Ca MP Us: HKKX& Lkeku CQF Erk, Oa RDZ'KFDR
Ca MP Us: HKKX& Lkeku CQF Erk, Oa RDZ'KFDR
Ca MP Us: HKKX& Lkeku CQF Erk, Oa RDZ'KFDR
numbe r pa ir/number from the given fodYi pqfu, tks vuqØe dks iwjk djsaA
alternatives. 11. B, F, K, Q, ?
funsZ'k (4 & 6)% fn;s x, fodYiksa esa ls fo"ke 'kCn@v{kj@la[;k
(A) X (B) R
;qXe@la[;k dks pqfu,A
(B) Island / }hip
(A) Peninsula / mi}hi
(C) T
12. 5, 9, 13, 17, ?, 25
(A) 27
(C) 21
(D) Y
(B) 23
(D) 19
(D) Cape / dSi
(C) Bay / [kkM+h
(A) 41–72
(C) 51–42
KD (B) 12–30
(D) 11–20
Which one of the following words will appear
third in the dictionary?
LFkku ij vk;sxk \
gSa] rks mlh
esa dks D;k fy[ksaxs \
14. If 5 × 4 × 0 = 405 and 3 × 2 × 8× = 283,
fuEufyf[kr fodYiksa esa ls dkSu&lk 'kCn 'kCndks'k esa
4 × 0 = 405 vkSj3 × 2 × 8× = 283 gks]
(A) Immutable (B) Immigrate rks1 × 7 × 6 = ?
(C) Imperative (D) Impassioned (A) 617 (B) 716
8. A shepherd had 17 sheep. All but eight died. (C) 167 (D) 761
How many was he left with? 15. If 56 × 11 = 9, 37 × 13 = 6, 42 × 12 = 3, then
,d pjokgs ds ikl 17 HksM+ FkhA muesa ls vkB dks NksM+djfind the value of 87 × 77.
lc ej xbZA vc mlds ikl fdruh HksM+ 'ks"k gSa \ ;fn 56 × 11 = 9, 37 × 13 = 6, 42 × 12 = 3 gks
, rks
(A) 17 (B) 0 87 × 77 dk eku crkb,A
(C) 8 (D) 9 (A) 1 (B) 2
9. The sum of present age of father and his (C) 3 (D) 4
son is 60 yrs. Six years ago, father's age Direction (16) : Two statements are given here
was five times the age of the son. After 6 which are followed by two conclusions. You have
years, son's age will be? to consider the two statements to be true even
,d firk vkSj mlds iq=k dh dqy vk;q 60 o"kZ gSaA 6ifo"kZ
seem to be at variance from commonly
firk dh vk;q iq=k dh vk;q dh 5 xquk FkhA 6 o"kZknown
ckn iq=kfacts.
dh You have to decide which of the
given conclusions, if any, follow from the given
vk;q D;k gksxh \ statements.
Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 1
(16) % ;gka nks dFku vkSj mlds vkxs nks fu"d"kZ 19. fn,Find the number of triangles in the given
x, gSaA vkidks bu dFkuksa dks lR; ekudj fopkj djuk gS pkgsfigure.
os lkekU;r% Kkr rF;ksa ls fHkUu izrhr gksrs gksaA vkidksnhfu.kZ; xbZ vkÑfr esa fdrus f=kHkqt gSa \
dsoy fu"d"kZ
II lgh gSA fuEufyf[kr iz'u esa nh xbZ vkÑfr esa xksyk] Lukrdksa dks
(C) Both Conclusions I & II follow n'kkZrk gS] f=kHkqt iqfyl mi fujh{kd dks vkSj lekarj prqHkqZ
I vkSj
II nksuksa lgha gSA efgykvksa dks n'kkZrk gSA rks dkSu&lh la[;k mu efgykvksa dk
uk rks fu"d"kZ
(D) Neither Conclusion I nor II follows
I lgh gS vkSj ukIIghlgh gSA
Direction (17) : In question numbers 17, select
n'kkZrh gS] tks Lukrd vkSj mi&fujh{kd gS \
the missing number from the given responses. 12
(17) : iz'u la[;k 17 esa] fn, x, fodYiksa esa lsa foyqIr
la[;k pqfu,A 10
2 5 7
14 24 64 12 32 18
(A) 2 (B) 5
(C) 7 (D) 6
21. A piece of paper is folded and punched as
42 95 ?
shown below in the question figures. From
(A) 60 (B) 58 the given answer figures, indicate how it
(C) 65 (D) 72 will appear when opened?
