Amateur Radio Examination Reviewer For Class C
Amateur Radio Examination Reviewer For Class C
Amateur Radio Examination Reviewer For Class C
(Element 2,3,4)
1. No Radio station in the amateur radio service shall be operated except and in accordance with a valid
permit or license issued by the
Answer: No
5. Amateur class "C" licensee is authorized to operate HF stations with an output power not to exceed
8. The minimum age requirement for an applicant to qualify for an amateur examination is
Answer: 12 years
9. An examinee in the code test for an amateur operator is considered passed if he/she has committed
no error for a period of one (1) minute reception provided further that he/she has transcribed at least
10. To facilitate the reception of distress calls all transmission on 145.00 MHZ shall be kept to a
minimum and shall not exceed
11. This channel is used only for emergency communications and general calling for radiotelephony.
13. The speed requirement for an examinee for Class "A" code test is
14. The speed requirement for an examinee for Class "B" code test is
15. The speed requirement for an examinee for Class "C" code test is
16. The speed requirement for an examinee for Class "D" code test is
Answer: None
17. A candidate for any class of amateur license is required to obtain an average of
Answer: 70%
19. What instruments are required for the operation of an amateur station?
21. All transmission in the amateur radio service shall carry identification signals known as
Answer: No
25. The radio frequencies allocated for amateur stations shall be used strictly in accordance with
27. Operation of portable stations must not extend beyond one (1) month in any other area without
28. If the operation of a portable station should exceed four (4) months in any other area, what must be
applied for?
29. When shall a person other than the licensed radio amateur allowed to use the latter radio
Answer: when the operation is under the direct supervision or control of the licensee
30. The Philippines is divided into how many radio amateur districts?
32. An amateur association should have how many number of members to qualify for accreditation by
the NTC?
Answer: 25
33. The fixed amateur radio station of an association, club or society shall be licensed under the name of
34. One of the grounds for the revocation/suspension of a radio amateur license is
35. In case of loss of an amateur certificate of amateur radio station license, what should an amateur
36. When should an amateur radio station license without modification be filed for renewal?
Answer: 30 days before expiration date
38. What is the maximum penalty levied to an individual who violates the provisions of the radio control
39. What is the maximum penalty levied to a company that violates the provisions of the radio control
Answer: addressee
Answer: Someone who performs communications for self training and experimentation
44. Ordinarily an amateur station logbook must be kept for how long after the date of last entry?
45. An amateur radio station logbook with a distress traffic entry should be kept for a period of
Answer: never
Answer: No
50. Holder of class "C" amateur certificates may possess how many amateur radio stations?
51. A holder of Class C amateur license renews 3 years and expired 14 months. How much the filing fee?
52. When is citizen of another country qualified to take examination and applied for an amateur license
53. if a Class C amateur passes the examination for upgrade to a Class B, how does he effect the upgrade
of his license?
54. What application should be file with the NTC when an amateur license has been lost mutilated or
55. A Candidate for any class of amateur license is required to obtain an average of….
56. What document is used by NTC authorizing the holder to purchase a radio transmitter or
58. DU1ABC Transmitting in Iloilo and stay 4 months and apply modification of call sign, what call sign
shall ne use to transmit?
Answer: DU6ABC
59. Which one below is valid amateur call sign in the Philippines?
Answer: DU1EOV
60. What is DY, DW, DV, or 4F in the formation of amateur call sign?
Answer: Prefix
62. 145.000 MHz +/-25 kHz emergency frequency transmitting how long should be to facilitate the
reception in Distress call?
63. What is the Federation of National Amateur radio society worldwide which serves as the watchdog
and spokesperson for the World Amateur Radio Community in the International?
64. In 2011 the NTC issued memorandum Circular 04-03-2011 on some frequency which shall be used.
65. Portable operation must not exceed beyond one (1) month in any area without obtaining specific for
continue operation.
66. Rules and Regulations governing the amateur radio service to be known as…
Answer: District 2
68. Class B amateur shall be allowed to take the examination for class A provided they have been holder
of valid class B license for at least…
Answer: 12 months
69. A radio portable intended to be used during unspecified halts or while in motion is Called..
71. What the maximum term for amateur radio station license?
Answer: 3 years
72. What is not included in the frequency bands for amateur radio services?
73. The frequency for transmitting operating below ___ must be suspended during the period of
75. Simultaneous transmission of sound and picture (amateur TV) on all frequency above ____ MHz is
allowed of authorized by NTC..
