The Prevalence of Domestic Violence Among Women Seeking Abortion
The Prevalence of Domestic Violence Among Women Seeking Abortion
The Prevalence of Domestic Violence Among Women Seeking Abortion
Objective: To determine the prevalence of self-reported individual by a current or past intimate partner. This
abuse in a population of women aged 18 years or older may include physical, sexual, or emotional abuse. How-
seeking elective pregnancy termination, and to compare ever, due to the difficulty inherent in screening for
abused and nonabused women with respect to the primary
emotional abuse, this study focused on physical (in-
reasons for pregnancy termination.
Methods: A self-administered questionnaire was returned
cluding sexual) abuse. The actual incidence of abuse is
by 486 women seeking outpatient abortion. The survey difficult to determine but has been estimated conserva-
included demographic information, abuse screening, and tively at 3.4% of all women or approximately 2 million
items regarding partner involvement/awareness of the preg- women per year.1 One in four women will experience
nancy, and abuse as a determinant of the abortion decision. abuse by a male partner at some point in their lives.2
One open-ended item asking the primary reason for preg- Battered women comprise 22–35% of women seeking
nancy termination was included. care in emergency departments for any reason; most are
Results: The prevalence of self-reported abuse in this
seen by nontrauma services. Similarly, in ambulatory
population was 39.5%. White women were significantly
care medicine clinics, 14% of women are abused, and
more likely to report any history of abuse than nonwhite
women. Relationship issues were the only reason for preg- twice as many have an abuse history.3 Battered women
nancy termination given more often by women with an account for approximately 25% of suicide attempts and
abuse history than by nonabused women. Women with 25% of women seeking psychiatric services.3
abuse histories were significantly less likely than nonabused Studies1 of abuse during pregnancy have variously
women to inform the partner of the pregnancy or to have reported its prevalence to range from 4 to 17%, depend-
partner support for or involvement in the abortion decision. ing on the population studied and screening method
Conclusion: The prevalence of abuse reported by women used. Prior abuse is the most predictive factor for abuse
in this population suggests that many women seeking abor-
during pregnancy, with 87.5% of women abused during
tion services may have abuse histories. Abused women may
pregnancy reporting prior abuse.4 Until recently, little
have different reasons for pregnancy termination than non-
abused women and may be more likely to make the abortion
attention has been directed toward the prevalence of
decision without partner involvement. When routine screen- abuse in the population of women in early pregnancy
ing for abuse is included in abortion counseling, health who seek abortion services. Whether fear of continua-
providers have the opportunity for developing a safety plan tion or intensification of abuse influences a woman’s
and initiating appropriate referral. (Obstet Gynecol 1998;91: decision to terminate a pregnancy is not known, al-
1002– 6. © 1998 by The American College of Obstetricians though some research suggests that women in abusive
and Gynecologists.) relationships are more likely to consider termination.5
A recent study6 of women seeking pregnancy termina-
tion used a single screening interview and identified
Over the past several years, the problem of domestic 31% of women with any history of abuse and 22% with
violence has gained increasing attention from the me- a history of abuse in the preceding calendar year.
dia, social scientists, and health care professionals. The purpose of this study was to investigate the
Domestic violence is defined as the victimization of an prevalence of self-report of abuse, forced intercourse,
and recent physical injury in a population of women 18
or older seeking elective pregnancy termination. We
From the Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Family and
Community Medicine, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, hypothesized that the issues of fear and control, central
Winston-Salem, North Carolina. to abusive relationships, may influence prevention of
VOL. 91, NO. 6, JUNE 1998 Glander et al Domestic Violence and Abortion 1003
Table 1. Characteristics of Sample Population Comparing five women with an abuse history but by none of the
Abused and Nonabused Women nonabused women. Other common reasons offered for
Abused Nonabused pregnancy termination revealed no significant differ-
(n 5 192) (n 5 294) ences between abused and nonabused groups. These
Median age 25 y 24 y P
reasons included age, career goals, emotional issues,
Race Black 70 (36.5) 153 (52.0) .001* family pressure, medical concerns, teratogen exposure,
White 109 (56.8) 117 (39.8) marital status, and desire to remain childless.
