Polymers are very large molecules having high molar mass and are formed by the combination of a large
number of simple molecules called monomers. The process of formation of polymers from respective
monomers is called polymerisation.
The word ‘polymer’ is derived from two Greek words - poly (means many) and mer (means unit or
part). Polymers are also called macromolecules.
E.g. polythene, polypropene, polystyrene, polyesters, polyamides, synthetic fibres, synthetic rubbers etc.
Classification of Polymers
The following are some of the common classifications of polymers:
I) Classification Based on Source: Based on this, polymers are classified into three:
1. Natural polymers: These polymers are found in nature. Examples are proteins, cellulose, starch, natural
fibres and natural rubber.
2. Semi-synthetic polymers: Cellulose derivatives such as cellulose acetate (rayon) and cellulose nitrate are
the examples of this category.
3. Synthetic polymers: These are man-made polymers. E.g. plastics like polythene, poly styrene, PVC etc.
Synthetic fibres like nylon 6,6 and synthetic rubbers like Buna – S.
II) Classification Based on Structure of Polymers: Based on this polymers are divided into three:
1. Linear polymers: They contain long and straight chains of polymers. E.g. high density polythene,
polyvinyl chloride, etc
2. Branched chain polymers: These polymers contain linear chains having some branches. E.g. low
density polythene.
3. Cross linked or Network polymers: These are usually formed from bi-functional and tri-functional
monomers and contain strong covalent bonds between various linear polymer chains.
E.g. bakelite, melamine, etc.
III) Classification Based on Mode of Polymerisation: Based on this polymers are classified into two:
1. Addition polymers: These are polymers formed by addition polymerisation reaction. Here the monomer
molecules should possess double or triple bonds. Addition polymers are now known as chain growth
E.g. polythene, polypropene, polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride etc.
2. Condensation polymers: These are polymers formed by condensation polymerisation reaction. In this
polymerisation reaction, the elimination of small molecules such as water, alcohol, hydrogen chloride,
etc take place. Here the monomers should be bifunctional or polyfunctional. Condensation polymers are
now known as step growth polymers.
E.g. Nylon- 6,6, Nylon- 6, terylene, glyptal etc.
IV) Classification based on the type of monomers: Based on this, polymers are of two types:
1. Homopolymers: These are polymers containing only one type of monomer unit.
E.g.: polythene, polystyrene. polypropene etc.
2. Copolymers: These are polymers containing different types of monomer units.
E.g.: Polyesters like glyptal, terylene etc. poly amides like Nylon-6, Nylon-6,6 etc.
V) Classification based on the Molecular Forces: Based on this, polymers are of 4 types:
1. Elastomers: These are rubber – like solids with elastic properties. In these polymers, the polymer chains
are held together by the weakest intermolecular forces (van der Waal’s force). So they can be stretched.
A few ‘cross links’ are formed in between the chains, which help the polymer to regain to its original
position after the force is released. E.g. buna-S, buna-N, neoprene, etc.
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2. Fibres:: Fibres are the thread forming solids which possess high tensile strength and high modulus. Here
the different polymer chains are held together by strong intermolecular forc
they have close packed structure and are crystalline in nature. E.g. Nylon
3. Thermoplastic polymers:: These are the linear or slightly branched long chain molecules
repeatedly softening on heating and hardening on cooling. On heating a physical change occurs.
polymers possess intermolecular forces of attraction in between that of elastomers and fibres.
examples are polythene, polystyrene, polyvinyls, etc.
4. Thermosetting polymers: These polymers are cross linke linked or heavily branched molecules.
they undergo extensive cross linklinks and become infusible. These cannot be reused.
chemical change on heating. Some common examples are bakelite, urea
terylene etc.
Types of Polymerisation Reactions
There are two types of polymerisation reactions - addition or chain growth polymerisation and
condensation or step growth polymerisation.
I) Addition Polymerisation or Chain Growth Polymerisation
Here the monomers add together on a large scale to form a polymer. The
compounds like alkenes, alkadienes and their derivatives. This type of polymerisation leads
chain length or chain growth.. So it is also called
c chain growth polymerisation.