Answer: 40 MHz
76. A radio teletype transmission the frequency shift shall not exceed ____ hertz…
78. The Amateur license of Mr. Abe expired 2007 what condition must be meet in order to review his
amateur Class C license if he file application for license on Aug. 24, 2013?
Answer: He must pass appropriate exam before another license may be issued.
Answer: Mayday
Answer: SOS
81. If an amateur with DU3DYG call sign temporarily operate a portable station in Zamboangga for less
than a months, how could he identify his station in radio telephony?
82. Dv3rxc Transmitting in Pangasinan and stay 4 months and apply modification of call sign. What call
sign shall use to transmit?
Answer: DV2RXC
83. What is the amateur station so designed that it may conveniently be move about from place to place
or personally carried and be operate while in motion or temporary halts?
84. What is the amateur station installed on board vehicle or vessel and intended to be used while in
85. What frequency range on 2 meter VHF can be used by amateur in the Philippines?
87. What document shall a duly accredited amateur club enter into with NTC for the management of its
member in the proper use of amateur frequency bands and prevention of harmful interference?
88. How should frequency bands allocated for a particular class of amateur be used by duly authorized
Answer: District 7
90. Posting the call sign of fixed amateur station shall be posted at the entrance to premises where the
fixed station located.
91. Posting a call sign on the windshield of the vehicle or vessel with character at least..
92. In Class C exam fail in element III and IV but passes element II (70%) shall eligible for..
93. Which of the following methods is encouraged by the NTC when identifying your station when using
94. In voice Communication may be plain language either English, Filipino or any of the Philippines
Answer: Q Codes
95. A radio station in the amateur service installed at specific and fixed location.
96. Refers to Telecommunication by means of radio waves conducted by or among duly authorized
amateur operators on non commercial basis..
97. A group compose of NTC personnel and class A amateur from the national amateur radio
organization who assist the NTC in formulating policies, rules and regulation and exam question for the
amateur radio services.
99. A radio communication services using space station and earth satellite for the purpose as those of
the amateur radio services.
Answer: NTC
Answer: Radio
Element 3
1. Two resistors, R3 and R2 which are connected in parallel, is connected in series to R1. If the source of
volume is 250 volts, what is the current flowing across R2? R1 = 500 ohms, R2= 800 ohms, R3 = 2000
3. A resistor is marked as green, black, orange, no color. What is the value of this resistor?
4. What is the value of a resistor whose marking are GREEN, BLUE, BROWN SILVER?
5. What is the value of resistor whose marking are violet, blue, red, gold?
6. What is the value of a resistor with color markings blue, gray, brown?
Answer: 10-12
Answer: 0.000000001
Answer: 1 000000
10. The prefix GIGA means, ten raised to the power of ____
Answer: 9
11. The logarithm of the output power over the input power multiplied by 10
Answer: Decibel
12. A resistive load of 3000 ohms is connected across a resonant circuit in which the inductive and
capacitive reactance are each 300 ohms. What is the circuit Q?
Answer: 10
Answer: Zero
14. How much power shall be converted to heat in a 4000 ohms resistor if the current is 350 mA?
Answer: 490 w
16. What is the voltage across a capacitor of 100 pf at 14.30 MHz if the current through the capacitor is
50 mA?
Answer: 5.6 V
17. The instrument used to monitor relative RF output when the transmitter and antenna are being
adjusted is called
18. Three resistors are connected in parallel. What is the total resistance in the R1 = 100 ohms, R@ =
200 ohms, R3 is 300 ohms?
Answer: 54 ohms
19. The 3 capacitors with a value of 15 of each are connected in series. What is the total capacitance?
Answer: 5 uf
20. Two non-interacting capacitors are in series. One has a value of 10pF, the other of 20pF. What is the
resulting reactance in a circuit operating at 28 MHz?
Answer: 852
21. Two resistors having a value of 15 ohms and 7 ohms are connected in series across a 220 volt source.
What is the voltage across 7 ohms?
