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Emi Properties of Passive Components: Crosstalk and Cabling

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Unit 2 part 2


Crosstalk and Cabling

- Crosstalk via common impedance

- Capacitive crosstalk
- Inductive
- Crosstalk
- Crosstalk combinations
- Reduction of crosstalk
- Shield transfer Impedance
- Shielding of electric field
- Shielding of magnetic field
- Different types of cables
- Effect of Pigtails
- Cable layouts

Prepared by S.RAVINDRAKUMAR , AP/ECE,Chettinad College of Engineering And Technology,Karur 1

Essentially refers to the unintended electromagnetic coupling between wires and
PCB lands that are in close proximity. Crosstalk is distinguished from antenna coupling
in that it is a near field coupling problem. Crosstalk between wires in cables or between
lands on PCBs concerns the intrasystem interference performance of the product; that is,
the source of the electromagnetic emission and the receptor of this emission are within
the same system. Thus this reflects the third concern in EMC: the design of the product
such that it does not interfere with itself. With clock speeds and data transfer rates in
digital computers steadily increasing, crosstalk between lands on PCBs is becoming a
significant mechanism for interference in modern digital systems. Crosstalk between the
two cables can induce signals on the peripheral cable that may radiate externally to the
product, causing the product to be out of compliance with the radiated emission
regulatory limits. Crosstalk can also affect the susceptibility of a product to emissions
from another product.
In order to understand how to model crosstalk, it is important to understand the
analysis of two-conductor transmission lines. For a two-conductor transmission line there
is no crosstalk. In order to have crosstalk, we must have three or more conductors.
The crosstalk between two circuits is generally defined as the ratio of the
unintentional voltage appearing across the load in the victim circuit to the signal voltage
in the source circuit. It is normally expressed in dB as,


Cables are important because they are usually the longest parts of a system and
therefore act as efficient antennas that pick up and/or radiate noise.

In this chapter, we assume the following:

1. Shields are made of nonmagnetic materials and have a thickness much less than a skin
depth at the frequency of interest.*
2. The receptor is not coupled so tightly to the source that it loads down the source.
3. Induced currents in the receptor circuit are small enough not to distort the original
field. (This does not apply to a shield around the receptor circuit.)
4. Cables are short compared with a wavelength.
• Three types of couplings are considered capacitive or electric
• Coupling, which results from the interaction of electric fields between circuits.
The second is inductive, or magnetic, coupling, which results from the interaction
between the magnetic fields of two circuits.
The third is a combination of electric and
• Magnetic fields and is appropriately called electromagnetic coupling or radiation.

Prepared by S.RAVINDRAKUMAR , AP/ECE,Chettinad College of Engineering And Technology,Karur 2

A simple representation of capactive coupling between two conductors is shown
in Fig

The noise voltage VN produced between conductor 2 and ground can be

expressed as follows:


USING Laplace transform find the transfer function likw what you have done in
LIC or control system then replace s by its omega equivalent

Equation 2-1 does not show clearly how the pickup voltage depends on the
various parameters. Equation 2-1 can be simplified for the case when R is a lower
impedance than the impedance of the stray capacitance C12 plus C2G. In most practical
cases this will be true. Therefore, for

Eq. 2-1 can be reduced to the following:

If the resistance from conductor 2 to ground is large, such that

Prepared by S.RAVINDRAKUMAR , AP/ECE,Chettinad College of Engineering And Technology,Karur 3

then Eq. 2-1 reduces to

The figure also shows that the actual noise voltage is always less than or equal to
the value given by Eq. At a frequency of


Consider the case of an ideal shielded conductor as shown in Fig. 2-4. An
equivalent circuit of the capacitive coupling is also shown in the figure. This is an ideal
case because of the following:

Prepared by S.RAVINDRAKUMAR , AP/ECE,Chettinad College of Engineering And Technology,Karur 4

1. The shield completely encloses conductor 2—none of conductor 2 extends beyond the
2. The shield is solid—there are no holes in the shield such as would be the case of a
braided shield.
3. The shield is not terminated, and there is no terminating impedance on conductor 2.
The shield is an unshielded conductor exposed to conductor 1, and because there is no
termination on the shield it has a high terminating impedance. Therefore Eq. 2-3 can be
used to determine the voltage picked up by the shield. The noise voltage on the shield
will be

there can be no voltage drop(????) across C2S, and voltage picked up by the conductor 2
will be The shield therefore did not reduce the noise voltage picked up by conductor

The shield therefore did not reduce the noise voltage picked up by conductor 2. In many
practical cases, the center conductor does extend beyond the shield, and the situation
becomes that of Fig. 2-5.

