Latestyearcoursefile Nce043
Latestyearcoursefile Nce043
Latestyearcoursefile Nce043
Subject Name: Open Channel Flow
Subject Code: NCE043
Semester/ Year: VII, 4th
Faculty Name: Dr. Mohammad Amir Khan
Department: Civil Engineering
PSO 1. Plan and design for constructionofcivil engineering systems to meet the changing needs of
the society within realistic constraints of economy and environment with thrust on social and
ethical issues to ensure construction management, safety, quality and sustainability.
PSO 2. Design for construction of hydraulics structures, multi-storeyed buildings and industrial
structures, roads, railways, bridges, water supply and sewage treatment plants using various
principles of civil engineering.
management and
The engineer and
Life-long learning
Environment and
Problem analysis
investigations of
ent of solutions
Individual and
Modern tool
team work
CO 1 2 2 2 2 - 1 - - - - - 2
CO 2 3 3 3 2 - 1 - - - - - 1
CO 3 2 2 2 2 - 1 - - - - - 2
CO 4 3 3 3 2 - 1 - - - - - 1
CO 5 3 3 3 2 - 1 - - - - - 2
CO 6 3 2 3 2 - 2 - - - - - 1
CO 1 2 2
CO 2 2 2
CO 3 3 3
CO 4 3 3
CO 5 3 3
CO 6 3 3
Wednesday NCE-043
Thursday NCE-043
Lists of Students
Roll No. Name of Student
Academic Calendar
Course Name
NCE‐ 043: Open Channel Flow
Unit – I Introduction: Basic concepts of free surface flows, velocity and pressure distribution, Mass,
energy and momentum principle for prismatic and non-prismatic channels, Review of Uniform flow:
Standard equations, hydraulically efficient channel sections, compound sections,
Energy-depth relations: Concept of specific energy, specific force, critical flow, critical depth, hydraulic
exponents, and channel transitions.
Unit – II Gradually Varied Flow (GVF): Equation of gradually varied flow and its limitations, flow
classification and surface profiles, Control sections, Computation methods and analysis: Integration of
varied flow equation by analytical, graphical and advanced numerical methods, Transitions of subcritical
and supercritical flow, flow in curved channels.
Unit – III Rapidly Varied Flow (RVF): Characteristics of rapidly varied flow, Classical hydraulic jump,
Evaluation of the jump elements in rectangular and non-rectangular channels on horizontal and sloping
beds, Hydraulic jump in gradually and suddenly expanding channels, submerged hydraulic jump, rolling
and sky jump, use of jump as an energy dissipater,
Flow measurement: by sharp crested and broad crested weirs, critical depth flumes, sluice gate, Free
overfall. Rapidly varied unsteady flow: Equation of motion for unsteady flow, “Celerity” of the gravity
wave, deep and shallow water waves, open channel positive and negative surge,
Unit‐IV Spatially Varied Flow (SVF): Basic principles, Differential SVF equations for increasing and
decreasing discharge, Classifications and solutions, Numerical methods for profile computation, Flow over
side-weir and Bottom-rack.
Unit – V: Flow in channel of non-linear alignment and non-prismatic channel sections, Design
considerations for sub critical and super critical flows, Design of culvert.
1. Chow, V.T., Open channel Hydraulics, McGraw Hill International
2. Henderson, F.M., Open Channel Flow, McGraw Hill International
3. Subramanya, K., Flow in Open Channels, Tata McGraw Hill
4. Ranga Raju, K.G., Flow through open channels, T.M.H.
5. M. Hanif Chaudhry, Open Channel Flow, PHI
Lecture Plan
Lect. Date Lecture Topic Mapping Reference/ Page No.
No. with CO Book
1. 14/8/2017 Basic concepts, open channel 1 K. 1-3
flow Subramanya
2. 16/8/2017 1 K. 6-11
Velocity and Pressure Subramanya
3. 18/8/2017 1 K. 4
Continuity Equation Subramanya
4. 21/8/2017 1 K. 11-12
Specific Energy & Momentum Subramanya
5. 22/8/2017 1 K. 13-14
Numerical Subramanya
6. 23/8/2017 1 K. 41-42
Critical flow Concepts Subramanya
7. 24/8/2017 1 K. 42-44
Application of Critical flow Subramanya
8. 28/8/2017 1 K. 44-47
Channel Transition Subramanya
9. 29/8/2017 1 K. 47-49
Application of Critical flow Subramanya
10. 30/8/2017 1 K. 50
Computation Subramanya
11. 31/8/2017 Uniform flow, Chezey's 2 K. 91-92
equation Subramanya
12. 3/9/2017 Uniform flow manning’s 2 K. 93-95
Equation Subramanya
13. 6/9/2017 2 K. 96
Computation of Uniform flow Subramanya
14. 7/9/2017 2 K. 110
Economical channel section Subramanya
15. 8/9/2017 Analysis of Economical 2 K. 111-115
Channel Subramanya
16. 11/9/2017 2 K. 115-123
Compound channel Subramanya
17. 12/9/2017 Introduction and classification 3 K. 170-173
of GVF Subramanya
18. 13/9/2017 3 K. 173-181
Analysis of GVF Subramanya
19. 14/9/2017 3 K. 185
Control point Subramanya
20. 15/9/2017 Numerical Methods of 3 K. 202
Solution Subramanya
Faculty HOD
CO Based Assignment
CO:1 Assignment
Q1. (i) Define free surface flow and write comparisons of open channel flow Vs. pipe flow
(ii)Define is hydraulic gradient line? Brief up its significance for pipe flow and open channel flow.
Also explain energy grad line for open channel and pipe flow and show by neat sketch.
(i) Steady and unsteady flow (ii) Uniform and non uniform flow (iii) Laminar flow and
turbulent flow (iv) Reynold’s number and Froude’s number (v) Prismatic and non prismatic channel.
Q3. State three laws of conservation and their applications in the derivation of fundamental expression of
flow. Derive continuity equation for steady and unsteady flow condition.
Q4. While measuring discharge in a small stream it was found that the depth of flow increases at the ratio
of 0.1m/h. If the discharge at that section was 25m3/s and the surface width of the stream was 20m,
estimate the discharge at a section 1km upstream.
Q5. (i) Derive an expression for specific force for a rectangular channel.
(ii) Determine an expression for the slop of the straight line to which upper limb of the specific energy
curve is an asymptote for a channel having a bottom slope of θ.
CO:2 Assignment
Q.6 A 2.4m wide rectangular channel has a specific energy of 1.5m when carrying discharge of 6.58m3/s.
Calculate depth and corresponding Froude number.
Q.7 Define section factor and derive its expression for triangular, rectangular, circular and trapezoidal
Q8. (i) Draw specific energy curves and derive the expression for the critical flow condition.
(i) On a specific energy diagram for a rectangular channel, prove that the slope of the straight line
joining the critical depth for different unit discharge is .
Q9. Specific energy for 3-m wide rectangular channel is 3Nm/N. What should be the maximum discharge?
Q10. Explain:
(ii) Critical depth (ii) Critical slop (iii) Supercritical flow (iv) Subcritical flow (v) Geometrical
properties of channels
CO:3 Assignment
Q11.Derive expression of flow over raised hump and apply specific energy in the flow analysis.
Q12. A rectangular channel has a width of 2.m and carries a discharge of 4.8 m3/s with a depth of 1.60m.
at certain section a small, smooth hump with a flat top and of height 0.1m is proposed to built.
Calculate the likely change in the water surface. Neglect the energy loss.
Q13. (i) Derive the condition for most efficient Trapezoidal Channel section for uniform flow.
(ii) Derive the conditions for most efficient rectangular and triangular Channel Section for uniform
Q14. A concrete-lined Trapezoidal channel (n = 0.015) is to have a side slope of 1.0 Horizontal: I
Vertical. The bottom slope is to be 0.0004. Find the bottom width of the channel necessary to carry
100 m3/s of discharge at a normal depth of 2.50 m.
Q15. Prove that, how y 081D and y 095 D in the case of hydraulically most efficient circular
channel section?
CO:4 Assignment
Q16. Explain velocity distribution in open channel flow. Also discuss how aspect ratio influences the
position of Velocity- dip in different channels.
Q17. What is Conveyance and section factor for uniform flow in open channel? Discuss channels of first
kind and channels of second kind.
Q18. Derive the expression of normal depth for trapezoidal channel section and also write it’s approximate
Q.19 Define section factor and derive its expression for triangular, rectangular, circular and trapezoidal
Q20. Compute the normal depth in a trapezoidal channel having a bottom-width of 10 m, side slopes of
2H to 1V and carrying a flow of 30 m3/s. The slope of the channel bottom is 0.001 and n = 0.013.
CO:5 Assignment
Q21. A triangular channel section with an apex angle of 600 carries a flow of 1.20m3/sat a depth of 0.8m.
If the bed slope is 0.009, find the roughness coefficient of the channel.
Q22.Determine the maximum discharge through a circular pipe of 2m diameter with a bed slope of 1/1000.
Also determine the depth for maximum and the corresponding discharge, Chezy’s constant C=60.
Q23.Compute the mean velocity and discharge for a depth of flow of 0.30 m from a lined trapezoidal
channel of 0.6 m wide and side slope of 1.5 horizontal : 1 vertical. The Manning’s roughness (n) is
0.012 and the bed slope is 0.0003.
Q24. Determine the normal depth for a discharge of 90m3/s in trapezoidal and rectangular channel section
having bottom width of 5m side slope is 1:1 (H:V) and bed slope is 0.0009. The Manning’s n is 0.013.
Supplementary Questions:
Q1. Show the application of specific energy in the flow analysis of transition with width constriction.
Q2. Calculate the critical depth and the corresponding specific energy for a discharge of 5.0 m3/s in
following channels:
Q5. Describe Manning’s equation for uniform flow in an open channel with its limitations. Also find the
depth of flow under uniform condition for a rectangular channel 1.0m wide having velocity of 1m/s, bed
slope 2x10-3 and n=0.015.
Q6. Show that the normal depth in triangular channel of side slopes m horizontal: 1 vertical is given by
Qn m 2 1
1/ 8
y n 1.1892 5
S b m
Sessional Papers
Roll No. : …………………………………….
Q.1 Define free surface flow and write comparisons of open channel flow vs. pipe flow.
Q.2 Define hydraulic gradient line. Brief up its significance for pipe flow and open channel flow.
Also explain energy grad line for open channel and pipe flow and show by neat sketch.
Q.3 A 2.4m wide rectangular channel has a specific energy of 1.5m when carrying discharge of
6.58m3/s. Estimate depth and corresponding Froude number.
(i) Steady and unsteady flow (ii) Uniform and non-uniform flow (iii) Prismatic and non-prismatic
Q.6 State five important assumptions made in gradually varied flow (GVF) discussion.
Q.7 Develop governing expression of GVF in terms of normal depth and critical depth.
Q.8 Infer, how y=081D and y=095D in the case of hydraulically most efficient circular channel.
Q.10 A 10-m wide, rectangular, concrete-lined channel (n = 0.013) has a bottom slope of 0.01 and
a constant-level reservoir at the upstream end. The reservoir water level is 6.0 m above the
channel bottom at entrance. Assuming the entrance losses and the approach velocity in the
reservoir to be negligible, determine the channel discharge and qualitatively sketch the water
surface profile.