18. Vijey walks 10 meters westward, then turns uhps ds iz'u vkÑfr;ksa es afn[kk, vuqlkj dkxt dks eksM+dj
left and walks 10 meters. He then again Nsnus rFkk [kksyus ds ckn og fdl mÙkj vkÑfr tSlk fn[kkbZ
turns left and walks 10 meters. He takes a nsxk
45 degree turn rightwards and walks
straight. In which direction is he walking
fot; 10 eh- if'pe dh vksj pyrk gS] vkSj fiQj ck,a
eqM+dj 10 ehVj pyrk gSA og fiQj ck,a eqM+rk gSA vkSj og
(A) (B)
10 ehVj pyrk gSA og 45 fMxzh nk,a ?kwerk gS vkSj lh/k
pyrk gSA vc og fdl fn'kk esa py jgk gS \
(A) South / nf{k.k
(B) West / if'pe (C) (D)
(C) South-East / nf{k.k&iwoZ
(D) South-West / nf{k.k&if'pe
Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 2
(C) (D)
23. Which answer figure will complete the
represented first by its row and next by its
pattern in the following question figure?
column, e.g., 'A' can be represented by 04,
dkSu&lh mÙkj&vkd`fr iz'u&vkd`fr ds izfr:i dks iwjk djsxh\
12, etc. and 'N' can be represented by 57,
Question figure/iz'u vko`Qfr% 69 etc. You have to identify the set for the
word 'ROAD'.
uEufyf[kr iz'u esa fodYiksa esa fn, x, la[;k&lewg] v{kjksa
ds nks oxks± }kjk n'kkZ, x, gSa] tSls fd uhps fn, x, nks vkO;wgks
esa gSA vkO;wg
I ds LrEHk vkSj iafDr dh la[;k 0 ls 4 rd
D C (B)
nh xbZ gS] vkSj vkO;wg
II ds 5 ls 9 rd] bu vkO;wgksa ls ,d
v{kj dks igys mldh iafDr vkSj ckn esa LrEHk la[;k }kjk
n'kkZ;k tk ldrk gSA mnkgj.k 'A' ds fy,
dks 04] 12 vkfn
K (D)
dks 57] 69 vkfn }kjk
n'kkZ;k tk ldrk gSA blh rjg ls vkidks fn, gq, 'kCn
'ROAD' ds fy, lewg dks igpkuuk gSA
image of the given figure?
;fn ,d niZ.k dksMN js[kk ij j[kk tk,] rks nh xbZ mÙkj
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
vkÑfÙk;ksa esa ls dkSu&lh vkÑfr iz'u vkÑfÙk dh0 lgh
B C D E A 5 R O N T U
izfrfcEc gksxh\ 1 D E A B C 6 T U R O N
2 C D E A B 7 O N T U R
3 A B C D E 8 U R O N T
4 E A B C D 9 N T U R O
26. Which of the following polymer is used in 31. ‘‘Kalidas Samman’’ is given by which of the
insulating parts of electrical components? state government?
fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdl cgqyd dk iz;ksx fo|qrh; midj.kksadkfynkl lEeku fdl jkT; ljdkj }kjk iznku fd;k tkrk
osQ m"ekjksèkh Hkkxksa esa fd;k tkrk gS\ gS\
(A) Orion/vksyZyksu (A) Punjab/iatkc
(B) Bakelite/csosQykbV (B) Uttar Pradesh/mÙkj izns'k
(C) Teflon/VsiQyksu (C) Madhya Pradesh/eè; izns'k
(D) Nylon/uk;ykWu (D) Chhattisgarh/NÙkhlx<+
27. The largest number of Tiger Reserves are 32. Which of the following countries is the
located in: highest per capita emitter of carbon dioxide
in the world?
ck| vH;kj.k dh lcls cM+h la[;k dgk¡ fLFkr gSa&
fuEu esa ls dkSu&lk ns'k fo'o esa dkcZu MkbvkWDlkbM dk
(A) Madhya Pradesh/eè; izns'k
lcls vfèkd izfr O;fDr ,feVj gS\
(B) Uttarakhand/mÙkjk[kaM
(A) Saudi Arabia/lmQnh vjc
(C) Assam/vle
(B) Qatar/drj
(D) Andhra Pradesh/vkaèkz izns'k
In which year did the first amendment of
Indian Constitution take place?
