E-Commerce Report PDF
E-Commerce Report PDF
E-Commerce Report PDF
Electronic Commerce
Group 1
•Level of Employment
•Rate of inflation
•Rate of Interest
•Demographic Changes
•Monetary Policies
How Do Economic Forces
Affects E-Commerce
Economic Forces
Vs E-Commerce
•Economic forces are factors such as inflation,
interest rates, labor and government monetary
policies that influence levels of production and
demand for goods and services.
•E-commerce involves transacting business
through the use of automated information
technology applications.
Level of Inflation
•Inflation is the sustained rise in the prices of
•This affects your e-commerce business,
particularly if you deal in nonessential or
luxurious items.
•Inflation also increases the costs of your inputs,
such as electricity, Internet, online advertising
and computer maintenance.
Rate of Interest
•Low of interest encourageLow interest rates
encourage borrowing, while high interest
rates discourage borrowing.
•Prevalence of low interest rates boosts
e-commerce business because it increases the
amount of money in circulation as a result of
heightened lending and borrowing activities in
the financial sector
Rate of Interest
•Consumers can spend more on your
e-commerce products when they have more
money at their disposal. In contrast, high
interest rates stifle money circulation and
suppress demand for e-commerce products.
•They also increase the financing costs of your
business, especially if you borrow loans with
variable interest rates.
Trends of Employment
• Trends of employment are important indicators of
economic progress.
• Low unemployment rates translate to growing
demand for e-commerce products because more
people earn income.
• High unemployment rates signal worsening
economic conditions, as no new jobs are created
and many people lose jobs. As a result, the demand
for e-commerce products declines with increased
rates of unemployment and vice versa.
The economic impact of
E-commerce has altered the practice, timing, and
technology of B2B and B2C markets, affecting
everything from transportation patterns to consumer
It has affected pricing, product availability,
transportation patterns, and consumer behavior in
developed economies worldwide.
Quintos at delcastillo
E-Commerce influences Demand
• As technology, ecommerce, and globalization become
more intertwined, buyers and sellers are increasing their
connectivity and the speed with which they conduct sales
transaction. As we saw during the recent turmoil in the
financial markets and some supply chain networks,
speeding up sales transactions can be very positive attribute
when small market corrections are taking place. However,
during a major economic correction like the one we
witnessed during the Great Recession, a quicker response
to sales transactions can have cascading impacts on supply
chains, resulting in large contractions or expansions in
orders, production, shipments and inventory.
Philippine E-Commerce