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GST Food Guide

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GST food guide

Rules to work out the goods and services
tax (GST) status of food items you sell.

To access any of the

information referred to
in this guide:
■ visit www.ato.gov.au, or
■ phone 13 28 66.
The information in this publication is current at July 2005. MORE INFORMATION
In the taxpayers’ charter we commit to giving you information For more information on GST and food refer to:
and advice you can rely on. ■ Food Industry Partnership section on www.ato.gov.au
If you try to follow the information contained in our written To locate this information select ‘Your industry type’,
general advice and publications, and in doing so you make an ‘Business’ and ‘Food industry’
honest mistake, you won’t be subject to a penalty. However, as ■ the GST Act, which can be found on the ATOlaw website
well as the underpaid tax, we may ask you to pay an interest at law.ato.gov.au
charge. ■ Simplified GST accounting methods for food retailers

We make every effort to ensure that this information and advice (NAT 3185)
is accurate. If you follow our advice, which subsequently turns ■ Simpler GST accounting for the food and grocery
out to be incorrect, or our advice is misleading and you make a industry (NAT 7162), and
mistake as a result, you won’t be subject to a penalty or interest ■ GST and food-schedules 1 and 2 (NAT 3393).
charge although you’ll be required to pay any underpaid tax. For general information on GST refer to:
You are protected under GST law if you have acted on any GST ■ GST for small business (NAT 3014).
information in this publication. If you have relied on GST advice
For a copy of any of our publications or for other
in this Tax Office publication and that advice has later changed,
you will not have to pay any extra GST for the period up to
■ visit www.ato.gov.au
the date of the change. Similarly, you will not have to pay any
penalties or interest. ■ phone 13 28 66
■ obtain a fax by phoning 13 28 60, or
If you feel this publication does not fully cover your
■ write to us at PO Box 9935 in your capital city.
circumstances, please seek help from the Tax Office or a
professional adviser. Since we regularly revise our publications The Australian Food and Grocery Council also have
to take account of any changes to the law, you should make information for business engaged in the production,
sure this edition is the latest. The easiest way to do this is by preparation and/or sale of food available on their website
checking for a more recent version on our website at at www.afgc.org.au
If you don’t speak English well and want to talk to a tax
officer, phone the Translating and Interpreting Service on
13 14 50 for help with your call.
If you have a hearing or speech impairment and have
access to appropriate TTY or modem equipment, phone
13 36 77. If you do not have access to TTY or modem
equipment, phone the Speech to Speech Relay Service
on 1300 555 727.


This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, Australian Taxation Office
no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from Canberra
the Commonwealth available from the Attorney-General’s Department. Requests July 2005
and enquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed to the
Commonwealth Copyright Administration, Copyright Law Branch, Attorney-General’s
Department, Robert Garran Offices, National Circuit, Barton ACT 2600 or at


When is GST applied in the food supply chain? 4



What is food? 5

Items not defined as food 5

Pet food 5

Prepared meals 5

Platters and other similar arrangements of food 6

Marketing tests to define food 6

Food products that have alternative (non-food) uses 6

Snack packs 7

Hampers and mixed supplies 7

Food past its use-by date 7

Does the packaging of food attract GST? 7

Normal and necessary packaging 7

Confectionery 8

Savoury snacks 8

Hot food 8

Premises 8



This guide has been developed in cooperation with the
Australian Food and Grocery Council and other major food
industry representatives. It will help you classify food items that
you sell. It contains some simple rules to help you to work out
the GST status of almost all of your food items. It includes a
food list, detailing the GST status of more than 500 items, and
addresses the food retailing sector’s top 10 GST issues.
It also explains some GST terminology and defines food and
non-food items.
This guide has three sections for you to work out whether your
food items are taxable or GST-free. Each section provides more
detailed information, so if you can’t work out the GST status
of your item from the information in the first section, then work
through the sections until you can classify your food items.

01 Simple rules
Is your item covered by any of the simple rules? These rules
will identify the GST status of almost all of the food items you
sell. This section will also help you to understand when GST
is applied to food items in the food supply chain.

If you can’t work out the GST status of a food item or you need
to clarify some terminology, go to section 2.

02 Food industry issues and where to go for help

You can clarify any terminology, issues or definitions by
looking at the food issues and information contained in this

You can also refer to section 3 ‘Detailed food list to classify

your food items’.

03 Detailed food list

Does your item appear in the detailed food list starting
on page 10? This lists the GST status of more than 500
food items.

If you are still unable to classify your food items from

the list, you can:
■ phone 13 28 66, or
■ refer to the Food Industry Partnership section on
www.ato.gov.au To locate this information select
‘Your industry type’, ‘Business’ and ‘Food industry’.


As a food retailer, these rules allow you to accurately determine
the GST status of the majority of items that you sell. The You should always check both lists when determining
rules are based on the GST legislation, Tax Office rulings and the GST status of a food item. Even though your food item
discussions with the food industry about GST and food. appears in the GST-free list, it may still be subject to GST
under one of the taxable rules. For example bread rolls are
Grocery items that are clearly not food (such as cleaning and
GST-free unless they are sold in a restaurant.
paper products) are taxable. Some public health goods that
you may sell will also be GST-free such as SPF15 (or higher
rating) sunscreen, folate pills, condoms, personal lubricants and
painkillers with a single active ingredient.
If you have any doubt about the classification of a food item
using these simple rules, go to section 2.

Food items will have a GST status of either GST-free or taxable:

GST-free food Taxable food

■ Bread and bread rolls without a sweet coating (such as ■ Bakery products such as cakes, pastries, pies, sausage
icing) or filling. A glaze is not considered a sweet coating rolls (but not including bread and bread rolls)
■ Cooking ingredients, such as flour, sugar, pre-mixes and ■ Biscuits, crispbreads, crackers, cookies, pretzels, cones
cake mixes and wafers
■ Fats and oils for cooking ■ Savoury snacks, confectionery, ice-cream and similar
products (see ‘Savoury snacks’ on page 8)
■ Unflavoured milk, cream, cheese and eggs
■ Carbonated and flavoured beverages (including flavoured
■ Spices, sauces and condiments
milk) unless 100% fruit or vegetable juice
■ Bottled drinking water, or fruit or vegetable juice
■ All food and beverages sold in restaurants or for
(of at least 90% by volume)
consumption on the premises (see ‘Premises’ on page 8)
■ Tea and coffee (unless ready-to-drink)
■ Hot food (takeaway)
■ Baby food and infant formula
■ Food marketed as prepared meals and some prepared
■ All meats for human consumption food, including platters (see ‘Platters and other similar
(except prepared meals or savoury snacks) arrangements of food’ on page 6)
■ Fruit, vegetables, fish, and soup ■ Any food not for human consumption
(fresh, frozen, dried, canned or packaged)
■ Pet food or any food labelled or specified for animals
■ Spreads for bread (such as honey, jam and peanut butter)
■ Breakfast cereals




GST is applied at certain stages in the food supply chain.
Wherever GST is applied, GST-registered businesses may claim
input tax credits for any GST they paid in the price of the food
items they purchased.
GST is only applied where the food item:
■ is not for human consumption at a particular stage in the
supply chain, or
■ is taxable under GST law.