(C) US/la;qDr jk"Vª
(D) India/Hkkjr
I n which pact, warm relations were
Hkkjrh; lafoèkku dk igyk la'kksèku fdl o"kZ esa gqvkestablished
Fkk\ between ‘‘Garam dal’’ and
(A) 1951 (B) 1950 ‘‘Naram dal’’, the two groups of the Indian
(C) 1948 (D) 1949 National Congress?
29. Which of the following event in 1976 was Hkkjrh; jk"Vªh; oaQkxzsl osQ nks lewgksa] ^^xeZ ny** vkSj ^
an outcome of ‘‘ Simla Agreement’’
between India and Pakistan?
1976 esa dkSu&lh ?kVuk Hkkjr vkSj ifdLrku
^^f'keyk le>kSrs** dk ifj.kke Fkh\
ny** esa vPNs lacaèk fdl le>kSrs esa cus\
(A) Gandhi-Irwin Pact/xk¡èkh&bjfou le>kSrk
esa eè;
(B) Lucknow Pact/y[kumQ le>kSrk
(C) Karachi agreement/djkph le>kSrk
(A) End of Indo-Pak war over Kashmir/
(D) Lahore declaration/ykgkSj ?kks"k.kk
d'ehj ij Hkkjr&ikd ;q¼ dh lekfIr
34. What will be the effect on inferior
(B) Halt in production of nuclear weapon/
commodities when income of the consumer
ijek.kq gfFk;kjksa osQ mRiknu ij jksd rises?
(C) Aries wars condition in both the tc miHkksDrk dh vk; c<+rh gS rks NksVh oLrqvksa ij bldk
countries/nksuksa ns'kksa osQ chp ;q¼ dh laHkkouk
D;k izHkko iMs+xk\
mRiUu gks x;h (A) Negetive effect/udkjkRed izHkko
(D) Aries conflicts in trade and mutual (B) Positive effect/ldkjkRed izHkko
benefits between both the countries/
(C) No effect/dksbZ izHkko ugha
O;kikj ,oa vkilh equkisQ osQ fy, nksuksa ns'kks osQ chp
(D) First increases then decreases/ igys
erHksn mRiUu gks x;k
c<+rk gS fiQj ?kVrk gS
30. A prokaryotic cell does not have which of
35. Which state was formed after the
the following? amendment of articles 239A and 240?
izksosQfj;ksfVd dksf'kdk esa fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lk ugha
239A vkSj
240 esa la'kksèku osQ mijkar fdl jkT;
gksrk gS\ dk xBu fd;k x;k Fkk\
(A) Ribosomes/jkbckstksEl (A) Arunachal Pradesh/v:.kkpy izns'k
(B) Cell membrane/dksf'kdk f>Yyh (B) Uttrakhand/mÙkjk[kaM
(C) Nucleus/ukfHkd (C) Sikkim/flfDde
(D) DNA/Mh,u, (D) Chhattisgarh/NÙkhlx<+
Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 4
36. Name the body which was established to 41. Which of the following countries have
provide safety and security of SCs' and STs' formed an association (BRICS) of five major
Kkkk emerging national economies?
social, economic, cultural and educational
concerns after an amendment in the
fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdu ns'kkssa us iakp eq[; mHkjrh jk"Vªh;
vFkZO;oLFkkvksa osQ(BRICS)
lewg fczDl
dk xBu fd;k gS\
Indian constitution?
Hkkjrh; lafoèkku esa la'kksèku osQ mijakr vuqlwfpr (A) tkfrBrazil,
vkSj Russia, India, China, South
Africa/czkT+khy] :l] Hkkjr] phu] nf{k.k vizQhdk
vuqlwfpr tutkfr;ksa dh lkekftd] vkfFkZd] lkaLo`Qfrd vkSj
(B) Brussels, Russia, India, Chile, South
'kSf{kd fparkvksa osQ fy, lqj{kk vkSj laj{kk iznku djus osQ fy,
Africa/czlsYl] :l] Hkkjr] fpyh] nf{k.k vizQhdk
fdl fudk; dks LFkkfir fd;k x;k\ (C) Brussels, Russia, I ndia, Chile,
(A) Law Commission of India/Hkkjrh; fofèk vk;ksx Switzerland/czlsYl] :l] Hkkjr] fpyh] fLoV~T+kjySaM
(B) National Commission for SC and ST/ (D) Brazil, Romania, India, China,
jk"Vªh; vuqlwph tkfr vkSj vuqlwfpr tutkfr vk;ksx Switzerland/czkT+khy] jksekfu;k] Hkkjr] phu]
(C) Special officer for Linguistic fLoV~T+kySaM
Minorities/Hkk"kkbZ vYila[;kvksa gsrq fo'ks"k
42. vfèkdkjh
What was the other name of Chanakya ?
(D) Central Vigilance Commission/osaQnzh; pk.kD; dk ,d nwljk uke D;k Fkk\
lroZQrk vk;ksx (A) Bhattaswamy/HkV~Lokeh
37. Which of the following is an exception to
(B) Vishnugupta/ fo".kqxqIr
the law of demand?
(C) Rajasekhar/jkt'ks[kj
fuEufyf[kr esa ls ekax osQ fl¼kar dk viokn gS\
(D) Visakhadatta/fo'kk[knÙk
(A) Public goods/lkoZtfud laifÙk
43. Why is the flash of lightning seen earlier
(B) Basic or necessary goods/ewy ;k vko';d
than the sound of thunder?
fctyh dh ped xM+xM+kgV dh vkokt dh rqyuk esa igys
(C) Club goods/Dyc laifÙk
(D) Common-pool resources/lkèkkj.k iwy lalkèku
Cell recognition and cell binding is the
D;ksa fn[krh gS\
(A) Thunder is more near than roaring/
xM+xM+kgV xtZu osQ djhc gksrh gSA
function of which of the following
saccharides polymer? (B) The light can pass through vacuum/
dksf'kdk igpku vkSj dksf'kdk cUèku fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdl izdk'k fuokZr ls xqtj ldrk gSA
lSoQjkbM+ cgqyd dk dk;Z gS\
(A) Oligosaccharides/vksfyxks lSoQjkbM+
(B) Disaccharides/MkbZlSoQjkbM+
(C) Speed of light is more than speed of
sound/izdk'k dh xfr èofu dh xfr ls vfèkd gSA
(D) Speed of sound is more than speed of
39. K
(C) Polysaccharides/iksyhlSoQjktbM+
(D) Quan Saccharides/DoSu lSoQjkbM+
Which Indian city is also known as
Manchester of India?
sound/èofu dh xfr izdk'k dh xfr ls vfèkd gSA
44. Who has become first woman chairman of
Indian Bank's Association (IBA)?
Hkkjrh; cSad la?k (vkbZch,) dh igyh efgyk ps;jeSau fdUgsa
fdl Hkkjrh; 'kgj dks Hkkjr dk esupsLVj dgk tkrk gSa\cuk;k x;k gS\
(A) Guwahati/xqokgVh
(A) Usha Ananthasubramanian/ m"kk vuar
(B) Coimbatore/dks;EcVwj
(C) Chennai/psUubZ
(B) Shikha Malik/f'k[kk efyd
(D) Ahmedabad/vgenkckn
40. Which among the following city was given (C) Arundhati Bhattacharya/v:aèkfr HkV~Vkpk;Z
as guru dakshina by Pandavas to Guru (D) Archana Bhargava/vpZuk HkkxZo
Dronacharya? 45. Who discovered the nucleus for the first time
ikaMoksa }kjk xqjQ nzks.kkpk;Z dks xqjQ nf{k.kk osQin:i esa fuEufyf[kr
esa ls dkSu&lk 'kgj fn;k x;k Fkk\ dksf'kdk esa U;qfDy;l dh [kkst loZizFke fdlus dh Fkh\
(A) Rawalpindi/jkoyfiaMh (A) Leeuwenhoek/Y;wosUgkd
(B) Nanital/uSuhrky (B) Schwann/ ÜÒku
(C) Hastinapur/gfLrukiqj (C) Huffmaster/gfÝelVj
(D) Gurugram/xqjQxzke (D) Robert Brown/jkWcVZ czkmu
Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 5
46. Which game has the highest number of 49. Electroplating does not help______.
players in each side? fo|qr ysiu enn ugha djrk_____
gS A
fdl [ksy esa izR;sd i{k esa f[kykfM+;ksa Kkkk
dh la[;k lokZfèkd
(A) In giving shining appearance/pednkj :i
gksrh gS\
(A) Football/iqQVckWy
nsus esa
(B) In protecting the metal against
(B) Rugby football/jXch iqQVckWy
(C) Hockey/gkWdh corrosion/tax osQ fojQ¼ èkkrq dks lqjf{kr j[kus esa
(D) Ice hockey/vkbl gkWdh (C) In making the metal hard/èkkrq dks dBksj
47. Which of the following book is related to a cukus esa
character named ‘‘Mowgli’’? (D) In giving fine finish to the surface/lrg
fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdl iqLrd dk lacaèk ^^eksxyh** uked
dks vPNk Vp nsus esa
,d ik=k ls gS\
50. Which state Government has launched
(A) Daughter of the East/MkWVj vkWi+Q dk bZLV
Mahatma Gandhi Sarbat Vikash Yojna
(B) Malgudi days/ekyxqMh Mst
(MGSVY) for distressed sections?
