Microproject of Dte
Microproject of Dte
Microproject of Dte
1.1 Introduction:
The Digital Techniques: Introduction To Digital Techniques training program has been
structured with chaptered content around primary learning objectives and as a result,
administrators will enjoy simplified course navigation to more easily cover specific training
points, conduct refresher training and encourage discussion.
1. Fanout
2. Power dissipation
3. Propagation delay
4. Noise margin
5. Fan in
6. Operating temperature
7. Power supply requirements
2.1 Bit:in a digital circuit, the smallest unit of data is the bit, which derives its name from the
phrase binary digit. Any single bit can only exist in one of two possible states. In a
physical digital circuit, ones and zeroes are represented by high and low voltages,
2.2 Byte: The term "byte" is a respelling of the word "bite," in order to avoid the problem of
a typo causing the two words to be mistaken for one another. If you have ever heard of an
eight bit computer, what that means is that the digital circuits within the computer are
designed to primarily handle single bytes.
2.3 Nibble: a nibble is a four-bit aggregation, or half an octet. It is also known as half-
byteor tetra byte, in a networking or telecommunication context, the nibble is often called
a semi-octet, quadbit, or quartet. A nibble has sixteen (24) possible values. A nibble can be
represented by a single hexadecimal digit and called a hex digit.
A digital system can understand positional number system only where there are a few
symbols called digits and these symbols represent different values depending on the position
they occupy in the number.
The digit
The base of the number system (where base is defined as the total number of digits
available in the number system).
In decimal number system, the decimal can be a terminating one that has a finite fractional
value (e.g. 12.500); a repeating decimal that has a non-terminating fractional value consisting
of repeating stream of digits (e.g. Value of pi). Decimal fractions have terminating decimal
expansion, whereas irrational numbers consist of infinite non-repeating decimal expansion.
The position of “6” is in One’s place, which means 6 ones (i.e. 6).
The position of “5” is in the Ten’s place, which means 5 tens (i.e. fifty).
Binary numbers are often called bits and could be represented by any two mutually
exclusive states. A binary number is based on powers of two. Like other numeral systems,
binary numbers can do arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and
division. The fundamental Boolean operations are based on binary numbers. With the help of
floating point arithmetic, binary numbers can be used to represent fractions, real numerals
and large numbers. Binary numbers can be converted to numbers of other numeral system
like the decimal system, hexadecimal system and octal system, and vice versa as well. One of
the easy methods of converting decimal number into binary is by repeated division of the
number by 2 with the remainder in each case being the concerned bit in the binary numeral
Decimal Binary
0 0000
1 0001
2 0010
3 0011
4 0100
5 0101
6 0110
7 0111
8 1000
9 1001
10 1010
The number system whose base is 8 is known as the octal number system. The base
8means the system uses eight digits from 0 to 7. All the eight digits from 0 to 8 have same
physical meaning as that of decimal numbers. The next digit in octal number is represented
by 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17 which represents the decimal digits 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
14, 15. In this manner the octal number 20 represents the decimal number 16 and
subsequently 21, 22, 23….octal numbers will show the decimal digits 17, 18, 19…etc. and so
Example: Consider the conversion of the decimal number 236.53. The conversion of integer
part is shown below.
Hexadecimal Number System is one the type of Number Representation techniques, in which
there value of base is 16. That means there are only 16 symbols or possible digit values, there
are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F. Where A, B, C, D, E and F are single bit
representations of decimal value 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 respectively. It requires only 4 bits
to represent value of any digit. Hexadecimal numbers are indicated by the addition of either
a 0 prefix or an h suffix.Position of every digit has a weight which is a power of 16. Each
position in the Hexadecimal system is 16 times more significant than the previous position,
that means numeric value of an hexadecimal number is determined by multiplying each digit
of the number by the value of the position in which the digit appears and then adding the
products. So, it is also a positional (or weighted) number system.
Each Hexadecimal number can be represented using only 4 bits, with each group of bits having
a distich values between 0000 (for 0) and 1111 (for F = 15 = 8+4+2+1). The equivalent binary
number of Hexadecimal number are as given below.
