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Austin Coates

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HANDOUTS: Order of the Knight of Rizal – Coates is a Grand Officer

 Motto: Non Omnis Moriar; (I shall not wholly die)
BY: AUSTIN COATES  Next (higher): Presidential Medal of Merit
AUTHOR  Founded: 30 December 1911

Austin Coates The Order of the Knights of Rizal is the sole order of knighthood in the
Philippines. The Order is created to honor and uphold the ideals of
 British civil servant, writer and traveler Philippine national hero José Rizal
 Birthdate: 16 April 1922
 Birthplace: London, United Kingdom Fellow of Royal Asiatic Society, London – Coates was a fellow
 Died: 1997, Portugal because of Cancer The Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, commonly known
 Parents: Eric Coates, noted English composer as the Royal Asiatic Society, was established, according to its Royal
Occupations Charter of 11 August 1824, to further "the investigation of subjects
connected with and for the encouragement of science, literature and the
 Royal Air Force intelligence in India, Burma, Malaysia and arts in relation to Asia."
Indonesia in the Second World War
 Assistant Colonial Secretary and Magistrate in New F. Sionil Jose
Territories for Hongkong Government from 1949-1956  Francisco Sionil José’s novels, short stories and non-fiction
 Chinese Affairs Officer in Sarawak from 1957 to 1959 works highlight the social underpinnings, class struggles and
 First Secretary of the British High Commission in Kuala colonial history of Filipino society.
Lumpur and Penang from 1959 to 1962  He is best known for his epic work, The Rosales Saga – five
Timeline novels encompassing a hundred years of Philippine history,
painting a vivid documentary of Filipino life.
 1962- left British Civil Service  National Artist in Literature
 1965- settled in Hongkong
 1968- Published Rizal: Philippine Nationalist and Martyr According to the Interview to Jose