(C) An unkown Indian/,u vuuksu bafM;u
fdl jkT; ljdkj us O;fFkr oxksZa osQ fy, egkRek xakèkh
(D) The Jungle Book/taxy cqd
48. Which acid is used in car battery? ljfcr fodkl ;kstuk (,eth,lohokbZ) dh 'kq:vkr dh gS\
dkj dh cSVjh esa dkSu&lk ,flM iz;qDr gksrk gS\ (A) Punjab/iatkc
(A) Nitric acid/ukbfVªd vEy (B) Himachal Pradesh/fgekpy izns'k
(B) Hydrochloric acid/gkbMªksDyksfjd vEy (C) Bihar/fcgkj
(C) Carbonic acid/dkcZfud vEy (D) Uttarakhand/mÙkjk[kaM
(D) Sulphuric acid/lYiqQfjd vEy
51. A can do a certain job in 12 days. B is 60% fdlh f=kHkqt dk cká dks.k
115° gS vkSj vkUrfjd lEeq[k
more efficient than A. Then B can do the dks.k45° dk gSA rks vU; nks dks.kksa dk eki crkb,\
same piece of work in (A) 65°, 70º (B) 60°, 75°
A fdlh dke dks12 fnu esa dj ldrk gS vkSj
B, A ls (C) 45°, 90º (D) 50°, 85°
60% vfèkd dk;Z&dq'ky gSAB crkb,
ml dke dks fdrus 57. (1132 + 1152 + 1172 – 113 × 115 –115 × 117 –
fnu esa djsxk\ 117 × 113) is equal to
(1132 + 1152 + 1172 – 113 × 115 –115 × 117 –
(A) 8 days/ fnu (B) 7 days/ fnu 117 × 113) fdlds cjkcj gS\
(A) 0 (B) 4
1 (C) 8 (D) 12
(C) 6 days/ fnu (D) 6 days/ fnu
4 58. The average of runs scored by a cricketer
52. A rectangle with one side 4 cm is inscribed in his 99 innings is 99. How many runs will
in a circle of radius 2.5 cm. The area of the he have to score in his 100th innings so
rectangle is: that his average of runs in 100 innings may
,d vk;r] ftldh ,d Hkq tk 4 ls-eh- gS] fdlh
2.5 ls-eh- be 100?
f=kT;k okys o`Ùk esa gSA vk;r dk {ks=kiQy D;k gksxk\ fd ØsV f[kykM+h
fdlh }kjk [ksyh x;h99 ikfj;ksa esa
mlds}kjk cuk;s x;s juksa dk vkSlr 99 gSA100oha ikjh
(A) 8 cm2/ ls-eh- 2
(B) 12 cm2/ ls-eh-
2 2
juksa dk vkSlr 100 gks tk,\
53. A merchant marked cloth at ` 50/metre.
(A) 100 (B) 99
He offers 2 successive discounts of 15% and (C) 199 (D) 101
20%. The net price/metre is :
59. If r sin = 1, r cos = 3 then the value of r2
dksbZ O;kikjh diM+s ` 50 ij
izfr ehVj ewY; vafdr djrk
tan is-
gSA og Øe'k% 15% vkSj 20% NwV nsrk gSA izfr eh- fuoy
(A) `32.50
(C) `34.00 a
(uSV) dher D;k gksxh\
C (B) `42.50
(D) `40.00
(A) 4
r sin = 1, r cos = 3 gks]rks
r2 tan dk eku
54. Two buses travel to a place at 45 km/hr and 3
60 km/hr respectively. If the second bus
takes 5½ hours less than the first for the (C) (D) 4 3
journey, the length of the journey is: 3
nks clsa Øe'k%
45 fd-eh-@ ?k.Vk60 vkSj
dh In PQR, straight line parallel to the base
pky ls ;k=kk dj jgh gSA ;fn nwljh cl igyh cl dh vis{kk QR cuts PQ at X and PR at Y. If PX:XQ = 5:6,
then the XY:QR will be-
?k.Vs de ysrh gS] rks crkb, ;k=kk fdruh yEch PQR esa] vkèkkj
fdlh QR ds lekUrj ljy js[kk
PQ dks
;k=kk 5esa
X ij vkSjPR dksY ij dkVrh gSA ;fn PX:XQ=5:6 gks]
gSa\ rksXY:QR D;k gksaxs\
(A) 900 km/ fd-eh- (B) 945 km/ fd-eh- (A) 5 :11 (B) 6 : 5
(C) 990 km/ fd-eh- (D) 1350 km/ fd-eh- (C) 11 : 6 (D) 11 : 5
61. A man borrowed some money from a private
1 1 organisation at 5% simple interest per
55. If (x + ) : (x – )= 5 : 3, the value (s) of x is
x x annum. He lended this money to another
person at 10% compound interest per
1 1
;fn (x + ) : (x – )= 5 : 3 gks] rks
x dk eku crkb,\ annum, and made a profit of `26,410 in 4
