The document provided 18 references on various topics related to health issues such as:
1) Iron deficiency anemia - References discussed WHO reports on the worldwide prevalence of anemia from 1993-2005 and assessments of anemia prevention and control.
2) Heart failure - Several references discussed the pathophysiology of heart failure and anemia, guidelines for diagnosing and treating acute and chronic heart failure, and the management of anemia in patients with congestive heart failure.
3) Community-acquired pneumonia - References included guidelines for managing community-acquired pneumonia from the American Thoracic Society and reviews on the diagnosis and management of community-acquired pneumonia in adults.
The document provided 18 references on various topics related to health issues such as:
1) Iron deficiency anemia - References discussed WHO reports on the worldwide prevalence of anemia from 1993-2005 and assessments of anemia prevention and control.
2) Heart failure - Several references discussed the pathophysiology of heart failure and anemia, guidelines for diagnosing and treating acute and chronic heart failure, and the management of anemia in patients with congestive heart failure.
3) Community-acquired pneumonia - References included guidelines for managing community-acquired pneumonia from the American Thoracic Society and reviews on the diagnosis and management of community-acquired pneumonia in adults.
The document provided 18 references on various topics related to health issues such as:
1) Iron deficiency anemia - References discussed WHO reports on the worldwide prevalence of anemia from 1993-2005 and assessments of anemia prevention and control.
2) Heart failure - Several references discussed the pathophysiology of heart failure and anemia, guidelines for diagnosing and treating acute and chronic heart failure, and the management of anemia in patients with congestive heart failure.
3) Community-acquired pneumonia - References included guidelines for managing community-acquired pneumonia from the American Thoracic Society and reviews on the diagnosis and management of community-acquired pneumonia in adults.
The document provided 18 references on various topics related to health issues such as:
1) Iron deficiency anemia - References discussed WHO reports on the worldwide prevalence of anemia from 1993-2005 and assessments of anemia prevention and control.
2) Heart failure - Several references discussed the pathophysiology of heart failure and anemia, guidelines for diagnosing and treating acute and chronic heart failure, and the management of anemia in patients with congestive heart failure.
3) Community-acquired pneumonia - References included guidelines for managing community-acquired pneumonia from the American Thoracic Society and reviews on the diagnosis and management of community-acquired pneumonia in adults.
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tatalaksana praktis gagal jantung akut. 2007 20. Jackson G, Gibbs CR, Davies MK, Lip GYH. ABC of heart failure: pathophysiology. BMJ 2000;320:167-70. 21. McNamara DM. Neurohormonal and cytokine activation in heart failure. In: Dec GW, editors. Heart failure a comprehensive guide to diagnosis and treatment. New York: Marcel Dekker; 2005.p.117-36. 22. Michael G, George T. Anemia in Heart Failure Tsirakis. International Scholarly Research Network ISRN Hematology. Volume 2012. 23. Carlos C, Soledad J, and Paloma G. Anemia in Heart Failure: Pathophysiology, Pathogenesis, Treatment, and Incognitae. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2007;60(8):848-60. 24. Takeshi Yamauchi, Yasuhiko Sakata, Tsuyoshi Takada, et al. Prognostic Impact of Anemia in With Chronic Heart Failure. Circulation Journal Vol.79, September 2015. 25. Lawrence T G, Josep C, Santiago L N. Manageme nt of anemia in patients with congestive heart failure. American Journal of Hematology, Vol. 92, No. 1, January 2017. 26. Gillespie ND. The diagnosis and management of chronic heart failure in the older patient. British Medical Bulletin 2005;75 and 76: 49- 62. 27. Abraham WT, Scarpinato L. Higher expectations for management of heart failure: current recommendations. J Am Board Fam Pract 2002;15:39-49. 28. American Thoracic Society. Guidelines for the Management of Adults with Community-
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