Sample Certificate
Sample Certificate
Sample Certificate
were duly approved by the Commission otr this date upon the issuance of this
Certilicale of lncorporation in accordance witb tbe CorDoration Code of the
Philippitres (Batos Pdmbansa 819,68), and copies of said Ariicles and By-Laws are
hereto attach€d.
This Certilicatc grants juridicel persotrality to the corporation but does not
authorize it to undertake business activities requiring a Secondary License from this
Commission such as, but not limited to acting as: broker or dealer in securities,
government securities eligible dealer (GSED), investment adviser of an investment
company close-end or open-end itrvBtment company, investment house, transfer
agent, commodity/linancial ftitures exchange/broker/merchant, linancitrg compatry,
pre-need plan issuer, general rg€nt in pre-n€ed plans and time shareslclub
shares/membersbip certilicates issuers or selling agents lhcrcof, Neither does this
Certilicate constitute as permit to underteke rctivities for which other govenment
agencies require a license or permit
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal
of lhis CguXmission to be affued at Maodaluyong City, ltie tro Mrnila, Philippitres,
this lt
& day ofNovember, Twenty Foirtein.
Company Registration and Monitoring DepartmeDt
Coneant Ragldra[oll .id fhnhorii! Dqifiit
Transmittod herewith is tho C€nifcat6 ol Inco.poratiodReco.ding ot lh€ above-nam€d coDorafrory'partnership b6aring its SEC
Begislralion Number and Coporato Tax tdsntification Nunbor (TtN).
Pleas€ bo inlom€d that lhe coDorat€ TIN es lndicatod therein is only s computsr-systgm pre-g€ne€ted numbor issued
pursuanl lo BIB'S Memorandum of Agr€€menl with this Cornmisdon. The corporalion/psrtnochlp must imm€diatsly register said TIN
wilh lhe appropriets 8lR f,eglonal District Olfce tocated in the city or municipality where it holds tt6 principat office.
Should the p€-g€neratod TIN b€ deniod conffmation, kindly r€pon tho n€tl€r to thls Department with indication of th€ ROO
and ils kicalion, which d€nled its regi6tblion, the FOO'S conlacl peEon and BDOS cont&t nornb€r to facilitate our coodination with the
A €placement cadif|cal6 thall only be j6su6d by this Ol6ce to r€tecl any change or cor€ciion of TIN upon conlirmation by th€
ior Appllo.tlons at
tlall|l ol Arpllcrtlon SEC n gltlrdlon llutttt
lot ir{D ey- ur,{
Cory.nt tlr|:
uE d f u R f A L 0lr, a L 7 Etc T f v E c L u B
e l0 R P 0 F e, T 0 {
6lt lt P ulY l T c D n fi q A f D rl E
MIA ltr A t T t
Cr||ie.iyl T.|.thd!. lrib.t
2rlr PMrrie {Drr 9l)6,. (bl, 6ll hlyAf Con. frlAF*fl ala Un+ri crry
I o D€ accott|pflshod by CF ID Peconnd
llll€ Sllndu.
Docum€d l.D.
Foftaded b:
Coporato and Padn€rship Begrglatiff Division
Gre€n Lane ljnil
Financial Analysis and Audit Division
Lrcensno ljnil
The undersigned incorporators, all oflegal age and majority ofwhom are rcsidents ofthe
Philippines, have this day voluntarily agreed to form a stock corporation under the laws of the
Republic of the Philippines.
To acquire by purchase, own, hold, manage, administer, lease or operate the one hundred
fifty two (152) condominium units of the Acqua 6 Tower of Acqua Private Residences for the
benefi t of its shareholders.