EXAMPLE: When GST is applied in the food supply chain

A plant nursery sells punnets of lettuce seedlings to a SUPPLY CHAIN

market gardener. The seedlings are taxable as they are
‘plants under cultivation’, even though the lettuce is Plant nursery
ultimately for human consumption. The plant nursery
pays the GST it charges to the Tax Office and the market
gardener can claim a GST credit for the GST it pays in taxable
the price of the seedlings.
Market gardener
The market gardener grows the lettuce, picks it and sells
it to the wholesaler. The lettuce is now GST-free as it is
now a food for human consumption GST-free
The wholesaler sells the lettuce, GST-free, to a retailer.
The retailer sells the lettuce GST-free to a consumer. Wholesaler
The wholesaler also sells lettuce to a restaurant GST-free.
The restaurant prepares the lettuce as part of a salad that GST-free GST-free
is eaten by a consumer on the premises. The price of the
salad to the consumer is taxable. The restaurant pays the Retailer Restaurant
GST it charges in the price of the salad to the Tax Office.
GST-free taxable

Consumer Consumer


If you can’t determine whether your item is GST-free or PREPARED MEALS
taxable, the information in this section of the guide may be Prepared meals are subject to GST. A prepared meal is ‘food
able to help you. marketed as a prepared meal, but not including soup’ and is
intended to cover a range of food products of a kind that meet
WHAT IS FOOD? all three conditions below:
To determine the GST status of a food or beverage item, you ■ directly compete against takeaways and restaurants
must first determine whether the item is classified as food for ■ require refrigeration or freezing for storage, and
GST purposes.
■ are marketed as a ‘prepared meal’.
The GST Act defines food as:
Examples of prepared meals include:
■ food for human consumption (whether or not requiring
■ curry and rice dishes, mornays and similar dishes sold cold
processing or treatment)
that only need reheating to be ready for consumption
■ ingredients for food for human consumption
■ fresh or frozen lasagne
■ beverages for human consumption (including water)
■ sushi
■ ingredients for beverages for human consumption
■ cooked pasta dishes sold complete with sauce
■ goods to be mixed with, or added to, food for human
■ frozen TV dinners, and
consumption (including condiments, spices, seasonings,
■ fresh or frozen complete meals (for example, single serves of
sweetening agents or flavourings)
a roast dinner including vegetables and low fat dietary meals).
■ fats and oils marketed for culinary purposes, and
■ any combination of any of the above. All of the above meals, except for sushi, only require reheating
for them to be ready for consumption. Sushi is by its nature
A supply of food, as defined in the GST Act, is GST-free unless ready for consumption when it is prepared even though part of it
it is a supply of: is raw. However, it does not matter whether prepared meals are
■ food for consumption on the premises it is supplied from supplied hot or cold, or require cooking or reheating. Salads,
■ hot food for consumption away from the premises including pasta, rice, coleslaw, meat, seafood, or green salad,
■ food of a kind listed in the table in clause 1 of Schedule 1 sold from salad bars at supermarkets in either the delicatessen
of the GST Act section or from a self-serve bar, are GST-free provided they are
■ beverages and ingredients for beverages not listed in the not marketed as a prepared meal.
table in clause 1 of Schedule 2 of the GST Act, or Examples of food items that are not prepared meals include:
■ food of a kind specified in regulations made for purposes
■ frozen vegetables
of the GST Act.
■ kebabs
■ marinated meats and stir-fries
ITEMS NOT DEFINED AS FOOD ■ uncooked pasta products
Some animals and plants are excluded from the definition
■ fish fingers, and
of food under GST law until they have been subject to further
■ baby food, baked beans, spaghetti and Irish stews that do
processing or treatment. These exclusions are:
not require refrigeration or freezing.
■ live animals (other than crustaceans or molluscs)
■ unprocessed cows milk Uncooked pasta products are not considered a prepared
■ any grain, cereal or sugar cane that has not been subject to meal. Canned baby food, baked beans and spaghetti are
any process or treatment resulting in an alteration of its form, not considered prepared meals as they do not require
nature or condition, and refrigeration or freezing (until opened) for their storage. When
■ plants under cultivation that can be consumed (without being
determining whether food is marketed as a prepared meal you
subject to further process or treatment) as food for human should consider how the goods are promoted or advertised.
consumption. Consideration should also be given to the name, price, labelling,
instructions, packaging and placement of the goods in the store.

Any food labelled or specified for animals is not considered to
be food under the GST Act, as it is not for human consumption.
Pet food is taxable.




EXAMPLE: Prepared meals In determining what items are considered food for human
consumption, a marketing test applies to items specifically listed
A supermarket sells fish and chips packaged together in a below:
box from the frozen food section. The instructions on the ■ fats and oils marketed for culinary purposes (GST-free)
box suggest that the product can be re-heated by oven ■ food marketed as a prepared meal, but not including soup
baking, grilling or pan frying. (taxable)
The fish and chips are considered to be a ‘prepared meal’ ■ food marketed as confectionery (taxable)
for GST purposes as the product only requires heating, ■ food marketed exclusively as ingredients for confectionery
before serving. (taxable)
■ flavoured iceblocks (whether or not marketed in a frozen state)
■ malt extract, if it is marketed principally for drinking purposes
Platters and other similar arrangements of food are subject to
■ preparations for drinking purposes that are marketed
GST. This includes fruit, vegetable, cheese, cold meat or mixed
platters. principally as tea preparations, coffee preparations, or
preparations for malted beverages (GST-free)
A platter is defined as a large shallow dish, commonly oval, for ■ preparations marketed principally as substitutes for tea
holding or serving meat and other food items. Usually a platter preparations, coffee preparations or preparations for malted
or arrangement of food can be uncovered and placed on the beverages (GST-free)
table ready for serving (for example, a catering product at ■ dry preparations marketed for the purpose of flavouring milk
barbeques). (GST-free), and
■ beverages and ingredients for beverages of a kind marketed
EXAMPLE: Prepared vegetables principally as food for infants or invalids (GST-free).
The marketing of a food item is usually determined by how the
Adam’s supermarket sells pumpkin that is chopped into goods are promoted or advertised. Consideration should also
pieces ready for roasting. There are four to six pieces of be given to the name, price, labelling, instructions, packaging
pumpkin on a plastic tray covered in plastic wrap. This and placement of the goods in the store.
product is not considered to be a platter.
EXAMPLE: Gourmet platters
There are some GST-free food products on the market that
have alternative non-food uses. The GST status of the product
Susie’s Gourmet Foods supplies trays of gourmet food depends on whether it is a sale of food for human consumption
to customers to use at parties and other functions. One or a sale of a non-food product.
of these trays consists of an arrangement of antipasto
products including, cold meats, sundried tomatoes, pickled In determining whether a sale is a sale of GST-free food, it is
vegetables, bread sticks, biscuits and other items chosen not only the physical characteristics of the product that are
by the customer. This product is considered to be a platter important but also the nature of the sale.
and subject to GST. Some of the ways a food product could be considered to be
However, if each of the items in the example is sold differentiated for non-food use are:
individually and placed on a serving tray by the customer ■ designation as something other than food
(for example, the items are sold in separate plastic ■ pre-delivery storage in conditions or containers that are
containers with lids), the sale would not be considered unsuitable for food
a platter. The GST status of each item will be assessed ■ packaging in a non-food type package or container
individually, for example the sundried tomatoes would be ■ labelling, invoicing or marketing as a non-food product, or
GST-free, the biscuits would be taxable, and so on.
■ delivery in a manner unsuitable for food.