Even if the shield is grounded, there is now a noise voltage coupled to conductor

For good electric field shielding, it is therefore necessary

(1) to minimize the length of the center conductor that extends beyond the shield and
(2) to provide a good ground on the shield. A single ground connection makes a good
shield ground, provided the cable is not longer than one twentieth of a wavelength. On
longer cables, multiple grounds may be necessary.

Prepared by S.RAVINDRAKUMAR , AP/ECE,Chettinad College of Engineering And Technology,Karur 5

If in addition the receiving conductor has finite resistance to ground, the
arrangement is that shown in Fig. 2.6. If the shield is grounded, the equivalent circuit can
be simplified as shown in the figure. Any capacitance directly across the source can be
neglected because it has no effect on the noise coupling.

which is normally true, then the noise voltage coupled to conductor 2 is

Prepared by S.RAVINDRAKUMAR , AP/ECE,Chettinad College of Engineering And Technology,Karur 6

The voltage VN induced in a closed loop of area _ A resulting from a magnetic
field of flux density _ B can be derived from Faraday’s law (Hayt, 1974, p. 331) and is

where _ B and _ A are vectors. If the closed loop is stationary and the flux density is
sinusoidally varying with time but constant over the area of the loop, Eq. 2-11 reduces to

As shown in Fig. 2-7, A is the area of the closed loop, B is the root mean square
(rms) value of the sinusoidally varying flux density of frequency o radians per second,
and VN is the rms value of the induced voltage.

Prepared by S.RAVINDRAKUMAR , AP/ECE,Chettinad College of Engineering And Technology,Karur 7

Because BA cos y represents the total magnetic flux (f12) coupled to the receptor
circuit, Eqs. 2-10 and 2-12 can be combined to express the induced voltage in terms of
the mutual inductance M between two circuits, as follows:

The area of the receiver circuit can be reduced by placing the conductor closer to
the ground plane (if the return current is through the ground plane) or by using two
conductors twised together (if the return current is on one of the pair instead of the
ground plane). The cos y term can be reduced by proper orientation of the source and
receiver circuits.


If an ungrounded and nonmagnetic shield is now placed around conductor 2, the

circuit becomes that of Fig. 2-11, where M1s is the mutual inductance between conductor
1 and the shield. Because the shield has no effect on the geometry or magnetic properties
of the medium between circuits 1 and 2, it has no effect on the voltage induced into
conductor 2. The shield does, however, pick up a voltage because of the current in
conductor 1:

Prepared by S.RAVINDRAKUMAR , AP/ECE,Chettinad College of Engineering And Technology,Karur 8

A ground connection on one end of the shield does not change the situation. It
follows, therefore, that a nonmagnetic shield placed around a conductor and grounded at
one end has no effect on the magnetically induced voltage in that conductor. If, however,
the shield is grounded at both ends, the voltage induced into the shield from M1S in Fig.
2-11, will cause shield current to flow. The shield current will induce a second noise
voltage into conductor 2, and this must be taken into account. Before this voltage can be
calculated, the mutual inductance between a shield and its center conductor must be


To prevent radiation, the source of the interference may be shielded. Figure 2-19
shows the electric and magnetic fields that surround a current-carrying conductor located
in free space.

Prepared by S.RAVINDRAKUMAR , AP/ECE,Chettinad College of Engineering And Technology,Karur 9

If a non-magnetic shield is placed around the conductor, then the electric field
lines will terminate on the shield, but there will be very little effect on the magnetic field,
as shown in Fig. 2-20

If a shield current equal and opposite to that in the center conductor is made to
flow on the shield, it generates an equal but opposite external magnetic field. This field
cancels the magnetic field caused by the current in the center conductor external to the
shield, which results in the condition shown in Fig. 2-21, with no fields external to the

Figure 2-22 shows a circuit that is grounded at both ends and carries a current I1.
To prevent magnetic field radiation from this circuit, the shield must be grounded at both
ends, and the return current must flow from A to B in the shield (IS in the figure) instead
of in the ground plane (IG in the figure).

Prepared by S.RAVINDRAKUMAR , AP/ECE,Chettinad College of Engineering And Technology,Karur 10

But why should the current return from point A to B through the shield instead of
through the zero-resistance ground plane? Analyse
If the ground is removed from one end of the circuit, as shown in Fig. 2-23, then
the shield should not be grounded at that end because the return current must now all
flow on the shield. This is true especially at frequencies less than the shield cutoff
frequency. Grounding both ends of the shield, in this case, reduces the shielding because
some current will return via the ground plane.


The best way to protect against magnetic fields at the receptor is to decrease the
area of the receptor loop. The area of interest is the total area enclosed by current flow in
the receptor circuit. An important consideration is the path taken by the current in
returning to the source. Often, the current returns by a path other than the one intended by
the designer, and therefore, the area of the loop changes.

Figure 2-24 illustrates the effect of a shield on the loop area of a circuit. In Fig. 2-
24A, the source VS is connected to the load RL by a single conductor, using a ground
return path. The area enclosed by the current is the rectangle between the conductor and
the ground plane. In Fig. 2-24B, a shield is placed around the conductor and grounded at
both ends. If the current returns through the shield rather than the ground plane, then the
area of the loop is decreased, and a degree of magnetic protection is provided. The

Prepared by S.RAVINDRAKUMAR , AP/ECE,Chettinad College of Engineering And Technology,Karur 11

current will return through the shield if the frequency is greater than five times the shield
cutoff frequency as previously shown. A shield placed around the conductor and
grounded at one end only, as shown in Fig. 2-24C, does not change the loop area and
therefore provides no magnetic protection.

The arrangement of Fig. 2-24B does not protect against magnetic fields at
frequencies below the shield cutoff frequency because then most of the current returns
through the ground plane and not through the shield. At low frequencies, this circuit also
has two other problems, as follows: (1) Because the shield is one of the circuit
conductors, any noise current in it will produce an IR drop in the shield and appear to the
circuit as a noise voltage, and (2) if there is a difference in ground potential between the
two ends of the shield then it will show up as a noise voltage in the circuit.


When a coaxial cable is used at low frequencies and the shield is grounded at both
ends, only a limited amount of magnetic field protection is possible because of the noise
current induced into the shield Because the induced current flows through the shield,
which is also one of the signal conductors, a noise voltage is produced in the shield, that
is equal to the shield current times the shield resistance. This is shown in Fig. 2-25.


Prepared by S.RAVINDRAKUMAR , AP/ECE,Chettinad College of Engineering And Technology,Karur 12

This example shows common impedance coupling and is the result of the shield
having to serve two functions. First, it is the return conductor for the signal, and second it
is a shield and carries the induced noise current. This problem can be eliminated, or at
least minimized, by using a three-conductor cable (e.g., a shielded twisted pair).
Common impedance shield coupling is often a problem in consumer audio
systems that use unbalanced interconnections, which usually consist of a cable with a
center conductor and a shield terminated in a phono plug. The problem can be minimized
by reducing the resistance of the cable shield or by using a balanced interconnection and
a shielded twisted pair.


A B C . What is advantage present in the each type?


In 1934, Schelkunoff first proposed the concept of transfer impedance as a means of
measuring the shielding effectiveness of cable shields. The shield transfer impedance is a
property of the shield that relates the open circuit voltage (per unit length) developed
between the center conductor and the shield to the shield current. The shield transfer
impedance can be written as

where ZT is the transfer impedance in ohms per unit length, IS is the shield current, V is
the voltage induced between the internal conductors and the shield, and l is the length of
the cable. The smaller the transfer impedance, the

Prepared by S.RAVINDRAKUMAR , AP/ECE,Chettinad College of Engineering And Technology,Karur 13

more effective the shielding.

