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01) read the music and answer

The war song

A man with no defense
War war is stupid
What’s mine is my own
And people are stupid
I won’t give it to you
And love means nothing
No matter what you say
In some strange quarters
No matter what you do
War war is stupid
Now we’re fighting
And people are stupid

And I heard them banging In our hearts

On hearts and fingers Fighting in the street

People fill the world Won’t somebody help me?

With narrow confidence

Like a child at birth

A música é uma forma de expressão artística e cultural e pode revelar diferentes formas
de compreender o mundo. Na letra da canção do grupo Culture Club, entende-se que a
guerra é o resultado da

 ganância, porque as pessoas invejam o que é dos outros.

 brutalidade humana, porque os homens lutam pelo poder.
 insensatez humana, porque as pessoas são individualistas.
 brutalidade humana, porque os homens lutam pelo poder.
 superpopulação mundial, porque esta gera fome e pobreza.
02) Inicialmente, Lucy supõe que a borboleta amarela é uma

a) enorme borboleta africana.

b) borboleta incomum naquela época do ano.
c) borboleta comum naquelas redondezas.
d) borboleta que tem que ser observada.
e) borboleta rara no Brasil.

03) A comicidade presente no último quadrinho se deve ao fato de Lucy

a) saber que a batata frita veio do Brasil.

b) constatar que não existem borboletas amarelas no Brasil.
c) estar convencida de que se trata mesmo de uma borboleta.
d) achar as batatas fritas brasileiras diferentes das americanas.
e) não querer abrir mão de seu argumento inicial.

05) Read the dialogue and answer the questions:

Son: Dad. Can I go outside to play?

Dad: Well, did you get you Saturday's work done?

Son: Ah, Dad. Do I have to?

Dad: Well, you know the rules. No playing until the work is done.

Son: So, what is my work?

Dad: Well, first you have to clean the bathroom including the toilet. And don't forget
to scrub the bathtub.

Son: No, I want to do the family room.

Dad: Well, okay, but you have to vacuum the family room and the hall, and be sure
to dust everything. Oh, and don't forget to wipe the walls and clean the baseboards.
[Okay.] And after that. [Oh, no.] Next, sweep and mop the kitchen floor and be sure to
polish the table in the living room.

Son: Okay. Okay.

Dad: And make your bed and pick up all your toys and put them away. And . . .

Son: More?

Dad: Yeah. And then, how about going out for lunch and getting a big milk shake, but
you probably don't want to do that.

Son: No, No. I want to.

Dad: Okay. While you're doing your work, I'll be out in the yard raking leaves and
pulling weeds.

01)What does the boy want to do at the beginning of the conversation?

( ) play video games
( ) watch TV

( ) go play outside

02) What is one thing the boy is NOT assigned to do around the house?
( ) wash the walls

( ) clean the garage

( ) vacuum the floors

03) What does the boy have to do in his bedroom?

( ) pick up his dirty clothes

( ) make his bed

( ) put away his books

04) What is the father going to do while the boy is doing his household chores?
( ) paint the house

( ) wash the car

( ) work in the yard

05) The father and son will go _____ after the boy finishes his work.
( ) to a movie

( ) to a ball game

( ) out to eat

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