l. To invest and deal with the monies or properties of the Corporation in such
manner as may from time to time be considered wise or expedient for the advancement of its
interest and to sell, dispose ofor transfer the business properties and goodwill of the Corporation
or any part thereofat an opportune time to further the objectives ofthe Corporation;
2. In accordance with the requirements ofthe law, to raise money from the sale of its
securities, including to its stockholders for any ofthe purposes ofthe Corporation, and from time
to time without limit as to amount, to draw, make, accept, endorse, discount, transfer, assign,
execute and issue promissory notes, drafts, bills of exchange, warrants, bonds, debentures and
other negotiable and tmnsferable insruments and evidence of indebtedness, and for the purpose
of securing any of its obligations or contmcts to convey, transfer, assign, deliver, mongage
and/or pledge all or any part of the property or assets at any time held or owned by the
Corporation on such terms and conditions as the Board ofDirectors ofthe Corporation or its duly
authorized officer or agents shall determine and as may be permitted by law;
3. To enter into any la$4tl arrangement for sharing of profits, union of interest,
reciprocal concession or cooperation, with any corporation, association, partnership syndicate,
entity, person or govemmental, municipal o. public authority, domestic or foreign, in the
canying on ofany business or transaction deemed necessary, convenient or incidental to carrying
out any ofthe purposes ofthis corporation:
4. To establish and operate one or more branch offices or agencies and to carry on
any or all of its operations and business without any restrictions as to place or amount including
the right to hold, purchase or otherwise acquire, lease, mortgage, pledge and convey or otherwise
deal in condominiums, buildings and structures ofwhatever kind or nature anywhere within the
5. To purchase or otherwise acquire, and to hold, own, trade and deal in, mortgage,
pledge, assign, sell, exchange, hansfer or otherwise dispose of goods, wares, merchandise and
personal property ofevery class and description and to transport the same in any manner;
6. To apply for, obtain, register, purchase, lease or otherwise acquire, and to hold,
own, use, exefcise, develop, operate and introduce, and to sell, assign, grant licenses or territorial
rights in respect of, or otherwise to tum to account or dispose ol any copyrights, trademarks,
trade-names, brands, labels, patents, design patents, improvements or processes used in
connection with or secured under letters patent of any country, govemment or authority, or
otherwise, in relation to any of the purposes herein stated; and to acquire, use, cxercise, or
otherwise tum to gain licenses or rights in respect ofany such copyrights, trademarks, trade-
names, brands, labels, patents, design patents, inventions, improvements, processes and the like;
8. lnsofar as may be permitted by law, to do any act or things necessary or useful for
the protection, development, improvement or operation of any person, corporation, association,
firm or entity in or with which this Corporation has an interest of any kind, whether as
stockholder, manager, investment adviser, technical consultant or otherwise including, among
others, the power to extend all kinds offinancial assistanc€ by loan, guaranty, surety, or subsidy
to such corporation, association, firm or entity without engaging in surety business,
I l. To acquire, take over, hold or control all or any part of the business, goodwill,
propeny and other assets, as may be allowed under the law, and to assume or undertake the
whole or any part ofthe liabilities and obligations ofany person, firm, association or corporation,
whether domestic or foreign, and whether a going concem or not, engaging in or previously
engaged in a business which the Corporation is or may become authorized to cany on or which
may be appropriated or suitable for the purposes ofthe Corporation, and to pay for the same in
cash or in stock, bonds, or securities of the Corporation or otherwise, and to hold, manage,
operate, conduct and dispose of , in any manner, the whole or part ofany such acquisitions, and
to exercise all the powers necessary or convenient for the conduct and management thereof;
12. To enter into contracts and anangements of every kind and description for any
Iawful purpose with any percon, firm, association corporation, municipality, body politic, oounty,
territory, province, state, govemment or colony or dependency thereol, obtain fiom any
government or authority any rights, privileges, contracts and concessions which the Corporation
may deem desirable to obtain, carry-out, perform or comply with such contmcts or arrangements
and exercise any such rights, privileges and concessions;
13. To guarantee, for and in behalf ofthe Corporation, obligations of other corpomtions
or entities in which it has la\rfil interest, including its affiliated companies, and to secure the
repayment ofthe obligations and liabilities ofany such corporation, partnership, association in
which the Corporation has an interest, including its affiliated companies, by mortgage, pledge,
assignment, deed of trust or other encumbBnces upon the monies and properties of the
Corporation; and
14. To do and perform all acts and things necessary, suitable or property for the
accomplishment of any of the pulposes herein enumerated or which shall at any time appear
conducive to the protection or benefit of the Corporation, including the exercise of the powers,
authorities and attributes conferred upon corporations organized under the laws of the
Philippines in general and upon domestic corporations in particular.
C. That the Corpofation shall have all the express powers of a corporation
as provided for under Section 36 ofthe Corporation Code ofthe Philippines.
THIRI) : That the place where the principal office of the Corporation is at 2lsr
Floor Pacific Star Building Makati Avenue, Makati City, Philippines, and branch offices at such
other places as the Board ofDirectoN may, from time to time, determine or fix.
FOURTH That the term for which the Corporation is to exist is fifty (50) years
from and after the date ofissuance ofthe Certificate oflncomoration.
FIFTH That the names, nationalities, and residences of the incomorators, are
as follows:
Name NNtionrlity Address Tax ldentification
No. ("TIN")
Tim Hallett British 2l F Pacific Star Bldg., Sen.
Gil Puyat. Makali City
Domie S. Eduvane Filipino 2lF Pacific Star Bldg., