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History of Mathematics

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Ivan Kim J.


Mathematics is hard to deal with and that’s a fact. But first we need to know the history
behind it to understand the reason why mathematics is importante contribution in our history of
First in the line is the Babylonian Mathematics, the babylonian mathematics was developed
at Mesopotamia from the early Sumeriams to the fall of Babylon in 539 BC and known for their
development of Babylonian Numeral System. The Babylonian replaced the Sumerian around
2000 BC and they are also a Semitic people the invited Mesopotamia defeating the Sumerian and
by about 1900 BC they stablished their capital at Babylon. They also developed abstract form of
writing based in Cuneiform and their symbols were writin at wet clay and baked. The Babylonian
also the first to assing Symblos to the groups of object to make the description of a larger number
easier. Later Babylonians adopted the same style of cuneiform writing on clay tablet. The
Babylonians developed a System of writing down numbers using symbols for singles, tens, and
hundreds. This system allows them to handle large numbers comfortably and perform all major
arithmetical functions. However, the sumerians also used based 60 system of counting, the
reason why we still divide circle into 360° and count hours, minutes, and seconds. Babylonian
numbers used true place-value system. The Circle character for Zero developed by Babylonian
that the Egyptian, Greek and Romans did not.
Next is the Egyptian Mathematics, the early egyptian settled along the fertile Nile valley as
early as about 6000 BC. The Pharaoh’s surveyors used measurements based on body parts (a
palm was the width of the hand, a cubit the measurement from elbow to fingertips) to measure
land and buildings very early in Egyptian history, and a decimal numeric system was developed
based on our ten fingers. The oldest mathematical text from ancient Egypt discovered so far,
though, is the Moscow Papyrus, which dates from the Egyptian Middle Kingdom around 2000 -
1800 BCE. It is thought that the Egyptians introduced the earliest fully-developed base 10
numeration system at least as early as 2700 BCE. Written numbers used a stroke for units, a heel-
bone symbol for tens, a coil of rope for hundreds and a lotus plant for thousands, as well as other
hieroglyphic symbols for higher powers of ten up to a million. The Rhind Papyrus, dating from
around 1650 BCE, is a kind of instruction manual in arithmetic and geometry, and it gives us
explicit demonstrations of how multiplication and division was carried out at that time.
Next is the Greek Mathematics, The ancient Greek numeral system, known as Attic or
Herodianic numerals, was fully developed by about 450 BCE, and in regular use possibly as early
as the 7th Century BCE. It was a base 10 system similar to the earlier Egyptian one with symbols
for 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500 and 1,000 repeated as many times needed to represent the desired
number and Greek mathematics was based on Geometry. Thales, one of the Seven Sages of
Ancient Greece, who lived on the Ionian coast of Asian Minor in the first half of the 6th Century
BCE, is usually considered to have been the first to lay down guidelines for the abstract
development of geometry, although what we know of his work now seems quite elementary.
Thales established what has become known as Thales' Theorem, whereby if a triangle is drawn
within a circle with the long side as a diameter of the circle, then the opposite angle will always
be a right angle. He is also credited with another theorem, also known as Thales' Theorem or the
Intercept Theorem, about the ratios of the line segments that are created if two intersecting lines
are intercepted by a pair of parallels. It is sometimes claimed that we owe pure mathematics to
Pythagoras, and he is often called the first "true" mathematician. But, although his contribution
was clearly important, he nevertheless remains a controversial figure. He left no mathematical
writings himself, and much of what we know about Pythagorean thought comes to us from the
writings of Philolaus and other later Pythagorean scholars. He is mainly remembered for what
has become known as Pythagoras’ Theorem (or the Pythagorean Theorem). Next is Thales, ne of
the Seven Sages of Ancient Greece, who lived on the Ionian coast of Asian Minor in the first half
of the 6th Century BCE, is usually considered to have been the first to lay down guidelines for the
abstract development of geometry, although what we know of his work (such as on similar and
right triangles) now seems quite elementary.Thales established what has become known as
Thales' Theorem, whereby if a triangle is drawn within a circle with the long side as a diameter
of the circle, then the opposite angle will always be a right angle (as well as some other related
properties derived from this).He is also credited with another theorem, also known as Thales'
Theorem or the Intercept Theorem, about the ratios of the line segments that are created if two
intersecting lines are intercepted by a pair of parallels (and, by extension, the ratios of the sides
of similar triangles).Plato( c. 428-348)Although usually remembered today as a philosopher,
Plato was also one of ancient Greece’s most important patrons of mathematics.Inspired by
Pythagoras, he founded his Academy in Athens in 387 BCE, where he stressed mathematics as a
way of understanding more about reality.Plato the mathematician is perhaps best known for his
identification of 5 regular symmetrical 3-dimensional shapes, which he maintained were the basis
for the whole universe.In particular, he was convinced that geometry was the key to unlocking
the secrets of the universe. The sign above the Academy entrance read: “Let no-one ignorant of
geometry enter here”.
Now let's proceed to Chinese mathematics. Even as mathematical developments in the
ancient Greek world were beginning to falter during the final centuries BCE, the burgeoning trade
empire of China was leading Chinese mathematics to ever greater heights.The simple but
efficient ancient Chinese numbering system, which dates back to at least the 2nd millennium
BCE, used small bamboo rods arranged to represent the numbers 1 to 9, which were then places
in columns representing units, tens, hundreds, thousands, etc.It was therefore a decimal place
value system, very similar to the one we use today - indeed it was the first such number system,
adopted by the Chinese over a thousand years before it was adopted in the West - and it made
even quite complex calculations very quick and easy.The use of the abacus is often thought of as
a Chinese idea, although some type of abacus was in use in Mesopotamia , Egypt and Greece ,
