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Da Annex 04-04-19

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New links will be placed here for a while before adding them to Da Archive.


If you can't understand why you should support your game, go work at Burger King for 2 weeks for no pay and you might get a clue.
Sorry for the incomplete links and L33t gibberish.
This way seems to be a good idea, what with all the matrixbots and cyber crotchspiders out there.

SS, $$, or @SS is sendspace, m3g4 is mega, <d0t> is a period or dot as in dot com, etc.
There is a u$ercl0ud and a u$er$cl0ud, be careful to go to the correct one.
Remember, links are cAsE sEnSeTiVe

Anon Has Pointed Out That A Few Sites Used Have Unwanted Clutter That Can Be Annoying.
“Be warned the site it's on is rife with malware traps.
When you figure it out make sure the file you're saving is a .PDF and not the same thing with .EXE
stuck on the end. The second one is a million bad programs that eat your compooter like I eat

Special thanks to Da Archivist, Mageguru, Here!, Agent13, TheWiz!, The Warden,

Fat Charley, Blink_Dog, DiosMios, Porthos, The Greyhawk Ranger, Fitz-Empress bani
Flambeau, helpful, CityofCarse, donkey, Magister Man, ABF, 3DoorsDownDude, Smink, Nergal,
Okultek, JaZZ, UglyPanda, VL, Bytee, Hermes, k3tamin3, Mr Slayer, sdrawkcaB nonA

All the Awesome Curators, and the entire Anon Brigade.

Extra Special thanks to the Pioneers who paved the way.

Like Anons say:

Thanks to all the anons here that provide us with their files and/or help!!!
This thread is awesomesauce3, and you're the reason!
Fun and Educational!
What methods do people prefer to add OCR to a PDF? smallpdf.com does a pretty good job of lossless compression
OCR shouldn't be affecting the compression of the image in the PDF by default. Unless you are setting the OCR to
downsample a 300dpi page to 150dpi while performing the OCR. In which case you should set the OCR downsample to
match the actual page dpi.

But honestly if the PDF consists pages that are just images, you should extract them in Photoshop, and reduce the
resolution to 150dpi with the bicubic sharper option (Does a better job of downsampling than Acrobat), save to PNG, and
recreate the PDF, then OCR @ 150dpi.

A Hard To Find Game
www an onfi les cc/file/3afdbf1484a673a0e5a0c9a2e32c0d3b

--- --- ---

REVOLVING COLLECTIONS! Get 'Em While They're Hot!! (47 hours 59 minutes - or less!)

The Dusty Shelf The Inner Temple The GraveYard

v0la /r/jyyevh2r v0la /r/theinnertemple v0la /r/puwgtp64

Byte This Axe I RULE Cavern of Carse Share Bears

v0la /r/kzz1wp2m v0la /r/nqacax5m v0la /r/jjkbczrm

The Forgotten Utopia RollenspielBücherSchrank Quiet Nysa

v0la /r/mqaec2h4 v0la /r/g7m8zdgc v0la /r/fwac5ajr

The Mindflayer's Daydream Grand Triphyle Elegant Zeleia

v0la /r/nd23y0bc v0la /r/pdj4f75r v0la /r/dwmx6420

House of the Fantom Pencil 100 Shares Transient Trachis

v0la /r/refxvudw v0la /r/100Shares v0la /r/fjbmhdnc

Byte This Axe Quiet Pangea Me-So-Pâté-Me-Uh

v0la /r/kzyy33yg v0la /r/mfumjncg v0la /r/u58mbz30

Jovial Tilphussa Malignant Narcissism Saturnine Hesperides

v0la /r/gncmzyvm v0la /r/Red_Sector_A v0la /r/ptb4g6w0

Illuminated Thrinacia Lethargic Sirenum The Hammer and Other shit

v0la /r/nxtbx83c v0la /r/uypxefar v0la /r/u86kebe0

Ambrosial Isles Drow Drop-Off Rawr exdee

v0la /r/rdwg6jqg v0la /r/teentemw v0la /r/rue1g8jr

East Arima Enlightened Triphyle Beloved Olympus

v0la /r/g08myerr v0la /r/tkjdete0 v0la /r/tp94c9d0

--- --- ---

Donations for the month of April (pw = aprilfools)

No. 65512855
Outbreak:Undead 2E GMs Guide and House on the Hill
SS /file/0mncwi

Hunt the Wicked

37<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/kGZKKLa6/file.html

SS /file/zwui5l

Lion & Dragon

Dark Albion: The Rose War and Cults of Chaos
The Ghost of Jack Cade on London Bridge
SS /filegroup/%2BjXda1ucNv4ccuXNPA1KwCqv3lIsYnvK

PLAYER COMPANION - Heroes of Golarion

SS /filegroup/JOEEUeyjD8bZOuBM3rpSLliGHcInsAMnOvxkUrw4PK8


No. 65457289
Games Workshop - How To Make Wargames Terrain 2nd Edition
46<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/NprttU5D/file.html

MotW Tome of Mysteries

SS /filegroup/iOoK9GIi2PLvaJaLQc%2F6qQ

Tenra Bansho Zero

SS /filegroup/R8FfDGWLgHs4mwSZQa8TUPvnhK0yGtiR

The Super Villain Handbook Deluxe Edition

SS /file/s5pbx0

The Prepared Investigator

SS /file/xmkob4

Legend of the Elements

SS /filegroup/5dA8s%2BS00E9XuBlg%2FJLSFWK2vVZnkCckLPMRq4agWgQ%2F8zUtAdquyRnru%2BqSV4b5

