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Humanities Etymology

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- The study of man’s experience,

Etymology goals, and aspirations
It came from the Latin word “humanus” - It is used to dramatize individual
which means refined, culture and human expressions
Refined - Norms, being civilize, and
Cultured - Adaptation to environment  During Medieval Age
(social interaction, norms) The humanities dealt with the metaphysics
Human - Having the nature of of the religious philosopher.
people, being a person  During Renaissance Period
To make man richer because during that
Definition time only the rich people can make art like
- The expression of ourselves without paintings, sculpture and etc.
using of words (painting, sculptures,  During 19th and 20th century
dancing, mosaic, cross stitch, collage, paper Is to appreciate and understand the
and folding) importance of human being, his ideas and
- The study of man’s expression aspirations
feelings, thought, intuition, values, and
• Challenge us to see things
• It unleash our hidden desires and
Etymology passion
J.V. Estolas- It came from the Latin word • It can change our ways in life
“ars” which means ability
A Tan- Italian word “artis” which means • To see the truth that we might
craftsmanship understand before
Definition • It gives pleasure, satisfaction and
F. Zulueta- a product of man’s need to
Plato- art is that which brings life in • Aesthetic- man becomes conscious
harmony with the beauty of the world. of the beauty of nature.
Panizo and Rustia- skilful arrangement of • Utilitarian- art not only enriches
some common but significant qualities of man’s life but also improves nature.
nature to express human feelings. Man lives in comfort and happiness.
IMPORTANCE OF ART • Cultural- it burdens one’s cultural
background and makes man more
• Driven our existence
• Satisfies the needs for personal
• Social- man learns to love and help
each other.
• Develop our skills to express
SCOPE OF ART painting, dance, theater,
photography, and architecture.
• Accdg. To Manaois there are 2
general dimensions of art a. Pure Art- created and
performed for other sake and to
1. Fine Arts – visual and auditory arts satisfies the audience
( music, painting, sculpture,
architecture, literature, Example: Watching movie
dancing and drama)
2. Minor Arts- those that includes
2. Practical Arts – are industrial arts, ceramics, furniture, weaving,
applied or household arts, civic art, photography, and letterings.
commercial art, agricultural art)
b. Practical Art- with a purpose, for
CLASSIFICAATIONS OF ART practical use that something is
I. By the Audience
Example: Chair and Table
- focus on how audience classified arts
III. By an Artist
1. Performing Arts- something an
artist used body as a medium. An art - Characterize by special sensing, physical
form that is moving from one place and special senses
to another.
1. Sight art- something that you can
Example: play, movies, live music, see, imagine, and create
movies/TV, operas, mime, puppetry,
acrobatic, dance, and ballet Example: painting, drawing, mosaic,
drafting design, stage design, light displays
2. Literature- talks about language that and graphic design
affects our imagination and make us
think 2. Sound Art- something that you can
Example: non fiction, fiction, stage
play, poetry, screenplay and song Example: Literature, Poetry, plays
and Music
3. Sculptural- a three dimensional
form that we can touch, see, and 3. Touch Art- something that you can
climb. It stays in one place. feel or touch

Example: Monument, Architectural Example: Sculpture, Curving, Wood

Designs, Rice terraces, Rock Garden, Eiffel Craft, Pottery,
Tower, Statue of Liberty, flower gardens, Dance Movement, and building
water fountain, and buildings.
II. By Critics ( Josefina Estolas)
1. Real Art- something that is
- Focus on how people judge art understandable “what you see is
1. Major Arts- those that includes what you get”, objective and
music, literature, sculpture, representational.
Example: photography, stage play, dance, b. Saturation- degree of quality, purity,
sculpture, and architecture and strength such as scarlet and
indigo. 2 to 3 colors in things.
2. Abstract Art- non subject matter,
non-representational that we CLASSIFICATION OF COLOR
cannot understand on the part of
the listener. a. Primary colors- colors that cannot
be formed from mixtures because they are
Example: Grey Tree by Piet Mondrian pure colors.

ELEMENTS OF ART Example: red, blue and yellow.

I. COLOR (HUE) - gives meaning, b. Secondary colors- colors form out of

value, intensity and saturation to an combination of two primary colors.
object. It has series of wave lengths
which strikes our retina. Example:

Example of Color and its meaning Blue + Yellow = Green

Color Meaning Red + Blue = Violet

Black - Death, despair, gloom, Red + Yellow = Orange

sorrow, c. Intermediate colors- colors form out
Blue - Infinity, Freedom, Calmness, of mixing one primary and one
Brown - Humility
Green - Nature, Freshness,
Prosperity, Hope, Money Yellow + Green = Yellow
Orange - Sweetness, Cheerfulness,
Red + Violet = Red violet
Pink - Feminity, love,
Red + Orange = Red orange
Red - Bravery, Energy, Passion,
War, Warm d. Tertiary colors- form out of
combination of two secondary
Violet - Royalty, Dull colors.

White - Purity, Clarity, Simplicity, Example:

Virginity, Peace
Orange + purple = russet
Yellow - Joyful, Life, Vibrant,
Sunshine, Happiness Orange + green = citron

PROPERTIES OF COLORS Purple + green = olives

a. Value- lightness, brightness, II. LINE - one or two dimensional art that
darkness of color indicates direction, orientation,
movement, and energy. It is considered as
the oldest, simplest, universal element.
Direction of Line PRINCIPLES OF ART

Vertical line- basic framework of all forms, • Emphasis – the composition refers
power & delimination, strength, stability, to developing points of interest to
simplicity, and efficiency. pull the viewer's eye to important
parts of the body of the work.
Horizontal line- creates an impression of
serenity and perfect stability. Rest, • Balance – it is a sense of stability in
calmness, peace, and reposed. the body of work. It can be created
by repeating same shapes and by
Diagonal line- it shows movement and creating a feeling of equal weight.
instability. Portrays movement action.
• Harmony – achieved in a body of
Jog line- it shows violence, zigzag, work by using similar elements
confusion, and conflict. throughout the work, harmony
Curve line- it shows a gradual change of gives an uncomplicated look to your
direction and fluidity. It signifies subtle work.
form. • Variety – refers to the differences in
III. MEDIUM - it denotes the means of the work, you can achieve variety by
artists to express his ideas, it pertains to using difference shapes, textures,
materials used to express feelings through colors and values in your work.
art. • Movement – adds excitement to
IV. RHYTHM- pattern, arrangement of your work by showing action and
lines, color, synchronization or connection directing the viewers eye
of path that suggest gracefulness. throughout the picture plane.

V. STYLE- the typical expressing and • Rhythm – a type of movement in

training of artist and outlook in life. drawing and painting. It is seen in
repeating of shapes and colors.
VI. STRUCTURE- surface and quality of Alternating lights and darks also
object either real or made to be appeared give a sense of rhythm.
real. It gives variety and beauty on art.
• Proportion or scale – refers to the
VII. SHAPE - the enclosed space defined relationships of the size of objects in
by other elements of a body of work. Proportions give a
sense of size seen as a relationship
art. shapes may take on the of objects. such as smallness or
appearance of two-d or largeness.
three- objects. • Unity – is seen in a painting or
drawing when all the parts equal a
whole. Your work should not appear
disjointed or confusing.

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