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Answer Key: Reading For Main Ideas: Arbon Dioxide Arbon Dioxide

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A) Read the paragraphs below and identify the main point in each paragraph. The
paragraphs are part of a longer article entitled Helping to save the planet.

Paragraph Main idea

1 Earth’s climate is changing, and that this global warming may be caused by
the combustion of fossil fuels and the subsequent release of carbon
dioxide and other gases into the atmosphere.
2 We are now burning fossil fuels at an increasing rate and returning this
carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.
3 Some scientists are proposing geo-engineering projects – large-scale
technology designed to change the earth’s climate.
4 Whatever processes are used, there is no doubt that reducing carbon dioxide levels
will increase the cost of energy in the future, but the price of allowing climate
change to continue would be even higher.
5 The Earth’s temperature is steadily rising, so there is a huge task for engineers to
develop energy conservation, energy efficient generation and use, and economic
and safe methods of removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

B) Read the article below and write out the main point of paragraphs which are italicised.

Computer chips generate heat because electrical resistance in their circuits. In fact, it’s this
heat problem rather than microprocessor size that currently limits the speed of CPUs. A safe
operating temperature is in the range of 50 - 70 ºC. Computer design engineers keep computes
cool by installing fans that increase air circulation, heat sinks (solid materials that transfer
heat away from hot spots), and by trying to reduce the amount of waste heat that is generated
by making CPUs as efficient as possible.

Computer chips generate heat because electrical resistance in their


Motorcycle brakes
When brakes are applied, the friction of the brake pads on the brake disc creates heat. When
brakes become very hot – around 400 ºC – friction is reduced. This means that the brakes are
less effective, which is dangerous. Engineers design brake discs with holes in them. The holes
allow the air to circulate more freely around the disc to dissipate the heat. They also help
remove rain water.

When brakes are applied, the friction of the brake pads on the brake disc creates heat.
Gas-fired boilers
Gas-fired boilers are used in homes and industry for space heating and hot water. Chemical
heat is generated by burning gases such as propane or butane. The temperature of a gas flame
burning in air is almost 2000 ºC. At this high temperature, heat is easily transferred to heat
exchangers and water pipes to heat air and water between 20 and 60 ºC. Heat transfer is aided
by convection; as air or water is heated from bottom, it rises, and the colder fluid sinks. This
forms a circulating flow so that the cooler fluid is constantly heated.

Gas-fired boilers are used in homes and industry for space heating and hot water.

Nuclear reactors
Heat is generated in the reactor core when uranium-235 is split into lighter elements. The heat
turns water into steam, which turns the turbines. The turbines turn generators and make
electricity. Most reactors operate with a water temperature of around 315 ºC and pressure
around 155 bar. In these extreme conditions, engineering design is critical particularly of
safety and shutdown systems. The 2011 Fukushima plant disaster in Japan made worse by the
failure of water pumps that were needed to cool the reactor core.

Heat is generated in the reactor core when uranium-235 is split into lighter elements.

C) Read the article below and state the main point of each paragraph.

CAD (computer-aided design)

CAD is used to produce drawings and design documentation. The drawings are detailed
pictures that explain a design. They can be two-dimensional, like a plan showing the
arrangement of a room, or three-dimensional, like the picture on the left showing pipes and
structural details. Documentation includes lists of structural drawings, materials, etc. CAD
checks for design clashes- for example, places where parts don’t fit together – and produces
walk-through videos to check ergonomic features such as access for maintenance.

CAD is used to produce drawings and design documentation.

FEA (finite element analysis)

Today’s oil platforms are designed for difficult environments with natural forces such as
seismic activity (earthquakes), waves, wind, and ice. FES is an essential tool in making the
design work. FEA divides the structure into a network of elements and solves many
complicated equations. It shows hoe the whole structure will work together to stand against
high winds, strong waves or big earthquakes.

FES is an essential tool in making the design work.

CFD (computational fluid dynamics)
CFD uses complex equations to model the interaction of fluids (liquids and gases) with
surfaces. In oil platform design, engineers need to know the effect the wind has on the structure,
including the parts such as cranes and helicopter decks. This helps engineers to create a safe
design. In the past, engineers used wind tunnel tests on a physical model, but now CFD allows
engineers to try different designs to get the best result.

CFD uses complex equations to model the interaction of fluids (liquids and gases)
with surfaces.

D) Read the text below and identify the main ideas for paragraphs 3-8.

Paragraph Main ideas

2 The internet made possible a relatively free culture
3 People are free to be what they want in the virtual world
4 There are many familiar constraints in cyberculture
5 The inequalities found in society at large are present in the world of internet too
6 A ‘technopower spiral’ has brought about control by a technical elite
7 Cyberculture is not free of commercial and political pressures either
8 Cyberculture is different from other cultural media to some degree is undeniable

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