Wargames Illustrated
m3g4 /#F!O1cUGTRL!4FSvbQTXjmRTz1TfVXqxLw

Road to Armageddon - Biafra 3 Let Them Laugh at Fate

SS /file/rc5ul2

Gunslinger/Soulknife options
SS /file/hx65ne

Pendraken Miniatures - Blitzkrieg Commander - 4th Edition

SS /file/pd3dak

Whispering Vault and Eldritch Skies

SS /filegroup/1c8zRUhtUdH%2FiRywckxqLw

Priests of the Aeons for Numenera

SS /filegroup/v%2BGcivAYn9Sb0ruxlJDrdT2yErDdJoKF

RuneQuest 3 - The Book of Drastic Resolutions - Volume Darkness

69<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/d8DyeFHI/file.html

RuneQuest 3 - The Book of Drastic Resolutions - Volume Prax

69<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/ufjUl50y/file.html
SS /file/rx7zk3

No. 65404021
FLIP MAT - Wicked Dungeon
PATHFINDER AP #140 - Interactive Maps
PLAYER COMPANION - Heroes of Golarion
POSTER MAP FOLIO - Return of the Runelords
SS /filegroup/JOEEUeyjD8bZOuBM3rpSLliGHcInsAMnOvxkUrw4PK8
SS /file/gs94yp

Dark ages Lasombra novel epub

SS /file/93dj7a

Technothrillers: A True 20 Espionage Toolkit (revised)

Heroic Toolkits: Vehicles (revised)
SS /filegroup/U9gfd5%2BpgO02U7SSnlGzkw

Adventurers Club #12

98<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/NAl95DIE/file.html

Tales of Nalssadda (A funky fantasy system)


Twilight: 2000 - Eternal Soldier #01

115<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/LZR7HgB0/file.html

Adventurers Club #13

21<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/GPkHsAER/file.html

Esoterica - Enochian and Chaos Magic sourcebooks and God Walks Through
SS /filegroup/r%2F8qg5mhSmchp%2BJlGBhdFsuefsvytqqP

Fellowship - The Pair and The Spider

SS /filegroup/vs9ise0O%2BuUHjbGlSLCb8YsDxoqo2GtG

Crime Network
SS /filegroup/tEXZw09BSD6D4ZEEuQr4mjCUZEmjOKb6

Kagegami High
SS /file/nxxx61

RuneQuest 7 Glorantha Bestiary

119<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/9nFVdj5h/file.html

No. 65348605
Hora de Aventuras (spanish adventure time rpg)
SS /file/i62dze

Te Deum in french
m3g4 /#F!01NXQSqK!7JHV5zwwisRa79LYuigrmw

Princess of the Universe

SS /filegroup/p%2BXhnsw8LGPwq6mkL7Y0NmTQ5aGKSQLo

Troika Numinous Edition

SS /file/ay97tp

Adventurers Club 09
31<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/MkTvfP7V/file.html

Adventurers Club 14
31<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/CMpdBtp0/file.html

Dark Adventure Radio Theater audio drama of Masks of Nyarlathotep


Invisible Suns
$nip /Vislae

Adventurers Club #17

110<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/WsSlLTZt/file.html

ACG Season 5-5 Arms of the Deep

Pathfinder Season 10-16 What the Helms Hide
Pathfinder Season 10-17 On Sevenfinger's Sails
Starfinder Season 01-34 Heart of the Foe
Starfinder Season 01-35 Rasheen's Riches
SS /filegroup/nCBxgJFdFHpPUxkEGjXYt%2BYSk%2BwNe59lN1CZZWtwE4w

most recent (03/29/19) Warhammer 4e starter set

SS /file/hz0oog

Adventurers Club #10

11<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/4Hr6CRk4/file.html

Dungeon Alphabet
u$er$cl0ud /ojhto56gsujp

Writing With Style

u$er$cl0ud /wiid09jyiz4j

Broken Lands II Bundle

SS /file/qy11kr

Musha Shugyo
SS /filegroup/pdWS4q8xljTnaklpTK9O3cIxmla3jyV981Xcw%2B%2B8j67qZK8nKlMHGg

Uplifts: Heirs to the Future

SS /filegroup/MxUaOYmMSS8AOtWvzj53qw

No. 65305073
Valor - The Heroic Roleplay System
u$er$cl0ud /lwvbvxvxj8o2

SDL1000 Shadow of the Demon Lord - Core (Revised) [2019-03-21]

SS /file/s17xpf

SS /filegroup/f1YTjPfJlZuTZeNhIgEuFav%2F9qsAo%2BwKyX3lsPJqQOx2x4Kczn4TkqT3zp

Cold Shadows
Cities in Shadow
The Black Book
SS /filegroup/ePtJMGjNcmscyGwG3jJUqoXbvBpzKFaX

Rangers of Shadow Deep

$nip /Rangers

Mindblast! Villains Augmented (PF)

$nip /Mindblast

SS /filegroup/a%2BtLfegRdlQqICK1z4VEemBgLfbka7FXwLtuhmxrbMghXOaL5B6W8g

Madhouse: Lockwood's Asylum

Crimson Cutlass Omnibus (and Chronicles Of The Outlands)
SS /filegroup/CsbE8uw8B%2Ff1qlvh5lo%2FMNFxznwsfhfa97PgQauJJ9LGqf%2F1W7pw%2FQjX3ybPjyTN

No. 65261380
Circle of Hands
SS /file/czq8cg

H.P. Lovecraft Preparatory Academy

SS /file/5ukfys

How to Draw Fantasy Art and RPG Maps by Jared Blando

SS /file/4zhypi

Blood Sundown and Red Venus for Everywhen

SS /filegroup/auq%2FNHDYzbND%2FIWqA02Ldvi2IUdgvXrG5wBjixOzwvkuFe3KfcXH5g

DMs Guild - Grimlore Ent - Adaptable NPCs [v1.3]

SS /file/y0fqgy

2 jadepunk things
SS /filegroup/OtKOGvrCGsGIG%2BHefr5rzg

The Dolorous Stroke

SS /file/i4xuf4

House of Cards
SS /file/fu12vb

Mythic Monsters 45, 46, 47, 49, and 50

an0nfil3s /t97amaTfme/Mythic_Monsters_-_050_Celtic_-_Legendary_Games_PFRPG_7z
an0nfil3s /0f7bmcT7ma/Mythic_Monsters_-_045_Middle_East_-_Legendary_Games_PFRPG_rar
an0nfil3s /2c7am8T4ma/Mythic_Monsters_-_049_South_Pacific_-_Legendary_Games_PFRPG_rar
an0nfil3s /6a78m4Tbm0/Mythic_Monsters_-_047_Greek_-_Legendary_Games_PFRPG_rar
an0nfil3s /Cc7dm7T4me/Mythic_Monsters_-_046_Japan_-_Legendary_Games_PFRPG_7z

Sir Alkian's Guide to Surviving the Apocalypse

m3g4 /#!7HxmwI5D!1wgBFo6f_xWbYLxs02CNAtqPzQETHzPC_8QV0NIUTuc

Monsters of Feyland
m3g4 /#!WToiyKhK!knGKKR0J-1opK0fBMql26Mdsf5HkbxbSEoNh1z48XTQ

Pendragon 5.1 stuff

SS /filegroup/c3Rg

No. 65213090
Infinite Mecha (PF)
SS /file/o6pcf0

Warlock Invocations Reforged

SS /file/wiszll

Inferno RPG
SS /filegroup/wBQK6Rk4dTGTiutValATw%2FKK8vIyHfpX
Terra Primate
SS /file/tcmrli

The Express Diaries

SS /file/gczoxl

WWE know your role

SS /file/eiehwa

World Wide Wrestling RPG

SS /filegroup/0BqUjHfzKOlgjCfdJOMlAk65I9b54bCt5z4qPvLDLOU

Town and a few others

SS /filegroup/xHxf9RGjTWV4pqev3SncPNrNWLsr3b%2F6

Exhumed Obscura
SS /file/8hkecp

No. 65157420
PF - The City of 7 Seraphs (Lost Spheres Publishing)
SS /file/3eqaih

Tactical Maps
ufil3<d0t>i0 /x3z3m

Operation: Whitebox and similar stuff (old school style with firearm rules)
SS /filegroup/hdinkcX9qatLwRD03Kg9RRkD%2FC3Lqpw50ZCEBVtFcpp%2Ff3MqhDnNacNsfMWmhkuz

Second World Sourcebook for D20

SS /file/$$ /0p8dec

Noir: The Film-Noir RPG

SS /filegroup/Ox7mmoWXieAr4uHYIkmqqqz329dd152w

Aces and Eights Reloaded

SS /file/6odase

No. 65102766
Mouse Guard
SS /filegroup/yeYqLpbpiRje6AjFFIGGqXoyDjE8rG3I

Ultraviolet Grassland
SS /filegroup/uwC0e1YpqE8fx50vuOaQ8I8YCvNaI%2F3V

Fantastic Heroes and Witchery

SS /file/x0taga

Arcanis - The World of Shattered Empires (Not the 5E versions)

SS /filegroup/o%2F43mU5M8D31w

Non-Player Compendium
u$er$cl0ud /0g4f75s522so

Karl Taube - Aztec and Maya Myths (1993)


Davíd Carrasco - Quetzalcoatl and the Irony of Empire - Myths and Prophecies in the Aztec Tradition [Revised ed] (2001)
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective - Front and Back box cover scans, Rulebook, London Directory,
London Map with marked areas, 10 Cases with matching newspapers, Fan-Made new Cases
SS /file/wmeq6e

All things DayTrippers

SS /filegroup/3WahbkvYRV8ynE49jzQnn%2FgFEznE%2FQDm632YgwW%2ByLsc9DO4UmFoqTP9CXl7BoZH

Forbidden Lands
dr0pm3fil3s<d0t>com /4Yiyh

Misspent Youth and Sell Out with Me

SS /filegroup/67q3iRExgOUmYp7Q65%2B1DGoW5ZSFRPJ%2Fj%2BxjVra1PTkLsW6SF45h9g

No. 65066021
Good Society and My Life With Master
SS /filegroup/HXOgkDHHI1J9q8UFjp8mRD0gQr%2B88xje2IFIo2KPSfOXv%2FMtZMqXMoNC2hoPILnv

u$er$cl0ud /7via6hrl8gn3

Valiant Universe
SS /filegroup/qirSGgPf0MUFCF3KWwgS5T0BD1rWNVuhMjtxmb%2BEa2GE3AHkHdzay%2FyWebtNL8vNfg6R2wxr

Hex Kit
SS /filegroup/BCQvVnGPVcZPnfkAG%2BckqI2S7D%2BvCnzF

Index Imperialis - Officio Assassinorum

83<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/7MJcN2jH/file.html

White Dwarf 03.2019

83<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/j0A2JuxS/file.html

AoS - Tome Celestial - The Hammerhands (WD Feb 2019)

