R 23 Unit-4 Polymer Chemistry
R 23 Unit-4 Polymer Chemistry
R 23 Unit-4 Polymer Chemistry
Introduction to polymers, functionality of monomers, chain growth and step growth polymerization,
coordination polymerization, with specific examples and mechanisms of polymer formation. Plastics
–Thermo and Thermosetting plastics, Preparation, properties and applications of – PVC, Teflon,
Bakelite, Nylon-6,6, carbon fibres.Elastomers–Buna-S, Buna-N–preparation, properties and
applications. Conducting polymers – polyacetylene, polyaniline, – mechanism of conduction and
applications. Bio-Degradable polymers - Poly Glycolic Acid (PGA), Polyl Lactic Acid (PLA).
Polymer: Polymers are large molecules made up of many smaller molecules. 'Poly' means many and
'mer' means units.
Monomers: Small molecules of low molecular weight, which combine to give a polymer, are called
(mono = one, mer = unit) monomers are joined together through polymerisation to form polymers. A
polymer contains hundreds of thousands of monomers.
Homo polymer: A polymer, in which a single type of monomer is used, is called homo polymer.
Examples : Polythene, polystyrene, Polyvinylchloride etc.
Copolymer: A polymer in which the monomers are more than one type is called copolymer (hetero
Examples : Buna-S is a copolymer of 1,3- butadiene and styrene.
Bakelite is a copolymer of phenol and formaldehyde.
Degree of polymerization:
The number of repeating units (or) monomer units available in the polymer is known as degree of
Polymers with a high degree of polymerization (more than 600) are called High polymers.
Polymers with low degree of polymerization (less than 600) are called Oligo polymers
Classification of polymers:
Based on their sources they are classified into;
1) Natural polymers: The polymers, which are obtained from natural sources such as plants and
animals, are called natural polymers.
Eg: Wood, starch, cellulose, Jute, Cotton, Wool, Silk, Proteins, Natural rubber etc.
2) Synthetic polymers: These are synthesized with the help of chemicals in industries.
E.g.: polythene, nylon-6, 6, synthetic rubber etc.
3) Semi synthetic polymers: These are the synthetic derivatives of the natural polymers.
E.g.: Cellulose acetate (Rayon) and cellulose nitrate.
Classification based on structure:
a) Linear Polymers: These polymers consist of long and straight chains.
b) Branched chain polymers: These polymers contain linear chains having some branches.
c) Cross linked polymers (or) 3- dimensional network polymers:
Different types of polymer structure can be obtained based on the functionality of monomeric
Linear or straight chain molecules are formed by the combination of bi-functional monomers
which contain two reactive sites.
Linear polymers are obtained by strong covalent bonds. But different chains are held
together by secondary weak vanderwaal’s forces.
Branched chain polymers are obtained by the combination of tri-functional monomer and bi-
functional monomers.
Three dimensional network polymers are obtained by the combination of poly-functional
In such polymeric molecules, the movement of monomer units is prevented by strong cross
2.Condensation polymerization:
Def: During the polymerization process, if the polymer is formed with loss of small molecules
like water, ammonia etc; then this type of polymerization is called condensation polymerization.
In this type of polymerization by-products are formed.
It is also known as Step polymerization.
Ex: Nylon-6,6; and Bakelite etc
3. Homo chain polymers, generally thermo plastic 3. Hetero chain polymer either thermo plastic or
is obtained. thermo setting can be obtained.
4. The growth of chain is at one active centre. 4. The growth of chain occurs at minimum of two
active centres.
6. Examples are PVC, Teflon, Polyethylene etc 6. Examples are Bakelite, nylon 6,6 etc
Mechanism of Polymerisation:
1.Chain Polymerisation:
A chain Polymerisation is a reaction that yields a polymer product which is the exact multiple of
monomers. Thus the mechanism is also called addition Polymerisation. The following are the
1. The functionality of the monomer is a double bond and it is bifunctional.
2. The polymerisation takes place by self-addition of the monomer molecules to each other.
Through a chain reaction.
