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Energy Conversion and Management 124 (2016) 333–343

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Energy Conversion and Management

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Optimization of waste to energy routes through biochemical

and thermochemical treatment options of municipal solid waste
in Hyderabad, Pakistan
Muhammad Safar Korai a,⇑, Rasool Bux Mahar b, Muhammad Aslam Uqaili c
Institute of Environmental Engineering & Management, Mehran UET, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan
U.S.-Pakistan Center for Advance Studies in Water (US-PACASW), Mehran UET, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan
Electrical Engineering Department, Mehran UET, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Improper disposal of municipal solid waste (MSW) has created many environmental problems in
Received 18 April 2016 Pakistan and the country is facing energy shortages as well. The present study evaluates the biochemical
Received in revised form 11 July 2016 and thermochemical treatment options of MSW in order to address both the endemic environmental
Accepted 12 July 2016
challenges and in part the energy shortage. According to the nature of waste components, a number of
Available online 20 July 2016
scenarios were developed to optimize the waste to energy (WTE) routes. The evaluation of treatment
options has been performed by mathematical equations using the special characteristics of MSW. The
power generation potential (PGP) of biochemical (anaerobic digestion) has been observed in the range
of 5.9–11.3 kW/ton day under various scenarios. The PGP of Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF), Mass Burn
Municipal solid waste Incinerator (MBI), Gasification/Pyrolysis (Gasi./Pyro.) and Plasma Arc Gasification (PAG) have been
Power generation potential found to be in the range of 2.7–118.6 kW/ton day, 3.8–164.7 kW/ton day, 4.2–184.5 kW/ton day and
5.2–224 kW/ton day, respectively. The highest values of biochemical and all thermochemical
technologies have been obtained through the use of scenarios including the putrescible components
(PCs) of MSW such as food and yard wastes, and the non-biodegradable components (NBCs) of MSW such
as plastic, rubber, leather, textile and wood respectively. Therefore, routes which include these compo-
nents are the optimized WTE routes for maximum PGP by biochemical and thermochemical treatments
of MSW. The findings of study lead to recommend that socio-economic and environmental feasibility of
WTE conversion technologies should be performed in the context of the country.
Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction caused many urban environmental issues in the country [5]. No

one optimized collection route of MSW has been determined even
Pakistan faces both an energy crisis on one hand and difficulty in major cities of Pakistan [5,6]. As compared to other countries
in transporting wastes from generation to final disposal as a result (i.e., Denmark, Germany, France, Italy, UK, USA, China, etc.), less
of a rapidly increasing population. The population of Pakistan was than 50% of MSW is only disposed by landfill and composting in
recorded as 188.08 million in 2014 and continuously increasing improper way in Pakistan [7,8]. The dumping of MSW disposal
with growth rate of 1.9%, making it one of the world’s most popu- method is the major source of various environmental issues
lous countries and further exacerbating waste management issues including water pollution, soil pollution, green house gases emis-
[1–3]. Approximately 38.55% of the population is concentrated in sions, etc.
urban centers, while the remaining 61.42% is in rural [1–4]. The Municipal solid waste is the fourth largest global emissions
entrances as well as exits of each city are plagued by the unsani- contributor [9–11]. Approximately 550 Tg of global methane
tary burning and dumping of huge quantities of solid wastes. In emissions are annually contributed by MSW [11,12]. The global
monsoon seasons, the waste management issues reach an extreme warming potential of methane is about 21–23 times higher than
level. The roads, streets, and sewers become clogged with litter. carbon dioxide [9]. The third largest anthropogenic sources of
The improper handling, storage, and processing of MSW have CH4 emissions are solid wastes in landfills [13]. The emissions from
MSW landfills are predicted to rise up to 816MtCO2-eq by 2020
⇑ Corresponding author. [14] if little or no efforts are made to reduce them. Pakistan shares
E-mail address: safar.korai@faculty.muet.edu.pk (M.S. Korai). about 0.8% of total global green house gases (GHG) emissions by