83<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/AvK2jBqa/file.html
SS /filegroup/DtfxGAXAcxtlq9td%2BlnvbA9Pq1Qj6KgD
n0fil3<d0t>io /f/Nm3ucJzTQy4/AoS+-+Tome+Celestial+-+The+Hammerhands+(WD+Feb+2019)++.pdf

Red Markets
SS /filegroup/TybfA7Urh%2B1j6XPfkTIt4n%2BxdRvrFz80

Don't Lose Your Mind

SS /filegroup/0dbWD8PGWLCJtM%2BGnDGa2OwESTkpmaD88I5Isrbwp6m3BIj9ee6KDg

Tome of Adventure Design

SS /file/pxvxvv

No. 65021788
Survival, a new scenario for Elemental
SS /file/bmerny

HcH - SG3e
SS /file/qqfnbb

Worlds of Legacy (updated versions)

SS /filegroup/9z0haVEb%2FYPG37g6UGh9tphCupL6bvHouc%2B0R27djruGnslAhQEOmJuj8w

Choir of Souls for Rhapsody of Blood

SS /filegroup/rL57FNR%2BRpBG8N16XN9ekA
Hurt Locker and Armory
SS /filegroup/KqlNBNEAhdSy19wqt8m4RA

Touched: A Darkening Alley

Bluebeard's Bride: Book of Mirrors
SS /filegroup/1quW8LFEmiFUv21Pb%2BEXyxeeHwvqHB3n

Modern AGE
SS /filegroup/f4T%2B%2BTk7nFA89KtzxLWP9mhcmDUTG%2BG%2FZt7XcgJrV9EQjfvNC24qgA

Savage Steel starts on page 6

SS /file/bvpy1x

No. 64976381
Manual 3D&T Alpha (it's the basic manual for free; needs registration, though)

3D&T Trove
MF /folder/z1u42i85o3s35/3D%26T_Alpha

Brigada Ligeira Estelar

MF /folder/cafdyzwra73mm/ble

Nova Dragão Brasil (missing a lot of numbers)

MF /folder/65s0h4y687wbo/Nova_Dragão_Brasil

Shadowrun: Better Than Bad

SS /file/kn23u0

Everglow Bestiary
SS /filegroup/6KEFBuODqazfHzAPseCE2Q

Fallout: Benoit Principle 5th Edition, a d100 Fallout System


Rangers of Shadow Deep & Blood Moon

$nip /Rangers

Codex Arcanis (2007 version)

SS /file/hgwfep

D20, PF/SF, Savage Worlds

$nip /FurtherDownTheSpiral

D&D3e - Arcanis - Psionics Unbound (oef)

SS /file/7tgomf

3e Psi
SS /file/loja15

Plenty of PF here
$nip /RideTheSpiral

Starfinder Psionics Playtest docs, Psion and Powers

SS /file/pbu2wj

Arcanis fills
SS /file/az2nej

No. 64922831
Jovian Chronicles
m3g4 /#F!aMEziYQL!7lUPbf7rKMvwnXuqEvP8zg
DCC #66 The Vampire's Vengeance
u$er$cl0ud /zs0vpfgfuumv

monster manuals for Mutant Future, and 3 alternative classes for Starships and Spacemen (2E)
SS /filegroup/fJ0oR4N%2BnbXNSxJoIIwN%2F9tdDtF71RYrrzOTjgZtOo0

Metamorphosis Alpha 4e
u$er$cl0ud /vtbcewsfs1f1

some cool old pmulcahy free Twilight 2000 weapon reference PDFs - these are old versions, not the easily found ones
circulating around right now, and actually contain photos.
SS /filegroup/UgJPyR

Invisible Sun
SS /file/6ricmk

The Boot Hill 2nd Edition Boxed Set

SS /file/neycgr

SS /file/dxhd68

Babylon 5
SS /filegroup/%2BnssBitRThrJ5NuP3yP%2FYo%2FIi%2FiDBHbOHKwwlN

Thirdspace and the Techno-Mage article from S&Sp

SS /filegroup/JQYjpefeYFcYfZqjayh8CA

August 1930 issue of National Geographic

SS /file/r742od

Expeditious Retreat one-on-ones

SS /file/vzapr0

No. 64875937
SS /filegroup/l2NdiPkYlc%2FGZzowrrH1I0JPI3B9Mo29gdu0QRhKalpFLVo8BYfs3A

Sly Flourish's Fantastic Adventures

SS /file/xhr9if

a few online resources for Ars Magica


10-14 Debt to the Quah
10-15 Tapestry's Trial
01-32 Acts of Association
01-33 Data Breach
SS /filegroup/KdKKbcsUOtRdkzReuHQUM0mx3Fg1b%2FRS

All the old Drakar och Demoner stuff is free now.

www.riotminds.se/downloads/OLD/(insert number here).pdf (play around with the URL to get the different files
Armorcast - Inquisitor Magazine #15 (Aug. 1997)
40<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/gSF2MtDz/file.htm

Armorcast - Inquisitor Magazine #16 (Nov. 1997)

40<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/49qa1OfT/file.html

Armorcast - Inquisitor Magazine #14

40<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/aRI3NMXX/file.html

Firepower and EPIC Magazines.rar

40<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/BDwiPsAS/file.html

Curse of Strahd - The Wedding at Ravenloft (5e)

SS /file/4i0py3

DDS -Tempestarians Handbook

LRGG - Alternate Path Magic Characters 2
Wayward Rogues - Banquets of Blood
Frogfolk of Porphyra
Nagaji of Porphyra
Partatingi Monster Codex
SS /file/3n62xj

