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PART - II 15. Somebody has taken away my book.

SECTION – C My book has been taken away.
ANSWER ANY FOUR OF THE FOLLOWING 16. No one has bought the tickets.
The tickets have not been bought.
Q.NO:23 VOICE (2 MARK) 17. Did he write a letter?
Was a letter written by him?
BOOK BACK EXERCISES 18. Is he watching us?
1. The manager appointed many office assistants. Are we being watched by him?
Many office assistants were appointed by the manager. 19. Who will accept this?
2. You are making a cake now. By whom will this be accepted?
A cake is being made by you now. 20. Who has arranged this meeting?
3. That portrait was painted by my grandmother. By whom has this meeting been arranged?
My grandmother painted that portrait. 21. When will you finish the building?
4. Malini had bought a colourful hat for her daughter. When will the building be finished by you?
A colourful hat had been bought by Malini for her daughter. 22. How did they do this?
5. They have asked me to pay the fine. How was this done by them?
I have been asked by them to pay the fine. 23. Please call him at once.
6. The militants were being taken to prison by the police. You are requested to call him at once.
The police took the militants to prison. 24. How did you cross the river?
7. His behaviour vexes me. How was the river crossed by you?
I am vexed by his behaviour 25. No one is borrowing the novels from the library.
8. Rosy will solve the problem. The novels are not being borrowed from the library.
The problem will be solved by Rosi. 26. Will you help me?
9. Our army has defeated the enemy. Will I be helped by you?
The enemy has been defeated by our army. 27. Go for a jog early in the morning.
10. The salesman answered all the questions patiently. You are advised to go for a jog in the morning.
All the questions were answered by the salesman patiently. 28. Why have you left your brother at home?
11. Please assemble in the ground. Why have your brother been left by you at home?
You are requested to assemble in the ground. 29. Nobody should violate the rules.
12. Please do not use mobile phones here. The rules should not be violated.
You are requested no to use mobile phones here. 30. Someone has to initiate it immediately.
13. Work hard. It has to be initiated immediately.
You are advised to work hard. 31. Have you invited Raman to the party?

14. Do not eat junk food. Has Raman been invited by you to the party?

You are advised not to eat junk food.


32. Please do not walk on the grass. All the children were given sweets by Santa Claus and he was
You are requested no to walk on the grass. thanked by them profusely.
33. Cross the busy roads carefully. 5. I purchased a pen. I shall use it for the examination.
You are advised to cross the busy roads carefully. A pen was purchased by me and it shall be used by me for the
34. When will you book the tickets to Bengaluru? examination.
When will the tickets be booked by you to Bengaluru? 6. He was awarded a prize by the government.
35. John gave a bar of chocolate to Jill. The government awarded him a prize.
A bar of chocolate was given by John to Jill. / 7. The prizes were distributed to the winners by the Chief Guest and he
Jill was given a bar of chocolate by John. was thanked by them.
36. Pragathi lent a pencil to Keerthana. The chief guest distributed the prizes to the winners and they
A pencil was lent by Pragathi to Keerthana. / thanked him.
Keerthana was lent a pencil by Pragathi. 8. The man completed his work. His master paid him.
37. Sudha told the truth to her friend. His work was completed by the man and he was paid by his master.
The truth was told by Sudha to her friend. / 9. He received a letter from his father.
Her friend was told the truth by Sudha. A letter was received by him from his father.
38. They offered the job to Venkat. 10. We should help the poor and they will praise us.
The job was offered by them to Venkat. / The poor should be helped by us and we will be praised by them.
Venkat was offered the job by them. 11. The certificates were issued to the students.
39. The boss showed the new computer to Kaviya. Someone issued the certificates to the students.
The new computer was shown by the boss to Kaviya. / 12. She buys mangoes in the villages. She sells them in the market.
Kaviya was shown the new computer by the boss. Mangoes are bought by her in the villages and they are sold by her
in the market.
OTHER EXERCISES: 13. Take care of your things. Someone might steal them.
1. I had sharpened my pencil and I had used it to sketch the diagram. Let your things be taken good care and they might be stolen.
My pencil had been sharpened by me and it had been used by me 14. The teacher completed the portions and conducted a test.
to sketch the diagram. The portions were completed by the teacher and a test was
2. The boy realized that he had committed a mistake. conducted.
It was realized by the boy that a mistake had been committed by 15. The florist delivers flowers to my office every day.
him. Flowers are delivered by the florist to my office every day.
3. Arjun Bajpai scaled the Mount Everest and he was honoured by all. 16. The gardener gathered flowers from the garden and put them in his
The Mount Everest was scaled by Arjun Bajpai and all honoured basket.
him. Flowers were gathered by the gardener from the garden and they
4. Santa Claus gave sweets to all children. They thanked him profusely. were put by him in his basket.