0196-8904/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
334 M.S. Korai et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 124 (2016) 333–343

standing on 135th position [15]. The rise in above global standing calorific value (0.145 kW/kg) [32]. In Malaysia, 1 MW electricity is
position is expected by 2030 because of the rapidly growing popu- being produced from 100 tons of MSW per day by incineration
lation rate leading to urbanization, increasing transport, energy technology [33,34]. The net PGP of Gasi./Pyro. is about 20–26
and waste generation [12]. About 4.73MtCO2-eq of CH4 was con- kW/ton of MSW [22,35,36]. The PGP of MBI, Gasification, Pyrolysis
tributed by waste management in Pakistan with 2832 tonnes from and PAG has been observed to be in the range of 0.75–0.85 MW
solid waste and others from wastewater as mentioned in the h/ton year, 0.4–0.8 MW h/ton year, 0.3–0.6 MW h/ton year and
national 2008 inventory of GHG emisions [14]. Also the shortage 0.5–0.8 MW h/ton year of MSW [37,38]. Presently about
of energy has become major point of discussion for every Pakistan 130 million tons of MSW are annually being treated in more than
government during the last two decades. Presently, power demand 600 WTE facilities around the world to produce electricity [37].
has increased to 19,000 MW as reported by Zofeen [16]. Like in The same study reports that 88 and 7 WTE plants are functioning
other developing countries, the conventional energy sources like in the USA and Canada, respectively, by using 27 million tons of
fossil fules have remained the choice of Pakistan [5,17]. Immense MSW annually. Approximately 750,000 tons of MSW per year are
efforts are being made worldwide to reduce GHG emissions and treated using MBI in over 90% of the WTE treatment facilities in
to harness hidden renewable energy resources. The acknowledg- Europe [39,40]. Mainly three technologies (i.e., RDF, Incineration
ment regarding to reduce GHG emissions and to convert waste into and Biomethanation) are functional in India [22]. Whereas, neither
energy are universally going towards the vital role of waste sector. biochemical treatment plant for organic fractions of MSW nor any
The increasing of cost associated with conventional energy well designed WTE treatment facility has been observed in
generation and waste disposal has globally compelled developing Pakistan and even major cities of the country are facing problems
countries to move towards the waste to energy concept [18–20]. associated with conventional disposal of MSW [5]. In this regard
Exploitation of energy from MSW will play a significant role in the present study has been formulated by considering main two
the future and has many advantages as an effective solution for objectives. The first is to determine the PGP of biochemical and
reducing environmental impacts while potentially relieving the thermochemical treatment options for MSW under various
energy crisis. scenarios and the second is to evaluate various technologies
Adoption of WTE technologies is an effective way to harness (AD, RDF, MBI, Gasi./Pyro. and PAG) in order to optimize the
energy from MSW and to reduce GHG emisions from potential WTE routes of MSW in Hyderabad, Sindh, Pakistan.
burning/dumping. There are various WTE technologies including
biochemical (i.e., composting, anaerobic diegsestion process, etc.)
2. Methodology
and thermochemical (i.e., incineration, pyrolysis, gasification,
etc.). Biomethanation is an anaerobic digestion (AD) process during
2.1. MSW quantification and composition analysis
which complex organic substances are decomposed in by microor-
ganisms in the absence of oxygen to generate biogas containing
For quantification and composition of MSW, various samples of
50–60% methane [21,22]. About 0.075 kW can be produced from
waste were collected randomly from residential as well as com-
one cubic meter of biogas during biomethanation process in Indian
mercial areas and recycling shops. Then, separation and weighing
MSW [22,23]. Current usage of biogas from AD plants is increasing
of different waste components such as food wastes, yard waste,
in combined heat and power generation systems and may also
wood, plastic, paper, cardboard, rubber, cloth waste, glass, metals
serve as vehicle or other fuel in many countries [21,24]. Almost
including ferrous as well as non-ferrous, were carried out manually
244 AD plants with a capacity of 8 million tons of organic wastes
and by using physical balance. On the basis of composition, further
are operating in Europe [21,25]. More than 6000 domestic AD
quantities of MSW along with potential components were esti-
plants are operating in Pakistan by using cattle manure as sub-
mated using the Eq. (i) [41] by considering the 2.4% growth rate
strate [26]. There is potential to produce biogas of 9 million m3 per
of MSW [10,42].
day from animal dung by installing AD plant of size 70 m3 in the
rural areas of Pakistan [27,28]. Whereas the disposal of organic EqðMSWÞ ¼ GrðMSWÞ  PqðMSWÞ  n þ PqðMSWÞ ðiÞ
fractions of MSW in Pakistan is either burning or dumping with
other wastes in open air and very little amount of organic waste where Eq(MSW), Gr(MSW), and Pq(MSW) are estimated quantity, growth
is used for informal composting [5,6]. According to the findings rate, and present quantity of MSW, respectively, during n years.
of study [27], the methane production potential of different
biomass such as buffalo dung, cotton straw, rice husk, wheat straw, 2.2. MSW characterization
maize and MSW is about 50, 2, 14, 200, 250 and 100 m3/ton respec-
tively in pakistan. The fully utilization of livestock and bagasse for After collection, MSW samples for analysis were prepared
power generation can share up to 40% in the present scenarios of according to the quartering method [39,41,43]. Various MSW
Pakistan [29]. In Pakistan, biogas energy sources such as livestock, characteristics including moisture content (MC), total solids (TS),
bagasse, agriculture wastes and MSW can be significantly utilized volatile matter (VM), fixed carbon (FC), ash content (AC), calorific
for energy production [30,31]. The huge quantity of rice husk, value (CV), and element analysis were determined by adopting
wood wastes and other crop residues in Pakistan can be used for standard methodologies as given in Table 1.
the gasification process [27]. The RDF pellets can be used an Theoretical biogas potential (TBP) of waste samples was also
efficient fuel having advantages over using coal because of its high estimated. Molar concentrations of elements were first estimated

Table 1
Various MSW characteristics along with standard methods and equipment.

Characteristics Method Equipment

Moisture content ASTMD3173 Oven Dry
Volatile matter and fixed carbon ASTMD3175 Muffle Furnace
Ash content ASTMD3174 Muffle Furnace
Element analysis BBOT23122013 FlashEAÒ 1112 Organic Elemental Analyzer
Calorific value – Gallenkamp Ballistic Bomb Calorimeter
M.S. Korai et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 124 (2016) 333–343 335

by using element analysis of MSW. After that, approximate chem- MG ¼ TMP  gd  OBF  VM  SWdq  1000 ðviiÞ
ical formulas of MSW were determined with and without sulfur.
ERP is the energy recovery potential (kW h/ton day), PGP is the
Then the derived coefficients of each chemical formula were used
power generation potential (MW/ton day), MG is the methane
in Eq. (ii) to estimate TBp of various waste components. Eq. (ii)
generation (m3/day), NCV is the net calorific value of biogas which
was modified from the basic equation given by [44] in which the
was considered as 0.194–0.242 kW/m3 [22,46], g is the conversion
complete stabilization of organic fractions was assumed in pres-
efficiency of biochemical conversion process considered as 30%
ence of microorganisms.
[22,46,52,53], TMP is the theoretical methane potential (m3/kgVM),
0nð4nþx2y3zÞo n o
CH4  Sp:Wt: of CO2 þ CO2  Sp:Wt: of CH4 SWdq is the dry quantity of MSW (100 tons/day as considered), VM
8 8
TBP ¼ @ A is the volatile Matter (Dry Basis in %), approximately 45–70% and
Cn Hx Oy Nz  Sp:Wt: of Biogas
35–60% as the average values for typical digestion efficiency (gd)
 1000: ðiiÞ and organic bio-degradable fraction (OBF) respectively were con-
sidered which have been reported in the literature by other
researchers [47,51].
2.3. Assessment of waste to energy potential