3. No biproducts like H2O, CH3OH etc., are produced.
4. The polymer has the same chemical composition as that of monomer.
5. The molecular weight of the polymer is the exact multiple of the monomers.
6. The mechanism is carried out in three steps, i.e. initiation, propagation and termination.
7. The mechanism is rapid.
8. The conversion of a n bond to a bond takes place during the polymerisation, liberating 20
k.cal/mole of energy. Hence highly exothermic reactions.
9. An initiator is required to start the polymerisation reaction.
1. Chain initiation
2. Chain Propagation
3. Chain Termination
The initiator undergoes homolytic fission to produce free radicals, which initiates and propagates
(rapid chain growth) the polymerisation reaction as given below. Ex. Benzoyl peroxide (di-tert-butyl
i. Initiation: Initiators are unstable compounds and undergo homolytic fission to produce free
radicals which react with n electrons of the monomer to produce monomer free radical.
ii. Propagation: The monomer free radical reacts with a number of monomers rapidly resulting the
chain growth with free radical site at the end of the chain producing a living polymer. By adding fresh
monomers to the living polymer with free radical site, again chain growth starts. Hence it is known as
living polymer.
In termination by disproportionate, H from the growing chain is abstracted by the other growing
chain, utilising the lone electron for getting stabilised, while the chain which has donated the H gets
stabilised by the formation of a double bond.
[HOBF3]- is called counter ion, because it is always with carbonium ion of the monomer.
ii) Propagation: Attack of the monomers by monomer carbanion results in chain growth as shown below.
The active Ziegler – Natta catalyst is formed by chemisorption of aluminium alkyl on TiCl4
Here, the "active species" is a coordination complex, which initiates the polymerization by
adding to the monomer’s carbon-carbon double bond.
Initiation: Monomer forms -complex with active catalyst by co-ordination bond and with empty
orbital of titanium.
Propagation: In this step monomers are added one after another in between the metal and ethyl
group in the same manner as in initiation step. Chain growth is continued.
Ziegler Natta catalyst is used for synthesizing the Syndiotactic and Isotactic polymers.
Co-polymers, like ethylene and propylene are obtained by using Ziegler Natta catalysts,
which are excellent elastomers.
It is used for synthesizing the cis-1,4 poly isoprene which is identical to natural rubber.
7) Explain the differences between thermo plastics and thermosetting plastics with examples?
Unplasticized PVC is rigid, highly resistant to chemicals and brittle, used for making safety
helmets, refrigerator components, tyres, cycle and motor cycle mudguards etc.
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2) Teflon( Poly Tetra Fluoro Ethylene) PTFE:
Teflon is the trade name for Poly tetra fluoro ethylene (PTFE).
Preparation :
Teflon is usually manufactured by emulsion polymerization of Tetra fluoro ethylene using peroxide
as initiators.
1). High degree of crystallinity
2). High Melting Points
3). High density
4). Insoluble in any solvent
5). High resistance to corrosive chemicals, oxidizing and reducing agents.
6). Not wetted by either oil or water.
7). Remains slippery over a wide range of temperature (-40 to 3000c).
8). High thermal stability, good mechanical strength
9). Excellent electrical insulating properties.
It is used for insulation of motors, generator, transformers, coils, capacitors, wires and cables.
Teflon is coated on articles such as bakery trays, frying pans and food processing equipments.
It is used as gaskets and industrial filters.
It is used widely in army weapons.
Teflon is an ideal lubricant therefore used for non- lubricated bearings and as a dry lubricant.
3) Bakelite (Phenol Formaldehyde resin):
Bakelite is a condensation polymer of phenol and formaldehyde.
Preparation :
I) stage:
Phenol is made to react with formaldehyde in presence of acid / alkali to produce non - polymeric
mono, di, and tri methylol phenols depending on the phenol formaldehyde ratio (P/F ratio).
III) Stage: This stage of preparation includes heating of 'A' stage resin and 'B' stage resin together,
which develops cross linking and bakelite plastic resin is produced.
Bakelite plastic resin is hard, regid, and strong.
It is a scratch resistant and water resistant polymer.
Bakelite has got good chemical resistance, resistant to acids, salts and any organic solvents,
but it is attacked by alkalis due to the presence of- OH group.
