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Eti Microproject

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Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s Polytechnic

Thergaon Pune-33

Sixth Semester
(Year: 2021-22)
Micro Project
Emerging trends in IT (22618)
Title of the Project: Mobile Phones and Cloud Computing


Branch: Computer Engineering (CO6I)

Members of the Group

1. Ramkumar Chhoteram Malvi Roll No. 190349

2. Rita Ganesh Landge Roll No. 190350

3. Ashish Ramesh Sarpate Roll No. 190351

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai


This is to certify that

Mr. /Ms Ramkumar Chhoteram Malvi

Roll No. 190349 of Fifth Semester of Diploma in

Computer Engineering of Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s Polytechnic

has completed the Micro Project satisfactorily in course Emerging

trends in IT (22618)for the academic year 2021-22 as prescribed in the


Place Pune Enrollment No 1909890170

Date _______________ Exam Seat No _______________________

Course Coordinator HOD Principal

Institute Seal
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai


This is to certify that

Mr. /Ms Rita Ganesh Landge

Roll No. 190350 of Fifth Semester of Diploma in

Computer Engineering of Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s Polytechnic

has completed the Micro Project satisfactorily in course Emerging

trends in IT (22618)for the academic year 2021-22 as prescribed in the


Place Pune Enrollment No 1909890171

Date _______________ Exam Seat No _______________________

Course Coordinator HOD Principal

Institute Seal
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai


This is to certify that

Mr. /Ms Ashish Ramesh Sarpate

Roll No. 190351 of Fifth Semester of Diploma in

Computer Engineering of Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s Polytechnic

has completed the Micro Project satisfactorily in course Emerging

trends in IT (22618)for the academic year 2021-22 as prescribed in the


Place Pune Enrollment No 1909890172

Date _______________ Exam Seat No _______________________

Course Coordinator HOD Principal

Institute Seal

Progress Report / Weekly Report
Name of the Project: Mobile Phones and Cloud Computing

Course: Emerging trends in IT (22618) Computer Engineering (CO6I) Roll No. 190349

Sign of
Week Duration
Date Work / Activity Performed the
No in Hrs.
1 1hr Project was allocated to our group

Ma'am explained what content should be in Micro

2 1hr

3 1hr We made a rough draft of the project

We showed to ma'am and ma'am told the changes

4 1hr
to done in it
We started a deep research on "Distributed Data
5 1hr
Mining Approach to Credit card Fraud Detection"
We got some architecture related to "Distributed
6 1hr Data Mining Approach to Credit card Fraud
For knowing those architecture in deep we
7 1hr
distributed the architectures in group

8 1hr Every group member studied allotted architecture

Every group member explained their studied

9 1hr
architecture to other group members
We started to put our research in the documentation
10 1hr

11 1hr We completed the Introduction

We wrote the content we studied in a proper format

12 1hr
on a paper
We typed the content of the architectures in the
13 1hr

14 1hr We completed the document

We attached the certificate and 16 week format to

15 1hr
the document

16 1hr We submitted the Micro project


Progress Report / Weekly Report
Name of the Project: Mobile Phones and Cloud Computing

Course: Emerging trends in IT (22618) Computer Engineering (CO6I) Roll No. 190350

Sign of
Week Duration
Date Work / Activity Performed the
No in Hrs.
1 1hr Project was allocated to our group

Ma'am explained what content should be in Micro

2 1hr

3 1hr We made a rough draft of the project

We showed to ma'am and ma'am told the changes

4 1hr
to done in it
We started a deep research on "Distributed Data
5 1hr
Mining Approach to Credit card Fraud Detection"
We got some architecture related to "Distributed
6 1hr Data Mining Approach to Credit card Fraud
For knowing those architecture in deep we
7 1hr
distributed the architectures in group

8 1hr Every group member studied allotted architecture

Every group member explained their studied

9 1hr
architecture to other group members
We started to put our research in the documentation
10 1hr

