Sword World
Sword World
Sword World
By Kitazawa Kei
This is a document designed to help GMs who can read Japanese run a game for players who can't. It contains a summary of the rules for character creation in Sword
World 2.0, as well as magic spells up through level 3, so it has enough material for probably your first 5 game sessions. I made it so I could GM a game with players
who don't speak Japanese, so there's no information here on how to GM, and no stats for monsters. You'll need to grab at least the first book for that.
Graphics taken from various character art threads on /tg/ and doing a Google Image search for Final Fantasy pictures.
I like Final Fantasy’s artwork, and Sword World barely has any art at all in the books. Replace it with your own art if you want.
Character Creation Abilities
① Race (roll or choose) A B C D E F
② Gender (roll or choose) Lildraken 1d 2d 2d 2d+6 1d 2d
③ Occupation (roll or choose, see race pages) Grassrunner 2d 2d 1d 2d+6 1d 2d+6
④ Abilities (roll all 6 in order. May roll all 6 up to 3 times) Manaborn 2d 1d 2d 1d 1d 1d
⑤ Background (roll, choose or make your own, up to 3) Human 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d
⑥ Classes Elf 2d 2d 1d 2d 2d 2d
Purchase ranks in classes with your experience points. Rank A Dwarf 2d+6 1d 2d 2d 1d 2d+6
classes are more powerful in combat, but they cost more Tabbit 1d 1d 1d 2d 2d+6 2d
experience. Multi-classing is strongly encouraged. Rune-folk 2d 1d 2d 2d 2d 1d
Rank A Classes Nightmare 2d 2d 1d 1d 2d 2d
Fighter, Grappler, Sorcerer, Conjurer, Priest, Faerie Tamer, Shadow 1d 1d 2d 2d 2d 2d
Rank B Classes
Fencer, Shooter, Scout, Ranger, Sage, Enhancer, Bard, Rider
⑦ Languages (Races, Classes, +1 per Sage level)
⑧ Feats (Choose 1 at each odd-numbered level)
⑨ Equipment (2,000G)
⑩ Fill in derived numbers
Races Humans are the most prevalent race in Raxia. Their appearance is no different from
Human: Lucky, varied. Well-rounded ability scores. among adventurers. They reach adulthood at the age of 15, and their lifespan is
Dwarf: Immune to fire. High DEX and SPI. Starting Languages: Can read and write a local language (e.g. Zaltz) and Common
Tabbit: Rabbit-folk. Good at magic, can’t be priests. High INT. Restricted Classes: none
Runefolk: Magical robot Meido. Can burn HP for MP. Racial Abilities
Nightmare: Demonic mutants. Can use magic in armor. Low STR/CON. [Sword's Salvation/Change Fate]: Once per day on any Action Resolution, Damage Calculation, or Loot
Shadow: Mysterious assassins. Resistant to magic. Determination, you can switch the face on the rolled 2d to the opposite side. A die roll of [1] becomes [6], [2]
Lildraken: Dragon-folk. Can fly around and hit people with their tails. Good CON. becomes [5], and [3] becomes [4]. Conversely, this might also switch your result to a lower number, but you cannot
Grassrunner: Short people. No MP, resistant to magic. Good SPI. choose to switch only one die.
Manaborn: Magic-infused humans who die at 30. Excellent casters and Sages; low-ish For example, if you roll [1] and [4] on 2d and use [Sword's Salvation/Change Fate], the dice become [6] and [3]. If
ability scores. you have an automatic failure (p.97) with [1] and [1], you can change this to an automatic success of [6] and [6].
2 Nightmare (roll again or choose birth race) Roll Occupation Beginning Class Base Attributes EXP
an affinity for magic. They prefer to live on the shore and in areas surrounding Many of the men grow thick beards. The women do not grow beards, and as
freshwater lakes and rivers. adults they resemble young human girls. Their head and body hair can range
They love nature and calmly enjoying their long lives, but Elves who leave on in color from blonde to red, and sometimes even more striking colors such as
journeys out of a strong sense of curiosity are also not uncommon. green and pink can be seen. While many of them are overly stubborn, they are
While a little more delicate than humans, they are intelligent, and are well also known to heavily cherish their companions. Possessed of self-discipline,
suited to using magic. Skillful and agile, they are also make good Rangers and and with an inborn potential to develop great strength, they can become excellent warriors. They are also famous
Fencers. They reach adulthood at the age of 15, and their lifespan is for creating superior arms and other crafts. While in many cases they live in cities hewn out from the insides of
approximately 500 years. Those who become adventurers usually do so when they mountains, they also fight with savage races and intermingle with humans, and there are many of them who
become adults. Their outward appearance ages very slowly. become mercenaries and adventurers. They reach adulthood at the age of 15, and their lifespan is approximately
Starting Languages: Can read and write Elvish and Common 200 years. They usually become adventurers when they become adults, and
Racial Abilities Starting Languages: Can read and write Dwarven and Common
[Darkvision]: Can see in the darkness as well as they can during daytime. Restricted Classes: none
[Sword's Salvation/Gentle Water]: Can move as freely underwater as on land. While underwater, they can hold Racial Abilities
their breath for up to one hour, although outside of water their breathing rate is the same as that of other races. [Darkvision]: Can see in the darkness as well as they can during daytime.
After spending 1 hour submerged, they must spend at least one minute breathing normally. Elves can also speak [Sword's Salvation/Body of Flame]: Cannot be injured by fire attacks or magic,
normally while underwater. and receive no damage from fire-based effects or spells. They also cannot be
2~3 Swordsman Fencer 12/5/9 2500 Roll Occupation Beginning Class Base Attributes EXP
4~5 Archer Shooter 13/5/8 2500 2~4 Archer Shooter 6/8/6 2500
6 Shaman Faerie Tamer 10/4/12 2000 5~6 Brawler Grappler 4/11/5 2000
9~10 Clergyman Priest 9/5/12 2000 10~12 Technologist Magitech 6/7/7 2000
colors, and their arms and legs end in paws, but they use tools and wear constructs that was created by the Magitech civilization.
shoes just like humans. They enjoy collecting information, and the Fundamentally similar in shape to humans, they also must eat and sleep like them as
pursuit of knowledge is a driving force in their lives. They demonstrate a well. The male-types mostly have a large build, while most of the female-types have a
superior talent for magic, and have the ability to easily use difficult small build. They can still be differentiated from humans, however; their necks are
spells. However, they are for some reason unable to learn holy magic. always wrapped in a rigid covering, and their ears, parts of their face, legs or arms might
Many tabbits think that this is because they are descended from gods also be made of a hardened material (the specifics are left up to the player).
who were defeated in the God Wars, and are cursed by the victorious Runefolk excel in terms of physical strength and dexterity, and make excellent warriors
gods. Because of their shorter arms and legs, their movements are and archers. They cannot hear the voices of the Gods, however, nor can they see the Fey, and so they are not very
slow and clumsy. They reach adulthood at the age of 10, with an good with magic, but because of their origins it is common to see them become Magitechs.
average lifespan of 50 years. They often become adventurers at the Their lifespan is measured by their operational time. They can operate stably for about 50 years, but thereafter
age of 6, before becoming adults, and continue until they die. will suddenly cease to operate. From the time they are born to the time they die their appearance does not change,
Starting Languages: Can read Ancient Celestial and read and write and there are some who become adventurers immediately after they are born.
Common Starting Languages: Can read and write Magitech and Common
[Sixth Sense]: The ability to sense danger. When you make a [Darkvision]: Can see in the darkness as well as they can during daytime.
Danger Sense Check (p.109), you use your "Adventurer Level + [HP Conversion]: In exchange for reducing your HP a certain number of points, you
Intellect Bonus." recover that same number of MP. The conversion requires 10 seconds (1 round), and can
2~4 Minstrel Bard 7/7/8 2500 Roll Occupation Beginning Class Base Attributes EXP
5~6 Apothecary Sage and Ranger 8/6/8 2000 2~4 Expert Sage or Bard 8/8/10 2500
8~9 Shaman Faerie Tamer 4/7/11 2000 7 Soldier Fighter or Grappler 9/12/5 2000
10~12 Technologist Magitech 8/5/9 2500 8~9 Technologist Magitech 12/8/6 2000
have one or two small horns on their head, and birthmarks on their body. They are mysterious air about them. Their eyes can be blue, green, or gold, and their pupils
extremely fair-skinned, but otherwise their appearance is no different from their resemble cats’ eyes, changing in response to light. Their hair can be silver, white, or
birth race. more rarely black. They are a bit taller than humans, and characterized by a lithe and
Their aptitude as adventurers is higher than other races, and many of them are excellent magical warriors. sinewy frame.
Because of this, they are often welcomed into the adventuring life. Coming from the northern continent, Shadow are a peculiar sight in Telastia. However,
Nightmares reach adulthood at the age of 15 but do not age after that. They do not have a fixed old age, and there many Shadow travel to train themselves or to prove their skill, so they can be found all
is no record of a Nightmare dying from old age. There are many cases of them becoming adventurers before over the world.
adulthood, and most of them continue to be adventurers until they die. Shadow are accomplished spies, and they also demonstrate impressive talent as soldiers. Known for their strong
Starting Languages: Nightmare PCs have the same starting languages as the race they are born to. sense of duty, Shadow never break a contract nor betray their employers, and thus have a reputation as excellent
Restricted Classes: none mercenaries, adventurers, and even assassins. While they have little talent for wizardry, their resistance to magic
[Alternate Form]: As a free action, a Nightmare can instantaneously change form an unlimited number of times Shadow come of age at 15 years old, and live to be about 100 years old. Shadow customarily leave home on a
per day. Their horns increase in size and their skin turns pure white. They receive no penalty for using magic journey of self discipline and self discovery upon reaching adulthood.
while wearing armor, and can cast spells without using the required verbal and somatic components (implements Starting Languages: Can read and write Shadow and Common
and others are still required). It takes a Nightmare 10 seconds (1 round) to revert to their humanoid form once Restricted Classes: None
[Weakness]: Nightmares take 2 extra points of damage from silver weapons and from certain elemental attacks [Darkvision]: Can see in the darkness as well as they can during daytime.
determined by their race of origin. Human: Earth; Elf: Water/Ice; Dwarf: Fire Lildraken: Wind [Protection of Moonlight]: +4 WIL (mental resistance).
Nightmare Shadow
Roll Occupation Beginning Class Base Attributes EXP Roll Occupation Beginning Class Base Attributes EXP
2~4 Wizard Sorcerer 5/13/12 2000 2~4 Hermit Ranger 15/6/6 2500
5~6 Soldier Fighter or Grappler 7/15/8 2000 5~6 Swordsman Fencer 17/7/3 2500
7 Duelist Fencer and Scout 11/13/6 2000 7 Spy Scout 16/7/4 2500
8~9 Clergyman Priest 6/14/10 2000 8~9 Brawler Grappler 14/8/5 2000
10~12 Technologist Magitech 9/9/12 2000 10~12 Soldier Fighter 15/9/3 2000
Lildraken Grassrunner
Smaller-sized dragons who walk upright. Although bestial in A small, optimistic race of wanderers, Grassrunners love to travel in grassy plains.
appearance, Lildraken are said to have been created by the First For some unknown reason, Grassrunners have very little reaction to Mana,
Sword, Lumierre, and are thus counted among the humanoid the source of magic, and therefore have very little interest in magic.
races, living happily side-by-side with humans. In contrast with Where they came from and where they were born remains a mystery. Since
their rough exterior, the majority of Lildraken prefer diplomacy they don’t keep records, the truth remains unknown. Some say they come
and trade. Although they do have their own, independent nation, from another world entirely.
the mostly live amongst humans. Grassrunners become physically mature at 15 years of age, and are said to
Lildraken are born from eggs, and are treated as adults after live to be around 200 years old, although most are killed off by their natural
their third molting, around 30 years of age. Their life span is curiosity long before that.
around 300 years. Starting Languages: Grassrunner and Common (written and spoken)
Starting Languages: Draconic (spoken) and Common (written and spoken) Restricted Classes: None, but magic can be tricky.
Racial Abilities [Mana Resistant]: Grassrunners have no MP (marked “—“ on the character
[Scaled Hide]: +1 to DEF. sheet), and do not gain MP even if they take a magic class. They can,
[Tail]: Can use their tail as a weapon in combat. however, use Mana Crystals. However, on a successful WIL check against
Name Use STR HIT POW 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 C Cost magic, they take receive absolutely no effect.
Tail 1H# 1 +1 11 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 6 7 12 -- [Communicate with Plants and Insects]: Although they can’t have
[Sword’s Salvation/Wings of Wind]: Can use the wings on their back to fly for up to 1 minute (6 rounds) per day. conversations, plants and insects can inform Grassrunners of danger,
Speed is restricted to the character’s movement speed. +1 to EVA and melee HIT. commotion or the like.
Lildraken Grassrunner
Roll Occupation Beginning Class Base Attributes EXP Roll Occupation Beginning Class Base Attributes EXP
2~3 Hermit Ranger 6/11/8 2500 2~4 Thief Scout 13/0/12 2500
4~5 Brawler Grappler 6/13/6 2000 5~6 Duelist Fencer 13/1/11 2500
6~8 Soldier Fighter 5/14/6 2000 7 Vagabond Scout and Ranger 14/1/10 2000
9~10 Merchant Sage 5/11/9 2500 8~9 Apothecary Ranger 12/1/12 2500
11~12 Archer Shooter 7/11/7 2500 10~12 Expert Sage or Bard 12/0/13 2500
During the Magitech Era, experiments were conducted to create a
Manaborn are seen as adults at 15 years old, and live to be at most 30, although their appearance
ages at much the same rate as a human. Manaborn sometimes experience strong memories from
Racial Abilities
[Déjà vu]: +2 to any INT-based check (other than Spellcasting) once per
Tabbit Ancient Celestial (written only) Ancient Celestial X O Tabbits (for writing names and titles)
Dæmonic O X Dæmons
Class Language
Magitech O O Runefolk, Magitechs
Sorcerer Arcane
Arcane O O Sorcerers, Conjurers
Conjurer Arcane
Sylvan O X Faeries, Faerie Tamers
Faerie Tamer Sylvan (spoken only)
Goblinoid O X Goblins, Boggarts
Magitech Magitech
Backgrounds Table B
Roll 1d6, odd = table A, even = table B 1-1 You’ve made a huge mistake. 4-1 You helped out at a store.
Table A 1-2 You have a mentor. 4-2 You were in a huge fight (physical or otherwise).
1-1 You’ve had a great love affair. 4-1 You’ve been imprisoned. 1-3 You have a friend of another race. 4-3 A famous artist lives (lived) in your neighborhood.
1-2 Someone has saved your life. 4-2 You’ve been betrayed. 1-4 You’ve made an important promise. 4-4 You have a lucky charm that you take with you
1-3 You ran away from home as a child. 4-3 You’ve had an unforgettable, horrifying everywhere.
experience. 1-5 You’ve suffered a major illness. 4-5 You’ve been poisoned.
1-4 You went bankrupt. 4-4 You were raised with love by both parents. 1-6 There is someone you used to trust. 4-6 Someone you know came back from the dead.
1-5 You’ve committed a crime. 4-5 You’ve saved someone. 2-1 You were raised in a town populated 5-1 You are (or were at one time) afraid of other races.
1-6 You pine after another adventurer. 4-6 You have (had) a famous friend. mostly by another race.
2-1 You’ve had a near-death experience. 5-1 You’ve discovered a major ruin. 2-2 You have recurring dreams. 5-2 You’ve defeated a monster.
2-2 You come from a wealthy family. 5-2 You’ve never been in love before. 2-3 You were raised in the countryside. 5-3 You’ve been separated from someone important to you.
2-3 You were adopted. 5-3 You don’t know where you’re from. 2-4 You have (had) a rival. 5-4 You have a useless talent.
2-4 You have mixed ancestry. 5-4 You have an especially absorbing hobby. 2-5 You’ve been attacked by a monster. 5-5 You used to serve a lord.
2-5 You were once a noble. 5-5 You’ve been highly praised for your talents. 2-6 You were deeply affected by a book. 5-6 You have a secret that you definitely don’t want
2-6 You’ve had your heart broken by love. 5-6 You were the neighborhood bully. anyone to know.
3-1 You’ve suffered a serious injury. 6-1 You’ve heard the voice of a god. 3-1 Someone has confessed their love to 6-1 You have an embarrassing habit.
3-2 You’ve suffered memory loss. 6-2 You once nearly drowned. you.
3-3 You’ve received some precious advice. 6-3 You’ve had prophetic dreams. 3-2 You won first prize at a contest. 6-2 There is someone who looks just like you.
3-4 You were raised as the opposite 6-4 You have a tattoo. 3-3 You were the neighborhood know-it-all. 6-3 You’ve risked your life for something.
gender. 3-4 You’ve had a food so delicious that you 6-4 You really like a certain race.
3-5 You have (had) a fiancé/fiancée. 6-5 One of your close relatives has died. can’t forget it.
3-6 You’ve suffered a major setback. 6-6 You have some useless knowledge. 3-5 You have (had) a much older or 6-5 You’ve been secluded.
younger friend.
3-6 Your father left on a journey. 6-6 You’re searching for the Swords of Origin.
Faerie Tamer (FTM)
A Rank Classes Can cast Faerie spells up to current class level
Fighter (FTR) Must carry jewels (50g+) for each contract. Takes armor penalties in heavy armor.
Can use any armor or shield, and any melee or thrown weapon Adds level to Spellcasting, Magic Power
Can use Martial Arts, limited armor, no shields Must have a magisphere to use certain spells. No armor penalties.
Gains the Chain Attack and Throw feats Adds level to Spellcasting, Magic Power, Gun Damage.
Sorcerer (SRC)
Can cast True Word spells up to current class level
Must use a magical implement (100g+), takes armor penalties in Hard Leather or
Conjurer (CNJ)
Can cast Conjuration spells up to current class level
Must use a magical implement (100g+), takes armor penalties in Hard Leather or
Priest (PST)
Can cast Divine spells up to current class level + 1 deity’s special spells.
Adds level to Attack, Evasion, Physical Damage Adds level to First Aid, Roll, Cartography, and Monster Lore.
Shooter (SHT)
Class Rank A Rank B
Can use armor, ranged and thrown weapons.
Adds level to Attack, Bow and Thrown Damage
1 1000 500
Scout (SCT)
2 1000 1000
Adds level to Stealth, Open Lock, Pickpocket, Disguise, Set Trap, Roll, Hide,
3 1500 1000
Acrobatics, Initiative, Follow, Track, Listen, Danger Sense, Search, Cartography,
4 1500 1500
Meteorology, Appraise, Find Traps
5 2000 1500
Ranger (RNG)
6 2500 2000
Adds level to Stealth, First Aid, Open Lock, Set Trap, Roll, Hide, Acrobatics, Follow,
7 3000 2500
Track, Listen, Danger Sense, Search, Cartography, Meteorology, Medicine,
8 4000 3000
Herbalism, Find Traps
9 5000 4000
Adds level to potion and herb effectiveness, and can give this bonus to others.