Guest of many prominent Asians Several Rizal biographies have been written but Austin Coates’
“Rizal Filipino Nationalist and Patriot” is the best, declares F. Sionil Jose.
 Tagore Family
 Jamini Roy
 Mahatma Gandhi
Purpose of International Congress on Rizal that was held on austin-coates-and-rizals-biography-other-books-
December 4-8 1961 published#b51A2j19HDcqMpm5.99
“to give definitive measure of Rizal’s contribution by his life, his SOURCES
martyrdom and his ideas to the experience of other peoples in their
struggle for political, economic and social freedom” https://www.philstar.com/opinion/2011/01/08/645880/sionil-jose-
https://www.jstor.org/stable/20067552?seq=1#page_scan_tab_content  10 May 1897. As factionalism getting worst. Bonifacio was
s tracked down and shot. After the killing of Bonifacio, the rebels
retreat because they little or no arms and ammunition; most of
https://www.revolvy.com/page/Austin-Coates them use the guerilla and fought with knives and staves.
 11 May 1897. Jose Alejandrino, revolutionary general, write a
letter to Ferdinand Blumentritt that Emilio Aguinaldo is a good
INTRODUCTION: ruler that uses peaceful means in fixing problems but will use
energetic measures(violence) when circumstances warranted
their use.
 30 December 1896. A day of execution was a fiesta because in  Emilio Aguinaldo and General Primo de Rivera signed a truce that
the street and building hung with flags. made Emilio Aguinaldo going into voluntary exile in Hongkong.
 The Europeans had the vantage places and being the general taller
than the local people. However, some of the local people had come
as well, the fashionably Europeanized.  February 1898. The United States battleship Maine blew up in
 As he (Rizal) passed, there was silence, while people stared, some Havana harbor.
in surprised, other were concerned, and all with the uneasy sense  19 April. Resolutions were introduced into congress demanding
of being confronted by something they did not fully understand. the independence of Cuba and dispatch of American forces to aid
 In the eyes of an astute observer, he was from one of the countries the Cuban Rebels.
of South-East Asia, could be sensed at once a mental affinity to  Unwisely Spain, accepted the challenge and made a fatal
Europe, expressed through an Asian Physique. declaration of war to the United states.
 Despite being a member of subject race, the Europeans think that  1 May 1898. George Dewey with his squadron entered the Manila
it was the face of a person equal of any that has unusual measure Bay. Without loss of a man, they destroyed the entire Spanish fleet
of intellectual honesty and insights. off Cavite.
 From the day that Rizal was executed, more victims were executed  12 June 1898. The Filipinos declared their independence, Emilio
but these deaths did not make any impact as did by the execution Aguinaldo becoming President of the First Philippine Republic.
of Rizal is a sense of personal shock and unforgivably insulted that His first act is declared December 30 a day of rest and reflection
produced revulsion against the tormentor. in memory of Rizal.
 Andres Bonifacio the actual organizer and the first leader of the  Secret Negotiations happened between Dewey and Spanish
rebellion. He is capable of inspiring men to follow him but there’s Authorities.
a criticism of being inadequate as a military commander. While  13 August. The American forces entered Manila. While the
Emilio Aguinaldo who operating from bases in Cavite province, Filipino forces waiting for a signal to enter the city.
obtained numerous military success against the Spaniards.  In realization of Aguinaldo that the he need to effort to obtain
 March 1897. A military meeting of the revolutionary leaders was international recognition of the Philippine independence but in
held and Aguinaldo was elected to direct the struggle succession peace negotiations held in Paris. His representatives were not
to Bonifacio. Bonifacio didn’t accept the result and cut loose with admitted to the conference room.
a number of men still loyal to him, refusing to acknowledged the  December 1898. The Philippines were declared to be American
leadership Aguinaldo’s leadership. Territory by the Treaty of Paris.
 April 1897. General Camilo Polavieja found that his  For almost two years, Aguinaldo is struggling against the
reinforcement was ignored and he decided to resigned his American Forces in the islands, but one by one his principal
command. General Primo de Rivera became the new Governor officers were captured.
and General-Captain of the Philippines.  March 1901. Aguinaldo was Captured.
 4 July. The inauguration of American Civil Government. The  Hu Shih and Ch’i Pai-shi are the Chinese scholars that declare the
Philippines became a colony of the United States of America philosophy and arts of China were valuable than the philosophy
 They quickly discover the political and literary works of Rizal. brought by the Europeans.
They look him that Rizal seemed aims and the American are one.  Rizal is the most highly documented life of any Asian of the 19th
 7 April 1903. President Theodore Roosevelt say: that the century. Although his biographer was accused of the exaggeration
Americans tried to implement what the greatest genius and most of the life of Rizal. People kept his letter, however unimportant
patriot ever known. subject matter. They hoping that someday it will become
significant. This letter gave some point in his life in many angle
JAPANESE PERIOD and with unusual clarity.
 December 1941. Japan invaded the Philippines and subjected the  Jose Rizal uses six languages in his works. Some of his works is
country to a rule of tyranny and barbarism. So that they can irrelevant in an account of his political life. Like his travel diaries,
establish a Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. that showed a young Filipino seeing for the first time the great
 1944 – 1945. The Japanese is having struggle to the returning cities of the modern world.
American and Manila was fought street by street.  There’s a lack of oriental atmosphere because the Philippines had
 4 July 1946. The independence was accorded by the American been Christian and Europeanized country.
and have the ceremony at the Luneta. As President Truman’s BODY:
special emissary read the deed of independence before the statue
of Rizal. I. Childhood in Calamba
 Outside of the Country, Rizal is well known for the poem he wrote
while in the cell on the eve of his execution, and which was 1. Love of Country and Family
smuggled out of Fort Santiago hidden in an alcohol burner. The - Jose Rizal
poem was not titled, not dated, and not signed.
 In his own Country, Rizal is revered as the National Hero and well : was born on June 19, 1861 at Calamba, Laguna.
known for a mass of writings.
: Laguna is lay in the heart of the region of agricultural prosperity, it is
 1858 onwards the European still acquiring territorial for the
called "The Rice Basket of the Philippines" because it is the most
empire for purpose of trade, but also has the aim to bring the
productive region that produce rice and sugar.
western forms of government and education to the people whom
the west considered to be either barbarous or decadent or both. : Young Jose Rizal is a nature lover because of his surroundings. His first
 Four great individuals pre-eminent: Mohandas Karamchand personal friends are the trees that facing his window.
Gandhi, Rabindranath Tagore, Sun Yat-sen, and Jose Rizal. This
individual brought Western-trained intellect to bear upon the - Francisco Mercado, the father of Rizal, is a sugar-planter and a land-
problems of Asia. holder in their community. He builds houses that is big and also strong, it
 Among these four Rizal is the least well-known but in some ways, has earthquake-proof foundations.
is remarkable because in his works you can see the uniqueness of : He is loyal to Spaniard just like his father and grandfather, and the
the topics. Like in the Philippine Revolution of 1896, Rizal was Spaniard treat him just like them.
opposed because it is premature and inadequately organized. He
was just a 35 years old doctor that showed simply that there was - Teodora Alonso
something rotten in the state of Spanish Philippines.
 Abanindranath Tagore made some art that distinctive style : A well-educated woman in their community. She is the first teacher of
where it was inspired by indian sources. her children. He runs a small flour-mill, managing a medicine and general
good store, and she also helps her husband in holding lands.
: She had difficulty in giving birth to Rizal. She gives birth to him and 5. Tagalog Poems/ Concept of National Identity
turned out to be, pale and sickly child with an undersized body and
unusual large head. : Teodora admired the Tagalog poetry, and because of this she influenced
young Rizal to like and be fond also to Tagalog poems.
2. Early Talents
: At 9, Rizal wrote his first Tagalog verses. Most of them were occasional
-Special Ability of Rizal pieces, written when there was a birthday, baptism or wedding (Coates,
1968). He also wrote a short comedy in Tagalog and was given publicly in
: At age of 2, he can recite the alphabet through listening to her sisters. Calamba.
: At 4, he can compose Tagalog and Spanish sentences. : One of his poem that has been survived is about the language. In this, his
: He become obsessed with the idea of strength. He is fond of story about revolutionary utterance known by other poets, entitled "Our mother
giants and strong men. He considers the library as home inside the home. tongue". In this poem, he means that Tagalog, Spanish, English, and other
languages are equal, and Tagalog is Filipino's own.
: At 6, He is fond of clay modeling.
3. Physical Discipline
II. The Frailocracry
: His uncle visited him and stayed at their house. He taught Rizal to ride a
horse, swim, and taking such exercise regularly. Because of this, from pale - Frailocracry means rules of friars
and delicate boy, his health improved and strength increases. 1. Arrest of Teodora
: Also, because of this, the idea of weak Filipino of him, arose. : Teodora and her cousin, named Jose Alberto, has been framed up by his
: Rizal's first formal education happened at their house with a private wife. Jose's wife accused him of trying to poison her and Teodora as an
tutor. He is delighted in posing adult’s questions that he was sure they accomplice of Jose.
can't answer (Coates, 1968). : Without any hearing, the alcalde ordered Teodora's arrest and
: His parent next sent him at Calamba school but after a few weeks he imprisonment (Coates, 1968).
returned at their house, because he still keeps on posting questions that : She has been humiliated by the alferez, by letting her to walk the entire
his teachers can answer, and teachers confirmed what was Rizal saying is way to the prison with distance of some twenty miles.
2. Power of Spanish Friars
4. Respect for Truth and Religion
: They controlled the whole religious and education life of the country.
: Teodora was a devout Catholice and they establish two influences in
their house for their children. The respect for the truth, and respect for : Every parish in the Philippines was a Spanish friar curate. They also
the religion. serve as local inspector of taxes and school, chairman of board of charity,
public works and etc.
: Rizal was nurtured in religion by his mother. And also, he grew up to be
devout Catholic, and religion meaning is a great deal for him. : They obliged the entire population to attend a masa on Sundays. It is
where the communication among them started. Non-attendance of the
: Teodora and Francisco doesn't like gossips and also lies. Telling the truth mass will be noticed; failure to communicate could draw forth inquiry;
is tradition for them. If you don't want to say the half-truth answer, then and confessional was shamelessly used a means of obtaining information
stay silent. (Coates, 1968).
: Because of the Arrest of Teodora, Rizal had a trust issue on other : The censorship of the press was abolished and the van removed on
Spaniard, he become alert and cautious. holding of public demonstration (Coates, 1968).
: The Friars had two reasons for watching Rizal's Family. First, Francisco : For the first time, the thinking of the Filipinos has been stirred up with
Mercado is not sycophant though he is close with Spanish officials. He the belief that Spain would keep her word that the abuse and petty
knows to stand for himself. Second, the most important, and concerned tyranny would be swept away.
Paciano, the elder son of Francisco, at that was a favorite pupil and friend
of one of the most brilliant Filipino intellectual, Father Jose Burgos. : Within a week, Friars are exerting their full influence to bring about his
removal, while men such Father Burgos trod a path of perilous eminence.
3. Jose Burgos and the claims of Filipino Clergy.
: After 2 years, Friars achieved what they want. De la Torre was replaced
: Burgos was the principal spokesman for the Filipino Clergy, they by Rafael de Izquierdo, the choice didn't please the friars,
replaced the Spanish friar curates.
: Rafael was a freemason, and freemasonry was anathema for Spanish
: The claim bore the strong undertones of political demand for what in church.
effect amounted to form a self-rule, in that to remove the friar curates.
5. Cavite Mutiny of 1872
: Anyone who supported the rights of the Filipino clergy was an enemy of
Spain. : January 1872, a mutiny occurred at the military arsenal at Cavite, but it
was quickly suppressed. Spanish authorities’ claims to have discovered
: The Friars become defensive as the different trade open in the proofs of widespread conspiracy against the government involving with
Philippines. The friars had difficulty in preventing outside ideas from intellectual whom friars want to get rid.
entering the country.
: The government's severity was reserved for GOMBURZA. Accusing them
: Their main method used to do so was to restrict to the utmost to the of complicity in Cavite mutiny. They found them guilty and sentenced
teaching Spanish. In Spain's policy, they made the Spanish at all school to death.
be compulsory subject, but the friars disagree with this. Spanish was
taught only at Manila Colleges, and the rest of education being in various 6. Execution of Burgos
regional languages such as Tagalog and Latin. : February 17, 1872 at Luneta, they were publicly garroted. No one
: Friars' aim to educate the Filipinos but not too much; to help them to survived to explain the execution of the fathers. And also, the Spaniard
stand, but not encouraged them to rise too high. (Coates, 1968) didn't record the incident.

