Oral Anatomy
Oral Anatomy
Oral Anatomy
1. Height of cervical Maxillary > Mandibular, Anterior > 15. What are the two Maxillary 2nd molars and
lines follow what Posterior, Mesial > Distal primary teeth that only mandibular central incisors
general rules? contact one other tooth?
2. How does the dentin Deciduous has a thiner more 16. What are the two teeth Maxillary 1st premolar, and
and enamel compare consistent enamel cap, dentin is to have a longer mesial Deciduous maxillary canine
between deciduous thicker, and the pulp horns are cusp slope than distal?
and permanent teeth? higher (MB)
17. What does I, J and M Incisal third, Junction of the
3. How do the facial and They are around the same size stand for? incisal and middle third, Middle
lingual embrasures third
compare for the
18. What does the pulp Kidney shaped (Hourglass)
mandibular incisors?
chamber look like for
4. How do the mesial Flat or convex the maxillary 1st
and distal contours of premolar?
all permanent teeth
19. What is the definition The arch circumfrence between
of Leeway space? the primary canine, 1st, and 2nd
5. How do the roots and Distobuccally and mesiolingually, molar and the permanent canine,
crowns incline for the respectively 1st and 2nd premolars
mandibular molars?
20. What is the exception to The maxillary first molar, which
6. How do the roots and Distolingually and mesiobuccally, the flat mesial and has mesial and distal concavities
crowns incline for the respectively distal contours?
maxillary molars?
21. What is the first non- Mandibular 1st molar
7. How long does it take 2.5 years vs. 1.5 years succedaneous tooth to
for the root to form erupt?
for an adult
22. What is the longest Maxillary canine
compared to a child?
8. The mesial HOC for The Junction of the occlusal and
23. What is the order of Central incisors, lateral incisors,
the maxillary and middle third, a little buccally ( All
eruption for the first molars, canines, second
mandibular 1st other posterior teeth the mesial
deciduous dentition? molars
molars is located HOC is the middle third)
where? 24. What is the purpose of Prevent food from being lodged
the inter-proximal between the teeth
9. Occasionally the Rectangular/Square
maxillary central
incisor may look like 25. What is the width of all 7mm
what shape from the the permanent
facial or lingual? premolar teeth?
10. Were is the largest Between the maxillary canine (6,11) 26. What premolar is the Mandibular 2nd premolar (only
incisal embrasure? and the maxillary lateral incisor least likely to have two 14% of the time)
root canals?
11. What are the four Incisal/Occlusal, Buccal, Lingual,
embrasures? Interproximal/cerivical/gingival 27. What root canals make DB (obtuse), MB and Lingual
up the isosceles triangle (both acute)
12. What are the main They are whiter (less calcified),
for the maxillary 1st and
differences between crowns are short and thick, roots
2nd molars?
primary and are longer and flare, prominent
permanent teeth? cervical bulges, constricted cervix, 28. What root in the Mesial root!
narrow occlusal table mandibular molars will
always have two roots?
13. What are the three Mandibular canine, Maxillary
longest crowns? central, Maxillary canine 29. What shape are all Trapezoidal
maxillary posterior
14. What are the three Maxillary 1st molar, mandibular 1st
teeth from the proximal
teeth that develop molar, 3 cusp type mandibular 2nd
from 5 lobes? premolar
30. What shape are all the mandibular Rhomboidal 50. Where do the facial Near the junction of the cervical
posterior teeth from the proximal HOC for the posterior and middle third of the crown
view? teeth tend to be?
31. What shape are the anterior teeth Wedge or 51. Where is the largest Between the maxillary
from the proximal view? Traingular embrasure of the canine(6,11) and the maxillary
shaped mouth? 1st premolar (5,12)
32. What shape are the maxillary molars Rhomboidal 52. Where is the lingual occlusal third - only posterior
from the occlusal? HOC for the mandibular tooth (all others are in the
2nd molar? cervical third)
33. What shape are the maxillary Hexagonal
premolars from the occlusal? 53. Where is the primate Between the canine and 1st
space for the mandible? molar
34. What shape do all permanent teeth Trapezoidal
look like from the facial or lingual? 54. Where is the primate Between the canine and lateral
space for the maxilla? incisor
35. What shape is the mandibular 1st Rectangular
molar from the occlusal view? 55. Where is the second Between the mandibular central
smallest incisal and lateral incisors
36. What shape is the mandibular 1st Diamond
premolar from the occlusal view?
56. Where is the smallest Between the mandibular central
37. What shape is the mandibular 2nd Round
embrasure? incisors (24, 25)
premolar (2 cusp type) from the
occlusal view? 57. Which primary molars The mandibular molars (allow
are wider more of a mesial shift 2.1 mm,
38. What shape is the maxillary central Triangular
mesiodistally? more leeway space)
from the occlusal?
58. Which way do the Occlusally from the DEJ
39. What shape the mandibular 2nd Square
enamel rods slope in the (Cervically for permanent teeth)
premolar (3 cusp type) from the
primary teeth?
occlusal view?
40. What teeth are the most Premolars
perpendicular to the horizontal
41. What teeth do the primary 2nd The permanent
molars resemble? 1st molars
42. What teeth have mamelons? Permanent
43. What teeth have the greatest degree of Mandibular
Facial or Lingual HOC? Molars (1mm)
44. What teeth have the least degree of Mandibular
Facial or Lingual HOC? Anterior Teeth
45. What teeth have the most angulation Maxillary
and variation to the horizontal anterior teeth
46. What tooth does the primary 1st None
mandibular molar resemble?
47. What tooth does the primary 1st The permanent
maxillary molar resemble? 1st premolar
48. What tooth is the only tooth where Maxillary 1st
the facial embrasures are larger than molar (does not
the lingual embrasures? coverage
49. When do the deciduous teeth calcify? In utero