11 1hr We completed the Introduction

We wrote the content we studied in a proper format

12 1hr
on a paper
We typed the content of the architectures in the
13 1hr

14 1hr We completed the document

We attached the certificate and 16 week format to

15 1hr
the document

16 1hr We submitted the Micro project


Progress Report / Weekly Report
Name of the Project: Mobile Phones and Cloud Computing

Course: Emerging trends in IT (22618) Computer Engineering (CO6I) Roll No. 190351

Sign of
Week Duration
Date Work / Activity Performed the
No in Hrs.
1 1hr Project was allocated to our group

Ma'am explained what content should be in Micro

2 1hr

3 1hr We made a rough draft of the project

We showed to ma'am and ma'am told the changes

4 1hr
to done in it

5 1hr We started a deep research on our topic

We got some architecture related to " Mobile

6 1hr
Phones and Cloud Computing "
For knowing those architecture in deep we
7 1hr
distributed the architectures in group

8 1hr Every group member studied allotted architecture

Every group member explained their studied

9 1hr
architecture to other group members
We started to put our research in the documentation
10 1hr

11 1hr We completed the Introduction

We wrote the content we studied in a proper format

12 1hr
on a paper
We typed the content of the architectures in the
13 1hr

14 1hr We completed the document

We attached the certificate and 16 week format to

15 1hr
the document

16 1hr We submitted the Micro project

Teacher Evaluation Sheet for Micro Project

Course Title and Code: - Emerging trends in IT (22618)

Title of the Project: - Mobile Phones and Cloud Computing


Group No: - 18

COs addressed by the Micro Project:

CO__a_: Describe Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning and deep learning

Co b : Describe Ethical Hacking process

CO__c_: Detect Network, Operating System and application vulnerabilities



Roll No. Name Of Student Marks for Marks Total

Group Work obtained by the Marks
(06) individual (10)
based on viva

190349 Ramkumar Chhoteram Malvi

190350 Rita Ganesh Landge

190351 Ashish Ramesh Sarpate

Name and designation of Faculty Member: Mrs. Singh Arati

Lecturer in Computer Dept

Signature: _____________________________________________

Cloud computing is a hot topic in various media, and it is stated that it has the potential to
transform large parts of the IT industry (Armbrust, Fox, Griffith, Joseph, Katz, Konwinski, Lee,
Patterson, Rabkin, Stoica & Zaharia, 2009). Others claim that it is only a buzzword and that the
technology has been around for years, for example in the form of grid computing and computing
as a utility (Reese, 2009; Rittinghouse & Ransome, 2010). It is said to be just another attempt to
market and pack existing technology in a new way (Krishnan, 2010). There is also a lot of
confusion on what the term actually means or includes (Rittinghouse & Ransome, 2010;
Armbrust et al, 2009) which is not surprising when the term covers a remarkably wide area.
However, the critique is mainly directed towards to the term itself and many claims that the idea
of cloud computing is here to stay, that there is great potential in the technology (Chow, Golle,
Jakobsson, Masuoka, Molina, Shi & Staddon, 2009; Krishnan, 2010; Reese 2009; Rittinghouse
& Ransome, 2010). The mobile phone is the new personal computer (Allen, Graupera &
Lundrigan, 2010) and its functionality is continually increasing (Carroll & Heiser, 2010). Mobile
phones are increasingly used for web browsing, email and multimedia, to mention a few areas
(Nurminen, 2010). However, the portability and small size of the device has its limitations when
it comes, for example, to battery life (Miettinen & Nurminen, 2010; Othman & Hailes, 1998;
Palmer, Kemp, Kielmann & Bal, 2009) and computational performance. Cloud computing has
been suggested to improve mobile phones in various ways, but two common areas are battery life
extension and computational offloading (Kumar & Lu, 2010). The aim of this thesis is to
investigate if the cloud can be used to execute mobile phone application functions faster by
offloading the task to the cloud, in comparison to execute the function on the mobile phone. The
collaboration advantages, and disadvantages, with mobile phones and cloud computing will also
be investigated as well as if different phones models with different network connections are more
or less suitable for offloading.