Energy generation potential of various conversion technologies 2.4. Development of various scenarios of MSW
has been computed by considering special characteristics of MSW
like calorific value (CV), theoretical biogas potential (TBp), etc. Municipal solid waste is a heterogeneous mixture of rapidly
[22,37,45–47]. In present study, the energy potential of different degradable (i.e., putrescible) components including food and yard
WTE technologies was estimated according to the procedures wastes and other less readily degraded materials such as plastic,
outlined in previous studies. wood, rubber, and cloth. Different scenarios were developed for
optimizing the energy potential from various MSW components
2.3.1. Thermochemical conversion process as shown in Fig. 1.
In thermochemical conversion both biodegradable and non- Mix.-MSW is the mixed municipal solid waste (cardboard, food
biodegradable matter contribute to energy output. Energy recovery waste, leather, paper, plastic, rubber, textile, wood, yard waste,
and power generation potential of thermal treatment options of glass, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, ash, dirt, and bricks).
MSW were estimated by Eqs. (iii) and (iv), respectively [22,46]. Mix.-OFMSW contains mixed organic fractions of MSW (ex. card-
board, food waste, leather, paper, plastic, rubber, and cloth, wood,
ERP ¼ 1:16  NCV  SWdq ðiiiÞ and yard wastes). BCs-MSW is the biodegradable components of
MSW including food waste, yard waste, paper, and cardboard.
PGP ¼ ½0:048  NCV  SWdq  g=1000 ðivÞ NBCs-MSW is the non-biodegradable components of MSW such
ERP is energy recovery potential (kW h/ton day), PGP is the as plastic, rubber, leather, textiles, and wood. NPCs-MSW is the
power generation potential (MW/ton day), SWdq is the dry waste non-putrescible components of MSW like cardboard, leather,
quantity (about 100 tons/day), NCV is the net calorific value (k- paper, plastic, rubber, textiles, and wood. PCs-MSW is the putresci-
cal/kg) and g is the conversion efficiency of the thermo-chemical ble components of MSW such as food and yard wastes. CCs-MSW
conversion process. According to Ouda, the conversion efficiency contains combustible components of MSW that are leather, rubber,
for running waste to energy in various places across the world is textiles, and wood. RCs-MSW is the recyclable components of
approximately 25–30% [48] and around 18% for refuse derived fuel MSW including cardboard, paper, plastic, glass, and metal. Fig. 2
[46,49]. Janajreh et al. [50] reported an average efficiency of Plasma summarizes the methodology for the study.
Arc Gasification (PAG) is 42%. The conversion efficiency of each
thermochemical conversion process for MSW including RDF, MBI, 3. Results and discussion
Gasi./Pyro. and PAG Technology was determined according to the
URS Corporation U.S., which documented the energy production 3.1. Analysis of MSW composition and quantification
to the grid per ton of MSW as given in Table 2.
There are different factors which affect the composition as well
2.3.2. Biochemical conversion process as quantity of MSW. Quantity and composition of MSW are highly
In biochemical conversion, only the biodegradable fraction of influenced by seasonal variations [54]. Hyderabad city of Pakistan
the organic matter can contribute to the energy output. Energy mostly observes four seasons like winter, spring, summer and
recovery and power generation potential of biochemical autumn. Therefore, the composition and quantity of MSW are
(biomethanation) conversion of the gas phase of MSW were esti- significantly changed because of variations in the season. MSW
mated by Eqs. (v) and (vi), respectively [22,46] with methane gen- generated in Hyderabad city is categorized into three types
eration potential quantified by Eq. (vii) [47,51]. including residential wastes, recyclable wastes & commercial
ERP ¼ MG  NCV=0:042 ðvÞ

PGP ¼ ½MG  NCV  g=1008 ðviÞ

Table 2
Thermochemical process and net energy to grid [47].

S.No. Thermo-chemical conversion process Energy production to

grid (kW h/ton of MSW)
1 Mass Burn Incineration 544
2 Pyrolysis 571
3 Conventional Gasification 685
4 Plasma Arc Gasification 816
Fig. 1. Scenarios for energy recovery potential of MSW.
336 M.S. Korai et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 124 (2016) 333–343

Fig. 4. Average physical composition of MSW.

immediate vicinity. The average contribution of different

components of MSW generated in Hyderabad city is shown
graphically in Fig. 4.
The share of putrescible components (i.e. food and yard wastes)
is higher than other components (Fig. 4). The higher contribution of
food and yard wastes observed in this study is in agreement with
physical composition of MSW generated in different Indian cities
(Fig. 5) and also other developing countries (Fig. 6).
Fig. 2. Visual summary of methodology.
Further contribution of various components in MSW was
determined as an average based on the classification of solid
wastes according the nature of its biodegradability [59] as shown
in Fig. 7.
Fig. 7 illustrates that, on average, MSW is comprised of 28%
inorganic wastes and 72% organic wastes. Moreover, inorganic
and organic wastes are divided into 4% and 24% of degradable
and non-degradable and 27% and 45% of non-putrescible
(combustible) & putrescible wastes respectively. Total quantities
of various types of MSW were estimated up to 2045 in tons per
year as reported in Fig. 8, which shows the total generation of
MSW is increasing at an alarming rate due to rapid growth in pop-
ulation and urbanization. In 2045, the total generation of MSW is
predicted to have risen to approximately 1.18 million tons (Fig. 8).

3.2. Existing status of MSW in Hyderabad city

Municipal solid waste is highly neglected as a potential energy

source in Pakistan. The combination of a lack of source segregation,
equipment, and funds, and the presence of undesigned collection
routes with lackluster political attention has resulted in less
importance being accorded to MSW for energy recovery [5].
Fig. 9 shows the existing condition of MSW. From total amount
of MSW (1859 tons/day), 27.49% of recycling items reach recycling
shops with 8.60% as moisture content and the remaining 91.40% in
Fig. 3. Contribution of different types of solid waste [55]. the dry condition. Whereas, 72.59% of MSW is contributed by res-
idential and commercial wastes with 33.97% as moisture content
and 66.03% of dried wastes (Fig. 9).
wastes and their share in MSW corresponding is 46%, 28% and 26% The dried wastes consist of various components as explained in
as in Fig. 3. Table 3 along with their final destiny. According to the observa-
From Fig. 3, it can be observed that about 28% of total MSW in tions of [6] that most of solid wastes are frequently either dumped
Hyderabad is collected by scavengers or any other needy persons in low lying areas or buned on road sides. There is a lack of well
who then sell the goods to ‘‘recycling shops” within city. From designed collection route for MSW collection from various points
there, it is transported to Lahore and Karachi. Approximately 24% of genertaion. Hyderabad is not the worst city in Pakistan where
of 72% of total MSW is improperly collected by the municipal MSW is concerned. Even major cities of the country are also facing
authority and openly dumped near the water canals or any other problems associated with the collection of MSW. Due to a lack of
low lying areas. The remaining portion of MSW is not collected basic recycling policy, only 20–30% of MSW is recycled improperly
but is instead dumped or burned by local residents in the in Pakistan [60].
M.S. Korai et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 124 (2016) 333–343 337

Fig. 5. Physical composition of MSW in Indian cities [56].

Fig. 6. Physical composition of MSW in developing countries [57,58].

Fig. 7. Estimated percent by weight of various components of MSW.

3.3. Characterization of MSW for various scenarios value (HCV & LCV) of waste samples in various scenarios were
determined as given in Table 4.
Characteristics such as density, proximate analysis including Density, MC%, VM%, FC% and AC% of each scenario from one to
moisture content (MC), volatile matter (VM), fixed carbon (FC), eight were obtained in the range of 73.77–686.71 kg/m3 (lower
and ash content (AC), ultimate analysis (C, H, O, S & N), and calorific stands for scenario-6 and higher for scenario-3), 5.01–68.05%
338 M.S. Korai et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 124 (2016) 333–343

Fig. 8. Estimated quantity of MSW.