Hex digit 1 0 2 3 4 5 6 7
Hex digit 8 9 A = 10 B = 11 C = 12 D = 13 E = 14 F = 15
Hexadecimal number system is similar to octal number system. Hexadecimal number system
provides convenient way of converting large binary numbers into more compact and smaller
The AND gate is a digital logic gate with ‘n’ i/p one o/p, which perform logical conjunction
based on the combinations of its inputs. The output of this gate is true only when all the inputs
are true. When one or more inputs of the AND gate’s i/p are false, then only the output of the
AND gate is false. The symbol and truth table of an AND gate with two inputs is shown below.
4.1.2 OR Gate:
The OR gate is a digital logic gate with ‘n’ i/p and one o/p, that performs a logical conjunction
based on the combinations of its inputs. The output of the OR gate is true only when one or
more inputs are true. If all the i/p of the gate are false, then only the output of the OR gate is
false. The symbol and truth table of an OR gate with two inputs is shown below.
The NOT gate is a digital logic gate with one input and one output that operates an inverter
operation of the input. The output of the NOT gate is the reverse of the input. When the input
of the NOT gate is true then the output will be false and vice versa. The symbol and truth table
of a NOT gate with one input is shown below. By using this gate, we can implement NOR and
NAND gates
The NAND gate is a digital logic gate with ‘n’ i/p and one o/p, that performs the operation of
the AND gate followed by the operation of the NOT gate.NAND gate is designed by combining
the AND and NOT gates. If the input of the NAND gate high, then the output of the gate will
be low. The symbol and truth table of the NAND gate with two inputs is shown below.
The NOT gate is a digital logic gate with one input and one output that operates an inverter
operation of the input. The output of the NOT gate is the reverse of the input. When the input
of the NOT gate is true then the output will be false and vice versa. The symbol and truth table
of a NOT gate with one input is shown below. By using this gate, we can implement NOR and
NAND gates
The NAND gate is a digital logic gate with ‘n’ i/p and one o/p, that performs the operation of
the AND gate followed by the operation of the NOT gate.NAND gate is designed by combining
the AND and NOT gates. If the input of the NAND gate high, then the output of the gate will
be low. The symbol and truth table of the NAND gate with two inputs is shown below.
The NOR gate is a digital logic gate with n inputs and one output, that performs the operation
of the OR gate followed by the NOT gate. NOR gate is designed by combining the OR and NOT
gate. When any one of the i/p of the NOR gate is true, then the output of the NOR gate will
be false. The symbol and truth table of the NOR gate with truth table is shown below.
The Exclusive-OR gate is a digital logic gate with two inputs and one output. The short form
of this gate is Ex-OR. It performs based on the operation of OR gate. . If any one of the inputs
of this gate is high, then the output of the EX-OR gate will be high. The symbol and truth table
of the EX-OR are shown below.
The Exclusive-NOR gate is a digital logic gate with two inputs and one output. The short form
of this gate is Ex-NOR. It performs based on the operation of NOR gate. When both the inputs
of this gate are high, then the output of the EX-NOR gate will be high. But, if any one of the
inputs is high (but not both), then the output will be low. The symbol and truth table of the
EX-NOR are shown below.
According to DE Morgan’s first theorem, a NOR gate is equivalent to a bubbled AND gate. The
Boolean expressions for the bubbled AND gate can be expressed by the equation shown
below. For NOR gate, the equation is
As the NOR and bubbled gates are interchangeable, i.e., both gates have exactly identical
outputs for the same set of inputs.
This equation (1) or identity shown above is known as DE Morgan’s Theorem. The symbolic
representation of the theorem is shown in the figure below.
DE Morgan’s Second Theorem states that the NAND gate is equivalent to a bubbled OR gate.
The Boolean expression for the NAND gate is given by the equation shown below.
The Boolean expression for the bubbled OR gate is given by the equation shown belo
Since NAND and bubbled OR gates are interchangeable, i.e., both gates have identical outputs
for the same set of inputs. Therefore, the equations become as given below.
This identity or equation (2) shown above is known as DE Morgan’s Second Theorem.
