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Topic: The Effect of Information and Communication Technology On Students Learning (A Case Study of UNZIK)

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Topic: The effect of information and communication technology on students

learning (a case study of UNZIK)



This chapter articulates the background of the research. It goes on to give the problem statement,

purpose of the study, objective of the study, motivation of the study, organization of the study,

significance of the study and the definitions of the terms of the research.


The rapid expansion in knowledge due to modern technologies such as Information and

Communication Technology (ICT) has ensured that teaching and learning has become some of

the most challenging professions in our society.

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is one of the major agents of globalization

and has in no small measure impacted on learning. ICT and its accompanying gadgets are

perhaps the most fascinating phenomena that have characterized the twenty-first century. ICT

has given rise to unlimited access to information in almost all spheres of human endeavor

including education, business and commerce, politics and governance, music, entertainment,

food, security, sports, weather, environment etc. Information and communication (ICT) within a

short time has become one of the basic building blocks of a modern society. Many countries now

regard understanding ICT and mastering its basic concepts as part of the core of education

(UNESCO, 2002b).
Though, the term information and Communication Technology generally implies the computers,

internet, and E-mail, it literally denotes all forms of technologies used in collecting, storing,

editing and passing on information in various forms. Technology provides numerous tools that

teachers can use in and out of the classroom to enhance student learning such as presentation

software, online courses, tablets, classroom response system etc.

In a bid to improve learning through ICT, The National University Commission prescribed PC

ownership for universities as follows: one to every four students, one PC to every two lecturers

below the grade of lecturer 1, one PC per senior lecturer, and one notebook per professor/reader.

While some universities like OAU and UNIJOS have made giant strides in campus-wide area

networking and e-learning course delivery, NnamdiAzikiwe University have only achieved a

better ratio for their faculty, the same cannot be said for the PC-to-student ratio.

There is therefore the need to understudy the effects of availability, accessibility and user-ability

of ICT resources on students learning in NnamdiAzikiwe University.

ICT can provide an array of powerful tools that may help in transforming the present isolated

teacher-centered and text bound classroom into rich, students focused interactive knowledge

environment. If not well addressed, investment in development of ICT in the University will be

wasteful and the teaching and learning process shall continue to be very slow limiting the

University from achieving the development it is hoped to bring in the University mission.

Clearly, there’s a digital divide that needs to be bridged. More people need to have access to

computer systems. There are many ways to go around solve this problem. The federal

government could provide more funding for the institution. Private sectors and international

donors could also be partnered in providing more systems to the university community.

Students’ learning remains central in any academic achievement debate. Information and

communication technology (ICTs) provide a window of opportunity for educational institutions

to harness and use technology to complement and support the teaching and learning process.

However, despite the enormous advocacy of ICT aided teaching and learning, investment of ICT

equipment in Nnamdi Azikiwe University (UNIZIK), the University still faces the challenge of

how to transform students learning process to provide students with the skills to function

effectively in this dynamic, information-rich, and continuously changing environment.

The obvious concern is that unless this problem is addressed, investment in the development of

ICT in the University will be tantamount to waste and improvement in the quality of teaching

and learning will speedily decline. This may make the University fail to achieve its mission and

to produce graduates who are ready for the world labour market which is increasingly reliant on

ICT aided generation and dissemination of knowledge. In view of this discrepancy, there is need

to examine effects of availability, accessibility and user-ability of ICT resources on students

learning in Nnamdi Azikiwe University (UNIZIK)


Across the world nations are competing. New computer technologies are emerging and the

countries that are competing are automatically reaping the benefits: jobs, financial benefits,

respect in the comity of nations. Nigeria has become largely left behind in this global struggle for

technological dominance. It’s not good enough that we have become merely bystanders while
history is being made. To participate, information technology must be made accessible to our

students in schools including Universities like Nnamdi Azikiwe University (UNIZIK).


The objective of this work is to identify the perceived effect of the availability, accessibility and

user-ability of ICT resources on students learning in Nnamdi Azikiwe University (UNIZIK)

using cross-sectional survey design with a view to provide relevant recommendations.

The objectives of this research are:

1. To examine the effect of the availability of ICT resources on students learning in Nnamdi

Azikiwe University (UNIZIK).

2. To assess the effect of the accessibility of ICT resources on students learning in Nnamdi

Azikiwe University (UNIZIK).

3. To investigate the effect of the user-ability of ICT resources on students learning in

Nnamdi Azikiwe University (UNIZIK).


The purpose of this study is to change the government’s current approach to the deployment of ICT

infrastructure in schools across the country. By convincing policymakers and private sector players on the

benefits of investing in ICT for students, I aim to get more investment and commitment to the

proliferation of computers and computing devices in student environments starting with UNIZIK so that

there learning process becomes better, easier and at per with their mates in other parts of the world.

This research becomes necessary to enable the policy makers and university administrators of

Nnamdi Azikiwe University appreciate the usefulness of ICT in learning and hence come up

with policies that promote ICT in learning.

The findings and recommendations of this research will help UNIZIK lecturers and lecturers of

other higher institutions of learning on the use of ICT to aid students’ learning.

Furthermore, the results derived from the study may be useful to researchers with interest in

examining further the effects of ICT on students’ learning. Thus ushering the generation of new

ideas for the better implementation of ICT into learning process across the world.


This work is organized into five chapters. The first chapter is the introductory chapter. The

second chapter is the Literature review in which existing literature on the subject matter were

dissected and analyzed. Chapter three described the methodology adopted in the study, chapter

discusses the findings and observations made and chapter five concludes the whole study.


EFFECT – for the purpose of this research, effect can be referred as the outcome of using ICT

resources in learning process

ICT -In this study ICT is viewed as set of tools that can be used to process, avail and access

information and communication services or products. The services and products may include
hardware and software; Internet, telephones/mobile phones, telefax, type writer, calculators,

radios, televisions among others.

STUDENT – refers to person/persons undergoing a study.

LECTURER – a professional who imparts knowledge or skill to a student understudy.

INTERACTION - refers to the relation between the user and these gadgets.

LEARNING - will refer to the process whereby learners acquire and master knowledge and

skills imparted in them by the instructor and through interaction with technological tools in

relation to their academic performance, work place preparedness and application of the acquired

skills and knowledge.

AVAILABILITY - implies the presence of these ICT resources

ACCESSIBILITY - means the degree to which these ICT resources are easily accessible by as

many people as possible.

USER-ABILITY - refers to the capability of the students and teachers to use these resources to

achieve specified goals.

(General comment: more work needs to be done in this chapter one. Do more research on the topic and
let your research work reflect originality)






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