“Mobile phones are set to become the universal interface to online services and cloud
computing applications” (Giurgui et al., 2009). Generally mobile phone applications run
locally on the mobile phone. This means that the application is downloaded and then
executed on the mobile phone. The application might interact with servers on the Internet to
get information that the application need, but the computation and processing of data is
mainly performed on the mobile phone, which has its limitations when it comes to mobile
phone hardware as previously mentioned. A cloud computing mobile phone application can
be downloaded in the same way as a local mobile phone application but would execute on a
server instead of on the mobile phone. The application would function as a communicator
with the cloud server which function would be to display the data received by it. Another
approach is to access the application through the mobile phone’s web browser. For example
Google Docs that is a word processor accessed through a web browser (Google Docs, 2012).
In this case there is no need to download any application, the application is available directly
through the web browser. A third alternative is a hybrid mobile phone application that partly
operates in the cloud and partly on the mobile phone. For example a mobile phone
application that runs on the mobile phone but files generated are saved in the cloud. Chen,
Kang, Kandemir, Vijaykrishnan, Irwin & Chandramouli and Miettinen & Nurminen describe
how mobile phone applications could offload computational tasks to the cloud if the
condition for doing so would be beneficial (Chen et al., 2004; Miettinen & Nurminen, 2010).
Applications that save data, generated by it, in the cloud are another example. Pictures, game
scores, phone contacts etcetera could all be saved in the cloud to make them available to
other devices. This is a development trend that might become more and more common while
mobile phone manufacturers tries to integrated mobile phones with other devices they are
manufacturing, for example Google TV (Google TV, 2012)
Here are some specific advantages generated by applications designed under mobile
cloud computing architecture:

Applications enjoy better processing power and data storage capacity

Applications run more efficiently, thus extending battery life
Applications are more user-friendly and easier to integrate
Applications are more reliable and scalable

Real time example of Mobile Phones and Cloud Computing

DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): The success of drug development and clinical research
is heavily dependent on the quality of data, patience compliance, and statistical analysis.
Traditional data collection via paper-pencil is labor- intensive and inconvenient, often leading to
missing, noisy or invalid entries. There is always a challenge to monitor patients' medication
compliance. When conducting analyses, traditional statistical methods lack of flexibility to make
faster decisions. Seeing the ubiquitous application of wireless technologies and the quick
emergence of Cloud Computing and Bayesian adaptive statistics in the pharmaceutical industry,
we propose to develop a system called 'portable-devices based Data Solutions over the Cloud'
(pDSC) for real-time data collection, scalable data storage, remote patient monitoring, and
Bayesian adaptive clinical trial design. pDSC enables faster, cheaper, and effective clinical
studies. Phase I of this project was highly successful. A prototype system was developed and
tested by potential users. The business concept was highly acceptable for personalized data
collection and analysis using the web-phone architecture. The feasibility of combing body area
sensor networks with 3G wireless networks for collecting behavioral, psychosocial, geo-spatial
and physiological data was fully verified. The protocols between iPhone and the web
applications were developed and the method of high-performance Bayesian computation in the
cloud was investigated. This Phase II proposal aims to fully develop the pDSC system to use
smart phones and other portable devices for real-time data collection and patient monitoring.
pDSC will be developed over the Windows Azure cloud platform with secure and scalable data
storage mechanisms andinterfaces to access other software tools for Bayesian adaptive design
and interim analysis. The technical development will enable us to form a contracted research
organization (CRO). It will offer cost-effective data services, fully complying with FDA
guidelines, to help academic and pharmaceutical industry clients develop medicines to meet the
goal of personalized treatment and patient-centered care. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE:
Quality of data and analysis is crucial for the success of any clinical research. The proposed
solution based on wireless and Internet technologies and Bayesian adaptive methods will greatly
enlarge the capacity and cost-effectiveness of data solutions in developing pharmaceutical
products. It has great potential to meet the needs of next generation clinical research and
healthcare delivery featured by personalized medicine, patient-centered service, and prevention-
oriented care.
Working or process of model