Sweets were given to all children by Santa Claus and he was

thanked by them profusely. /


17. My uncle will visit me on my birthday. He will give me a watch. Cartoon serials are enjoyed by the children very much and these
I will be visited by my uncle on my birthday and I will be given a programs are watched by them for a long time.
watch by him. / 26. The food was prepared with great care and it was served on silver
I will be visited by my uncle on my birthday and a watch will be plates by the cook.
given to me by him. The cook prepared the food with great care and served it on silver
18. The manager gave the bonus to the workers and they received it with plates.
joy. 27. The rare phenomenon fascinated the astronomers. They noted their
The workers were given the bonus by the manager and it was observations.
received by them with joy. The astronomers were fascinated by the rare phenomenon and their
19. The artist painted a beautiful picture and everyone appreciated observations were noted by them.
him. 28. The press had printed the books and they dispatched them in no time.
A beautiful picture was painted by the artist and he was The books were printed by the press and they dispatched them in no
appreciated by everyone. time.
20. You have answered the questions correctly so I will give you a gift. 29. She has done a mistake. She regrets it.
The questions have been answered by you correctly so a gift will A mistake has been done by her and it is regretted by her.
be given to you by me. 30. The teacher will give us the answer papers next week.
21. The company awarded him a medal. He showed it proudly to his The answer papers will be given to us by the teacher next week.
family. 31. The oldman completed his work.
He was awarded a medal by the company and it was shown by His work was completed by the old man.
him proudly to his family. / 32. The certificates were issued to the students.
A medal was awarded to him by the company and it was shown Someone issued the certificates to the students.
by him proudly to his family. 33. They must arrest the culprits.
22. The project was completed by the students and they were given The culprits must be arrested by them.
credits by the teacher. 34. I spent a day at Gingee fort. I enjoyed a lot on that day.
The students completed the project and the teacher gave them A day was spent by me at Gingee fort and a lot was enjoyed by me
credits. on that day.
23. My watch has been stolen and it hasn’t been recovered yet. 35. Veni had packed the parcel. She had sent it to others.
Someone has stolen my watch and I haven’t recovered it yet. The parcel had been packed by Veni and it had been sent by her to
24. The grandmother looks after the children. They admire her very others.
much. 36. Do you understand the meaning? A question was asked by kevin to
The children are looked after by the grandmother and she is Dennis.
admired by them very much. Is the meaning understood by you? Kevi asked a question to Dennis.
25. Children enjoy cartoon serials very much and they watch these 37. The file can be cleared by the clerk in no times.

programs for a long time. The clerk can clear the file in no times.


Q.NO:24 RELATIVE CLAUSE (2 MARK) 8. Shakepeare is considered to be the greatest dramatist. He lived in the
16th century.
BOOK BACK EXERCISES Shakespeare, who lived in the 16th century, is considered to be the
1. I have book. It is written by Rabindranath Tagore. greatest dramatist.
I have book which is written by Rabindranath Tagore. 9. People donot manage their time efficiently. They will fail in life.
2. Kavita is my teacher. She teaches us English. People who do not manage their time efficiently will fail in life.
Kavita is my teacher who teaches us English. 10. Bertrand Russell wanted people to develop scientific temper. He was a
3. This is Varun. His father is an architect. great philosopher.
This is Varun whose father is an architect. Bertrand Russell, who was a great philosopher, wanted people to
4. She invited most of her friends. They attended the party. develop scientific temper.
Most of her friends whom she invited attended the party. 11. Those people feel miserable. They try to imitate others.
5. Give me a pen to write a letter. It was gifted to you on your Those people who try to imitate others feel miserable.
birthday. 12. Such goals are better. They are chosen by you.
Give me a pen to write a letter which was gifted to you on your The goals which are chosen by you are better.
birthday. 13. Time is the most valuable resource. It must be utilised properly
6. I have sold the house. It was located at the bank of a river. Time is the most valuable resource that must be utilised properly.
I have sold the house which was located at the bank of a river. 14. William James was a famous psychologist. He advised people to find
7. Here is your watch. It has been found in the garden. themselves
Here is your watch which has been found in the garden. William James was a famous psychologist who advised people to find
OTHER EXERCISES: 15. One day Harold Abbott saw a man. That man had no legs
1. This is the boy. He wins the race. One day Harold Abbott saw a man who had no legs.
This is the boy who won the race. 16. A chance remark transformed Mrs. Edith Allred. It was made by her
2. Show me the book. You bought yesterday. mother-in-law
Show me the book which you bought yesterday. A chance remark which was made by her mother-in-law transformed
3. Is there any one? Can you help me do this homework? Mrs. Edith Allred.
Is there anyone who can help me do this homework? 17. The boys will be given scholarships. Their parents are poor.
4. That is the house. I was born there. The boys whose parents are poor will be given scholarships.
That is the house where I was born. 18. The car crashed into a queue of people. Four of them were killed
5. My friend’s father has come. He works in Agra. The car crashed into a queue of people where four of them were
My friend whose father works in Agra has come. killed.
6. The film is about a leader. He led the freedom fighter. 19. Gandhiji led India’s freedom struggle. He did not like violence
The film is about a leader who led the freedom struggle. Gandhiji led India’s freedom struggle who did not like violence.

7. Kumar owns most of the mills in this town. I live in his house. 20. Ravi had been driving all day. He was tired and wanted to stop

Kumar whose house I live in owns most of the mills in this town. Ravi had been driving all day who was tired and wanted to stop.


Q.NO:25 CONNECTORS / LINK WORDS / LINKERS (2 MARK) 4. The tired old woman was unable to any further. She returned home.
The tired old woman was unable to any further and so she returned
1. We came late. We did not miss the train. 5. Kumar is poor. He helps many persons.
Though we came late, we did not miss the train. Kumar is poor but he helps many persons.
2. They checked the packet twice. Then they sealed it. 6. Ram was injured in the accident. He stayed at home.
After checking the packet twice, they sealed it. Ram was injured in the accident so he stayed at home.
3. Sita saw a snake. At once she ran away. 7. The time is very short. He cannot learn Spanish in a week.
Sita saw a snake and at once she ran away. The time is very short and so he cannot learn Spanish in a week.
4. Robert completed the project. He submitted it to the teacher. 8. I broke my ankle in a football match. I had to go to the hospital.
Robert completed the project and then he submitted it to the As I broke my ankle in a football match I had to go to the hospital.
teacher. 9. The box is very heavy. I cannot lift it.
5. Walk carefully. You will fall down. The box is very heavy and so I cannot lift it.
Walk carefully otherwise you will fall down. 10. He won the election. Everyone congratulated him.
6. My mother called me. I was playing football. He won the election and so everyone congratulated him.
My mother called me while I was playing football. 11. She opened the door. She started cleaning the room.
7. My salary is low. I find the work interesting. She opened the door and then she started cleaning the room.
Though my salary is low I find the work interesting. 12. Raja is rich. He is a miser.
8. The bus arrived. The passengers rushed to board it. Raja is rich but he is a miser.
As soon as the bus arrived the passengers rushed to board it. 13. Shyam gave the right answer. He was very happy.
9. He was honest. He was punished. Shyam gave the right answer and so he was very happy.
Though he was honest he was punished. 14. Radha heard about her victory. Radha was overjoyed.
10. Yusuf was running high temperature. He could not take part in the When Radha heard about her victory she was overjoyed.
competition. 15. Anand heard that he had won the first prize. Anand jumped with joy.
As Yusuf was running high temperature he could not take part in When Anand heard that he had won the first prize he jumped with joy.
the competition 16. I missed the bus. I was late to school.
I missed the bus and so I was late to school.
OTHER EXERCISES: 17. I have some bills. I must pay them.
1. He ran very fast. He could not win the race. I have some bills and I must pay them.
He ran very fast but he could not win the race. 18. The boy saw the thief. He cried in fear.
2. The lid of the bottle is very tight. He cannot open it. When the boy saw the thief he cried in fear.
The lid of the bottle is very tight and so he cannot open it. 19. He was sick. He attended the class.
3. Maran is very tired and so he cannot finish the work. He was sick yet he attended the class.

Maran is very tired . He cannot finish the work. 20. The stadium was packed. We could not get a seat.

The stadium was packed and so we could not get a seat.


21. He is clever. He cannot be cheated. Q.NO:26 SIMPLE, COMPOUND, COMPLEX (2 MARK)

He is clever and so he cannot be cheated.
22. Subha spoke well in the competition. She won the first prize. BOOK BACK EXERCISES
Subha spoke well in the competition and so she won the first 1. On seeing the teacher, the children stood up. (into Complex)
prize. When the children saw the teacher, they stood up.
23. He reached Chennai. He visited his friend. 2. At the age of six, Varsha started learning music. (into Complex)
He reached Chennai and then he visited his friend. When Varsha was six, she started learning music.
24. The tap is leaking. It has to be repaired. 3. As Varun is a voracious reader, he buys a lot of books. (into Simple)
As the tap is leaking it has to be repaired. Being a voracious reader, Varun buys a lot of books.
25. He is tall and strong. He is timid by nature. 4. Walk carefully lest you will fall down. (into Complex)
He is tall and strong but he is timid by nature. Unless you walk carefully, you will fall down.
26. Be polite to everyone. You will be loved by all. 5. Besides being a dancer, she is a singer. (into Compound)
If you are polite to everyone you will be loved by all. She is not only a dancer but also a singer.
27. Asha is poor. She helps many persons. 6. He is sick but he attends the rehearsal. (into Simple)
Asha is poor but she helps many persons. Inspite of his sickness, he attends the rehearsal.
28. We eat. We live. 7. If Meena reads more, she will become proficient in the language.
We must eat to live. (into Compound)
29. It may rain. We shall stay at home. Meena must read more and then she will become proficient in the
If it rains we shall stay at home. language.
30. This is my friend. His name is Basker. 8. He confessed that he was guilty. (into Simple).
This is my friend whose name is Basker. He confessed his guilt.
31. He is kind. He is also patient. 9. The boy could not attend the special classes due to his mother’s illness.
He is not only kind but also patient. (into Compound)
32. Hema won the elections. Everyone congratulated her. His mother was ill and so he could not attend the special class.
Hema won the elections and so everyone congratulated her. 10. He followed my suggestion. (into Complex)
33. Indian team played well. Indian team won the match. He followed what I suggested.
Indian team played well and so it won the match.
34. It is raining. Archana takes an umbrella. OTHER EXERCISES:
It is raining and so Archana takes an umbrella. 1) He was ill at the time of Exam. He obtained a high score. (use ‘Though’)
35. Priya submitted the record. Priya went home. Though he was ill at the time of Exam he obtained a high score.
Priya submitted the record and then she went home. 2) I stand for justice and fair play. The whole world knows about it. (use
36. The room is very big. It can accommodate our friends. ‘that’)
The room is very big and so it can accommodate our friends. I stand for justice and fair play that the whole world knows about it.

37. Hari bought the tickets. Hari did not watch the match. 3) I like tea. I prefer cofee. (use ‘Though’)

Hari bought the tickets but he did not watch the match. Though I like tea, I prefer cofee.


