Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
III. Research Design and Methodology
Various methods and approach was employed in this study in order to collect the relevant
data which can give a solution to the problem. It covers the research design, areas of the study, the
sample of the study population and the sampling techniques. It also includes a description of the
relevant information, the researchers will give survey questionnaire to selected students of Abuyog
National High School from Junior High School that will serve as the respondents of this study.
The researchers believe that this method will be effective in obtaining information needed for the
By this, the researcher will be able to prove the cause, effect and impacts truancy in school
and what is the possible methods to mitigate and address this problem.
Quantitative methods were used to investigate the major issues. Participants were selected
experiences of the student within a particular context. The chapter commences with a description
The survey research design was adopted for the study. The technique is used for obtaining
the necessary data from a group through the use of questionnaire, observation and interview.
(Jamwal, 2012).
The study was conducted by using the quantitative approach. An observation study design
was employed. This is because the nature of the study was to generate knowledge from a critical
required a natural setting for clear observation and analysis of all possible factors as well as
assessment of collective outcomes. Also the study used some elements of quantitative analysis,
example when want to know how many students attend school regularly within a week, then the
number were provided. The study was relied mostly on observation in the attendance list. Also
some information were obtained from structured questionnaires for targeted group such as some
In this study the researchers used the Descriptive Interpretative Survey Research
Design. Descriptive for identifying and knowing the different reasons, effects of truancy among
junior high school students and its ill effects on their school performance and how many percent
are being truant in class in Abuyog National High School and for interpreting the data gathered
from the survey the has been conducted by the researchers, Interpretative will be used.
The target population which were used to get information were students of Abuyog
National High School specifically the Junior High School Students. The respondents of this
research study are composed of (50) fifty students from Junior High School Grade 7 to Grade 10.
The researchers use Purposive or Judgmental Sampling, by which respondents are easily
Table 1
Respondents F %
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
In this study the selection of participants will be done through purposive sampling
techniques. This sampling techniques will enable the researcher to select the people who meet the
requirements for the research. The study was conducted in Abuyog National High School the
sample size used was 50 students. From the sample obtained the respondent will be responsible to
There are two instruments were employed for data collection in this research study: An
interview and a survey questionnaire. A survey was designed by the researcher to help identify the
age and reason why they stopped studying. An interview design was applied to investigate the
research questions. The “survey questionnaire is the easiest and effective way of gathering data
from chosen respondents. Our survey questionnaire is composed of seven questions corresponded
with choices related to our topic that will fulfil and answer our research problem.
The study used two data gathering methods to collect information. These include,
observation and questionnaires. The use of many methods of data collection help to collect the
information’s with high validity. The information obtained will give strong facts than the
information from just one source which can be bias during researcher investigation (Cohen et al
discover the complex interactions in natural social settings (Marshall and Rossman, 1995).
It enables a researcher to have an opportunity to look at what is taking place in the situation
rather than second information (Patton,1990).In this study the observation of the schools
environment helped to reveal some of the possible factors that contributing to truancy. The
observation were considering the school infrastructure, social interaction of teachers and
the students and even the interaction of students themselves. Further observation was made
in the teaching situation in the class room. Attendance of teachers in the classroom by
considering the class journals list. All these helped to collect informations related to the
researcher observed the attendance register books in order to know to what extent do the
students truant.
seeking information of why most students are always truant at school. The respondents
were given questions which they were have to fill by themselves at their environmental
setting in order to tell what real cause truancy at their school. The open questions are
probing questions which were trying to focus on the possible causes of truancy in schools.
The question were given and the respondents were supposed to read and tick yes if the
The study considered several sources of data. The responses of the students on the
questionnaire about their experiences and problems they encountered have a great contribution to
the study, also their records on their performance task and the attendance list that will be beneficial
Data collection was done through both primary and secondary sources. Primary
data sources included key informants for each case study also the respondents itself. Secondary
data covered different sources and provided an essential preparation for the interviews. Secondary
data helped to cross-check official information, learn about major events, technical details,
historical decisions and main organizational players and roles. They also supported the exploring
The questionnaires were administered on the school premises after class hours and other
times that the school administration thought will not affect the normal school programs. To ensure
maximum reliability and validity of the study the questions were clearly stated, variety of wording
of the sentences were employed and respondents were allowed to tick the response which they fill
that it’s appropriate answer from the given selection and set of choices for the factors provided.
Respondents were also assured that their responses would be confidential. The regular observation
was made by the permission of the advisers for a researcher to get in the class and observe and
record the information which are relevant while the teacher is teaching. The information which
were recorded were about teaching situation, methods of teaching, teachers personality, percent of
students missing and the lesson interaction and also to know if there if some known reason for
those students who are missing the particular lesson. Further information were obtained from the
class attendance register for the each class and trying to see to what extent students are truant.
Data analysis is a process that implies editing, coding, classification and tabulation of
collected data (Kothari,1990). Since the study is quantitative in nature, content analysis will be
used where by data need to be generalized that means the data from questionnaire and observation
will be tabulated and computed in to graphs to show the variations of findings. Also some
To begin the data analysis process, descriptive statistics were calculated on the independent
variables to summarize and describe the data collected. Survey results were measured by category.
After gathering data through questionnaire, the researchers, give deep interpretation and have critic
analysis from the given data and information from the respondents