4. First Liberal Governor-General : Many Filipino's believe that they are, some way, connected with Cavite
mutiny but Paciano believes that the incident in Cavite was used just to
: Another feature that disquieted the friars was, Spain was passing execute the Fathers.
through the period of political ferment and agitation for reform.
:1868, Isabel II dethroned and liberal came to power. They introduce new
constitution and bringing long-overdue reforms (freedom of religion, the III. Students of Jesuits
introduction of civil marriage). 1.) The Spanish Philippines
: Carlos Maria De la Torre y Navacerrada, the first liberal Governor and
Captain General. - The three priests were executed in a horrible manner before
the Filipino crowd. There was no public reaction of any kind
whatever. There was no such thing as public opinion. There was 5.) Love for Poetry
only God’s will, as made known by Spanish friars.
- He came to Ateneo with notably backward Spanish, worked
2.) Paciano Mercado hard on studying it and his progress became rapid when he was
in the class of Father Sanchez. Father de Paula Sanchez was
- He was twenty, slim, and of medium height, with rather an oval twenty-six, dark, gloomy, and pessimistic but young Rizal would
face, close-cropped hair, and a slightly Chinese look about the describe him as “a model of uprightness, earnestness, and love of
eyes. His personality was like his father, but more intense. His advancement of his pupils”. He noticed Rizal’s love for poetry
words could not keep in silent before injustice, with his friend soon after. In Rizal’s final year, Father Jose Vilaclara, whose
and teacher unjustly executed, and with his mother with equal subjects were philosophy and sciences advised him to give up
injustice imprisoned. the society of the Muses and give them goodbye.

3.) Ateneo Municipal 6.) Por la Educacion Recibe Lustre la Patria

- Aged eleven, Jose Rizal went up to Manila to begin his studies at - Through Education the Fatherland acquired Glory is about the
the foremost school in the country, Ateneo Municipal. Ateneo significance of the education for a country. It uses a positive use
was ran not by friars but Jesuit Fathers reconstituted when of ambiguity, conveying two entirely opposite thoughts,
Society of Jesuits were withdrawn from the country. They were depending on the viewpoint of the reader.
well-educated, most in touch of scientific thought, and most of
them were young. They provided a broader-based education IV. University of Santo Tomas
than any other available in the country. 1.) Entering University of Santo Tomas

- Ateneo was inside Intramuros and the side river was - It was his father’s decision that he continue his studies at what
Bagumbayan, Hermita, Malate, and Paco. Within Intramuros, was then the Philippines’ sole institution of higher learning, the
there was the Real Audencia (the highest court), government Dominican University of Santo Tomas. However, his mother,
offices, and churches. At its north-western, the river of Pasig Teodora, was strongly opposed to him studying further. She was
flows into Manila Bay, stood the citadel, Fort Santiago. At its afraid that if Jose continued to study, it will lead to him being
south-eastward was the Luneta where Spaniards patrol, it is a beheaded. It was the well-educated who were the first to be
place of execution as well. regarded as the enemies.
Young Rizal lodges at the real life of Manila, the Binondo,
Sta.Cruz, and Quiapo along with Chinese mestizos and Spanish - He entered University of Santo Tomas as an unwilling student,
mestizos, some of the Spanish mestizos were illegitimate sons of still uncertain what he wanted to do in life, thus undecided what
Spanish priests that Rizal would call, “fruit of love-affair”. subjects to take. He enrolled in metaphysics because his father
desired him to learn it and at the same time, he took land
4.) Rizal as a student surveying course at Ateneo.

- He was outstanding and a brilliant scholar. He learned - University of Santo Tomas founded in 1611, had been
gymnastics as it was few advices from his childhood and learned academically stagnating for well over a century. Curricula and
fencing. He reads preferably history, sharpening his retentive systems of teaching had become addled with time. Students
memory. He was popular and talented. He excelled in academics, learned that individual self-expression was inhibited. The
poetry, painting, and in sculpture. Dominicans were demagogic teachers and along with the heat
and humidity of the Philippines, conducting classes had become injustice without criticism because it knew of no other way of
wearisome. Thus, Jose Rizal having sense of purposelessness. life.