1. Software as a Service (SaaS)

Software as a Service or SaaS refers to: “The capability provided to the consumer is to use the
provider’s applications running on a cloud infrastructure.” (Mell & Grance, 2009). The
traditional method of purchasing software requires the customer to locally install an application
on their computer and use licenses to authorize the usage. With SaaS the customer pays for the
software on a subscription level and does not need to install any software on their computers.
The software, application, is instead accessed via the Internet, through a web browser (Mather et
al., 2009). An example of this is Google Docs which is a word processing application offered
online. The user can access the application through a web browser, create documents and use all
the features of the application (Google Docs, 2012). What differs SaaS from PaaS and IaaS is
that the user will not alter the application itself, nor the hardware that the application runs on, or
the network configuration. What Google offers with Google Docs is an application that the user
can use but not directly alter. It is like a traditional computer program but used through the
Internet. According to Reese (2009), Rittinghouse & Ransome (2010) SaaS applications are
accessed through a web browser, and there is no need to install the application to use it (Reese,
2009; Rittinghouse & Ransome, 2010). Other characteristics of cloud computing does also apply,
that the application always should be accessible and that no specific platform should be needed

2 . Platform as a Service (PaaS)

“In a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) model, the vendor offers a development environment to
application developers, who develop applications and offer those services through the provider’s
platform” (Mather et al., 2009). In comparison to SaaS where the application already exists, and
is usually owned by the cloud provider, PaaS offers the possibility to 11 create and modify
applications. It is an outgrowth of the SaaS application delivery model (Rittinghouse &
Ransome, 2010). To aid the developer, different tools are provided like programming languages
and Application Programming Interfaces (API). In comparison to cloud Infrastructure as a
Service, IaaS, the user does not control the virtualization instance or network configuration of the
cloud server (Mell & Grance, 2009). An example of PaaS is Google App Engine that offers the
possibility to create Java, Python and Go applications on servers hosted by Google (Google App
Engine, 2012; Reese, 2009).
3. Cloud Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

“Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is the delivery of computer hardware (servers, networking

technology, storage, and data center space) as a service. It may also include the delivery of
operating systems and virtualization technology to manage the resources.” (Hurwitz et al., 2010).
The actual network infrastructure of the cloud servers does not lay in the hands of the user, but
rather network options like firewalls, storage, operating systems etcetera (Mell & Grance, 2009).
An example of IaaS is Amazon EC2, where virtual servers can be set up and configured over a
web based interface within minutes (Amazon EC2, 2012; Hurwitz et al., 2010). The customer
can choose operating system, database and application development environment which gives
the customer greater control over the hardware in comparison to PaaS. The customer has the
possibility to configure the servers based on their needs, which generally includes more
maintenance in comparison to PaaS but also more options. These three service models
constitutes the general model of cloud computing. It is a very broad concept and there are many
different definitions, and new ones are coined frequently. SaaS, PaaS and IaaS are the most
encountered in cloud computing literature and are basically divided by hardware abstraction
level. Youseff & Dilma Da Silva illustrates this in figure 1, where two additional lower layers
were added, the Firmware/Hardware and the Software Kernel (Youseff & Dilma Da Silva,
2009), it illustrates how interconnected the different layers are.

Nowadays, Cloud Computing is moving is big steps towards becoming the most popular
and the most used technology, either in the organizational context, or smaller units. Considering
this, and also considering that mobile technology is another useful technology that provides
flexibility, compactness and portability, the big players in the IT industry are really focused in
generating as optimal as possible solutions that will fit for mobile devices also.
The research done in this paper is trying to illustrate the latest trends in the IT
industry, by providing information from different resources.
Considering the tables, assumptions and everything mentioned in this paper, seems that Mobile
Cloud Computing will soon take the lead as the most trendy technology to pay attention to.


 "Data Mining Techniques - Javatpoint" https://www.javatpoint.com/data-mining-

 "Credit card - Wikipedia" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Credit_card
 "Fraud - Wikipedia" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fraud
 "Overall Architecture of Distributed Fraud Detection System | Download Scientific
Diagram" https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Overall-Architecture-of-Distributed-
 "Data cleansing - Wikipedia" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_cleansing

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