Artc SMP 24
Artc SMP 24
Artc SMP 24
Vital Signalling Relays
Reference Number
SMP 24 –(RIC Standard: SC 00 52 00 24 SI)
Document Control
Australian Rail Track Corporation has used its best endeavors to ensure that the content,
layout and text of this document is accurate, complete and suitable for its stated purpose.
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purpose other than that for which it was prepared except where it can be shown to have
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Document Approval
The technical content of this document has been approved by the relevant ARTC
engineering authority and has also been endorsed by the ARTC Safety Committee.
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Document History
Primary Source –RIC Standard SC 00 52 00 24 SI Version 2.0
List of Amendments –
1 GENERAL ..................................................................................................................6
1.1 SEALING OF RELAYS ............................................................................................................................. 6
The Signal Engineer shall ensure there is an up to date program for the changing and overhaul of
relays as required by the policy.
As the proper working of all relays is essential, the following instructions shall be most carefully
observed and where signalling maintainers are in doubt with regard to the condition of any relay
they shall report it to the Signal Maintenance Engineer immediately.
This seal shall not be broken in the field except in exceptional circumstances when directed by a
Signal Engineer. In the event of a defect being observed in a relay the seal shall be left intact
until the relay is examined by a Signal Engineer.
The policy for changing and overhauling all shelf mounted relays and AC vane type plug-in
relays is based on two (2) main classifications of relays, "Proved" and "Unproved".
Unproved shelf relays shall be changed after 15 years in service and overhauled in the
workshops or scrapped.
Relays which are proved to release (down proved in circuit) are not to be changed on a regular
basis but on an as required basis as determined by the normal inspections by the signal
Shelf or AC vane plug-in type track relays used for cut tracks are to be changed on a 10 year
In the case of all plug-in relays, except AC vane type, a regular overhaul period is not laid
Samples of plug-in relays, other than AC vane type, from typical installations are to be
inspected in detail after 20 years in service to assess the need for overhaul or replacement of
the complete group, or to assess the period to the next sample inspection.
This inspection shall be carried out in the Signal Workshops, Rail Equipment Centre, and shall
be arranged by the signal electrician in conjunction with the Signal Engineer who shall advise the
Manager, Signal Workshops (Rail Equipment Centre). The sample relays are to be completely
dismantled during the inspection.
The Workshop Manager shall obtain a report from the workshops and forward a copy to the
ARTC General Manager ISP or nominated Signalling representative. After the inspection
report is accepted by Engineering Design the sample relays which were dismantled for
inspection may be discarded.
When shelf type relays are required to be changed they shall be replaced by a shelf mounted
plug-in relay conversion unit. eg:-
If in service they are to be immediately replaced, preferably with a shelf mounted plug-in relay
conversion unit and where this is not practical by a DN 11 type shelf relay.
This type of relay is to be kept under review until a fault or deterioration rate requires their
When a shelf relay is fitted with a detachable top, flexible stranded wire (eg 9/0.3mm) may be
terminated on the detachable top using appropriate insulated crimp lugs. Ensure that bakelite
terminal covers are fitted and the lugs on different terminals do not cross one another.
When a shelf relay is not fitted with a detachable top, flexible stranded wire must not be
terminated directly onto the relay.
Single strand, stiff wire (eg 1/1.7mm) without crimp lugs is to be used on these relays. Where
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interfacing terminal block shall be used.
In cases where flexible, stranded wire has already been terminated directly onto shelf relays the
following is required:-
Ensure that crimp lugs do not touch one another or other terminals.
a) each wire must be labelled with its relay terminal number and
b) each crimp lug must be insulated as it is removed from the relay with
either suitable sized plastic tubing which will fit tightly over the crimp
lug or with another equally secure product.
2.1 General
The integrity of all vital signalling relays to be placed into service is paramount particularly as
they may be installed in circuits where they are not proved to release when de-energised.
Signalling relays must be handled, transported and stored with care and not in any manner,
condition or circumstance that would subject them to damage or deterioration.