4) The transport workers were on strike. I had to walk back home. 19) Bharat is very arrogant. He willnot apologize. (Simple)
(use ‘As’) Being arrogant, Bharat willnot apolgize.
As the transport workers were on strike I had to walk back home. 20) Ram lost the match. He decided to resign as captain. (Simple)
5) He tried his best. He could not open the box. (use ‘Though’) On losing the match, Ram decided to resign as captain.
Though he tried his best, he could not open the box. 21) We must eat. We cannot live. (Simple)
6) On seeing the dog, the thief ran away. (use ‘When’) We must eat to live.
When the thief saw the dog he ran away. 22) She told me a story. It was about a giant. (Simple)
7) He didnot give his address. I couldnot visit him. (use ‘If’) She told me a giant story.
If he had given his address i could have visited him. 23) Run three miles everyday. You will lose 1 ½ kilos a week. (Complex)
8) She is a teacher. She is a singer. (use ‘and’) If you run three miles everyday you will lose 1 ½ kilos a week.
She is a teacher and she is a singer. 24) Priya has recovered from the accident. Her fractured arm still in a cast.
9) Take an umbrella. It may rain. (use ‘In case’) (Compound)
Take an umbrella in case it may rain. Priya has recovered from the accident but her fractured arm still in a
10) She was poor. She was always happy. (use ‘But’) cast.
She was poor but she was always happy. 25) I completed my homework. I set out to play. (Simple)
11) He tried his best. He couldnot open the box. (use ‘Though’) After completing my homework I set out to play.
Though he tried his best he couldnot open the box. 26) Karthi is intelligent. He will get a job. (Compound)
12) He didnot lock the cycle. It was stolen. (use ‘If’) Karthi is intelligent and so he will get a job.
If he had locked the cycle it wouln’t have been stolen. 27) The day broke. The birds came out of their nests. (Complex)
13) She ran fast. She didnot win the race. (use ‘Though’) As the day broke the birds came out of their nests.
Though she ran fast she didnot win the race. 28) The rain stopped. They started to play. (Complex)
14) I hurried to the railway station. I could not catch the train. (use After the rain had stopped they started to play.
‘Though’) 29) My uncle was not willing to help me. I had to apply for a loan from the
Though I hurried to the railway station I could not catch the train. bank. (Complex)
15) It started drizzling. The cricket match didnot stop. (use ‘Though’) As my uncle was not willing to help me I had to apply for a loan from
Though it started drizzling the cricket match didnot stop. the bank.
16) I wanted to buy a house somewhere. There is greenery and fresh 30) Ananthi types quickly. Ananthi types correctly. (Simple)
air. (use ‘Where’) Ananthi types quickly and correctly.
I wanted to buy a house somewhere where there is greenery and 31) The coffee is very hot. I cannot drink it. (Simple)
fresh air. The coffee is too hot for me to drink it.
17) When Ravi saw the snake he ran away in fear. (use ‘When’) 32) He told me a story. It was about a hermit. (Simple)
Ravi saw the snake. He ran away in fear. He told me a hermit story
18) Dev tried his best. He could not climb the mountain. (use ‘Though’) 33) I forgot my birthday. My friend greeted me on that day. (Simple)

Though Dev tried his best he could not climb the mountain. Being forgotten my birthday my friend greeted me on that day.


34) He is old. He walks quickly. (Complex) Q.NO:27 CLAUSE ANALYSIS (2 MARK)