Dresden Files
SS /filegroup/vLZybkO%2FWIBwLbg9mVgYRjXEq01%2BQzO%2FOmKHNtBJu0N%2FD4to%2BWQSBXCdrY2INdS2

SS /file/0e2zei

PATHFINDER AP #139 - Interactive Maps

SS /file/p016km

SS /file/dz3bg5

Star Trek Adventures - Operations

u$er$cl0ud /843o4fpccb0a

Star Trek Adventures - Science

u$er$cl0ud /36jxv616go3e

good resources to typography for print for (low/mid fantasy gritty) RPGs
practicaltypography dot com
powerframe-rpg dot blogspot
/2017/08/formatting-your-rpg-manuscript dot html

Lots to see here! Check it out.

$nip /StevenUniverse

SS /file/9kbv48

Nova Praxis Augmented

SS /file/bxn8g8

Ghosts in Darkness
SS /file/0m2x49

Stone Cold Beauty

SS /file/rpmb5p
Starfinder - Close Encounters - Hyperspace Fiends
SS /file/2k7ax3

No. 64833826
Straffar Gatan 39 & Fall of Von Hölle
Dark Eden Campaign
SS /filegroup/p2he0%2BIgj1NG%2BWB9R1hMmQ

The Lure of Venus

SS /file/jif3bb

The Robotic Age

SS /filegroup/6IBnj8kEqDdV7SdYSrqXIwjoyGD75qZE

15<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/U3XfCIAE/file.html

Power Armor by Bloodstone Press for PF

SS /file/pn31lr

All things Deadball

SS /filegroup/uUk6%2B8WBTuTMxoF1jjFiTP4VsYLMtbQNz94Ru1uH%2BPNlVOn83b5scw

A few old horror comics from the 50's & 60's have been officially converted for use in Cryptworld
plus the rest of the Cryptworld stuff
SS /filegroup/VqoJJR2tFVcQfmyXmrhfOzRhyvu5XjIH6C9ZvLEIyA9kai7eFmmTLw

3D&T Alpha - Tormenta Alpha - Manual da Magia

3D&T Alpha - Brigada Ligeira Estelar - Arquivos do sabre
SS /filegroup/ICSY2apddOqZ0UKKAJqG2g

The Black Company

117<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/QXl2OlLa/file.html

Dead Reign - Corebook

u$er$cl0ud /2ifvjcob8hz0

Dead Reign - Sup. 1 - Civilization Gone

u$er$cl0ud /a74ybahmfdd8

Dead Reign - Sup. 2 - Dark Places

u$er$cl0ud /cd8a2uur1gzt

Dead Reign - Sup. 3 - Endless Dead

u$er$cl0ud /uzbo0388jtbv

Dead Reign - Sup. 4 - Fear the Reaper

u$er$cl0ud /v6d0ekvtw6l2

Dead Reign - Sup. 5 - Graveyard Earth

u$er$cl0ud /1dal85xbdugm

Dead Reign - Sup. 6 - Hell Followed

u$er$cl0ud /cuaea6t5hy12

Dead Reign - Sup. from The Rifter - Another World of Zombies

u$er$cl0ud /u5bx1p33h5i6

AFMBE - Core
u$er$cl0ud /k7aj1w94hxo1

AFMBE - Core Revised

u$er$cl0ud /a7zpo6zawm0w

AFMBE - Aces High

u$er$cl0ud /wezod39so6di

AFMBE - All Tomorrow's Zombies

u$er$cl0ud /4lwj1qd4tvzu

AFMBE - Atlas of the Living Dead

u$er$cl0ud /zam001er9rrv

AFMBE - Band of Zombies

u$er$cl0ud /fcl1vqnaxt6l

AFMBE - Book of All Flesh

u$er$cl0ud /az1xhae7sljf

AFMBE - Book of Final Flesh

u$er$cl0ud /mcadrw9pgyv4

AFMBE - Coffee Break of the Living Dead

u$er$cl0ud /as073qsjihgv

AFMBE - Pulp Zombies

u$er$cl0ud /15xt0eirmnzp

AFMBE - Walking Dead

u$er$cl0ud /e64e44qf5btx

AFMBE - Worlds of the Dead

u$er$cl0ud /mqiy72pb9wmr

AFMBE - Zombie Smackdown

u$er$cl0ud /2jdq7i3oxle0

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game scenarios for Season 5

SS /filegroup/Dn5f7OnyJHPXwe3cfmxivg

SS /filegroup/pZh1w3ertGVTZSfFg14Gcw

SS /file/wz4jc1

SS /file/sue57v

The Dungeon Alphabet

u$er$cl0ud /ojhto56gsujp

No. 64773973
Pathfinder Beastairy Images
cl0ud<d0t>@llsync /s/8fZSfotZDgEkgHE

Pirates & Dragons

SS /filegroup/c3BhQpPijzVikGBGY14uL27wrCMPjedx

Updated DDAL-ELW00 - What's Past is Prologue and the pre-gens that accompany it
SS /file/ngkm4d

m3g4 /#F!ppsCgABb!7Xew-EDrOIo5tbb8pG3Bdw
Forthright Open Roleplay
SS /filegroup/go4tZuQmdUN4ktuQ1As%2BWm%2BaI17DKan1pi5dXgrqavw

Quantum Black (revised)

SS /filegroup/L6ge4kIxMWKd99nGDYwCS5BAtnB7QV3s

TinyZine 8
SS /file/waba2b

The Adventure Crafter

SS /file/rez6fu

Star Trek Adventures

SS /filegroup/atBcrzsgAmozI8fb0%2F6YRvCBJthU0qxiqE3aSEHni7L

Skin Deep for Monsterhearts

SS /file/d6x967

Ghostbusters unofficial material


Far Away Land

SS /file/e2oecx

Heroic Maps - Edgmoor Manor

SS /file/6n1nm5

Curse of Strahd: The Wedding At Ravenloft

SS /file/tv2kj7

WEG29200 The World of Aden - Core Rulebook

WEG29201 The World of Aden - Campaign Chronicles
SS /filegroup/YwAS31JSgpYX9uXIZPSD5Q

Dragon Magazine 303 page 43

MF /33Xdafv8b6/Dragon_Magazine_303_pdf

Wrath of the Autarch

SS /filegroup/v8K7hjNI%2BCaKFWUSlu9qXA

The Stygian Library from Dying Stylishly Games

SS /file/10jo1c

No. 64735635
Blood Bowl - Spike Journal Issue 1
89<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/ESKrsv94/file.html

Blood Bowl - Spike Journal Issue 2

89<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/ykY8t2qs/file.html

Blood Bowl - Spike Journal Issue 3

89<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/cuqlQz7G/file.html

Blood Bowl - Spike Journal Issue 4

89<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/Ftm0pCRX/file.html

pre-Alpha Dawn Star Frontiers

@nonfil3s /0f9182ubb8/Star_Frontiers_-_Boxed_Set_-_TSR_7z

$omething $hattered in a group


Everywhen + its setting supplement Neonpunk Crisis

SS /filegroup/QCyq3HKDSxb2%2Bm7kCZKFfw

I know it's late to ask, but do you guys by chance help with spell-check? I'm in the 2/3 of translating certain module into
English, would gradly share and would even more gladly receive spelling and grammar help with it.
101<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/44N3UyKq/file.html

Magic: The Gathering lore books

m3g4 /#F!WfhhzSxT!IZUbBarxAZUWOB-KKzrQWg

Mage - The Ascension 20 - Gods & Monsters

SS /file/n5lbxr

No. 64689105
Aces & Eights - core book, the horse deck, a town book, and two of the four mini-games
SS /file/gdxm3i

Kids on Bikes deluxe edition

SS /filegroup/kgg%2F0ocKKmMDpy1WPHZWyA

Alas Vegas
SS /file/k83ely

HFA: The War of the Prophecy

SS /file/d7modc

7th Sea, 13 age BRP, Cthulhu,Cypher systems, Dune, Eclipse Phase, and more
cl0ud<d0t>@llsync /s/7bWCLzbP39kABi

Symbaroum - Yndaros
SS /filegroup/ReX9PBihdhF%2FTQ%2F7oj3xqsTyTq837NMO

Michtim: Fluffy Adventures

SS /filegroup/Gi0aS7LplIJAuhPqUq6WhcGf7DY3OHhn

kobolds ate my baby

SS /file/ue5n1j

The Black Hack

u$er$cl0ud /4mhy5bskera1

SS /filegroup/NMCj2XnY%2FwLjE2Px5xGmW0ObkFl2CwqTcI9UCcFyMoCHZl76%2FfA4ig

Blade of the Iron Throne and Song of Swords

SS /filegroup/rZ5HdGm1uu9st6QAC3U6M6TmtDB9ujwU

Cypher System - Mortal Fantasy

SS /file/43d24q

No. 64634567
A Monster For Every Season collection
SS /file/$$/izo6jp

Dragon Age RPG Core Rulebook

MF /folder/pa1gjucdldjem

Harn 3rd edition

SS /filegroup/6NfwC%2B6F%2BJ5l0BWZ343%2F%2Fh6tkXg3rSxG

Here is a link to a site with 5 fan made adventures for JB007 (as well as modules for 5e and other games). Fan made stuff
is a dime a dozen usually, but these are lengthy, substantive adventures with excellent production values. On par with the
original modules, but more modern looking. Enjoy!

Realms of Atrothia: Legacy Races Revisited (PFRPG)

SS /file/$$/9xbsqb

Grim tooth's Traps

SS /file/eqywb0

The Shab-al-Hiri Roach

SS /filegroup/Gv6sTAQa0E6x4pZ5GwfL1DsfULumFeUN

Cosmic Enforcers Core

u$er$cl0ud /c671uvbi3kj6

Cosmic Enforcers - Villains & Foes

u$er$cl0ud /pf9cn689adwk

The Blossoms are Falling for Burning Wheel

SS /file/argvcw

No. 64589259
Federation d20, Star Trek d20, and Farscape d20 books
SS /filegroup/lQTEP8vRK91A7xcg3q%2Fbash43sLK67cZWOeEQAaqyuInG81ZIvIpQ8XT8qd6Xz9oUKfTZps3%2BT0

Secrets of the Chi War

Blowing Up the Movies
Feng Shui 2: Burning Shaolin Redux
Feng Shui 2: Hong Kong Task Force Double Eight
SS /filegroup/qW6I0Yrxi1hI2t%2F4%2BDT5%2BX4h9pCUc4Nd

Montagar Sourcebook for Wizards RPG (needs to be ripped)

@rchiv3<d0t>org /details/montagar00casp

SS /filegroup/a2%2B8%2BHGZ2gWRNzngv4rNHPWfz4R8%2BZAYEvEf2ENIJrQ

Golden Sky Stories

SS /filegroup/9FyinabLc%2FmhIHUDB3Dd6rwmvTU%2BsiNCymdPMj%2BJCwPWRTsFk5fduAY2%2BPPDS7v8QODoH

Tenra Bansho Zero and Fight!

SS /filegroup/jhT%2FlWstwtKh%2FGTqQtMGAAJJPCYhzHgM0ihCePFsYfFUDHkkqdMYjdpTDNDeyMc9

PF - Remarkable Races Submerged complete collection

SS /file/olahai

Tiny Dungeon 2nd Edition - TinyZine - Issue 9

SS /file/q4s29e

Read the stoics, anon. This is a good intro to the techniques.

SS /file/mrsewv

The Skeletons by Bully Pulpit Games

SS /file/noss41

Traveller Hero
SS /file/bkzfe5
No. 64543720
Oubliette 2e
SS /filegroup/PmXImaLDTO3y8jf8EZcbAQ

Mistborn Adventure Game

SS /filegroup/q3i%2FTOLwjw%2F4KHIfOhZWF16U3HB0k7x0xximG5yzKln8PaZhiiupt24bslnZZKSI

SS /filegroup/eevXcZjDOwg18OaJZDtJI6N2L5sGFfvJ9ycATciwDO4

ICONS (and then some)

SS /filegroup/IJ487SjZSGQculogYI7zChZVwDqOKXf8TQxZn4gFcf1XcN2IWxeNiuptPZcxmufqPfPi7OrDJkiiiytTz0RDhL
SS /filegroup/UOPUkuWqbWOv4ft55LIz0%2FuYm1%2BhurXjSWYjixfG0n4WklboZKvaf6wYkbbK1v8B

Bolt Action - Campaign Gigant - Operation Sea Lion Second Front

72<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/lCfmybpj/file.html

40k audiobooks
m3g4 /#F!OdUR3TTS!qnJTHcZEwv-KRiJOq4aRTA

M4tr14rch's Trove - includes Abandon All Hope, Eclipse Phase, MYZ, SIGMATA, Esoterrorists, Toon, more
$nip /RR23

Life in a Medieval Castle, City, and Village

s0lidfil3s /v/Dk78jgXDxL6B5

Aall of the old Age of Treason

@n0nfil3s /7ec83at7bc/Age_of_Treason_-_Character_Sheet_fillable_-_Unknown_d100_Legend_7z
@n0nfil3s /8ec838t6b6/Age_of_Treason_-_Combat_Styles_-_Jonathan_Drake_d100_Legend_7z
@n0nfil3s /9fc536t4b8/Age_of_Treason_-_Strictly_Courtroom_the_Comedy_of_Death-
@n0nfil3s /A2c135t6bc/Age_of_Treason_-_A_History_of_the_Korantine_People_-_Jonathan_Drake_7z
@n0nfil3s /Ccc533tdb6/Age_of_Treason_-_Map_7z
@n0nfil3s /D1c533tdb1/Age_of_Treason_-_Basat_s_Resurrection_Magic_-_Jonathan_Drake_d100_Legend_rar
@n0nfil3s /E2ce37t2b1/Age_of_Treason_-_Player_Information_-_Jonathan_Drake_rar
@n0nfil3s /Mdc033t8b3/Age_of_Treason_-_The_Iron_Simulacrum_-_Mongoose_Publishing_d100_Legend_7z
@n0nfil3s /N5c935t7b8/Age_of_Treason_-_The_Iron_Companion_-_Mongoose_Publishing_d100_Legend_7z

Call of Cthulhu 7e core

u$er$cl0ud u5bwu7mugokk

Shattered and Other Stories (in both pdf and epub format.) Epub is a bit large because it's all image files.
SS /filegroup/ewHyi9IluzgqIf2BBYiawS%2FErIussUws

Maze of the Blue Medusa

u$er$cl0ud /fypt7jxkvc94

No. 64506757
7th Sea 2e - Nations of Theah Volume 2
SS /file/0d6mbp

Profantasy warez
p@st3b!n /sgUUUc3X

PF - The Triggerman
SS /file/jfr3j6

Sigil and Glyph systems

SS /filegroup/WUzCmfwuw6ckHCjwqaxCrQ
Legends of the Wulin
SS /file/er3x5r

SUPERS! Revised Edition

SS /file/ed16d6

Masks Unbound
SS /filegroup/jZaE35LjV0Fz%2FjeuWJKcrQ

Pokemon Jr. Adventure Game (.txt)

p@st3b!n /Xwvq1YaP

No. 64472450
World's Largest Dungeon
SS /file/ 6v5f5t

Fragged Kingdom
u$er$cl0ud /i46k3qdmrs81

Fragged Aeturnum
u$er$cl0ud /frw904tqmlbi

Fragged Kingdom and Aeturnum

SS /filegroup/a3qKlQE%2BlQ5M4qcFLSE8ow

Eidolon core
$nip /oNyw3

Three expansions for The Assassin class by Interjection Games

SS /file/usmpoe

No. 64436216
Medarot TRPG
m3g4 /#!PVgCRaTL!fhjV9XbP-UUK5PSLuvWnKl3YuPB0V_kDqSwCHw1jQPQ

Magical Land of Yeld" by Atarashi Games

SS /filegroup/4vjdiIwy8T9Il0BOCcgurQ

The Runed Age

SS /filegroup/Oyi9V79Nt219OEbD2Riic%2ByKikdpGqCIhJ5VntQj%2BwyYcpIBPtBByvlwiZ

How To Make Wargames Terrain (1996)

