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Superconducting Quantum computer

Academic Research have strong

superconducting circuit
expertise in Atomic Physics and
know-how on manipulate quantum
information at the atomic level

But scaling up the solution is

not necessarily their strength

On the other hand, many industrial

corporations acquire semiconductor
experts with years of experience
in scaling systems

Instead of using atoms to store

quantum information, engineers
print artificial “quantum system” in
a circuit for the qubits
The superconducting quantum computer cables to send
microwave pulses at different frequencies and durations
to control and to measure the qubits. The qubit
information is easily destroyed by thermal heats and
other disturbance from the environment. To isolate the
qubits, the computer contains a dilution refrigerator to
cool down the quantum processor to 15 miliKelvin. In
addition, the circuitry contains superconductor requiring
an extremely low temperature to operate.

Hardware requirements
Superconductor: no energy dissipation
superconducting quantum computer
are constructed with superconducting
material which has zero resistance
when cooled below a certain
temperature called critical
temperature TC

When the temperature drops below critical value, two electrons form a
weak bound together and becomes a Cooper pair that experience no
resistance when traveling through the metal.

The pairing opens a gap in the

energy state, For excitation requires
some minimum energy. This gap leads
to superconductivity with energy Δ
binding energy with energy gap 2Δ.
Superconducting circuitry
artificial atom toolkit “quantum system”
Standard toolkit: capacitor, inductor,

A semiconductor circuits for the qubits. Each qubit is actually an LC circuit, an

inductor, and a capacitor.

The energy level can be modeled as a quantum harmonic oscillator with

quantized energy level.
Josephson Junction
To overcome accidentally promote the quantum
state to a higher level, the superconducting
circuit includes a Josephson Junction.

The junction behaves as a non-linear non-

dissipating inductor. It contains two Aluminum
superconducting electrodes which are weakly
couple and is separated by a thin insulator
about a thousandth of a hair thick.

This inductor is combined with a linear capacitor using

Niobium superconductor to create an LC resonator.
With correct tuning, the circuit behaves like an atom with
two quantum energy level, i.e. our qubit.

The qubit transition frequency depends on the capacitances and

inductances in the circuit. Quantum operations are performed by
sending electromagnetic impulses at microwave frequencies (around
4–6 KHz) to the resonator coupled to the qubit. This frequency
resonates with the energy separation between the energy levels
for |0⟩ and |1⟩.
And the duration of the pulse controls the
angle of rotation of the qubit state around a
particular axis of the Bloch sphere.

In superconducting qubits, the coupling of two qubits is done

by coupling them to a quantum bus.
To enable entanglement, a bus is used to couple two
neighboring qubits.

To make a measurement, it sends a microwave tone to the

resonator and analyzes the signal it reflects back. The
amplitude and phase of the reflected signal depend on the qubit
state. Once it is amplified, we know the energy level and
therefore we can determine the state of the qubit.
Semiconductors in Quantum Computing
Semiconductors in Quantum Computing

quantum computing is based on physical materials, the choice of material is

important and semiconductor materials have become a widely trialed choice in
recent years.

A lot of initial research into quantum computing only manifested systems that
could operate at temperatures close to absolute zero.

semiconductors are now used in the construct of these systems, it has enabled
researchers to utilize quantum computers in room temperature conditions.

This is one of the major reasons why quantum computing is close to commercial
realization, so the role played by semiconductors is of major importance.

Many semiconducting materials can exhibit many quantum degrees of freedom

and this causes the qubits to interact with each and decoherer quickly.

However, advances in atomic engineering and advanced semiconductor

fabrication technologies have reduced these effects.
Semiconductor Designs in Quantum Computing

There are three main ways in which semiconductors are fabricated to

build quantum computing systems. They are

SRT-embedded heterostructures
quantum dot arrays.

The heterostructures often contain many different semiconducting layers

This is often capped with a semiconducting barrier layer on top, followed by a series
of doped gates.

The qubits exist within the heterostructures

Semiconducting heterostructures can be fabricated with spin resonance

transistors (SRT) embedded within the heterostructure.

They enable quantum entanglement to occur between qubits.

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