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Computer Application On Exploration From Project Generation To The Consolidation of A Mining Projects

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Computer Application on Exploration from Project Generation to the

Consolidation of a Mining Projects

(Aplicaciones Computacionales e la Exploración desde la Generación hasta la
consolidación de Proyectos Mineros)
Rogerio Castejon Castro

The evolution/revolution on the computer/information technology in the last
10 years have caused a big change on the way the mining companies are
doing exploration. The following factors have contributed to that change:
 The downgrade of computers and software cost associated with the
“usability” (easy of use) of the present systems (remember the old
DOS and UNIX systems). New systems are more focused on the
users rather than on the experts in applications, meaning that the
geologist must understand geology and not operational system,
programming, etc.
 The popularization of the GIS systems (each time more powerful)
available to desktop computers, different from the previous systems
that would need very well trained experts to operate;
 The construction of geological databases focused on the exploration
objective, associated with the use of network and information sharing
(centralized shared database on opposite to spread disconnected
 The (r)evolution of communication, where Internet has a fundamental
role. Today it is possible to have broad band internet connection by
satellite at low cost in very remote areas;
 The development of mobile devices associated with the development
of applications for mapping. Not to mention the GPS systems
connected to those applications that will allow the geologist to know
his real position as it is showed on the screen device on a
map/satellite image with all the other information from the database;
 The exploration now is multidisciplinary, where on can see now a real
integration with other specialists (environment, metallurgy, computer
systems etc).

Market conditions requires exploration to be faster and more intelligent

than in the “old” times, and companies are always demanding quicker
answers from their geologist group as well as lower exploration budgets.
Exploration teams must be more effective and efficient. The only way to
achieve those requirements is to use the proper techniques, methods and
tools on the diverse stages of exploration. We must keep in mind that the
costs of data acquisition increase, almost exponentially, through the
stages of exploration, from grass roots to advanced stage .

In a near future, we will be able to see a total integration of the fieldwork

and the central geodatabase, where the geologist, “wearing” all the techno
gadgets, will be able to interact directly with the data, working on updating
and interpreting the database in real time.

In the last ten years, a revolution has happened on the way the companies
are doing exploration. This paper/presentation is not supposed to discuss
in deep all the techniques available, but to bring some ideas. Some of the
factors can be:
 As for the mining corporation:
o The budgets for exploration are each time smaller.
o High management are requesting quicker answers and more
efficient and effective approach from their exploration teams.
o Companies need results to show to the shareholders.
o Due to the Bri-X episode small companies are not doing grass
root exploration like in the old days, and big companies have to
fulfill that gap. Exploration group must learn to work as fast and
efficient as if they were from small companies.
o The need to show more precise and coherent models as well
as quality control methods implemented to assure that what is
being modeled is the closest approach to the real thing. The
model is as good as the quality of the information available. If
the information is poor, the model may not be valid. The way
geologists collect and use that information is a vital part of the

 As for the advances of the technology (Hardware)

o Computers are much faster and much less expensive. One can
compare the price of a high end desktop today with the same
high end desktop five year ago:
 1997 - Workstation Sun Ultra SPARCstation, dual
processor, 256Mb memory, 2 SCSI 3Gb, Solaris OS,
costing approximately US$20,000
 2002 – Workstation Compaq P4 Xeon 2Ghz dual
processor, 2Gb memory RAMBUS, 2x 36Gb SCSI
16000rp, 128Mb Video card dual monitor, Win2k costing
approximately US$10,000

Source: http://www.intel.com/update/archive/issue2/focus.htm
o Computers are more powerful. The famous Moore’s Law (after
Gordon Moore, founder of Intel) where his first observation
about the "doubling of transistor density on a manufactured die
every year" in 1965 (he did not expect his law to still be true
some 30 years later). Using Moore's Law to predict into 2012,
Intel should have the ability to integrate 1 billion transistors in to
production that will be operating at 10GHz. This could result in
a performance of 100,000 MIPS.
o In 25 years – since the first PC, 1billion PCs were sold. The
next billion is expected for the next 6 year.
o The appearing of the new mobile “serious” devices started with
the Apple Newton Message Pad in 1995 (discontinues), up to
the new “wearable computers” like the Via Computer and
Xybernaut Mob V (below) and the new optical devices “Universal
Soldier” looks alike. Fujitsu Stylistic 3500 notepad is another
very impressive and useful tool for data collecting.