At low frequencies, the transfer impedance is equal to the direct current (dc) resistance of
the shield. This result is equivalent to the results obtained in Eq. 2-33.

At higher frequencies (above 1 mHz for typical cables), the transfer impedance of a solid
tubular shield decreases because of skin effect, and the shielding effectiveness of the
cable increases. Skin effect causes the noise current to remain on the outside surface of
the shield, and the signal current on the inside; therefore, it eliminates the common
impedance coupling between the two currents.

Figure 2-30 is a plot of the magnitude of the transfer impedance (normalized

to the value of the dc resistance Rdc) for a solid tubular shield.

If the shield is braided, then the transfer impedance will increase with frequency above
about 1 MHz, as shown in Fig. 2-34.

The maximum benefit of a well-shielded cable will only be realized if the shield
is properly terminated. Requirements of a proper shield termination are as
1. Termination at the proper end, or ends, and to the proper point or points
Prepared by S.RAVINDRAKUMAR , AP/ECE,Chettinad College of Engineering And Technology,Karur 14
2. A very low impedance termination connection
3. A 3601 contact with the shield

A pigtail connection (Fig. 2-40) causes the shield current to be concentrated on one side
of the shield. For maximum protection, the shield should be terminated uniformly around
its circumference. This can be accomplished by using coaxial connectors such as BNC,
UHF, or Type N. Such a connector, shown in Fig. 2-41, provides a 3601 electrical contact
to the shield.

A 3601 contact is important not only between the shield and the connector
Prepared by S.RAVINDRAKUMAR , AP/ECE,Chettinad College of Engineering And Technology,Karur 15
but also between the two mating halves of the connector.

The use of a pigtail termination whose length is only a small fraction of the total cable
length can have a significant effect on the noise coupling to the cable at frequencies
above 100 kHz. For example, the coupling to a 3.66-m (12 ft) shielded cable with the
shield grounded at both ends with 8-cm pigtail terminations is shown in Fig. 2-44 (Paul,
1980, Fig. 8a).

Different types of cables

Prepared by S.RAVINDRAKUMAR , AP/ECE,Chettinad College of Engineering And Technology,Karur 16

A major cost associated with the use of cables is the expense related to the termination of
the cable. The advantage of ribbon cables is that they allow lowcost multiple
terminations, which is the primary reason for using them.
Ribbon cables have a second advantage. They are ‘‘controlled cables’’ because
the position and orientation of the wires within the cable is fixed, like the conductors on a
printed wiring board. However, a normal wiring harness is a ‘‘random cables’’ because
the position and orientation of the wires within the cable is random and varies from one
harness to the next. Therefore, the noise performance of a ‘‘random cable’’ can vary from
one unit to the next.
Figure 2-49A shows a ribbon cable where one conductor is a ground and all the
remaining conductors are signal leads. This configuration is used because it minimizes
the number of conductors required; however, it has three problems. First, it produces
large loop areas between the signal conductors and their ground return, which results in
radiation and susceptibility.

The second problem is the common impedance coupling produced when all the signal
conductors use the same ground return. The third problem is crosstalk between the
individual conductors—both capacitive and inductive; therefore, this configuration
should seldom be used. If it is used, the single ground should be assigned to one of the
center conductors to minimize the loop areas.
Figure 2-49B shows a better configuration. In this arrangement, the loop areas are
small because each conductor has a separate ground return next to it. Because each
conductor has a separate ground return, common impedance coupling is eliminated, and
the crosstalk between leads is minimized. This is the preferred configuration for a ribbon
cable, even though it does require twice as many conductors as Fig 2-49A.

Prepared by S.RAVINDRAKUMAR , AP/ECE,Chettinad College of Engineering And Technology,Karur 17

In applications where crosstalk between cables is a problem, two grounds may be
required between signal conductors.
As cables approach a quarter wavelength in length, some of the current in the cable is out
of phase. When the cable is a half-wavelength long, the out-ofphase currents will cause
the external coupling to be zero because of cancellation of effects. This does not alter the
dependence of the coupling on the various other parameters of the problem; it only
changes the numerical result. Therefore, the parameters that determine the coupling
remain the same, regardless of the length of the cables.