x x years. The man borrowed
(A) + 1 (B) + 2 fdlh O;fDr us fdlh futh laxBu 5% ls okf"kZd lkèkkj.k
(C) + 3 (D) 0
56. An exterior angle of a triangle is 115° and
C;kt dh nj ij dksbZ jkf'k mèkkj yhA rRi'pkr mlus og
one of the interior opposite angle is 45°. jkf'k fdlh vU; O;fDr dks
10% okf"kZd pØo`f¼ C;kt ij
Then the other two angles are ns nh vkSj bl ij mls
4 o"kZ esa
`26410 dk ykHk gqvkA ml
O;fDr us fdruh jkf'k mèkkj yh Fkh\ 66. The vertical angle A of an isosceles triangle
(A) `200000 (B) `150000 ABC is three times the angle B of it. The
(C) `132050 (D) `100000 Kkkk measure of the angle A is
62. From two points, lying on the same
fdlh lef¼ ckgq
ABC dk 'kh"kZ dks.k
A mlds dks.kB
horizontal line, the angles of elevation of ls rhu xq.kk] rks
gS dks.k
A dk eki D;k gksxk\
the top of the pillar are and (< ). If the (A) 90° (B) 108°
height of the pillar is 'h' m and the two (C) 100° (D) 36°
points lie on the same sides of the pillar, 67. Two circles touch each other internally.
then the distance between the two points The radius of the larger circle is 6 cm and
is- the distance between the centre is 2 cm,
,d gh {kSfrt js[kk ij nks fcanqvksa ls] fdlh LraHk ds 'kh"kZ
then ds
the radius (in cms) of the other circle
mUu;u dks.k
vkSj(< ) gSaA ;fn LarHk dh'h'mQ¡pkbZ
eh- is
gS vkSj nksuksa fcanq LraHk ds ,d vksj gks] rks nksuksa o`Ùr ,d nwljs
fcanqvksa ds chpdks vanj dh vksj Li'kZ djrs gSaA cM+s o`Ùk
dh nqjh crk,a\ dh f=kT;k
6 ls-eh- gS] vkSj dsUnzksa2dsls-eh-
chp nwjh
gS] rks
(A) h (tan– tan)m / eh- nwljs o`Ùr dh f=kT;k (ls-eh- esa) fdruh gksxh\
(B) h (cot– cot)m / eh- (A) 8 (B) 2
(C) 4 (D) 3
(C) h (cot– cot)m / eh- 2 2
x y
tan tan 68. If y = 2 sec and x = 3 tan then– is
9 4
(D) m / eh-
tan tan ;fn y = 2 sec vkS j x = 3tan gk s] r ks
The railway fares of air-conditioned sleeper
and ordinary sleeper class are in the ratio
x 2 y2
dk eku crkb,\
4:1. The number of passengers travelled by
(A) 0 (B) – 1
air conditioned sleeper and ordinary sleeper
(C) 2 (D) 1
classes were in the ratio 3 : 25. If the total
69. If k is the largest possible real number such
collection was `37,000, how much did air
conditioner sleeper passengers pay? that p4 + q4 = (p2 + kpq + q2) (p2 – kpq +q2),
then the value of k is
okrkuqdwfyr 'k;u vkSj lkèkkj.k 'k;u dk jsyos
vuqikr esa FkhA ;fn dqy fdjk;k`37,000
laxzg gqvk]rks
(A) 1 (B) – 2
okrkuqdwfyr 'k;u ds ;kf=k;ksa us fdrus fdjk;s dk
(C) 2 (D) 2
Hkqxrku fd;k\
(A) `15,000 (B) `10,000 70. ABC is similar to DEF. If the ratio of
(C) `12,000 (D) `16,000 similar sides is K:1, the ratio of their areas
64. If the cost price of 20 books is the same as is
selling price of 25 books, then the loss ABC, DEF ds le:i gSA ;fn leku Hkqtkvksa dk
percentage is vuqikrK:1 gS] rks muds {ks=kiQyksa dk vuqikr D;k gksxk\
;fn 20 iqLrdksa dk ykxr ewY;]
25 iqLrdksa ds foØ; ewY; (A) k2 : 1 (B) 2k : 1
ds cjkcj gks] rks gkfu dk izfr'kr fdruk gksxk\ k 2
(C) :1 (D) 2k 2 : 1
(A) 20 (B) 25 2
(C) 22 (D) 24 71. ABC inscribed in a circle so that BC is
65. The number of students in a class is diameter. The tangent at a point C
increased by 20% and the number now intersects BA when produced at a point D.