 As for the advances of the technology (Software in general and GIS in

o Windows operational systems have made a great difference on
the way people uses computers. Systems are now very easy to
operate and use. Comparing DOS and Unix systems with
systems today we can see how productive the user can be, as
he does not need to memorize boring line commands for
o GIS software is each time more powerful and easy to operate.
From the previous versions running on expensive Unix systems
that requires an expert on the software up to the windowing
systems available today. The senior geologist now is the real
operator of the systems and can use that information without
help. Software like Arcview and Mapinfo mainly, are being used
by most mining companies.
o Most of the files formats are somehow interchanged among
different systems. The trend is to use open formats as
supported by consortiums like Open GIS initiative.
o Network is more and more common and easy to operate,
allowing sharing of information/files instead of the standalone
stations. Sharing files/data is a very important part of the
success of an exploration team. A good database management
if fundamental.
o Database systems have had a tremendous improvement, like
other software, as easy to use features, efficiency, security and
o Nevertheless database modeling tools and techniques are
essential to build a comprehensive and coherent database
structure. Geodabase is the term that will try to represent the
diverse database models in GIS.
o Software for field data collection process are improving very
fast to be used on the new mobile device. It is now possible to
the geologist to download his maps, images and information
and go to the field, where he can collect data and go back to
the central server to upload that new information. We are very
close to the “electronic field notebook”. The electronic notebook
will mean that:
 Information collected is available to all the others
geologists in opposite to the paper version, where, most
of the time, nobody would be able to see the information
 Information collected belongs to the company and will be
stored on the server.

 As for the advances of the technology (Communication and Internet):

o Internet is the real revolution of our time. Not to mention the
access to “infinite” quantity of information (sometime over
information), it has changed the way people interact.
Information moves faster and faster and people have to react to
o Today is possible to install a 256kbps access to internet on
almost anywhere at a low cost using small satellite dishes
(120cm diameter and smaller), so projects are not as if they
were in the middle of nowhere. Very soon, new devices will
allow those installation to go smaller and even less expensive
than today.
o New instruments and technologies, among others:
 The improvement of the new Landsat 7ETM+ with the
panchromatic 15m band
 ASTER a multi-spectral and multi-resolution imager with
along-track stereo capabilities launched in 1999. Image
data are obtained in 14 spectral bands covering the
visible through the thermal infrared wavelength region at
a similar spatial resolution as Landsat 7
 QuickBird the highest resolution commercial satellite to
collect both panchromatic and multispectral imagery
concurrently. The panchromatic data is collected at 61-
centimeter resolution and multispectral (4 bands) at
2.44-meter. This is a further improvement over the
previous highest resolution by IKONOS imagery at 1-
meter panchromatic and 4-meter multispectral
 GPS technology free from systematic errors signal since
May 2000, allowing better precision. Differential GPS
allowing centimetric to millimetric precision at an
affordable price. Today it is possible to have a small GPS
with satellite correction (using a subscription system)
that will deliver decimetrical precision. Precision is to be
improved with new planned satellite systems (European
Galileo system for instance).
 Hyperspectral airborne instruments as well as the
portable spectrometers like ASD Field Spectrometer.
 Laser instruments used to topographic survey, like
Maptek I-Site. Those systems are already available
airborne. They were used on daily base to check the
changes on the wreckage surface of the Twin Towers fall
to protect the workers on site.

Computers Helping Exploration

When we understand new model from exploration is a road with no return,

we can only see that computer science is an essential part of the process.
The extensive use of the technology is the only way to achieve the new
exigencies of the companies.

The Exploration Triangle (figure 1 below) allow us to better understand the

three “Main Stages” of exploration today and the expected timing, from
“grassroots” to advanced project. It is easy to see that the budget for each
stage grows (some time very fast) bottom-up, as area size decrease top-
down, as well as the tools and computer application for each stage will
2-3 years

& Resources
3. Advanced exploration
on ranked targets Metallurgical
& environmental

Delineation and definition Ore

drillingReserves Estimation
& 3D Modeling

18 months

2. Detailed field review & RC/DDH drilling Drilling Targets

target selection
Auger drilling, trenching, ground geophysics

Geological mapping, geochemical survey, airborne geophysics

6 months
1. Selection of favorable Area selection and ranking Mineral Potential Map
areas province size. & Area Selection
Maps production, geological interpretation

Data compilation, integration and validation

Figure 1 – Exploration Triangle

Stage 1 – Project Generation

That is the stage where the objective is to define the best prospective
areas for follow up. The focus is on the small scale, Mineral Province size.
At that stage the geologist will gather mostly public information, company
compiled information, regional reconnaissance data collected and try to
find the best prospective areas. The mineral province must be selected on
geological/economical criteria that would be able to prove it has the
“ingredients” to hold a deposit(s) model the company is looking for.
The team is small and should be composed mostly by senior geologists
with regional experience, to develop the conceptual geological model.
Database/computer guys will be responsible to organize the geological
database in proper format and shall be involved during all the process.

