
should be included for each item.
1. LENGTH ............................................. The length of each piece and the number of pieces required
should be specified
2. DIAMETER ......................................... Specify the exact diameter of rope required.
3. CONSTRUCTION .............................. It is necessary to state the required construction of the rope.
4. FINISH ................................................ When galvanized finish is required, it should be so stated. If no finish is
stated, bright, or ungalvanized, finish will be furnished,
5. GRADE ................................................ The grade of steel should be stated, i-e. Improved Plow Steel (IPS) or
Extra-improved Plow Steel (XIP).
6. PREFORMING .................................... The requirement of preformed or non-preformed rope must be specified.
7. LAY ...................................................... The direction and type of lay should be specified. If no lay is specified,
Right Regular Lay will be furnished.
8. CORE .................................................. Specify which type core is desired.
9. PURPOSE ............................................ It is desirable that you state the purpose or end use of the rope.
10. SPECIAL PROCESSING .................... Any special instructions not included in the above should be stated exactly.

126 Washington Chain & Supply

Wire Rope
Wire rope is a mechanical power-transmission
machine-made of a number of multi-wired strands
laid in a helix around a core of steel or fiber. Each WIRE STRAND
member of this machine, that is the wires, has a pre-
cision tolerance to allow the rope to operate.
The wires, used to construct the strands, derive their
physical properties from chosen metallurgy,
cold-metal working and heat-treatment, and greatly
influence the life span of the rope. CORE WIRE ROPE
In the formation of strands, any number of varia-
tions of wires and sizes can be conceived. However, WIRE ROPE LAY
with years of experience in rope designing, certain The helix or spiral of the wires and strands in a rope
number of wires and manner of forming them in is called the lay. Regular lay means the wires and
strands have been standardized. strands spiral in opposite directions; thus the wires
appear to run roughly parallel to the center line of
In rope formation, the strands are laid in a prefixed
the rope. Lang lay is the opposite; the wires and
helix around a core -which provides the support to
strands spiral in the same direction and seem to run
the strands. The strands could follow either a left- or
at a diagonal to the center line of the rope. If the
right-hand spiral and the direction of wires in the
strands rotate around the rope in a clockwise direc-
strand could be the same as that of the strand (LANG
tion (as the threads do in a right hand bolt), the
LAY) or opposite (REGULAR LAY),
rope is said to be right lay. When the strands rotate
in a counterclockwise direction (as the threads do
in a left hand bolt), the rope is left lay. Right regular
CORES lay is furnished for all rope applications unless oth-
Most wire ropes are supplied either with a fiber or a erwise specified.
steel core. The core is the foundation of a wire rope.
Its primary function is to support the wire strands of When a lay-length is used as a unit of measure, it
the rope, maintaining them in their correct relative refers to the lengthwise distance a single strand ex-
positions during the operating life of the rope. tends in making one complete turn around the rope.
Lay length is measured in a straight line parallel to
Fiber cores are ropes made from fibers formed into the center line of the rope, not by following the path
yarns, then into strands and finally into the finished of the strand. The appropriate time to replace a wire
core form. There are two general types of fiber: natu- rope in service is frequently determined by count-
ral vegetable material, such as sisal or cotton, and ing the number of broken wires in the length of one
synthetic filaments, such as polypropylene. rope lay.
Steel cores comprise an independent wire rope
(IWRC) or, in the case of small diameter ropes, a
wire strand core (WSC). These steel cores provide
more substantial support than fiber cores to the outer Right Lay—Regular Lay
strands during the rope’s operating life. Steel cores
resist crushing, are more resistant to heat, reduce
the amount of stretch, and increase the strength of
the rope. Left Lay—Regular Lay

Right Lay–Lang Lay

Washington Chain & Supply 127

Wire Rope


Rope diameter is specified by the user and is gener- Wire rope is manufactured to Federal Specification
ally given in the equipment manufacturer's instruc- RR-W-410, and to meet the requirements of Ameri-
tion manual accompanying the machine on which can Bureau of Shipping, Lloyd's Registry, American
the rope is to be used. Petroleum Institute, and others that may be appli-
Rope diameters are determined by measuring the
circle that just touches the extreme outer limits of Some special-purpose ropes are covered by other
the strands--that is, the greatest dimension that can specifications. Mining ropes follow the recom-
be measured with a pair of parallel-jawed calipers or mended specifications of the U.S. Bureau of Mines.
machinist's caliper square. A mistake could be made Elevator ropes, to meet conditions peculiar to the
by measuring the smaller dimension. operation of passenger and freight elevators, are
generally made to other, more restrictive specifica-
Specifications serve a useful purpose in establishing manu-
facturing limitations. However, they do not specify how good
a wire rope may be. They indicate the permissible minimum.


Wire rope is always made larger – never smaller –
than the nominal diameter. In standard practice,
the nominal diameter is the minimum diameter.
All tolerances are taken on the plus side. A rope is
RIGHT WAY WRONG WAY not termed oversize until its diameter exceeds the
Always measure the larger Do not measure the allowable maximum.
dimension, between the smaller dimension
outer limits of the across the "flats" of the Example: a 1-in. nominal-diameter wire rope may
strands. strands. vary between 1 in. and 1-3/64 in. in diameter.

6 x 26 Type A 6 x 25 filler wire Type W 6 x 21 filler Type U 6 x 21 Seale

with fiber core with I WRC with fiber core with fiber care

128 Washington Chain & Supply

Wire Rope Common Terms
AIRCRAFT CABLES – Strands and wire ropes made of special PREFORMED WIRE ROPE – Wire rope
strength wire originally used primarily for aircraft controls and in which the strands are permanently
miscellaneous uses of aircraft industry. No longer made to that shaped, before fabrication into the rope
specification. to the helical form they assume in the wire rope
CLOSED SOCKET – Wire rope and fitting consisting of basket REEL – The flanged spool on which wire rope or strand is wound
and bail made integral for storage or shipment
CONSTRUCTION – Design of wire rope including number of REGULAR LAY ROPE – Wire rope in which the wires in the
strands, number of wires per strand and arrangement of wires strands and the strands in the rope are laid in opposite direc-
in each strand tions
CORE – Member of a wire rope about which the strands are REVERSE LAY – Synonymous with “Alternate Lay”
laid. It may be fiber, a wire strand or an independent wire rope ROTARY LINES – The wire rope on a rotary drilling rig which
CORRUGATED – Term used to describe the grooves of a sheave raises and lowers the traveling block
or drum when worn so as to show the impression of a wire rope SOCKET – Type of wire rope fitting. See “Closed Sockets,” “Open
Sockets” and “Wedge Sockets”
DIAMETER – Distance measured across the center of a circle
circumscribing the wires of a strand or the strands of a wire rope STAINLESS STEEL ROPE – Wire rope made of chrome-nickle
steel wires having great resistance to corrosion
GALVANIZED ROPE – Rope made of galvanized wire
STRENGTH, NOMINAL – Published catalog strength which has
GRADES, ROPE – Classification of wire rope by its breaking been calculated and accepted by the wire rope industry follow-
strength. In order of increasing breaking strengths they are Iron, ing a set standard procedure. The wire rope manufacturer uses
Traction, Mild Plow Steel, Plow Steel, Improved Plow Steel, Ex- this strength as a minimum strength when designing the wire
tra Improved Plow Steel rope, and the user should consider this to be the strength when
GRADES, STRAND – Classification of strand by its breaking making his design calculations
strength. In order of increasing breaking strengths they are STRENGTH, ACCEPTANCE – Strength which is 2-1/2% lower
Common, Siemens Martin, High Strength and Extra-high than the nominal strength. This variance is used to offset pos-
Strength. A Utilities grade strand is also made to meet special sible variables which might exist when the test is made to deter-
requirement mine the breaking strength of a specific piece of wire rope.
INNER WIRES – All wires of a strand except surface or cover Its use originated with the basic government wire rope specifi-
wires cation
INTERNALLY LUBRICATED – Wire rope or strand having all STRENGTH, BREAKING – Load, applied through some type
wires coated with lubricant of tensile machine, that it takes to pull that piece of rope apart.
This is the load at which a tensile failure occurs in the piece of
IWRC – “Independent Wire Rope Core”
wire rope being tested
LANG LAY ROPE – Wire rope in which the wires in the strands
STRENGTH, AGGREGATE – Sum of the breaking strength in
in the rope are laid in the same direction
tension of all the wires of a wire rope when the wires are tested
LAY – Manner in which wires are helically laid into strands or individually
strands into rope THIMBLE – Grooved metal fitting to protect the eye of a wire
LEFT LAY – (a) Strand – Strand in which the cover wires are rope
laid in a helix having a left-hand pitch; (b) Rope – Rope in which WEDGE SOCKET – Wire rope fitting in which the rope is se-
the strands are laid in a helix having a left-hand pitch cured by a wedge
MOORING LINES – Galvanized wire rope, usually 6 x 12, 6 x 24 WIRE ROPE – A plurality of strands laid helically around an
or spring lay construction, for holding ships to dock axis or a core
OPEN SOCKET – Wire rope fitting consisting of a “basket” and
two “ears” with a pin
Fabricated from one or more wire ropes helically laid together
SUPER-FLEX SLINGS continuously through both eyes and sling body. Rope ends se-
Several wire ropes helically laid by machine form sling body of cured by hand-tucked splices. High flexibility, conform well to
3, 4, 5, 7 or 9 parts. Offer higher rated capacity than hand formed irregular loads, snug load tighter in choke hitch and easier to
slings. Flemish-type splices and mechanically pressed sleeves pull from under loads than mechanically spliced eyes.
form eyes, providing “centerline” pull. High flexibility. Every
sling proof tested. CABLE LAID SLINGS
These smooth, clean slings are made from a rope-like fabric
BRAIDED SLINGS formed by laying 6 wire ropes in a helical pattern around a core
One or more wire ropes are braided to provide wide bearing rope. Flemish splices secured by pressed sleeves provide
surface in the body. Very flexible and capable of bending in “centerline” pull at eyes. More flexible than same capacity
tight radius to “snug up tight” around loads. 5, 6 and 7-part slings single-part slings.
have flat bodies, 8-part is round.

Washington Chain & Supply 129

Wire Rope

Nominal Strengths and 6 x 26

Weights - 6 x 19 Class 6 x 19 6 x 21 6 x 25 Warrington
and 6 x 37 Class Seale Filler Wire Filler Wire Seale
Nominal Strength In Tons of 2000 Pounds
Diameter Diameter Extra Extra-Extra Approximate Weight
In In Improved Improved Per Foot In Pounds
Inches Millimeters Improved Plow Steel Plow Steel Plow Steel
Fiber Core IWRC IWRC IWRC Fiber Core IWRC
3/16 5 1.55 1.67 - .059 .065
1/4 6.3 2.74 2.94 3.40 .105 .116
5/16 8 4.26 4.58 5.27 .164 .18
3/8 9.5 6.10 6.56 7.55 8.3 .236 .26
7/16 11.1 8.27 8.89 10.2 11.2 .32 .35
1/2 12.7 10.7 11.5 13.3 14.6 .42 .46
9/16 14.3 13.5 14.5 16.8 18.5 .53 .59
5/8 15.9 16.7 17.9 20.6 22.7 .66 .72
3/4 19 23.8 25.6 29.4 32.4 .95 1.04
7/8 22.2 32.2 34.6 39.8 43.8 1.29 1.42
1 25.4 41.8 44.9 51.7 56.9 1.68 1.85
1-1/8 28.6 52.6 56.5 65.0 71.5 2.13 2.34
1-1/4 31.7 64.6 69.4 79.9 87.9 2.63 2.89
1-3/8 34.9 77.7 83.5 96. 106.0 3.18 3.50
1-1/2 38.1 92.0 98.9 114. 125.0 3.78 4.16
1-5/8 41.3 107.0 115. 132. 146.0 4.44 4.88
1-3/4 44.4 124.0 133. 153. 169.0 5.15 5.67
1-7/8 47.6 141.0 152. 174. 192.0 5.91 6.50
2 50.8 160.0 172. 198. 217.0 6.72 7.39
2-1/8 54 179.0 192. 221. 7.59 8.35
2-1/4 57.1 200.0 215. 247. 8.51 9.36
2-3/8 60.3 222.0 239. 274. 9.48 10.4
2-1/2 63.5 244.0 262. 302. 10.5 11.6
2-5/8 66.7 268.0 288. 331. 11.6 12.8
2-3/4 69.9 292.0 314. 361. 12.7 14.0
2-7/8 73 317.0 341. 393. 13.9 15.3
3 76.2 - 370. 425. - 16.6
3-1/8 79.4 - 399. 458. - 18.0
3-1/4 82.6 - 429. 492. - 19.5
3-3/8 85.7 - 459. 529. - 21.0
3-1/2 88.9 - 491. 564. - 22.6

(6 x 37
6 x 31 6 x 36 6 x 37 6 x 41 SFW 6 x 49 SWS
Warrington Warrington Operations Seale Seale
Seale Seale Filler Wire Warrington
130 Washington Chain & Supply
Galv. and Stainless Wire Rope
Galvanized Improved Plow Steel-Fiber Core 6 x 24
Approx. Nominal
Diameter Diameter in Wt/Ft Strength in Tons
Inches Millimeters in Lbs. of 2,000 Lbs.
3/8 9.5 .194 4.7
1/2 12.7 .35 8.40
9/16 14.3 .44 10.6
5/8 15.9 .54 13.0
3/4 19.0 .78 18.6
7/8 22.2 1.06 25.2
6 x 24 Galvanized Mooring Lines
1 25.4 1.38 32.8
1-1/8 28.6 1.75 41.2
1-1/4 31.7 2.16 50.7
1-3/8 34.9 2.61 61.0
1-1/2 38.1 3.11 72.3
1-5/8 41.3 3.64 84.5
1-3/4 44.4 4.23 97.5
1-7/8 47.6 4.85 111.
2 50.8 5.52 126.

6 x 19 6 x 37
Galv Galv

IN TONS OF 2,000 POUNDS Approximate
Diameter Diameter Galv Improved Plow Steel Weight Per
In In 6 x 19 6 x 37 Foot In Pounds
Inches Millimeters Fiber Fiber
1/4 6.3 2.47 2.65 2.40 2.50 .105 .116
5/16 7.9 3.83 4.12 3.74 3.90 .164 .180
3/8 9.5 5.49 5.90 5.36 5.58 .236 .260
7/16 11.1 7.44 8.00 7.26 7.57 .32 .35
1/2 12.7 9.63 10.30 9.45 9.90 .42 .46
9/16 14.3 12.10 13.00 11.90 12.50 .53 .59
5/8 15.9 15.00 16.10 14.60 15.30 .66 .72
3/4 19.0 21.40 23.00 21.00 21.90 .95 1.04
7/8 22.2 29.00 31.10 28.40 29.60 1.29 1.42
1 25.4 37.60 40.40 36.90 38.50 1.68 1.85
1-1/8 28.6 47.30 50.90 46.50 48.50 2.13 2.34
1-1/4 31.7 58.10 62.50 57.10 59.50 2.63 2.89
1-3/8 34.9 69.90 75.10 68.80 71.70 3.18 3.50
1-1/2 38.1 82.80 89.00 81.50 85.00 3.78 4.16
1-5/8 41.3 96.30 103.00 95.30 99.90 4.44 4.88
1-3/4 44.4 112.00 120.00 110.00 115.00 5.15 5.67
2 50.8 144.00 155.00 143.00 148.00 6.72 7.39

Washington Chain & Supply 131

Galv. and Stainless Wire Rope

7 x 19 Aircraft Cable Spring-Lay

Galvanized Or Stainless Steel Galvanized Fiber Core
Diameter Diameter Approximate Nominal Minimum
in in Weight Per Strength In Pounds Approx. Breaking
Inches Millimeters 100 Feet Diameter Weight Strength
In Pounds Galvanized Stainless Inches Per Foot Tons Of
Pounds 2,000 Lb.
1/16 1.6 .7 480 480
1/2 .22 4.47
3/32 2.5 1.7 1,000 920
9/16 .28 5.64
7/64 2.8 2.2 1,400 1,260
5/8 .34 6.95
1/8 3.2 2.9 2,000 1,760
3/4 .49 9.96
5/32 4.0 4.5 2,800 2,400
7/8 .63 13.5
3/16 4.8 6.5 4,200 3,700
1 .88 17.5
7/32 5.5 8.6 5,600 5,000
1-1/8 1.14 22.1
1/4 6.3 11.0 7,000 6,400
1-1/4 1.36 27.2
9/32 7.5 13.9 8,000 7,800
1-3/8 1.66 32.8
5/16 8.0 17.3 9,800 9,000
1-1/2 1.97 38.9
11/32 8.7 20.7 12,500 10,500
1-5/8 2.28 45.6
3/8 9.5 24.3 14,400 12,200
1-3/4 2.67 52.7
*7/16 11.1 35.6 16,000 16,300
1-7/8 3.09 60.3
*1/2 12.7 45.8 20,600 22,800
2 3.53 68.5
Note: 1/16 through 3/8 also available in 7 x 7
*6 x 19 IWRC 2-1/4 4.56 86.3
2-1/2 5.44 106.
Used in a variety of applications, these small ropes 2-3/4 6.65 127.
are fabricated to uniform size and quality. For ex-
ample, 1/16” 7x19 contains 133 separate wires, mak-
ing the wires approximately the diameter of a hu-
man hair—but still provides strength, bendablity, and
fatigue resistance.
These cables have been historically called “Aircraft” Spring-Lay is used for marine towing and mooring
cable—but since most applications do not require lines. High in strength—for strength equal to ma-
the special marking, lubrication and testing, a utility nila rope it only needs to be one-half the diameter,
cable is provided. and its weight is less than manila rope of equal

132 Washington Chain & Supply

Single Leg Wire Rope Slings
Single Part Slings
In the flemish eye mechanical splice, rope is sepa-
rated into two parts - 3 adjacent strands, and 3 adja-
cent strands and core. These are then re-laid back
in opposite directions to form an eye, and secured
with a pressed metal sleeve.


Bearing to
of Loops

W Basket Hitch
Choker Hitch
Length of Sling

Rate Capacities in Tons of 2,000 Pounds Loop

Basket Hitch Dimensions
Straight Choker Rope
Pull Hitch 30˚ 45˚ 60˚ Diameter W L
Inches Inches Inches
.56 .42 .97 .79 .56 1/4 2 4
.87 .65 1.5 1.2 .87 5/16 2-1/2 5
1.2 .93 2.1 1.8 1.2 3/8 3 6
1.7 1.3 2.9 2.4 1.7 7/16 3-1/2 7
2.2 1.6 3.8 3.1 2.2 1/2 4 8
2.7 2.1 4.8 3.9 2.7 9/16 4-1/2 9
3.4 2.5 5.9 4.8 3.4 5/8 5 10
4.9 3.6 8.4 6.9 4.9 3/4 6 12
6.6 4.9 11. 9.3 6.6 7/8 7 14
8.5 6.4 15. 12. 8.5 1 8 16
10. 7.8 18. 15. 10. 1-1/8 9 18

Washington Chain & Supply 133

Basket Hitch

6 x 19, 6 x 37 Type, I.P., IWRC

Eye Size Rated Capacity (Tons 2,000 Lbs.)*
Rope Size (In.) Recommended Straight Chocker Basket Hitch
(In.) W L Minimum Length Pull Hitch Vertical 30˚ 45˚ 60˚
1/4 3 6 1' 6" .56 .42 1.1 .97 .79 .56
5/16 3 6 1' 10" .87 .65 1.7 1.5 1.2 .87
3/8 3 6 1' 10" 1.2 .93 2.5 2.2 1.8 1.2
7/16 4 8 2' 4" 1.7 1.3 3.4 2.9 2.4 1.7
1/2 4 8 2' 6" 2.2 1.6 4.4 3.8 3.1 2.2
9/16 4 8 2' 8" 2.8 2.1 5.5 4.8 3.9 2.8
5/8 5 10 3' 2" 3.4 2.6 6.8 5.9 4.8 3.4
3/4 6 12 3' 8" 4.9 3.6 9.7 8.4 6.9 4.9
7/8 7 14 4' 4" 6.6 4.9 13.0 11.0 9.3 6.6
1 8 16 4' 10" 8.5 6.4 17.0 15.0 12.0 8.5
1-1/8 9 18 5' 6" 10.0 7.8 21.0 18.0 15.0 10.0
1-1/4 10 20 6' 2" 13.0 9.6 26.0 22.0 18.0 13.0
1-3/8 11 22 6' 10" 15.0 12.0 31.0 27.0 22.0 15.0
1-1/2 12 24 7' 4" 18.0 14.0 37.0 32.0 26.0 18.0
1-3/4 14 28 8' 6" 25.0 18.0 49.0 43.0 35.0 25.0
2 16 32 9' 10" 32.0 24.0 64.0 55.0 45.0 32.0
*Rated loads are based on a diameter of curvature of 20 times the individual rope diameter at points of sling contact with load.

134 Washington Chain & Supply

Two Legged Bridle
Rated Capacity for two-legged bridles whether used Alloy Master Link
as chokers or with hooks or other end fixtures, is
affected by rigging angles, the same as straight slings
in basket hitches. Note reduction in rated capacity
as legs spread to wider angles.

6 x 19, 6 x 37 Type, I.P., IWRC
Recommended Rated Capacity (Ton 2,000 Lbs.) Fittings
Rope Size Minimum Straight Hook Alloy Master
(In.) Length Pull 30˚ 45˚ 60˚ Size In Links
Tons Size
1/4 1' 6" 1.1 .97 .79 .56 .75 1/2
5/16 1' 8" 1.7 1.5 1.2 .87 1.0 5/8
3/8 1' 10" 2.5 2.2 1.8 1.2 1.5 3/4
7/16 2' 4" 3.4 2.9 2.4 1.7 2.0 7/16
1/2 2' 6" 4.4 3.8 3.1 2.2 2.5 1
9/16 2' 10" 5.5 4.8 3.9 2.8 3.0 1-1/4
5/8 3' 4" 6.8 5.9 4.8 3.4 4.0 1-1/4
3/4 3' 8" 9.7 8.4 6.9 4.9 5.0 1-1/4
7/8 4' 4" 13.0 11.0 9.3 6.6 7.5 1-1/2
1 5' 17.0 15.0 12.0 8.5 10.0 1-3/4
1-1/8 5' 10" 21.0 18.0 15.0 10.0 12.0 1-3/4
1-1/4 6' 6" 26.0 22.0 18.0 13.0 15.0 1-7/8
1-3/8 7' 31.0 27.0 22.0 15.0 20.0 2-1/8
1-1/2 7' 6" 37.0 32.0 26.0 18.0 20.0 2-1/4
1-3/4 9' 2" 49.0 43.0 35.0 25.0 25.0 2-1/2

Washington Chain & Supply 135

Three Legged Bridle
Alloy Pear Link

Single Part Body Slings

Multi-legged bridles – with two, three or four straight
legs – are offered with plain eyes, thimble eyes, open
or closed sockets, shackles and turnbuckles. If re-
quired, rings or alloy oblong links can be supplied
rather than the pear shaped links shown.
Rated capacities for 3 and 4 bridle slings are based
on equal leg slings with the sling angle being the

greatest angle measured between any two of the sling


6 x 19, 6 x 37 Type, I.P., IWRC

Recommended Rated Capacity (Ton 2,000 Lbs.) Fittings
Rope Size Minimum Straight Hook Alloy Pear
(In.) Length Pull 30˚ 45˚ 60˚ Size In Link
Tons Size
1/4 1' 6" 1.7 1.5 1.2 .84 .75 5/8
5/16 1' 8" 2.6 2.3 1.8 1.3 1.0 3/4
3/8 1' 10" 3.7 3.2 2.6 1.9 1.5 7/8
7/16 2' 4" 5.1 4.4 3.6 2.5 2.0 1
1/2 2' 6" 6.6 5.7 4.6 3.3 2.5 1-1/4
9/16 2' 10" 8.3 7.2 5.8 4.1 3.0 1-1/4
5/8 3' 4" 10.0 8.8 7.2 5.1 4.0 1-1/4
3/4 3' 8" 15.0 13.0 10.0 7.3 5.0 1-1/2
7/8 4' 4" 20.0 17.0 14.0 9.9 7.5 1-3/4
1 5' 26.0 22.0 18.0 13.0 10.0 1-3/4
1-1/8 5' 10" 31.0 27.0 22.0 16.0 12.0 2-1/8
1-1/4 6' 6" 39.0 33.0 27.0 19.0 15.0 2-1/2
1-3/8 7' 46.0 40.0 33.0 23.0 20.0 2-1/2 (2-3/4)*
1-1/2 7' 6" 55.0 48.0 39.0 27.0 20.0 2-3/4 (3)*
1-3/4 9' 2" 74.0 64.0 52.0 37.0 25.0 3 (3-1/4)*
*Links in parentheses are needed for adequate space when thimbles are used in the sling eyes at the link.