SS /file/fx1tvw

Authentic Thaumaturgy
SS /file/u9hk2j


Creature Collection Revised

37<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/BaoiINjX/file.html

Porphyra Roleplaying game v.1-v.14

$nip /PorRPG

46<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/KoKkngMa/file.html

Ulraunt's Guide to the Planes - The Shadowfell

m3g4 /#!s6JlyIIS!0mx1LjxF_N96LZ6aoyN7r-s4NkvaOB0-O9eUze4CdUU

SLA Industries- I took the time to clean up and make pdfs of all the old html fan-stuff that were in the misc zip a while
back, and another Anon from an old SLA thread fixed all the fan fiction material
m3g4 /#F!etsF3QRL!SU9erRDNxrfhMWHqjQrmGw

Campaign Overlay: Fantasy Firearms by Skortched Urf'

SS /file/vkbpp2

Dawning Star: Fate Of EOS

SS /file/leum5v

No. 64393056
Arcforge - StarPath
SS /file/w801yi

I got a bunch of Hero System stuff for the Hero Trove. I'm sharing 5th edition Bestiary (again no cover), Stronghold Files
Volume 1, Inner Earth, Captain Battle and The Science Police, Monsters, Minions & Marauders for Fantasy Hero (sorry all
i could find was a scan), Strange Magics: Voodoo, Pulp Vehicle Sourcebook, the Raven & The Midnight Brigade and Nazi
Death Zombies of The Congo for 5th Edition. I also included Bestiary and Fantasy Hero Companion for 4th Edition
SS /filegroup/iNRvdAYe6aOs6MGWJW8%2BJHUBQKcrn6tyyXnkAiMTWsnTJmvfbQss%2FM%2B%2FFtd1ExEqdv%2FM

Part-Time Gods 2e
u$er$cl0ud /y3dyfklg8hge

ST Adventures Core
SS /file/9udvw8

Sword & Sorcery's The Divine and the Defeated. The old one had the first page of The Defeated chapter upside-down,
and overall uneven-sized pages; I fixed those flaws
$cr1bd /document/396592389/Sword-Sorcery-The-Divine-and-the-Defeated

Reflectionist-Class (5e)
$nip /PYow

Deluxe Low Fantasy Gaming v2 [Draft B&W]

SS /filegroup/bAoAddUMkkJJKLWyVCdgyg

0One Bundle
SS /file/0mnpbg

No. 64335750
Kagegami High
SS /file/ckwmak

Grey Ranks
SS /file/6v6gki


Season 10-12 Breath of the Dragonskull
Season 10-13 Fragments of Antiquity

Season 01-30 Survivor's Salvation
Season 01-31 Treading History's Folly
SS /filegroup/qyQYLlAgYHu7KE3Nokt3a%2Bq0cQOyrfM8
FLIP MAT - Tavern Multipack
SS /file/65wujd

SS /file/ftnr8o

PATHFINDER AP #138 - Interactive Maps

SS /file/hgzxbg

PLAYER COMPANION - Wilderness Origins

SS /file/7jkxh4

SS /file/ly271q

Werewolf the Apocalypse 20th anniversary

SS /file/tnrt10

d20 Military Vehicles

SS /file/i9n97b

SF Society #1-99 The Scoured Stars Invasion

SS /file/o1de76

New Gods of Mankind

SS /file/xh2ubg

WEG40044 Star Wars Miniatures Battles - 1st Edition

SS /file/vchv4j

How To Write Adventure Modules That Don't Suck

u$er$xcl0ud /qgpq8xbvpqaa

How To Write Adventure Modules That Don't Suck - Essay Book

u$er$xcl0ud hkduebuxarpx

Gondor At War epub

dr0pb0x /s/ibkz0unhxexldzl/Middle-earth_Gondor_at_War.epub?dl=0

Middle-Earth Strategy battle Game - Gondor at War.pdf

37<dot>z!ppy$h@re /v/gj6iVcqz/file.html

Fortran Chandler's Osprey games trove

MF /folder/08hq9c7x4clme/Documents

Elite Dangerous - the entire line as well as that other Elite game
SS /filegroup/uSnLC88FVayV411u8ZLFilFkRAERrrx0aM7ThZaIN5kQlMKIVBH4pCV%2BXA2yMl8Ygt%2BmuxzQGSA

Shotguns and Sorcery for the Cypher system

SS /file/e5ih6r

-- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -

Other stuff you might find interesting:

DIY book scanning tutorials

https://www.thingiverse.com is loaded with free files. Search for miniatures or terrain or barstool, or whatever you are
looking for.

Embedding fonts in Acrobat


App for opening links from your clipboard (can also be found on github)
MF /file/9g981b7nb4h8ysx

Medusas from around the web


Custom RPG soundboards


Garamond Premier Pro fonts


Calibre (Converts PDFs)


Find Medusa Sauce here maybe


Good place for Manga


"My odrive app is kind of ready to use. There are some issues left of course...
If you are afraid to run it, you can find project on github. 'Load all' can take a while because troves are huge, but after that
you can save trove structure in file."

MasterPDF Editor - the linux version is free, and it can save the image files directly from the PDF

Extract images out of PDF as JPG online


App for getting link containers from ODrive

SS /file/tvzp1j

Not a share, nor a game, and on a shitty platform, but...

check out https://plus.google.com/communities/116965157741523529510 for a hell of a lot of good writeups and

Firefox alternatives compatible with downthemall, uBlock, etc.

>Waterfox (56)

>Firefox ESR (52)

Program for finding/deleting duplicate files

Scribd autobot

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