The relays must be stored on racks in enclosed buildings in a clean, dry and non-corrosive
environment. They must always be kept in the upright position in case of any undetected
foreign matter which has fallen to the bottom of the case moves to a critical position.
Spare overhauled relays with workshop testing dates in excess of that specified below shall not
be placed into service and shall be resubmitted to the Signal Maintenance Engineer for retesting.
Ne w“ Q”Ty pepl ug-in relays which have been stored in their original boxes or packaging for
periods up to seven (7) years may be used without being overhauled provided that the relay
passes the visual examination specified in Clause 8.1 and the operating tests specified in Clause
Relays which do not pass the inspection and/or test should be forwarded to the Signal
Maintenance Engineer as described in Clause 8.1 & 8.2.
Prior to placing any plug-in relay in service it shall be closely inspected to see that the contacts
are aligned correctly and that it has not been damaged in transit. When plug-in relays are to be
changed, before insertion into the plug-in base, the signalling maintainer shall ensure that the
replacement relay is the same voltage, the same contact arrangement (by direct examination of the
contacts) and that the code pins are present in the same indexing locations. The base shall be
fitted with one set only of five index holes. The signalling maintainer shall check the contacts to
ensure they are not high resistance. Where relay test panels are provided this facility is to be
utilised. The signalling maintainer shall check the operation of the relay in circuit and ensure that
the functions controlled by it operate correctly.
Immediately prior to any relay being placed in service it must be examined at a bench under
full lighting conditions by the signal maintainer who is to install the relay. The signalling
maintainer shall also arrange a test circuit to check the relay under operation.
The signalling maintainer is to examine the relay under normal electrical operation, observing
the energise/de-energise cycle several times to ensure that the mechanical operation is normal,
unrestricted but not pounding, and that the relay drops fully away.
Where there is any cause to suspect that the relay is not operating correctly it shall be
immediately labelled accordingly and sent to the Signal Maintenance Engineer for more
detailed testing together with written advice of the problem.
Once the relay has been installed it shall be observed to function fully in its operating circuit
and shall not be certified until the signalling maintainer is satisfied that it is operating
The ARTC GM ISP or nominated Signalling representative shall be promptly advised of all
incidents of an unsafe condition whether in use or in storage of a vital signalling relay and
shall nominate a signal engineer from the design section and, as required, a person from the
Signal Workshops, Rail Equipment Centre, to examine the relay before it is unsealed.
Before placing a shelf-mounted relay in service special care shall be taken to remove the
armature securing screw provided to prevent damage during transport. The arrangement of
terminals vary for different manufacturers of shelf-mounted relays, it is therefore necessary
that signalling maintainers take special care when replacing a relay by one of a different
manufacture to see that the connections are placed on the correct relative terminals and that
circuit diagrams are updated for any change in contact numbers. The relay shall be examined
and bench tested by the signalling maintainer prior to installation.
Also before placing the shelf-mounted relay in service the suitably accredited signalling
maintainer shall remove the nuts on the studs and check that the bottom nut is tightened down.
This is to ensure that the pigtail is securely maintained by a tight armature stud or that the
carbon pillar is securely maintained in position by a tight point stud. Excessive force shall not be
applied on the bottom nut as this could cause the stud to fracture.
When a shelf-mounted relay has been replaced the signalling maintainer changing the relay is
responsible for seeing that a thorough test and check is made of all circuits passing through the
relay to ensure that no incorrect connections have been made and that the circuits are in
accordance with the circuit diagrams.
In addition when any dc shelf-mounted relay or dc plug-in track relay or dc standard 'B' size
plug-in relay is changed the "pick-up", "drop-away" and "working" currents of the new relay
shall be tested.
SF J135/B "Relay Changed Forms", at present, shall be made out in duplicate by the signalling
maintainer for all shelf relays replaced and these forms shall be forwarded to the Signal
Maintenance Engineer immediately after the relay or relays have been changed. The signalling
maintainer shall show all relevant particulars on these forms and certify that the circuits through
the shelf-mounted relays have been tested and are correct.