The supplier of a food product that has alternative uses must

determine whether or not they have differentiated the product
for non-food use.




EXAMPLE: Food products that have alternative Packaging products are generally subject to GST when they are
(non-food) uses purchased. However, you are entitled to a GST credit for any
GST included in the price of packaging for your business.
Vinegar supplied as a condiment is GST-free as it is added
to food for human consumption. Vinegar supplied as a When packaging is supplied with and/or around food (and is
household cleaner is not GST-free because it is not a sale normal and necessary for the supply of the food), the GST
of food for human consumption. treatment of the packaging is usually the same as the food,
that is, the packaging around GST-free food is also GST-free.

EXAMPLE: Packaging
Snack packs can contain a combination of GST-free and taxable
goods. How they are treated for GST purposes will depend on
their contents and packaging. Richard is a breakfast cereal manufacturer. He buys
50,000 cardboard boxes from a paper manufacturer for
$22,000, including $2,000 GST. The sale is subject to GST
EXAMPLE: Snack packs as the boxes do not contain any food. Packaging is not
considered ‘packaging for food’ until it contains, and is sold
Where a GST-free food item is packaged together with a with, food.
taxable food item (for example cheese and biscuits) as a Richard then packs the breakfast cereal in the cardboard
snack pack, it is subject to GST. The snack pack will be boxes and sells ‘boxes of breakfast cereal’ to a retailer
taxable as the items are packaged together, marketed and for $100,000. The sale of the breakfast cereal is GST-
sold as a single product. free. The packaging (cardboard box) is also GST-free as it
contains the breakfast cereal and is considered normal and
necessary packaging for food.
Where a mix of GST-free and taxable individually packaged If Richard packs the cereal in a re-useable plastic container,
goods is packed and sold together (such as a hamper the plastic container will be taxable, as it is not considered
containing a packet of biscuits, a box of chocolates, a coffee normal and necessary packaging for the breakfast cereal.
cup and a jar of coffee), these items are to be taxed individually
as a mixed sale. The biscuits, chocolates and cup are taxable
Paper and plastic bags supplied for groceries that are supplied
For the purposes of GST, a hamper can be a basket, decorative free of charge to the customer are not subject to GST.
box or other similar container holding any number of separately
identifiable products. The hamper will be taxed as a mixed sale. Containers, spoons, straws or similar objects that are usually
You should note that if the hamper consists of a ‘basket’ or sold separately, rather than being packaged with the food, are
similar packaging that has a lasting value (for example, a picnic not considered normal and necessary packaging. Even though
basket), the supply of the basket will be subject to GST. You these items are a separate sale, they are often provided free of
should refer to ‘Normal and necessary packaging’ for more charge (for example, straws supplied separately with bottled
information. water). If such items are provided free to help purchasers
prepare or consume the food, and the items have no lasting
value (for example, they are disposable), they are not subject
FOOD PAST ITS USE-BY DATE to GST. A de minimis rule can be adopted in circumstances
Food past its use-by date is not automatically considered
where GST-free food is contained in packaging that may
unfit for human consumption. The seller must determine the
not be considered normal and necessary. If the cost price of
condition of the food.
the packaging is relatively low and is below the de minimis
As there is no formal fitness test, the use-by date is a guide for threshold, we will accept that the packaging is normal and
the seller to determine whether the food is suitable for human necessary and the sale of the packaging is GST-free.
The de minimis rule applies when packaging of GST-free food
Food not for human consumption is not considered to be food is not charged at a separate price and the cost price of the
under the GST Act and is taxable. The use-by date does not packaging is the lesser of:
directly govern the GST status of the product. ■ $3 excluding GST, or
■ 20% of the wholesale value of the total sale.



Packaging that is more than usual and necessary for the sale of PREMISES
the food is taxable. For example, if breakfast cereal is supplied Premises in relation to a sale of food includes:
in a plastic container intended for re-use, the container is ■ the place where the sale takes place, for example,
taxable. The sale would be partly taxable (container) and partly supermarkets, restaurants, cafes, snack bars, hotels, clubs,
GST-free (cereal). reception lounges, aircraft, boats, trains, venues for catered
Special promotional packaging of food (for example, a rack for functions or food courts where tables are supplied for
spices) is not normal and necessary. Promotional items that customers of food retailers
accompany the food and packaging are also not normal and ■ the grounds surrounding restaurants, cafes, snack bars,
necessary (for example, drink containers and recipe books of hotels, clubs reception lounges and venues for catered
lasting value). These promotional items accompanying the food functions, and
and packaging, and items that are usually supplied separately, ■ any venues associated with leisure sport or entertainment,
are not covered by the de minimis rule. with clear boundaries or limits.
However, premises do not include public thoroughfares unless
For more information on packaging refer to Goods an area has been designated for use in connection with the
and Services Tax Determination GSTD 2000/6 Goods and food supply outlet.
Services Tax: when is the supply of food packaging GST- The following venues associated with leisure, sport or
free in terms of section 38-6 of the A New Tax System entertainment fit within the definition of ‘premises’ in the context
(Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999? of ‘a sale of food for consumption on the premises it is supplied
To access GST determinations visit www.ato.gov.au and from’:
select ‘Rulings and law’, ‘Public determinations’, ‘GST’. ■ football grounds ■ exhibition halls
■ sports grounds ■ theme parks
■ golf courses ■ showgrounds
CONFECTIONERY ■ gyms ■ aquariums
Confectionery is subject to GST. Confectionery includes food ■ ice-skating rinks ■ galleries
that is marketed as confectionery, such as chocolate and lollies
■ motor racing circuits ■ gardens
as well as muesli bars and glacé fruit. However, candied peel is
■ racecourses ■ museums
not confectionery.
■ swimming pools ■ zoos
■ tennis centres ■ cinemas
■ tenpin bowling alleys ■ concert halls
Foods that were defined as savoury snacks for wholesale sales
tax purposes are considered taxable savoury snacks for GST ■ air-show venues ■ entertainment centres, and
purposes (with some minor changes). Caviar and other fish roe ■ theatres ■ amusement parks/arcades.
products are specifically included as savoury snacks. Seeds and
nuts that have been processed or treated by salting, spicing,
smoking or roasting, or similarly processed or treated, are also For more information on premises refer to:
taxable. Raw nuts are GST-free. ■ Goods and services tax determination GSTD 2000/4
Goods and Services Tax: what does the word
‘premises’ mean in the expression, ‘a supply of food for
HOT FOOD consumption on the premises from which it is supplied’?
Hot food means food for consumption that has been heated and
above the generally surrounding air temperature.
■ Goods and services tax determination GSTD 2000/5
Food that you sell while it is still warm because it happens to be Goods and Services Tax: when is a supply of food, in
freshly baked is GST-free (unless it falls under another category terms of paragraph 38-3(1)(a) of the A New Tax System
of taxable food). For example, freshly baked bread is GST-free. (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999, ‘for consumption on
the premises from which it is supplied’?
Hot and cold food supplied as a single item for consumption
away from the premises (such as sausage and onion on a slice To access GST determinations visit www.ato.gov.au and
of bread) is subject to GST. select ‘Rulings and law’, ‘Public determinations’, ‘GST’.


This section contains an alphabetical list of the major food and However, not all food is GST-free. Section 38-3(1) of the GST
beverage product lines. Use this list to locate your food item Act states that a sale is not GST-free under section 38-2 of the
and determine whether it is GST-free or taxable. GST Act if it is a sale of:
■ food for consumption on the premises it is supplied from
The list has been developed in cooperation with the Australian
Food and Grocery Council (AFGC) and other major food ■ hot food for consumption away from those premises
industry representatives. ■ food of a kind specified in the third column of the table in
clause 1 of Schedule 1, or food that is a combination of one
Section 38-2 of the A New Tax System (Goods and Services or more foods at least one of which is food of such a kind
Tax) Act 1999 (GST Act) states that Under GST law, a sale of
■ a beverage (or an ingredient for a beverage), other than a
food as defined is GST-free.
beverage (or ingredient) of a kind specified in the third column
Food is defined in subsection 38-4(1) of the GST Act to mean: of the table in clause 1 of Schedule 2, or
■ food for human consumption (whether or not requiring ■ food of a kind specified in regulations made for the purposes
processing or treatment) of this subsection.
■ ingredients for food for human consumption
Accordingly, if the food products are listed in Schedule 1 of the
■ beverages for human consumption GST Act, the food products will not be GST-free. Conversely,
■ ingredients for beverages for human consumption beverages not listed in clause 1 of Schedule 2 of the GST Act
■ goods to be mixed with or added to food for human will not be GST- free.
consumption (including condiments, spices, seasonings,
sweetening agents or flavourings)
The items contained in the list are for human
■ fats and oils marketed for culinary purposes, and
consumption unless indicated differently.
■ any combination of the above.

Food does not include:

■ live animals (other than crustaceans or molluscs)
We regularly update the list. Refer to www.ato.gov.au
■ unprocessed cows milk for the most up-to-date list.
■ any grain, cereal or sugar cane that has not been subject to
any process or treatment resulting in an alteration of its form,
nature or condition, or
■ plants under cultivation that can be consumed (without being
subject to further process or treatment) as food for human

Beverage includes water (subsection 38-4(2) of the

GST Act).



Item GST status Item GST status

A ■ coffee, essence GST-free
abalone GST-free ■ coffee, ready-to-drink taxable
alcoholic beverages taxable ■ cordial containing less than 90% by volume taxable
almond bread taxable of fruit juice
antipasto individual items or bottled GST-free ■ cordial, for making non-alcoholic beverages GST-free
antipasto platter taxable consisting of at least 90% by volume of fruit
apple sauce GST-free
■ drinking yoghurt taxable
arrangements of food (platters) taxable
■ fermented milk drink taxable
arrowroot powder GST-free
■ fruit/vegetable drink containing less than taxable
artichokes (including marinated) GST-free 90% by volume of juice
artificial sweeteners (sold in retail packages) GST-free ■ fruit/vegetable juice (non-carbonated) GST-free
B containing at least 90% by volume of juice
baby food (tins or jars) GST-free ■ herbal teas/drinks, ready-to-drink taxable
baby formula GST-free ■ milk, flavoured taxable
bacon ■ milk, processed cows, goat, sheep, soy or rice GST-free
■ chips (food garnish) GST-free ■ milk/thickshakes taxable
■ crackling, savoury snack taxable ■ milk, unprocessed cows taxable
■ crisps and bacon flavoured chips taxable ■ mineral water, carbonated or flavoured taxable
(savoury snack) ■ protein shakes taxable
■ raw, rashers, diced and chopped GST-free ■ soda water taxable
bacon and egg pie (quiche) taxable ■ soft drink taxable
bagel, plain or fruit, unfilled GST-free ■ spirits taxable
baguettes GST-free ■ sports drinks taxable
bait (eg fishing) taxable ■ still drinking water (natural, non-carbonated, GST-free
bake-at-home bread rolls GST-free without any other additives)
baked beans GST-free ■ tea, dry GST-free
baking powder or soda (sold in retail packages) GST-free ■ tea and coffee, ready-to-drink taxable
banana chips taxable ■ tonic water taxable
batter mix GST-free ■ weight-loss/fibre drink or shake taxable
bay leaves GST-free ■ wine taxable
barbeque sauce GST-free beverages consisting principally of soy milk or GST-free
bean curd GST-free rice milk, unflavoured
beef goulash, canned GST-free beverages and ingredients for beverages, GST-free
beef jerky/biltong GST-free marketed principally as food for infants or invalids
beef, raw and processed either whole or pieces GST-free bicarbonate of soda (bicarb soda) packaged for GST-free
beef wellington (not hot) GST-free retail sale
beer, normal and light taxable biltong, hard or soft GST-free
beer nuts taxable biscuit crumbs taxable
beverages biscuits taxable
■ alcoholic taxable bocconcini GST-free
■ beer taxable bones for soup GST-free
■ carbonated, not containing 100% pure fruit taxable bones sold as pet food or not for human taxable
or vegetable juice consumption
■ coconut milk, carbonated taxable bottled natural water (non-carbonated, without GST-free
any other additives)
■ coffee, dry GST-free