136 Washington Chain & Supply

Four Legged Bridle
Alloy Pear Link

6 x 19, 6 x 37 Type, I.P., IWRC
Recommended Rated Capacity (Ton 2,000 Lbs.) Fittings
Rope Size Minimum Straight Hook Alloy Pear
(In.) Length Pull 30˚ 45˚ 60˚ Size In Link
Tons Size
1/4 1’ 6” 2.2 1.9 1.6 1.1 .75 3/4
5/16 1’ 8” 3.5 3.0 2.5 1.7 1.0 7/8
3/8 1’ 10” 5.0 4.3 3.5 2.5 1.5 1
7/16 2’ 4” 6.8 5.8 4.8 3.4 2.0 1-1/4**
1/2 2’ 6” 8.7 7.6 6.2 4.4 2.5 1-1/4
9/16 2’ 10” 11.0 9.5 7.8 5.5 3.0 1-1/4 (1-3/8)
5/8 3’ 4” 14.0 12.0 9.6 6.8 4.0 1-1/2
3/4 3’ 8” 19.0 17.0 14.0 9.7 5.0 1-3/4
7/8 4’ 4” 26.0 23.0 19.0 13.0 7.5 1-7/16 (2)
1 5’ 34.0 30.0 24.0 17.0 10.0 2-1/8 (2-1/4)
1-1/8 5’ 10” 42.0 36.0 30.0 21.0 12.0 2-1/2 (2-1/2)
1-1/4 6’ 6” 51.0 44.0 36.0 26.0 15.0 2-3/4 (3)***
1-3/8 7’ 62.0 54.0 44.0 31.0 20.0 2-3/4 (3-1/4)
1-1/2 7’ 6” 73.0 63.0 52.0 37.0 20.0 3 (3-1/4)
* Links in parentheses are needed for adequate space when thimbles are used in the sling eyes at the link.
**If thimbles are used, use 1/2” thimbles. ***If thimbles are used, use 1-3/8” thimbles.

Washington Chain & Supply 137

Grommet Slings
6 x 19, 6 x 37

Rope Grommets
Rated Capacity (Ton 2,000 Lbs.)*
Size Straight Chocker Basket Hitch
(In.) Pull Hitch Vertical 30˚ 45˚ 60˚
1/4 .85 .64 1.7 1.5 1.2 .80
3/8 1.9 1.4 3.8 3.3 2.7 1.9
1/2 3.3 2.5 6.7 5.8 4.7 3.4
5/8 5.2 3.9 10.0 8.6 7.1 5.0
3/4 7.4 5.6 15.0 13.0 11.0 7.5
7/8 10.0 7.5 20.0 17.0 14.0 10.0
1 13.0 9.7 26.0 23.0 18.0 13.0
1-1/8 16.0 12.0 32.0 28.0 23.0 16.0
1-1/4 19.0 15.0 39.0 34.0 27.0 19.0
1-3/8 23.0 18.0 47.0 40.0 33.0 23.0
1-1/2 28.0 21.0 55.0 48.0 39.0 28.0

Cable Laid Grommets

Rated Capacity (Ton 2,000 Lbs.)*
Size Straight Chocker Basket Hitch
(In.) Pull Hitch Vertical 30˚ 45˚ 60˚
3/8 1.6 1.2 3.2 2.8 2.3 1.6
9/16 3.5 2.6 6.9 6.0 4.9 3.4
5/8 4.5 3.4 9.0 7.8 6.3 4.5
3/4 5.1 3.8 10.0 8.8 7.2 5.0
15/16 7.9 5.9 16.0 14.0 11.0 8.0
1-1/8 11.0 8.4 22.0 19.0 16.0 11.0
1-5/16 15.0 11.0 30.0 26.0 21.0 15.0
1-1/2 19.0 14.0 39.0 33.0 27.0 19.0
1-11/16 24.0 18.0 49.0 42.0 34.0 24.0
1-7/8 30.0 22.0 60.0 52.0 42.0 30.0
2-1/4 42.0 31.0 84.0 73.0 59.0 42.0
2-5/8 56.0 42.0 112.0 97.0 79.0 56.0
* Rated loads are based on a diameter of curvature of 5 times the individual rope diameter at points of sling contact with load.

138 Washington Chain & Supply

Fabrication Shop

Custom Fabrication

Special Rigging
All Work Tested and
Test Certificates
Available on Request


Grommet Slings

Washington Chain & Supply 139

Crosby® Clips 3. When three or more clips are required, space additional clips
WARNINGS AND APPLICATION equally between first two – take up rope slack – tighten nuts on
each U-Bolt evenly, alternating from one nut to the other until
INSTRUCTIONS reaching recommended torque.
G-450 SS-450 The preferred method of splicing two wire ropes together is
(Red-U-Bolt) (316 to use interlocking turnback eyes with thimbles, using the rec-
Stainless ommended number of
clips on each eye (See
Steel) Figure 1).
An alternate method is to Figure 1
use twice the number of

Failure to read, understand, and follow these instructions
clips as used for a
turnback termination.
The rope ends are placed
parallel to each other,
may cause death or serious injury. overlapping by twice the Figure 2
• Read and understand these instructions before using clips. turnback amount shown
in the application instructions. The minimum number of clips
• Match the same size clip to the same size wire rope. should be installed on each dead end (See Figure 2). Spacing,
• Prepare wire rope end termination only as instructed. installation torque, and other instructions still apply.
• Do not use with plastic coated wire rope. 5. IMPORTANT Apply first load to test the assembly. This load
should be of equal or greater weight than loads expected in use.
• Apply first load to test the assembly. This load should be Next, check and retighten nuts to recommended torque.
of equal or greater weight than loads expected in use. In accordance with good rigging and maintenance practices,
Next, check and retighten nuts to recommended torque. the wire rope end termination should be inspected periodically
(See Table 1, this page). for wear, abuse, and general adequacy.

Efficiency ratings for wire rope end terminations are based upon Table 1
the catalog breaking strength of wire rope. The efficiency rat- Clip Rope Minimum No. Amount of *Torque
ing of a properly prepared loop or thimble - eye termination for Size Size of Rope to Turn in
clip sizes 1/8" through 7/8" is 80%, and for sizes 1 “ through 3- (Inches) (inches) Clips Back in Inches Ft. Lbs.
1/2” is 90%. 1/8 1/8 2 3-1/4 4.5
The number of clips shown (see Table I ) is based upon using 3/16 3/16 2 3-3/4 7.5
RRL or RLL wire rope, 6 x 19 or 6 x 37 Class, FC or IWRC; IPS
or XIP. If Seale construction or similar large outer wire type 1/4 1/4 2 4-3/4 15
construction in the 6 x 19 Class is to be used for sizes 1 inch and 5/16 5/16 2 5-1/4 30
larger, add one additional clip. If a pulley (sheave) is used for
turning back the wire rope, add one additional clip. 3/8 3/8 2 6-1/2 45
The number of clips shown also applies to rotation - resistant 7/16 7/16 2 7 65
RRL wire rope, 8 x 19 Class, IPS, XIP, sizes 1-1/2 inch and smaller; 1/2 1/2 3 11-1/2 65
and to rotation- resistant RRL wire rope, 19 x 7 Class, IPS, XIP,
sizes 1-3/4 inch and smaller. 9/16 9/16 3 12 95
For other classes of wire rope not mentioned above, we recom- 5/8 5/8 3 12 95
mend contacting Washinton Chain or Crosby. 3/4 3/4 4 18 130
For elevator, personnel hoist, and scaffold applications, refer to 7/8 7/8 4 19 225
ANSI A17.1 and ANSI A10.4. These standards do not recom-
mend U-Bolt style wire rope clip terminations. The style wire 1 1 5 26 225
rope termination used for any application is the obligation of 1-1/8 1-1/8 6 34 225
the user.
For OSHA (Construction) applications, see OSHA 1926.251. 1-1/4 1-1/4 7 44 360
1-3/8 1-3/8 7 44 360
1-1/2 1-1/2 8 54 360
1. Refer to Table 1 in following these instructions. Turn back 1-5/8 1-5/8 8 58 430
specified amount of rope from thimble or loop. Apply first clip
one base width from dead end of rope. Apply U-Bolt over dead 1-3/4 1-3/4 8 61 590
end of wire rope - live end rests in saddle (Never saddle a dead 2 2 8 71 750
horse!). Tighten nuts evenly, alternate from one nut to the other
until reaching the recommended torque. 2-1/4 2-1/4 8 73 750
2-1/2 2-1/2 9 84 750
2-3/4 2-3/4 10 100 750
2. When two clips are required, apply the second clip as near 3 3 10 106 1200
the loop or thimble as possible. Tighten nuts evenly, alternating
until reaching the recommended torque. When more than two 3-1/2 3-1/2 12 149 1200
clips are required, apply the second clip as near the loop or If a pulley (sheave) is used for turning back the wire rope, add one additional clip.
thimble as possible, turn nuts on second clip firmly, but do not If a greater number of clips are used than shown in the table, the amount of turnback
tighten. Proceed to Step 3. should be increased proportionately.
*The tightening torque values shown are based upon the threads being clean, dry, and
free of lubrication.

140 Washington Chain & Supply

Crosby® The SS-450 “316”
Stainless Steel Wire Rope Clips
On Page 140

• Each base has a Product Identification Code

(PIC) for material traceability, the name
CROSBY or “CG”, and a size forged into it.
• Entire clip is made from 316 Stainless Steel to E
resist corrosive and rusting action.
• All components are Electro-Polished.
• All Clips are individually bagged or tagged with
proper application instructions and warning A
information. F


SS-450 H

Weight Dimensions
Rope Per 100 (In.)
Size (Lbs.) A B C D E F G H
1/8 6 .22 .72 .44 .47 .41 .38 .81 .94
3/16 10 .25 .97 .56 .59 .50 .44 .94 1.16
1/4 20 .31 1.03 .50 .75 .66 .56 1.19 1.44
3/8 47 .44 1.50 .75 1.00 .91 .75 1.63 1.94
1/2 77 .50 1.88 1.00 1.19 1.13 .88 1.91 2.28
5/8 106 .56 2.38 1.25 1.31 1.34 .94 2.06 2.50

Washington Chain & Supply 141

Forged Wire Rope Clips Crosby® Clips
• Each base has a Product Identification Code
(PIC) for material traceability, the name
CROSBY or “CG”, and a size forged into it.
• Sizes 1/8” through 2-1/2” have forged bases. E Look for the
• Entire Clip – Galvanized to resist corrosive and your assurance
rusting action. of Crosby Clips
• Only Genuine Crosby Clips have a Red U-BOLT
for instant recognition. A
• All Clips are individually bagged or tagged with F
proper application instructions and warning G
• Clip sizes up through 1-1/2” have rolled
Crosby Clips, all sizes 1/4” and larger, meet performance re-
quirements of Federal Specification FF-C-450 TYPE 1 CLASS 1, B
except for those provisions required of the contractor.


On Page 140

Weight Dimensions
Rope Per (In.)
Size 100
(In.) (Lbs.) A B C D E F G H
*1/8 6 .22 .72 .44 .47 .41 .38 .81 .94
*3/16 10 .25 .97 .56 .59 .50 .44 .94 1.16
1/4 19 .31 1.03 .50 .75 .66 .56 1.19 1.44
5/16 28 .38 1.38 .75 .88 .72 .69 1.31 1.69
3/8 48 .44 1.50 .75 1.00 .91 .75 1.63 1.94
7/16 78 .50 1.88 1.00 1.19 1.03 .88 1.81 2.28
1/2 80 .50 1.88 1.00 1.19 1.13 .88 1.91 2.28
9/16 109 .56 2.25 1.25 1.31 1.22 .94 2.06 2.50
5/8 110 .56 2.38 1.25 1.31 1.34 .94 2.06 2.50
3/4 142 .62 2.75 1.44 1.50 1.41 1.06 2.25 2.84
7/8 212 .75 3.12 1.62 1.75 1.59 1.25 2.44 3.16
1 252 .75 3.50 1.81 1.88 1.78 1.25 2.63 3.47
1-1/8 283 .75 3.88 2.00 2.00 1.91 1.25 2.81 3.59
1-1/4 438 .88 4.25 2.13 2.31 2.19 1.44 3.13 4.13
1-3/8 442 .88 4.63 2.31 2.38 2.31 1.44 3.13 4.19
1-1/2 544 .88 4.94 2.38 2.59 2.44 1.44 3.41 4.44
1-5/8 704 1.00 5.31 2.62 2.75 2.66 1.63 3.63 4.75
1-3/4 934 1.13 5.75 2.75 3.06 2.94 1.81 3.81 5.28
2 1,300 1.25 6.44 3.00 3.38 3.28 2.00 4.44 5.88
2-1/4 1,600 1.25 7.13 3.19 3.88 3.19 2.00 4.50 6.38
2-1/2 1,900 1.25 7.69 3.44 4.13 3.69 2.00 4.70 6.63
†2-3/4 2,300 1.25 8.31 3.56 4.38 4.88 2.00 5.00 6.88
3 3,100 1.50 9.19 3.88 4.75 4.69 2.38 5.88 7.63
†3-1/2 4,000 1.50 10.75 4.50 5.50 6.00 2.38 6.19 8.38
*Electro-plated U-Bolt and Nuts †2-3/4” and 3-1/2” base are made of cast steel.

142 Washington Chain & Supply


Washington Chain & Supply 143

Crosby® Fist Grip Clips Figure 3

3. When three or more clips are required, space additional clips

WARNINGS AND APPLICATION equally between first two – take up rope slack – tighten nuts on
each clip evenly, alternating from one nut to the other until
INSTRUCTIONS reaching recommended torque.
D Figure 4
4. If a pulley (sheave)
is used, in place of a Note: Tread Diameter = D
thimble add one addi-
tional Fist Grip. Fist D 60°
Grip spacing should
be as shown. 1 Clip 1 Clip
Base Base
G-429 Width Width


• Failure to read, understand, and follow these instructions
The preferred method of splicing two wire ropes together is
to use interlocking turnback eyes with thimbles, using the rec-
ommended number of clips on each eye (See Figure 5).
may cause death or serious injury. An alternate method is to use twice the number of clips as used
for a turnback termination. The rope ends are placed parallel
• Read and understand these instructions before using clips. to each other, overlap-
• Match the same size clip to the same size wire rope. ping by twice the turn-
back amount shown in
• Prepare wire rope end termination only as instructed. the application instruc- Figure 5
• Do not use with plastic coated wire rope. tions. The minimum
• Apply first load to test the assembly. This load should be number of clips should
be installed on each
of equal or greater weight than loads expected in use. dead end (See Figure
Next, check and retighten nuts to recommended torque. 6). Spacing, installation
(See Table 1, this page). torque, and other in-
structions still apply. Figure 6
Efficiency ratings for wire rope end terminations are based upon
the catalog breaking strength of wire rope. The efficiency 6. IMPORTANT Apply first load to test the assembly. This load
rating of a properly prepared loop or thimble - eye termination should be of equal or greater weight than loads expected in use.
for clip sizes 1/8" through 7/8" is 80%, and for sizes 1 “ through Next, check and retighten nuts to recommended torque.
3-1/2” is 90%. In accordance with good rigging and maintenance practices,
the wire rope end termination should be inspected periodically
The number of clips shown (see Table I ) is based upon using for wear, abuse, and general adequacy.
RRL or RLL wire rope, 6 x 19 or 6 x 37 Class, FC or IWRC; IPS
or XIP. If Seale construction or similar large outer wire type
construction in the 6 x 19 Class is to be used for sizes 1 inch and Table 1
larger, add one additional clip. If a pulley (sheave) is used for Clip Rope Minimum Amount of *Torque
turning back the wire rope, add one additional clip. Size Size No.of Rope to Turn in
(Inches) (inches) Clips Back in Inches Ft. Lbs.
The number of clips shown also applies to rotation - resistant
RRL wire rope, 8 x 19 Class, IPS, XIP, sizes 1-1/2 inch and smaller; 3/16 3/16 2 4 30
and to rotation-resistant RRL wire rope, 19 x 7 Class, IPS, XIP, 1/4 1/4 2 4 30
sizes 1-1/2 inch and smaller.
5/16 5/16 2 5 30
For other classes of wire rope not mentioned above, please
contact Washington Chain. 3/8 3/8 2 5-1/4 45
The style wire rope termination used for any application is the 7/16 7/16 2 6-1/2 65
obligation of the user. 1/2 1/2 3 11 65
For OSHA (Construction) applications, see OSHA 1926.251. 9/16 9/16 3 12-3/4 130
5/8 5/8 3 13-1/2 130
Figure 1
3/4 3/4 3 16 225
7/8 7/8 4 26 225
1. Refer to Table 1 in following these instructions. Turn back
specified amount of rope from thimble or loop. Apply first clip 1 1 5 37 225
one base width from dead end of rope. Tighten nuts evenly, 1-1/8 1-1/8 5 41 360
alternating from one nut to the other until reaching the recom- 1-1/4 1-1/4 6 55 360
mended torque.
1-3/8 1-3/8 6 62 500
Figure 2
1-1/2 1-1/2 7 78 500
2. When two clips are required, apply the second clip as near If a pulley (sheave) is used for turning back the wire rope, add one additional clip.
the loop or thimble as possible. Tighten nuts evenly, alternating See Figure 4.
until reaching the recommended torque. When more than two If a greater number of clips are used than shown in the table, the amount of turnback
clips are required, apply the second clip as near the loop or should be increased proportionately.
thimble as possible, turn nuts on second clip firmly, but do not *The tightening torque values shown are based upon the threads being clean, dry, and
tighten. Proceed to Step 3. free of lubrication.

144 Washington Chain & Supply

Fist Grip® Clips


G-429 D

• Bolts are an integral part of the saddle. Nuts

can be installed in such a way as to enable the
operator to swing the wrench in a full arc for
fast installation. G
• All sizes have forged steel saddles. A
• Entire clip is Galvanized to resist corrosive and
rusting action.
• All Clips are individually bagged or tagged with
proper application instructions and warning E
information. B
• Assembled with standard heavy hex nuts.
Fist Grip wire clips meet or exceed the performance require-
ments of Federal Specification FF-C-450 Type III, Class 1,
except for those provisions required of the contractor.


Weight Dimensions
Rope Per (In.)
Size 100 Approx.
(In.) (Lbs.) A B C D E G L M N
3/16 – 1/4 23 .25 1.25 .34 .94 .38 1.28 1.63 .69 1.47
5/16 28 .31 1.34 .44 1.06 .38 1.47 1.94 .69 1.56
3/8 40 .38 1.59 .50 1.06 .44 1.81 2.38 .75 1.88
7/16 – 1/2 62 .50 1.88 .56 1.25 .50 2.19 2.75 .88 2.19
9/16 – 5/8 103 .63 2.28 .69 1.50 .63 2.69 3.50 1.06 2.63
3/4 175 .75 2.69 .88 1.81 .75 2.94 3.75 1.25 3.06
7/8 225 .88 2.97 .97 2.13 .75 3.31 4.13 1.25 3.14
1 300 1.00 3.06 1.19 2.25 .75 3.72 4.63 1.25 3.53
1-1/8 400 1.13 3.44 1.28 2.38 .88 4.19 5.25 1.44 3.91
1-1/4 400 1.25 3.56 1.34 2.50 .88 4.25 5.25 1.44 4.03
1-3/8 – 1-1/2 700 1.50 4.13 1.56 3.00 1.00 5.56 7.00 1.63 4.66

®Fist Grip is a registered trademark of the Crosby Group, Inc.

Washington Chain & Supply 145

Crosby® Wedge Socket

• Loads may slip or fall if the Wedge Socket is not
INSTRUCTIONS properly installed.
• A falling load can seriously injure or kill.
• Read and understand these instructions before
S-421 installing the Wedge Socket.
US-422 • Do not interchange Crosby wedge socket, wedge or
pin with non Crosby wedge socket, wedge or pin.
• Apply first load to fully seat the Wedge and Wire Rope
in the socket. This load should be of equal or greater
weight than loads expected in use.
• Do not interchange wedges between S-421T and US-
422 or between sizes.
Important Safety Information -
Read and Follow
Inspection/Maintenance Safety
• Always inspect socket, wedge and pin before using.
• Do not use part showing cracks.
• Do not use modified or substitute parts.
• Repair minor nicks or gouges to socket or pin by Tail
lightly grinding until surfaces are smooth. Do not Length*
reduce original dimension more than 10%. Do not
repair by welding.
• Inspect permanent assemblies annually, or more
often in severe operating conditions.
• Do not mix and match wedges or pins between
models or sizes.
• Always select the proper wedge and socket for the RIGHT WRONG WRONG
wire rope size – see catalog for additional informa- *Tail Length
tion. Standard 6 to 8 strand wire rope
Assembly Safety A minimum of 6 rope diameters, but not
• Use only with standard 6 to 8 strand wire rope of less than 6”.
designated size. For intermediate size rope, use next
(i.e. - For 1” rope: Tail Length = 1 x 6 = 6”)
larger size socket. For example: When using 9/16”
diameter wire rope use a 5/8” size Wedge Socket Rotation Resistant Wire Rope
Assembly. Welding of the tail on standard wire rope
A minimum of 20 rope diameters, but no
is not recommended. The tail length of the dead
less than 6”.
end should be a minimum of 6 rope diameters but
not less than 6”. (i.e. - For 1” rope: Tail Length = 1 x 20 = 20”)
• Align live end of rope, with center line of pin. (See
Figure 1) Figure 1 Figure 2
• Secure dead end section of rope. (See Figure 1)
(See Figure 2)
• Apply first load to fully seat the Wedge and Wire
• Use a hammer to seat Wedge and Rope as deep into Rope in the socket. This load should be of equal or
socket as possible before applying first load. greater weight than loads expected in use.
• To use with Rotation Resistant wire rope (special • Efficiency rating of the Wedge Socket termination is
wire rope constructions with 8 or more outer based upon the catalog breaking strength of Wire
strands) ensure that the dead end is welded, brazed Rope. The efficiency of a properly assembled Wedge
or seized before inserting the wire rope into the Socket is 80%.
wedge socket to prevent core slippage or loss of rope
• During use, do not strike the dead end section with
lay. The tail length of the dead end should be a
any other elements of the rigging (Called two
minimum of 20 rope diameters but not less than 6”
(See Figure 1).

146 Washington Chain & Supply

Wedge Sockets
Crosby®’s “New & Improved” Wedge Socket

C S U.S. patent 5,553,360 and foreign equivalents.
• Individually magnetic particle inspected.
D • Pin diameter and jaw opening allows wedge and
socket to be used in conjunction with open swage
A T and spelter sockets.
K L • Secures the tail or “dead end” of the wire rope to the
UV wedge, thus eliminates loss or “Punch out” of the
• Eliminates the need for an extra piece of rope,
P and is easily installed.
• The TERMINATOR™ wedge eliminates the potential
J breaking off of the tail due to fatigue.
• The tail, which is secured by the base of the clip
S-421T S-421TW
Wire Rope Complete Assembly Wedge Only and the wedge, is left undeformed and available
Size Weight Each Weight Each for reuse.
(In.) (Lbs.)†† (Lbs.)
• Incorporates Crosby’s patented QUIC-CHECK®
3/8 3.18 .50 “Go” and “No-Go” feature cast into the wedge.
1/2 6.15 1.05 The proper size rope is determined when the
5/8 9.70 1.79 following criteria are met:
3/4 14.50 2.60 1. The wire rope should pass thru the “Go”
7/8 21.50 4.02 hole in the wedge.
1 30.75 5.37 2. The wire rope should NOT pass thru the
1-1/8 45.30 7.84 “No-Go” hole in the wedge.
**1-1/4 57.50 6.81 • Utilizes standard Crosby Red-U-Bolt wire rope clip
*Terminator Assembly includes Socket, Wedge, Pin, and • Generates a minimum efficiency of 80% based on
Wire Rope Clip. the catalog breaking strength of the wire rope.
**1-1/4" not available in TERMINATOR™ style. • Standard S-421 wedge socket can be retrofitted with
Wedge Socket meets the performance requirements of Federal the new style TERMINATOR™ wedge.
Specification RR-S-550D Type C, except those provisions re-
quired of the contractor. • Available with Bolt, Nut, and Cotter Pin.

Wire Dimensions
Rope (In.)
(in.) A B C D G H J† K† L P R S T U V
3/8 5.63 2.66 .81 .81 1.38 3.12 7.38 1.60 .88 1.56 .44 2.13 .44 1.25 1.38
1/2 6.81 3.53 1.00 1.00 1.62 3.85 8.75 1.21 1.06 1.94 .50 2.56 .53 1.75 1.88
5/8 8.16 4.25 1.25 1.19 2.12 4.58 10.34 1.64 1.22 2.25 .56 3.25 .69 2.00 2.19
3/4 9.78 4.96 1.50 1.38 2.44 5.37 12.03 2.17 1.40 2.62 .66 3.63 .78 2.34 2.56
7/8 11.16 5.66 1.75 1.63 2.69 6.28 14.00 2.22 1.66 3.12 .75 4.31 .88 2.69 2.94
1 12.75 6.31 2.00 2.00 2.94 7.02 15.86 2.71 2.00 3.75 .88 4.70 1.03 2.88 3.28
1-1/8 14.38 6.94 2.25 2.25 3.31 7.76 17.70 2.50 2.25 4.25 1.00 5.44 1.10 3.25 3.56
1-1/4 16.00 7.53 2.50 2.50 3.56 N/A N/A 3.39 2.50 4.75 1.12 6.13 1.31 3.38 3.81
††For intermediate wire rope sizes use next larger size socket.
®Quic-Check is a registered trademark of the Crosby Group, Inc.
Washington Chain & Supply 147
Crosby® Open Swage Sockets
S-501 Open Socket Specifications

Forged from quality carbon steel, suitable for cold Swage sockets incorporate a reduced machined area
forming. of the shank which is equivalent to the proper after
Swage dimension. Before swaging, this provides for
Hardness controlled by spheroidize annealing.
an obvious visual difference in the shank diameter.
S-502 Swage Sockets are recommended for use with After swaging, a uniform shank diameter is created
6 x 19 or 6 x 37, IPS or XIP (EIP), XXIP (EEIP), allowing for a QUIC CHECK® and permanent visual
RRL or IWRC wire rope. inspection opportunity. This does not eliminate the
Swage Socket terminations have an efficiency rating need to perform standard production inspections
of 100% based on the catalog strength of wire rope. which include gauging for the proper after swage
dimensions or proof loading.



