(Call Letter is valid only if accompanied with Original AFCAT Admit card)
1. Reporting: This Call Letter along with your Admit Card (Not applicable for NCC direct entry candidates)
would be the authority for you to report to the nominated Air Force Selection Board (AFSB) for Testing. The
same is to be handed over to the Board on arrival. You must report for the interview on the date,time and
address as specified above. Late comers, on any account (inclusive of late running of trains/buses/airplane)
will not be admitted for test. You would be required to show your Admit card (Not applicable for NCC direct
entry candidates), Call letter and Identity proof (preferably AADHAR Card) at the reporting point. Kindly keep
them handy. Your mobile phone (switched-off) should be securely kept in your luggage, which will be
deposited at the AFSB. The first day consist of Phase I and II testing which lasts upto 2100 hrs. You are
advised to take adequate rest and come prepared for a long day of testing. You would need to be attired
appropriately in comfortable dress.
2. Selection Procedure: The testing schedule is in two phases and normally for a period of five to six days
and will be as follows:-
Schedule Activity
Day 1 Phase I:Officer Intelligence Rating test, Picture Perception & Discussion Test, Document
check (for Phase II Candidates).Candidates not recommended for Phase-II will be routed
back after lunch between 1500 h-1600 h.
Phase II:Lunch, Rest (Mandatory), Psychological test:1800 h to 2100 h (Tentative).
Day 2,3,4 Group Tests/Interviews.
Day 5 Group Tests/ Interviews/ Board Conference. Candidates not recommended would depart
after the Conference. Candidates who are recommended would fill up documents after the
conference (applicable to non-flying branch candidates).
Note for 3 AFSB candidates only:The recommended canddiates of flying branch will be
Day 6 CPSS for candidates eligible for flying branch only. Document filling after CPSS for relevant
(For 1,2 & 4 branch.
AFSB only)
3. Documents: You are required to bring the following relevant documents for verification along with three
photocopies of document listed at 3(b), (c), (d), (e), (g), (h), (j), (k) and (m).They should be kept in a folder in
the sequence as enumerated below:-
(a) Original Admit Card (Not applicable for NCC direct entry candidates) :. In case it is not available with the
candidate, he/she is to furnish an affidavit stating the valid reason. The reason also needs to be supported by
documents like copy of FIR in case loss/theft of the same.
(b) Original Matriculation/ Secondary School Passing Certificate and Mark sheets issued by CBSE/ ICSE/
State Board/ any recognized Board indicating Date of Birth.
(c) Original Marks Sheet & Pass Certificate of 10+2 or equivalent (issued by the relevant Board).
(e) The Bonafide Certificate (as per the format) should include the following:
(i) Name of the College.
(ii) Name of University.
(iii) Discipline and year/semester of Graduation/ Post Graduation being pursued.
(iv) Aggregate Percentage till last year/semester (for which the result is declared).
(v) Likely Date of Declaration of Final Result (in MM/YY Format). In case the likely date of result
(f) The candidate should not have current backlog at the time of appearing for SSB interview. In case the
candidate has cleared the backlog of any semester, the same should be substantiated with original or attested
copy of mark sheet issued by College/University. Alternately, a certificate clearly mentioning the year of passing
& marks scored from the College/ University authority may be produced. Merely re-appearing in that subject will
not be construed as clearing the backlog.
(g) Original NCC ‘C’ Air Wing Certificate is mandatory for NCC Entry only.
(h) NOC from employer of candidates working in central/ State Governments or Public sector undertakings.
(k) Hard copy of Railway/Bus Tickets and a cancelled cheque/photocopy of first page of bank passbook with
details of account, IFSC Code to be submitted for ensuring digital payments (for refund of Travelling
Allowances). The bank account should be in the name of the candidate only.
(l) Proof of Identity:Candidates to bring valid photo ID along with a photo copy.Following shall be accepted as
proof of identity.
(i) Aadhar Card.
(ii) Indian Passport.
(iii) Voter Identity Card.
(iv) Driving License.
(v) PAN Card.
(vi) College ID(Valid only for appearing candidates in final year/semester).