The main tool at that stage is the GIS systems (ArcView/ArcInfo, Mapinfo,
Grass, others). Imagery software (like ENVI, ERMapper) will be
extensively used to treat remote sense images/data. For regional
geophysics the tradition choice will be Geosoft Oasis. Above you will find a
simplified flowchart (Figure 2) that would guide us during a Project
Generation Stage:

Simplified GIS Project Generation Flowchart

Follow up
Next phase

Geological Geological Evaluation

Geological Digitizing Reports
Maps & Correction
Structure Validation Downgraded
Radar Barrick Geologist
Lineament Field Review

Spatial Analysis
Landsat, Mag, Mineral
Rad Potencial
Landsat Map Target
Magnetic Image Selection
Radiometric Processing Map
Radiometric Area Selection
& Mag Criteria
Anomalies Target

In house
Occurrences Data Entry discussion
Reports Conversion
Legal Status
Consultant BARRICK
Geologist Geologist

Figure 2 – Project generation Flowchart

The GIS tool to be used is the Spatial Analysis. That technique is
somehow familiar to the geologist in some way, when they use to do the
analysis on the light table by comparing different maps, like geology
against geochemistry and against structural to find the best place to be.
What makes the difference when using computers:
 The geologist can’t deal properly with more than 5 “layers”
 Usually the eyes will be biased by the top value of each theme, when
not necessary the individual top of each layer will be the best or more
As the quantity of information/data increase, it will be impossible to do the
analysis on the traditional light table. A lot of techniques have been
developed for the Spatial Analysis than we will only mention:
A. Knowledge driven (or index overlay)
B. Fussy logic
C. Weights of evidence
D. Neural networks
In a very very simple explanation, we could say that (A) and (B) are
“driven by the knowledge” as the geologist, using his experience, will
attribute weights to each theme that is relevant for the geological model he
is searching. C and D are “data driven” as the expert software, using
selected mineral occurrences, will try to define regions where those same
occurrences conditions are mostly probable to repeat.

Although, the appealing of using moderns and more sophisticate

techniques, we think that the best start would be to use the Knowledge
Driven (or index overlay) method as it will involve the senior geologist
deep in the process and the results will give much more confidence.

Knowledge driven (or index overlay) is a method where, as said before;

the senior geologist will attribute weights to each theme that is relevant to
his geological model. Using an arithmetic spatial operation, software will
sum each pixel value/weight on the area of interest and create a new map
that is the mineral potential map, where the pick represent the best
interception of the whole model. It is very important not to use mineral
occurrence as a theme on that fase, as it will bias the result. Mineral
occurrences shall be used to test the model, as if “would we find that
occurrence if it was not already been discovered?” Above is and example
of a mineral potential map we have developed:


Lithology Geochemistry
Radiometric Anomalies


Figure 3 – Spatial Analysis Example

That process can be done several times to improve the quality of the
output. It is very important that the senior geologist understands very
clearly what each target will means, now is time to go to field and check
those selected targets. And of course a Land Status map is essential to
provide information of mineral property. Information collected must be feed
back to the system. Targets that have response “positively” may go to
second stage – Project Follow up.

At Alto Chicama, we have used, among other tools, spectral angle mapper
(SAM) images developed by Image2Map Services over Landsat ETM7+,
geological map internally compiled and digitized from Ingemet maps,
compiled topography 1:100.000 by IGN (digitized at site), photogeological
interpretation map done by a Australian Photogeology Consultants using
Landsat 5 and ETM 7+ images, sedimentary basing analysis using
hydrogeology extension and statistic tools. Landsat ETM7+ band 8
(panchromatic) was very useful to define new roads and paths not present
on topographic map.

Stage 2 – Project stage – PG Follow-up

At that stage the objectives are:
a) Define Exploration targets
b) Define drilling targets on the exploration targets

The definition of the drilling targets is a result of systematic work that would
include the geological map, spectrometry surface modeling, and geophysical
modeling. The systematic litogeochem should be oriented to locate the targets
and for geochemistry characterization. The geophysics profiles (CSAMT, IP) will
allow to define the vertical geometry and the potential for continuity of the
anomaly and mineralization control, and recognize the continuity of the faults
and structures identified during surface mapping.

