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Corneal Ulcers in General Practice: Clinical Intelligence

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Clinical Intelligence

Esmaeil M Arbabi, Ross J Kelly and Zia I Carrim

Corneal ulcers in general practice

CASE mechanical abrasion, whereas untreated

A 31-year-old presents to their GP microbial keratitis becomes worse with the
complaining of an uncomfortable, red passage of time.
left eye with mild blurring of vision and
significant lacrimation. Examination after Risk factors
instillation of a drop of local anaesthetic and The physician should always ask if the
fluorescein reveals a large area of uptake. patient wears contact lenses as this is a
major risk factor for microbial keratitis.
HISTORY They should have a very low suspicion
A primary care physician should enquire of microbial keratitis in any contact lens
about onset, pain, progression, and risk wearer presenting with a red eye. Patients
factors, as follows. with known atopy and ‘cold sores’ are at
higher risk of developing herpes simplex
Onset keratitis. Grinding, hammering, and
Acute onset often follows ocular surface chiselling are associated with corneal
trauma. Repeated episodes of ocular foreign bodies. A previous corneal abrasion
discomfort and lacrimation on wakening or known corneal dystrophy predisposes
in the morning are pathognomonic of to recurrent corneal erosion syndrome.
recurrent corneal erosion syndrome. Systemic collagen vascular diseases such
Chronic mild or moderate ocular discomfort as rheumatoid arthritis can be associated
that worsens as the day progresses or with non-infective corneal ulcers and dry
during certain tasks, for example, reading eyes. Patients with a corneal graft have a
or computer work, is typical of dry eyes or lifelong risk of graft-related complications.
Pain The physician should begin by instilling a
It may be useful to ask the patient to score drop of local anaesthetic, if available, in
any pain on a scale of 0–10. A high score is patients reporting a high pain score. This
more likely to be associated with microbial will relieve their blepharospasm and make
keratitis or a mechanical abrasion. the examination much easier.
A Snellen chart should be used to assess
Progression the visual acuity. A significant, new reduction
EM Arbabi, FRCOphth, cornea and anterior Spontaneous and rapid resolution of pain, in vision, especially when compared with
segment fellow, St Paul’s Eye Unit, Liverpool. typically within 24 hours, is common in the fellow eye, is a red-flag sign.
RJ Kelly, MRCGP, GP with a special interest
in ophthalmology, St Paul’s Medical Centre, St Figure 1. Large corneal abrasion without (A) and with (B) fluorescein dye. Note how the large abrasion is
Paul’s Square, Carlisle. ZI Carrim, FRCOphth, almost invisible without fluorescein.
consultant ophthalmologist, St James’s
University Hospital, Leeds.
Address for correspondence
Esmaeil M Arbabi, Royal Liverpool Hospital, St
Paul’s Eye Unit, Liverpool L7 8XP, UK.
E-mail: esarbabi@gmail.com
Submitted: 10 October 2016; Editor’s
response: 14 November 2016; final
acceptance: 16 January 2017.
©British Journal of General Practice 2018;
68: 49–50.

British Journal of General Practice, January 2018 49

pinpoint uptakes, called punctate epithelial
erosions, suggest dry eye or exposure. A
single larger area of staining can either
be a corneal abrasion or an ulcer. Corneal
abrasions have sharp, well-defined borders
(Figure 2). Dendriform staining indicates
herpetic disease.
Other features, such as obvious eczema,
rosacea, cold sores, and joint deformities,
should be noted.

Suspected microbial keratitis warrants
urgent referral by phone. This is particularly
likely to be the case in a patient with contact
lens wear. Microbial keratitis progresses
rapidly and requires urgent initiation of
appropriate antimicrobial treatment to
limit severe visual disabilities. It should
be remembered that most of these cases
require a corneal scrape, so starting
antibiotics should be avoided unless
the patient cannot be seen urgently by
an ophthalmologist. Dendriform lesions
also need urgent referral to confirm the
diagnosis and start treatment. However,
if urgent review is not possible, topical
antiviral ointments such as aciclovir 3% five
times a day for 10 days can be initiated.
Smaller peripheral corneal ulcers in a
non-contact-lens wearer can be referred
semi-urgently. Corneal abrasions can
be managed with topical prophylactic
antibiotics (chloramphenicol 1%). Superficial
corneal foreign bodies can be swept away
easily with a cotton bud applicator after
instillation of topical anaesthetic. Dry eye
Figure 2. Characteristic features and management The eyelids should be examined for any and exposure keratopathy may benefit
of corneal ulcers according to morphology and obvious inversion (entropion) or eversion from a trial of lubrication and hot bathing
location. (ectropion). Also, any obvious facial droop advice, followed by referral if required.
(seventh nerve palsy), and associated failure Chemical injury to the eye is an emergency
to fully close eyelids (lagophthalmos), and warrants immediate irrigation by the
should be noted. Entropion causes primary care physician followed by same-
abrasion of the cornea whereas ectropion day referral.
and lagophthalmos lead to dry eyes and
exposure keratopathy.
The surface of the eye should be
examined using the direct ophthalmoscope
as an illuminating magnifier. The physician
should look for any obvious corneal haze,
foreign body, or irregular fluffy white lesion. Consent
The latter represents infiltration, which can The patient provided consent for the
be infective or inflammatory. publication of this article and its images.
The physician should stain the cornea Provenance
FURTHER READING with fluorescein dye and look for a yellow- Freely submitted; externally peer reviewed.
Arbabi EM, Kelly RJ, Carrim ZI. Chalazion. BMJ green area of uptake using the blue light Competing interests
2010; 341: c4044. on the ophthalmoscope (Figure 1). Use the
The authors have declared no competing
Medscape. Ophthalmology articles. http:// smallest amount of fluorescein possible. A
emedicine.medscape.com/ophthalmology interests.
full drop of fluorescein 1% is too much and
(accessed 23 Nov 2017).
will flood the eye. This will not fluoresce Discuss this article
Garg P. Diagnosis of microbial keratitis. Br J
Ophthalmol 2010; 94(8): 961–962.
until the tears dilute it, therefore, an area Contribute and read comments about this
of epithelial injury may be missed. Multiple article: bjgp.org/letters

50 British Journal of General Practice, January 2018

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