Figure 2-50 shows the coupling between two cables with and without the assumption that
the cables are short. The results are almost exact up to the point where the phasing effects
start to occur, about one tenth of a wavelength.

Electric field coupling can be modeled by inserting a noise current generator in shunt
with the receptor circuit.
_ Magnetic field coupling can be modeled by inserting a noise voltage generator in series
with the receptor
_ Electric fields are much easier to guard against than magnetic fields.
_ A shield grounded at one or more points shields against electric fields.
_ The key to reducing magnetic coupling is to decrease the area of the pickup loop.

Prepared by S.RAVINDRAKUMAR , AP/ECE,Chettinad College of Engineering And Technology,Karur 18

_ For a coaxial cable grounded at both ends, virtually all the return current flows in the
shied at frequencies above audio.
_ To prevent magnetic field radiation or pickup, a shield grounded at both ends is useful
above audio frequencies.
_ Any shield in which noise currents flow should not be part of the signal path.
_ Because of skin effect, at high frequencies, a coaxial cable behaves as a
triaxial cable.

_ The shielding effectiveness of a twisted pair increases as the number of twists per unit
length increases. The magnetic shielding effects listed in this chapter require a cylindrical
shield with uniform distribution of shield current over the circumference of the shield.
_ For a solid-shield cable, the shielding effectiveness increases with frequency.
_ For a braid-over-foil or double-braid cable, the shielding effectiveness begins to
decrease above about 100 MHZ.
_ For a braided-shield cable, the shielding effectiveness begins to decrease above about
10 MHz.
_ For a spiral shield cable, the shielding effectiveness begins to decrease above about 100
_ Most cable shielding problems are caused by improper shield terminations.
_ At low frequency, cable shields may be grounded at one end only.
_ At high frequency, cable shields should be grounded at both ends.
_ Hybrid shield terminations can be used effectively when both low- and high-frequency
signals are involved.
_ Cable shields should be terminated to the equipment enclosure not to the circuit ground.
_ The major problem with ribbon cables relates to how individual conductors are
assigned between signals and grounds.


Capacitive Coupling 3
Common Impedance12
Crosstalk 1
Electrically Long Cables18
Inductive Coupling7
Magnetic Radiation 9
Pigtails 15
Ribbon Cables 17
Shield 4,8
Shield Transfer Impedance13
Shield Terminations14

Prepared by S.RAVINDRAKUMAR , AP/ECE,Chettinad College of Engineering And Technology,Karur 19


1.Crosstalk occurs due to __________

2.Inductive noise voltage is __________ proportional to magnetic flux density
3. To prevent radiation, the source of the interference may be ________
4. If a non-magnetic shield is placed around the conductor, then the electric field
lines will terminate on the shield, but there will be very little effect on the magnetic
field Say TRUE or FALSE
5. The unit of shield transfer impedence is ___________


1.Briefly explain about the sources of crosstalk and the methods to eliminate
2.With suitable diagram explain the effect of shied on capacitive coupling and
inductive coupling
3.Explain in detail about the Pigtails
4.Explain the mechanism of shielding a receptor against magnetic fields.
5.With a neat diagrams explain the different type of cables..


2.1 In Fig. P2-1 the stray capacitance between conductors 1 and 2 is 50 pF. Each
conductor has a capacitance to ground of 150 pF. Conductor 1 has a 10-V alternating
current (ac) signal at a frequency of 100 kHz on it. What is the noise voltage picked up
by conductor 2 if its termination RT is:
a. An infinite resistance?
b. A 1000-O resistance?
c. A 50-O resistance?

2.2 In Fig. P2-2, a grounded shield is placed around conductor 2. The

Prepared by S.RAVINDRAKUMAR , AP/ECE,Chettinad College of Engineering And Technology,Karur 20

capacitance from conductor 2 to the shield is 100 pF, The capacitance between
conductors 2 and 1 is 2 pF, and the capacitance between conductor 2 and ground is 5 pF.
Conductor 1 has a 10-V ac signal at a frequency of 100 kHz on it. For this configuration,
what is the noise voltage picked up by conductor 2 if its termination RT is:
a. An infinite resistance?
b. A 1000-O resistance?
c. A 50-O resistance?

