PHASM/G 442: 2013: Problem Sheet 2: Please Return To DR Ryan Nichol at The November 14
PHASM/G 442: 2013: Problem Sheet 2: Please Return To DR Ryan Nichol at The November 14
PHASM/G 442: 2013: Problem Sheet 2: Please Return To DR Ryan Nichol at The November 14
1. A particle of mass M decays at rest into a particle of mass m and a massless particle.
Show that the kinetic energy, T , of the particle of mass m is:
(M − m)2
T = .
Where T = E − m and E is the total energy of the particle of mass m.
3. The positive energy spinor solutions to the Dirac equation, u0,1 , are defined as:
! ! !
0 1 1 0
u0,1 = |E| + m
σ ·~
~ p where χ = and χ = .
χ0,1 0 1
us us = 2m.
where p/ = pµ γ µ and u1,2 are the two E > 0 spinor solutions to the Dirac equation.
~ + γ 0 m and
ĤD = −iγ 0 ~γ · ∇
m ~σ · p~
ĤD = .
~σ · p~ −m
(b) If Y = u(a)Xu(b), where X is a 4×4 matrix, u(b) is a Dirac spinor and u(a) is an
adjoint Dirac spinor (u = u† γ 0 ) for fermions b and a respectively.
Show, by considering the dimensions of the matrices, that Y is a 1×1 matrix and
hence that Y ∗ = Y † .
(c) Show, without using explicit matrix representations, that:
Y ∗ = u(b)γ 0 X † γ 0 u(a).
5. Using only the properties of the Pauli matrices (i.e. σi σj = δij I + iijk σk ) and without
recourse to a specific representation show that for two vectors ~a and ~b that:
7. (a) Find the commutator of the Dirac Hamiltonian, Ĥ (given in Q4), with the orbital
angular momentum operator, L = r × p.
(b) Find the commutator
of the Dirac Hamiltonian, Ĥ, with the spin operator, S = 12 Σ,
~σ 0
where Σ = .
0 ~σ
(c) What do these relations imply for the total angular momentum, J = L + S.