Q.4 A trapezoidal channel having a bottom slope of 0.001 is carrying a flow of 30 m3/s. The
bottom width is 10.0 m and the side slopes are 2H to 1V.At the downstream end, a control structure
raises the water depth to 5.0 m. Determine the water-surface levels at 2, and 4 km upstream of
control structure. The Manning n for the flow surfaces is 0.013, α = 1.0, and the elevation of the
channel bottom at the downstream end is 0.0.
Q.5 Define following;
(i) Steady and unsteady flow (ii) Uniform and non-uniform flow (iii) Prismatic and non-prismatic
Q.6 State five important assumptions made in gradually varied flow (GVF) discussion.
Q.7 Develop governing expression of GVF in terms of normal depth and critical depth.
Q.8 Infer, how y=081D and y=095D in the case of hydraulically most efficient circular channel.
Q.10 A 10-m wide, rectangular, concrete-lined channel (n = 0.013) has a bottom slope of 0.01 and
a constant-level reservoir at the upstream end. The reservoir water level is 6.0 m above the
channel bottom at entrance. Assuming the entrance losses and the approach velocity in the
reservoir to be negligible, determine the channel discharge and qualitatively sketch the water
surface profile.
NOTE: This question paper is from all six Course Outcomes (COs). Mapping of questions with
COs is provided in the table (provided in the last of question paper).
Q.1: Attempt all the TEN questions. Each question is of TWO marks. (11@2
= 22)
a) Differentiate between uniform and non-uniform flow also writes difference between
laminar and turbulent flow. (CO1)
b) What is velocity dip? (CO1)
c) Explain section factor and conveyance factor.(CO2)
d) For most economical triangular section, what should be the apex angle? (CO2)
e) Differentiate between GVF and RVF (CO3)
f) What is control point? (CO3)
g) Explain hydraulic jump and sequent depths.(CO4)
Q.2: Attempt any SIX questions (internal choice, one question per CO). Each question is of
FIVE marks. (6@5
= 30)
a) Show that for a rectangular channel carrying constant discharge, the specific energy is
minimum when the depth is critical. (CO1)
Define free surface flow and write comparisons of open channel flow vs. pipe flow.
b) Define control section. Show control sections in gradually varied flow profiles with the
help of sketches. (CO2)
Develop basic governing expression of GVF.
d) Also prove a relation rectangular channel for the positive surge moving down stream.
(𝑉𝑤 − 𝑉1 )2 1 𝑦2 𝑦2
= ( + 1)
𝑔𝑦1 2 𝑦1 𝑦1
Analyze energy loss due to jump in non-rectangular channel.
e) Analyze in detail the Modified Hinds Method’ used for profile computation is SVF.
Classify the bottom racks in terms of flow with neat sketches.
f) A 5m wide rectangular canal carries a discharge of 10 m3/s at a flow depth of 1.25m
and has a manning’s coefficient as 0.015. It has a bend with centerline radius of 30m
and included angle of 45 degree. Find the super elevation? (CO6)
Discuss in detail superelevation in the curved channel.
NOTE: For preparation of Question No. 3 to Question. No. 8, use any one or more format
from the following :
Attempt any one question out of given two questions. (1@8 =
Attempt any two questions out of given three questions.
Q.3: Explain cases of channel transitions of subcritical and supercritical flow in detail. (CO1)
Discuss the pressure and velocity distribution in the open channel flow.
Q.4: For a trapezoidal channel of most economical section, prove that:
(i) Half of top width= length of one of the sloping side.
(ii) Hydraulic mean= (l/2) x Depth of flow. (CO2)
Using the basic differential equations of GVF show that dy/dx is positive for S1,M3 and S3
Q.5: A trapezoidal channel having bottom width of 6m, side slope of 2H:1V, Manning’s roughness
coefficient 0.025, and bottom slope 0.0016 carries a discharge of 10m3/s. Compute the back
water profile created by a dam which backs up the water to a depth of 2.0m immediately
behind the dam. Use direct step method for computation. (CO3)
Analyze the broad creased and sharp created weirs with their merits and demerits. Also
analyze the classifications of bread crested weirs.