Item GST status Item GST status

brains GST-free ■ yeast-free GST-free
braised meat and vegetables, canned GST-free breadcrumbs GST-free
bran GST-free breakfast
brandy snaps, brandy baskets taxable ■ cereal GST-free
bread (and rolls) ■ cereal drink taxable
■ baguettes GST-free ■ cereals which have been rolled or flattened GST-free
■ bake-at-home GST-free into shapes
■ bread and buns with a sweet filling or coating taxable ■ muffins, english (bread type) GST-free
(a glaze is not considered a sweet coating) brioche taxable
■ bread and rolls (no icing or filling) GST-free bubble n squeak (frozen) vegetables GST-free
■ breadcrumbs GST-free buckwheat GST-free
■ brioche taxable buns and bread with a sweet filling or coating taxable
■ cheese and bacon topped loaf GST-free (a glaze is not considered a sweet coating)
■ cheese topped loaf GST-free ■ iced taxable
■ chollah taxable ■ savoury steamed GST-free
■ crumpets GST-free burger meat uncooked patties GST-free
■ damper GST-free burgers (whole) and similar hot food taxable
■ english breakfast muffins (bread type) GST-free burrito kit GST-free
■ flat breads (such as pita, mountain, naan, GST-free butter GST-free
paratha etc) (flat bread with pizza or similar butter, oils and margarine GST-free
topping is taxable) buttermilk, whether liquid, powdered, GST-free
■ focaccia, plain or herb GST-free concentrated or condensed
■ fruit buns and hot cross buns (no icing or filling) GST-free C
■ fruit loaves without a sweet coating (icing) GST-free cabanossi GST-free
(a glaze is not considered a sweet coating) cakes taxable
■ garlic GST-free cake mixes GST-free
■ grissini (bread sticks) GST-free calamari
■ hamburger buns GST-free ■ cold GST-free
■ herb, any kind GST-free ■ hot (calamari rings) taxable
■ italian GST-free calzoni taxable
■ lavash GST-free candied peel GST-free
■ lebanese GST-free canned food – see individual items
■ loaf with savoury topping GST-free cannelloni, fresh or frozen ready to heat taxable
■ matzos taxable pasta meal
■ mixes GST-free canvelli beans GST-free
■ muffins, english (bread type) GST-free carbonara, fresh or frozen ready to heat taxable
■ pita GST-free pasta meal
■ pizza taxable carbonated beverages not containing taxable
■ plain, whether white, wholemeal, multigrain or rye GST-free 100% pure fruit or vegetable juice
■ potato GST-free carob powder (unless marketed only as an GST-free
ingredient for confectionery)
■ pumpkin, potato, or any vegetable GST-free
casein GST-free
■ sourdough GST-free
cassata taxable
■ turkish GST-free
casserole mixes, dry GST-free
■ with ingredients mixed with the dough before GST-free
baking, without a coating or filling (a glaze is caviar and similar fish roe taxable
not considered a sweet coating) cereals, breakfast GST-free



Item GST status Item GST status

cereals, processed and supplied not for human taxable chollah taxable
consumption (eg stock feed or pet food) christmas cake taxable
cheese christmas pudding taxable
■ bocconcini GST-free chutney and pickles GST-free
■ cheese-topped bread GST-free cinnamon GST-free
■ cheesecake taxable cinnamon buns, teacake, finger buns taxable
■ dips GST-free coating mixes (for meat) GST-free
■ firm GST-free cocktail frankfurts, cold, uncooked GST-free
■ flavoured, including spices GST-free cocoa GST-free
■ fruit or vegetable (such as sundried tomato) GST-free coconut milk or cream (ingredients) GST-free
■ neufchatel GST-free coconut milk carbonated beverage taxable
■ platters taxable coconut oil (ingredient for food) GST-free
■ processed GST-free coffee (powdered) and coffee essence GST-free
■ soft (such as cottage, ricotta, cream) GST-free coffee beans, chocolate coated taxable
■ snack pack containing cheese and biscuits taxable coffee beans (including green coffee beans) GST-free
■ spread GST-free coffee, prepared or hot taxable
■ sticks, stringers, pick and mix GST-free coffee scrolls taxable
■ substitutes (such as soy cheese) GST-free coffee whitener taxable
cheesecakes taxable cold cooked chicken GST-free
chewing gum or equivalent taxable cold cut platter taxable
chicken compound cooking chocolate (unless marketed GST-free
■ burgers (whole) and similar food taxable as an ingredient for confectionery)
■ cold cooked GST-free compound yoghurt (unless marketed as an GST-free
■ cordon bleu, uncooked GST-free ingredient for confectionery)
■ filo parcels GST-free ■ compound yoghurt couverture (unless GST-free
■ hot cooked, either whole or pieces/strips taxable marketed as an ingredient for confectionery)
■ compound yoghurt confectionery taxable
■ kiev, uncooked GST-free
■ nuggets (not hot takeaway) and similar food GST-free cold meat GST-free
■ raw and processed, either whole or pieces GST-free concentrates for making non-alcoholic GST-free
beverages consisting of at least 90% by volume
■ sausages or minced chicken GST-free of fruit juice
■ wraps, cooked (takeaway) taxable condensed milk or buttermilk GST-free
■ wraps, uncooked GST-free cones (ice-cream) taxable
chickpeas (machine-dressed) GST-free confectionery taxable
chickpea snack food taxable ■ chewing gum or equivalent taxable
chicory and chicory essence GST-free ■ chocolate taxable
chips ■ frozen taxable
■ bacon (food garnish) GST-free ■ sugar-free taxable
■ banana taxable confectionery novelties taxable
■ packet crisps or hot chips taxable cooked pasta dishes sold complete with sauce taxable
■ frozen GST-free cookies taxable
chocolate and compound chocolate taxable cooking spray and oils GST-free
cooking wine (containing salt and marketed as GST-free
chocolate – cooking (unless marketed GST-free cooking wine)
as an ingredient for confectionery)
cordial containing less than 90% by volume taxable
chocolate dessert cups GST-free of fruit juice



Item GST status Item GST status

cordial, for making non-alcoholic beverages GST-free D
consisting of at least 90% by volume of fruit juice dairy desserts, including dairy rice GST-free
cordon bleu (chicken), uncooked GST-free dairy whip (whipped cream in a can) GST-free
corn crisps or chips taxable damper GST-free
cottage cheese GST-free danish (apple, apricot etc) taxable
couscous (not hot) GST-free date rolls (cake) taxable
cows, live taxable demineralised water (not for human taxable
crab meat (not hot) GST-free consumption)
crabs, whole (including live for food) GST-free dessert preparations (including dairy dessert) GST-free
crackers taxable dim sims, frozen or fresh (not hot) GST-free
crackling, pork/bacon crisps or chips taxable dinners, frozen taxable
cranberries GST-free dips GST-free
cream GST-free distilled water (labelled or marketed for GST-free
■ clotted GST-free human consumption)
■ cheese GST-free doughnuts taxable
■ coconut GST-free drinking chocolate marketed for the purpose GST-free
■ dairy whip (whipped cream in a can) GST-free of flavouring milk
■ light GST-free drinking yoghurt taxable
■ mascarpone GST-free dry biscuits taxable
■ sour GST-free dry cereal GST-free
■ thickened GST-free dry preparations marketed for the purpose GST-free
of flavouring milk
creamed rice GST-free
duck, raw and processed, either whole or pieces GST-free
creamed rice dairy dessert GST-free
duck eggs GST-free
créme caramel GST-free
dutch rusks GST-free
crispbreads taxable
crisps and chips taxable
edible cake decorations taxable
croissants taxable
eels, smoked GST-free
croquettes (not hot)
egg noodles, crunchy and fried (savoury snack) taxable
■ meat GST-free
eggs (chicken, duck, goose, quail and turkey) GST-free
■ vegetable GST-free
■ eggnogs or egg-flips taxable
croutons GST-free
■ fertilised (when supplied as food for human GST-free
crumbed fish fillets (not hot) GST-free consumption)
crumpets GST-free ■ fresh, dried, frozen GST-free
crystallised fruit, glacé fruit and drained fruit taxable ■ substitutes GST-free
crystallised ginger and preserved ginger taxable ■ whites or yolks, frozen or powdered GST-free
curry and rice dishes taxable energy bars taxable
curry powders, pastes, sauces GST-free english breakfast muffins (bread type) GST-free
curry puffs (not hot) GST-free escargot or snails (not hot) GST-free
custard GST-free evaporated milk GST-free
■ flavoured GST-free F
■ fruit GST-free faba beans (machine-dressed) GST-free
■ powder GST-free fats and oils marketed for culinary purposes GST-free
■ ready-made (fresh) GST-free falafel mix GST-free
finger buns taxable