Fig. 9. Flow diagram of existing status of MSW in Hyderabad.

(lower belongs to scenario-8 whereas higher stands for scenario- in case of coal [72]. According to the study carried out by Vassilev
3), 52.21–88.74% (first stands for scenario-1 & last belongs to et al. [73], pure biomass like pine, oak wood and forest residue con-
scenario-3), 3.54–33.04% (lower concerns with scenario-3 whilst sist of high VM that are correspondingly 83.3%, 78.1% and 79.9%.
higher stands for scenario-8) and 1.38–31.90% (first belongs to Therefore, waste components contained by other scenarios are
scenario-3 & last concerns with scenario-8) respectively. Higher good candidates for thermo-chemical processes because of their
results regarding MC% as well as VM% and lower findings regarding high VM and low FC.
FC% as well as AC% of scenario-3 containing putrescible waste com- Percentages of C, H, O, S and N in all scenarios were determined
ponents (i.e. food and yard wastes) indicate that these types of which ranges from 6.95% (scenario-3) to 45.20% (scenario-5), 2.83%
wastes are more suitable for biological conversion process. Accord- (scenario-8) to 10.43% (scenario-3), 36.21% (scenario-8) to 80.98%
ing to the various studies that high MC% and VM% of food as well as (scenario-3), 0.02% (scenario-3) to 0.07% (scenario-1) and 0.01%
yard wastes show that these are easily biodegradable and thus are (scenario-5,6 & 7) to 0.28% (scenario-1) respectively. The amount
feasible for anaerobic digestion to yield energy in terms of biogas of all scenarios was lower than 1.1% of bituminous coal [74]. This
[61–65]. Moreover, the biomethanation process for wastes having highlights the feasibility of MSW for combustion process. Since
high MC% is a more attractive option for generation of biogas com- during combustion, emissions would be reduced because of lower
posed primarily of methane and carbon dioxide [66]. The methane quantity of S and N present in biomass [71]. HCl as well as LCV of
gas from the biomethanation process can be converted into elec- waste samples were measured in the range of 2232–14,541 kcal/kg
tricity [67,68] while the effluents from the same biomethanation and 316–13,728 kcal/kg, respectively (lower stands for scenario-1
plant contain nutrients which are useful for the improvement of & higher stands for scenario-5 in both cases). The LCV of scenarios
soil fertility [67–70]. Inverse relationships between VM and FC of from one to four are within the range of LCV of MSW generated in
samples in almost all scenarios was also observed similarly as China, Jorden, and Malaysia which range from 1992 to 2092
found by Arthur et al. [71]. Since, rapidly combustion of biomass kcal/kg [75], 2747 kcal/kg [76] and from 500 to 2600 kcal/kg [77].
has been generally observed due to highest VM and lowest FC as Calorific values (CVs) of scenarios from five to eight are higher than
M.S. Korai et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 124 (2016) 333–343 339

Table 3
Contribution of MSW components and their final destiny in Hyderabad city.

Waste categories Waste components Quantity (%) Final destiny

Putrescible components (PCs) Food and yard wastes 21.62 Consumed by animals as their feedstock and remaining portion
either naturally converted into compost under aerobic conditions,
burned in the open air, or disposed of into natural water body
Combustible components (CCs) Plastic, rubber, leather, textile and wood wastes 21.36 Directly either burned in the open air or disposed of into natural
water body
Recyclable components (RCs) Cardboard, paper, glass and metal 31.61 Collected by scavenger as a source of income and the remaining
portions either burned or disposed of into a water body
Other components (OCs) Ash, bricks, stones, etc. 25.41 Openly dumped and burned along with other components

Table 4
Characteristics of waste sample in scenarios.

Scenarios Waste components Density (kg/m3) Proximate Analysis

MC (%) VM (%) FC (%) AC (%)
Scenario-1 Mixed MSW 197 33.97 52.21 24.48 24.22
Scenario-2 Mixed OFMSW 165 44.46 86.06 5.56 4.88
Scenario-3 PCs-MSW 686.71 68.05 88.74 3.54 1.38
Scenario-4 BCs-MSW 242.23 54.63 86.35 5.30 3.85
Scenario-5 NBCs-MSW 81.69 5.36 83.80 6.59 5.14
Scenario-6 NPCs-MSW 73.77 6.14 84.57 7.22 9.29
Scenario-7 CCs-MSW 123 10.36 72.14 10.68 4.11
Scenario-8 RCs-MSW 86.66 5.01 60.41 33.04 31.90

C (%) H (%) O (%) S (%) N (%)

Ultimate analysis
Scenario-1 Mixed MSW 22.78 5.92 46.73 0.07 0.28
Scenario-2 Mixed OFMSW 21.47 7.3 66.08 0.05 0.22
Scenario-3 PCs-MSW 6.95 10.43 80.98 0.02 0.24
Scenario-4 BCs-MSW 11.48 9.30 75.09 0.04 0.23
Scenario-5 NBCs-MSW 45.20 4.20 45.42 0.03 0.01
Scenario-6 NPCs-MSW 38.62 4.10 47.93 0.05 0.01
Scenario-7 CCs-MSW 16.52 8.64 70.68 0.04 0.01
Scenario-8 RCs-MSW 29.00 2.83 36.21 0.03 0.03
Chemical Formula CV (kcal/kg)
Scenario-1 Mixed MSW C842H2601O1296N9S C95H294O147N 4456 2744
Scenario-2 Mixed OFMSW C1232H4983O2846N11S C112H454O259N 4953 2491
Scenario-3 PCs-MSW C703H12552O6155N20S C36H640O314N 2232 316
Scenario-4 BCs-MSW C771H7424O3783N13S C58H559O285N 3284 1171
Scenario-5 NBCs-MSW C3486H3857O2628N1S C6656H7363O5018N 14,541 13,728
Scenario-6 NPCs-MSW C2054H2595O1913N1S C10268H12973O9567N 11,312 10,579
Scenario-7 CCs-MSW C1092H6792O3506N1S C2184H13584O7013N 9581 8528
Scenario-8 RCs-MSW C2818H3273O3506N2S C1208H1403O1132N 8159 7719

reported CVs because of presence of plastic and rubber compo- PGP of bio- and thermochemical of MSW has been found to be
nents of MSW in these scenarios. Biogas potential along with share 11.5 kW/ton and 14.4 kW/ton of MSW by [45]. The variation
of methane and carbon-dioxide of scenarios was estimated theo- between past and present studies is because of the contribution
retically and illustrated in Fig. 10. of different components of MSW and their characteristics. More-
According to Fig. 10, the contribution of methane is higher than over, different technologies were evaluated in terms of PGP as
carbon-oxide in scenario-3 as compared to other scenarios. In Pak- graphically represented by Fig. 11.
istan, there is no any system for segregation of food and yard PGP of biomethanation by AD from scenarios one through eight
wastes and only practices for their disposal are dumping and/or was estimated to be 0.62, 0.87, 1.13, 0.98, 0.89, 0.85, 0.82 and
burning along with other wastes. By this practices, the contribution 0.59 MW/100 tons day respectively (Fig. 11). Whereas, PGP of
of methane gas in atmosphere is increasing which causes green- thermo-chemical by RDF, MBI, Gasi./Pyro. and PAG were found in
house effect leading to global warming. As global warming poten- the range of 0.27–11.86 MW/100 ton day, 0.38–16.47 MW/100
tial of methane is higher than carbon dioxide [9]. tons day, 0.42–18.45 MW/100 tons day and 0.52–22.40
MW/100 tons day correspondingly (lower results stand for
3.4. Waste to energy assessment of scenarios scenario-3 whilst high values belong to scenario-5) as mentioned
in Fig. 11. Results of present study especially scenario three and
Energy potential of MSW from scenario one to eight was esti- five are within the range of other studies. Monojit et al. [22] found
mated as given in Table 5. a biomethanation potential for producing energy in the range
Biomethanation and thermochemical potentials of MSW from of 2–10 MW/day from MSW. Same authors observed the
scenarios one to eight were obtained with ranges from 5.9 to energy potentials of RDF, MBI, Gasi./Pyro. and PAG in the range
11.3 kW/ton day and from 4 to 165 kW/ton day, respectively. The of 11–28 MW/day, 7–19 MW/day, 17–32 MW/day and
340 M.S. Korai et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 124 (2016) 333–343