M In accordance with ANSI B30.9, all slings terminated
with swage sockets shall be proof loaded.*
Before Swage Dimensions Max.
Rope Weight Swage
Size Each Dim.
(In.) (Lbs.) A B C D E F H L M N (In.)
1/4 .52 4.81 .50 1.38 .69 .27 2.13 .69 4.00 .38 1.50 .46
5/16 1.12 6.25 .77 1.62 .81 .34 3.19 .81 5.31 .47 1.75 .71
3/8 1.30 6.25 .77 1.62 .81 .41 3.19 .81 5.31 .47 1.75 .71
7/16 2.08 7.81 .98 2.00 1.00 .48 4.25 1.00 6.69 .56 2.00 .91
1/2 2.08 7.81 .98 2.00 1.00 .55 4.25 1.00 6.69 .56 2.00 .91
9/16 4.51 9.50 1.25 2.38 1.19 .61 5.31 1.25 8.13 .68 2.25 1.16
5/8 4.67 9.50 1.25 2.38 1.19 .67 5.31 1.25 8.13 .68 2.25 1.16
3/4 7.97 11.56 1.55 2.75 1.38 .80 6.38 1.50 10.00 .78 2.75 1.42
7/8 11.52 13.41 1.70 3.13 1.62 .94 7.44 1.75 11.63 .94 3.25 1.55
1 17.80 15.47 1.98 3.69 2.00 1.06 8.50 2.00 13.38 1.06 3.75 1.80
1-1/8 25.25 17.31 2.25 4.06 2.25 1.19 9.56 2.25 15.00 1.19 4.25 2.05
1-1/4 35.56 19.02 2.53 4.50 2.50 1.33 10.63 2.50 16.50 1.22 4.75 2.30
1-3/8 43.75 20.94 2.80 5.00 2.50 1.45 11.69 2.50 18.13 1.38 5.25 2.56
1-1/2 58.50 22.88 3.08 5.50 2.75 1.58 12.75 3.00 19.75 1.69 5.75 2.81
1-3/4 88.75 26.63 3.39 6.69 3.50 1.86 14.88 3.50 23.00 2.11 6.75 3.06
2 146.25 31.44 3.94 8.00 3.75 2.11 17.00 4.00 26.88 2.37 8.00 3.56
*Maximum Proof Load shall not exceed 40% of XXIP rope catalog breaking strength.

148 Washington Chain & Supply

Crosby® Closed Swage Sockets
S-502 Closed Socket Specifications

Forged from quality carbon steel, suitable for cold Swage sockets incorporate a reduced machined area
forming. of the shank which is equivalent to the proper after
Swage dimension. Before swaging, this provides for
Hardness controlled by spheroidize annealing.
an obvious visual difference in the shank diameter.
S-501 Swage Sockets are recommended for use with After swaging, a uniform shank diameter is created
6 x 19 or 6 x 37, IPS or XIP (EIP), XXIP (EEIP), allowing for a QUIC CHECK® and permanent visual
RRL or IWRC wire rope. inspection opportunity. This does not eliminate the
Swage Socket terminations have an efficiency rating need to perform standard production inspections
of 100% based on the catalog strength of wire rope. which include gauging for the proper after swage
dimensions or proof loading.



In accordance with ANSI B30.9, all slings terminated
with swage sockets shall be proof loaded.*

Before Swage Dimensions Max.

Rope Weight Swage
Size Each Dim.
(In.) (Lbs.) A B C D E F H L (In.)
1/4 .33 4.31 .50 1.38 .75 .27 2.12 .50 3.50 .46
5/16 .75 5.44 .77 1.62 .88 .34 3.19 .67 4.50 .71
3/8 .72 5.44 .77 1.62 .88 .41 3.19 .67 4.50 .71
7/16 1.42 6.91 .98 2.00 1.06 .48 4.25 .86 5.75 .91
1/2 1.42 6.91 .98 2.00 1.06 .55 4.25 .86 5.75 .91
9/16 2.92 8.66 1.25 2.38 1.25 .61 5.31 1.13 7.25 1.16
5/8 2.85 8.66 1.25 2.38 1.25 .67 5.31 1.13 7.25 1.16
3/4 5.00 10.28 1.55 2.88 1.44 .80 6.38 1.31 8.63 1.42
7/8 6.80 11.94 1.70 3.12 1.69 .94 7.44 1.50 10.13 1.55
1 10.40 13.56 1.98 3.63 2.06 1.06 8.50 1.75 11.50 1.80
1-1/8 14.82 15.03 2.25 4.00 2.31 1.19 9.56 2.00 12.75 2.05
1-1/4 21.57 16.94 2.53 4.50 2.56 1.33 10.63 2.25 14.38 2.30
1-3/8 28.54 18.63 2.80 5.00 2.56 1.45 11.69 2.25 15.75 2.56
1-1/2 38.06 20.12 3.08 5.50 2.81 1.58 12.75 2.50 17.00 2.81
1-3/4 51.00 23.56 3.39 6.25 3.56 1.86 14.88 3.00 20.00 3.06
2 89.25 27.62 3.94 7.25 3.81 2.11 17.00 3.25 23.00 3.56
*Maximum Proof Load shall not exceed 40% of XXIP rope catalog breaking strength.

Washington Chain & Supply 149

Crosby® Grooved Open Spelter Sockets



• Forged Steel Sockets thru 1-1/2”, cast alloy steel
1-5/8” thru 4”. A

• Spelter socket terminations have an efficiency

rating of 100%, based on the catalog strength J
of wire rope. Ratings are based on recom-
mended use with 6 x 7, 6 x 19 or 6 x 37, IPS or
wire rope.
Note: The drawing illustrates one groove used on sock- H
ets 1/4” thru 3/4”. Sizes 7/8” thru 1-1/2” use two
grooves. Sizes 1-5/8” and larger use three grooves. Notice: All cast steel sockets 1-5/8” and larger are
Open Grooved Sockets meet the performance requirements magnetic particle inspected and ultrasonic in-
of Federal Specification RR-S-550D, Type A, except for those spected. Proof testing available on special order.
provisions required of the contractor.
Rope Structural Weight (In.)
Dia. Strand Dia. Each
(In.) (In.) (Lbs.) A C D F G H J L M N
1/4 – 1.10 4.56 .91 .69 .38 .69 1.56 2.25 1.56 1.31 .36
5-16 – 3/8 – 1.30 4.84 .81 .81 .50 .81 1.69 2.25 1.75 1.50 .44
7/16 – 1/2 – 2.25 5.56 1.00 1.00 .56 .94 1.88 2.50 2.00 1.88 .50
9/16 – 5/8 1/2 3.60 6.75 1.25 1.19 .69 1.13 2.25 3.00 2.50 2.25 .56
3/4 9/16 – 5/8 5.83 7.94 1.50 1.38 .81 1.25 2.62 3.50 3.00 2.62 .62
7/8 11/16 – 3/4 9.65 9.25 1.75 1.63 .94 1.50 3.25 4.00 3.50 3.13 .80
1 13/16 – 7/8 15.50 10.58 2.00 2.00 1.13 1.75 3.75 4.50 4.00 3.75 .88
1-1/8 15/16 – 1 21.50 11.81 2.25 2.25 1.25 2.00 4.12 5.00 4.62 4.12 1.00
1-1/4 – 1-3/8 1-1/16 – 1-1/8 31.00 13.19 2.50 2.50 1.50 2.25 4.75 5.50 5.00 4.75 1.13
1-1/2 1-13/16 – 1-1/4 47.25 15.12 3.00 2.75 1.63 2.75 5.25 6.00 6.00 5.38 1.19
† 1-5/8 1-5/16 – 1-3/8 55.00 16.25 3.00 3.00 1.75 3.00 5.50 6.50 6.50 5.75 1.31
† 1-3/4 – 1-7/8 1-7/16 – 1-5/8 82.00 18.25 3.50 3.50 2.00 3.13 6.38 7.50 7.00 6.50 1.56
† 2 – 2-1/8 1-11/16 – 1-3/4 129.00 21.50 4.00 3.75 2.25 3.75 7.38 8.50 9.00 7.00 1.81
† 2-1/4 – 2-3/8 1-13/16 – 1-7/8 167.00 23.50 4.50 4.25 2.50 4.00 8.25 9.00 10.00 7.75 2.13
† 2-1/2 – 2-5/8 1-15/16 – 2-1/8 252.00 25.50 5.00 4.75 2.88 4.50 9.25 9.75 10.75 8.50 2.38
† 2-3/4 – 2-7/8 2-3/16 – 2-7/16 315.00 27.25 5.25 5.00 3.12 4.88 10.50 11.00 11.00 9.00 2.88
† 3 – 3-1/8 2-1/2 – 2-5/8 380.00 29.00 5.75 5.25 3.38 5.25 11.12 12.00 11.25 9.50 3.00
† 3-1/4 – 3-3/8 2-3/4 – 2-7/8 434.00 30.88 6.25 5.50 3.62 5.75 11.88 13.00 11.75 10.00 3.12
† 3-1/2 – 3-5/8 3 – 3-1/8 563.00 33.25 6.75 6.00 3.88 6.50 12.38 14.00 12.50 10.75 3.25
† 3-3/4 – 4 – 783.00 36.25 7.50 7.00 4.25 7.25 13.62 15.00 13.50 12.50 3.50
† Cast Alloy Steel

150 Washington Chain & Supply

Crosby® Grooved Closed Spelter Sockets


G-417 L

• Forged Steel Sockets thru 1-1/2”, cast alloy steel A

1-5/8” thru 4”.
• Spelter socket terminations have an efficiency J
rating of 100%, based on the catalog strength of
wire rope. Ratings are based on recommended
use with 6 x 7, 6 x 19 or 6 x 37, IPS or XIP (EIP),
XXIP (EEIP), RRL, FC, or IWRC wire rope. F G

Note: The drawing illustrates one groove used on sockets 1/4” H

thru 3/4”. Sizes 7/8” thru 1-1/2” use 2 grooves. Sizes 1-5/8”
and larger use 3 grooves.
Notice: All cast steel sockets 1-5/8” and larger are
Closed Grooved Sockets meet the performance requirements magnetic particle inspected and ultrasonic in-
of Federal Specification RR-S-550D, Type B, except for those spected. Proof testing available on special order.
provisions required of the contractor.

Structural Dimensions
Rope Strand Weight (In.)
Dia. Dia. Each
(In.) (In.) (Lbs.) A B C D F G H J K L
1/4 – .50 4.50 .50 1.50 .88 .38 .69 1.56 2.25 .50 1.75
5/16 – 3/8 – .75 4.88 .62 1.69 .97 .50 .81 1.69 2.25 .69 2.00
7/16 – 1/2 – 1.50 5.44 .69 2.00 1.16 .56 .94 1.88 2.50 .88 2.25
9/16 – 5/8 1/2 2.50 6.31 .81 2.63 1.41 .69 1.12 2.38 3.00 1.00 2.50
3/4 9/16 – 5/8 4.25 7.56 1.06 3.00 1.66 .81 1.25 2.75 3.56 1.25 3.00
7/8 11/16 – 3/4 7.25 8.75 1.25 3.63 1.88 .94 1.50 3.25 4.00 1.50 3.50
1 13/16 – 7/8 10.50 9.88 1.38 4.13 2.30 1.13 1.75 3.75 4.44 1.75 4.00
1-1/8 15/16 – 1 14.25 11.00 1.50 4.50 2.56 1.25 2.00 4.13 5.00 2.00 4.50
1-1/4 – 1-3/8 1-1/16 – 1-1/8 19.75 12.12 1.63 5.30 2.81 1.50 2.25 4.75 5.50 2.25 5.00
1-1/2 1-3/16 – 1-1/4 29.20 13.94 1.94 5.33 3.19 1.63 2.75 5.25 6.00 2.50 6.00
† 1-5/8 1-5/16 – 1-3/8 36.00 15.13 2.13 5.75 3.25 1.75 3.00 5.50 6.50 2.75 6.50
† 1-3/4 – 1-7/8 1-7/16 – 1-5/8 57.25 17.25 2.19 6.75 3.75 2.00 3.13 6.38 7.50 3.00 7.56
† 2 – 2-1/8 1-11/16 – 1-3/4 79.00 19.50 2.44 7.63 4.38 2.25 3.75 7.38 8.50 3.25 8.56
† 2-1/4 – 2-3/8 1-13/16 – 1-7/8 105.00 21.13 2.63 8.50 5.00 2.50 4.00 8.25 9.00 3.63 9.50
† 2-1/2 – 2-5/8 1-15/16 – 2-1/8 140.00 23.50 3.12 9.50 5.50 2.88 4.50 9.25 9.75 4.00 10.62
† 2-3/4 – 2-7/8 2-3/16 – 2-7/16 220.00 25.38 3.12 10.75 6.25 3.12 4.88 10.19 11.00 4.88 11.25
† 3 – 3-1/8 2-1/2 – 2-5/8 276.00 27.00 3.25 11.50 6.75 3.38 5.25 11.50 12.00 5.25 11.75
† 3-1/4 – 3-3/8 2-3/4 – 2-7/8 313.00 29.25 4.00 12.25 7.25 3.62 5.75 12.25 13.00 5.75 12.25
† 3-1/2 – 3-5/8 3 – 3-1/8 400.00 31.00 4.00 13.00 7.75 3.88 6.50 13.00 14.00 6.25 13.00
† 3-3/4 – 4 – 542.00 33.25 4.25 14.25 8.50 4.25 7.25 14.25 15.00 7.00 14.00
† Cast Alloy Steel

Washington Chain & Supply 151

Towing Socket
(Marine Equipment)
Cast Alloy Steel Round-To-Round Special Towing Socket
• 40% more material in critical stress and wear areas.
• Smooth round-to-round fit; eliminates excessive wear at points of contact.

Another Sure Link in Marquip’s Marine Line

MARQUIP round-to-round special towing sockets are Made from 4140 extra-high-strength alloy steel,
designed to eliminate excessive wear at contact MARQUIP towing sockets are heat-treated, magnetic
points. They provide superior safety and longer ser- particle inspected, and pull-test rated to exceed the
vice under heavy tows using 2" to 2-1/8" cable. They breaking strength of E.I.P. wire.
can also be modified to accept 2-1/4" extra-improved
Not pictured is our Marquip Heavy Duty Tow Socket
plow steel wire rope, with no reduction in reliability.
which features a radiused bale. Wt. 135 pounds.

Special Towing Socket Specifications

9” 2-1/2” 4-1/4”
Material: Cast 4140 alloy steel, heat
Size: Accepts 2", 2-1/8", 9” SIDE VIEW
and 2-1/4" wire rope
Dimensions: 20-1/2" x 9" x 6-1/2"
Weight: 113 pounds 2” 4” 6-1/2” 2-3/8”

Capacity: Exceeds E.I.P wire capacity


152 Washington Chain & Supply

Slip Through Wire Rope Thimbles

Slip Through
For choker sling use. Welded ends to prevent distor-
B tion. Deep scored to hold rope strands firmly in
A place.

Rope Dimensions (inches) Wt.

Dia. Each
8 Part A B C D E F G H Lbs.
1/8 5.69 4.63 3.31 2.00 .69 .44 .13 .53 .67
3/16 7.00 5.75 4.19 2.50 .88 .63 .13 .72 .94
1/4 9.81 8.00 5.75 3.38 1.19 .81 .19 1.00 3.00
5/16 12.00 9.88 7.00 4.25 1.56 1.06 .25 1.13 5.67
3/8 13.63 11.25 7.88 4.75 1.75 1.25 .25 1.31 7.30

Crosby® Solid Wire Rope Thimbles

Fits open wire rope socket, boom pendant clevis, as
well as wedge socket. Graphitic steel in smaller sizes.
Larger sizes cast steel.

Sizes 1/2 through 3/4 cast ductile iron.

S-412 G
H Sizes 7/8 and larger cast steel.

Dimensions (inches)
Rope Each
Dia. A B C D E F G H J K L Lbs.
1/2 2.81 1.75 .25 1.06 .75 .56 .28 .88 2.13 1.63 1.56 .61
5/8 4.69 3.00 .38 1.31 1.06 .81 .41 1.13 3.38 2.25 2.56 2.25
3/4 4.69 3.00 .38 1.50 1.06 .81 .41 1.38 3.38 2.25 2.56 2.32
7/8 6.06 3.81 .50 1.75 1.38 1.06 .53 1.63 4.50 3.25 3.44 5.45
1 6.06 3.81 .50 2.13 1.38 1.06 .53 1.81 4.50 3.25 3.44 5.25
1-1/8 7.25 4.56 .63 2.38 1.75 1.31 .66 2.06 5.38 3.88 4.06 9.29
1-1/4 - 1-3/8 7.25 4.56 .63 2.63 1.94 1.53 .78 2.31 5.38 3.88 4.13 9.81

Washington Chain & Supply 153

Crosby® Standard Wire Rope Thimbles


• The standard choice for light duty applications
and loading conditions.
• Hot Dip galvanized Steel.
G-411 meets the performance requirements of Fed- B G F
eral Specification FF-T-276b Type II, except for those
provisions required of the contractor. A E

Rope Weight Dimensions (In.)

Dia. Per 100
(In.) (Lbs.) A B C D E F G H
1/8 3.50 1.94 1.31 1.06 .69 .25 .16 .05 .13
3/16 3.50 1.94 1.31 1.06 .69 .31 .22 .05 .13
1/4 3.50 1.94 1.31 1.06 .69 .38 .28 .05 .13
5/16 4.00 2.13 1.50 1.25 .81 .44 .34 .05 .13
3/8 6.70 2.38 1.63 1.47 .94 .53 .41 .06 .16
1/2 12.50 2.75 1.88 1.75 1.13 .69 .53 .08 .19
5/8 34.50 3.50 2.25 2.38 1.38 .91 .66 .13 .34
3/4 47.10 3.75 2.50 2.69 1.63 1.08 .78 .14 .34
7/8 84.60 5.00 3.50 3.19 1.88 1.27 .94 .16 .44
1 97.50 5.69 4.25 3.75 2.50 1.39 1.06 .16 .41
1-1/8–1-1/4 175.00 6.25 4.50 4.31 2.75 1.75 1.31 .22 .50
1-1/2 325.00 7.50 5.00 5.38 3.25 2.06 1.56 .25 .75
1-3/4 583.25 10.75 7.25 7.25 4.25 2.38 1.88 .25 1.19
2 583.25 10.75 7.25 7.25 4.25 2.63 2.13 .25 1.19

154 Washington Chain & Supply

Crosby® Extra Heavy Wire Rope Thimbles

G-414 and SS-414

• Greater protection against wear and deforma-

tion of the wire rope eye.
• Longer service life. D
• Available in Hot Dip galvanized or Stainless C
• Stainless steel recommended for more corrosive
environments where greater protection is
required. B
G-414 meets the performance requirements of Fed- H
eral Specification FF-T-276b Type III, except for those A
provisions required of the contractor.

Rope Weight Dimensions (In.)

Dia. Per 100
(In.) (Lbs.) A B C D E F G H
*1/4 6.50 2.19 1.63 1.50 .88 .41 .28 .06 .23
*5/16 11.80 2.50 1.88 1.81 1.06 .50 .34 .08 .28
*3/8 21.60 2.88 2.13 2.13 1.13 .63 .41 .11 .34
7/16 34.70 3.25 2.38 2.38 1.25 .72 .47 .13 .38
*1/2 51.00 3.63 2.75 2.75 1.50 .81 .53 .14 .41
9/16 51.00 3.63 2.75 2.69 1.50 .88 .59 .14 .41
*5/8 75.70 4.25 3.25 3.13 1.75 .97 .66 .16 .50
*3/4 158.10 5.00 3.75 3.81 2.00 1.22 .78 .22 .66
7/8 177.80 5.50 4.25 4.25 2.25 1.38 .94 .22 .75
1 313.90 6.13 4.50 4.94 2.50 1.56 1.06 .25 .88
1-1/8 – 1-1/4 400.00 7.00 5.13 5.88 2.88 1.81 1.31 .25 1.13
1-1/4 – 1-3/8 811.00 9.06 6.50 6.81 3.50 2.19 1.44 .38 1.13
1-3/8 – 1-1/2 1,294.80 9.00 6.25 7.13 3.50 2.56 1.56 .50 1.13
1-5/8 1,700.00 11.25 8.00 8.13 4.00 2.72 1.72 .50 1.38
1-3/4 1,775.00 12.19 9.00 8.50 4.50 2.84 1.84 .50 1.31
1-7/8 – 2 2,775.00 15.13 12.00 10.38 6.00 3.09 2.09 .50 1.50
2-1/4 3,950.00 17.13 14.00 11.88 7.00 3.63 2.38 .63 1.63
*SS-414 sizes available in stainless steel type 304.

Washington Chain & Supply 155

Sliding Hooks
For Round Slings

Load Radius (in.)
Size Limit Wt.
(In.) Tons Lbs. A C D E F H
3/8 1.4 1 5/8 11/16 2 3/8 5/8 4-3/16
1/2 2.2 1-1/2 3/4 7/8 2-1/4 1/2 3/4 5-1/16
5/8 2.8 3-1/4 3/4 1-1/8 2-7/8 9/16 1-1/16 6-1/8
3/4 4.5 4-1/2 1-1/8 1-3/8 3-1/2 9/16 1-1/8 6-3/4
7/8 – 1 8.0 11-1/2 1-1/4 2 4-1/2 7/8 1-1/2 9-5/16
1-1/8 – 1-1/4 12.5 30 2-1/8 1-3/4 5-5/8 1-1/4 1-3/4 13-1/8
1-3/8 – 1-1/2 15.0 48 2-1/2 2-1/8 7 1-9/16 2 15-7/16

D Manufactured from extraordinarily tough steel to

afford an ample safety factor. Designed with metal
C distributed in relation to stress lines. Saddle is
rounded to minimize wear.
For Flat or Braided Slings F

Sling-Size (in.) Load Radius (in.)
Size Limit Wt.
8 Part 6 Part 4 Part (In.) Tons Lbs. A C D E F H
1/8 1/8 1 1.4 1 5/8 11/16 2 3/8 5/8 4-3/16
1/8 3/16 3/16 2 2.2 1-1/2 3/4 7/8 2-1/4 1/2 3/4 5-1/16
3/16 1/4 3 3.5 3-1/2 1 1-1/8 2-7/8 9/16 1-1/16 6-3/16
1/4 1/4 5/16 4 4.4 4 1-7/16 1-3/16 3-1/8 5/8 1-3/16 6-9/16
5/16 5/16 3/8 5 6.8 9-1/2 1-13/16 1-9/16 4 3/4 1-1/2 8-5/16
3/8 3/8 7/16 6 9.3 13 2-1/8 1-5/8 4-3/4 7/8 1-3/4 9-11/16
7/16 7/16 1/2 7 12.5 30 2-1/8 1-3/4 5-5/8 1-1/4 1-3/4 13-1/8
1/2 9/16 5/8 8 15.0 48 2-1/2 2-1/8 7 1-9/16 2 15-7/16
10 20.0 78 3 3-3/8 7-1/2 1-7/8 2-1/4 17-15/16

Crosby® Barrel Hooks

Forged steel, heat treated and designed to take
and hold a firm catch on barrell flanges.
I.D. of Eye ............................. 1-9/16”
O.D. of Eye............................ 2-13/16”
Overall Length....................... 5”
Width of Lip .......................... 2-7/8”
Rated Working Load ............. 2,000 Lbs. Pr.
Wt./Pair ................................. 3-1/4 lbs.

156 Washington Chain & Supply

Wire Rope Stoppers

Pelican Hook ............................................... 158

Carpenter Stopper ....................................... 160

Washington Chain maintains a large stock of finished and semi-finished parts

to quickly fill your requirements.

Washington Chain & Supply 157

Wire Rope Pelican Hook (NASSCO)





Split Pin
B Diameter

Table of Sizes and Dimensions (In Inches)

Wire Rad. Rad. Rad. Rad. W.L.L.*
Size A B C D E F G H J (Lbs.)
1/2 5 4-1/2 1 7/16 1/4 1-1/2 2 3/4 11/16 4,000
5/8 6-1/4 5-5/8 1-1/4 1/2 3/8 1-7/8 2-1/2 15/16 7/8 9.500
3/4 7-1/2 6-3/4 1-1/2 5/8 7/16 2-1/4 3 1-1/8 1 11,600
7/8 8-3/4 7-7/8 1-3/4 11/16 1/2 2-11/16 3-1/2 1-1/4 1-1/8 17,000
1 10 9 2 13/16 9/16 3-1/16 4 1-15/32 1-5/16 19,000
1-1/8–1-1/4 11-1/4 10 2-1/4 15/16 11/16 3-1/2 4-1/2 1-11/16 1-1/2 25,000
1-3/8 13-3/4 12-1/4 2-3/4 1-1/8 13/16 4-7/16 5-1/2 2-1/16 1-7/8 32,000
1-5/8 16-1/4 14-5/8 3-1/4 1-3/8 15/16 5-1/2 6-1/2 2-7/16 2-1/8 39,600
1-7/8 18-3/4 16-3/4 3-3/4 1-9/16 1-1/16 6-3/16 7-1/2 2-13/16 2-1/2 48,000
2-1/8 21-1/4 19 4-1/4 1-15/16 1-5/16 6-11/16 8-1/2 3-3/16 2-3/4 70,000
*Working Load Limit
Continued on next page

158 Washington Chain & Supply

Wire Rope Pelican Hook

Table of Sizes and Dimensions (In Inches)

Wire Dia. Dia Dia W.L.L.*
Size K L M N O P Q R (Lbs.)
1/2 1-1/16 5/8 1/2 1-1/2 3-15/16 1/4 3/16 1/2 4,000
5/8 1-3/8 3/4 5/8 1-3/4 5-1/8 5/16 3/16 5/8 9,500
3/4 1-9/16 7/8 3/4 2-1/4 6 3/8 1/4 3/4 11,600
7/8 1-13/16 1 7/8 2-5/8 6-7/8 7/16 1/4 7/8 17,000
1 2-1/2 1-1/8 1 3 7-7/8 1/2 1/4 1 19,000
1-1/8–1-1/4 2-5/16 1-1/4 1-1/8 3-3/8 9 1/2 3/8 1-1/8 25,000
1-3/8 2-7/8 1-1/2 1-3/8 4-1/8 11 5/8 3/8 1-3/8 32,000
1-5/8 3-5/16 1-3/4 1-5/8 4-7/8 12-7/8 3/4 1/2 1-5/8 39,600
1-7/8 3-13/16 2 1-7/8 5-5/8 14-7/8 7/8 1/2 1-7/8 48,000
2-1/8 4-3/8 2-1/4 2-1/8 5-7/8 16-7/8 1 1/2 2-1/8 70,000
*Working Load Limit

Washington Chain & Supply 159

Carpenter Stoppers
MARQUIP® (Marine Equipment)

Rugged, compact design cable grip for cable sizes Cable can be released while under full tension by
from 1/2” to 3”. releasing latch on hinged lid. Lid is securely latched
and locked with pin while in use.
Hinged body has fixed smooth groove on one side;
movable wedge, grooved with lay of cable, on the Shackle holes are provided for rigging bridle to stop-
facing side. Movable wedge enables cable to be drawn per. Bridles available with stoppers if desired.
Note: Each size wire takes a separate stopper.
Individually proof tested to twice the working load
limit of XIP wire rope.
Size Length Width Hole Size Thickness Weight
1/2 6-3/4 5 11/16 3-1/4 11
5/8 6-3/4 5 11/16 3-1/4 11
3/4 6-3/4 5 11/16 3-1/4 11
7/8 13-3/8 9-7/16 1-3/16 5-1/2 50
1 13-3/8 9-7/16 1-3/16 5-1/2 50
1-1/8 13-3/8 9-7/16 1-3/16 5-1/2 50
1-1/4 13-3/8 9-7/16 1-3/16 5-1/2 50
1-3/8 14-3/4 11-3/4 1-9/16 7-1/8 100
1-1/2 14-3/4 11-3/4 1-9/16 7-1/8 100
1-5/8 14-3/4 11-3/4 1-9/16 7-1/8 100
1-3/4 20-1/4 14-1/2 1-13/16 9-3/4 232
1-7/8 20-1/4 14-1/2 1-13/16 9-3/4 232
2 20-1/4 14-1/2 1-13/16 9-3/4 232
2-1/8 26-3/8 19 2-5/16 11 460
2-1/4 26-3/4 19 2-5/16 11 460
2-1/2 26-3/4 19 2-5/16 11 460
2-5/8 31-5/8 21 3-1/16 14 770
2-3/4 31-5/8 21 3-1/16 14 770
3 31-5/8 21 3-1/16 14 770
Ratings are stated in short tons (2,000 lbs.) or pounds. All dimensions are in inches and pounds unless otherwise indicated.

160 Washington Chain & Supply


Use and Maintenance.................................. 162

Reeving Manila & Wire Rope Blocks ........... 164
Cargo Hoisting..............................................165
Trawl and Trynet .......................................... 166
Manila Rope ................................................ 168
Extra Heavy Oval ......................................... 169
Wide Sheave................................................ 169
Oval Pattern Construction ............................ 170
Heavy Construction ...................................... 171
Snatch .......................................................... 172
Overhaul Ball ............................................... 173
Sheave request form .................................... 174

In addition to the blocks shown, Washington Chain carries several other types as well as varying
numbers of used and surplus blocks.

Washington Chain & Supply 161

Tackle Block Warning, Use and use conditions. Regular inspection must be conducted to
determine whether use can be continued at the catalog
Maintenance Information assigned WLL, a reduced WLL, a reduced Design (Safety)
Factor, or withdrawn from service.

! WARNING These products generally are intended for tension or pull.
Side loading must be avoided, as it exerts additional force
• A potential hazard exists when lifting or dragging heavy or loading which the product is not designed to accom-
loads with tackle block assemblies. modate.
• Failure to design and use tackle block systems properly Always make sure the hook supports the load. The latch
may cause a load to slip or fall - the result could be seri- must never support the load.
ous injury or death.
Welding of load supporting parts or products can be haz-
• A tackle block system should be rigged by a qualified ardous. Knowledge of materials, heat treatment, and weld-
person as defined by ANSI/ASME B.30.
ing procedures is necessary for proper welding. WCS
• Instruct workers to keep hands and body away from block should be consulted for information.
sheaves and swivels - and away from “pinch points”
where rope touches block parts or loads.
• Do not side load tackle blocks.
Fitting Maintenance
Fittings, including hooks, overhaul balls, shackles, links,
• See OSHA Rule 1926.550 (g) for Personnel Hoisting for
Cranes and Derricks. Only a Crosby or McKissick Hook
etc., may become warn and disfigured with use, corro-
with a PL Latch attached, and secured with the bolt, nut sion, and abuse resulting in nicks, gouges, worn threads
and cotter pin provided, may be used for personnel hoist- and bearings, sharp corners which produce additional
ing. A hook with a Crosby SS-4055 Latch attached shall stress conditions and reduce system load capacity.
not be used for personnel hoisting. Grinding is the recommended procedure to restore
• Instruct workers to be alert and to wear proper safety smooth surfaces. The maximum allowance for reduction
gear in areas where loads are moved or supported with of a product’s original dimension due to wear or repair
tackle block systems. before removal from service is:
• Read, understand, and follow these instructions to se-
1. Any single direction - No more than 10% of original
lect, use and maintain tackle block systems.
2. Two directions - No more than 5% of each dimen-
Important sion.
For maximum safety and efficiency, tackle block systems Any greater reduction may necessitate a reduced Work-
must be properly designed, used, and maintained. You ing Load Limit.
must understand the use of tackle block components in Any crack or deformation in a fitting is sufficient cause to
the system. These instructions will assist you. Read them withdraw the product from service.
carefully and completely.
Tackle Block Maintenance
General Cautions or Warnings Tackle Blocks must be regularly inspected, lubricated, and
Ratings shown are applicable only to new or “in as new” maintained for peak efficiency and extended usefulness.
Working Load Limit ratings indicate the greatest force Their proper use and maintenance is equal in importance
or load a product can carry under usual environmental to other mechanical equipment. The frequency of inspec-
conditions. Shock loading and extraordinary conditions tion and lubrication is dependent upon frequency and
must be taken into account when selecting products for periods of use, environmental conditions, and the user’s
use in tackle block systems. good judgment.
In general, the products displayed are used as parts of a Inspection: As a minimum, the following points should
system being employed to accomplish a task. Therefore, be considered:
we can only recommend within the Working Load Lim- 1. Wear on pins or axles, rope grooves, side plates, bush-
its, or other stated limitations, the use of products for this ing or bearings, and fittings. Excessive wear may be a
purpose. cause to replace parts or remove block from service.
The Working Load Limit or Design (Safety) Factor of each 2. Deformation in side plates, pins and axles, fitting at-
product may be affected by wear, misuse, overloading, tachment points, trunnions, etc. Deformation can be
corrosion, deformation, intentional alteration, and other caused by abusive service and / or overload and may
be cause to remove block from service.

162 Washington Chain & Supply

3. Misalignment or wobble in sheaves. Loads on Blocks
4. Security of nuts, bolts, and other locking methods,
especially after reassembly following a tear down in- Total Load
spection. Original securing method should be used;
e.g., staking, set screw, cotter pin, cap screw.
5. Pins retained by snap rings should be checked for
missing or loose rings.
6. Sheave pin nuts should be checked for proper posi-
tioning. Pins for tapered roller bearings should be
tightened to remove all end play during sheave rota-
tion. Pins for bronze bushing and straight roller bear-
ing should have a running clearance of .031 inch per
sheave of end play and should be adjusted accord-
7. Hook or shackle to swivel case clearance is set at .031
to .062 at the factory. Increased clearance can result Angle
from component wear. Clearance exceeding .12 to
.18 should necessitate disassembly and further inspec-
tion. Line Pull Line Pull
8. Deformation or corrosion of hook and nut threads.
The Working Load Limit (WLL) for blocks indicates the
9. Surface condition and deformation of hook (See maximum load that should be exerted on the block and
Fitting maintenance and ANSI B30.10) its connecting fitting.
10. Welded side plates for weld corrosion or weld
This total load value may be different from the weight
being lifted or pulled by a hoisting or hauling system. It is
11. Hook latch for deformation, proper fit and opera- necessary to determine the total load being imposed on
tion. each block in the system to properly determine the rated
Lubrication: The frequency of lubrication depends upon capacity block to be used. A single sheave block used to
frequency and period of product use as well as environ- change load line direction can be subjected to total loads
mental conditions, which are contingent upon the user’s greatly different from the weight being lifted or pulled.
good judgment. The total load value varies with the angle between the
Assuming normal product use, the following schedule is incoming and departing lines to the block.
suggested when using lithium-base grease of medium con- The following chart indicates the factor to be multiplied
sistency. by the line pull to obtain the total load on the block.
Sheave Bearings
Tapered Roller Bearings - Every 40 hours of continuous Example
operation or every 30 days of intermittent operation. Angle Factor Multipliers
Roller Bearings - Every 24 hours of continuous operation Angle Factor Angle Factor
or every 14 days of intermittent operation.
0° 2.00 100° 1.29
Bronze Bushings - (Not Self Lubricated) - Every 8 hours
of continuous operation or every 14 days of intermittent 10° 1.99 110° 1.15
operation. 20° 1.97 120° 1.00
Hook Bearings 30° 1.93 130° .84
Anti Friction - Every 14 days for frequent swiveling; every 40° 1.87 135° .76
45 days for infrequent swiveling.
45° 1.84 140° .68
Bronze Thrust Bushing or No Bearing - Every 16 hours
50° 1.81 150° .52
for frequent swiveling; every 21 days for infrequent swiv-
eling. 60° 1.73 160º .35
Tackle Block Maintenance also depends upon proper 70° 1.64 170° .17
block selection (see “Loads on Blocks”), proper reeving 80° 1.53 180° .00
(see “The Reeving of Tackle Blocks”), consideration of
shock loads, side loading, and other adverse conditions.
90° 1.41 – –

Washington Chain & Supply 163

Method of Reeving Manila and
Wire Rope Blocks
The methods of reeving tackle blocks will vary with the applications and purpose
for which they are to be employed; especially with heavy lift cargo booms, cranes
and so forth, where blocks with four sheaves or more are required, in which case a
number of lead blocks have to be considered. Our engineering department will be
pleased to consult with you on this matter.

Method of Figuring “Parts of Line” For example: To figure “Parts of Line” required
L when load lifted “L” and line pull “P” are known.
P 32,000 lbs.
L = Load lifted in pounds (load lifted “L”)
= 5.3 (“E”)
P = Line pull in pounds 6,000 lbs.
E = Efficiency factor (line pull “P”)
You can see in the table below that an “E” factor of
5.3 required 6 “Parts of Line.”

Parts of Line 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
“E” Factors Brushed 0.96 1.85 2.8 3.6 4.4 5.2 5.9 6.6 7.3 7.9 8.5 9.1
Bearing 0.98 1.9 2.9 3.8 4.7 5.6 6.5 7.3 8.2 9.0 9.8 10.6

164 Washington Chain & Supply

Western® Cargo Hoisting Blocks

ON PAGE 162 – 163

E-566 J-566
With Drilled Swivel Eye With Oblong Swivel Eye

• Block is galvanized.
Sheave Size Working Wire
• Block has flame-hardened roll forged sheave & Load* Rope Size Weight Each
that assures greater wire life. Block No. (Tons) (In.) (Lbs.)
12” E-566 5 3/4 95
• Roll forged sheave is fitted closely into mortise
12” J-566 5 3/4 95
of shell so wire cannot jam between sheave and
12” G-566 5 3/4 95
12” K-566 5 3/4 95
• Available for 3/4” or 1” wire. 12” QG-566 5 3/4 95
• Block is fitted with tapered roller bearings 12” QK-566 5 3/4 95
which take both load and side thrusts and hold 14” E-566 10 3/4 100
sheave central so it cannot chafe or wear on the 14” J-566 10 3/4 100
sides. 14” QG-566 10 3/4 100
• Tapered Roller bearing with neoprene seals and 14” QK-566 10 3/4 100
stainless steel center pin, provide long life and 14” PG-566 10 3/4 100
trouble-free service. 14” PK-566 10 3/4 100
• Stainless steel center pin has recessed nuts with 14” E-566 10 1 100
lock washers. 14” J-566 10 1 100
14” QG-566 10 1 100
• Swivel fitting has permanently sealed thrust
14” QK-566 10 1 100
14” PG-566 10 1 100
• Pressure lubrication fittings are standard on
14” PK-566 10 1 100
both center pin and swivel.
16” E-566 10 3/4 130
• Individually Proof Tested at 4 times Working 16” J-566 10 3/4 130
Load or 2 times Resultant Load. 16” QG-566 10 3/4 130
• The Working Load for Cargo hoisting blocks is 16” QK-566 10 3/4 130
the line pull. 16” PG-566 10 3/4 130
KEY 16” PK-566 10 3/4 130
16” E-566 10 1 130
E Drilled Eye
16” J-566 10 1 130
J Oblong Swivel Eye
16” QG-566 10 1 130
G Yoke and Swivel Shackle
16” QK-566 10 1 130
K Oblong Swivel Eye and Upset Shackle
16” PG-566 10 1 130
QG Swivel Bolt Type Shackle
16” PK-566 10 1 130
QK Upset Swivel Bolt Type Shackle
PG Yoke and Upset Screw Pin Anchor Shackle * Working Load equals maximum single line pull. Resultant
Load equals 2 times single line pull. Ultimate Load equals
PK Oblong Swivel Eye and Upset Screw Pin 5 times Resultant Load.
Anchor Shackle
®Western is a registered trademark of the Crosby Group, Inc.

Washington Chain & Supply 165

McKissick® Trawl and Trynet Blocks
Double Rig Trawl Blocks
• Steel sheave with flame hardened groove, for maximum wear under
abrasive conditions.
• Double row, permanently sealed tapered roller bearings.
• Pressure lubrication throughout.
• All steel construction
• Hot Dip galvanized.

Sheave Dimensions
Sheave Diameter Working Load Weight (In.)
& Block No. Limit* Each Outside Rim
(In.) (Tons) (Lbs.) Diameter Thickness
8” J-452 10 48 8 3.75
12” J-452 10 85 12 3.75
16” F-452 20 116 16 3.75
22” F-452 30 240 22 3.75
* Ultimate load is 4 times the Working Load Limit. Oblong Swivel Eye


ON PAGE 162 – 163

F-453 - 6”
Round Swivel Eye
F-454 - 6”
Try Net Blocks Round Swivel Eye J-454 - 8”
• Forged steel swivel eyes. Oblong Swivel Eye
• Hot Dip galvanized.
• 6” 453 - Pressed steel side plates with flared edges. Figure 8 grooved, self-lubricating bronze bushed
sheaves, with pressure lube fittings. 453 has an extra wide throat opening to allow fittings to pass
• 6” 454 - Forged side plates designed to eliminate rope jamming. Wide throat opening and pressure lube
fitting on sheave and eye fitting.
• 8” 454 - Forged steel side plates designed to eliminate possibility of rope jamming. Furnished with sealed
tapered bearings. Flame hardened forged steel sheaves for wear resistance.

Sheave Dimensions
Sheave Diameter Working Load Weight (In.)
& Block No. Bearing Limit* Each Weight Rim
(In) Type (Tons) (Lbs.) Diameter Thickness
6” F-453 Bronze Brushed 5 35 6 2-3/4
6” F-454 Needle Bearing 5 23 6 2-3/4
8” J-454 Tapered Bearing 10 36 8 2-7/8
* Ultimate Load is 4 times the Working Load Limit.
®McKissick is a registered trademark of the Crosby Group, Inc.

166 Washington Chain & Supply

Skookum® Trawl Blocks
This is the ultimate quality in manufacture, engineering and option. This is the ultimate in
design. The Skookum name is known worldwide – with 100 years metallurgical science – a special alloy
experience in the block manufacturing business. The same en- steel of unmatched strength,
gineering has gone into these new trawl blocks. hardness and durability.
Check these quality/performance features: • Hot Dip Galvanized. For a durable, corrosion resistant
• Timken Tapered Roller Bearings. Timken is the name finish.
synonymous with the best bearings you can buy. For • Minimum Ultimate Work Load is 4 times the working load.
strength. For long, long life. And the capacity to retain E
more lubricant for extended periods. D
• Cast Manganese Steel Sheaves. Here again, the longest
lasting material for the job. This manganese steel has work-
hardening characteristics that make it extremely resistant
to wire rope wear.
• Four popular sizes. Available in 10-ton (10” sheave) 25-ton
(16” sheave), 50-ton (24” sheave), and 90-ton (30” sheave) C A A
for a choice to fit your fishing need. F
• Made in the U.S.A. All materials are domestic. In addition
to the finest quality, this means faster delivery and better
availability. Skookum Trawl Blocks, service and parts are B
readily available through Skookum distributors. TB10W TB24W
• Skookum “Gold Standard” Alloy Shackle is an available TB16W TB30W

Sheave Capacity A B C D E F Wt
Model TB10W 10” diameter 10-ton 25” 10” 5-3/8” – 2-1/2” 5” 125
Elongated Eye 5” wide x 3-3/4”
Model TB16W 16” diameter 25-ton 39” 16” 7-3/8” – 3-3/4” 9” 370
Elongated Eye 7” wide x6
Model TB24W 24” diameter 50-ton 43” 24” 7-3/8” 2-5/16” – 7-3/8” 700
Drilled Swivel Eye 7” wide
Model TB30W 30” diameter 90-ton 55” 30” 7-3/8” 3-3/8” – 6” 1,250
Drilled Swivel Eye 7” wide
All Models with Timken Tapered Roller Bearings and Timken Thrust Bearings. Designed to accept various wire and
synthetic rope sizes.

BCM “Orange Sheaved Trawl Blocks”®

Half Side Full Side
6” 5-ton 14” 25 lbs. 16” 20-ton 32” 158 lbs.
8” 10-ton 19” 41 lbs. 18” 20-ton 36” 205 lbs.
12” 10-ton 23” 79 lbs. 18” 25-ton 39” 315 lbs.
16” 20-ton 28” 132 lbs. 20” 30-ton 41” 370 lbs.
18” 20-ton 31” 151 lbs. • Made in U.S.A.
20” 30-ton 37” 330 lbs. • Galvanized finish
• Made in U.S.A. • 20 ton to 30 ton @ 4.1 design factor
• Galvanized finish • Timken Taper Roller Bearings
• 5 ton to 30 ton @ 4.1 design factor • Long lasting wear resistant
• Timken Taper Roller Bearings 10 sheaves
ton - 30 ton • Full sides helps eliminate
• Long lasting wear resistant sheaves fouling
• Pressure lubricated sheaves and • Pressure lubricated sheaves
swivel eyes and swivel eyes

®Skookum is a registered trademark of Ulven Machinery Inc.

®“Orange Sheave Block” is a registered trademark of Skookum

Washington Chain & Supply 167

Western® Blocks For Manila Rope

ON PAGE 162 – 163

HS = Hook
N = Swivel
S = Upset Shackle

HS-21-B N-22-B
Single Double
(available in (available in
N & S) HS & S) S-23-B
(available in HS & N)
Western® Regular Wood Blocks
Diameter Working Load Limit* Weight Each
(In.) Manila (Lbs.) (Lbs.)
Block Size Outside Rim Center Pin Rope Size 21 22 23 21 22 23
(In.) Diam. Thickness Diam. (In.) Single Double Triple Single Double Triple
3 1.75 .50 .38 3/8 500 800 1,200 1.00 1.75 2.50
4 2.25 .63 .38 1/2 1,000 1,400 1,800 1.75 3.00 4.00
5 3.00 .75 .38 5/8 1,200 1,800 2,400 3.25 5.60 6.50
6 3.50 1.00 .50 3/4 1,800 2,500 3,200 5.00 8.50 11.50
8 4.75 1.13 .63 7/8 – 1 2,800 3,800 4,800 9.00 14.00 21.50
* Ultimate Load is 4 times the Working Load Limit.

HS-301-B N-302-B P-303-B

Single Double Triple

Western® Malleable Iron Shell Blocks

These blocks have Malleable Iron Shells and both outside and inside straps extend full length of shell. Ends
of center pin are flush with side of shell. Malleable Iron Blocks are standard equipment with Public Utility
Sheave Size Working Load Limit* Weight Each
(In.) Manila (Lbs.) (Lbs.)
Block Size Outside Rim Rope Size
(In.) Diam. Thickness (In.) Single Double Triple Single Double Triple
4 2.25 .63 1/2 1,100 1,600 2,200 2.25 3.75 5.00
6 3.50 1.00 3/4 2,000 3,300 4,000 5.50 9.25 12.50
8 4.75 1.13 1 3,300 5,100 7,000 10.00 16.50 22.00
*Ultimate Load is 3.5 times the Working Load Limit.
®Western is a registered trademark of the Crosby Group, Inc.

168 Washington Chain & Supply

Campbell® Extra Heavy
Oval Wire Rope Blocks
• Steel blocks with steel sheaves
• Drop forged fittings
• Grooved bronze bushings with
pressure greased lubrication SEE APPLICATION AND

Tapered roller bearings and ball
bearings available on special order
Available painted or galvanized
Bolt type
Chain shackle
Fitting “N”

ON PAGE 162 – 163
Oval triple 4033N

Diameter Rope
Block Size (In) 6 8 10 12 14 16
Sheave Size 3/8 - 1/2 1/2 - 5/8 5/8 3/4 3/4 - 7/8 7/8 - 1
• O.D. (Inches) 6 8 10 12 14 16
• Rim Thickness 1 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-3/4
• Center Pin Dia. 3/4 7/8 1 1-1/8 1-1/4 1-1/2

Wt. in Pounds, Oval

• Single 16 28 43 70 87 125
• Double 27 52 67 125 165 260
• Triple 48 75 95 170 221 335

W.L.L. (Tons)
• Single 2-1/2 3-1/2 4 5 6-1/2 10
• Double 3 6 7 10 12 15
• Triple 4 7 8 12 14 18
Working Loads are Resultant Working Loads.

Ulven Wide H

Sheave Blocks G



Block Line A B C D E F G H I WLL Wt.

No. Size Dia. Dia. Dia. Tons Lbs.
TM-8 1 - 1-1/4 8 6 9 4 5-1/2 4-1/4 2-1/2 1-3/4 8 15 70
TM-10 1-1/8 - 1-3/8 10 7-1/2 11 4-3/4 6-1/4 5-1/4 3-3/4 2 9-1/4 25 110

®Campbell is a registered trademark of Cooper Industries

Washington Chain & Supply 169

Western® Wire Rope Blocks
Oval Pattern Construction Blocks
• All blocks are galvanized.
• Sheave lubricated through pressure lube fitting
in center pin. SEE APPLICATION AND
• Assembled with self-lubricated bronze bushing.
• Combines weight of regular oval blocks with

ON PAGE 162 – 163
strength of extra heavy oval blocks.
• Assembled with bolt type anchor shackle.
• Side plates are rounded to provide additional
stiffness and reduce wear and chaffing of the
• Extra rugged to meet marine applications

Q-681-Z Q-682-Z Q-683-Z

Sheave Size Working Load Limit* Weight Each

(Inches) (Tons) (Lbs.)
Diameter Wire
Block Size Outside Rim of Rope Size
(Inches) Diam. Thickness Bearing (Inches) Single Double Triple Single Double Triple
6 6 1.00 .75 3/8 2-1/2 3 4 15 25 32
6 6 1.00 .75 1/2 2-1/2 3 4 16 25 32
8 8 1.25 .88 5/8 3-1/2 6 7 29 43 62
10 10 1.25 1.00 5/8 4 7 8 38 61 80
*Ultimate load is four times the Working Load Limit.

• Know the Working Load Limit of the block, or blocks,
to be used.
• Working Loads are Resultant Working Loads.

170 Washington Chain & Supply

Heavy Construction Blocks with Shackles
from Brewer_Titchener™
• Oval shell
• Available, single, double, triple and quadruple
• Grooved bronze bushings, roller bushed
available on special orders
• Steel sheaves, galvanized
• Blocks with 5 or more sheaves can be made
to order

ON PAGE 162 – 163
6731 Oval 6732 Oval

Block Size (Inches)
10 12 14 16 18 20 24
Diameter Rope (Inches)
3/4 3/4 3/4 7/8 1 1 1-1/8
Weight (Pounds)
Single 94 118 131 195 260 420 575
Double 112 157 205 295 385 580 840
Triple 148 197 275 370 475 690 1230
Quad 191 276 355 545 660 770 1700
Load Limit (Tons)
Single 10 10 10 15 18 20 25
Double 15 15 20 25 30 35 45
Triple 20 20 30 35 45 55 65
Quad 25 25 40 50 65 75 90
Working Loads are Resultant Working Loads.
Ultimate load is four times Working Load Limit.

15.0” 8.75”
Trawl/Mooring Block 4.0”
2.75” Dia. Hole

Economical Equipped with

Bronze Bushing
Trawl Block and Zerk Ftg.



6.49” 22” Dia. Sheave


Washington Chain & Supply 171

McKissick® Snatch Blocks

ON PAGE 162 – 163

Weight Each (Lbs.)

Sheave Rope Working 418 419 404
Diameter Size Load Limit* with with Tail
(Inches) (Inches)†† (metric tons) Hook Shackle Board
** 3 5/16 - 3/8 2 4.5 4 2.7
418 419 404 **4-1/2 3/8 - 1/2 4 11.7 12 6.6
With Hook With Shackle Tailboard 6 5/8 - 3/4 8 26.9 27.8 15
• Forged alloy heat treated hooks. 8 5/8 - 3/4 8 33 34 21
• Forged steel swivel tees, yokes and shackles. 10 5/8 - 3/4 8 41 42 29
• Hook and shackle assemblies on 4-1/2" through 14" sizes 12 5/8 8 48 49 36
can be interchanged. 12 3/4 8 48 49 36
• Can be furnished with bronze bushings or roller bearings. 14 5/8 8 55 56 -
• Opening feature permits insertion of rope while block is 14 3/4 8 55 56 -
suspended from gin-pole. 16 3/4 15 130 135 -
• 3" thru 18" 418 and 419 blocks have exclusive bolt retain- 16 7/8 15 130 135 -
ing spring to assure no lost bolts. 18 7/8 15 150 155 -
• Can be furnished with SS-4055 hook latch. 18 1 15 150 155 -
• Pressure lube fittings.
*Ultimate load is four times the Working Load Limit.
**Available in bronze bushed only.
†† May be furnished in other Wire Rope sizes.

Working Weight Each (Lbs.)

Sheave Wire Limit* 430 431 407
Diameter Rope Size (metric with with Tail
430 431 407 (Inches) (Inches)† (tons) Hook Shackle Board
With Hook With Shackle Tailboard 8 1 – 1-1/8 20 75 87 42
10 1 –1-1/8 20 89 101 55
• Drop forged, heat treated swivel hook or swivel shackle. 12 1 20 103 115 70
• Hook and shackle assemblies on 8" through 14" sizes can 12 1-1/8 20 103 115 70
be interchanged.
14 1 20 123 135 90
• Can be furnished with bronze bushings or roller bearings.
14 1-1/8 20 123 135 90
• Pressure lube fittings.
18 1 25 240 260 165
• 8" thru 14" 430 and 431 blocks have exclusive bolt retain- 18 1-1/8 25 240 260 165
ing spring to assure no lost bolts.
20 1-1/8 30 375 400 215
• Can be furnished with SS-4055 hook latch.
20 1-1/4 30 375 400 215
• Fatigue rated.
24 1-1/8 30 450 475 290
• 8" and 10" models furnished with dual rated wireline 24 1-1/4 30 450 475 290
* Ultimate Load is four times the Working Load Limit.
† May be furnished in other Wire Rope sizes.
NOTE: When ordering, please specify: size, block number, hook or shackle, bronze bushed or roller bearing, and wire rope size.

172 Washington Chain & Supply

Wire Rope Block with Ball Bearing

• Pressure grease fitting for easy lubrication.

• Shell contruction prevents lodging of rope
between sheave and shell.
• Wire rope will not lose position in block even
when slack.

Cast Side Snatch Blocks

Sheave Working
Size Wire Load Weight
In Inches Diameter in Tons in Lbs.
3 1/4 to 3/8 1-1/2 2.75
4 1/4 to 7/16 3 4.25
5 3/8 to 1/2 4-1/2 7.25
6 1/2 to 3/4 6 12.25
8 3/4 to 1 8 27.50

McKissick® Split Overhaul Ball

• Atteaches easily to Wire Rope

Wire A
Size Weight Each Ball Diameter
(in.) (lbs.) (in.)
3/8 20 5.38
1/2 – 5/8 50 7.12 SHB - 20
5/8 – 3/4 – 7/8 100 9.19 Split Overhaul Ball

Washington Chain & Supply 173

McKissick® Custom Sheave Form
Nominal Outside Diameter
Nominal Tread Diameter

Nominal Hub


Rim Hub

Bronze Bushing Sheave Shown for reference

Nominal Outside Diameter Quantity

+ Shaft Size =
* Hub Width =
Rim Width =
Wire Rope Size =
Nominal Tread Diameter (optional) =
Nominal Hub Diameter (optional) =
+ Shaft Size is Bore Size on Plain Bore Sheaves
* Hub width is measured over the cone on Tapered Bearing Sheaves
Bronze Bushing
† Roller Bearing
Tapered Roller Bearings
Finish / Plain Bore
† Requires hardened and ground shaft

Roll Forged (Flame hardened 14" and larger)
Forged Steel
Cast Steel

Special testing, requirements or certification: UT, MPI, Paint, ABS, Lloyd’s, DNV etc.

Line Pull =
Fleet Angle =
Degree of Wrap =
Line Speed =
NOTE: Crosby manufactures sheaves in a wide array of styles and sizes.

174 Washington Chain & Supply


About Cordage .............................................. 176

Rope Specifications ...................................... 179
Synthetic Rope Types .................................. 180
Splicing Instructions ................................... 186
Tools ............................................................ 190

Washington Chain has a large stock of domestic and imported synthetic rope. We also, from time-to-time,
have supplies of good, used ropes. Your inquiry is always welcome.

Washington Chain & Supply 175

All About Cordage
CORDAGE SIZES Acceptable tolerance limits: Cords 1/8 inch diameter and smaller ± .0050.
Cords larger than 1/8 inch diameter ± .1056
No.* (In.) (Decimal) (mm) (In.) Decimal) (mm)
2 1/16 .063 1.59 3/16 .188 4.76
2-1/2 5/64 .078 1.98 1/4 .250 6.35
3 3/32 .094 2.38 5/16 .313 7.94
3-1/2 7/64 .109 2.78 11/32 .344 8.73
4 1/8 .125 3.17 3/8 .375 9.53
4-1/2 9/64 .141 3.57 7/16 .438 11.11
5 5/32 .156 3.97 1/2 .500 12.70
5-1/2 11/64 .172 4.37 17/32 .531 13.50
6 3/16 .188 4.76 5/8 .625 15.88
7 7/32 .219 5.56 11/16 .688 17.46
8 1/4 .250 6.35 3/4 .750 19.05
9 9/32 .281 7.14 7/8 .875 22.23
10 5/16 .313 7.94 1 1.000 25.40
12 3/8 .375 9.53 1-1/8 1.125 28.58
14 7/16 .438 11.11 1-1/4 1.250 31.75
16 1/2 .500 12.70 1-1/2 1.500 38.10
18 9/16 .563 14.29 1-3/4 1.750 44.45
20 5/8 .625 15.88 2 2.000 50.80
24 3/4 .750 19.05 2-3/8 2.375 60.34
28 7/8 .875 22.23 2-3/4 2.750 69.85
32 1 1.000 25.40 3 3.000 76.20
36 1-1/8 1.125 28.58 3-1/2 3.500 88.90
40 1-1/4 1.250 31.75 3-3/4 3.750 95.25
42 1-5/16 1.313 33.34 4 4.000 101.60 (10.16 cm)
48 1-1/2 1.500 38.10 4-1/2 4.500 114.30 (11.43 cm)
52 1-5/8 1.625 41.28 5 5.000 127.00 (12.70 cm)
56 1-3/4 1.750 44.45 5-1/2 5.500 139.70 (13.97 cm)
64 2 2.000 50.80 6 6.000 152.40 (15.24 cm)
68 2-1/8 2.125 53.98 6-1/2 6.500 165.10 (16.51 cm)
72 2-1/4 2.250 57.15 7 7.000 177.80 (17.78 cm)
80 2-1/2 2.500 63.50 7-1/2 7.500 190.50 (19.05 cm)
84 2-5/8 2.625 66.68 8 8.000 203.20 (20.32 cm)
92 2-7/8 2.875 73.03 8-1/2 8.500 215.90 (21.59 cm)
96 3 3.000 76.20 9 9.000 228.60 (22.86 cm)
*Generally used only for braided cordage.


AVOID OVERLOADING . . . The lower limit of the work- AVOID SUDDEN STRAIN . . . Rope that is strong enough
ing load range should be used where life or limb is under a steady strain can be broken with a sudden jerk.
involved or for exceptional service conditions such as Care when working with rope is extremely important.
shock loads, sustained loads, etc. You should never AVOID KINKS . . . When rope is repeatedly turned or
exceed the listed working load range except as indicated twisted in one direction, it is certain that kinks will
above. If you rope is old or worn, you should make addi- develop, unless twists are repeatedly thrown in, or out of
tional allowances to assure safety. the rope. Pulling a kink through a restricted space such
AVOID ABRASION . . . Out and inner rope fibers con- as a tackle block will seriously damage the rope fibers.
tribute equally to the strength of your rope. When worn, AVOID SHARP ANGLES . . . Sharp bends greatly affect
your rope is naturally weakened. Where it is necessary for the strength of a rope. Any sharp angle is a weak spot.
a rope to rub over an object protect with chafing gear, Pad is for safety, and even then, Be Careful!
such as canvass wrapped and tied around the rope.
Continued on the next page

176 Washington Chain & Supply

All About Cordage
REVERSE ENDS . . . Prolonged use, or wear, of one part not affected by rot or mildew or most
of a rope will naturally decrease its effectiveness at that chemicals, and may be stored wet or dry.
point. Occasionally reverse your rope, end-for-end, to As a result, the service life of synthetics exceeds that of
distribute the wear more evenly. A good example is an natural fiber ropes.
anchor line aboard a boat. Each of the various types of Synthetic Fibers used in the
AVOID CHEMICALS . . . Virtually all synthetic fiber ropes manufacturing of rope and listed below, possesses differ-
are resistant to damage from oil, gasoline, paint and most ent characteristics and properties. All of these fibers are
chemicals. To be on the safe side, however, keep your rope continuous filaments of long molecular-chain polymers
free of any type chemical. Natural fiber ropes are, of that extend the length of the rope. These filaments may
course, severely damaged by exposure to chemicals. be either extruded or spun, and are normally either
KEEP ROPE CLEAN . . . Dirt on the surface and imbed- termed as monofilament (larger single filaments) or
ded in rope acts as an abrasive on fibers. When rope multifilament (multiple smaller fibers).
becomes dirty wash it thoroughly with clean water. Be sure NYLON: Due to its elasticity, nylon can absorb sudden
to dry natural fiber ropes before storing. shock loads that would break ropes of other fiber. It has
AVOID IMPROPER STORAGE . . . Synthetic fiber ropes very good resistance to abrasion and will last many times
require no special storing conditions other than keeping longer than natural fiber ropes. Nylon rope is resistant to
them out of direct sunlight, away from the elements and rot, oils, gasoline, grease, marine growth or most chemicals.
out of extremely hot rooms. The ultra-violet rays of POLYESTER: Polyester is very strong, but not quite as
sunlight has a weakening effect on rope that is exposed strong as nylon rope. The difference between the two
for prolonged periods of time. Natural fiber ropes must ropes is that polyester does not have the stretch and
of course, be kept dry or they will rot in a very short time. elasticity of nylon but has better resistance to ultra-violet
CORDAGE SPECIFICATIONS degradation from sunlight. Other than this, the charac-
teristics of the two fibers are practically the same.
NEW ROPE TENSILE STRENGTHS are based on tests of
new and unused rope of standard construction in accor- POLYPROPYLENE:* A lightweight, strong rope that is
dance with Cordage Institute Standard Test Methods. All extensively used in many different ways. It is a floating
figures are “Average” - The Minimum is 10% below stated rope and is resistant to rot, oils, gasoline or most chemi-
amount. WORKING LOAD LIMIT is indicated by cals and is waterproof. Polypropylene rope is available
RECOMMENDED WORKING LOAD RANGES. USE OF in monofilament fiber, which is smooth surfaced, or
WORKING LOADS—Because of the wide range of rope multifilament fiber, which has a somewhat velvety appear-
use, rope condition, exposure to the several factors ance and feel, and polypropylene film fiber which is
affecting rope behavior, and the degree of risk to life and produced in varying textures.
property involved, it is impossible to make blanket POLYETHELENE:* One of the best known synthetic
recommendations as to working loads. However, to pro- fiber ropes. A floating rope somewhat like polypropylene
vide guidelines, working loads are tabulated for rope in except that is just a little heavier. Also, polyethylene’s
good condition with appropriate splices, in noncritical handling characteristics are a little different than
applications and under normal ser vice conditions. polypropylene. It is not quite as strong, size for size as
WORKING LOAD RANGES should be exceeded only polypropylene.
with expert knowledge of conditions and professional SYNTHETIC FIBER TYPES
estimates of risks.
MULTIFILAMENT: Soft, flexible, fine diameter, continu-
ous strands. Available in nylon, polyester and polypropy-
derived by taking 15 - 25% of NEW ROPE TENSILE
lene ropes only.
STRENGTH for Braided Rope and 10 - 20% for Twisted
Rope. MONOFILAMENT: Extruded in round fibers. Not as soft
as multifilament. Available in polypropylene and polyeth-
SYNTHETIC CORDAGE ylene ropes only.
Though initially more expensive than natural fiber ropes, SLIT FILM: Polypropylene or polyethylene is extruded
synthetic ropes have proven to be more efficient and cost in sheet film form then slit to make flat fibers.
effective long term for most end uses. Man made fibered
ropes are stronger and more durable. They are generally SPUN: Very fine fibers with lengths of 1/2 to 1-1/2 inches
Continued on the next page

Washington Chain & Supply 177

All About Cordage

are twisted into string then into rope. Available in cotton It is not spliceable.
and polyester ropes only. MAYPOLE BRAID: Constructed with 8, 12 or 16 strands
TEXTURIZED: Fibers are kinked to give loft to the fiber. of fibers tightly braided around a center core of parallel
Available in polyester, nylon and polypropylene. fibers. It is generally not as round as solid braid, but tends
COLOR: Natural color, in synthetic cordage, means white to have a greater breaking strength. The strands form a
or silvery white obtained through the use of dyes and pig- herringbone patten in the rope. It is not spliceable.
ments. DIAMOND BRAID: Constructed with 8, 12 or 16 strands
of fibers braided over and under each other in a circular
COTTON CORDAGE direction. The center of the rope is hollow, allowing for
The primary advantages of cotton twines, sash cords, shade easy splicing. Generally stronger than solid braid or may-
cords and rope are its good handling characteristics and pole braid constructions. Easily and quickly spliced.
knot holding ability. Cotton cordage is especially suited
to specific uses, however, it does not have the strength or BRAID-ON-BRAID: Actually two ropes in one, with a
durability of the synthetic fibers. jacket braided over a braided rope core. A very strong
and flexible rope that doesn’t kink, hockle or rotate un-
ROPE CONSTRUCTIONS der load. It is spliceable.
TWISTED (LAID): Size for size, and pound for pound,
twisted rope is the strongest and least expensive rope DEFINITIONS
manufactured today. It is normally manufactured by twist- BONDING: A coating of liquid to increase resistance to
ing three strands, or bundles, of fibers in a spiral direc- abrasion and prevent water absorption.
tion. It is spliceable. NATURAL: Natural color, unbleached cotton.
SOLID BRAID: constructed with 9, 12 or 18 strands of WHITE: In cotton, a specified color not to be confused
fiber lock-stitched together. Has a very smooth surface with natural.
with a firm, round cross-section that holds its shape un- POLISHED (GLAZED): Cotton cordage that has been run
der pressure and load. Excellent for use in pulleys, on through a gum and pigment polish to give it a high gloss.
winches, or anywhere that a firm, round rope is needed.


Sticking Melting Ultimate
Specific Temperature Temperature Elongation
Fiber Type Gravity °F °C °F °C %
Nylon 1.34 455 235 482 250 25-35
Polyester 1.38 455 235 500 235 15-25
Polypropylene .90 302 150 330 165 20-25
Polyethylene .95 248 120 275 135 15-25
Decomposes at
Cotton 1.54 – – 302 150 15-20

subject to deterioration when exposed to direct sunlight. These products were designed to give you many hours of use;
however, the life of the product will be extended when stored away from sunlight. The product should be replaced when
signs of excessive deterioration is indicated by discoloration, broken filaments, raveling, etc.

178 Washington Chain & Supply

Rope Specifications

AVERAGE TENSILE STRENGTHS shown are for new WORKING ELONGATION is shown from a preload ten-
(unused) rope and will decrease after use. All tests sion of 200 times the diameter squared per the ASTM
were performed in accordance with ASTM test method test specification.
ROPE WEIGHTS shown are average and may vary plus
The rope strength will be reduced after use due to heat, or minus 5%.
abrasion, ultraviolet or chemical exposure. The tensile
strengths may be further reduced by up to 50% as a result SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS
of knots or kinks. FACTORY SPLICING of various types is available for all
MINIMUM TENSILE STRENGTHS are defined as two of our ropes. Splices can be provided with various types
standard deviations (typical about 15%) below the aver- of chafe protection or coatings.
age and also refer only to new and unused ropes. CUSTOM LENGTHS and special constructions are avail-
MAXIMUM WORKING LOADS are determined by di- able on request.
viding the average tensile strength by the safety factor. ROPE TERMINATIONS Washington Chain can provide
The safety factor is a function of the physical properties custom terminations such as thimbles, links, rings and
of the rope, the age and history of the rope, the type of custom hardware. Terminations are available in plastic,
service it will be subjected to and the risks involved if bronze, stainless steel and galvanized steel. Please call or
failure occurs. For a rope manufacturer to give blanket fax your requirements for a quotation.
working load recommendations would be like a car manu-
facturer giving the “safe driving speed” of their cars. SPECIAL COATINGS such as polyurethane, polyethyl-
ene and vinylesters may be applied to any of the synthetic
Obviously the conditions of use far outweigh the design ropes to improve the snag resistance, sunlight resistance
characteristics of the rope. Typically safety factors vary or for color coding. WCS can provide ropes with a variety
from 3:1 (for new rope used in applications with uniform of finishes to meet your needs.
loading and where failure would cause little or no risk to
equipment or personnel) to 20:1 (for conditions involv- MILITARY SPECIFICATIONS Certificates of compli-
ing moderate shock loading, possibility of snags or kinks ance are supplied at no charge if requested when placing
or where failure could cause severe risk to equipment or the order. Certified test reports can be provided at an
personnel). additional charge when requested at the time of the

Washington Chain & Supply 179

Continental Western Specifications
3 and 8 Strand
Standard Construction

Size Working
(Inches) Polyrpropylene Nylon Polyester Poly-Plus Steelline Manila Loads
Tensile Lbs. Per Tensile Lbs. Per Tensile Lbs. Per Tensile Lbs. Per Tensile Lbs. Per Tensile Lbs. Per
Dia Cir. Strength 100 Ft. Strength 100 Ft. Strength 100 Ft. Strength 100 Ft. Strength 100 Ft. Strength 100 Ft.
3/16 5/8 800 .7 1,000 1.0 1,000 1.2 - - - - 406 1.5 10:1
1/4 3/4 1,250 1.2 1,650 1.5 1,650 2.0 1,300 1.7 - - 540 2.0 10:1
5/16 1 1,900 1.8 2,550 2.5 2,000 3.1 2,000 2.6 - - 900 2.9 10:1
3/8 1-1/8 2,700 2.8 3,700 3.5 3,700 4.0 3,200 3.8 - - 1,220 4.1 10:1
7/16 1-1/4 3,500 3.8 5,000 5.0 5,000 6.2 3,900 4.8 - - 1,580 5.3 10:1
1/2 1-1/2 4,200 4.7 6,400 6.5 6,400 8.0 5,400 6.7 - - 2,380 7.5 9:1
9/16 1-3/4 5,100 6.1 8,000 8.3 8,000 10.2 6,000 7.6 - - 3,100 10.4 8:1
5/8 2 6,200 7.5 10,400 10.5 10,000 13.0 7,200 9.2 - - 3,950 13.3 8:1
3/4 2-1/4 8,500 10.7 14,200 14.5 12,500 17.5 9,800 12.5 - - 4,860 16.7 7:1
13/16 2-1/2 9,900 12.7 17,000 17.0 15,500 21.0 11,200 14.7 - - 5,850 19.5 7:1
7/8 2-3/4 11,500 15.0 20,000 20.0 18,000 25.0 13,500 17.6 - - 6,950 22.4 7:1
1 3 14,000 18.0 25,000 26.4 22,000 30.4 17,000 22.0 - - 8,100 27.0 7:1
1-1/16 3-1/4 16,000 20.4 28,800 29.0 25,500 34.4 18,700 24.5 - - 9,450 31.2 7:1
1-1/8 3-1/2 18,300 23.8 33,000 34.0 29,500 40.0 21,000 27.5 - - 10,800 36.0 7:1
1-1/4 3-3/4 21,000 27.0 37,500 40.0 33,200 46.2 25,000 33.0 - - 12,200 41.6 7:1
1-5/16 4 23,500 30.4 43,000 45.0 37,500 52.5 27,500 37.0 - - 13,500 47.8 7:1
1-1/2 4-1/2 29,700 38.4 53,000 55.0 46,800 67.0 34,000 46.0 38,000 36.6 16,700 60.0 7:1
1-5/8 5 36,000 47.6 65,000 66.5 57,000 82.0 41,000 55.0 46,000 45.1 20,200 74.5 7:1
1-3/4 5-1/2 43,000 59.0 78,000 83.0 67,800 98.0 51,000 68.0 55,000 54.2 23,800 89.5 7:1
2 6 52,000 69.0 92,000 95.0 80,000 118.0 62,000 83.0 66,500 65.6 28,000 108.0 7:1
2-1/8 6-1/2 61,000 80.0 106,000 109.0 92,000 135.0 70,000 97.0 77,500 76.5 - - 7:1
2-1/4 7 69,000 92.0 125,000 129.0 107,000 157.0 78,000 108.0 88,000 87.0 - - 6:1
2-1/2 7-1/2 80,000 107.0 140,000 149.0 122,000 181.0 90,000 122.0 103,000 102.0 - - 6:1
2-5/8 8 90,000 120.0 162,000 168.0 137,000 205.0 99,000 138.0 115,000 114.0 - - 6:1
2-7/8 8-1/2 101,000 137.0 180,000 189.0 154,000 230.0 110,000 155.0 130,500 130.0 - - 6:1
3 9 114,000 153.0 200,000 210.0 174,000 258.0 125,000 179.0 145,000 145.0 - - 6:1
3-1/4 10 137,000 190.0 250,000 264.0 210,000 318.0 150,000 215.0 175,000 180.0 - - 6:1
3-1/2 11 162,000 232.0 300,000 312.0 254,000 384.0 170,000 248.0 207,000 220.0 - - 6:1
4 12 190,000 276.0 360,000 380.0 300,000 460.0 200,000 290.0 243,000 261.0 - - 6:1

3-Strand Twisted 8-Strand Plaited

180 Washington Chain & Supply

Continental Western Specifications
3 and 8 Strand
Standard Construction
Size Dacron® LST Super 800
Inches Hi Strength Polyester Mooring Line Poly-Cron Lock Line
Tensile Lbs. Per Tensile Lbs. Per Tensile Lbs. Per Tensile Lbs. Per
Dia. Cir. Strength 100 Ft. Strength 100 Ft. Strength 100 Ft. Strength 100 Ft.

1-1/2 4-1/2 - - - - 34,000 55.0 35,500 44.0

1-5/8 5 - - - - 42,000 67.0 43,500 54.0
1-3/4 5-1/2 87,000 98.0 59,000 67.0 50,000 80.0 53,000 66.0
2 6 103,500 118.0 70,500 80.0 60,000 95.0 63,000 78.0
2-1/8 6-1/2 117,900 135.0 82,500 94.0 70,000 112.0 - -
2-1/4 7 136,000 157.0 96,000 109.0 80,000 127.0 85,500 106.0
2-1/2 7-1/2 158,000 181.0 110,000 125.0 92,000 147.0 - -
2-5/8 8 175,000 205.0 120,000 142.0 105,000 165.0 104,000 139.0
2-7/8 8-1/2 195,000 230.0 135,000 155.0 120,000 190.0 - -
3 9 217,000 258.0 150,000 175.0 130,000 208.0 140,000 175.0
3-1/4 10 266,000 318.0 180,000 210.0 163,000 253.0 170,000 216.0
3-1/2 11 318,000 384.0 220,000 245.0 - - - -
4 12 377,000 460.0 260,000 295.0 - - - -

Tensile Strengths shown are average based on new ropes tested under laboratory conditions and can vary
by 10%. Weights are average and may vary by 5%.
Working Loads are expressed as a ratio to tensile strength.
8 Strand Ropes are not available in Manila or sizes under 1-1/2" diameter.

8 Strand Construction Only

No Manila Available
Size Working Hi-Strength
(Inches) Polypro Nylon Polyester Poly-Plus Steelline Loads Polyester
Tensile Lbs. Per Tensile Lbs. Per Tensile Lbs. Per Tensile Lbs. Per Tensile Lbs. Per Tensile Lbs. Per
Dia. Cir. Strength 100 Ft. Strength 100 Ft. Strength 100 Ft. Strength 100 Ft. Strength 100 Ft. Strength 100 Ft.