Digital circuits use digital signals to operate. These signals have binary values; they can be
either one or zero. Zero represents false or low state whereas one represents true or high
state. Boolean algebra helps to describe the binary numbers and binary variables. To be more
specific, a Boolean function is an algebraic form of Boolean expression. It is also possible to
simplify Boolean functions of digital circuits using Boolean laws and theorems. Furthermore,
SOP and POS are two methods of representing Boolean expressions.
SOP stands for Sum of Products. Writing a Boolean expression using product terms is called
Sum of Products form. The product terms are also known as min-terms. An example is as
POS stands for Product of Sums. Writing a Boolean expression using sum terms is called
Product of Sum form. We also call the sum terms as max-terms.
For example, assume that P and Q are input variables and F is the output variable. Here, we
take the variable for 0 and take the complement of the variable for 1. Then we can write the
max terms by writing the sum terms.
For a Boolean function of n variables, a sum term in which each of the n variables appears
once (either in its complemented or un-complemented form) is called a maxterm. Thus, a
maxterm is a logical expression of n variables that employs only the complement operator
and the disjunction operator.
In many digital circuits and practical problems we need to find expression with minimum
variables. We can minimize Boolean expressions of 3, 4 variables very easily using K-map
without using any Boolean algebra theorems. K-map can take two forms Sum of Product (SOP)
and Product of Sum (POS) according to the need of problem. K-map is table like
representation but it gives more information than TRUTH TABLE. We fill grid of K-map with
0’s and 1’s then solve it by making groups.
Z= ∑A, B, C (1, 3, 6, 7)
• Combinational logic uses only the present inputs to determine the output while sequential
logic uses both present inputs as well as previous outputs to determine the current input.
• Combinational logic is used to implement basic Boolean operations while sequential logic is
used to create memory elements.
• Sequential logic uses the feedbacks from the output to inputs while combinational logic
does not require feedbacks.
A demultiplexer (or demux) is a device that takes a single input line and routes it to one of
several digital output lines. A demultiplexer of 2n outputs has n select lines, which are used to
select which output line to send the input. A demultiplexer is also called a data distributor.
Demultiplexers can be used to implement general purpose logic. By setting the input to true,
the demux behaves as a decoder.
In electronics, a flip-flop or latch is a circuit that has two stable states and can be used to
store state information – a bistablemultivibrator. The circuit can be made to change state
by signals applied to one or more control inputs and will have one or two outputs. It is the
basic storage element in sequential logic. Flip-flops and latches are fundamental building
blocks of digital electronics systems used in computers, communications, and many other
types of systems.
Flip-flops and latches are used as data storage elements. A flip-flop is a device which stores a
single bit (binary digit) of data; one of its two states represents a "one" and the other
represents a "zero". Such data storage can be used for storage of state, and such a circuit is
described as sequential logic in electronics. When used in a finite-state machine, the output
and next state depend not only on its current input, but also on its current state (and hence,
previous inputs). It can also be used for counting of pulses, and for synchronizing variably-
timed input signals to some reference timing signal.
Counter is a digital device and the output of the counter includes a predefined state based on
the clock pulse applications. The output of the counter can be used to count the number of
pulses. Generally, counters consist of a flip-flop arrangement which can be synchronous
counter or asynchronous counter. In synchronous counter, only one clock i/p is given to all
flip-flops, whereas in asynchronous counter, the o/p of the flip flop is the clock signal from
the nearby one. The applications of the microcontroller need counting of exterior events such
as exact internal time delay generation and the frequency of the pulse trains. These events
are frequently used in digital systems & computers. Both these events can be executed by
software techniques, but software loops for counting will not give the exact result slightly
more important functions are not done. These problems can be rectified by timers and
counters in the microcontrollers which are used as interrupts.
Flip flops can be used to store a single bit of binary data (1or 0). However, in order to store
multiple bits of data, we need multiple flip flops. N flip flops are to be connected in an order
to store n bits of data. A Register is a device which is used to store such information. It is a
group of flip flops connected in series used to store multiple bits of data.