When a relay has been replaced, newly installed or removed permanently from service the local
relay records or database is to be bought up to date to reflect the change. Details of newly
installed or replaced relays including the install date are to be included.
It has been demonstrated that this fault was a result of the relay having been dropped or struck
during transport or installation.
Extreme care shall be exercised in transporting and handling relays. Any relay which is
bumped or dropped should be closely examined and tested, and if need be sent to the
workshops for overhaul.
Because of the risk that relays may have been dropped or damaged without knowledge, any
relay which is to be placed in service shall be visually inspected, then inserted in a relay test
unit and observed to operate correctly before being plugged into service.
If there is any sign of damage to the case or to the relay or if the operation or the relay is in any
way suspect if shall not be put into service but sent for overhaul.
Before placing a relay into service it must be carefully examined to see that all contacts, both
front and back, make with sufficient over travel and open sufficiently (when applicable). If a
relay is suspect or in any way damaged it shall be sent to the Signal Maintenance Engineer for
Large size plug-in relays are particularly prone to maladjustment of contacts due to the alloy
casting which carries the coil becoming misaligned at some angle other than 90 degrees
relative to the relay base. This is usually caused by the relay being dropped during transit or
When these relays are transported by any means they must be packed with the contact springs
vertical and "THIS SIDE UP" labels applied appropriately.
March 2005 Version 1.2 © Australian Rail Track Corporation Page 10 of 18
a) Ensure that the signal to which the route lock relay applies is at stop, the route
normalised, and that any train which is approaching the signal has been
brought to a stand.
The relay to be withdrawn from service is then unplugged and the new relay removed from the
test base and plugged into service.
Note: After changing a route NLR relay both the route NLR and RLR may be
down. This will be indicated by a steady white light in the button knob
controlling the route and the button shall be pulled to energise the NLR.
a) Ensure that no trains are standing foul of or passing over or approaching the
points concerned.
b) Ensure that all signals which protect the points concerned are at stop and that
any trains which may be approaching those signals have been brought to a
d) The relay to be withdrawn from the service is then unplugged and the new
relay is removed from the test base and plugged into service.
Note: After changing a point lock relay both point NLR and RLR relays may be down.
This will be indicated by both point position lights extinguished, and the
transit light flashing. Under these conditions it will be necessary to move the
point lever to the centre position and then to return the lever to its previous
position and thereby energises the point lock relay for the
a) Ensure that no trains are standing foul of or passing over or approaching the
ground frame points concerned.
b) Ensure that all signals which protect the ground frame points are at stop and that
any trains which may be approaching those signals have been brought to a stand.
c) The magnetically latched relay which is to be replaced into service must then be
plugged into the magnetically latched relay test base and the indicator lamp
observed to ensure that the relay is down.
d) The relay to be withdrawn from service is then unplugged and the new relay is
removed from the test base and plugged into service.
Examine all non-proved vane AC relays every 52 weeks and whenever the opportunity
Particular attention shall be paid to the working of the vane and for any indication of the
following conditions, by observation through the glass case.
Check for abnormal release operation of a relay, eg sluggish, jerky or not falling fully to the
stop position may be due to defective bearings, warped bakelite tops, wax or other foreign
matter in the bearings, vane obstructions, etc.
Check that there is no foreign matter or flaking plating or paint inside the relay.
Check for deposits of wax, varnish or paint on the vane which may indicate overheating of
coils or contact with pole faces.
Check for scratches or abrasions on the vane which may indicate that the vane is distorted or
that air gap tolerances are incorrect.
Check if the bottom of the vane could be spread due to striking the bottom of the relay case.
This condition can first be detected by a mark in the paint of the case bottom. A vane allowed
to spread could become jammed between the pole faces.
Check that the vane is central between and clear of pole faces. Vane distortion may be evident
from observing the relay in operation.