4-1/4 13 220,000 320.0 440,000 430.0 350,000 540.0 270,000 385.0 280,000 309.0 6:1 435,000 540.0
4-5/8 14 252,000 365.0 510,000 500.0 410,000 626.0 313,000 447.0 316,000 356.0 6:1 505,000 626.0
5 15 290,000 420.0 575,000 570.0 467,000 720.0 360,000 513.0 359,000 409.0 6:1 575,000 720.0
5-1/4 16 330,000 475.0 650,000 645.0 535,000 820.0 410,000 585.0 402,000 466.0 6:1 655,000 820.0
5-5/8 17 366,000 530.0 720,000 715.0 600,000 920.0 460,000 662.0 445,000 527.0 6:1 725,000 920.0
6 18 410,000 594.0 800,000 796.0 675,000 1040.0 515,000 747.0 500,000 593.0 6:1 825,000 1040.0

Washington Chain & Supply 181

Plasma® 12 Strand See specifications, page 179.

Plasma™ 12 strand is the highest strength synthetic rope avail-

Nominal Size Approximate Weight Minimum Tensile
able. Plasma™ 12 strand is manufactured from AlliedSignal Diameter Number Strength
Spectra® Fiber that has been enhanced by Puget Sound Rope’s (Inches) (circ.) (Lbs/100ft) Pounds
patented recrystallization process. This process is especially 7/16 1-1/4 4.2 21,000
effective in medium to large diameter ropes where strengths 1/2 1-1/2 6.4 31,300
are over 50% higher and creep is significantly less than that of
standard Spectra® 12 strand. 9/16 1-3/4 7.9 37,900
Plasma™ 12 strand comes standard with a polyurethane finish 5/8 2 10.6 51,400
and is easily spliced using a simple lockstitch type splice or 4-3-2 3/4 2-1/4 13.3 68,500
tuck splice. Its soft, torque free braided construction provides
easy handling. 7/8 2-3/4 19.6 92,600
Tensile Strengths are determined in accordance with ASTM test 1 3 23.4 110,000
method D 4268-83. 1-1/8 3-1/2 31.9 147,000
Weights are calculated at linear density under standard preload 1-1/4 3-3/4 36.2 165,000
(200 d2) plus 4%.
1-5/16 4 41.7 196,000
• Highest strength Specific gravity ........................ 0.98 1-1/2 4-1/2 51.7 221,000
• Lowest stretch Melting point ...................... 284° F 1-5/8 5 65.7 291,000
• Low creep Critical temp. ...................... 150° F 1-3/4 5-1/2 78.4 314,000
• Soft hand Coefficient of friction ..... 0.09-0.12 2 6 91.4 355,000
• Torque free Elongation at break ......... 4% - 5% 2-1/8 6-1/2 109 428,000
• Easy splicing Fiber water absorption ............ 0% 2-1/4 7 122 481,000
• Floats UV resistance .................. excellent 2-5/8 8 167 560,000
Wet abrasion .................... superior 3 9 214 780,000
Dry abrasion .................... superior 3-1/4 10 261 1,000,000
3-5/8 11 324 1,250,000
4 12 394 1,520,000

Spectra® 12 Strand
Nominal Size Approximate Weight Minimum Tensile
Diameter Number Strength
(Inches) (circ.) (Lbs/100ft) Pounds

7/16 1-1/4 4.2 14,800

Spectra® 12 strand provides very high strength, low stretch and 1/2 1-1/2 6.4 22,500
excellent abrasion resistance in a single braid construction.
9/16 1-3/4 7.9 27,700
For the equivalent weight rope it is over 3 times as strong as
polyester and has less than one half the elongation. 5/8 2 10.6 36,600
Spectra® 12 strand comes standard with a polyurethane finish 3/4 2-1/4 13.3 43,200
and is easily spliced using a 4-3-2 tuck splice. Its soft, torque free 7/8 2-3/4 19.6 61,000
braided constructions provides easy handling.
1 3 23.4 72,000
Tensile Strengths are determined in accordance with ASTM test
method 4268-83 1-1/8 3-1/2 31.9 91,800
Weights are calculated using the linear density under standard 1-1/4 3-3/4 36.2 102,600
preload (200d2) plus 4%. 1-5/16 4 41.7 114,300
• Very Low stretch 1-1/2 4-1/2 51.7 141,300
Specific gravity ........................ 0.98 1-5/8 5 65.7 167,400
• Very High strength
Melting point ...................... 284° F
• Soft hand 1-3/4 5-1/2 78.4 198,000
Critical temp. ...................... 150° F
• Torque free 2 6 91.4 225,000
Coefficient of friction ..... 0.09-0.12
2-1/8 6-1/2 109 270,000
• Easy splicing Elongation at break ......... 6% - 8%
2-1/4 7 122 317,700
• Floats Fiber water absorption ............ 0%
2-1/2 7-1/2 148 360,000
UV resistance .................. excellent
2-5/8 8 167 370,800
Wet abrasion .................... superior
2-3/4 8-1/2 187 405,000
Dry abrasion .................... superior
3 9 214 508,500
3-1/4 10 261 616,500
®Plasma is a trademark of Puget Sound Rope Corp. 3-5/8 11 324 765,000
®Spectra is a trademark of Allied Signal Corp. 4 12 394 900,000

182 Washington Chain & Supply

Polyester 12 Plait See specifications, page 179.

Polyester 12 Plait provides high strength, low stretch and excel-

Nominal Size Approximate Weight Minimum Tensile
lent abrasion resistance in a unique single braid construction. Diameter Number Strength
(Inches) (circ.) (Lbs/100ft) Pounds
Polyester 12 Plait is easily spliced using a standard tuck splice
and is 30% stronger than three strand or 8 plait polyester. It’s 5/8 2 14.1 12,100
torque free braided construction provides easy handling and 3/4 2-1/4 18.7 15,800
prevents kinks and hockles.
7/8 2-3/4 28.2 24,200
Polyester 12 Plait comes standard with an overlay marine finish
and is available on special order with a spliceable polyurethane 1 3 35.1 27,500
finish in clear or any of six colors. 1-1/8 3-1/2 41.2 35,500
Tensile Strengths are determined in accordance with ASTM test 1-1/4 3-3/4 45.9 42,100
method D 4268-83
1-5/16 4 55.0 48,200
Weights are calculated at linear density under standard preload
(200d2) plus 5%. 1-1/2 4-1/2 71.1 59,600
1-5/8 5 84.8 72,200
• Low stretch
Specific gravity ........................ 1.38 1-3/4 5-1/2 98.6 84,400
• High strength
Melting point ...................... 482° F 2 6 120 101,000
• Soft hand
• Torque free Critical temp. ...................... 350° F 2-1/8 6-1/2 141 119,000
• Easy splicing Coefficient of friction ..... 0.12-0.15 2-1/4 7 160 137,000
• Meets MIL-R-24750 Elongation at break ..... 15% - 20% 2-1/2 7-1/2 189 163,000
Fiber water absorption .... 0% - 1% 2-5/8 8 208 179,000
UV resistance .................. excellent 2-3/4 8-1/2 234 202,000
Wet abrasion ................... excellent 3 9 273 233,000
Dry abrasion ................... excellent 3-1/4 10 338 282,000
3-5/8 11 402 340,000
4 12 486 409,000

Nylon Double Braid Size (Inches) Average

Standard Packaging

Dia. Circ. Lbs/100ft Strength Length Approx Wt Wt
Nylon Double Braid is the preferred choice for applications
requiring high strength with excellent shock absorbing proper- 5/8 2 12 14,800 4,800 576 72
ties. Nylon Double Braid has good resistance to abrasion, 3/4 2-1/4 15 19,000 3,600 540 90
sunlight and chemicals. Due to its high elongation, nylon is
almost always used in applications involving shock loading such 7/8 2-3/4 22 28,300 2,400 528 132
as anchor lines and mooring lines. 1 3 26 33,500 2,400 624 156
Nylon Double Braid comes standard with an overlay marine 1-1/8 3-1/2 36 44,900 1,800 648 216
finish and is available on special order with a spliceable 1-1/4 3-3/4 41 52,300 1,200 492 246
polyurethane finish in clear or any of six colors.
1-5/16 4 47 58,800 1,200 564 282
• High stretch Specific gravity ........................ 1.14 1-1/2 4-1/2 60 74,000 600 360 360
• High strength
Melting point ...................... 414° F 1-5/8 5 74 92,400 600 444 444
• Excellent shock
absorption Critical temp. ...................... 300° F 1-3/4 5-1/2 89 110,900 600 534 534
• Soft hand Coefficient of friction ..... 0.12-0.15 2 6 106 131,500 600 636 636
• Torque free Elongation at break ..... 30% - 35% 2-1/8 6-1/2 124 152,800 - - 744
• Meets MIL-R-24050D Fiber water absorption .... 3% - 5% 2-1/4 7 144 177,000 - - 864
UV resistance ........................ good 2-1/2 7-1/2 165 201,000 - - 990
Wet abrasion ................... excellent 2-5/8 8 188 231,000 - - 1128
Dry abrasion ................... excellent 2-3/4 8-1/2 212 254,000 - - 1272
3 9 238 283,000 - - 1428
3-1/4 10 294 319,000 - - 1764
3-5/8 11 356 381,000 - - 2136
4 12 423 447,000 - - 2538
4-1/4 13 497 522,000 - - 2982

Washington Chain & Supply 183

See specifications, page 179.
Polyester Double Braid
Polyester Double Braid provides an excellent combination Standard Packaging
of high strength, low stretch excellent weathering and easy 600ft
handling. Bulk Spool
Size (Inches) Average Carton Approx
Of all the popular fibers polyester has the best weathering Dia. Circ. Lbs/100ft Strength Length Approx Wt Wt
charistics and the best wet abrasion resistance. 5/8 2 13.2 15,600 4,800 633 76
Polyester Double Braid comes standard with an overlay marine 3/4 2-1/4 18.8 19,900 3,600 677 113
finish and is available on special order with a spliceable polyure-
thane finish in clear or any of six colors. 7/8 2-3/4 25.7 28,300 2,400 617 154
1 3 33.5 37,100 1,800 603 202
• Low stretch Specific gravity ........................ 1.38 1-1/8 3-1/2 42.5 45,900 1,200 510 255
• High strength Melting point ...................... 482° F 1-1/4 3-3/4 53.0 54,200 1,200 636 318
• Soft hand Critical temp. ...................... 350° F 1-5/16 4 57.9 61,600 1,200 695 348
• Torque free Coefficient of friction ..... 0.12-0.15 1-1/2 4-1/2 75.3 71,100 600 452 452
• Excellent wet Elongation at break ..... 15% - 20% 1-5/8 5 87.0 87,500 600 522 522
strength Fiber water absorption .... 0% - 1%
1-3/4 5-1/2 103 101,200 600 618 618
• Meets MIL-R-24677A UV resistance .................. excellent
2 6 134 123,400 600 806 806
Wet abrasion ................... excellent
2-1/8 6-1/2 152 140,000 - - 912
Dry abrasion ................... excellent
2-1/4 7 169 165,000 - - 1,014
2-1/2 7-1/2 211 185,000 - - 1,266
2-5/8 8 230 209,000 - - 1,380
2-3/4 8-1/2 256 229,000 - - 1,536
3 9 303 270,000 - - 1,818
3-1/4 10 354 337,000 - - 2,124
3-5/8 11 438 401,000 - - 2,628
4 12 536 463,000 - - 3,216
4-1/4 13 605 526,000 - - 3,630

N/P Composite Standard Packaging


Double Braid Dia.

Size (Inches)




Approx Wt



N/P Composite is a double braided rope with the inner core 3/4 2-1/4 13.8 16,100 3,600 497 83
made of multifilament polypropylene and the outer sleeve of 7/8 2-3/4 19.4 22,600 2,400 466 116
1 3 23.6 27,300 1,800 425 142
N/P Composite combines the excellent sunlight and abrasion
resistance of nylon with the flotation of polypropylene. It has a 1-1/8 3-1/2 31.9 36,700 1,200 383 191
standard specific gravity of 1.01 and is available on special order 1-1/4 3-3/4 37.9 43,400 1,200 455 227
with a specific gravity of 0.99.
N/P Composite Braid comes standard with an overlay marine 1-5/16 4 42.8 48,800 1,200 514 257
finish and is available on special order with a spliceable polyure- 1-1/2 4-1/2 53.6 60,000 600 322 322
thane finish in clear or any of six colors. 1-5/8 5 63.8 72,200 600 383 383
• Moderate stretch 1-3/4 5-1/2 80.6 90,000 600 484 484
Specific gravity ........................ 1.01
• High strength 2 6 92.6 104,000 600 556 556
Melting point ...................... 284º F
• Soft hand 2-1/8 6-1/2 111 123,000 - - 666
Critical temp. ...................... 200º F
• Torque free 2-1/4 7 129 142,000 - - 774
Coefficient of friction ..... 0.12-0.15
• Floats in sea water Elongation at break ..... 30% - 35% 2-1/2 7-1/2 145 161,000 - - 870
Fiber water absorption .... 3% - 4% 2-5/8 8 169 183,000 - - 1,014
UV resistance ........................ good 2-3/4 8-1/2 186 204,000 - - 1,116
Wet abrasion ......................... good 3 9 210 227,000 - - 1,260
Dry abrasion ......................... good 3-1/4 10 263 276,000 - - 1,578
3-5/8 11 314 329,000 - - 1,884
4 12 371 387,000 - - 2,226
4-1/4 13 443 454,000 - - 2,658

184 Washington Chain & Supply

D/N Composite Double Braid See specifications, page 179.

D/N Composite is a double braided rope with the inner core

made of nylon and the outer sleeve of polyester. Standard Packaging
D/N Composite was designed for very specific applications and Bulk Spool
Size (Inches) Average Carton Approx
should be selected with extreme caution . . . although the rope Dia. Circ. Lbs/100ft Strength Length Approx Wt Wt
has a higher tensile strength than either nylon or polyester, the
strength gain comes at the expense of rope life. 5/8 2 13.0 16,300 4,800 624 78
D/N Composite Braid comes standard with an overlay marine 3/4 2-1/4 17.0 22,800 3,600 612 102
finish and is available on special order with a spliceable polyure- 7/8 2-3/4 23.4 31,000 2,400 562 140
thane finish in clear or any of six colors.
1 3 30.4 40,000 1,800 547 182
• Moderate stretch Specific gravity ........................ 1.26 1-1/8 3-1/2 38.0 49,100 1,200 456 228
• High strength Melting point ...................... 482º F 1-1/4 3-3/4 47.2 59,300 1,200 566 283
• Soft hand Critical temp. ...................... 350º F 1-5/16 4 56.0 72,000 1,200 672 336
• Torque free Coefficient of friction ..... 0.12-0.15 1-1/2 4-1/2 66.7 86,700 600 400 400
Elongation at break ..... 20% - 25% 1-5/8 5 80.0 99,200 600 480 480
Fiber water absorption .... 3% - 4% 1-3/4 5-1/2 97.0 120,400 600 582 582
UV resistance .................. excellent 2 6 115 141,300 600 690 690
Wet abrasion .......................... poor 2-1/8 6-1/2 135 166,500 - - 810
Dry abrasion .......................... poor 2-1/4 7 157 190,700 - - 942
2-1/2 7-1/2 180 217,000 - - 1,080
2-5/8 8 205 243,000 - - 1,230
2-3/4 8-1/2 231 280,000 - - 1,386
3 9 259 316,000 - - 1,554
3-1/4 10 320 354,000 - - 1,920
3-5/8 11 387 422,000 - - 2,322
4 12 461 496,000 - - 2,766

Spun Polyester Double Braid

Spun Polyester is a double braided rope with the inner core
Standard Packaging
made of polyester continuous filament and the outer sleeve of 600ft
DuPont type 77 Dacron® to give a soft easy-to-grip surface yet Bulk Spool
the strength of continuous filament polyester. Size (Inches) Average Carton Approx
Dia. Circ. Lbs/100ft Strength Length Approx Wt Wt
Spun polyester is easily spliced and has excellent weathering 5/8 2 13.0 11,300 4,800 546 78
characteristics and abrasion resistance.
3/4 2-1/4 16.2 14,100 3,000 486 97
Spun Polyester Double Braid comes standard with an overlay
marine finish. 7/8 2-3/4 24.3 19,700 2,400 583 146
1 3 30.7 22,800 1,800 553 184
• Low stretch Specific gravity ........................ 1.38 1-1/8 3-1/2 41.0 30,000 1,200 492 246
• High strength Melting point ...................... 482º F 1-1/4 3-3/4 48.4 33,900 1,200 581 290
• Very soft hand Critical temp. ...................... 350º F
1-5/16 4 55.5 38,100 600 333 333
• Torque free Coefficient of friction ..... 0.12-0.15
1-1/2 4-1/2 65.0 49,900 600 390 390
• Excellent wet Elongation at break ..... 15% - 20%
1-5/8 5 84.0 56,700 600 504 504
strength Fiber water absorption .... 0% - 1%
• Meets MIL-R-24536 UV resistance .................. excellent
Wet abrasion ................... excellent
Dry abrasion ................... excellent

Washington Chain & Supply 185

Splicing Instructions
Rope Terminology
BIGHT: A loop made in any part of a rope.
BITTER END: The end of a rope oppo-
site the end in use. EXPEDIENT EYE SPLICE
BLOCK: Similar to a pulley. Used to give 1. Run end of rope through point where splice
mechanical advantage when lifting or is to start.
pulling heavy objects. 3. As fid penetrates stritches, guide the fid down
END: The end of a rope in use. (Oppo- the hollow center of the rope. In this step,
site the bitter end). push fid with right hand . . . at the same time
use left hand to work the rope over the fid.
FATHOM: A unit of measurement:
1 fathom is 6 feet.
FALL: The standing part of the rope com- 2. Start splice two stitches above penetrating
ing from the fixed block on a block-and- rope. Run fid through penetrating rope and
tackle on which strain is applied. continue down the hollow center for ap-
LAY: The way a twisted rope is con- proximately six inches. Bring fid out through
structed. Lay is either right-hand or stitches. Remove from rope.
left-hand. 4. Six to eight inches below starting point, bring
the fid out between two strands.
LINE: Rope used aboard boats and ships
is called line.
PULLEY: A device consisting of a sheave
mounted in a block or wall, which is used
to achieve mechanical advantage when
lifting or pulling heavy objects. 3. Tighten splice. Clip protruding end.
ROUND TURN: Two turns of rope 5. Remove fid from rope.
around the object to which it is being Tighten splice by pulling as indicated. PERMANENT EYE SPLICE 1
fastened. (Caution: Completed splice section
SHEAVE: Pronounced “shiv”. The should measure at least six inches in
grooved wheel in a block or pulley upon length.)
which the rope rides when in use.
STANDING PART: The main part of the
rope. 1. Cut approximately 2 ft. from one end of rope
TURN: One turn of a rope around the to be spliced. Put end B into splicing fid and
object to which it is being fastened. insert it about 8 inches from one end of rope.
Push fid 4 inches through center of rope and
bring it out., leaving end approximately 4
SPLICING DIAMOND BRAID ROPE 6. For maximum security the splice should be inches long.
stitched using a needle and heavy nylon poly- Note direction of splice in diagram!
ethylene or polypropylene twine. If a needle
TOOLS NEEDED is not available the fid may be used to lead
All that is needed to splice Diamond Braid the twine back and forth through the splice.
rope is a hollow splicing fid of the proper
size. Each diameter rope requires a fid of
the same size. All fids are marked with the
rope diameter for which they are de-
signed. 2. Remove fid. Pull end B until eye is correct

1. Insert one end of the

rope into splicing fid. CROWN SPLICE 3. Splice A into B as described in End-To-End
Make small eye splice as explained in splice.
Simple Eye Splice. Steps 1-5. Pull end pro-
truding from the splice until loop slides
down flush with end of rope. Trim off pro-
2. Select point where splice is to begin. Insert truding end.
tapered end of fid between the strands at
this point. 4. Splice end B into original rope with an
End-to-End splice.

Continued on the next page

186 Washington Chain & Supply

Splicing Instructions (continued)


PERMANENT EYE SPLICE 2 2. At point where A overlaps B insert fid into

1. Place splicing fid on end of rope, opposite rope B. Splice A into B. TOOLS NEEDED
to end where Eye splice is wanted. Insert fid A FID . . . (B-Series) of the proper size.
through rope, about 6 inches from end, as Braid-On-Braid splicing fids are identified
shown. with a “B” series number in addition to
the rope diameter, size E, G, 3/8" (B-12).
. . 1/2" (B-16) . . . etc.
A PUSHER . . . Used for pushing rope
and fid into rope when making a splice.
TAPE . . . Any type of tape is satisfactory
3. Adjust splice so that A abuts B. as it is only used temporarily to prevent
unraveling while making a splice.
2. Remove fid and pull entire length of rope A MARKING DEVICE . . . Pencil, Dry
through to size of Eye splice desired. Marker, Chalk or anything that will
mark the rope being used.

4. To tighten grasp splice firmly at center with
thumb and forefinger of each hand . . . slide
hands along rope as indicated by arrows. Clip
any protruding ends.

3. Just below the point where rope comes ADJUSTABLE EYE SPLICE
through, (Arrow) insert fid into rope in di- 1. Form a loop the size of eye desired, then put
rection away from loop, as illustrated. Insert a mark one fid length from the loop. This
short rope end into fid and guide fid down “B” (Base Point” is where you will extract the
the hollow center of the rope. Push fid for- braided core from the braided jacket. It is
ward with right hand . . . at the same time important to make a slip knot approximately
use left hand to work rope over fid. 5 feet from “B”.
Using the pusher, part the strands of the
1. Insert rope into hollow end of splicing fid, jacket and pry out the core. Re-mark point
then insert fid into rope at point about 24 “B” on the core where it comes out of the
inches from its end. As fid penetrates strands, jacket. Now, using your fingers, pull the rest
guide it down the hollow center of the rope. of the core out of the jacket. Tape the ends
In this step, push fid forward with right hand of the core and the jacket.
4. Five inches below starting point bring the
. . . at the same time use left hand to work
fid out between two strands. Remove fid and
the rope over the fid.
pull protruding end to tighten the splice,
then trim protruding end.

2. Grasp the core where it comes out of the

jacket and slide jacket back until approxi-
mately 3/4 fid length is exposed. Mark this
spot point “E” (Entrance). Slide jacket fur-
2. Bring the fid and rope out between two ther back and mark point “EX” (Exit) one
strands six to eight inches below starting fid length from point “E”.
point. Remove fid from rope.

1. Splice rope B into rope A using principles 3. Cap the protruding end with a Crown
described in EYE SPLICE. Steps 1-5. splice to prevent it from slipping back 3. In this step you will pass the end of the jacket
through the splice. through the hollow core. Separate the
strands of the core at point “E”, insert fid,
Eye size can be changed by adjusting the
and slide it through . . . coming out of point
length of rope protruding from the splice.
Continued on the next page

Washington Chain & Supply 187

Splicing Instructions (continued)
CROWN SPLICE strands nearest the jacket end, cut the
marked strands only and pull them from the
Tape end of tapered jacket.
A crown splice will keep a line from fray-
4. Insert end of jacket into the socket of the ing and unraveling. This is made similar
fid. Hold the core lightly at “EX”, then place to the eye splice with the following varia-
the point of the pusher into the socket of tions:
the fid and push the fid and jacket through 4. Place the ropes end to end with the jacket of
1. In Step 1, do not measure any loop, just
“E” to “EX” until end of jacket emerges at each beside the extracted core of the other.
measure one fid length from the end of the
“EX” line to get point “B”. Be sure to tie a slip Insert the end of one jacket into the fid socket.
knot. Insert the fid at point “A” on the other rope
core. With the pusher, push the fid through
2. Steps 2 thru 5 are the same.
the center of the core and bring it out at point
3. After cover has been inserted in core, pro- “C”. Pull the jacket through the core till point
ceed to Step 7, and bury core in the jacket. “S” on the jacket meets point “A” on the core.
5. Holding the core and end of the jacket Cut off tail of core flush with end of splice. Repeat this procedue with the other jacket
tightly at “EX”, smooth the braid of the core and core.
evenly from “EX” back to “E”. Remove the END-TO-END SPLICE
tape from the end of the jacket sticking out
at “EX”. Pull the jacket carefully as shown,
until the end disappears into the core.

5. Insert taped end of one core into the fid

socket. Insert fid at point “S” on the other
1. Place ropes to be spliced side by side and rope jacket. With the pusher, push fid
mark point “B” (Base point) one fid length through the center of the jacket and bring
from the end of each rope. Mark point “E” it out at point “E”. Repeat this procedure
about 2/3 a fid length from point “B”. Make with the other core and jacket.
6. The core must now be put back into the
certain that both ropes are marked identi-
cover, finally emerging at point “B”. Insert
the fid into the jacket about 1/2 inch from
“E”. Place the end of the core into the fid, Tie a slip knot about 5 feet from point “E”
and use the pusher to slide fid and core in each rope.
through. Pull end of core until slack is taken Using the pusher, part the jacket stands at
out. You may not be able to push fid all the point “E” and extract the core. Tape the ends 6. Remove tape from jacket ends and pull cross-
way to point “B” in one pass. If so bring out of both jackets and extracted cores. over snug by pulling jacket and core simul-
the point of fid between the strands of jacket Mark point “O” on each core where it comes taneously on each side of splice. Hold the
and re-insert fid at the exact point where you out of the jacket. crossover firmly and smooth excess braid
brought it out and push it through the rest away from it in both directions. Cut off pro-
of the way, coming out at “B”. truding cores at point “E”.