This type of polymerisation mainly takes place through free radical mechanism
reaction takes place in presence of a free radical generating initiator (catalyst) like
peroxide, tert-butyl peroxide etc.
For example the polymerisation of ethene to polythene is carried out by
mixture of ethene with a small amount of benzoyl peroxide initiator.
The process consists of three steps:
1. Initiation step:: In this step, a phenyl free radical is formed by the homolysis of the benzoyl
peroxide. It is then added to the ethene double bond thus generating a new and larger free radical.
2. Propagation step:: The free radical formed in the above step, reacts wit
to form another bigger sized radical.
3. Termination step:: Here two free radicals combine together to form the polymerised product. This
step is called the chain terminating step.
1. Polythene: There are two types of polythene – Low density polythene and high density polythene
i) Low density polythene (LDP): It is obtained by the polymerisation of ethene under high pressure of
1000 to 2000 atmospheres at a temperature of 350 to 570 K in the presence of an organic peroxide (catalyst).
It is chemically inert, tough, flexible and a poor conductor of electricity. Hence, it is used in the
insulation of electricity carrying wires and manufacture of squeeze bottles, toys and flexible pipes.
ii) High density polythene (HDP): It is formed when addition polymerisation of ethene takes place in a
hydrocarbon solvent in the presence of a catalyst such as triethylaluminium and titanium tetrachloride (Ziegler-
Natta catalyst) at a temperature of 333 K to 343 K and under a pressure of 6-7 atmospheres.
It consists of linear molecules and has a high density due to close packing. It is also chemically inert and
more tough and hard. It is used for manufacturing buckets, dustbins, bottles, pipes, etc.
2. Teflon: It is manufactured by heating tetrafluoroethene with a free radical or persulphate catalyst at high
It is chemically inert and resistant to attack by corrosive reagents. It is used in making oil seals and
gaskets and also used for non – stick surface coated utensils (non-sticky pans).
3. Polyacrylonitrile (PAN): It is prepared by the addition polymerisation of acrylonitrile in presence of a
peroxide catalyst. It is used as a substitute for wool in making commercial fibres as orlon or acrilan.
1. Polyamides: These polymers possess amide linkages. They are also known as nylons.
a) Nylon 6,6: It is prepared by the condensation polymerisation of hexamethylenediamine with adipic acid
under high pressure and at high temperature.
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Dacron fibre (terylene) is used in blending with cotton and wool fibres and also as glass reinforcing
materials in safety helmets, etc.
b) Glyptal: It is a polymer of ethylene glycol and phthalic acid.
Novolac on heating with formaldehyde undergoes cross linking to form infusible solid mass called
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It is used for making combs, phonograph records, electrical switches and handles of various utensils.
4. Melamine – formaldehyde polymer: It is formed by the condensation polymerisation of melamine
and formaldehyde. It is used in the manufacture of unbreakable crockery.
1. Natural rubber:
It is a linear polymer of isoprene (2-methyl-1, 3-butadiene) and is also called as cis-1, 4 -
H2C = C – CH = CH2
The various cis-polyisoprene chains are held together by weak van der Waals forces and has a coiled
structure. Thus, it can be stretched like a spring and exhibits elastic properties.
Vulcanisation of rubber
To improve the physical properties of natural rubber, it is heated with sulphur and an appropriate
additive at a temperature of 373 to 415 K. This process is called vulcanisation. On vulcanisation, sulphur forms
cross links between the different poly isoprene units and thus the rubber gets stiffened.
2. Synthetic rubbers: These are either homopolymers of 1, 3 - butadiene derivatives or copolymers of 1, 3
- butadiene or its derivatives with another unsaturated monomer. Some examples are:
a) Neoprene (polychloroprene): It is formed by the polymerisation of chloroprene.
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It is quite tough and is a good substitute for natural rubber. It is used for the manufacture of autotyres,
floor tiles, footwear components, cable insulation, etc.
c) Buna – N: It is obtained by the copolymerisation of 1, 3 – butadiene and acrylonitrile in the
presence of a peroxide catalyst.
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