probably much earlier than in China (the first Chinese abacus, or “suanpan”, we know of dates to
about the 2nd Century BCE). There was a pervasive fascination with numbers and mathematical
patterns in ancient China, and different numbers were believed to have cosmic significance. In
particular, magic squares - squares of numbers where each row, column and diagonal added up
to the same total - were regarded as having great spiritual and religious significance.
Indian mathematics. Despite developing quite independently of Chinese (and probably also
of Babylonian mathematics), some very advanced mathematical discoveries were made at a very
early time in India. As early as the 3rd or 2nd Century BCE, Jain mathematicians recognized five
different types of infinities: infinite in one direction, in two directions, in area, infinite everywhere
mopand perpetually.
Roman mathematics. More captivated in applying mathematics in engineering and architecture
to improve the quality of their lives. The used their mathematics for more practical purposes,
such as building roads, bridges, and temples out of stone, keeping accounts, and supplying their
armies.Are a numeral system that originated in ancient Rome and remained the usual way of
writing numbers throughout Europe into the Late Middle Ages. Represented by the combinations
of letters from the Latin alphabet. The roman mathematics first use the concept of zero. It is
came from the Latin word “nulla” which means “none” was included as one of nineteen epacts,
or the age of the moon on March 22. Does not have its own Roman numeral. The lack of zero
digit prevented Roman numerals from developing into a positional notation, and led to their
gradual replacement by Arabic numerals in the early second millennium. Roman calendars.
Consisted of 10 months named Martius, Aprilis, Maius, Junius, Quintilis, Sextilis, September,
October, November, and December. The last six names of the 10 months were taken from the
words for five, six, seven, eight, nine, and ten.
Gregorian calendar, was one of the calender that was used by romans and this calendar is
popular and used in most of the world. Introduced in October 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII.
Approximate 365. 2422 days that determined by the Earth’s revolution around the sun.
Roman architects and engineers achievements. Built roads, water wheel and constructed vast
aqueducts. One example is Pantheon. In Latin word “Pantheun”, from the Greek word
“Pantheion” which means Temple of all Gods. Is a former Roman Temple, now a church in Rome,
Mathematics in the medieval ages. The Middle Ages of European history are a period in
history which lasted for roughly a millennium, commonly dated from the fall of the Western
Roman Empire in the 5th Century to the beginning of the early Modern Period in the 16th century
marked by the division of Western Christianity in he Reformation, the rise of humanism in the
Italian renaissance, and the beginnings of the European overseas expansion. Height of medieval
times. Begun by the middle of the 11th century and stretched up to the 13th century. Increased
activities in agriculture, trade and commerce, towns and middle class developed, universities
were founded and learning was revived.
Fourteenth century. The medieval civilization experienced great upheavals; church authority
declineThere was famine and disease in Europe and constant war between France and England.
Mathematics in the Renaissance. During this renaissance, a new spirit of optimism, confidence,
and creativity emerged. The rise in commerce, navigation and social activities during the period
meant that people with a good level of mathematical knowledge were sought after as tutors for
individuals. Teachers and schools began to appear as the needs for mathematical application
were beginning to appear. Mathematicians in Renaissance. Johannes Muller or Regiomontanus
(1436-1476). Joannes Molitoris de kunigsperg, Molitoris (latin form of Muller), Johannes
Germanus ( Johann the German), Johannes Francus (Johannes from Franconia), Johann von
kunigsperg ( Johann from konigsberg), and the french sounding Joannes de Monte Regio.
Scipione Del Ferro(1465-1526). Credited for solving one of the outstanding ancient problems of
mathematics: solving cubic equations. Niccolo Fontana (1499-1557). Known as Tartaglia,
discussed the construction of clocks and the orbit of the projectiles in his Nuova scienza( but had
not yet found the parabolic orbit which was first discovered by Galileo). Girolamo Cardano (1501-
1576). Hit the formula involving square roots of negative numbers. Published his greatest
mathematical work Ars Magna (methods of solution of the cubic and quadratic
equation).Presented the first calculation with complex numbers. Lodovico Ferrari (1522-1565).
Became a public lecture in geometry at the age of twenty. Discovered the solution of the quartic
equation in 1540.
Mathematics in the sixteen century. The Europe developments in society, politics, religions,
and sciences, especially in technology, ushered the Age of Exploration. Monarchs expanded their
domains and voyages were sent out to colonize lands. As a result of colonized, cultural exchanges
took place.The importance of mathematics in science engendered a new mathematics culture
where heavy emphasis is given to the proper instruments for measuring, observing, calculating
and recording information. Mathematicians during sixteenth century. Francois Viete(1540-1603)
the father of algebra. Trigonometric relation of degree 45. The Apollonian Problem (drawing a
circle to touch 3 given circles.) Came to the conclusion that copernicus’s thoery was not valid
geometrically. John Napier (1550-1613). Invention of logarithm. Two formulas used in solving
spherical triangles: Napier’s analogies – used in solving spherical triangles, Napier’s bones –
(made of ivory) used for mechanically multiplying dividing and taking square roots and cube root.
Johann kepler(1571-1630). Gave the first mathematical treatment of close packing of equal
spheres (leading to an explanation of the shape of the cells of a honeycomb, 1611. First proof of
how logarithms worked a(1624). Marin Mersenne (1588-1648). Laws relating to the vibrating
string. Gave the definition of a cycloid ‘roulette’ as the locus of a point at distance h from the
centre of a circle of radius a, that rolls along a straight line.Best remembered today for Mersenne
Prime. Gerard Desargues (1593-1662). Projective or modern geometry. Pencil of lines and ranges
of point on a line, considered involutions of six points, gave a rigorous treatment of cases
involving ‘infinite’ distances, and then moved on to conics, showing that they can be discussed in
terms of properties that invariant under projection.

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