2.8 What is the maximum value of the mutual inductance between two circuits?
2.9 How does the magnitude of the magnetic field vary versus distance from: a. A single
isolated conductor?
b. Closely spaced parallel conductors carrying the signal and return current?
2.10 A receptor circuit consists of a 1-m long wire, located 5 cm above a ground plane.
Each end of the circuit is terminated with a 50-O resistor. An electric field induces a
noise current of 0.5 mA into the circuit. The magnetic field from the same noise source
induces a noise voltage of 25 mV into the circuit.
a. If the noise voltage is measured across each of the terminating
resistors, what will the two readings be?
b. What general conclusion can you draw from the above results?
c. What will happen if the polarity of the magnetic-field induced
voltage is reversed?
2.11 Explain why an unshielded twisted pair will only provide protection against
capacitive pickup when its terminations are balanced (i.e., both have the same impedance
to ground)?
2.12 In a spiral shield cable, what percentage of the magnetic field H produced by
a. The longitudinal component of the shield current is inside the shield. What
percentage is outside the shield?
b. The circular component of the shield current is inside the shield.
What percentage is outside the shield?

Prepared by S.RAVINDRAKUMAR , AP/ECE,Chettinad College of Engineering And Technology,Karur 21

1.Henry Ott,”Noise reduction technique”,PTH
2.Clayton R. Paul – “Introduction to electromagnetic
compatibility”- John Wiley &
Sons- 2006
3.TI.com-texas instruments
4.WWW.analog.com-analog devices
5.www.ni.com-National Instruments

Prepared by S.RAVINDRAKUMAR , AP/ECE,Chettinad College of Engineering And Technology,Karur 22

Prepared by S.RAVINDRAKUMAR , AP/ECE,Chettinad College of Engineering And Technology,Karur 23
Prepared by S.RAVINDRAKUMAR , AP/ECE,Chettinad College of Engineering And Technology,Karur 24

1. The term PSW Program Status word refers

a) Accumulator & Flag register
b) H and L register
c) Accumulator & Instruction register
d) B and C register

2. A —— is used to isolate a bit, it does this because that ANI sets all other bits to Zero
a) subroutine
b) flag
c) label
d) mask

3. Interaction between a CPU and a peripheral device that takes place during and imput
output operation is known as
a) handshaking
b) flagging
c) relocating
d) sub?routine

4. Addressing in which the instructions contains the address of the data to the operated on
is known as
a) immediate addressing
b) implied addressing
c) register addressing
d) direct addressing

5. Resart is a special type of CALL in which

a) the address is programmed but not built into the hardware
b) the address is programmed built into the hardware
c) the address is not programmed but built into the hardware
d) None of the above

Prepared by S.RAVINDRAKUMAR , AP/ECE,Chettinad College of Engineering And Technology,Karur 25

6. The maximum addressable memory space of Pentium is
a) 64G
b) 16 G
c) 8G
d) 4G

7.The stack is a specialized temporary ?? access memory during ?.. and ?? instructions
a) random, store, load
b) random, push, load
c) sequential, store, pop
d) sequential, push, pop

8. The No. of control lines in Pentium are ——-

9. The length of EAX ? register is ——- bits

10. The length of program counter is ——– bits

11. The length of stack pointer is ——– bits

12. The length of status word is ——- bits

13. The No. of CONTROL flags are ——-

14. What is the purpose of using ALE signal high ?

a) To latch low order address from bus to separate A0 ? A7
b) To latch data Do ? D 7 from bus go separate data bus
c) To disable data bus latch

15. What is the purpose of READY signal?

a) It is used to indicate to user that microprocessor is working and ready to use
b) It is used to provide for proper WAIT states when microprocessor is communicating
with slow peripheral device.
c) It is used to provide for proper showing down of fast peripheral devices so as to
communicate at micro processors speed.