Fig. 10. Biogas potential of scenarios along with methane and carbondioxide share.

Table 5 regarding the evaluation of different technologies (Fig. 11) implied

Power generation potential of various scenarios. that maximum PGP could be obtained through scenario three and
Scenarios Waste components PGP (kW/ton day) five by AD and thermochemical technologies, respectively. There-
fore, scenarios three and five are the best options for optimized
Biomethanation Thermo-chemical
WTE routes to recover energy from MSW by different WTE conver-
Scenario-1 Mixed MSW 6.2 33
sion technologies in Hyderabad, Sindh, Pakistan.
Scenario-2 Mixed OFMSW 8.7 30
Scenario-3 PCs-MSW 11.3 4
Scenario-4 BCs-MSW 9.8 14
3.5. Comparison between biochemical and thermochemical conversion
Scenario-5 NBCs-MSW 9.0 165
Scenario-6 NPCs-MSW 8.5 127 technologies
Scenario-7 CCs-MSW 8.2 102
Scenario-8 RCs-MSW 5.9 93 The decomposition of organic matter of MSW under microbial
action to produce ethanol, biogas, and compost or digestate
product is performed by a biochemical conversion processes
11–28 MW/day respectively. In comparing the findings of all sce- (i.e., fermentation, composting and biomethanation) [45].
narios, it was observed that scenario-3 and 5 gave the highest Composting has not been fully adopted because of odor problems
results of PGP with regard to biomethanation and thermochemical and issues of public perception [78]. The quality of soil and
treatment process, respectively (Table 5). Additionally, the results groundwater is also deteriorated by applying compost products

Fig. 11. Power generation potential of technologies.

M.S. Korai et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 124 (2016) 333–343 341

[79]. Losses of energy are usually observed during composting of containing these components are the best optimized WTE routes
organic wastes because the aerobic process rates are slower than through which maximum energy from MSW can be harnessed by
anaerobic processes and also compost product is low in quality biochemical and thermochemical methods respectively. From the
and has the potential to introduce heavy metals to the human food comparison between different WTE technologies, it can be seen
chain [80,81]. The low operating and capital costs of biomethana- that no one strategy is able to provide a complete solution. Each
tion, meanwhile, make it more beneficial over other technologies. one has advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, further
However, the primary drawback of using biomethanation is the in-depth study will be required to analyze the socio-economic
space it requires for covering the waste to develop anaerobic condi- and environmental feasibility of various WTE technologies in
tions [22]. The conversion of one ton MSW by controlled biometha- Pakistan in order to better manage MSW.
nation process would yield 2–4 times as much methane in three
weeks than landfill one tone of wastes [82,83]. The biomethanation Acknowledgements
process of biodegradable components of MSW has been accepted as
a proven and preferred biochemical process and it has more Authors acknowledge the Institute of Environmental
advantages over other biochemical technologies [21,84,85]. Engineering and Management, Mehran University of Engineering
The electricity and heat produced by thermochemical treatment and Technology, Sindh, Pakistan for providing the facilities in order
of WTE like RDF, MBI, Gasi./Pyro. and PAG were also evaluated in to perform experimental work. Authors also would like to thank
this study. The installation and maintenance costs of RDF are Katherine Colburn, Research Assistant at the University of Utah,
lowest when compared to other thermochemical options [22,86]. for additional language editing.
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