becomes 66. Initially the number was If ABC = 36° then the value of ADC is
,d d{kk esa Nk=kksa dh la[;k
20% c<+dj66 gks tkrh gS] ,d o`Ùk esa
ABC bl izdkj cuk gS fdBC O;kl gSA
rks izkfjEHkd la[;k fdruh Fkh\ Li'kZ js[kk fcanq
C ij BA dks rc dkVrh gS tc mls
(A) 45 (B) 50
(C) 55 (D) 60
fcanqD rd f[kapk tk,A ;fn ABC=36° gS]
rks ADC dk eku D;k gS\ 72. The total number of road accidents in the
year 2009, 2011 and 2013 combined
(A) 36° (B) 44°
Kkkk together is
(C) 48° (D) 54°
Direction (72-75) : The Bar graphs represents o"kZ
2009, 2011 vkSj2013 esa dqy feykdj lM+d
the number of road accidents due to bus and
nq?kZVukvksa dh la[;k fdruh gS\
car during the years 2008–2013. Study the (A) 180000 (B) 110000
graph and answer the questions. (C) 70000 (D) 160000
(72-75) : bl ckj xzkiQ esa o"kZ
2008–2013 ds 73. The ratio of the road accidents due to Bus
nkSjku cl vkSj dkj ds dkj.k gqbZ lMd nq?kZVukvksa dhthe year 2008 to that by Car in the year
2012 is
la[;kvksa dks n'kkZ;k x;k gSA xzkiQ dk vè;;u dhft, vkSj
2008 esa cl ds dkj.k vkSj o"kZ
2012 esa dkj ds dkj.k
iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,A
gqbZ lM+d nq?kZVukvksa dk vuqikr D;k gS\
(A) 2:1 (B) 1:2
(C) 2:3 (D) 3:4
No of accidents by bus
Vukv ksad h l a[ ; k
Number of accident nq
accidents due to Bus to that by Car in the
year 2008, 2011 and 2013 is
o"kZ2008, 2011 vkSj2013 esa cl ds dkj.k vkSj
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 dkj }kjk
gqbZ lM+d nq?kZVukvksa
dsvkSlr dk vuqikr D;k
am (A) 4:5
(C) 5:1
(B) 5:4
(D) 1:4
K SSC (CHSL-2016) 72 Sets
Solution & unique
short tricks
Directions (76–77): In the following question, Directions (86-87): In the following question,
some part of the sentence may have errors. out of the four alternatives, choose the
Find out which part of the sentence has an alternative which best expresses the meaning
error and select the appropriate option. If a of the idiom/Phrase.
sentence is free from error, select 'No Error'. 86. Make ducks and drakes of
76. He gave (A)/ false witness (B)/ in the case. (A) Squander
(C)/ No error (D) (B) Dismissed from
77. Do you (A)/ know the English (B)/ (C) In disorderly haste
alphabets. (C)/ No error (D) (D) Not on good terms
87. Run down
Directions (78–79): In the following question,
(A) Criticise
sentence given with blank to be filled in with
(B) Disagree
an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are
(C) Refuse
suggested for the question. Choose the correct
(D) Reprimand
alternative out of the four and indicate it by
Direction (88–89): In the following question the
selecting the appropriate option.
78. We should abide ________ the rules of the 1st and the last part of the sentence/passage
institution. are numbered 1 and 6. The rest of the sentence/
(A) with (B) to passage is split into four parts and named P, Q,
(C) on (D) by
R and S. These four parts are not given in their
79. The government will ________ all resources
to fight poverty. proper order. Read the sentence/passage and
(A) exploit (B) harness find out which of the four combinations is cor-
(C) muster (D) harness rect.