Check the surface of the vane spindle for any accumulation of dust or discolouration which
may be attributed to wear of the bearings.
Do not place in service A.C. vane shelf relays fitted with black coils without coil formers, as
some these are suspected of releasing wax from the coils when hot.
If other types of relays in service exhibit evidence of wax deposits then details are to be
Examine all non-proved AC vane shelf relays with black coils without coil formers for the
presence of wax coatings and, where noted, check the release operation of the relay. Also
examine the contacts for any noticeable presence of wax contamination.
Immediately change out non-proved A.C. vane shelf relays with black coils without coil
formers and with evidence of wax and program those without evidence of wax for priority
changout, and have the Signal Maintenance Engineer scrap this type of relay after removal
from service.
Keep on record in the section depot a separate list of each and every non-proved relay circuit
function on the section which is fitted with an A.C. vane shelf relay. This list would include
track relays, track indicating relays, signal N1 relays, release switch normal relays, detector
relays etc., etc.,
If correct operation of a relay is in doubt advise the Signal Maintenance Engineer and change out
the relay immediately and label it accordingly. The Signal Maintenance Engineer is to
promptly examined the relay as follows.
Check that the counter weight lock nut is locking the counter weight and that they have not
Examine spring type stops for evidence of grooving and ensure that the spring is effective and is
not fouled by its bracket when the relay is energised and that they are tight and there is no sign
of cracking.
Signalling maintainers are responsible for the inspection of all dc shelf-mounted relays on their
section. These relays shall be inspected every 52 weeks and whenever the opportunity presents
for any unusual condition and to see that the armature is operating freely and drops away
promptly when the relay is de-energised. If any sluggishness or failure of the armature to drop
away promptly is observed, the relay shall be replaced immediately and the Signal Maintenance
Engineer advised. When making this check due allowance should be made for a slow release
(a) any signs of the clear plastic in the covers fouling the contact assembly due to
warping or cracking.
(b) any signs of contact burning, or pitting of the carbon contacts, and any signs of
displaced carriers.
(c) any signs of rust on plated components or signs of excessive deterioration of the
Signalling maintainers shall replace relays if any of these or other defects are detected and
advise the Signal Maintenance Engineer.
The relay shall be considered defective if the timing varies by more than ten percent of the
specified timing.
Defective relays shall be sent to the Signal Maintenance Engineer for attention.
ARTC type approved electronic time limit relays, such as QTD5 time limit relays are not required
to be tested.
Relays should be handled and transported at all times with care and always be kept in the
upright position in case any foreign matter has escaped detection and can move into a critical
position to prevent proper operation.
b) The cover and base (base of the relay itself) mouldings are not chipped, cracked or
d) Plug-in contact fingers are not bent, distorted or burnt and have not lost tension
f) There are no signs of the plastic cover fouling the contact assembly or the assembly
being misaligned.
g) Plated components are not corroded and are not showing signs of deterioration
i) The cover is still transparent and there is no internal coating of a rust coloured,
metallic or greasy nature.
If the relay has any of the defects listed above or if the seals are broken, the relay is to be returned
to the workshops for scrapping or overhaul.
Relays which in all respects pass the visual test shall be operationally tested as follows.
Place the relay into the miniature relay test set and check.
b) Normal operation i.e. no chatter, excessive hum, slow to pick up or drop away
(except where this is a function of the particular relay).
If the resistance is greater than 2 ohms the contact maybe able to be cleaned by cycle testing the
contact at its full rated current. Retest for resistance. If now less than 2 ohms the relay may be
re-used. If still more than 2 ohms the relay must be sent to the workshops for mechanical
cleaning and service.
Note: A relay with contact resistance readings up to 7.5 ohms may be re-used as a
temporary measure if no replacement is available. This relay must be
replaced without delay. Such relays shall be marked "High resistance
contacts,relaytober epla ced”.
I certify that all connections to the relays are correct as per circuit.
Name: Section:
Signature Date: