DCOM Lab Manual
DCOM Lab Manual
DCOM Lab Manual
AIM: Study of Sampling theorem and Reconstruction of signal. Verify Nyquist criteria.
APPARATUS: Model ST 2151 trainer kit, connection wires, DSO, Power supply.
THEORY: The signals we use in the real world, such as our voice, are called "analog" signals.
To process these signals for digital communication, we need to convert analog signals to
"digital" form. While an analog signal is continuous in both time and amplitude, a digital signal
is discrete in both time and amplitude. To convert continuous time signal to discrete time signal,
a process is used called as sampling. The value of the signal is measured at certain intervals in
time. Each measurement is referred to as a sample.
In electronics, a sample and hold circuit is used to interface real world, changing analogue
signals to a subsequent system such as an analog-to-digital converter. The purpose of this
circuit is to hold the analogue value steady for a short time while the converter or other
following system performs some operation that takes a little time. In most circuits, a capacitor
is used to store the analogue voltage and an electronic switch or gate is used to alternately
connect and disconnect the capacitor from the analogue input. The rate at which this switch is
operated is the sampling rate of the system.
The Nyquist Criterion states that a continuous signal band limited to fm Hz can be completely
represented by and reconstructed from the samples taken at a rate greater than or equal to 2fm
samples/second. The minimum sampling frequency is called as NYQUIST RATE i.e. for
faithful reproduction.
One way to maintain reasonable pulse energy is to hold the sample value until the next sample
is taken. This technique is formed as Sample and Hold technique. A buffered Sample and Hold
circuit consists of unity gain buffers preceding and succeeding the charging capacitor. The high
input impedance of the proceeding buffer prevents the loading of the message source and also
ensures that the capacitor charges by a constant rate irrespective of the source impedance.
1. Connect the power cord to the trainer. Keep the power switch in ‘Off’ position.
2. Connect 1 KHz Sine wave to signal Input.
3. Connect BNC connector to the DSO and to the trainer’s output port.
4. Connect Sample Output to fourth order low pass filter Input and Sample and hold Output
to second order low pass filter Input. Observe the output wave form.
5. Switch ‘On’ the trainer's power supply & Oscilloscope.
6. By pressing Sampling Frequency Selector Switch, change the sampling frequency from 2
KHz, 5 KHz, 10 KHz, 20 KHz up to 40 KHz.
7. Observe how Sample output and Sample and Hold Output changes in each case.
8. Also observe output of second order low pass filter and fourth order low pass filter.
Input Carrier Sampled LPF 2nd LPF 4th Sampled LPF 2nd LPF 4th
Signal Frequency Output Order Order and Hold Order Order
(Sampled) (Sampled) Output (Sample & (Sample &
Hold) Hold)
3.60 Vpp 4.1Vpp 8 KHz 3.24 Vpp 2.16 Vpp 408 mVpp 3.60 Vpp 3.76 Vpp 864 mVpp
AIM: To study the PAM (Pulse Amplitude Modulation), PWM (Pulse Width Modulation)
& PPM (Pulse Position Modulation) of analog signal.
THEORY: The aim of pulse modulation methods is to transfer a narrowband analog signal,
for example a phone call over a wideband baseband channel or, in some of the schemes, as a
bit stream over another digital transmission system.
In pulse amplitude modulation system the amplitude of the pulse is varied in accordance with
the instantaneous level of the modulating signal. Pulse-amplitude modulation (PAM), is a form
of signal modulation where the message information is encoded in the amplitude of a series of
signal pulses. It is an analog pulse modulation scheme in which the amplitudes of a train of
carrier pulses are varied according to the sample value of the message signal. Demodulation is
performed by detecting the amplitude level of the carrier at every symbol period.
1. Connect the power cord to the trainer. Keep the power switch in ‘Off’ position.
2. Connect 1 KHz Sine wave to signal Input.
3. Connect BNC connector to the DSO and to the trainer’s output port.
4. Connect the high frequency pulses as carrier frequency to the pulse input of the kit. The
pulse trains are available in the range of 4KHz, 8KHz, 16 KHz and 64 KHz.
5. Switch ‘On’ the trainer's power supply & Oscilloscope.
6. Observe the output waveform at the DSO and compare the change in waveform with
respect to the input sine wave.
7. Now connect the output of the pulse modulation to the input of Low Pass Filter.
8. Connect the output of the Low Pass Filter to the AC amplifier.
9. Observe the output of the AC amplifier to the DSO and compare the demodulated signal
with respect to the input sine wave.
AIM: To write a MATLAB program to sample the sinusoidal message signal at different
sampling rate and verify the Nyquist criteria. Also reconstruct the sampled signal using
low pass filter (Using FDA Tools).
Sampling: Sampling is the process in which a continuous time signal is sampled by measuring
its amplitude at discrete instants.
Sampling Theorem: The Sampling Theorem states that a signal whose spectrum is band-
limited to Fm Hz can be reconstructed exactly (without error) from its samples taken uniformly
at a frequency Fs ≥ 2Fm (Samples per second).
%perfectly sampled
title('perfectly sampled')
%over sampled
title('over sampled')
%under sampled
title('under sampled')
Output Waveforms:
AIM: To study Pulse Code Modulation (PCM), its demodulation and its application in
Time Division Multiplexing (TDM).
APPARATUS: TDM Pulse code modulator & transmitter (ST2153), TDM Pulse code
Demodulator & receiver (ST2154), DSO, testing probes, connecting wires
Pulse-code modulation (PCM) is a method used to digitally represent sampled analog signals.
Analog voice data must be translated into a series of binary digits before they can be transmitted.
With PCM, the amplitude of the wave to be transmitted is sampled at regular intervals and
translated into a binary number.
Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) is a type of digital (or rarely analog) multiplexing in
which switching takes place between two or more signals (mostly PCM signals), serially in
time. In this the time domain is divided into several recurrent time slots of fixed length, one for
each sub-channel.
ST 2153 ST 2154
Tx. Clock output Rx. Clock input
Tx. TO output Rx. TO input
PCM output PCM data input
3. Set the 7- bit pattern for A/D conversion. Observe that the same set of data should be there
for D/A conversion.
4. Vary DC signal (I) and note that the LED's on the A/D converter block on ST2153 & D/A
converter of ST2154 always carries the same code. If you desire to examine the timing of
data flow & control signal in detail, switch the transmitter & receiver into SLOW mode.
5. Observe the two output waveforms at TDM PCM Receiver's CH.I (TP47) & CH.II (TP50)
outputs are distortion less & also observe the LED's in the error check code detector block
are 'OFF'.
6. The errors in the system can be introduced with the help of fault switches given on the
AIM: To study the Modulation and Demodulation of signal using Pulse Code Modulation on
MATLAB software.
%Input Singal
fm = 1;
fs = 2*fm;
t = -2:0.1:2;
x = 2.*sin(2*pi*fm*t)+2;
title('Original Signal');
%Sampling of the input signal
t1 = -2:0.1/fs:2;
y = 2.*sin(2*pi*(fm)*t1)+2;
title('Sampled Signal');
%Quantization of sampled signal
quant = floor(1.3*y);
title('Quantized Signal');
enc = dec2bin(quant);
dec = bin2dec(enc);
interp = interp1(t1,dec,t,'spline');
title('Reconstructed Signal');
AIM: To study and observe the performance of Return to Zero (RZ) and Non Return to
Zero (NRZ) types of Line Coding.
APPARATUS: Testing probes, DSO, connecting probes, Data formation and transmitter
carrier modulation kit (ST2156)
Line coding consists of representing the digital signal to be transported by an amplitude- and
time-discrete signal that is optimally tuned for the specific properties of the physical channel
(and of the receiving equipment). The waveform pattern of voltage or current used to represent
the 1s and 0s of a digital data on a transmission link is called line encoding. The common types
of line encoding are unipolar, polar, bipolar, and encoding. Line codes are used commonly in
computer communication networks over short distances. Each of the various line formats has
a particular advantage and disadvantage. It is not possible to select one, which will meet all
needs. The format may be selected to meet one or more of the following criteria:
The Manchester code is quite popular. It is known as a self-clocking code because there is
always a transition during the bit interval. Consequently, long strings of zeros or ones do not
cause clocking problems.
