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Practical Research 2 Reviewer

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Practical Research 2 o Qualitative data is based on

human judgement
 Units are the ways that variables are
Quantitive Research is a systematic and
organized investigation to seek solutions to
problems by obtaining numerical data and  Each person/thing we collect data on
testing the relationships of variables using is called an OBSERVATION
statistical techniques.
Strengths Limitations (participants) possess a
It uses robust It employs variety of
instrumentation, inflexible research CHARACTERISTICS
which may yield design due to the
results that can be rigidity and o If a CHARACTERISTIC of
generalized to a robustness of the an OBSERVATION
larger population instrumentation (participant) is the same for
and other research every member of the group
settings. (doesn’t vary) it is called a
It allows for greater Participants have CONSTANT.
accuracy of data limited
because variables participation on the o If a CHARACTERISTIC of
are isolated, design and structure an OBSERVATION
manipulated, and of the questionnaire (participant) differs for group
rigorously members it is called a
controlled VARIABLE.
Results can be Numerical data do
replicated, not provide detailed Independent Variable is he what the
analyzed, and accounts of the researcher manipulates to see if the changes
compared with phenomenon and affect the dependent variable.
similar studies due do not capture
to the use of robust accounts of human Dependent Variable changes as a result of
instrumentation. perception an intervention or experiment. It is what the
Numerical data Research is carried researcher trying to test or measure.
allows summary of out in a laboratory Discrete Variables is the distinct point or a
huge amount of setting and not in a
whole number.
information and real-world setting
comparisons across Continuous Variable is a variable that can
categories and over assume a continuous scale than distinct point
time on a scale.
Personal bias is Preselected options
avoided because in a questionnaire Control Variables held constant throughout
quantitative data do not reflect how the study or research.
are arrived at using participants truly
established feel about the Intervening Variables is the mediating or
procedures question being moderator variables.
asked Extraneous Variables is a variable that if
A variable is something that can change,
not controlled can affect to the study.
such as 'gender' and are typically the focus of
a study. Level of Measurement

 Variables can be classified as  NOMINAL – LABEL,

o Quantitative data is numeric THE VALUE
 INTERVAL- THE DIFFERENCE research eliminates the
BETWEEN TWO POINTS ON directionality problem.
SCALE  Non-Experimental Research - a
research wherein the independent
 RATIO- PROPERTY OF variables cannot be controlled or
manipulated. This research does not
use treatment or intervention.
o Descriptive
Types of Research Design o Predictive
o Explanatory
o Cross-Sectional
o Retrospective Time Dimension
o Longitudinal
Research Process
1. Define the research problem
2. Do the review of related literature
3. Formulate hypothesis
4. Prepare the research design
 Experimental Research adheres
5. Collect data
strictly to procedures of scientific
method and involves manipulation of 6. Analyze and interpret data
variables and employment of
7. Write the research report
treatment and intervention.
o True experiment research is 8. Report findings of the research
the most accurate form of
research design as it relies RRL Studies
on statistical analysis to prove  APA (American Psychological
or disprove a hypothesis. It is Association)
the only type of Experimental o References
Design that can establish a  MLA (Modern Language
cause-effect relationship Association)
within a group/s. o Work Cited
o Quasi-Experimental  Chicago Style Citation
Research Design - The prefix o Bibliography
quasi means “resembling.”
Thus quasi-experimental
research is research that
resembles experimental
research but is not exactly a
true experimental research.
Although the independent
variable is manipulated,
participants are not randomly
assigned to conditions or
orders of conditions. Because
the independent variable is
manipulated before the
dependent variable is
measured, quasi-experimental
Book comparisons across the
variables of interest.

 Retrospective
o To compare data collected in
the past with the present.

 Longitudinal
o To collect data in the present
and at some point in future for
comparison of past and future
data sets.

Internet Source Mixed-Method Approach

 In such a method, the Quanti Data
have more meaning when Quali
data analysis is used. Moreover,
Quali data can be substantially
reduced by applying some degree of

Research Design
 Experiment
o To verify or test hypothesis
o To determine the effects of an
intervention on a variable of
interest. Research Time Dimension
 Descriptive Purpose
Retrospective Cross- Longtudinal
o To provide systematic Sectional
information about a topic Descriptive Type 1 Type 2 Type 3
 Predictive Predictive Type 4 Type 5 Type 6
o To predict or forecast some Exploratory Type 7 Type 8 Type 9
event or phenomenon in the
future without necessarily Sampling Method
establishing cause-and-effect Probability Sampling is a sampling
relationship. technique, in which the subjects of the
 Explanatory population get an equal opportunity to be
selected as a representative sample.
o To explain how theories or
principles are at work on  Simple Random Sampling
certain phenomenon o Best type of probability
 Cross-Sectional sampling through which you
can choose sample from a
o To collect data at a single population.
point in time and make
 Systematic Sampling
o Chance and system are the  is used to calculate an appropriate
ones to determine who should sample size from a population
compose the sample.  If you have no idea about a
population’s behavior, use Slovin’s
 Startified Sampling
formula to find the sample size.The
o The group compromising the formula (sometimes written as
sample is chosen in a way that Sloven’s formula) was formulated by
such a group is liable to Slovin in 1960.
subdivision during the data
analysis stage.
 Cluster Sampling
o Makes you isolate a set of
persons instead of individual
members to serve as a sample
Non-Probability Sampling is a method of
sampling wherein, it is not known (not equal
opportunity) that which individual from the
population will be selected as a sample. Margin error = 0.05
o You tend to choose sample POINT IN SAMPLE. ALWAYS PUT
members possessing or LABEL.
indicating the characteristics
of the target population.
 Voluntary Sampling
o Are the ones volunteering to
constitute the sample.
 Purposive or Judgemental
o You choose people whom you
are sure to correspond to the
objectives of your study.
 Availability Sampling
o The willingness of a person as
your subject to interact with
 Snowball Sampling
o Similar to snow expanding
widely or rolling rapidly, this
sampling method does not
give a set of specific samples.
Likert scales (named after their creator,
American social scientist Rensis Likert) are
quite popular because they are one of the
most reliable ways to measure opinions,
perceptions, and behaviors.
Slovin’s Formula

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