The tools:
 To define the exploration target most tools are the same used on the
stage 1, but on bigger scale. In the stage 1 it does not import the
spectral differentiation, but if there was an anomaly, on that stage it is
important to define the minerals that would compose that anomaly.
GIS software plays a very important role. GIS systems need to have
spatial statistics tools treat surface data (Arcview Spatial Analyst,
Geosoft, Mapinfo among others)
 Field data collection, using the mobile devices, integrated with GIS.
We can mention Arcview Arcpad, GVMapper among others. That
software will run on windows platform and will allow the geologist to
bring his maps to field in electronic format instead of paper version.
 Database system is fundamental to keep a good organization of
sampling collection. Here the system must allow the control of
sampling from collecting data, laboratory requisition/results reception,
data retrieve, and integration with the GIS system. It is fundamental to
have that very well organized, as it will allow the geologists to have the
information available as easy and as soon as possible to make the
strategic decisions/changes. The focus will be in have results
integrated to database as soon as possible, as it will allow quickly
changes on strategy, as to concentrate on different target, or to move
a drill to another site. One must keep in mind that the planning can
change almost every day as results arrive.
 At that point software for dealing with drilling are needed:
o Data collection/ core logging’
o Sections with representation of the data collected. The more
drill available, the more is important the 3D feature of the

At Alto Chicama we have used most the same tools used on the project
generation stage but now in a different scale with much more detail data.
We have defined 8 main targets on the distrital area of Alto Chicama, and
start drilling on a property we have negotiate with PAS called Las
Lagunas. After winning the bid from Minero Peru, we started the fieldwork
that allowed us to define and start drilling the targets at the Alto Chicama

Stage 3 – Advanced Project

At that stage the most important information is the drilling data. From the
data collected during the core log the geologist will be able to create his
geological model and deposit model.
The essential tools are:
 Core logging system must be able to allow the collection of most
information without the need to complement with paper information
and must feed directly the database. Some of the systems available
are GVMapper from Geovectra, Datamine, and Rockware.
 Drilling interpretation and modeling where 3D tools are today
fundamental. Systems available are Vulcan from Maptek, GEMCOM
(the old PC Xplore), Datamine, and Medsys.
 Sampling Database System that will allow the control of the data from
the sampling analysis to sampling requisition and results reception.
But now the focus is on the organization of the information. Control
quality information must be part of the system as to allow the geologist
to discover ASAP any problems with the analysis process.
 GIS tools still have a relevant importance, as it will allow the
organization surface maps and surface modeling.

At Alto Chicama we have implemented a system that is allowing us to:

 Log of the core drill in almost “just in time”. All the information is
collected using powerful notepads and uploaded directly into the
central database. There is no paper information during core log. Those
systems involve collecting data for lithology, mineralogy, geotechnics,
alteration and other tables.
 Database control includes not only geochemistry analysis, but all
analysis that can be do, as metallurgical, density, pima (spectrometry
– done systematically on all samples pulp). Analysis requisition and
results are integrated and are immediately available as soon as
laboratory sends the result by e-mail.
 Using a special device, 100% of the core is photographed and is
available with the core log at real scale. That same device is able to
measure density and recovery, so we have density measurement for
each core tray.
 Still GIS for the surface mapping and surface modeling, as well as for
infrastructure and planning.

 I think that in a near future, we will be able to see the “Universal
Geologist” with all the computer/comunication apparatus connected
from the field collecting data directly into the central database. We
could imagine him interacting instantanily with his mates and/or with
some expert on a control room filled with monitors in videoconference
 Although what I have said before, we must keep in mind that
technology is not allways the answers for our problems. Sometimes
we must use the traditional pen/paper tool to do our job. Common
sense is a fantastic “tool” and must be use always.
 The presence of all the tools available (hardware and or software)
does not means that exploration team are doing or can do their best,
IF they do not understand what they are doing and do not understand
what are the tools limitations. A very simple rule for computers must
always be kept in mind: Garbage In => Garbage Out. Exploration
teams must understand it very well to avoid the childish wishes to
have every new toy available.
 The computer expert of the exploration team must work as close as
possible to the geologist. They must never forget:
o In exploration the geologists are “the stars”, and they are part of
the team (a very important part, geologist must realize).
Computer guys and geologist must interact and understand
each other. They must not be isolated from the group.
o Computer guys must never think that his work is
computers/systems BUT the exploration goal to find a mineral
o Computer guys must think ahead and try to be proactive,
finding solutions for problems that have not been presented so
o Exploration management has to work very well on breaking the
resistances of traditional geologist in order to bring then to the
group. Management must not over trust technology.

It is very important to stress that using technology by it self is not a

guarantee of success in finding a deposit. Not necessarily the best
organized and user of high technology will find a deposit, but it will help a
lot, at least not to miss it. BUT the technology shall allow the companies to
work faster and expend less money on area that is not interesting.

BUT, most important than all we said before, even thought we could have
all those fantastic gadgets available, the ultimate tools for the geologist to
find a deposit are the geologist’s boots and the hammer.

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