1. Non-Return-to-Zero Code
2. Return-to-Zero Code
The return-to-zero (RZ) code represents the zero logical state as a static low level and the one
state as a short high-level pulse. The signal always returns to the level representing a zero state
immediately after the high level, hence the name. RZ signals can be easily created from NRZ
signals, by a binary AND of the NRZ and a clock. The width of the pulses depends on the duty
cycle of the clock. Figure 1.4 shows the RZ representation of a short data sequence.
3. (Biphase) Manchester
Manchester code is generated from NRZ data by a binary XOR with a clock signal. Since there
are two possible clock phases, there are also two variants of Manchester code. The coded data
has a transition in the middle of every bit, and the direction of this transition indicates a binary
zero or one. The original Manchester variant uses a falling edge for a one and a rising edge for
a zero; the other variant is the exact inverse. Figure 1.5 Shown the Manchester code.
4. Biphase (Mark):
For any bit either 1 or 0, first half bit duration +5V or 0V and invert of first half during next
half bit duration. Bit 0 Bit Pattern remains the same.
During the first half a period, positive level for bit 1 and a negative level for bit 0 and during
the second half bit time, both returns to the bias level.
Like RB encoding, the AMI always returns to the bias level during second half of the bit time
interval and during the first half the transmitted level can be a positive, a negative or bias
level, as for a bit 0 bias level and for a bit 1 either a positive level or negative level, the level
being chose opposite to what it was used to represent the previous bit 1.
1. Connect the power supplies of ST2156 and ST2157 but do not turn on the power supplies
until connections are made for this experiment.
2. Make the connections as shown in the figure.
3. Switch 'ON' the power.
4. On ST2156, connect oscilloscope CH1 to ‘Clock In’ and CH2 to ‘Data In’ and observe the
5. Connect oscilloscope CH1 to ‘Data In’ and CH2 to ‘NRZ (L)’ and observe the waveforms.
6. Connect oscilloscope CH1 to ‘Data In’ and CH2 to ‘NRZ (M)’ and observe the waveforms.
7. Connect oscilloscope CH1 to ‘Data In’ and CH2 to ‘RZ’ and observe the waveforms.
8. Connect oscilloscope CH1 to ‘Data In’ and CH2 to ‘Biphase (manchester)’ and observe the
9. Connect oscilloscope CH1 to ‘Data In’ and CH2 to ‘Biphase (Mark)’ and observe the
10. Connect oscilloscope CH1 to ‘Data In’ and CH2 to ‘RB’ and observe the waveforms.
11. Connect oscilloscope CH1 to ‘Data In’ and CH2 to ‘AMI’ and observe the waveforms.
AIM: To perform the Delta and Adaptive delta Modulation and Demodulation technique
on Experiment kit and observe various outputs using DSO.
APPARATUS: Connecting Probes, DSO, Delta and Adaptive Delta Modulation Kit.
Delta modulator technique has evolved a simple, efficient method for digitizing input signal
for secure, reliable communications and for voice input- output in data processing.
The modulator is a sampled data system employing a feedback loop. A comparator senses
whether or not the instantaneous level of the analog input is greater or less than the feedback
signal. The comparator output is clocked by a flip-flop to form a continuous NRZ digital data
stream. This digital data is also integrated and feedback to the comparator. The feedback
system is such that the integrator ramps up and down to produce a rough approximation of the
input waveform. One can see that the digital data 0’s and 1’s are command to the integrators
to “go up” or “go down” respectively. Delta Modulation attempts to represent an analog signal
with a resolution of 1 bit. This is accomplished by successive steps, either up or down, by a
preset step size. In delta modulation, we have the step size (Δ) that is defined for each sampler,
and we have the following rules for output:
i) If the input signal is higher than the current reference signal, increase the reference
by Δ, and output a 1.
ii) If the input signal is lower than the current reference signal, decrease the reference
by Δ, and output a 0.
Delta demodulator is a simple integrator and as the logic 1s and 0s are received, the up-down
counter is incremented or decremented accordingly.
Adaptive delta modulator technique has evolved a simple, efficient method for digitizing input
signal for secure, reliable communications and for voice input- output in data processing.
Working: A simple block diagram of the ADM is shown in Fig. The accumulator generates a
data based on the past ADM pulses transmitted, which would always try to approach the given
analog signal. The sampled form of the analog signal and the analog equivalent of the
accumulator are compared in an analog comparator C and the present ADM pulses are
produced. The step generator produces the new step at every clock. The proposed algorithm
for generating the step size can be stated as follows. When the accumulated signal doesn’t cross
the analog signal in the comparator, the step size is doubled so that it would catch the input
analog signal quickly and when once it crosses it, the step size is made as half the previous step
and not made unity step. If there is another crossover by the next clock the step again reduces
to half of the previous value. Nevertheless, the minimum step size that can be reached is kept
as unity. If the accumulated signal is continuously above (or below) the given analog input
signal the step size doubles every time and it is made as half of the previous step after reaching
three consecutive increase in step size and thereafter the step doubling process would continue.
AIM: To study Modulation and Demodulation of digital signal using ASK (Amplitude
Shift Keying), FSK (Frequency Shift Keying), PSK (Phase Shift Keying).
APPARATUS: Testing probes, DSO, connecting probes, Data formation and transmitter
carrier modulation kit (ST2156), Digital communication trainer (ST2157).
ASK: Amplitude-shift keying is a form of modulation that represents digital data as variations
in the amplitude of a carrier wave. Frequency and phase of the carrier are kept constant. The
demodulator, which is designed specifically for the symbol-set used by the modulator,
determines the amplitude of the received signal and maps it back to the symbol it represents.
Circuit Diagram:
1. Connect the power supplies of ST2156 and ST2157 but do not turn on the power supplies
until connections are made for this experiment.
2. Make the connections as shown in the figure.
3. Switch 'ON' the power.
4. On ST2156, connect oscilloscope CH1 to ‘Clock In’ and CH2 to ‘Data In’ and observe the
5. On ST2156, connect oscilloscope CH1 to ‘NRZ (L)’ and CH2 to ‘Output’ of modulator
Circuit (l) on ST2156 and observe the waveforms.
6. Vary the gain potentiometer of modulator circuit (l) on ST2156 to adjust the amplitude of
ASK Waveform.
7. On ST2156, connect oscilloscope CH1 to ‘NRZ (L)’ and CH2 to ‘Output’ of comparator
on ST2157 and observe the waveforms.
Circuit Diagram:
Circuit Diagram:
1. Procedure:
1. Connect the power supplies of ST2156 and ST2157 but do not turn on the power supplies
until connections are made for this experiment.
2. Make the connections as shown in the figure 4.1.
3. Switch 'ON' the power.
4. On ST2156, connect oscilloscope CH1 to ‘Clock In’ and CH2 to ‘Data In’ and observe the
5. On ST2156, connect oscilloscope CH1 to ‘NRZ (L)’ and CH2 to ‘Output’ of Modulator
Circuit (l) on ST2156 and observe the waveforms.
6. Adjust the ‘Gain’ potentiometer of the Modulator Circuit (l) on ST2156 to adjust the
amplitude of PSK waveform at output of Modulator Circuit (l) on ST2156.
7. Now on ST2157 connect oscilloscope CH1 to ‘Input’ of PSK demodulator and connect
CH2 one by one to output of double squaring circuit, output of PLL, output of Divide by
four (÷ 2) observe the wave forms.