Q.6: A spillway discharges a flood flow at a rate of 7.75m3/s/m width. At the downstream
horizontal apron the depth of flow was found to be 0.50m. What tail water depth is needed
to form a hydraulic jump? If a jump is formed, find its (a) type, (b) length, (c) head loss, (d)
energy loss as percentage of the initial energy.
Derive the governing expression for rapidly varied flow phenomena and sequent depth
ratio for the rectangular channel.
Q.7: Write the assumptions made for the derivation of side weir by De Marchi and derive the
governing expression for the same. (CO5)
A rectangular channel 1.5 m wide conveys a discharge of 1.7 m3/s at a depth of 0.6 m. A
uniformly discharging side weir with crest at 0.42 m above the bed at the commencement of
the side weir is proposed to divert a flow of 0.30 m3/s laterally. Design the length of the side
weir and other geometry of the channel at the weir.
Q.8: Discuss in detail about hydraulically long and short culverts. (CO6)
How will the flow takes place in channel of non–linear alignment and non-prismatic
sections? Discuss in detail.
Fast Learners
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1. 1409700007 ADITYA MOHAN SINGH
Internal marks
S. Name of Marks
Roll No.
No. Student (50)
Q.2 A rectangular channel has a width of 2m and carries a discharge of 4.8 m3/sec with a depth of 1.6 m, at
a certain section a small hump is provided with a flat top of height 0.1 m is proposed to be built. Calculate
the likely change in the water surface. Neglect the energy loss.
Q.3 Explain the different types of flow in open channel. Also explain the velocity distribution in open
Q.5 Explain the effect of reducing the width of channel on depth of flow on the basis of specific energy.
Q.6 A 2.5 m wide rectangular channel has a specific energy of 1.5 m when carrying the discharge of 6.48
m3/sec. Calculate the alternate depths and corresponding Froude numbers.
Q.7 Derive the Chezy’s equation for calculating discharge in an open channel.
Q.8 Explain kinetic energy and momentum correction factors and their significance.
Q.9 Derive the most economical channel conditions for a trapezoidal channel.
Q.10 A trapezoidal channel is 10 m wide and has a side slope of 1.5 horizontal: 1 Vertical. The bed slope
is 0.0003. The channel is lined with smooth concrete of n = 0.012. Compute the mean velocity and discharge
for a depth of flow of 3 m.
Q.11 A slightly rough brick lined (n=0.017) trapezoidal channel carrying a discharge of 25 m3/sec is have
to be a slope of 0.0004. Analyze the proportions of an efficient trapezoidal channel having a side slope of
1.5 horizontal: 1 vertical.
Q.13 Explain the classification of gradually varied flow profiles with diagrams.
Q.14 A rectangular channel with a bottom width of 4.0 m and a bottom slope of 0.0008 has a discharge of
1.5 m3/sec. In a gradually varied flow in this channel, the depth at a certain location is found to be 0.3 m.
Assuming n=0.016. Determine the type of GVF profile and draw its sketch.
Q.15 A triangular channel of side slope 1.5H to 1 V has longitudinal slope of 0.0004 and Manning’s n =
0.022. If discharge is 1.5m3/s , find the slope of water surface at a section where depth of flow is 1.2m
Q.16 Derive the basic differential equation for gradually varied flow
Q.17 Analyse and sketch the flow profile in case of following break of grades :
a. Mild to Milder
b. Steeper to Steep
Q.18 Derive the expression for direct integration of GVF differential equation.
Q.20 In a hydraulic jump occurring in a rectangular channel of 3.0 m width, the discharge is 7.8 m3/sec
and the depth before jump is 0.28m. Estimate:
Q.21 Derive the expression for sequent depth ratio in terms of upstream froude’s number.