Though he is old, he walks quickly.
35) The rain stopped. The play resumed. (Complex) BOOK BACK EXERCISES
After the rain had stopped the play resumed. 1. Ram bought a pen that doesn’t write well.
36) He is rich. He is miser. (Complex) That doesn’t write well – adjective clause
Though he is rich he is miser. 2. Come back as soon as possible.
37) The hunter took his rifle. He shot the man-eater. (Simple) As soon as possible – adverb clause
On taking his rifle, the hunter shot the man-eater. 3. Most of her friends whom she had invited attended her wedding.
38) When the cat is away, the mice are at play. (Compound) Whom she had invited – adjective clause
The cat is away and at once the mice are at play. 4. My brother visits my father whenever he comes to Chennai.
39) The sum is too difficult for me to understand. (Complex) Whenever he comes to Chennai – adverb clause
The sum so difficult that I cannot understand. 5. Call me in case there is an emergency.
40) Vani was poor and ill. Yet she taught Rani with a passion. (Simple) In case there is an emergency – adverb clause
Inspite of her poverty and illness Vani taught Rani with a passion. 6. Until the sun sets, the old woman cannot step out of her house.
41) A man who is industrious is sure to succeed. (Simple) Until the sun sets – adverb clause
An industrious man is sure to succeed. 7. She knows where I go.
42) The questions being easy, all the students passed. (Compound) Where I go – adverb clause
The questions were easy and so all the students passed. 8. You can go wherever you want.
43) As the traffic was heavy, we could not reach the place. Wherever you want – adverb clause
The traffic was heavy and so we could not reach the place. OTHER EXERCISES:
44) Inspite of being old, he walks quickly. (Complex) 9. I cannot express what I feel.
Though he is old, he walks quickly. what I feel – noun clause
45) Though I studied day and night, I got less marks. (Simple) 10. She loves her husband who never tells a lie.
Inspite of studying day and night, I got less marks. who never tells a lie – adjective clause
46) Though she was poor, she was always happy. (Simple) 11. The bankers need to know what they should do.
Inspite of her poverty, she was always happy. what they should do – noun clause
47) He finished his homework and went home. (Complex) 12. The jailor told us how he escaped.
After he had finished his homework he went home. how he escaped – noun clause
48) They sell milk and it is pure. (Simple) 13. The books which are lost are not really necessary.
They sell pure milk. which are lost – adjective clause
49) An industrious man is sure to succeed. (Complex) 14. He told me where he is.
A man who is industrious is sure to succeed. Where he is – Noun clause

50) Sujatha is wealthy but she is generous. (Complex) 15. Whether you like it or not, you have to do it.

Though Sujatha is wealthy she is generous. Whether you like it or not – adverb clause


16. I know why he came. Q.NO:28 PUNCTUATION (2 MARK) * COMPULSORY QUESTION

Why he came – noun clause.
17. Students who are intelligent get good marks. ‘Ga, ga, ga,’ he cried.
who are intelligent – adjective clause “Be not so amazed, daughter Miranda,” said Prospero.
18. No one knows who he is. “Twelve years ago, Miranda,” continued Prospero.
who he is – noun clause “Wherefore,” said Miranda, “did they not that hour destroy us?”
19. It is believed that prevention is always better than cure. “O my father,” said Miranda, “what a trouble must I have been to
that prevention is always better than cure – noun clause you then!”
20. When i was younger i thought so. “No, my love,” said Prospero.
When i was younger – adverb clause “Heaven thank you, my dear father,” said Miranda.
21. He laughs best who laughs last. “Come on, young man,” said Prospero to the Prince; “you have no
who laughs last - power to disobey me.”
22. I went to see what had happened. ‘Where are we going, Sir?’ asked the aero-coachman.
what had happened – noun clause ‘And the results of that discovery?’
23. He met a girl whose eyes were blur. “Will no one come? Mother! Mother!”
whose eyes were blur – adjective clause “What’s the matter?” he called. “Are you hurt?”
24. That he passed the test is not known to me. “I’m keeping the water back!” Peter yelled.
That he passed the test – noun clause “I’ll stand it somehow,” he thought.
25. Whoever wants to know should ask me. “Oho!” he said to himself.
Whoever wants to know – noun clause “I am glad they are so strong,” he said to himself.
26. I shall remain where I am. “Mother will be watching for me,” he thought, and he began to run
where I am – noun clause toward home.
27. What I want for lunch is a burger. “I’m keeping the water back!” Peter yelled. “Tell them to come
What I want for lunch – noun clause quickly!”
28. The fact is that he is a good boy. “Why did you not call a doctor?” I asked.
“He wouldn’t have it, sir. I didn’t dare to disobey him.”
that he is a good boy – noun clause
“Stand back! Stand right back!” he cried.
29. What she wore to the party turned some heads.
“But why? I want to help you,” I said.
What she wore to the party – noun clause
“Certainly, Watson, but it is for your own sake.”
30. Give it to whoever arrives first.
“How ignorant you are! Watson!” he said with a groan.
whoever arrives first – noun clause

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