8. On ST2157 connect oscilloscope CH1 to output of Phase adjust and CH2 to ‘output’ of
PSK demodulator and observe the waveforms. Set all toggle switch to 0 and compare the
waveform now vary the phase adjust potentiometer and observe its effects on the
demodulated signal waveform. (Note: If there is problem in setting the waveform with
potentiometer then toggle the switch given in PSK demodulator block two to three times to
get the required waveform).
9. Now connect oscilloscope CH1 to ‘PSK’ output of PSK demodulator on ST2157 and
connect CH2 ‘Output’ of Low Pass Filter on ST2157 and observe the waveforms.
10. Connect oscilloscope CH1 to ‘Output’ of Low Pass Filter on ST2157 then connect CH2 to
‘Output’ of Comparator on ST2157 and observe the waveforms, now vary the reference
voltage potentiometer of first comparator to generate desired data pattern.
11. On ST2156, connect oscilloscope CH1 to ‘NRZ (L)’ and CH2 to ‘Output’ of comparator
on ST2157 and observe the waveforms.
AIM: To study the Raised Cosine Filter in time domain as well as in frequency domain
using MATLAB software.
A raised cosine filter is a low-pass filter which is commonly used for pulse shaping in data
transmission systems (e.g. modems). The frequency response |H(f)| of a perfect raised cosine
filter is symmetrical about 0 Hz, and is divided into three parts : it is flat (constant) in the pass-
band; it sinks in a graceful cosine curve to zero through the transition region; and it is zero
outside the pass-band. The response of a real filter is an approximation to this behaviour.
The equations which defined the filter contain a parameter ``beta'', which is known as the roll-
off factor or the excess bandwidth. ``beta'' lies between 0 and 1.
A family of spectra that satisfy the Nyquist Theorem is the raised cosine family whose spectra
f is the frequency.
T is the symbol time.
beta is the rolloff factor.
Where the parameter roll-off factor beta is a real number on the interval 0≤ β ≤1that
determines the bandwidth of the spectrum.
t is the time.
T is the symbol time.
beta is the rolloff factor.
Quadrature Amplitude Modulation or QAM is a form of modulation which is widely used for
modulating data signals onto a carrier used for radio communications. It is widely used because
it offers advantages over other forms of data modulation such as PSK, although many forms of
data modulation operate alongside each other.
Quadrature Amplitude Modulation, QAM is a signal in which two carriers shifted in phase by
90 degrees are modulated and the resultant output consists of both amplitude and phase
variations. In view of the fact that both amplitude and phase variations are present it may also
be considered as a mixture of amplitude and phase modulation. A motivation for the use of
quadrature amplitude modulation comes from the fact that a straight amplitude modulated
signal, i.e. double sideband even with a suppressed carrier occupies twice the bandwidth of the
modulating signal. This is very wasteful of the available frequency spectrum. QAM restores
the balance by placing two independent double sideband suppressed carrier signals in the same
spectrum as one ordinary double sideband suppressed carrier signal.
Quadrature amplitude modulation, QAM, when used for digital transmission for radio
communications applications is able to carry higher data rates than ordinary amplitude
modulated schemes and phase modulated schemes. As with phase shift keying, etc., the number
of points at which the signal can rest, i.e. the number of points on the constellation is indicated
in the modulation format description, e.g. 16QAM uses a 16 point constellation.
When using QAM, the constellation points are normally arranged in a square grid with equal
vertical and horizontal spacing and as a result the most common forms of QAM use a
constellation with the number of points equal to a power of 2 i.e. 4, 16, 64 . . . . By using higher
order modulation formats, i.e. more points on the constellation, it is possible to transmit more
bits per symbol. However the points are closer together and they are therefore more susceptible
to noise and data errors. Normally a QAM constellation is square and therefore the most
common forms of QAM 16QAM, 64QAM and 256QAM.
The advantage of moving to the higher order formats is that there are more points within the
constellation and therefore it is possible to transmit more bits per symbol. The downside is that
the constellation points are closer together and therefore the link is more susceptible to noise.
As a result, higher order versions of QAM are only used when there is a sufficiently high signal
to noise ratio.