High mechanical strength
High toughness, stiffness and hardness
Good impact resistance
Good electrical insulating properties
Lightweight; sometimes used in applications in place of metals
Excellent fuel and oil resistance
Attacked by strong mineral acids and absorbs polar solvents
High water absorption
High melting point make it more resistant to heat and friction
Nylon is used in making parachutes.
It is also used to make swimwear.
It is used for surgical sutures,
It is used to make strings for musical instruments.
It is used to make machine parts, as gears, fittings and bearings, automotive industry.
It is used for making gun frames.
It is used as thread in bristles for tooth brushes.
It is also used in making airbags , carpets , ropes . hoses etc
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5) Carbon fiber. [Poly acrylonitrile] (PAN):
Poly acrylonitrile is used as the precursor for 90% of carbon fiber production.
It is also called orlon. It is formed by the polymerization of acrylonitrile in the presence of a peroxide
It has low density.
It has high thermal stability.
It has high resistance and elasticity modulus.
It has stability to degradation by UV rays.
It has non-melting and chemical resistance, make it an essential polymer for textile and high
technology applications.
It is used for military purposes.
It is used in aircraft body, aircraft and spacecraft parts.
It is used in racing car bodies, bicycle frames.
It is used in rocket motors and components to provide insulation case.
It is used in making tents.
It is used as electrolyte separator in batteries.
Acrylic fibers are used as filters in industries.
It is used in fireproof clothes.
6) BUNA - S:
BUNA - S is otherwise called styrene rubber or GRS (Government Rubber Styrene) or Ameripol.
BUNA - S stands for the composition of the monomers and catalyst.
BU stands for Butadiene - monomer
NA stands for Sodium - catalyst
S stands for Styrene - monomer
BUNA -S is produced by the co-polymerization of butadiene with styrene using sodium as a catalyst.
7) BUNA-N:
Buna-N is also known as Nitrile rubber, NBR or Perbunan. It is synthetic rubber, copolymer of
acrylonitrile(ACN) and butadiene.
BUNA - S stands for the composition of the monomers and catalyst.
BU stands for Butadiene - monomer
NA stands for Sodium - catalyst
N stands for Acrylonitrile - monomer (vinyl cyanide)
BUNA -N is produced by the co-polymerization of butadiene with Acrylonirile using sodium as a
Buna-N is known for its unusually high resistance to oils, fuels, and other chemicals.
It is vulcanized by sulphur mono chloride (S2CI2) or sulphur.
BUNA - N possess excellent abrasion resistance.
It is a good electrical insulator.
It is resistant to chemicals but swells in oils and attacked by even traces of ozone, present in the
BUNA - N possess high load bearing capacity and resilience.
10) Discuss about the importance of biodegradable polymers with suitable examples.
Biodegradation is the chemical breakdown of materials by physiological environment.
Some polymers undergo degradation when exposed to moisture, heat, oxygen, ozone and
micro organism.
These agents change the chemical structure of the polymer and lead to change in properties
of polymer.
Generally materials obtained from plants, animals and other living organism and synthetic
materials similar to plant and animal material undergo degradation by microorganism.
These organic materials can be degraded either aerobically or anaerobically.
11) Write short notes on Poly Glycolic Acid (PGA) and Poly Lactic Acid (PLA).
Poly Glycolic Acid (PGA):
PGA is biodegradable thermoplastic polyester characterized by aliphatic ester bond that
are responsible of its hydrolytic instability.
The high crystallinity of PGA (45-55%) leads to remarkable mechanical properties.
Carbonyl groups of PGA can be cleaved under hydrolytic or enzymatic conditions.
PGA is fully biodegraded by the organism within 4 months but its mechanical properties
almost disappeared after 6 weeks.
The PLA is a semi-crystalline polymer.
Its glass transition temperature around 55 to 59°C and melting point is 174-184 ° C.
It shows a good mechanical strength, high Young's modulus, thermal plasticity and has good
process ability
It is biodegradable and biocompatible
It is insoluble in water and soluble in chlorinated solvents, hot benzene, tetra hydro furan, and
Advantages :
It is derived from renewable resources.
It is biodegradable nature and used to make ecofriendly plastics.
Degradation time is weeks or months depending on the conditions
Emission of greenhouse gases during its production is lower.
The solid waste generated during its production is very low to a decrease in overall solid
Recyclable (can be converted back to monomer).