2.) Segunda Catigbac 4.) Paciano and Jose

- Seguna was Jose Rizal’s first love and two years younger. She’s - A la Juventud Filipina (To the Philippine Youth) won first
from Lipa of Batangas and from a wealthy mestizo family. Rizal prize in a public competition organized by the Liceo
wrote her an idyll. Central to the idyll was the young lady’s Artistico-Literario of Manila 1879. The following year, he
presentation to Jose of an artificial rose which she presented won a more important literary prize given by the Liceo in
someone else had made when really she herself had made it commemoration of the centenary of Cervantes, This was an
specially for him. Segunda was in arrangement for her formal open competition; and for the prize to go to a Filipino,
engagement to the man she eventually married back in Batangas. surpassing Peninsular Spaniards in the use of their own
It was time for Jose to go back to Calamba to celebrate Christmas language.
vacation. Segunda was leaving on a Saturday while Jose was
leaving on the day earlier. Jose made a promise to see her pass - All of these time, Paciano was somewhere in the shadows.
Calamba on her way to Batangas. While Jose was at Ateneo, Paciano’s thoughts has been
maturing, acquiring a more defined direction. His mother’s
- Two nights after that event, Jose went with a friend to visit an oncoming blindness and visible ageing of both his parents
unmarried woman but Segunda Catigbac, he says, “will always be had made Paciano deeply conscious of his duty to support
the conqueror of my heart that still refused to surrender”. them in their declining years yet the urge to do something for
the country was still a powerful force in him.
3.) Return to Calamba
- When Paciano was striving in his final years at College of
- On his return to Calamba, he stood before his mother awaiting San Jose and take his bachelor’s degree, the Dominicans
her joyful welcome, he was shocked when she stared at him for a ruling the institution knew his relation to Burgos. They were
quite a time without sign of recognition. She was going blind determined not to give him a bachelor’s degree and just see
The following year, he chose medicine as his subject at his him go back to the sugar plantations back in Calamba, so they
second in UST though it wasn’t really his interest, his main failed him. It was notable that he had no bitterness within
interest was still literature. The three professions available and him, yet he encourages Jose to take the position of Burgos
open for Filipinos were priesthood, law, and medicine but he saw and support him, their political views are both in agreement
it as a money-earning career, studying medicine was a duty, he as always, because he thinks Jose is fitted better for the task.
thought. His sense of purposelessness was now gone and in At every decisive step Jose took in these early years, Paciano
addition, he also added philosophy and literature as his subjects. was there somewhere.
As he was a having a versatile talent, taking these subjects
enhanced his self-discipline and budgeting his time. He also came - To the duties as sons of their parents: To Jose would fall the
back to creative work— poetry, sculpting, sketching, and more duty taking up the Filipino cause, while to Paciano would fall
literary… also more sleeping, exercising, and social relaxation, the duty looking up after their parents, at the same time
and above all, so much time for reading and thinking. giving Jose all the support he could.
Along with these years, he perceived that not all the fault lay on
the side of the friars. Much pf it lay with the Filipinos. That the
mass of population should be inert and depressed, accepting
V. DEPARTURE ON A MISSION 5. Consuelo Ortiga y Perez
1. Getting married - Jose and Consuelo met in Madrid. She was the daughter of Pablo Rey
Ortiga, a former mayor of Manila and president of Consejo de Filipinas.
- Paciano and Jose doesn’t have any concern of which of them should get As a young man who had abruptly left his sweetheart Leonor Rivera for
settle down. For Jose, he was very hesitant about getting married studies abroad, Rizal seemed to have himself through a flirtatious affair
because he believed that it would be an interference for his goal, leaving with Consuelo.
it to Paciano to marry if he wished. Paciano, who is the older brother of
Jose seems to have considered that his brother who should get married. 6. Juan Al Pasig
2. Highlights about Leonor Rivera - A one-act zarzuela in Spanish written by the Philippine national hero.
Jose Rizal, was staged by the Academy of Spanish Literature members on
- Leonor Rivera was a charming lady—with a high forehead, soft wavy December 8, 1880. - Rizal wrote it to honor “Nuestra Senora dela Paz y
hair, almond eyes, small, pensive mouth, and engaging dimples. She Buenviaje de Antipolo ” (Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage). He had
played the piano and had a charming singing voice. Leonor and Jose are the temerity to speak of the Philippines’ erstwhile prosperity withering
cousin; her father was Antonio Rivera who supported Jose to go to away beneath the alien hand of Spain—but by a brilliant device putting
Europe. He is Jose’s inspiration of Maria Clara in his novel Noli Me the words into the mouth of the Devil.
3. Young Prodigy
After reading Austin Coates book titled, Rizal: Filipino Nationalist and
- His influence at the University was not without significance. He Patriotism, we noticed some typographical errors and fragment
gathered around him a group of the steadier and more serious-minded sentences due to incompletion of words. We also had a hard time to
students, forming them into a secret society for mutual protection and comprehend the context of the book because the chronological order of
for the encouragement of traditional Filipino sports. His aim was to the events is confusing making it difficult to understand. To understand
develop courage and integrity of character in the youth of his country. a book, one must also imagine a clear picture of the scene.
He was described as humourless. He was humorous for humour’s sake,
and his humour never hurt anyone. However, the a book review about Philippine Studies that was published
by Ateneo de Manila University on June 30,2008 about the book written
4. Going abroad (Europe) by Coates and reviewed by Nicholas Crushner
- To go to Europe had been his own idea, held for a considerable time. He Some of the Key points on the Book Review he emphasized
told his brother he would like to leave soon as he could; he would finish
his medical training in Madrid. The departure of Jose Rizal was kept 1. Mr. Coates’ biography of Rizal has laudably attempted to assess
secret from Spanish authorities, friars and even his parents especially Rizal’s role in the Propaganda Movement and his influence on
his mother because she would not allow him to go. Another reason why the development of nationalism
Jose wanted to go to Europe was to learn in the widest possible sense
about other nations, how they governed, what laws they had, and which 2. Abundance of Errors of fact
governments were better than others, how national commerce worked, I. “gold” from Mexico financed the colonial movement
what reform movements there were in Europe, how much freedom they
were allowed, and what mouthpieces they used. On May 3, 1882 he II. Chinese from Manila traded by Junk with their native land
sailed from Manila.
III. Continually refers to the College of San Jose as Dominican
IV. Law ordering the change of surnames
V. The date when the ports were opened
VI. Cavite mutiny

According to the Author: “Mr. Coates is not familiar with the

essential facts of Philippine History, or the reader assigned
the task of reviewing the manuscript was equally uninformed”
3. The Book is poorly footnoted
The book review debunks all the claims of the National Artists in
Literature as the most detailed biography of Rizal as it doesn’t give any
accurate information and continuously has inconsistencies in the
statements. The outlook of the Author is subjective which affects the
authenticity, integrity and reliability of the said book.

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