The information stored within these registers can be transferred with the help of shift
registers. Shift Register is a group of flip flops used to store multiple bits of data. The bits
stored in such registers can be made to move within the registers and in/out of the registers
by applying clock pulses. An n-bit shift register can be formed by connecting n-flip flops where
each flip flop stores a single bit of data the register which will shift the bits to left are called
“shift the registers”. The register which wills shift the bits to right are called “shift right
Data conversion is the process of changing one from of data in to another form. In processing
and communication there are only two types of data forms i.e analog and digital data. The
converter which converts the digital data in to analog data is called analog to digital to analog
converter (ADC) and in the same the converter which converts digital to analog is called as
In the growing digital world processing and transmitting of digital data became easy & secure
with the computer world. Most complicated applications or logic can be easily programmable
in the digital computer compared to analog circuits. This enabled the use of converting analog
form of data in to digital form. Even though the processing has been done in digital form the
final element which has to reflect the data is most probably responds to analog signals
compared to digital signals. This utilizes the digital to analog conversion techniques. In a
summarized way the analog signals at the input of the system converted to digital form and
they are converted back to analog before applying final element i.e. at the output of the
This report will explain the street light circuit system we had to build as well as the technique
we had to implement and efficiently completing this as a team.
The mini project we built is an electronic system, like many others it uses an Input-Processing-
Output structure. The first system had an output of a flashing LED. The second system, the
output was a speaker. Both were processed by a 555 Integrated Circuit. The report explains
how to build the circuit, the problems that may arise, and the lessons learned.
From Felder’s learning style inventory, when describing components and circuit functions, our
team were more visual than verbal. The visual representations of the circuits [2] we built were
a valuable aid in understanding the configurations [3] as well as the function. The organization
of information we gathered adhered closely to the inductive method—that is to be given facts
and observations. As a team, we progressed towards understanding sequentially rather than
globally, following step-by-step procedural methods.
The pyramid represents Bloom’s six functions that represent the “Cognitive Domain”.
According to Benjamin Bloom [1], there exist domains of education activities. In regards to
theCognitive domain in FIGURE 1, we found that our team went through each level in order.
Evaluation– we focused on the materials we needed, as well as the instructions, and sorting
it out in a manner which expedited different responsibilities to each team member.
Synthesis– putting together the circuit, and combining our equipment to make a different
Analysis – this step involved our team troubleshooting the kinks in our circuit when it wasn’t
functioning as it should.
Application – we observed that our circuit could be used with different outputs media.
Knowledge –knowing how to build the circuit, learning the behavior of currents within, the
function of new devices, and the ability to rebuild without instruction.
Leading a team requires excellent communication, organizing meeting times and expediting
responsibilities to team members. As well as overseeing the overall progress of the project,
our leader spent time in each task assigned to ensure the project would be complete in a
timely manner.
Certifying the circuit required focus and determination, which meant building the circuit first
hand. This gave a better intuition of the circuit’s function and how it can be modified, as well
as learning several common mistakes made in building it and how to troubleshoot for these
mistakes. This task also required communication, in learning about components and
explaining to the team how they work. This garnered a better comprehension of bridging the
gap between theory and execution.
Reporting and preparing the presentation requires an extraordinary amount of attention to
detail. This task meant gathering different information from the team and compiling it into
something cohesive, uniform and presentable. The most important aspect of reporting is
determining which information is relevant to the project, and how much of it to include.
Working together as a team allowed us to efficiently apply different skills to different parts of
the project. Teamwork allowed us to successfully demonstrate, report, and prepare a
Required hardware
jumper wire
AC supply
Required software
Kell compiler
Street light .
Garden light.
Block diagram
When LDR allows the current to flow this block diagram of circuitry goes into working
condition. IR sensors start emitting IR rays via IR transmitters. As soon as any vehicle crosses
or obstructs the path of IR rays and prohibits it to reach at IR receivers the microcontroller
starts getting the blockage signals. The programming installed in microcontroller starts
running which basically presented here allows three street lights to glow that are- the light in
front of vehicle, behind the vehicle and parallel to vehicle making backward and forward
street visible. Transformer converts the high 230V AC to 12V AC, Rectifier converts it into DC.
For voltage regulation we are using LM 7805 and 7812 to produce ripple free 5 and 12 volts
DC constant supply. Emitting Diode (LED) replaces HID lamps by engaging a programmable
microcontroller that controls the street light on/off conditions.
https://www.academia.edu › PROJECT_NAME_ALTERNATING_LED