Hispanic/Asian/ 13 (6.8) 24 (8.2)
Relationship with Cohabiting 62 (32.3) 112 (38.1) .013 Discussion
father of (married or
pregnancy unmarried) Researchers in a number of studies have attempted to
Unmarried or not 113 (58.9) 175 (59.5) define the optimal method of screening for abuse dur-
ing pregnancy. A 1991 study of an obstetric population
Unknown/single/ 17 (8.9) 7 (2.4)
other by McFarlane et al8 determined that a personal inter-
Use of Condom 31 (17.6) 49 (19.0) .685 view incorporating four abuse assessment screening
contraception Oral 16 (9.1) 29 (11.2) questions increased identification of abuse over volun-
contraceptives tary reporting from 7.3% to 29.3%. A more recent study
None 129 (73.3) 180 (69.8)
by Norton et al9 demonstrated that a personally admin-
Partner knowledge Yes 146 (78.5) 248 (89.2) .002*
of pregnancy No 40 (21.5) 30 (10.8) istered structured five-question abuse assessment
Partner support Yes 116 (61.1) 220 (76.7) ,.001* screening tool at the first prenatal visit resulted in a
for abortion No 19 (10.0) 30 (10.5) higher detection of violence in all categories than a
decision Does not know 46 (24.2) 28 (9.8) standard interview (41% versus 14% for any history of
Does not care 9 (4.7) 9 (3.1)
abuse). Our study used a five-question abuse assess-
Partner Yes 82 (42.9) 188 (64.6) ,.001*
participation in No 100 (52.4) 93 (31.6) ment screening tool, but due to financial and logistic
decision Partner forced 4 (2.1) 2 (0.7) constraints, personal interview was not conducted. On
Other 5 (2.6) 9 (3.1) the basis of our knowledge from these earlier studies,
Significance level P , .003. we believe the prevalence of abuse detected in our
Data are presented as median or n (%). study population may have been higher if personal
* Significant.
interviews had been conducted. Nonetheless, the 39.5%
prevalence of abuse history in this population is higher
than that in most published reports and is similar to the
decision (Table 1). Nonparticipation in the abortion prevalence estimate reported by Norton et al.9
decision may occur for one of two reasons: 1) the Nonrandom selection also may have biased our re-
partner may be aware of the pregnancy but excluded sults. The questionnaire was given to a nonrandom,
from the decision, or 2) the partner may be unaware of nonconsecutive group of patients. Some individuals
the pregnancy. When partner participation in the deci- were not offered participation because of reduced staff-
sion was reexamined excluding women whose partner patient ratios on certain days. However, we have no
did not know about the pregnancy, 79 of 146 (54.1%)
abused women and 179 of 248 (72.2%) nonabused
Table 2. Reasons for Abortion
women decided with their partner (P , .001).
The primary reasons for choosing pregnancy termi- Abused Nonabused
(n 5 192) (n 5 294) P
nation were compared for abused and nonabused
groups (Table 2). Timing of the pregnancy was men- Timing 65 (33.9) 121 (41.2) .100
tioned most commonly as the reason for pregnancy Financial 54 (28.1) 71 (24.1) .327
Relationship issues 31 (16.1) 20 (6.8) .001*
termination by abused and nonabused women and did
Career/Education 25 (13.0) 56 (19.0) .600
not differ significantly for the two groups. The second Emotional 19 (9.9) 16 (5.4) .063
most common reason offered by abused and nonabused Unmarried 10 (5.2) 14 (4.8) .824
groups involved financial concerns. Relationship issues Age 9 (4.7) 17 (5.8) .600
were significantly more likely to be stated as the pri- Medical 8 (4.2) 10 (3.4) .105
Never want children 5 (2.6) 14 (4.8) .230
mary reason for abortion by women with an abuse
Drug use 5 (2.6) 0 (0) .005
history than nonabused women. This was the only Family pressure 3 (1.6) 3 (1.0) .597
significant difference between women with and without Teratogen exposure 2 (1.0) 11 (3.7) .071
an abuse history. Involvement with drugs or alcohol by Data are presented as n (%).
either partner was offered as a reason for abortion by * Significant.
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