16. What is the addressing mode used in instruction MOV BL, CL?
a) Direct
b) Indirect
c) Indexed
d) Immediate

Prepared by S.RAVINDRAKUMAR , AP/ECE,Chettinad College of Engineering And Technology,Karur 26

17. The maximum number of I\o devices can be interfaced with 80386 in the I\o mapped
I\o technique are____

18. Shadow Address will exist in

a) absolute decoding
b) linear decoding
c) partical decoding
d) none of the above

19. The Instructions used for data transfer in I\o mapped I\O are
a) IN, OUT
b) IN, LDA add
c) STA add
d) None of the above

20. Number of Address lines in Pentium is

a) 16
c) 34
d) 128

1. Differentiate between Pentium and 80486.

2. Classify the different groups of Pentium instruction set with example.

3. Differentiate between unidirectional buffer and bi-directional buffer.

4. What is the need for ALE signal in Pentium microprocessor?

5. Give the operation of the foll instructions:(a) DAA (b) DEC.

6. State the functions for ALE and TRAP pins .

7. Make note on the real mode operation of Pentium.

8. What is a MPU?

Prepared by S.RAVINDRAKUMAR , AP/ECE,Chettinad College of Engineering And Technology,Karur 27

9. What do you mean by multiplexing the bus?

10. List out the two modes of operation of x86 family.

11. What is a program counter?

12. What is an instruction?

13. What is PSW? Draw

14. Define - Interrupt.

15. What are the addressing modes for Pentium microprocessor?

16. make note of the protected mode of Pentium?

17. Define stack.

18. Specify how a program counter is useful in program execution.

19. How the data and address lines are demultiplexed?

20. Show the bit positions of various flags in Pentium flag register?

21. List the various signals of Pentium.

22. What are the instruction pipelining stages in Pentium and 80486

23. What are the similarity and difference between subtract and compare instructions?

24. List the type of signals that have to be applied to generate an hardware interrupts.

25. Write a subroutine to clear the flag register and accumulator using 80386?
Prepared by S.RAVINDRAKUMAR , AP/ECE,Chettinad College of Engineering And Technology,Karur 28
26. Draw a simple diagram for the flags of Pentium?

27. List out the similarities between CALL_RET and PUSH_POP instructions.

28. List interrupts of Pentium

29. Define: (a) Instruction Cycle (b) M/c cycle (c) T-state.

30. Explain the execution of the instruction PUSHAH.

31. What are the different memory mapping schemes? Give any one advantage and
disadvantage for each

1. a. Draw the block diagram of Pentium mp and explain? (18
b. Write an assembly language program to add two 2-digits BCD Number? (4)

2. a. Explain the instruction set of Pentium? (10)

b. Write notes on control flags .

3. a. Explain the architecture of Intel Pentium the help of a block diagram? (10
b. Explain the similarities diff b/w Pentium and 80486?

4. a. With neat block diagram explain the BIU unit of Pentium? (8)
b. List out the maskable and non maskable interrupts available in Pentium? (4)

5.(a)Specify the contents of the registers and the flag status as the following
instructions are executed.(4)
i. MOV AX, 00
ii. MOV EBX,[02F8]
vi. HLT

(b)Write instructions to load the hexadecimal number 65H in register CX and 92H in
accumulator A.(8)

Prepared by S.RAVINDRAKUMAR , AP/ECE,Chettinad College of Engineering And Technology,Karur 29

6. (a)Why the lower order address bus is multiplexed with data bus? How they will be
de-multiplexed? (6)
(b) Differentiate between maskable and non-maskable interrupts.(6)

7. a)Write an assembly language program using minimum number of instructions to add

32 bit no. in EBX, EDX & ECX. Store the result in MEMORY. (6)
b) Explain the similarities diff b/w subtract and compare instructions in 8085? (6)

8. (a)Explain in detail the following instructions:-

(i) ADD (ii) RAL (iii) SHR (iv) CMP
(b) Define & explain the term addressing modes.

9. (a)Draw the pin diagram and explain the control signals present in Pentium

10. Explain with examples the arithmetic instruction .(12)

11. Explain with examples the data transfer instruction .(12)
12. Explain with examples the control instruction .(12)
13. Explain with examples the logical instruction of Pentium.(12)
14.What are the addressing modes present in Pentium .explain with example.(12)

Prepared by S.RAVINDRAKUMAR , AP/ECE,Chettinad College of Engineering And Technology,Karur 30

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