2. Mark both cores as follows:

Hold core at point “O” and slide jacket back
about 2/3 a fid length. Mark point “A”. 7. Hold rope at the slip knot with one hand
and with your other hand, slide the jacket
Hold core at point “A” and slide jacket back toward the splice. Repeat with other rope.
7. Grasp rope at point “E” and smooth down about 1-2/3 fid lengths. Mark point “C”.
both sides of loop. Now, hold rope at slip Do this until all slack has been removed be-
knot, and with the other hand slide the jacket tween the slip knots and the length of the
toward the splice. Repeat this action until opening in the splice is about equal to the
exposed core is hidden inside jacket, and all rope’s diameter.
slack in jacket has been removed. If bunch-
ing occurs at point “E” pull firmly on tail of SPLICING 3-STRAND TWISTED ROPE
core until it disappears. With this complete,
smooth loop until all slack is removed and 3. It is necessary to taper the jacket to prevent SHORT SPLICE
cut off tail near jacket. End will disappear bulge in the crossover. Do this to both ropes
by further smoothing of the loop. Untie the as follows.
slip knot and your eye splice is completed.
Starting at point “B” count 7 adjacent pairs
of strands and mark point “S”. From this
point count, and mark every other intersect-
ing pair of strands (see illustration). 7 inter-
secting pairs are to be marked. 1. For end-to-end splicing of two ropes, first,
unlay both ropes for a short distance and
Remove the tape from the jacket end and
bring them together so that the main bod-
beginning with the marked intersecting
Continued on the next page

188 Washington Chain & Supply

Splicing Instructions (continued)
ies of the ropes fit snugly and the unlaid EYE SPLICE
strands mesh, alternating a strand of one The Eye Splice may
with a strand of the other. Sealing the strand- be made as a loop
ends of synthetic fiber ropes with a a flame of any size or it can be made tight around
or hot knife will prevent their unraveling. a metal thimble to prevent chafing of
It is helpful to temporarily tie the strands of 2. Starting with any opposite pair, unlay one the rope fibers.
one rope to the body of the other rope. strand and replace it with its opposite strand
from the other rope. Do the same thing with
another pair of strands, going in the oppo-
site direction. You now have two long oppos-
ing strands in the center, at the original
meeting point of the two ropes, and a pair
of long and short opposing strands on each
2. Now, tuck one of the unlaid strands over and side of center. 1. To begin your Eye Splice unlay the strands
under a strand of the opposite rope, work- for a short distance and double back to form
ing against the twist. a loop of the desired size, with the unlaid
Take the unlaid strand next to the strand strands laying across the twist of the rope.
just tucked, and tuck it over and under the Sealing strand-ends of synthetic fiber rope will
next strand in the opposite rope. Do the prevent them from unraveling.
same thing with the remaining unlaid strand. Tuck the center unlaid strand under any one
Now, take one more truck with each strand. 3. Now tie each pair of opposing strands tightly of the strands in the main body of the rope,
with an overhand knot, tuck each strand going against the twist.
twice back into the rope, going against the
twist. Roll the splice under your foot or a
board, clip protruding strand-ends and your
splice is complete.
CAUTION: Do not clip ends too close to the
3. Remove the temporary tie and make two
tucks with the other three strands. You now
2. The next unlaid strand going over the strand
have the strands of each rope tucked two CROWN SPLICE
under which the center unlaid strand is
times through the strands of the other rope.
tucked, and is tucked under the next strand
Now go back and make at least two more
in the rope.
tucks with each of the six strands . . . four
additional tucks are recommended for syn-
thetic ropes.

4. Roll the splice under your foot, or a board

and clip off ends of the protruding strands.
CAUTION: Do not clip ends too close to the
When you want a rope end to be a little
larger in diameter than the rope, and have 3. Tuck the last unlaid strand under the re-
a finished appearance, the Crown Splice maining strand in the rope, making sure the
is the answer. tuck is against the twist.
LONG SPLICE 1. Unlay the end of your rope, (sealing the
strand ends of synthetic fiber rope will pre-
vent them from unraveling) and lay the
right-hand strand across the other two as il-
2. Then tuck the left-hand strand over the first
strand, then back over the right-hand strand.
The Long splice is not quire as strong as
the Short splice, but it permits a rope to 3. Pull all strands snug, then tuck them in se- 4. Pull each strand snugly up to the main body
run freely through a block or pulley. quence over and under the strands in the of the rope then tuck them, in sequence,
main body of the rope, as in a short splice. over and under the strands in the rope.
1. To make a Long splice, unlay the end of each Roll the splice under your foot or with a While it is traditional to use 4 tucks, at least
rope about 14 turns and bring them to- board, and clip protruding ends, not too 6 tucks are recommended for synthetic
gether so that the main bodies of the ropes close to the rope. fiber ropes.
fit snugly and the unlaid strands mesh: al-
CAUTION: Do not clip ends too close to the Roll the splice under your foot or a board,
ternating a strand of one with a strand of
splice. and trim protruding strand ends, not too
the other. Sealing strand-ends of synthetic
closely to rope. Your splice is complete.
fiber ropes with a flame or hot knife will pre-
vent their unraveling.

Washington Chain & Supply 189

Rope Tools
Splicing Fids and Pushers
For Braid-on-Braid Rope
Fids Pushers
Rope Dia. Rope Dia.
(In.) (In.)
1/4 1/4 thru 1/2
5/16 5/8 thru 3/4

Splicing Fids • For Diamond Braid Rope

All that’s needed for instant, easy splicing of
Diamond Braid ropes is a fid of the proper diam-
eter for the rope.
Rope Dia. NOTE: The 5/8 in. fid is also
(In.) used for splicing 3/4 in.
5/8 Rope Measurer

Rope Measurer
Meets National Bureau of Standards H-44 Requirements.
Accurately measures cordage, from 5/32 to 3/4 inch
diameter, within Weights and Measures tolerances.
Digital counter indicates feet and inches up to 99 feet
11 inches and continues. Also subtracts. Rates at 1,000
feet per minute.

Cutting Gun
Electronic Cutting Gun
A handy tool that cuts and seals the ends of synthetic
ropes in one fast movement. 120 Volts A.C., 60 cycle,
1.1 amps., 130 watts. 5 foot cord.

Knot & Splicing Instruction Book

A comprehensive 70-page book containing a world of
information about rope and its uses. 139 illustrations
with easy-to-follow instructions. How to tie knots and
hitches. How to splice braided and twisted ropes. How
to make things with rope and much more.

190 Washington Chain & Supply

Synthetic Slings

Types 1-6, 1 and 2 ply .................................. 192

Roundsling ................................................... 195
Evaluating Wear .......................................... 196

Washington Chain has on hand a solid inventory of synthetic slings. We will be pleased to have
custom fabricated anything we do not carry.

Washington Chain & Supply 191

Olympic Synthetic Products

Type 1 Slings 1 PLY

Width Code Number Vert. WLL Basket WLL Choke WLL Adj. Ultimate Ultimate
2 TC-1-902 3,600 7,200 2,700 18,000
3 TC-1-903 5,400 10,800 4,000 27,000
4 TC-1-904 7,200 14,400 5,400 36,000
5 TC-1-905 9,000 18,000 6,700 45,000
6 TC-1-906 10,800 21,600 8,100 54,000
8 STC-1-908 14,400 28,800 10,800 72,000
10 STC-1-910 18,000 36,000 13,500 90,000
12 STC-1-912 21,600 43,200 16,200 108,000

Type 1 Slings 2 PLY

2 STC-2-902 5,400 10,800 4,000 27,000 36,000
3 STC-2-903 8,100 16,200 6,000 40,500 54,000
4 STC-2-904 10,800 21,600 8,100 54,000 72,000
5 STC-2-905 13,500 27,000 10,100 67,500 90,000
6 STC-2-906 16,200 32,400 12,100 81,000 108,000
Type 1 Slings
8 STC-2-908 21,600 43,200 16,200 108,000 144,000
Choker and Basket Hitch
10 STC-2-910 27,000 54,000 20,200 135,000 180,000
Triangle and Choker Fittings
12 STC-2-912 32,400 64,800 24,300 162,000 216,000

Type 2 Slings 1 PLY

Width Code Number Vert. WLL Basket WLL Choke WLL Adj. Ultimate Ultimate
2 TT-1-902 3,600 7,200 18,000
3 TT-1-903 5,400 10,800 27,000
4 TT-1-904 7,200 14,400 36,000
5 TT-1-905 9,000 18,000 45,000
6 TT-1-906 10,800 21,600 54,000
8 STT-1-908 14,400 28,800 72,000
10 STT-1-910 18,000 36,000 90,000
12 STT-1-912 21,600 43,200 108,000

Type 2 Slings 2 PLY

2 STT-2-902 5,400 10,800 27,000 36,000
3 STT-2-903 8,100 16,200 40,500 54,000
4 STT-2-904 10,800 21,600 54,000 72,000
5 STT-2-905 13,500 27,000 67,500 90,000 Type 2 Slings
6 STT-2-906 16,200 32,400 81,000 108,000 Basket and vertical
8 STT-2-908 21,600 43,200 108,000 144,000 Hitches Only
10 STT-2-910 27,000 54,000 135,000 180,000 Two Triangle Fittings
12 STT-2-912 32,400 64,800 162,000 216,000

192 Washington Chain & Supply

Olympic Synthetic Products
Types 3 and 4 1 PLY

Width Code Number Vert. WLL Basket WLL Choke WLL Adj. Ultimate Ultimate
1 EE-1-901 1,800 3,600 1,300 9,000
2 EE-1-902 3,600 7,200 2,700 18,000
3 EE-1-903 5,400 10,800 4,000 27,000
4 EE-1-904 7,200 14,400 5,400 36,000
5 EE-1-905 9,000 18,000 6,700 45,000
6 EE-1-906 10,800 21,600 8,100 54,000
8 EE-1-908 14,400 28,800 10,800 72,000
10 EE-1-910 18,000 36,000 13,500 90,000
12 EE-1-912 21,600 43,200 16,200 108,000

Types 3 and 4 Slings 2 PLY

1 EE-2-901 2,700 5,400 2,000 13,500 18,000
2 EE-2-902 5,400 10,800 4,000 27,000 36,000
3 EE-2-903 8,100 16,200 6,000 40,500 54,000
4 EE-2-904 10,800 21,600 8,100 54,000 72,000
5 EE-2-905 13,500 27,000 10,100 67,500 90,000
Types 3 and 4 Slings
6 EE-2-906 16,200 32,400 12,100 81,000 108,000
Flat or Twisted Eyes
8 EE-2-908 21,600 43,200 16,200 108,000 144,000
Vertical, Choker, Basket
10 EE-2-910 27,000 54,000 20,200 135,000 180,000
12 EE-2-912 32,400 64,800 24,300 162,000 216,000

Type 5 Slings 1 PLY

Width Code Number Vert. WLL Basket WLL Choke WLL Adj. Ultimate Ultimate
1 EN-1-901 2,900 5,800 2,200 14,400 18,000
2 EN-1-902 5,800 11,600 4,400 28,800 36,000
3 EN-1-903 8,700 17,400 6,500 43,200 54,000
4 EN-1-904 11,500 23,000 8,600 57,600 72,000
5 EN-1-905 14,400 28,800 10,800 72,000 90,000
6 EN-1-906 17,300 34,600 13,000 86,400 108,000
8 EN-1-908 23,000 46,000 17,300 115,200 144,000
10 EN-1-910 28,800 57,600 21,600 144,000 180,000
12 EN-1-912 34,600 69,200 26,000 172,800 216,000

Type 5 Slings 2 PLY

1 EN-2-901 5,400 10,800 4,000 27,000 36,000
2 EN-2-902 10,800 21,600 8,100 54,000 72,000
3 EN-2-903 16,200 32,400 12,100 81,000 108,000
4 EN-2-904 21,600 43,200 16,200 108,000 144,000
5 EN-2-905 27,000 54,000 20,200 135,000 180,000 Type 5 Slings
6 EN-2-906 32,400 64,800 24,300 162,000 216,000 Vertical, Choker, Basket
8 EN-2-908 43,200 86,400 32,400 216,000 288,000 Hitches
10 EN-2-910 54,000 108,000 40,500 270,000 360,000
12 EN-2-920 64,800 129,600 48,600 324,000 432,000

Washington Chain & Supply 193

Olympic Synthetic Products
Type 6 Sling 1 PLY

Width Code Number Vert. WLL Basket WLL Choke WLL Adj. Ultimate Ultimate
6 WL-1-906 8,100 16,200 - 40,500 54,000
8 WL-1-908 10,800 21,600 - 54,000 72,000
10 WL-1-910 13,500 27,000 - 67,500 90,000
12 WL-1-912 16,200 32,400 - 81,000 108,000
16 WL-1-916 21,600 43,200 - 108,000 144,000
20 WL-1-920 27,000 54,000 - 135,000 180,000
24 WL-1-924 32,400 64,800 - 162,000 216,000

Type 6 Sling 2 PLY

6 WL-2-906 14,000 28,000 70,200 108,000
8 WL-2-908 18,700 37,400 93,600 144,000
10 WL-2-910 23,400 46,800 117,000 180,000 Endless or Grommet Type
12 WL-2-912 28,000 56,000 140,400 216,000 Type 6 Sling
16 WL-2-916 37,400 74,800 187,200 288,000 Wide Lift
20 WL-2-920 46,800 93,600 234,000 360,000
24 WL-2-924 56,100 112,200 280,800 432,000


All Angles Measured from Vertical
(1,000 lbs. Load)
This chart illustrates how the stress on a
sling increases as the angle increases (all
angles measured from the vertical).
When one sling leg lifts 1,000 lbs. at
0 degrees. the sling stress is also 1,000
lbs. If the sling angle is increased to 45
degrees, the stress actually exerted on
the sling would be 1,414 lbs., an increase
of 41.4%.
Should the sling angle be increased
to 60, the stress would be 2,000 lbs.,
or a 100% increase. At an 85° angle
(extremely unlikely) sling stress increases
1,047%. With a load of 1,000 lbs. the sling
stress would be 11,473 pounds.
Sling charts show rated capacity in lbs.
with a safety factor of 5. For a higher
safety factor select the next larger sling. HOW TO SELECT A SLING FOR USE AT ANY ANGLE When calculating for selection
However, it is important that you check of proper sling for use at any angle, select vertical angle in chart above, read the ‘increase
in the column showing sling angle that in stress’ as a percentage factor. Multiply the actual load weight by this percentage, then
most nearly corresponds with the maxi- add answer to actual load to be hoisted. This gives Rated Capacity to look for in selecting
mum angle at which you will hoist. proper size of sling.

194 Washington Chain & Supply

Olympic Roundsling Features
The OLYMPIC Roundsling is a major advancement in securing
almost any object to be pulled of lifted. It consists of a continu-
ous, or endless, loop of 100% polyester fiber as shown in the
cutaway at “A”.
The accumulation of numerous fiber strands determines the
strength factor, as the capacity chart below shows.
The multiple fiber construction makes the roundsling soft and
flexible — perfect for a choked lift. The sling contours itself
around the load.
The bundle of fibers is protected by a double cover of woven
polyester fabric, as shown at “B” in cutaway. Because the load
bearing fibers never come in contact with the load, there is no C
wear to them as long as the cover remains intact. In addition, A
the endless roundsling can be constantly rotated, further ex-
tending the wear life of the protective covering and the sling as B
a whole.
Load drop safety is inherent in the polyester fiber principle. • Melting point 500º F (260º C)
Even if the sling is greatly overstressed, it will not completely • Max. working temp. 200º F (100º C)
break apart at once, it will stretch slowly as the individual fibers • Excellent resistance to ultra violet rays, rot and mildew
start to break, allowing time to put the load down. • Lightweight, easy to handle, store and clean
Each sling has a tough, branded leather label permanently at- • No loss of strength in water
tached, with load capacities marked, as shown at “C”. The ulti- • Only 3% elongation
mate breaking load is minimum of five times the rated capacity. • Protects workers’ hands
• Resistant to acids
• Not resistant to heavy concentrations of alkalies
• Non-Sewn edge on cover, solid tube construction.

Vertical Choke Vert. Basket 30º Basket 45º Basket

Part Approx Color

No. Dia.

Inches Inch Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs.

OL1 0.60 purple 2,650 2,120 5,300 4,500 3,600
OL2 0.80 green 5,300 4,240 10,600 9,100 7,400
OL3 1.00 yellow 8,400 6,720 16,800 14,500 11,800
OL4 1.20 tan 10,600 8,500 21,200 18,300 15,000
OL5 1.30 red 13,200 10,560 26,400 22,800 18,600
OL6 1.40 orange 16,800 13,440 33,600 27,500 22,500
OL7 1.55 blue 21,200 17,000 42,400 36,700 29,900
OL8 1.75 gray 31,700 25,300 63,400 43,300 35,300
OL9 1.95 brown 52,900 42,300 105,800 53,600 43,800
OL10 2.35 olive 66,100 52,880 132,200 69,200 56,500
Testing: OLYMPIC Roundslings are quality control tested for tensile strength in straight pull and choked; also for elasticity.

Washington Chain & Supply 195

Evaluating Worn Synthetic Web Slings

To the cautious sling user, many good and still oper- Bear in mind that most sling type webbing carry
able slings have been thrown away because of the about 80% of their ultimate tensile strength in
appearance of the ‘red wear indicator’ on the body the longitudinal gut members and about 20% in
of the sling; and in other cases, its rejection has been the ‘pick threads or warp’ (the threads that travel
justified. across the width of the webbing holding the ‘gut’
The first consideration should be to evaluate tensile members in a flat plane). If the cut or
the nature and cause of the worn section and its slice is shallow and does not involve the gut mem-
severity. bers, the sling is worth repairing. Punctures can
be repaired.
Is the wear due to dragging the sling and rupturing
its selvedged edge? Sharp corner abrasion or scrape condition.

This is a common situation on production type This condition is usually created by lifting a
small boat lifting or other similar operations ‘sharp’ corner or angular load with slings whose
where the sling is repeatedly dragged over a black tensile strength is too low and/or sufficient dun-
top or rough concrete surface. nage has not been used between the sling body
and sharp corner. We are referring to loads such
Selvedged edge wear is progressive and should a pallets, boxes, lumber and any load other than
be shown immediate attention. A piece of thin a round or radii configuration.
Cordura webbing can be sewn around the fray-
ing edge bringing the sling back to 100% effi- Another cause is ‘jerking’ or lifting a load too
ciency. If ignored, the fray will progressively travel fast. Other than its strength, synthetic webbing’s
into the body of the sling leaving only the tensile greatest attribute is its shock absorbing stretch
strength of the ‘gut’ members to carry the load. ability. If an angular load is lifted too fast, this
It will also create an unbalanced condition when load under a loaded condition around a sharp
lifting; throwing most of the load on that por- corner may momentarily work up a ‘friction tem-
tion of the sling that is not frayed. If the frayed perature’ great enough to fuse the webbing sur-
part has progressed over 1/4 of the slings width, face and partially destroy the original tensile
we would consider this sling unrepairable and it strength of the webbing.
should not be used. Usually, this type of abrasion takes place across
Has the sling been physically cut or sliced by a sharp the full width of the sling and we do not recom-
object? mend repair.

The usual cause is carelessness; i.e., run over by Environmental deterioration

trucks or forklifts, dropping metal plate or other
heavy objects on the sling, etc...

196 Washington Chain & Supply

Cargo Securing

Container Securing & Handling Equipment .... 198

Cloverleaf Deck Sockets .............................. 199
Bulb Hooks .................................................. 199
Push-Pull Ratchets...................................... 200
Acme Thread Ratchet Turnbuckle .................201
Heavy Duty Forged Ratchets ....................... 202
Decklashing Material .................................. 204

Washington Chain is a leading supplier of deck-lashing materials in the Northwest United States,
stocking a large supply of chain and hardware to meet your needs on short notice.

Washington Chain & Supply 197

Container Securing and
Handling Equipment

D-Ring & Straps

Sizes to 100,000 pounds

Container Corner Fittings

(ISO Type)

Twist-Lock Stacking Cone

Van Lugs

Emergency Van Lifting Lug

198 Washington Chain & Supply

Flush Cloverleaf Deck Socket

1/2 inch 3/4 inch
Weight 21 lb. 42.8 lb.
Strength 32,000 Lb. 64,000 Lb.
Dia. Of
Socket 9-3/4" Dia. 12-1/2" Dia.
Top Rate
Thickness 1/2 in. 3/4 in.
Finish Galvanize or Self Colored

Bulb Hook
Cloverleaf Deck Socket

Horizontal to Vertical
and 75° each side of center

Hook Angles of Pull

1/2 inch 3/4 inch
Breaking 30,000 lb. 62,000 lb.
Weight 3.1 lb. 5.45 lb.
Finish Cad. Plated or Galvanized

Washington Chain & Supply 199

Deck-Lashing Material
Push-Pull Ratchets
If ratchets do not meet your needs, here’s how you Next, decide which of the five
can tailor a ratchet for your own application. handles shown applies best. Then select by name
the two end fittings from the eleven types shown.
Beginning with the plain threaded barrel, choose
the diameter to provide the strength you need and Select the amount of work load in pounds or tons
the length for the takeup you require. you anticipate and the number of ratchets needed.
We will send you a quotation prompty.

Shackle Type Angle-shank Jaw Jaw with

Pelican Hook Pelican Hook Locknut
Assembly Assembly

End Fittings

Welded Link Ratchet and

Pelican Hook Barrel
Assembly Three-Piece Handle

All-Steel Handle
One-Piece Spring
Welded Link Loaded Handle
and Hook
Hand Wheel

Vise Type

Swivel or
Threaded Eye and
Shank Hook Shackle Eye and Link Eye Stub

200 Washington Chain & Supply

Acme Thread Ratchet Turnbuckle
Standard Ratchet is designed for loose fit and
easy operation requiring no lubricating fitting
and has a minimum of moving parts.

Gravity Ratchet Dog
No Spring Required

Solid Tubular

1-3/8” - 4 T.P.I.
Acme Thd.

2-3/8” Dia.



WLL 18,000 lbs.

Washington Chain & Supply 201

1-3/8” Forged Ratchet with Stub Ends
90,000 lb. Minimum Breaking Strength



Working Range 29” to 46-1/2”

1-3/8” Forged Ratchet with Welded Staple Option

90,000 lb. Minimum Breaking Strength
Working Range 29” to 46-1/2”


4” 19”

3-1/2” 1” dia.
Welded Staple Position

1-3/8” Forged Eye/Eye Ratchet

90,000 lb. Minimum Breaking Strength

Dia. 1” Forged Eye End 19”


Working Range 39” to 56-1/2”

202 Washington Chain & Supply

1-3/4”x 24” Forged Stationary Ratchet
126,000 lb. Minimum Breaking Strength


Working Range (with stops) 38-1/4” to 58-1/4”

1-3/8”x 24” Forged Stationary Ratchet

90,000 lb. Minimum Breaking Strength


Working Range 37-3/4” to 59-3/4”

1-3/8”x 24” Forged River Ratchet

90,000 lb. Minimum Breaking Strength
Pelican Hooks both ends


Working Range 49” to 70-1/2”

Other sizes and configurations are available.

Washington Chain & Supply 203

Deck-Lashing Material

Grab Link
Chain Long link, Open Link
All Types & Sizes
End Connections All Sizes
Shackles All Types & Sizes (Galv. & Self-Colored)
Turnbuckles All Sizes & Types

Decklashing Turnbuckle with Pelican Hook & Pear Shaped Link

Long Link Decklashing Chain

1/2” Galv. 3.15”


Minimum Break 1/2” Dia.

40,000 lb.
3/4” Dia.

Minimum Break
36,000 lb.