Q.22 Explain sharp crested weir and derive the expression for discharge over it.
Q.23 What do you mean by surges. Explain the different types with the help of diagrams.
b. Specific Force.
a. Undulating jump
b. Weak jump
c. Oscillating jump
d. Strong jump
Q.27 Derive the expression for the energy loss during a hydraulic jump also write down the
assumption made.
Q.29 A trapezoidal channel having bottom width 8m and side slope 1 Horizontal to 1 vertical,
carries a discharge of 100 cumecs. Find the depth conjugate to initial depth of 1.0m
before the jump. Also determine the energy loss of the jump. (Ans 4.15m and 0.68m)
Q.30 Find the sequent depth and energy loss in a hydraulic jump in a rectangular channel 4.3m
wide 0.5m deep. The discharge through channel is 8.9cumec. (Ans. 1.08m and 0.09m)
energy loss of 4.5m. The inlet Froude number is 9.6. Find the sequent depth. (Ans. 0.13
and 4.5m)
Q.32 The depth of flow of water, at a certain section of a rectangular channel of 6m wide, is
1m. The discharge through the channel is 24 cumecs. If a hydraulic jump takes place as
the d/s side, find the depth of flow after the jump. (Ans. 1.31m).
Q.33 A hydraulic jump occurs in horizontal rectangular channel with sequent depths of 0.25m
and 4.9 m. Calculate the rate of flow per unit width, energy loss and initial Froude
Q.34 A rectangular channel wit slope of 0.077 and depth 1.93m carries a flow of 64 cumec/m.
Estimate sequent depth, length of jump and energy loss in the hydraulic jump. (Ans.
Q.35 Sluice gate has a discharge of 27cumec. The gate opening is 0.8m and coefficient of contraction is
0.6. The width is 3.2m. Estimate type of hydraulic jump when tail water is 6.1m. (Ans. 5.26m)
Q.36 A surge travels upstream at a velocity of 5m/s in a channel. Prior to the generation of surge flow was
steady, with a depth of 2.0m and velocity of 1.5 m/s. Calculate the surge height. (Ans. 1.26m)
a. Water hammer
b. Hydraulic jump
c. Critical discharge
2. For a given discharge in a horizontal frictionless channel two depths may have the same
a. Specific depths
b. Sequent depths
c. Alternate depths
b. In a horizontal channel
4. A Surge travels upstream at a velocity of 3m/s. If the steady state velocity in the channel
was, 0.6m/s and flow depth in channel is 1m. The celerity would be
a. 3.6 m/s
b. 3.0 m/s
c. 2.4m/s
d. 1 m/s
a. 1.20 m
b. 0.2m
c. 1 m
d. 2 m
c. Steady flow
d. Normal flow
7. Under which of the following conditions steady non-uniform flow in open channels
a. When for a constant discharge the liquid depth in the channel varies along its length
d. When the discharge and the depth both vary along the channel length
8. When the depth of flow changes gradually over a length of the channel, then the flow will
be termed as
b. Critical flow
d. Uniform flow
10. The phenomenon occurring in an open channel when a rapidly flowing stream
abruptly changes to slowly flowing stream causing a distinct rise of liquid surface, is
a. Uniform flow
b. Critical discharge
c. Hydraulic jump
a. Rigid channel
b. Prismatic channel
c. Mobile channel
d. Boundary channel
a. flow is uniform
c. channel is frictionless
13. In the uniform flow in a channel of small bed slope, the hydraulic grade line:
14. A uniform flow takes place in a steep channel of large slope. The hydraulic gradient line
16. For an open channel flow to take place between two sections :
(a) the channel bed must always slope in the direction of the flow
(b) the upstream depth must be larger than the downstream depth
(c) the upstream momentum must be larger than the downstream momentum
(d) the total energy at the upstream end must be larger than the total energy at the downstream