10 6000 5000
Sage (SAG)
11 7500 6000
Adds level to Knowledge, Crafts, Cartography, Medicine, Research, Appraise,
12 9000 7500
Monster Lore, Herbalism
13 10500 9000
Can use Monster Lore to find a monster’s weak point and give the party special
14 12000 10500
bonuses to damage, accuracy, magic, etc.
15 13500 12000
Learns 1 bonus language (read/write or speak) per level.
Enhancer (ENH)
Can choose 1 Enhancer ability per level. Most are Free Actions that succeed
Bard (BRD)
Can choose 1 Bard song per level. Non-magical effects that cost no MP.
Strength-based Actions
Basic Rules Action Type Class Bonus
Modifiers + 2d6 = Result, compare against target number
Climb 2d6+STR+[ADV]
Two 6s makes an automatic success. Two 1s means an automatic failure, but you
Constitution-based Actions
get 50 EXP just for being a good sport.
Action Type Class Bonus
In contested rolls, the passive party (i.e. defender) wins on a tie.
Fortitude (FOR) 2d6+CON+[ADV]
Retrying a failed check takes longer (see table in book).
Death Check 2d6+CON+[ADV]
Round up fractions unless otherwise noted.
Calculation: Scout or Ranger level + Dexterity modifier Effect: On success, you steal something the target has. On failure, the target notices you.
Use Time: 10 minutes (60 rounds) Details: You steal an item or some cash from a target without being noticed. This is a
Effect: On success, you manage to hide footprints and items. On failure, footprints or contested roll between your action and the target's Danger Sense check. The Pickpocket
items will be found. roll is an active roll, while the Danger Sense is a passive roll.
Details: You eliminate any footprints you and your allies have left behind and hide any Disguise
tools and objects. The higher your result, the more difficult it will be to find your traces. Calculation: Scout level + Dexterity modifier
Calculation: Ranger level + Dexterity modifier Effect: On success, you disguise yourself as another person. On failure, your disguise is
Effect: On success, you restore an unconscious ally to 1 HP, and he wakes up. On failure, Details: You change your clothes and makeup to look like another person. The higher
he remains unconscious. your roll, the better your disguise is and the harder it is to see through.
Details: You attempt to wake up an ally who is unconscious, usually as a result of being If you disguise another character, you take a -4 penalty to the roll. The roll to see
below 0 HP. The target for this action is 0, but the HP of the target ally is applied as a through the disguise is an Adventurer Level + Intelligence modifier check using the
penalty to your roll (so for an ally with -5 HP, the target is effectively 5). Disguise check result as a target.
Use Time: 1 minute (6 rounds) Effect: On success, you hit the target with your attack. On failure, you miss.
Effect: On success, you open a lock on a door or a container, or disarm a trap. On failure, Details: This is the action for hitting with an attack. The result represents how effective
you do not open the object. the attack was. Different weapons and techniques have different accuracies.
Details: You can open a door or container without having its key, and you can also
remove a trap. The higher your roll, the better the lock or trap you can unlock. The
Any object indoors can only be opened by the Scout skill, and you incur a -4 penalty to
open such objects without scout's tools. Failing a roll twice in a row will cause a trap to
Agility-based Action Details
Set Trap Roll
Calculation: Scout or Ranger level + Dexterity modifier Calculation: Scout or Ranger level + Agility modifier
Effect: On success, you can set a trap. On failure, you don't set a trap. Effect: You reduce the damage from falling.
Details: You can lay a trap on a door, passageway, or container. The trap can be Details: When you fall from a high place or into a pit trap, you can roll to take less
discovered with a contested roll using Search or Danger Sense and disarmed with a damage from impact. Reduce the damage taken by your Roll check result. Your check
contested roll using Open Lock. result cannot be less than 0, and it is treated as 0 on an automatic failure.
You cannot use the Ranger skill to set a trap indoors (but a Scout can set one outdoors). If you use Roll in metal armor, you take a -4 penalty to your check.
You take a -4 penalty to set a trap indoors without scout's tools. Hide
Calculation: Scout or Ranger level + Agility modifier
Effect: On success, you can move without making a sound or giving an indication of your
presence, and you can hide behind objects. On failure, you are noticed.
Details: You move without making a sound or revealing your presence. The higher your
roll, the less sound you make and the more you are able to find hiding places. This is a
If you use Hide in metal armor, you take a -4 penalty to your check.
Calculation: Fighter, Grappler, Fencer, or Shooter level + Agility modifier
Effect: On success, you dodge the enemy's attack. On failure, you are hit and take
Details: You dodge an attack. The check result determines how well you dodged.
This action opposes the Accuracy action, so you cannot use it when you are not being
attacked. Different weapons and armor can change your Evasion bonus.
Calculation: Scout or Ranger level + Agility modifier
balance and can't move. each have 1/5 range (rounding up). Short movements are 1 meter.
Details: You move gracefully and nimbly over difficult terrain. The higher your result, In streams with rapid currents or open water with high waves, you make a check once
the more you avoid dangerous or fragile ground as you move. per minute. Targets should be around 7 for flowing rivers, 9 for rapids, and 13 for tall
If you use Acrobatics in metal armor, you take a -4 penalty to your check. waves.
Initiative Success means you swim with no difficulty, but on failure, you cannot take a short
Calculation: Initiative (Scout level + Agility modifier) movement and must pass a Fortitude check or drown, falling unconscious regardless of
Effect: On success, your party seizes the initiative. On failure, your party loses the While swimming, you incur a restricted movement penalty.
result represents how quick you were. This is a contested roll between the Iniiative roll Use Time: 10 seconds (1 round)
of the monsters or the enemy party. Effect: On success, you jump the distance you want. On failure, you fall before reaching
Calculation: Scout or Ranger level + Agility modifier Details: You can make a high jump or clear an obstacle while carrying your equipment.
Use Time: 10 minutes (60 rounds) The target changes depending on how far you want to jump. The target number is 10,
Effect: On success, you follow a party without being noticed. On failure, you are noticed. but your check is affected by various modifiers.
Details: You follow a moving party secretly. Your result determines how well you can If you succeed, you clear your target distance or height. If you fail, you fall down short of
conceal your presence while following the target. This is a contested roll against the your target or crash into the object you were trying to clear. The GM decides the actual
If you use Acrobatics in metal armor, you take a -4 penalty to your check. A Ranger
Calculation: Adventurer level + Agility modifier
Effect: On success, you swim for longer periods of time. On failure, you begin drowning.
Details: You swim using your arms and legs. In areas with weak currents, you may be
able to swim without using your legs. If there is no current, no check is necessary.
Long jump modifiers Strength-based Action Details
Condition Modifier Climb
First 3m +/- 0 Calculation: Adventurer level + Strength modifier
Can't see landing spot -2 Effect: On success, you climb the distance you want. On failure, you fall.
Details: You climb a wall with footholds or a hanging rope. The target is 10, but your
Strong wind conditions -2
check result is affected by various modifiers. On success, you climb to a safe place. If you
Wearing metal armor -4
fail, you fall and incur fall damage. The distance you fall is half the distance you tried to
Carrying very little +2
Running start of at least 5m +2
Climb modifiers
High jump modifiers
Condition Modifier
Condition Modifier
First 5m +/- 0
First 1m +/- 0
Each 5m more -2
Each 10cm more -1
No handholds, steep slope -4
Can't see landing spot -2
Climbing a hanging rope rather than a wall -4
Strong wind conditions -2
Wearing metal armor -4
Wearing metal armor -4
Strong wind conditions -2
Carrying very little +2
Carrying very little +2
Running start of at least 5m +2
Helped up (e.g. with a rope) +2
Constitution-based Action Details Details: You resist an effect, such as a poison or disease, that attacks your body. The
Death Check higher your check result, the more powerful effects you can shake off. The target is
Calculation: Fortitude (Adventurer level + Constitution modifier) specific to the poison or disease you are trying to resist, or the result of whatever spell or
Effect: On success, a PC remains unconscious. On failure, he dies. On success, you may completely negate the
Details: This check is used to determine whether a PC who has dropped below 0 HP from condition or reduce it to partial effect.
damage and lost consciousness lives or dies. The check result represents how well his
body resists dying of injury. The target for this action is 0, but your HP is applied as a
penalty to the roll. At 0 HP, the target is 0, but if you were to take more damage and
drop to -8 HP, a -8 penalty would be applied to your roll (in effect, the target would be 8).
If ten minutes pass after a death check or you take more damage, you will have to
make another check. If ten minutes passed, the target increases by 1. If you took damage,
apply your new HP total as a penalty. Afterwards, continue making death checks until
you die, score an automatic success, or have gone one hour without taking any damage.
Using the spell Awaken or a Wakeup Potion on an unconscious character sets their
HP to 1 and allows them to wake up. If a character's HP is healed above 1 without using
Awaken, the character will still not awaken for one hour.
Even if left untreated, a character who takes no damage for one hour sets their HP
to 1 and wakes up (provided they pass death checks every ten minutes).
If you get an automatic failure on a death check, you die regardless of the target. If
you get an automatic success, your HP is set to 1 and you wake up.
Calculation: Fortitude (Adventurer level + Constitution modifier)
Effect: On success, you lessen or negate an effect being applied to you. On failure, it
Calculation: Scout or Ranger level + Intelligence modifier Details: Your education offers insight into some matter. The higher your check result,
Use Time: 1 minute (6 rounds) the more knowledgeable you are about the subject.
Effect: On success, you learn details like time and heading from tracks and footprints Spellcasting
left behind. On failure, you can't tell anything. Calculation: Magic power (Sorcerer, Conjurer, Priest, Faerie Tamer, or Magitech level +
Details: You search for tracks and other clues that will tell you where your quarry was Intelligence modifier)
headed. Your result determines the quality of clues you find. Use Time: 10 seconds (1 round)
Listen Effect: On success, you successfully cast a spell. On failure, the spell is incomplete or has
Use Time: 10 seconds (1 round) Details: Make a Spellcasting check when you cast a spell. Your check result represents
Effect: On success, you find the best place to hear any carrying sounds and voices. On how powerfully you worked the spell. For each spell you cast, use whatever magical skill
failure, you hear nothing. supplies that spell when making a magic power check.
Details: You try to hear sounds and voices from far away or behind barriers. The higher Magic power checks based on Sorcerer, Conjurer, or Faerie Tamer skills incur a -4
your check result, the further away you can hear and the quieter sounds you discern. penalty if used in heavy armor.
You can also tell clearer details about what sounds you hear. You may not use the action retry rules to retry a failed Spellcasting check.
Effect: On success, you sense imminent danger, threatening intent, and the presence of Effect: On success, you know the materials used in the construction of a building or
hidden secrets. On failure, you sense nothing. object and at what time it was made. On failure, you don't know anything.
Details: You get a sense of danger and misfortune before it happens. The higher your Details: You examine a building or object and gain information about it. Your check
check result, the more quickly and surely your sense triggers. result represents how much detail you know about the time and method of its
The Sixth Sense racial trait of Tabbit PCs allows them to roll Adventurer Level + construction.
Calculation: Sage level + Intelligence modifier Use Time: 10 minutes (60 rounds)
Use Time: 10 seconds (1 round) Effect: On success, you discover traps or hidden items. On failure, you don't find
Details: You search for traps and hidden doors. The higher your check result, the more Use Time: 10 minutes (60 rounds)
cleverly hidden an item you can find. Effect: On success, you know (or can find out) an important piece of information from
A Ranger can only use Search outdoors. books, scrolls, etc. On failure, you don't know anything.
Cartography Details: You gain information you need from a relevant piece of writing. Your check
Calculation: Scout or Ranger level + Intelligence modifier result represents how reliable your information is.
Details: You create a map of an area or the inside of a building, noting obstacles and Effect: On success, you know the value, time of origin, usage, and effect of an item or
pieces of terrain. Your check result represents how accurate your map is and how easy it good. On failure, you don't know anything.
is to read. A Ranger can only use Cartography to map an outdoor area. Details: You examine a magical item or tool and learn when it was created, how to use it,
Meteorology and what it does. The higher your check result, the more you can tell about the item's
Calculation: Scout or Ranger level + Intelligence modifier powers. A Scout may only use Appraise to tell an item's value.
Details: You read the movement of the wind and clouds to predict the weather in the Use Time: Instant
immediate future. The higher your check result, the further ahead and more accurate Effect: On success, you know data about a monster and can check with the source book
your forecast is. or your GM. If you beat its weakness target, you may take advantage of its weaknesses.
Meteorology can only be used outdoors. On failure, you don't know anything about that monster.
Medicine Details: You know the statistics and weaknesses of monsters and unusual creatures.
Calculation: Ranger or Sage level + Intelligence modifier Your check result determines how much you know or can remember about a particular
Use Time: 10 minutes (60 rounds) monster. The target is the Rarity of the monster. You can also use Monster Lore if asked
Effect: On success, you know about the disease a patient you inspect has and how to to describe the monster's special abilities.
treat it. On failure, you don't know anything. Furthermore, a Sage making a Monster Lore check may also know about the monster's
Details: You know the symptoms and treatment of a disease. The higher your check weaknesses. If the result of the Monster Lore check exceeds the monsters weakness
result, the rarer diseases you know about and the more effectively you can gauge the target, the Sage knows about the monster's weaknesses. All members of a party can
symptoms and provide treatment. make decisions that take advantage of a monster's known weaknesses.
Research Only one Monster Lore check can be made against a particular type of monster per
Calculation: Sage level + Intelligence modifier session. One success on a Monster Lore check that exceeds the monster's weakness
target allows a party to take advantage of identical monsters' weakness for the full Spirit-based Action Details
session. Willpower
If the same type of monster is encountered in a later session, the players may make a Calculation: Willpower (Adventurer level + Spirit modifier)
new check. If they have made a successful check in a previous session, they only have to Use Time: Instant
check to determine the monsters' weaknesses (they may not always be able to find the Effect: On success, you lessen or negate an effect being applied to
Calculation: Ranger or Sage level + Intelligence modifier that attacks your mind. The higher your check result, the
Use Time: 1 minute (6 rounds) more powerful effects you can shake off. The target is the
Effect: On success, you know the effects and value of a herb or poison. On failure, you result of whatever spell or monster ability targeted you.
don't know anything. On success, you may completely negate the condition
Details: You can tell the value and effects of an herb or medicine. The higher your check or reduce it to partial effect.
result, the more details you know. If you are inspecting a poison, you may also know how
to treat it.
Find Trap
Calculation: Scout or Ranger level + Intelligence modifier
Effect: On success, you notice the presence nearby traps. On failure, you don't notice
Details: You notice cunningly hidden traps quickly. The higher your check result, the
This is a very difficult check. The target is the trap's Search difficulty + 4.
Flow of Combat Advance/Fall Back: Move forward or backward 1 zone. Can still use a Standard
① Initiation Phase Action, but cannot cast magic or fire a ranged weapon (thrown weapons are OK).
i. Roll Monster Lore [SAG+INT] Cannot leave a zone with enemies in it.
iii. Place combatants Attack: Use a melee or thrown weapon. [FTR/GRP/FNC/(SHT)+DEX] vs. Evasion.
A) The advantaged side goes first, and can place their Pick up/stow/equip/give an item or weapon.
back row. Combatants placed in the middle zone are Cancel a spell.
treated as having used their move action during the Stand up.
first round. Draw or stow a small item (e.g. knife) from boot.
They must place a number of combatants in the middle Full Round Actions
zone equal to 1/2 the number placed by the advantaged Fire: Use a ranged weapon (bow, gun, crossbow). [SHT+DEX]
side, rounded up. When firing into a melee zone from outside without the Precise Shot feat, the
② Combat Phase target is chosen randomly. Cannot fire through a melee zone without the
i. Teams take turns based on Initiative. Combatants within Hawk Eye feat.
a team can take their turns in any order they prefer. Cast Magic
ii. Characters can take one Move Action and one Standard When casting into a melee zone from outside without the Guided Magic feat,
Action or a Full Round Action, and any number of Free the target is chosen randomly. Cannot cast through a melee zone without the
③ Resolution Phase AoE spells affect a number of combatants equal to its area in m2, chosen
i. If the party is victorious, they can roll a Loot Check, which randomly.
takes 1 minute per fallen enemy. They also receive EXP. Sprint: Move forward 2 zones. -4 penalty to Evasion. Cannot move through a zone
Retreat: Move backward to own team’s back row. Can leave or move through a zone
The techniques listed here are always in effect. They do not need to be activated.
Passive Feats include effects that improve on active techniques or allow you to perform new Aimed Shot
Prerequisites: AL 3 Skill: - Effect: You can execute an aimed shot with a ranged weapon.
Description: You evade attacks with nimble steps. You may only make an aimed shot on a character who has not moved or taken
Effect: Your evasion increases by one point. only short movements for ten seconds (one round). You may not target a character
who is in a brawl.
Tenacity First, the target must not be aware of you, or you must hide using a Stealth
Prerequisites: Fighter or Grappler 5 Skill: - action. The target of the aimed shot may make a Danger Sense check to notice
Description: You toughen your body so you can take more punishment. your presence. If the distance exceeds 10m, the character using Aimed Shot gets a
If the Stealth check succeeds, the sniper can make an aimed shot. By taking ten
Precise Shot seconds to aim, the sniper receives a +1 bonus to Accuracy, and his critical rate is
Prerequisites: None Skill: - reduced by one (criticals become more likely). The effect of aiming can be stacked
Description: You aim your shots carefully to make sure they strike true. up to three times, after which the bonus to Accuracy is +3 and the critical rate is
Effect: You don't risk crossfire when you fire a ranged weapon into a brawl zone. reduced by 3 (to a minimum of 7).
Your accuracy does not decrease if other brawl zones or covering objects are in
Twin Strike Description: You track your enemies like a hawk hunting its prey.
Prerequisites: Dual-Wielding Skill: - Effect: You can cast magic and make ranged attacks whenever an enemy is not
Description: You can attack two enemies at once. fully concealed by cover such as forests, or through brawl zones. You may also
Effect: If you are wielding a weapon in each hand, you may roll accuracy twice target enemies partially concealed by blocking items or cover such as brush.
against two different targets. You may select the target for the second attack after
If you use Chain Attack after Twin Strike, you may choose either of Twin Strike's Prerequisites: Gain a level in Grappler Skill: Grappler
Description: After making an attack, you strike the same enemy once more. Prerequisites: AL 5, Dual-Wielding Skill: -
Effect: You automatically learn this technique when you gain a grappler level. Description: You can fight perfectly with both your weapons.
You may not learn it any other way. Effect: When you attack with both your weapons against a single target, you do
When you attack while wielding a weapon of the grappling category in one hand, not incur an accuracy penalty.
you can make another attack against the same enemy. You can equip two weapons with a strength rating of up to 15.
Normally this will be a second attack, but you can use this skill with Twin Strike
to make two attacks and then make Chain Attack your third. If you do, the attack Weapon Proficiency/**
from Chain Attack is not subject to the penalties from Dual-Wielding. Prerequisites: None Skill: -
Furthermore, as long as you attack with a grappling weapon, you can use the Description: You are more skilled and graceful with your chosen weapon.
same weapon or a different weapon. Effect: You must choose a weapon category for this technique, such as swords or
You cannot use Chain Attack with Throw Attack. axes. When you wield a weapon of that category, you deal an extra point of
Iron Wall You may take this technique multiple times for different weapon categories.
Effect: This technique enhances Block. When you declare Block, you can choose to Prerequisites: AL 5, Weapon Proficiency/** (same category) Skill: -
block up to three allies. You may only block for allies in the same brawl zone as Description: You are even more skilled and graceful with your chosen weapon.
you. Effect: When you wield a weapon of the ** category, you now deal an extra +2
You may only block for each ally once per round. points of damage (for a total of +3). In addition, you can wield S rank weapons of
Improved Throw
Description: Your throw attack is more powerful. Prerequisites: AL 5, Throw Attack Skill: Grappler
Effect: This technique increases the power of Throw Attack and improves its Description: You attack with your feet after throwing an enemy.
effect. You can throw four-legged creatures and even creatures with up to eight Effect: When you successfully hit with Throw Attack, you may then make another
legs and two body sections. The Impact of the Throw attack increases to 20. attack against the same enemy. Use the Kick weapon or your equipped foot
weapon to attack. If you attempt this attack and the target successfully dodges,
Blocking Effect: When you cast a spell with an area of effect, you may choose which allies
Prerequisites: AL 3 Skill: - and enemies in the area are affected by the spell. If you cast into a brawl zone, you
Description: You can engage several enemies, trapping them in a brawl. may choose any targets you want up to the maximum target limit of the spell.
Effect: When the character is in a brawl zone, he counts as twice his size. PCs
each count as two characters, while monsters with two body segments count as Guided Magic
Use the character's normal size to determine passing through a brawl zone and Description: You take aim with your spell to strike an enemy.
targetting area effects in a brawl zone. Effect: You can target an aimed spell at any enemy who is behind incomplete
cover or blocking. Also, you don't risk crossfire if you cast an aimed spell into a
Description: You are more skilled and graceful in your chosen armor. Dual Wielding
Effect: You must choose a weapon category for this technique, either metal, Prerequisites: None Skill: -
nonmetal, or shields. When you wear armor of that category, your defense Description: You can wield a weapon in each hand.
increases by one. In addition, you can wear A rank armor of that category. Effect: When you make a melee or ranged attack, you can attack twice, once with
You may take this technique multiple times for different armor categories. a weapon in each hand. You cannot aim at two targets at once, so both attacks
must be made at the same target. In addition, both attacks incur a -2 penalty.
Armor Proficiency 2/** You can only wield weapons with a strength rating of up to 15.
Prerequisites: AL 5, Armor Proficiency/** (same category) Skill: - You may not wield two weapons at once without having Dual Wielding.
Description: You are even more skilled and graceful with your chosen armor.
Effect: When you wear armor of the ** category, you now gain an extra +2 points MP Save/**
of defense (for a total of +3). In addition, you can wear S rank armor of that Prerequisites: AL 5 Skill: -
category (found in Book 2). Description: You use mana more efficiently, reducing your consumption.
Effect: Choose one magical skill for ** when you learn this technique. Any spell
Magic Control you use from that skill consumes 1 less MP. This effect cannot reduce the cost of a
Prerequisites: Guided Magic, Magic Convergence Skill: - spell to 0 MP (minimum 1 MP). When you learn new spells from the selected skill,
Description: Your understanding of magic lets you affect only the targets you the new spells will also have reduced cost.
Active Feats List rate increases by two (criticals become less likely). If your critical rate is already
These Feats must be activated to take effect. Activating a technique is a free action. You may only 12 or more, you cannot use Aimed Attack 2.
Penalties imposed by a Feat last until the beginning of the user's next turn. Power Strike
Prerequisites: None Skill: - Description: You focus on offense and attack for high damage.
Description: You defend nearby allies by blocking attacks. Effect: Your melee attacks do +4 damage.
Effect: When you declare Block, select one creature in the same brawl zone or that When you use Power Strike, you suffer a -2 penalty to Evasion.
you can reach in a single move. Whenever that character is subject to a melee or
ranged attack, you become the target of that attack instead. That attack hits you Taunting Strike
without a roll. Prerequisites: None Skill: -
Block triggers automatically when the subject is targetted by an attack. It can Description: As you attack, you taunt the enemy and draw his attacks.
only trigger once per round and will not trigger against magical attacks, other Effect: You make a wide, flashy attack, drawing your target's attention to
techniques, or effects that hit an area. Block can only be used on a willing yourself. An attack made with Taunting Strike deals -2 damage.
creature. A target hit by a Taunting Strike must attack the user whenever possible, though
The effect of Block lasts until the beginning of your next turn. the method of attack is up to it.
Prerequisites: None Skill: - Strike has no effect. If Taunting Strike is used through a ranged attack, it has no
Description: You focus on accuracy over raw power as you attack. effect if the user is 10m or more from the target.
Effect: Each of your accuracy checks is made with a +1 bonus, but your critical
rate increases by one (criticals become less likely). If your critical rate is already Throw Attack
13 or more, you cannot use Aimed Attack. Prerequisites: Gain a level in Grappler Skill: Grappler
Prerequisites: Aimed Attack Skill: - Throw on creatures with two legs and one body section. You cannot use Throw
Description: You attack even more accurately, striking with surgical precision. Attack with Chain Attack.
Effect: Each of your accuracy checks is made with a +2 bonus, but your critical If you hit, the target takes damage and is knocked prone. Until the end of of the
turn when a prone enemy stands up, it takes a -2 penalty to all Constitution and etc.). You cannot use Metamagic/Targets on a spell with a range of Personal or
Willpower checks. Touch. You can select the targets one by one, or all at the time of casting if you
You automatically learn this technique when you gain a grappler level. You may prefer.
not learn it any other way. You can activate this technique on the same turn as any other Metamagic
Lethal Strike
Description: You attack an enemy's weak point for massive damage. Prerequisites: None Skill: -
Effect: When determining calculated damage from a melee attack, the weapon's Description: You infuse a spell with extra mana to extend its range.
critical rate is reduced by 1 (criticals become more likely). Lethal Strike cannot Effect: You increase the range of a spell by two or three times. Multiply the MP
reduce the critical rate to 7 (minimum 8). cost by as much as the range was extended. You cannot use Metamagic/Distance
When you use Lethal Strike, you suffer a -2 penalty to Evasion. on a spell with a range of Personal or Touch.
You can activate this technique on the same turn as any other Metamagic
Metamagic/Accuracy technique.
Description: You cast a spell at an enemy repeatedly, ensuring you hit. Metamagic/Time
Effect: You cast a spell repeatedly in one turn. You make a separate Spellcasting Prerequisites: None Skill: -
roll for each casting, then choose one to apply. You pay the MP cost for each Description: You infuse a spell with extra mana to extend its duration.
attempt. Effect: You increase the duration of a spell effect by two or three times. Multiply
If the spell has an effect based on Impact, apply it only once. the MP cost by as much as the duration was extended. You cannot use
You can activate this technique on the same turn as any other Metamagic Metamagic/Distance on a spell with a duration of Instant or Permanent.
technique. You can activate this technique on the same turn as any other Metamagic
Description: You infuse a spell with extra mana to make it affect more targets. Prerequisites: None Skill: -
Effect: You increase the number of targets a spell can affect. Multiply the MP cost Description: You infuse a spell with extra mana to widen its area of effect.
by the number of additional targets (2x for two more targets, 3x for three targets, Effect: You widen the effect of a spell whose area is a radius.
The MP cost of the spell increases by one time over for each meter the radius is to
be expanded (2x for one meter, 3x for two meters, etc.). The maximum number of
affected targets also increases. The new target limit is equal to the number of
You can activate this technique on the same turn as any other Metamagic
Magic Convergence
Description: You shrink the area of a spell to pinpoint only the target you want to
Effect: You can cast a spell whose area is a radius such that only a single target is
Mana Strike
Description: You infuse your attacks with mana to deal more damage.
Effect: You can add your magic power to your melee damage. You may choose any
When you use Mana Strike, you suffer a -1 penalty to Evasion, Constitution, and
Willpower checks.
11. Evasion: Add this number to evasion rolls.
Items 12. Defense : Subtract this number from physical damage received.
※Category 13. Price: Listed in Gil (G). Unwanted equipment can be bought back for half the listed price.
[Sword] and [Axe] are described as such. This also affects the [Weapon Proficiency/**] Feat.
[2Hᵴ]: This weapon has multiple uses, and deals slashing damage.
[2Hᵱ]: This weapon has multiple uses, and deals piercing damage.
3. Req'd STR : Stands for Required Strength. A PC needs to have a Strength equal to or exceeding
5. Impact: The weapon’s damage table. 2d, compare to chart, add modifiers.
6. Crit Rate: If the total of your dice alone meet or exceed the Crit Rate, your attack is a critical hit.
7. Add'l Dmg : When rolling damage for [Crossbows], add the number given to the roll.
8. Magic Power [Guns] When determining damage, add the number given to the roll.
9. Range [Guns]. The effective range of weapons that require aiming at the desired target.
Most melee weapons tend to be inexpensive, and their use tends to earn favor with those who fight on the front
Name Usage Req'd STR Accuracy Impact Crit Rate Price
lines. However, even a wizard may use melee weapons in self-defense, though not as proficiently. Even punches,
Flissa 1H 8 - 13 10 880
kicks, and wrestling techniques will be examined here.
Flamberge 1H† 23 - 28 10 1,580
Each category is separated according to strength and ease of use, with more difficult weapons requiring a bit more
2H 23 - 38 10
training to use. Otherwise, there is naught but money stopping one from purchasing their weapon of choice.
Dragonslayer 2H 28 - 43 10 2,760
Swords and knives. Relatively easily concealed, and just as easily drawn.
B-Rank Swords
Whether single- or double-bladed, the defining feature of axes is their immense Impact. This is balanced out by
Name Usage Req'd STR Accuracy Impact Crit Rate Price their increased difficulty to critically hit, however.
Knife 1H* 1 - 1 10 30
B-Rank Axes
Dagger 1H* 3 - 3 10 50
Name Usage Req'd STR Accuracy Impact Crit Rate Price
Short Sword 1H 5 - 5 10 80
Hand Axe 1H* 7 - 12 11 90
Rapier 1H 8 - 8 10 110
Battle Axe 1H† 16 - 21 11 360
Saber 1H 10 - 10 10 190
2H 16 - 31 11
Estoc 2H 11 - 21 10 370
Great Axe 2H 18 - 33 11 410
Long Sword 1H† 13 - 13 10 440
Heavy Axe 1H† 20 - 25 11 440
2H 13 - 23 10
2H 20 - 35 11
Broad Sword 1H 15 - 15 10 340
Bulova 2H 22 - 37 11 490
Bastard Sword 1H† 17 - 17 10 560
Minotaur's Axe 2H 30 - 45 11 950
2H 17 - 27 10
Falchion 2H 18 - 28 10 790
Only those with [Weapon Proficiency/Axe] may equip the following weapon.
Zweihander 2H 20 - 30 10 860
A-Rank Axes
Shamshir 2H 22 - 32 11 950
Name Usage Req'd STR Accuracy Impact Crit Rate Price
Great Sword 2H 24 - 34 10 1,020
Halberd 2Hᵴ 20 - 40 11 1,080
2Hᵱ 20 - 35 10
The spear. Characterized by the point at the end of it's haft, it's increased Impact comes at the loss of accuracy. Only those with [Weapon Proficiency/Mace] may equip the following weapon.
Name Usage Req'd STR Accuracy Impact Crit Rate Price Name Usage Req'd STR Accuracy Impact Crit Rate Price
Long Spear 1H† 20 -1 25 10 220 them as a channel for their magic, though typically Sorcerers are seen focusing their Truespeech Magic through
2H 20 - 30 10 one.
B-Rank Staves
Only those with [Weapon Proficiency/Spear] may equip the following weapon.
Name Usage Req'd STR Accuracy Impact Crit Rate Price
Name Usage Req'd STR Accuracy Impact Crit Rate Price Quarterstaff 2H 4 +1 14 12 140
2H 15 - 30 10 Only those with [Weapon Proficiency/Staff] may equip the following weapon.
A-Rank Staves
Maces Name Usage Req'd STR Accuracy Impact Crit Rate Price
With both high Impact and higher accuracy, the mace is a dangerous weapon. Don't expect to critically hit all too
Mana Staff※ 2H 3 +1 13 12 6,800
often, however.
※Increases Magic Power by +1, and is considered a magical weapon.
B-Rank Maces
2H 15 +1 30 12
Maul 2H 20 +1 35 12 440
A weight or iron ball attached with a chain to a handle, a flail is a simple weapon. However, while its swings carry A-Rank Warhammers
Name Usage Req'd STR Accuracy Impact Crit Rate Price 2Hᵴ 20 -2 45 10
Light Flail 1H 7 -1 12 10 90
Morningstar 1H 12 -1 17 10 280 important to know that the weapons listed here do not inhibit any sort of movement of the arms or legs.
Punch 1H 0 - 0 12 -
Only those with [Weapon Proficiency/Flail] may equip the following weapon.
Kick 1H‡ 0 -1 5 12 -
Name Usage Req'd STR Accuracy Impact Crit Rate Price Cestus※ 1H 1 +1 1 10 40
2H 18 -1 38 10 ※Grappler only. A Cestus increases punch damage, while Spiked Boots increase kick damage. A character can
Warhammers Only those with [Weapon Proficiency/Martial Arts] may equip these weapons.
A weapon used by rank-and-file troops, warhammers are relatively inexpensive, but difficult to successfully A-Rank Martial Arts
attack with.
Name Usage Req'd STR Accuracy Impact Crit Rate Price
Name Usage Req'd STR Accuracy Impact Crit Rate Price Stomper※ 1H‡ 5 -1 20 10 520
Pike 1H 2 -1 7 10 60 ※Grappler only. Hard Knuckles increases punch damage, while Stompers increase kick damage. A character can
Warhammer 1H 11 -1 16 10 250 equip two of each, one in each hand/on each foot.
Mattock 2H 20 -2 40 10 440
Ranged Weapons For those who wish to stay farther from combat than a thrown weapon allows, there is the bow. They are easy
Only skilled Shooters are able to handle all ranged weapons. [Bows], [Crossbows], [Guns], and [Thrown Weapons] enough to fire each round, but it's just as easy to lose track of how many arrows are left. Arrows have a range of
each have their own characteristics, so choose wisely. In addition, it is a good idea to keep track of the range and 20m, and additional damage is calculated by adding a PC's Shooter skill level (if any) and their Strength modifier.
Name Usage Req'd STR Accuracy Impact Crit Rate Price Only those with [Weapon Proficiency/Bows] may equip these weapons.
Stone 1H* 1 - 6 12 0
A-Rank Bows
Knife 1H* 1 - 1 10 30
Name Usage Req'd STR Accuracy Impact Crit Rate Price
Dagger 1H* 3 - 3 10 50
Wrapped Bow 2H 13 - 28 10 780
Hand Axe 1H* 7 - 12 11 90
Javelin 1H* 5 -1 10 10 65
Short Spear 1H* 10 -1 15 10 110
Packed into each bullet is the power of mana, though only Magitechs can unleash that power. However, while a
Magitech adds their skill level to damage, a Shooter adds their skill level to the attack roll. Also, each gun has its
Only those with [Weapon Proficiency/Thrown Weapons] may equip these weapons.
own critical value and Strength requirement, as each gun is different. Finally, while every gun comes with a
A-Rank Thrown Weapons
holster to carry it, changing weapons from or to a one-handed gun is but a free action.
Arrow (12) 10
each round with little difficulty. Compared to [Bows], [Crossbows] require less Strength to use for a much longer Quarrel (12) 20
range and higher damage output. However, additional damage is fixed for each crossbow, regardless of skill level. Silver Quarrel (1) 100
Bullet (1) 5
B-Rank Crossbows
Bullets (12) 50
Name Usage Req'd STR Accuracy Impact Crit Rate Add'l Dmg Price
Silver Bullet (1) 250
Light 2H 1 - 16 10 4 160
Gun Belt (holds 12 bullets) 20
Normal 2H 5 - 20 10 4 260
Heavy 2H 10 - 25 10 4 530
Only those with [Weapon Proficiency/Crossbows] may equip these weapons. A-Rank Crossbows have a range of
A-Rank Crossbows
Name Usage Req'd STR Accuracy Impact Crit Rate Add'l Dmg Price
Thami 2H 18 - 38 10 7 1,480
Heavy Armor
Armor B-Rank Heavy Armor
Armor is typically worn over the body to provide Defense to those that wear it. Shields
Name Req'd STR Evasion Defense Price
provide similar protection, though in a handheld form. Do be aware that, while there is
Splint Armor 15 - 5 520
less armor than there are weapons, the armor listed here can be more expensive.
Chainmail 18 -1 6 760
Also, wearing armor and/or carrying a shield may impose a penalty to actions taken.
Plate Armor 21 -2 7 1,200
Please refer to pgs. 104 - 118 for more details.
Suit Armor※ 24 -3 8 2,500
※Can be used as a weapon (see below), but do not gain benefit of Defense that turn.
Adventurer 100 Backpack, Waterskin, Blanket, 6 Torches, Tinderbox, 10m Torch 5 Set of 6. Lasts 2 hours each, even if dropped.
Set Rope, Small Knife Tinderbox 20 Box of flint and kindling. Ignites in 10 minutes.
Containers Hu Lamp 100 Small pot containing flint and a mechanical spark. Ignites
in 1 minute.
Name Price Notes
Lantern 40 Shuttered lantern. Destroyed when dropped.
Bag 8 Fabric
Blanket 40
Camping Equipment
Small Hammer 10
Name Price Notes
Grappling 10
Tableware Set 12 Cup, Plate, Bowl
Blanket 40
Piton 20 Set of 10. 2G for each additional piton.
Cooking Utensil 50 Frypan, Pan, Cooking Spoon
Small Knife 20 Cannot be used as a weapon.
Hand Mirror 50+ Small: 50G, Cosmetic: 100G, Full-length: 150G
Tent 250~350 250 for 4 people, 300 for 5 people, 350 for 6 people
Clothing Food/Drink
Change of Clothes 10 One week's worth of clothes. Ale 1+ Price is for 1 cup. Barrel: 300G
Casual Wear 6+ Shirt 6G, Skirt 7G, Pants 8G Meal (1 person) 3+ Snack: 3G, Lunch Set: 8G, Dinner 15G
Snowsuit 80 Top and bottom included. Preserved food (1 week) 50+ Value pack.
Maid/Butler Outfit 90 Top and bottom included. Nutrition Capsule 100+ Runefolk only. Only 1 is needed per week.
Name Price
Miscellaneous Donkey 800
Cloth 4+ Handkerchief size: 4G, Wrapping size: 10G Riding Horse 5,000
Lifestyle Expenses 10+ Frugal Living: 10G, Decent Living: 30G Name Price
Used to recover depleted HP and MP. The Ranger Skill increases the amount recovered. Enchanted Oak Branch 50
Awake 100 Same effect as Awaken spell (pg. 194), except Range is
Potion Touch.
Face Accessories
Accessories Name Price Notes
Accessories are items (other than clothes) that can be worn. Each accessory has a certain
Mask 2 Only covers the mouth and nose
area where it can be worn, which is shown on your character sheet. In addition,
Disguise 10 Wooden: 10, Party: 60, Metal: 100
accessories listed as [Other] can be worn as though it were another area.
Fake 20 Causes inappropriate laughter and loss of dignity
The prices listed are the minimum market value, with many items having
higher-quality versions (with a higher price tag). It is assumed that a character can start
Glasses 150
with some common accessories at character creation, as well as items like clothes and
Monocle 200 Similar to glasses, requires special order
Sunglasses 1,000 Special glasses made of ancient materials
Some accessories are magical, so refer to the appropriate page for more information.
Head Accessories
Neck Accessories
Name Price Notes
Name Price Notes
Hairpins 3 Beads: 3, Gemstones: 6, Silver: 100
Necklace 5 Beads: 5, Gemstones: 8, Silver: 100
Hat 7 Knitted Fabric: 7, Leather: 15, Silk: 100
Choker 10 For loyal servants
Circlet 20
Muffler 15 Protects neck from cold weather
Veil 40 Made of fine lace
Rose Choker 1,000 [Magic] Break to reduce damage by -2. (see p. 259)
Toupee 300 Able to hide baldness
Lucky Charm 2,000 [Magic] Loot Determination rolls +2 (see p. 257)
Crown/Tiara 10,000 Decorated with plenty of jewelry, custom orders only
Amulet of Light 3,000 [Magic] +1 Fortitude, Willpower and Evasion vs.
Salamander 1,500 [Magic] When thrown, deals 20 Impact + 5 pts. Fire
undead attacks (see p. 259)
Hairpin damage (see p. 259)
Ring 5 Beads: 5, Gemstones: 8, Silver: 100 Toe Ring 5 Beads: 5, Gemstones: 8, Silver: 100
Wristband 7 Trendy 15
Gloves 10 Knitted Fabric: 10, Leather: 18 Boots 20 Ankle-length leather boots. 25 for knee-length
Ability-Enhancing Ring 500 [Magic] +1 to any ability score. Break to Anklet 20 Metal. Silver: 100
※ increase bonus to +13 once. (see p. 258) Skanda 2,000 [Magic] Movement speed +5 (see p. 255)
Bracelet※ increase bonus to +14 once. (see p. 258) Angel Shoes 8,000 [Magic] While worn, always float 10cm above the ground
Sunshine Band 1,000 [Magic] Break to receive +2 bonus to Vitality. (see p. 258)
(see p. 260)
Moonlight Band 1,000 [Magic] Break to receive +2 bonus to Spirit. (see Other Accessories
p. 257) Name Price Notes
Droplet Bracelet 5,000 [Magic] Made with spring water. Ice damage -1
Braid 1 Simple hair braid. White: 1, Other color: 3 each
pt. (see p. 257)
Ribbon 1 White: 1, Other color: 3
Ring of the Mind 5,000 [Magic] +1 Resistance bonus to Willpower (see p.
Bandanna 5
Scarf 7
※The bonuses provided by these items do not stack with each other (for example, one Piercing 8 Gemstone: 8, Silver: 100
cannot equip both items for a +3 bonus to an ability score). Chain 30 Cannot be a weapon. Colored chain: 35
Hip Accessories Gem Case 100 Leather case holds up to 4 Gems of the Fairie Tamer.
Name Price Notes Silver: 200.
Belt 10 Thin leather. 15 for a design on belt Chandelle - Luxury brands available in Zaltz region. Price +50%
Champion's 5,000 [Magic] May cast Lightning with 6 Magic Power, Cost:
Target One Range Duration Resist Half Uses mana to close a lock tight.
creature 30m/Shot Instant Effect: You lock any object that can be locked. An object locked with this
Attacks by firing a bolt of energy. Type spell behaves as if locked normally. Anything with a lock can be affected.
creature 30m/Target (18 rounds) Null Manipulates the target's mind to put it to sleep. Type
Effect: Reduces the damage of a target's melee or ranged attacks by 4. Effect: If the target fails to resist, it falls asleep. A sleeping target is
This cannot reduce damage to 0. woken up by losing any HP or MP or being awakened by an ally.
Creates a mote of light to illuminate an area. Target One Range 30m/Target Duration Instant Resist N/A
Effect: Removes penalties due to darkness within the area. The mote can item
Effect: Senses the presence of magic in a target object. You know if magic
is present or not, but not the name, type, effect, or how many spells are
Target One Range 30m/Target Duration Instant Resist Null Target One Range 30m/Target Duration Resist Null
Destroys a magical effect by interrupting the flow of mana. Senses hostility towards the caster.
Effect: Nullifies one active magical effect that is not of the Curse type. Effect: You can tell if the target harbors feelings of ill will towards you. If
You do not have to know the name of the effect.Dispelling magic is a the target resists, you can't tell if he wishes you ill or not.Anyone
contested roll.If you enhance the number of targets, you may dispel targeted by this spell has a momentary feeling of dizziness that can alert
multiple spells at once (but no effects for which you lost the contested them to the fact that this spell was used on them.
Target One Range Duration 3 minutes (18 Resist creature 30m/Target (18 rounds) Null
creature 30m/Target rounds) Null Binds the arms and legs of a creature.
Bolsters a creature's vitality, increasing its resistance. Effect: The target takes a -2 penalty to its Accuracy or Evasion. The
Effect: The target gets a +2 bonus on Fortitude checks. caster chooses what the penalty applies to.
Target One object Range Touch/- Duration Instant Resist N/A Target One Range Duration Resist Half
Effect: This spell opens mundane locks. If the lock is sealed magically, Attacks with a blade made of mana from above. Type
make a contested roll against the seal's caster. The lock opens if you win. Slashing
Target One Range Duration 3 minutes Resist creature 10m/Target (18 rounds) N/A
creature 30m/Target (18 rounds) N/A Protects the target with a barrier of mana.
Infuses a blade or fist with mana, making it sharper or harder. Effect: The target takes -1 damage from all physical and magical
Effect: The target's melee and ranged weapon attacks deal damage as if sources. Protection has no effect on poison, disease, or curse type
they were magic and deal 1 extra point of physical damage. damage.
Target Radius Range Duration Resist Half Target One Range 10m/Target Duration Resist Null
Attacks all characters in an area with tiny bolts of Type Repairs a living body using the power of the earth.
lightning. Lightning Effect: This is a healing spell. It heals the target of 0 Impact + Magic
Effect: Deals 0 Impact + Magic Power damage. Power points of damage. It even heals creatures of the undead and
Target Radius Range Duration 10 seconds Resist Cnj 2 Counter Magic 1MP
3m/5 30m/Target (1 round) Null Target One Range Duration 3 minutes (18 Resist
Effect: Fills the area with magical fog. Creatures that fail to resist lose Wraps the target in mana, boosting his resistance to attacks against his
Target One Range Duration One day or until a Resist N/A Target One Range Touch/- Duration One day Resist N/A
Effect: You animate a doll or puppet and give it an order or task. The Effect: You create a golem out of ready materials. The golem will follow a
affected object will only carry out the order it is given. Once its task is single simple command until it is destroyed. Casting this spell takes one
complete or one day has passed, it reverts into an ordinary doll. The doll hour. If the golem is unable to follow its order, it will become inert
uses the statistics of the cat familiar and has no special properties. You wherever it is. It will reanimate if it becomes able to follow its order
can animate an object up to the size of a small animal. It has about the again. To create an oak golem, you need an enchanted oak branch. To
strength of a human child. You can only give simple orders, like following create a loam puppet, you need a piece of enchanted clay. The amount of
a specific path or performing one action over and over. mana used depends on the type of golem created. Refer to the monster
Target One Range Duration 3 minutes Resist Null Golem Type MP Cost Ingredient
You inflame your target's passions and push him to Type Loam Puppet 8 Enchanted Clay
attack. Willpower
Effect: The affected creature receives a +2 bonus to Accuracy, but a -2 Cnj 3 Earth Regeneration 7MP
penalty to Evasion. Target Radius Range 10m/Target Duration Instant Resist Null
Cnj 3 Fire Weapon 4MP Accelerates natural healing using the power of the earth.
Target One Range Duration 3 minutes Resist Effect: Each creature in the area regenerates 3 points of damage at the
creature 30m/Target (18 rounds) N/A end of their turn. This even heals creatures of the undead and magical
Wraps a creature in flame, infusing its strikes with magical power. beast categories.
Effect: The target's melee and ranged weapon attacks deal damage as if
they were fire type magic and deal 2 extra points of physical damage.
Basic Divine Spell List Div 1 Banish 3MP
Div 1 Sanity 3MP Target 3m Range 30m/Target Duration Resist Null
Target One Range Touch/- Duration Instant Resist Null radius/5 Instant
Restores the target to his normal state of mind. Effect: For each undead or barbaros in the area that fails to resist, roll
Effect: Dispels all Willpower-type spells and abilities on the target. If the 2d6 and consult the table below to determine Banish's effect.
spell or ability you are trying to dispel had a roll, make a contested roll Banish Effects
against it. Die Effect
Target 3m radius/5 Range Self/- Duration Instant Resist Null -2 penalty to Evasion. If the target has an
A sparkling light surrounds the targets and protects them from harm. intelligence score, it cannot use any actions that
Effect: The targets take -1 damage from all physical and magical require reason or cast any spells.
sources. This effect lasts for 3 minutes (18 rounds). Field Protection has 5-9 The target is consumed by fear, slowing its
no effect on poison, disease, or curse type damage. movements. For 3 minutes (18 rounds), it receives a
Target One Range 10m/Target Duration Resist N/A Target One creature Range Touch/- Duration Instant Resist N/A
Wakes a target up from being asleep or unconscious. Effect: Dispels all blindness-related penalties on the target.
below 0, it is set to 1.The affected character can take an action Div 3 Cure Poison 3MP
immediately. Prone characters wake up still prone. Target One Range Touch/- Duration Instant Resist N/A
Div 2 Cure Wounds 3MP Purges poison from the target's body.
Target One Range 10m/Target Duration Resist Null Effect: Dispels a poison-type spell or effect on the target. If the poison
creature Instant has a roll, make a contested roll against it.
Uses mana to heal a creature's injuries.
Effect: This is a healing spell. It heals the target of 10 Impact + Magic Div 3 Field Resistance 5MP
Power points of damage. This spell has no effect on creatures of the Target 5m radius/15 Range Self/- Duration Instant Resist N/A
magical beast category. If the target is undead, this spell deals 10 Impact You bestow targets within the field with protection against one type of energy.
+ Magic Power points of damage instead. This spell cannot critically hit.
Effect: The targets take -3 damage from all physical and magical sources
A simple detection spell using a quick burst of mana. Div 4 Ray 5MP
Effect: You are aware of the presence of barbaros in the area of the spell. Target Target Range 30m/Line Duration Instant Resist Half
You know only presence or absence, not their location or number. The point
targets are aware that this spell has been used on them. Deals damage with a beam of light. Type Energy
creature 10m/Target (18 rounds) Null Target Self Range Self/- Duration 10 seconds (1 Resist N/A
Effect: If the target fails to resist, it is blinded. This has no effect on You swear a vow to protect someone, and your faith bolsters your
Effect: When you cast this spell, choose one PC or NPC within 10 meters
Special divine spells of Lu Lode, God of Wanderers of your position. You must uphold an oath to defend that character. The
Div 2 Luck 3MP target's Adventurer Level or Monster Level must be within 2 of yours.
Target Self Range Self/- Duration 1 day Resist N/A Other oaths are subject to the GM's approval. All of your actions for the
You pray for luck and receive a blessing of success in your endeavors. spell's duration receive a +2 bonus.Casting this spell is a free action. You
made as part of an action. You can decide to reroll or not after you see the
result of the dice. You must use the second roll.If you cast this spell a Div 4 Covering 3MP
second time during its effect, the second spell is lot. You may only benefit Target Self Range Self/- Duration 3 minutes (18 Resist N/A
Div 4 Unluck 5MP Effect: You gain the use of one Feat: Block, Iron Wall, Armor Proficiency
Target One Range 10m/Target Duration 1 day Resist I, or Armor Proficiency II. You must meet the prerequisites for that
creature Null technique. With multiple castings, you can emulate multiple techniques.
You pray for a creature's ill fortune and lay a curse on it Type
Effect: If the target fails to resist, it must make two die rolls and use the
worse on its first action after the spell is cast.If the target is a monster or
penalty to its result. The spell is cancelled at the end of its duration or
once triggered.
Special divine spells of Kilhia, God of Wisdom
Div 2 Penetrate 2MP Div 4 Water Walking 3MP
Target Self Range Self/- Duration Instant Resist N/A Target One creature Range 30m/- Duration 1 hour Resist Null
You receive a sign from your god that shows you an enemy's weakness. The target can walk on water as if it were solid ground.
Effect: If you cast this spell before making a Monster Knowledge check, Effect: For the duration, the target can move over water as if it were a
you receive a +2 bonus to the check.Casting this spell is a free action. solid surface.
You see through the eyes of a deity, detecting the enemy's weak points
Effect: If the target fails to resist, the critical threshold of any attack
Faerie Spell List Fae 1 Faerie Wish 1MP
Fae 1 Wind Voice 2MP Target Self Range Self/- Duration 1 hour Resist N/A
Target Radius Range Duration 3 minutes Resist You make a request of the faeries, and they guide your own decisions.
5m/15 100m/Target (18 rounds) N/A Effect: At any point during the spell's duration, you may ask a faerie for
The caster can hear sounds in the area and transmit his own sounds. aid and receive a +1 bonus on a roll. You must decide to ask for the
Effect: The caster can send sounds into and converse with creatures faerie's help before you make the roll.When you cast this spell, choose a
within the area. The area must be in line of sight and outdoors. faerie you have contracted with. That faerie appears by your side and
hovers near you until the spell is discharged. If you can speak the
Fae 1 Healing Water 3MP faerie's language, you can communicate your precise request to the
Target Target Range Duration 3 minutes (18 Resist N/A faerie. However, you may not give it an order or force it to do
point Touch rounds) anything.When the spell's duration ends, you ask the faerie for aid, or
Draws a small amount of healing water out of the air. the spell is dispelled, the faerie leaves. You may not make a request of
water may be drunk out of hands or containers. Drinking the water is a Fae 2 Whisper Heal 4MP
standard action. The water disappears when the spell's duration expires. Target Radius Range 30m/Target Duration Resist Null
3m/5 Instant
Effect: This is a healing spell. It heals the target of Magic Power points of
Target One Range 30m/Target Duration Resist Null Target One Range Duration 3 minutes Resist
Earth faeries grab the enemy's legs and pull it to the ground. Stones orbit the target, warding off attacks.
Effect: The target is rendered prone. Creatures with multiple body Effect: Once when the target would take physical damage from a melee
sections or three or more legs are unaffected. or ranged attack, he may take -5 damage. The affected creature chooses
whether or not to use this effect. Once it has been used once, the spell
Effect: Deals 10 Impact + Magic Power damage. Target Up to 100l of Range Duration Resist
Fae 3 Wind Cutter 3MP Purges water of impurities and solutes, making it pure and clean.
Target One creature Range 30m/Shot Duration Instant Resist Half Effect: Up to 100 liters of water the caster is touching become pure
Slices the enemy with a blade of air pressure. Type Wind water.
Item Small, one Range Duration 10 seconds (1 Resist Small/Medium/Large 30m/Target Instant N/A
Infuses a mundane bullet with mana. Scans for items imbued with magic.
Effect: This spell creates a bullet that deals high damage. The bullet Effect: Your magisphere shows you the location of all magical items
deals 20 Impact + Magic Power damage if it hits. within the area of effect. It does not inform you of the strength or type of
Casting this spell is a free action. the magic.The area is a 10m radius if a small magisphere is used, 30m
Item Small Range Self/- Duration 10 seconds (1 round) Resist N/A Tec 2 Critical Bullet 2MP
You enhance your vision, helping you aim your attacks. Item Small, one Range Duration 10 seconds (1 Resist N/A
Effect: This spell creates a bullet that deals high damage. The bullet
Tec 1 Flashlight 2MP deals 20 Impact + Magic Power damage if it hits. In addition, the bullet's
Item Small Range 10m/Shot Duration 6 hours Resist Null critical threshold is reduced by 1 (criticals become more likely).
A bright white light emanates from the Magisphere. Casting this spell is a free action.
half-circle ahead of the caster, out to a 10m radius. Within the light, all Tec 2 Shadow Body 3MP
penalties from darkness are canceled. Item Small Range Self/- Duration 1 minute (6 rounds) Resist N/A
Item Small Range Touch/- Duration 10 seconds (1 Resist N/A Item Small, one Range Duration 3 minutes Resist
Creates a very small bomb for blowing up locks. Applies magical effects to a weapon and allows it to strike with an
Effect: You cause an explosion about 3cm in radius that can break open element.
normal and magical locks. If you attempt to destroy a lock closed by Effect: The target's melee and ranged attacks deal damage as if magic
magic, make a contested roll. This spell makes a very loud sound.At the and deal an additional point of physical damage.The affected attacks
end of the spell's duration (10 seconds), the bomb explodes. The also deal energy damage. You may choose Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, or
explosion is not large enough to damage creatures. Lightning as the energy type.
Item Small, one Range Duration 10 seconds (1 Resist N/A Item Small, one Range Duration 10 seconds (1 Resist N/A
Crafts a special bullet that accelerates the healing of a creature it hits. Infuses a bullet with mana and the power of an element.
Effect: This spell creates a bullet that heals wounds. The bullet heals 0 Effect: This spell creates a bullet that deals high damage. The bullet
Impact + Magic Power damage if it hits. The bullet hits as long as you do deals 20 Impact + Magic Power damage if it hits. In addition, the bullet
not score an automatic failure on the roll.This spell has no effect on also deals energy damage. You may choose Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, or
creatures of the undead and magical beast types.This spell cannot Lightning as the energy type.
critical.Casting this spell is a free action. Casting this spell is a free action.
Tec 3 Jump Boots 3MP
Using your magisphere, you create boots of great jumping and put them
Effect: For the duration of the spell, your jumping distance is increased.
If you used a small magisphere, you jump twice as far, three times as far
for a medium magisphere, and five times as far for a large. You take no
resists the explosion with its Willpower. If it fails, it takes a -12 penalty