(m) Candidates (if recommended) should, preferably, provide details of two Gazetted Officers or trustworthy
persons (not in blood relation) and residing in their place of residence and who know them personally to facilitate
(n) Candidates are also advised to bring twenty five copies of recent passport size colour photographs taken in
light coloured clothes against white background.The candidate should be visible in the full face and both ears in
4. Requisites: You are advised to bring the following items for the purpose of testing.
(a) Dress for testing are as follows:-
(i) Group Test:One pair of White Shirt/T-Shirt,Shorts/Trouser/Track Suit,Socks and a pair of sports
shoes.Women candidates may bring dark coloured Shorts/Trouser/track pants/Salwar suit.
(ii) Interview:Two pairs of formal dress.(Plain light coloured shirt with or without tie,dark colour
trousers,formal shoes with laces). For women candidates, any formal dress would do.
(iii) Mess Premises:Formal dress.
(iv) Liberty (going out of the premises of AFSB):Formal/Casual decent dress.Medium size lock to safeguard
your personal luggage.
(b) Adequate writing material (Pens and lead pencils).
5. Boarding and Lodging:Free boarding and lodging will be provided only to the candidate at the Board for the
period of testing.
7. Medical Examination:Recommended candidates will be required to proceed to Air Force Central Medical
Establishment, New Delhi or Institute of Aerospace Medicine, Bangalore for medical examination for a duration
of four to seven days. It may be noted that the Air Force Medical Board/ Services Medical Board is the final
authority while deciding the medical fitness for joining the Indian Air Force.You are required to see the
details about Medical Standards on our website, In case of not meeting the eligibility
as given in the advertisement/website, you shall be returned from the Selection Board without testing
and no reimbursement of TA.
8. Discipline:Your conduct and behaviour during your stay at the Board is expected to be disciplined and
orderly. Any act of indiscipline or misconduct will lead to cancellation of your candidature. In all matters
pertaining to indiscipline and/ or misconduct, the decision of the President of the Board shall be final and no
appeal against his decision will be entertained. Should you try and influence any member of the Board directly
or indirectly, your candidature will be cancelled.
9. General:No facility exists at AFSBs for safe custody of cash and valuables.Therefore, do not bring any
valuables or excess money. Candidates are not permitted to carry their mobile phones, laptops, cameras or
any other electronic gadgets inside the Selection Board premises. If brought the same would be deposited on
Day 1 and returned during departure. If found having the prohibited items mentioned above, during your stay,
your candidature will be cancelled and you shall be returned without further testing. You are advised to plan
your arrival well in time catering for the late arrival of train/bus in this zone. Candidates reporting late will not be
accepted for testing. Candidates are advised to plan their departure after 2200h on Day 5 or 6, as applicable
with respect to the branch applied for.
10. Warning:You should withhold your move,in case you have a relative,who is posted at this Board. Inform us
the particulars of the person concerned immediately and await further instructions.
11. All correspondence (preferably e-mail) with regard to this Call Letter should be addressed to the President
of the Board giving full details,including AFCAT No, Name, Date of Birth & Date of Reporting etc. A softcopy of
call letter is also to be attached.
12. Queries, if any will be entertained on telephone between 0800h to 1330h from Tuesday to Friday and also
on our e-mail ID.
13. Physical Fitness:You are to be physically fit when you report for SSB. It is recommended that you start
with physical fitness regime to be able to undergo tests at AFSBs.
14. (a) Candidates are to take printout (in separate sheets of A-4 size paper) of the following forms provided
under candidate log in at and bring these forms duly filled to AFSB for testing. The forms will
not be provided at AFSB. You have to mandatorily carry these forms duly filled in all aspect.
(i) Declaration Form
(ii) Candidate Questionnaire
(iii) Journey particulars
(iv) Bonafide /CGPA to Percentage Conversion Certificate
(b) In case of any query contact concerned AFSB. The telephone number and e-mail address is mentioned
on the first page of Call Letter.
(c) These instructions are general in nature. The instructions contained in the Advertisement for your
15. Check List: You are required to do a self check of the following before you report for SSB:
Sr.No. Reference Documents Remarks
Yes No
(a) 3(a) Original Admit Card (Not applicable for If lost, FIR and Affidavit for the
NCC direct entry candidates) of AFCAT same to be brought
with signature of IO/ Invigilator and
(f) 3(d) (i) & (iii) Original and Photocopy of all semester/
year Marksheet (Graduation/ Post
(h) 3(d) (iv) & Bonafide Certificate (If applicable). As per format available under
3(e) candidate log-in.