Item GST status Item GST status

firm cheese GST-free ■ cheese GST-free
fish ■ crystallised taxable
■ bait taxable ■ custard GST-free
■ cakes frozen or fresh (not hot) GST-free ■ drained taxable
■ canned GST-free ■ drink, less than 90% by volume of fruit juice taxable
■ fingers (frozen) GST-free ■ fresh, dried, canned, packaged GST-free
■ fresh or frozen (whole) GST-free ■ frozen, whole GST-free
■ herrings (not hot) GST-free ■ glacé taxable
■ hot (battered, crumbed, etc) taxable ■ juice at least 90% by volume (non-alcoholic GST-free
■ kebabs uncooked GST-free and non-carbonated)
■ kippers, smoked GST-free ■ juice less than 90% by volume of juice taxable
■ live taxable ■ leather/strip (100% fruit) GST-free
■ meal (fish and sauce with pasta) taxable ■ mince GST-free
■ roe and products consisting principally of roe taxable ■ not supplied as food for human consumption taxable
■ rollmops GST-free (eg stock feed or pet food)
■ platter taxable
■ sea cakes or shanty (frozen) not marketed GST-free
as a prepared meal ■ powdered fruit GST-free
■ smoked fish products such as salmon, GST-free ■ scrolls taxable
kippers and eels ■ whole frozen GST-free
flat breads (pita, mountain, paratha, naan) (flat GST-free fruit and nut mix (raw nuts and dried fruit only GST-free
bread with pizza or similar topping is taxable) – not banana chips)
flavoured fruit and nut mix with glacé fruit, banana chips taxable
■ iceblocks (whether or not marketed taxable or roasted/salted nuts
in a frozen state) fruit buns and hot cross buns (no icing or filling) GST-free
■ milk beverages taxable fruit loaf without a sweet coating (a glaze is not GST-free
■ rice (eg turmeric, jasmine) GST-free considered a sweet coating)
■ soy or rice milk beverages taxable G
focaccia, plain, garlic or herb (not hot) GST-free game birds (such as quail) (not hot) GST-free
food consisting principally of confectionery taxable garlic GST-free
frankfurts (not hot) GST-free garlic bread (not hot) GST-free
fried rice (takeaway) taxable garlic butter GST-free
frittata taxable gelatin GST-free
frogs legs (not hot) GST-free gelato and similar frozen confectionery taxable
frozen glacé fruit taxable
■ confectionery taxable gingerbread taxable
■ fruit products (not frozen whole fruit) taxable gluten balls GST-free
■ meals and dinners taxable gluten-free bread GST-free
■ pastry dough sheets GST-free goats milk, processed or unprocessed GST-free
■ pizza taxable goose eggs GST-free
■ pizza bases GST-free goose meat (not hot) GST-free
■ vegetables (chopped or whole) GST-free grains or cereals (for human consumption) that GST-free
■ whole fruit (including puree) GST-free have been processed or treated resulting in an
■ yoghurt taxable alteration of their form, nature or condition
fruit grains, processed and supplied as not for taxable
human consumption (eg stock feed or pet food)
■ canned GST-free
grapes, wine and table GST-free



Item GST status Item GST status

gravy ingredients, dry (flour, sugar) GST-free
■ mix GST-free ingredients marketed exclusively taxable
■ hot taxable for confectionery
green barley powder GST-free iodised salt GST-free
green coffee beans GST-free irish stews, canned GST-free
green tea (dry) GST-free italian bread GST-free
grissini (bread sticks) GST-free J
H jam GST-free
haggis (not hot) GST-free jelly
halva taxable ■ dry, packaged GST-free
ham and ham steaks (not hot) GST-free ■ prepared snack GST-free
hamburger buns GST-free jerky, beef GST-free
hamburger patty (not hot) GST-free K
hamburgers, chicken burgers and similar taxable kangaroo, raw and processed either whole GST-free
food complete with bun or pieces
ham, cold meats GST-free kava taxable
health food bars and similar foodstuffs taxable kebabs – any meat
herb bread (not hot) GST-free ■ hot cooked takeaway taxable
herbs (culinary use) and not as part GST-free ■ uncooked GST-free
of a living plant kidney (not hot) GST-free
herrings (not hot) GST-free kippers, smoked GST-free
hokkien noodles (not hot or marketed GST-free L
as a prepared meal) lactose GST-free
honey GST-free lamb, raw and processed either whole or pieces GST-free
hopia taxable lamingtons, cakes taxable
hot cakes taxable lasagne (prepared), fresh or frozen taxable
hot cooked chicken, duck or goose taxable lavash bread GST-free
hot cross buns, plain, no icing or filling GST-free lavoche, crispbread taxable
(a glaze is not considered a sweet coating) laxatives taxable
hot dogs taxable lebanese bread GST-free
hot food supplied for consumption away taxable lentils GST-free
from the premises
light cream and sour cream GST-free
linseed oil (for culinary use) GST-free
ice, packaged and bulk taxable
live crustaceans and molluscs for human GST-free
ice-cream consumption
■ cones taxable live fish taxable
■ cassata taxable liver (not hot) GST-free
■ gelato and similar frozen confectionery taxable liverwurst (not hot) GST-free
■ ice-cream cakes taxable lobsters, live for human consumption GST-free
■ ice-creams regular, low-fat taxable lollies taxable
■ ice-cream substitutes taxable luncheon meat GST-free
■ sorbet and fruit-based ice-cream taxable M
■ tartufo taxable macaroni and cheese (packet mix) GST-free
ice confectionery taxable mackerel GST-free
icing, powder, sugar and prepared GST-free malt GST-free



Item GST status Item GST status

malt extract (if marketed principally GST-free ■ skim and reduced fat GST-free
for drinking purposes) ■ soy or rice milk powder taxable
malted milk powder GST-free ■ soy or rice milk GST-free
margarine GST-free ■ UHT/long life GST-free
marinating sauce GST-free ■ unprocessed cows milk taxable
marmalade GST-free mineral water
marzipan (not confectionery) GST-free ■ carbonated or flavoured taxable
mascarpone GST-free ■ natural non-carbonated GST-free
matzos taxable mini toasts GST-free
mayonnaise and salad dressings GST-free miso paste GST-free
meals (complete), fresh, frozen or kit taxable mixed herbs (culinary use) GST-free
meat mixed nuts (salted, spiced, smoked, roasted) taxable
■ beef and veal GST-free mornay (that only needs reheating to be ready taxable
■ canned GST-free to eat)
■ chicken, duck, turkey, goose, all game birds GST-free mountain bread GST-free
■ croquettes (not hot) GST-free mousse and instant desserts GST-free
■ edible GST-free muesli and other breakfast cereals GST-free
■ kangaroo GST-free muesli bars and similar foods taxable
■ lamb GST-free muffin mixes GST-free
■ luncheon GST-free muffins, cake type taxable
■ minced GST-free muffins, english breakfast (bread type) GST-free
■ pork GST-free multigrain bread GST-free
■ rabbit GST-free mung beans (machine dressed) GST-free
■ raw and processed (not hot) GST-free mushrooms (including marinated) GST-free
■ salami, cabanossi GST-free mustard GST-free
■ sold as pet food taxable N
■ substitutes, tofu GST-free naan bread GST-free
■ tray, raw (such as side of lamb) GST-free nacho topping GST-free
■ whole or pieces, strips, sausages, minced GST-free neufchatel GST-free
meat pie taxable nibble mix, containing salted, spiced, smoked, taxable
meatballs, frozen or fresh (not hot) GST-free roasted nuts or crackers
meringues and pavlova taxable non-alcoholic carbonated beverages
■ mix (dry ingredients) GST-free ■ of less than 100% pure fruit/vegetable juice taxable
milk ■ of 100% pure fruit/vegetable juice GST-free
■ buttermilk whether liquid, powdered, GST-free non-alcoholic non-carbonated beverages of at GST-free
concentrated or condensed least 90% by volume of fruit or vegetable juice
■ coconut, ingredient GST-free non-carbonated natural water without any GST-free
■ fermented drink taxable additives
■ flavoured taxable noodles
■ crisp savoury snack taxable
■ fresh processed GST-free
■ egg (not marketed as a prepared meal) GST-free
■ goats or sheep (processed or unprocessed) GST-free
■ hokkien (not marketed as a prepared meal) GST-free
■ oat milk taxable
■ kit, unassembled GST-free
■ processed cows, condensed, evaporated GST-free
and powdered ■ two-minute GST-free
■ rice milk GST-free ■ with sauce, ready to heat (marketed as a taxable
prepared meal)



Item GST status Item GST status

nut meat (vegetarian substitute) (not hot) GST-free peanuts (blanched) GST-free
nuts peanuts (raw) GST-free
■ raw, (including blanched nuts) GST-free peanuts (salted, spiced, smoked or roasted) taxable
■ roasted taxable pepitas GST-free
■ salted, beer, mixed taxable pepper GST-free
■ smoked, spiced, flavoured taxable pesto GST-free
■ unsalted raw nuts (including macadamia nuts) GST-free pet food taxable
■ unshelled raw nuts (including macadamia nuts) GST-free pickled vegetables GST-free
O pickles and chutney GST-free
oat milk taxable pies, meat, vegetable or fruit taxable
oats, rolled, breakfast GST-free pigs, live taxable
octopus (not hot) GST-free pikelets taxable
offal not for human consumption taxable pine nuts, raw GST-free
oils and fats marketed for culinary purposes GST-free pita bread GST-free
■ coconut GST-free pita bread, fried snack pieces taxable
■ cooking spray GST-free pizza bases GST-free
■ olive, canola, vegetable GST-free pizza (bread or rolls) taxable
olives (including marinated) GST-free pizzas, pizza subs, pizza pockets and similar food taxable
oysters (not hot) GST-free plain focaccia GST-free
P platters, of cheese, cold cuts, fruit, vegetables taxable
pancakes taxable and other arrangements of food
pancake mix GST-free polenta GST-free
panettone taxable pollen, bee taxable
pappadums popcorn
■ cooked taxable ■ popped taxable
■ uncooked GST-free ■ unpopped kernels GST-free
pasta pork meat uncooked (bacon, hamsteaks) GST-free
■ dry/packet GST-free pork crackling crisps or chips taxable
■ fresh GST-free potato
■ hot taxable ■ bread GST-free
■ meals fresh or frozen ready to heat taxable ■ crisps taxable
(lasagne, carbonara, filled cannelloni) ■ dumplings and balls GST-free
■ packet mix (flavoured sauce) GST-free ■ preparations (dehydrated) GST-free
■ sauce GST-free ■ sticks or straws (chips) taxable
pasties taxable potted herbs taxable
pastizzi taxable poultry, live taxable
pastries (eg danish) taxable powdered drink mixes (marketed as flavouring
pastry cases GST-free for milk)
pastry, frozen sheets, dry mix GST-free ■ cocoa GST-free
paté GST-free ■ drinking chocolate and similar mixes GST-free
patty, hamburger GST-free ■ malt and malt extracts GST-free
pavlova and meringues (unfilled) taxable powdered custard GST-free
■ filled taxable powdered milk, cows or buttermilk GST-free
■ mix (dry ingredients) GST-free powdered soy milk or rice milk taxable
peanut butter GST-free prawn chips, crackers taxable



Item GST status Item GST status

prawn crackers, uncooked GST-free ■ cakes GST-free
prawns ■ crackers taxable
■ cooked cold GST-free ■ creamed GST-free
■ crumbed or battered hot taxable ■ flavoured GST-free
■ fresh GST-free ■ fried (takeaway) taxable
■ raw GST-free ■ glutinous rice balls GST-free
preparations for drinking purposes that are GST-free ■ hot taxable
marketed principally as tea, coffee or malted ■ milk, flavoured taxable
beverage preparations (not in ready-to-drink form) ■ milk, plain GST-free
prepared meals, but not including soup taxable ■ milk, powdered taxable
pretzels taxable ■ plain (not hot) GST-free
processed cheese GST-free ■ pudding (baked) taxable
processed cows milk GST-free ■ pudding (not baked eg dairy dessert) GST-free
processed grains, cereals and sugar cane not taxable ricotta cheese GST-free
for human consumption
roasted nuts taxable
profiteroles taxable
rock salt GST-free
protein shake mix taxable
roe and products consisting principally of roe taxable
psyllium husks taxable
rollmops GST-free
pudding mix, powdered GST-free
rolls, bread – see bread GST-free
roulade (without pastry) GST-free
■ canned taxable
rye bread GST-free
■ christmas taxable
■ pease GST-free
salad (green, rice, pasta, coleslaw) GST-free
■ rice (baked) taxable not marketed as a prepared meal
■ rice (not baked eg dairy dessert) GST-free salad dressings and mayonnaise GST-free
■ self saucing taxable salami GST-free
■ steamed taxable salmon (not live) GST-free
■ tapioca taxable salsa GST-free
puffed corn GST-free salt (table, rock, iodised, sea - for food) GST-free
puffed wheat GST-free salted nuts taxable
pumpkin bread GST-free samosas (not hot) GST-free
pumpkin seeds GST-free sandwiches (using any type of bread or roll) taxable
Q sauerkraut (not hot) GST-free
quail GST-free sauces and sauce mixes such as tomato, GST-free
quail eggs GST-free barbeque, tartare, apple, marinating, white, soy
quiche taxable sausages, any meat (not hot) GST-free
R sausage rolls taxable
rabbit (not hot) GST-free savoury steamed buns GST-free
raw, frozen, and dried fruits and vegetables GST-free scones and scrolls taxable
raw meat GST-free sea cake and sea shanties (frozen) GST-free
raw nuts GST-free seafood
ready-made custard GST-free ■ any seafood that is marketed as a prepared taxable
relishes GST-free meal (such as seafood sushi)
restaurant dishes/meals taxable ■ fresh, frozen, dried, canned GST-free
rice ■ herrings GST-free



Item GST status Item GST status

■ hot cooked taxable ■ salted, smoked and similarly treated nuts taxable
■ kebabs, uncooked GST-free ■ savoury taxable
■ kippers, smoked GST-free snails or escargot (not hot) GST-free
■ octopus (not hot) GST-free soda water taxable
■ oysters (not hot) GST-free soft drink (carbonated beverages) taxable
■ platter taxable ■ mineral water, carbonated taxable
■ prawns/shrimp (cooked or raw - not hot) GST-free ■ mineral water, flavoured taxable
■ rollmops GST-free ■ soda water taxable
■ sticks, cooked hot takeaway taxable ■ tonic water taxable
■ squid or calamari (not hot) GST-free soft serve ice-cream taxable
sea salt for food GST-free sorbet taxable
seasonings, breadcrumbs, yeast extracts GST-free soup
seeds or nuts that have been processed or taxable ■ bones GST-free
treated by salting spicing, smoking, roasting, ■ mixes, canned, dry, Tetra® packed GST-free
or in any other similar way ■ packet GST-free
self-saucing pudding taxable sour cream GST-free
semolina GST-free sourdough bread GST-free
sesame seeds or poppy seeds GST-free soy-based ice dessert taxable
sesame seeds or poppy seed rolls GST-free soy milk powder taxable
sheep, live taxable soy milk (unflavoured) GST-free
sheep’s milk GST-free soy or rice milk beverages, flavoured taxable
shepherd’s pie taxable soy
shortbread taxable ■ cheese GST-free
shrimp ■ chips taxable
■ cooked or raw (not hot) GST-free ■ grits GST-free
■ hot, crumbed or battered taxable ■ sausages GST-free
skim milk whether liquid, powdered, GST-free ■ spread (butter substitute) GST-free
concentrated or condensed
spaghetti, canned (with sauce, sausages GST-free
slices and cakes taxable or cheese)
small goods (such as cold meats, frankfurts, GST-free spiced nuts taxable
bacon and pate)
spices GST-free
small goods platter taxable
spirits, alcoholic taxable
smoked fish products (such as salmon, GST-free
kippers and eels) (not hot) sponge cake taxable
smoked nuts taxable sports bars taxable
snack foods sport drink powder taxable
■ cheese and biscuits snack packs taxable sports drinks, non-carbonated containing less taxable
than 90% by volume of fruits or vegetable juice
■ chickpea snacks taxable
spreads for bread (such as, jam, peanut butter) GST-free
■ chips and crisps taxable
spring rolls, frozen or fresh (not hot) GST-free
■ chocolate taxable
spring rolls, hot taxable
■ confectionery taxable
squid or calamari
■ health food bars and similar foods taxable
■ cooked or raw (not hot) GST-free
■ muesli bars and similar foods taxable
■ hot crumbed or battered taxable
■ noodles, crisp taxable
steamed pudding taxable
■ popcorn taxable
stir-fry, frozen vegetables GST-free



Item GST status Item GST status

stock and stock cubes GST-free tortillas unfilled GST-free
stuffing truffles GST-free
■ hot cooked taxable turkey GST-free
■ mix-dry GST-free turkey eggs GST-free
sugar GST-free turkish bread GST-free
sugar cane, unprocessed taxable TV dinners, frozen taxable
sugar cane juice of at least 90% by volume GST-free U
of fruit or vegetable juice UHT/long-life milk GST-free
sugar-free confectionery taxable uncooked pasta products (such as noodles) GST-free
sundried or semi-dried tomatoes GST-free unleavened bread (not crispbread) GST-free
sunflower seeds GST-free unprocessed grains, cereals or sugar cane taxable
sushi taxable unsalted raw nuts GST-free
sweets and lollies taxable unshelled nuts (not processed) GST-free
sweet buns with a sweet filling or coating taxable V
(a glaze is not considered a sweet coating) veal, raw, processed, not cooked GST-free
syrups for use only to flavour beverages taxable vegeburgers, meat substitute patty – not GST-free
syrups and toppings (such as maple syrup and GST-free complete burger
ice-cream topping) (not those used exclusively vegetable(s) GST-free
for flavouring beverages)
■ croquettes (not hot) GST-free
■ fresh, frozen, dried, or canned GST-free
table salt GST-free
■ juice, non-alcoholic and non-carbonated GST-free
tahini GST-free at least 90% by volume
tapioca GST-free ■ not supplied as food for human consumption taxable
tartufo taxable ■ pickled GST-free
tartare sauce GST-free ■ platter taxable
tarts taxable ■ pre-cooked frozen vegetable products GST-free
tart shells, unfilled GST-free that only require re-heating in the oven
tea (including herbal tea, fruit tea, ginseng tea GST-free or deep frying
and other similar beverage preparations) ■ stir-fry, frozen GST-free
tea and coffee marketed in a ready to drink taxable ■ seedlings taxable
form (Tetra® packaged or takeaway) ■ vegetable triangles taxable
teacake taxable vegetarian
terrines GST-free ■ meat substitutes (not hot) GST-free
tinned or canned food - see individual items ■ meals taxable
tiramisu taxable vinegar GST-free
toffee apples GST-free vitamins (tablets, capsules and caplets) taxable
tofu GST-free vol-au-vent
tomato paste GST-free ■ case unfilled GST-free
tomato purée GST-free ■ filled taxable
tomato sauce GST-free W
tongue GST-free wafers taxable
tonic water taxable waffles taxable
toppings and syrups (such as maple syrup and GST-free wasabi GST-free
ice-cream topping) (not those used exclusively
for flavouring beverages) water crackers, biscuits taxable



Item GST status

■ demineralised (not for human consumption) taxable
■ natural non-carbonated without any additives GST-free
(including spring and mineral)
wheat germ GST-free
wheat germ oil (culinary use) GST-free
whey, whey powder or whey paste GST-free
whole fruit, frozen GST-free
wholemeal bread GST-free
■ alcoholic taxable
■ cooking (containing salt and marketed GST-free
as cooking wine)
■ non-alcoholic, carbonated taxable
■ non-alcoholic, non-carbonated containing GST-free
90% by volume of fruit or vegetable juice)
wine grapes GST-free
yeast-based spread GST-free
yeast extracts GST-free
yeast-free bread GST-free
■ compound couverture (unless marketed GST-free
as an ingredient for confectionery)
■ compound confectionery taxable
■ compound (unless marketed as an ingredient GST-free
for confectionery)
■ drinking taxable
■ flavoured, regular and reduced fat GST-free
■ frozen taxable
■ goats milk yoghurt GST-free
■ plain, regular and reduced fat GST-free
■ soft-serve yoghurt taxable
■ starter powder GST-free


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