Direction (80-81): In the following question, 88. 1 : The miseries of the world cannot be
out of the four alternatives, choose the one cured by physical help only.
which best expresses the meaning of the given P : Let men have light, let them be strong
word. and educated.
80. Obscene
Q : No amount of physical help will remove
(A) Indecent (B) Lewd them completely.
(C) Filthy (D) Clean R : Until man's nature changes, his
81. Stifling physical needs will always rise, and
(A) Benign (B) Suffocate miseries will always be felt.
(C) Chilly (D) Cohesion S : The only solution is to make mankind
Direction (82-83): In the following question, enlightened.
choose the word opposite in meaning to the 6 : Then alone will misery ease in the
given word. world.
82. Impertinent The correct sequence should be
(A) Falliable (B) Animosity (A) QPRS (B) RQSP
(C) Respectful (D) Ratification (C) SPQR (D) PQRS
83. Sanguine 89. 1 : It is often said that lightning never
(A) Rebellion (B) Hopeless strikes twice in the same place,
(C) Shimmering (D) Desecration P : Go ask the forest rangers.
Direction (84-85):In the following question, Q : But this isn’t true.
four words are given, out of which only one R : They will tell you that every
word is correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt thundershower brings several bolts of
word. lightning to their lookout stations.
84. (A) Maintance (B) Maintainance S : Rangers spend their summers as fire-
(C) Maintenance (D) Maintanance fighters.
85. (A) Sceretary (B) Secratary 6 : So lightning does strike twice in the
(C) Secretary (D) Secreteary same place.
(A) QSPR (B) SQPR Direction (96–100): Read the following passage
(C) SPQR (D) QPSR carefully and choose the most appropriate
Direction (90-91): In the following question, Kkkk
out answer to the question out of the four
of the four alternatives, choose the one which alternatives.
can be substituted for the given words/ In its simple form, science has helped man to
sentence. protect himself from Nature and to overcome
90. A Government run by a dictator is termed
natural obstacles to movement. But with the
(A) Autocracy (B) Democracy advance of science, a situation has arisen in
(C) Oligracy (D) Theocracy which Nature need to be protected from man.
91. One who lends money and keeps goods as He has used Nature’s own gifts, not only of metal
security. but even the human brain, to attack Nature.
(A) Pawnbroker (B) Ouster
Forests are being destroyed not only to satisfy
(C) Patriarch (D) Pedagogue
Direction (92): In the following question, a need but to proved luxuries. The evil effects of
sentence has been given in Active/Passive deforestation are already making themselves
Voice. Out of the four alternatives suggested, clearly left in climatic changes and soil erosion.
select the one which best expresses the same Man has at last begun to learn that he has to
sentence in Passive/Active Voice. protect if he wants Nature to protect him.
92. We know that some children go prudent
96. The use of science in its simple form has
helped man to
(A) It is known that some children go
(A) do such things as building shelter and
prudent early.
make carts, boats, etc.
(B) We know that some children went
prudent early. (B) make bombs and missiles
(C) We know that some children has gone (C) build factories using machinery
prudent early. (D) make planes
(D) It is known that some children must go 97. Nature now needs to be protected from man
prudent early.
Direction (93-94) : In the following question, a
sentence / a part of sentence is underlined.
(A) nature has become weak
(B) man is rapidly destroying Nature
Below are given alternatives to the underlined
part which may improve the sentence. Choose
the correct altern ative. In cas e no
impr ovement is required, choose “No
(C) man is cruel to animals
(D) man has become irrational
98. Forests are being destroyed in order to
(A) provide land for agriculture
Improvement”. (B) provide wood for fuel
93. His teacher called off an explanation of his (C) kill dangerous animals
(D) provide necessities as well as needless
(A) called up (B) called for
comforts and pleasures
(C) called in (D) No improvement 99. The evil effect of destroying Nature instead
94. Tension between them has eased a little of using it is seen in
(A) eased off (B) eased up (A) the fall in production of our factories
(C) eased over (D) No improvement (B) the fall in our standard of living
Direction (95) : In the following question, a (C) the unfavourable changes in climate
sentence has been given in Direct/Indirect
(D) frequent occurrence of epidemics
speech. Out of the four alternatives suggested,
100. Climatic changes and soil erosion are
select the one which best express the same
results o
sentence in Indirect/Direct speech.
(A) scientific developments
95. I said to her, “Don’t mention my home.”
(A) I told her that don’t mention his name. (B) nuclear explosion
(B) I forbade her to mention my name. (C) natural calamity
(C) I forbade her to mention his name. (D) deforestation
(D) I requested her not to mention my