22. One of the formulas does not satisfy the Ohms Law
Answer: V=I/R V = I x R
23. A ____ is an instrument that measures resistance less than one ohm.
Answer: Siemens
Answer: Siemens
26. The condition in an ac circuit containing both capacitive and inductive reactance in which the
reactance’s are equal
Answer: Resonance
Answer: Inductance
28. What happens with the resistance of a copper wire if we increase its diameter?
Answer: Reduced
30. A copper wire has a resistance of 10 ohms/metes. What is the resistance if the length is 40 meters?
Answer: Parallel
32. To be able to have at 4.5 volts do one may use this combination of flashlight batteries
33. The tendency of RF currents to flow along the surface of the wire at high frequencies is called _____
Answer: Skin effect
34. The main problem with this phenomenon is that increases the effective resistance of a wire for ac at
moderate to high frequencies, compared with the resistance of the same wire at direct current (dc) and
low ac frequencies
35. The characteristics of electronic equipment that permits undesired responses when subjected to
electromagnetic energy
Answer: Immunity
36. A series circuit consisting of an inductive reactance of 100 ohms and a resistance of 75 ohms is
connected to a source of 250 volts. What is the phase angle?
Answer: 53
37. A series circuit consisting of an inductive reactance of 100 ohms and a resistance of 75 ohms is
connected to a source of 250 volts. What is the power factor?
Answer: 60%
38. A capacitor of a reactance of 16 ohms is in parallel with a resistor of 12 ohms. What is the resulting
Answer: 10
39. A capacitor with a reactance of 16 ohms is in parallel with a resistor of 12 ohms. What is the
resulting PHASE ANGLE?
Answer: -37o
40. How much current is flowing through the resistor if the resistance is 35 ohms and the voltage is 140
Answer: 4 amps
42. What is the frequency of operation when wavelength of the radio signal is 3 meters long?
44. What is the wavelength 9 (in meters) of an RF wave whose frequency is 14 MHz?
Answer: 21 m
Answer: EHF
Answer: UHF
48. AM radio station with the frequency of 666 kHz? Is under what classification?
Answer: MF
50. Two non-interacting inductances are in series. Each has a value of 4.0 uH, and the operating
frequency is 3.8 MHz what is the resulting reactance?
Answer: 96
51. What is the peak voltage on a capacitor if the RMS voltage of a sinusoidal waveform is 150 V ac?
Answer: 212 V
Answer: Current
53. What is the bandwidth of a series-resonant circuit operating on 145 MHz with a Qu of 100?
Answer: 1
Element 4
Answer: Reflectometer
Answer: Germanium
3. Transmitting stations must have this installed to have a mean of draining static energy charges from
antenna system
Answer: Lightning arresters
5. What is the power of transmitter with voltmeter reading of 1100 volts and 500 mA?
Answer: 550 W
Answer: Ammeter
7. This equipment provides visual display of amplitude versus frequency of a signal on a cathode ray
Answer: Resistance
Answer: 2400 Hz
11. Hams must regularly tune their transceivers. This must be done using ____ to ensure no interference
to other users of the band
13. The Q-codes are extensively used in the amateur service QTH means ____
Answer: Location
Answer: Bronze
16. The equipment is a simple audio amplifier with high impedance input used to “hear” a signal in a
Answer: Measure RF
18. If a 0.1 dc milliammeter is to be converted into a voltmeter with full scale calibration of 100 volts,
what value of resistance should be connected in series with the milliameter?
20. It is an instrument that measures the relative power being radiated from an antenna
22. Identical or match impedance of antenna and transmission line will result in?
23. A circuit that is complete and therefore allows current to flow is called ___
Answer: Balun
Answer: 17:00
29. This is a mathematical technique for determining the frequency content of a signal and when applied
will improve the signal to noise ratio
31. Four passive elements (such as resistors, inductors) connected as a pair of voltage dividers with a
meter or other measuring device across two opposite junctions
32. If a signal covers the frequency 14200 to 14250 kHz what is the bandwidth?
Answer: 50 kHz
33. How should a voltmeter be connected to the circuit to measure the current across the shunt?
36. When communications are disrupted as a result of a disaster, the license of a station may:
40. The origin of interfering signal can be located with the use of a direction finder by
Answer: Triaqulation
41. What must the radio operator do before beginning a call or a test transmission?
Answer: P = VI
44. An effective ___ system is necessary for every amateur station because it provides a common
reference potential for all parts of the ac system and reduces the risk of electric shock
Answer: HF
Answer: Inductance
48. A radio operator must check for any ongoing communications on the frequency prior to:
49. Digital Frequency Counters are often used in the radio world. What is not an application or use of
this equipment?