204 Washington Chain & Supply

Chain Hoists

Jet L-90 ........................................................ 206

Chain Pullers ............................................... 207
Cable Pullers ................................................210
Beam Clamps ...............................................210
Manual Trolleys............................................ 211

Washington Chain & Supply 205

Chain Hoists
Jet L-90 Chain Hoists
• Lightweight steel construction
• Less distance between hooks makes it ideal for hoisting in • Top and bottom safety hooks are standard.
close quarters and low ceiling applications
• Heat treated, carbon steel, drop-forged
• Housing, sheaves and frame are all steel hooks are designed to bend slowly to
• A rolled edge on the hand wheel cover acts as a chain guide warn of overloads
and allows smooth operation even when pulling the hand • Meets OSHA and ANSI B30.16 standards
chain at an angle
• Tested and certified to 125% of rated capacity
• Handwheel cover prevents dirt and dust from hampering
operation CAUTION: Be sure that supporting structures and load-attach-
ing devices used in conjunction with this hoist provide and ad-
• Electrostatic powder painted before assembly to protect
equate safety factor to handle the rated load plus the weight of
against rust and corrosion
the equipment. If in doubt, consult a qualified structural engi-
• Gear case has four reinforced ribs and four knock pins neer. This equipment is not to be used for lifting, supporting or
• Gears are chrome molybdenum steel transporting people, or lifting or supporting loads over people.
• Equipped with anchor plate to avoid over lifting/lowering IMPORTANT: Before installation, see maintenance and opera-
• Positive ratchet, screw and disc brake are completely tions manual for additional warnings and precautions. Not for
enclosed to protect the brake mechanism use in explosive environment.
• Non-asbestos brake discs made of low-abrasion Aramid fiber NOTE: Custom lifts are available in any length desire. However,
• Chain is heat treated, low-wear hoisting custom lift hosts are not returnable.
chain, surpassing ISO T-class


1/2T, 1T, 1-1/2T, 2T 3T, 5T 10T 15T-60T
Dimensions (in inches)
Model A B C D E F H J
1/2 5-1/2 6-1/8 2-9/32 1-1/4 1 1-7/16 - -
1 6-1/4 6-1/4 2-7/16 1-3/8 1-3/16 1-11/16 - -
1-1/2 7-1/4 6-5/8 2-9/16 1-7/16 1-3/8 1-7/8 - -
2 8-1/2 7-3/16 2-5/8 1-5/8 1-1/2 2-3/32 - -
3 9 6-5/8 4-3/8 2-1/2 1-3/4 2-3/8 - -
5 11-1/8 7-1/2 6-1/2 3-3/32 2-3/32 2-3/4 - -
10 15-1/8 7-1/2 11-13/16 3-7/8 2-3/4 3-3/8 - -
15 41-1/2 8-1/2 21-5/8 4-3/8 4-1/8 8-11/16 3-1/8 3-1/2
20 47-1/4 15 29-1/8 7-1/2 7-1/2 8-11/16 3-3/4 4
25 53-1/8 17-3/4 31-1/2 8-7/8 8-7/8 8-11/16 3-3/4 4-1/2
30 65-3/8 20 32-1/4 10 10 8-11/16 4-5/16 5-3/8
50 80-3/4 27-1/2 35-7/16 13-3/4 13-3/4 8-11/16 5-1/8 6
60 90-1/2 29-1/2 45-1/4 14-3/4 14-3/4 8-11/16 6 7

206 Washington Chain & Supply

Jet Pullers
• Size and weight of pullers allow easy handling and
• Choice of steel or aluminum alloy housings
• Simple design makes routine inspection or maintenance
fast and easy Steel or
• Direction of pull controlled with one flip of the self-locking aluminum
thumb lever housings
• High tensile steel plate housing
• Key parts are magnafluxed and inspected before assembly Quick self-locking
• Needle bearings provide smooth operation and long life thumb control
• Braking mechanism has increased gear ratio to reduce lever for pull
pressure force between 26.4% and 52.5% providing direction control
increased safety and reliability of brake
• Low-wear chain is strong and smooth finished to prevent
snagging or jamming
• Gauge included to check for chain
elongation and hook opening
• Drop-forged hooks are designed to bend
Special alloy
slowly to warn of overloads
hooks designed
• Top and bottom safety hooks are standard to bend slowly
• Meets OSHA and ANSI-ASME HST-3M standards to warn of
• Each unit is tested and certified to 125% of rated capacity overload

CAUTION: Be sure supporting structures and load-attaching

devices used in conjunction with this puller provide an adequate
safety factor to handle the rated load plus the weight of the equip-
ment. If in doubt, consult a qualified structural engineer. This 1-1/2T SLN
equipment is not to be used for lifting, supporting or transport-
ing people, or lifting or supporting loads over people.
IMPORTANT: Before installation, see maintenance and opera-
tions manual for additional warning and precautions. Not for
use in explosive environment.

Rated Min. Dist Lbs. Pull

Body No. of Cap’y Between Stand. to Lift Lever Net
Model Type Falls (Tons) Hooks (In.) Lift (Ft.) Lift Cap’y Length (In.) Lbs.
3/4 Ton-SLN Steel 1 3/4 12-5/16 5 51 10-1/4 17
3/4 Ton-SLN Steel 1 3/4 12-5/16 15 51 10-1/4 20
3/4 Ton-ALN Aluminum 1 3/4 12-5/16 5 51 10-1/4 14
1-1/2 Ton-SLN Steel 1 1-1/2 15 5 55 16-1/8 29
1-1/2 Ton-SLN Steel 1 1-1/2 15 15 66 16-1/8 39
1-1/2 Ton-ALN Aluminum 1 1-1/2 15 5 55 16-1/8 25
3 Ton-SLN Steel 1 3 18-7/8 5 83 20-5/64 51
3 Ton-SLN Steel 1 3 18-7/8 15 83 20-5/64 62
3 Ton-ALN Aluminum 1 3 18-7/8 5 83 20-5/64 44
NOTE: Custom lifts are available in any length desired. However, custom lift pullers are not returnable.

Washington Chain & Supply 207

Jet JP Series Pullers
• Size and weight of pullers allow easy handling and opera-
• Main frame made of high tensile strength steel
• Simple design makes routine inspection or maintenance
fast and easy
High tensile
• Direction of pull controlled with one flip of the self-locking strength steel
thumb lever main frame
• Key parts are magnafluxed and inspected before assembly
• Needle bearings provide smooth operation and long life
• Braking mechanism has increased gear ratio to reduce
pressure force between 26.4% and 52.5% providing Easy-to-use
increased safety and reliability of brake free-wheeling
• Grade 100, high strength, low-wear chain is abrasion feature
resistant to prevent snagging or jamming
• Non-asbestos brake discs made of low-abrasion Aramid
• Gauge included to check for chain elongation and hook Extra strong.
opening Grade 100
• Drop-forged hooks are designed to bend slowly to warn of low-wear
overloads chain
• Top and bottom safety hooks are standard
• Meets OSHA and ANSI-ASME HST-3M standards
• Each unit is tested and certified to 125% of rated capacity
CAUTION: Be sure supporting structures and load-attaching
devices used in conjunction with this puller provide an adequate Drop-forged hooks
safety factor to handle the rated load plus the weight of the equip- are designed to
ment. If in doubt, consult a qualified structural engineer. This bend slowly to
equipment is not to be used for lifting, supporting or transport- warn of overload
ing people, or lifting or supporting loads over people.
IMPORTANT: Before installation, see maintenance and opera-
tions manual for additional warning and precautions. Not for
use in explosive environment.

Rated Min. Dist Lbs. Pull

Body No. of Cap’y Between Stand. To Lift Lever Net
Model Type Falls (Tons) Hooks (In.) Lift (Ft.) Lift Cap’y Length (In.) Lbs.
JP-75-5 Steel 1 3/4 12-3/8 5 66 10-1/2 16
JP-75-15 Steel 1 3/4 12-3/8 15 66 10-1/2 16
JP-150-5 Steel 1 1-1/2 14-15/16 5 66 16-1/16 25
JP-150-15 Steel 1 1-1/2 14-15/16 15 66 16-1/16 25
JP-300-5 Steel 1 3 18-7/8 5 84 16-1/16 41
JP-300-15 Steel 1 3 18-7/8 15 84 16-1/16 41
JP-600-5 Steel 2 6 23-7/8 5 84 16-1/16 66
NOTE: Custom lifts are available in any length desired. However, custom lift pullers are not returnable.

208 Washington Chain & Supply

Jet Mini-Mite Pullers
• Lightweight and rigid design
• Super Hardened chain Electrostatic
• Electrostatic powder painted before assembly to
painted to
protect against rust and corrosion
• Reinforced gear cover protects pivotal gear block against rust
• Extra strong handle and corrosion
• Non-asbestos brake discs made of low-abrasion
Aramid fiber
• Double action ratchet works even without a load
• Top and bottom safety hooks are drop-forged and
designed to bend slowly to warn of overloads
• Meets OSHA and ANSI-ASME HST-3M standards Super
• Each unit is tested and certified to 125% of rated capacity hardened
CAUTION: Be sure supporting structures and load-attaching
devices used in conjunction with this puller provide an adequate
safety factor to handle the rated load plus the weight of the
equipment. If in doubt, consult a qualified structural engineer.
This equipment is not to be used for lifting, supporting or trans-
porting people, or lifting or supporting loads over people.
IMPORTANT: Before installation, see maintenance and opera-
tions manual for additional warning and precautions. Not for
use in explosive environment.
hooks are
designed to
bend slowly
to warn of

Rated Min. Dist Lbs. Pull

Body No. of Cap’y Between Stand. To Lift Lever Net
Model Type Falls (Tons) Hooks (In.) Lift (Ft.-In.) Lift Cap’y Length (In.) Lbs.
MM-25 Steel 1 1/4 9-1/4 3-3 61 6-3/32 4-1/2
MM-50 Steel 1 1/2 10-1/4 5 75 11-3/16 8
MM-75 Steel 1 3/4 9-3/4 5 48-1/2 10-5/64 13-1/2
MM-751 Steel 1 3/4 9-3/4 10 48-1/2 10-5/64 17
MM-752 Steel 1 3/4 9-3/4 20 48-1/2 10-5/64 23
MM-150 Steel 1 1-1/2 13 5 51 17-5/16 23-1/2
MM-151 Steel 1 1-1/2 13 10 51 17-5/16 28
MM-155 Steel 1 1-1/2 13 15 51 17-5/16 33-1/2
MM-152 Steel 1 1-1/2 16-3/4 20 51 17-5/16 35-1/2
MM-300 Steel 1 3 16-3/4 5 75 17-5/16 46
MM-310 Steel 1 3 16-3/4 10 75 17-5/16 53
MM-355 Steel 1 3 16-3/4 15 75 17-5/16 56
MM-320 Steel 1 3 16-3/4 20 75 17-5/16 67-1/2
MM-600 Steel 2 6 24-1/2 5 79 17-5/16 82
MM-620 Steel 2 6 24-1/2 20 79 17-5/16 121
NOTE: Custom lifts are available in any length desired. However, custom lift pullers are not returnable.

Washington Chain & Supply 209

Jet Pullers
Jet Cable Pullers
• All steel construction
• Two laminated ratchet wheels for added strength and security
• Concealed spring-lever control to prevent accidental release
• Lightweight with sure grip handle
• Safety latches are standard on both hooks JCP-2
• Two ratchets ensure positive stops
• Snatch block included with JCP-2
Max. Wire Rope Net
Model Lift (Ft.) Cap’y Dia. (In.) Lbs.
JCP-1 12 1 Ton 3/16 7
JCP-2 5 2 Ton 3/16 8
Note: Not for use in explosive environment. JG-150 JG-300

Jet Grip Pullers

• May be used in any position to lift, pull, lower or stretch • 66 feet of wire rope comes standard
heavy loads • Longer length wire rope may be used with pulley blocks
• Operated manually by engaging clutch and working the • Shear pins in the handle will break under severe overload.
handle Extra pins are provided and are easily installed.
• Uses standard ASA wire rope • Safety latches are standard.

Pulling Lifting Dimensions

Cap’y Cap’y Handle Wire Rope Net
Model (Lbs.) (Lbs.) Length (In.) Length Height Width Dia. (In.) Lbs.
JG-75 2,750 1,650 29-1/2 18-3/16" 7-5/8" 4-3/8" 5/16 22
JG-150 5,500 3,300 41 23-5/8" 9-3/8" 5-5/8" 7/16 48
JG-300 11,000 6,600 46-1/2 27-3/4" 9" 6" 5/8 72
Note: Not for use in explosive environment.

Jet Beam Clamps

• Clamp jaw is designed to reduce
flange stress by distributing load
away from I-beam flange edge
• Can be mounted easily with
threaded handle B
• Fits a wide range of flange widths A
and beams C
• Suspension bar provides lower headroom D

Rated Load Flange Net

Model Lbs. Width (In.) Lbs.
JBC-1 2,000 2.95 – 8.66 11
JBC-2 4,000 2.95 – 8.66 12 F
JBC-3 6,000 3.94 – 9.84 26
JBC-5 10,000 4.92 – 10.63 34
Note: Not for use in explosive environment. E H

Dimensions (In.)
Max. Min. Max. Max. Min. Min.
Model A B B C D E F F G H
JBC-1 9.65 7.48 14.17 2.76 0.20 8.46 5.31 3.07 1.10 .80
JBC-2 9.65 7.48 14.17 2.91 0.28 8.46 5.31 3.07 1.10 .80
JBC-3 11.22 9.84 17.52 4.65 0.31 10.24 6.30 4.33 2.17 .87
JBC-5 12.60 10.43 19.09 5.51 0.39 10.63 6.50 4.92 2.05 1.10

210 Washington Chain & Supply

Jet Manual Adjustable Trolleys
Type MBT-Ball Bearing
• MBT series feature double sealed ball bearings
• Use on straight or curved track
• Can be installed on removed at any point along the track
• Adjustable to fit various size wide flange and I-Beams
• Built-in bumper guards
• Can be used with H and I-Beams




MBT Type Trolleys
Capacity (Tons) Beam Flange Width (In.) Min. Radius Curve (In.) Net Lbs.
1/2 3 5-1/2 36 16
1 3-1/4 5-1/2 40 26
1-1/2 4 5-1/2 40 33
2 4 6 43 46
3 4 6 56 79
5 5 6-7/8 64 117
10 6 6-7/8 79 207
Capacity Dimensions (In.)
(Tons) A B C D E F G H I
1/2 8-3/8 4-7/8 4-7/8 5-1/8 2-1/4 4 3 5-1/2 4 1-1/2
1 9-15/16 5-1/4 5-1/4 6-1/8 3 4-5/8 3-1/4 5-1/2 4-1/2 2
1-1/2 10-15/16 5-3/8 5-3/8 6-3/8 3-3/8 4-7/8 4 5-1/2 5-1/8 2-1/8
2 11-7/8 5-7/8 5-7/8 6-11/16 3-1/2 5-3/8 4 6 5-1/4 2-3/8
3 13-5/8 6-1/4 6-1/4 8-1/2 4-1/2 6-3/16 4 6 6-1/2 3
5 15-1/16 7-1/4 7-1/4 10 4-13/16 6-3/4 5 6-7/8 7-7/8 3-3/4
10 17-15/16 7-15/16 7-15/16 11-5/8 6 7-7/8 6 6-7/8 10-1/8 4-3/4
NOTE: Not for use in explosive environment.

Washington Chain & Supply 211

Jet Manual Adjustable Trolleys
Type GBT-Geared with Ball Bearings
• Geared drive wheels with ball bearings
• Use on straight or curved track
• Can be installed or removed at any point along the track
• Adjustable to fit various size wide flange and I-Beams
• Extra lifts available
• Built-in bumper guards
• Manufactured for use with wide flange and I-Beams




GBT Type Trolleys
Capacity Beam Flange Chain Required Min. Radius
(Tons) Chain Length (Ft.) Width (In.) To Move 1 Ft. (Ft.) Curve (In.) Net Lbs.
1/2 8 3-1/4 5-1/2 7 36 22
1 10 4 5-1/2 9 40 39
2 10 4 6 10 43 57
3 10 4 6 11 56 90
5 10 5 6-7/8 12 64 121
10 10 6 6-7/8 15 79 210
Capacity Dimensions (In.)
(Tons) A B C D E F G H I J K
1/2 8-3/8 4-7/8 8-1/8 5-1/8 2-1/4 4 3 5-1/2 4 1-1/2 15/16 5-1/4
1 9-15/16 5-1/4 8-1/4 6-1/8 3 4-5/8 3-1/4 5-1/2 4-1/2 2 1-3/16 5-1/4
2 11-7/8 5-7/8 8-1/2 6-11/16 3-1/2 5-3/8 4 6 5-1/4 2-3/8 1-7/16 5-1/4
3 13-5/8 6-1/4 9-11/16 8-1/2 4-1/2 6-3/16 4 6 6-1/2 3 1-3/4 8-1/4
5 15-1/16 7-1/4 10-11/16 10 4-13/16 6-3/4 5 6-7/8 7-7/8 3-3/4 2-3/8 8-1/4
10 17-15/16 7-15/16 11-7/8 11-5/8 6 7-7/8 6 6-7/8 10-1/8 4-3/4 3-1/4 8-1/4
NOTE: Not for use in explosive environment.

212 Washington Chain & Supply


Washington Chain & Supply 213


214 Washington Chain & Supply



Anchor, AC-14 .............................................. 5 D-Ring, Straps .......................................... 198 Rope, Splicing Instructions .................... 186
Anchor, Admiralty ..................................... 22 Decklashing Material ............................... 204 Rope, Tools .............................................. 190
Anchor, Balanced Fluke ............................ 22 Devils Claw ................................................. 46 Shackle, Alloy Bolt Type .......................... 124
Anchor, Eells .............................................. 22 Eye Bolt, Machine .................................... 114 Shackle, Alloy Screw Pin Anchor ............ 123
Anchor, Halls ............................................. 21 Eye Bolt, Regular Nut .............................. 112 Shackle, Anchor Pattern, Marquip ........... 57
Anchor, Kedge ............................................. 7 Eye Bolt, Screw Eye .................................. 113 Shackle, Bending ....................................... 40
Anchor, Moorfast ......................................... 6 Eye Bolt, Shoulder Nut ........................... 113 Shackle, Bolt Type ................................... 122
Anchor, Mushroom ................................... 22 Eye Bolt, Usage .......................................... 86 Shackle, Chain Pattern, Marquip ............. 56
Anchor, Pool ................................................ 8 Eye Nut, Forged ....................................... 115 Shackle, Dip Rope ..................................... 60
Anchor, Selection ........................................ 4 Floats, Inflatable ........................................ 74 Shackle, End .............................................. 40
Anchor, Snug Stowing ............................... 12 Grapnel ...................................................... 44 Shackle, Mandal Fairlead .......................... 62
Anchor, Stato Mooring .............................. 20 Hoists, Chain ........................................... 206 Shackle, Naval Mooring Swivel ................. 43
Anchor, Stockless ....................................... 14 Hook, Alloy Clevis Grab ............................ 94 Shackle, Oval Pin ....................................... 38
Anchor, U.S.N. LWT .................................. 16 Hook, Alloy Clevis Sling ............................ 95 Shackle, Round Pin ................................... 39
Anchor, U.S.N. Stockless ........................... 18 Hook, Alloy Eye Foundry .......................... 96 Shackle, Round Pin Anchor ................... 120
Anchor, Workboat ..................................... 10 Hook, Alloy Eye Grab ................................ 94 Shackle, Round Pin Chain ...................... 121
Bitts ............................................................. 67 Hook, Alloy Eye Hoist ............................. 100 Shackle, Screw Pin Anchor ..................... 120
Blocks, Construction, Heavy Oval .......... 171 Hook, Alloy Eye Sling ................................ 95 Shackle, Screw Pin Chain ........................ 121
Blocks, Construction, Oval ..................... 170 Hook, Alloy Hoist ...................................... 97 Shackle, Sinker .......................................... 59
Blocks, Hoisting ....................................... 165 Hook, Barrell ........................................... 156 Shackle, Swivel ........................................... 41
Blocks, Manila Rope ................................ 168 Hook, Bulb ............................................... 199 Shackle, Tonsberg Mooring ...................... 62
Blocks, Oval ............................................. 169 Hook, Chain Claw ................................... 108 Shackle, Tow .............................................. 56
Blocks, Reeving instructions ................... 164 Hook, Clevis Grab ..................................... 98 Shackle, Trawl .......................................... 123
Blocks, Snatch .......................................... 172 Hook, Clevis Slip ....................................... 99 Sockets, Closed Spelter ........................... 151
Blocks, Trawl - Trynet .............................. 166 Hook, Eye Grab ......................................... 98 Sockets, Cloverleaf Deck ......................... 199
Blocks, Use and Maintenance ................. 162 Hook, Eye Slip ........................................... 99 Sockets, Open Spelter ............................. 150
Blocks, Wide Sheave ................................ 169 Hook, Shank ............................................ 100 Sockets, Swage ......................................... 148
Blocks, Wire Rope Ball Bearing .............. 173 Hook, Shur-Loc Eye .................................. 96 Sockets, Towing (Marquip) .................... 152
Buoy, Cylindrical ........................................ 71 Hook, Shur-Loc Usage & Application ...... 85 Sockets, Wedge ........................................ 146
Buoy, Jim Buoy ........................................... 73 Hook, Sliding ........................................... 156 Stacking Cone .......................................... 198
Buoy, Mooring ........................................... 70 Hook, Swivel ............................................ 101 Stopper, Carpenter .................................. 160
Buoy, Peg Top ............................................ 72 Hook Latch Kits ....................................... 101 Stopper, Wire Rope Pelican Hook ......... 158
Buoy, Spherical .......................................... 72 Lifting Eye, Forged .................................. 115 Swivel, Anchor Chain ................................ 42
Capstans, .................................................... 82 Link, Alloy Chain Shortener ..................... 94 Swivel, Chain ............................................ 102
Chain, Decklashing ................................. 204 Link, Alloy Connecting (Lok-A-Loy) ........ 93 Swivel, Jaw End ........................................ 103
Chain, Di-Lok, Anchor .............................. 24 Link, Anchor Connecting ......................... 36 Swivel, Load Bearing ............................... 104
Chain, General .......................................... 84 Link, Connecting (Lok-A-Loy) ............... 108 Swivel, Load Bearing Stainless Steel ....... 107
Chain, Grade 80 ........................................ 89 Link, Detachable Chain Connecting ....... 32 Swivel, Regular ......................................... 102
Chain, Measuring, Anchor ........................ 27 Link, Double Clevis ................................. 109 Synthetic Slings, Evaluating Wear ........... 196
Chain, Open Link, Buoy ........................... 28 Link, End ................................................... 37 Synthetic Slings, Load Chart ................... 194
Chain, Sling Identification Tags ............. 108 Link, End, Weldless ................................. 110 Synthetic Slings, Roundsling .................. 195
Chain, Slings .............................................. 89 Link, Grab ................................................ 204 Synthetic Slings, Types, Specifications ... 192
Chain, Welded Carbon .............................. 88 Link, Kenter Joining .................................. 34 Thimbles, Extra Heavy ............................ 155
Chain, Welded Stud Link Anchor ............ 26 Link, Kenter Joining, Assembly of ............ 35 Thimbles, Slip Through .......................... 153
Chain Chaser ............................................. 44 Link, Master ............................................... 92 Thimbles, Solid ........................................ 153
Chain Stopper, Bar Type ........................... 54 Link, Missing ............................................ 111 Thimbles, Standard ................................. 154
Chain Stopper, Clear Hawse Pendant ...... 51 Link, Sling, Weldless ................................ 110 Tow Plate, Marquip ................................... 58
Chain Stopper, Devil’s Claw ...................... 46 Link, Twin Clevis ..................................... 109 Towing Shackle, Anchor Pattern .............. 57
Chain Stopper, Hi-Torque ........................ 52 Load Binders, General ............................ 119 Towing Shackle, Chain Pattern ................ 56
Chain Stopper, Pawl Type ......................... 54 Mooring Hooks, Buoy ............................... 81 Towing Socket .......................................... 152
Chain Stopper, Pelican Hook ................... 48 Mooring Hooks, Release ........................... 77 Towing, Towplate ....................................... 58
Chain Stopper, Ulster Type ....................... 53 Mooring Hooks, Rotary ............................ 79 Turnbuckle, Decklashing Fittings .......... 200
Chocks ........................................................ 68 Mooring Hooks, Towing ........................... 80 Turnbuckle, General ............................... 116
Cleat, Deck ................................................. 66 Pad Eye, Forged ....................................... 114 Turnbuckle, Ratchet ............................... 201
Cleat, Horn ................................................ 64 Pelican Hook, Chain ................................. 48 Ulster Type Chain Stopper ....................... 53
Clips, Fist Grip ......................................... 145 Pelican Hook, Wire Rope ....................... 158 Van Lugs ................................................... 198
Clips, Forged ............................................ 142 Ring, Weldless .......................................... 110 Wire Rope, Bridle .................................... 135
Clips, Stainless Steel ................................ 141 Rope, General .......................................... 176 Wire Rope, General ................................. 126
Container Securing ................................. 198 Rope, High Strength Types .................... 182 Wire Rope, Slings .................................... 133
Corner Fittings ........................................ 198 Rope, Specifications, 3 & 8 strand .......... 180 Wire Rope, Specifications ....................... 130

Washington Chain & Supply 215

General Cautions and Warnings
All products contained herein are sold with the express understanding that the
purchaser is thoroughly familiar with the safe and proper use and application of the
Responsibility for use and application of the product rests with the user.
Failure of the product can occur due to misapplication, abuse, or improper mainte-
nance. Product failure could allow the load to become out of control, resulting in
possible property damage, personal injury or death.
There are numerous government and industry standards that cover these products.
The catalog makes no attempt to reference all of them. We do reference the stan-
dards that are most frequently asked about.
Ratings shown are applicable to only new or “in as new” condition products.
Load Limit ratings indicate the greatest force or load a product can carry under
usual environmental conditions. Shock loading and extraordinary conditions must
be taken into account when selecting products for use in a system.
In general, the products displayed in WCS literature are used as parts of a system
being employed to accomplish a task. Therefore, we can only recommend within
the Working Load Limits, or other stated limitations, the use of products for this
The Working Load Limit, or Design Factor, or Efficiency Rating of each product
may be affected by wear, misuse, overloading, corrosion, deformation, intentional
alteration, and other use conditions. Regular inspection must be conducted to
determine whether use can be continued at the catalog assigned WLL, a reduced
WLL, or whether the product must be withdrawn from service.
Most products generally are intended for tension or pull. Side loading must be
avoided, as it exerts additional force or loading which the product is not designed
to accommodate.
Welding load support parts or products can be hazardous. Knowledge of materials,
heat treatment, and welding procedures are necessary for proper welding.
The assigned Ultimate Load Rating for the reeving of wire, manila, or synthetic
rope is based upon design; the catalog ultimate strength for the rope parts, when
totaled, may exceed the assigned Ultimate Load Rating.
The Working Load Limit of a sling must not exceed the lowest Working Load Limit
of the components in the system.
The recommended Proof Load on all items in this catalog is two times the Working
Load Limit unless otherwise shown.
All products are to be considered as sparking unless otherwise noted.

216 Washington Chain & Supply

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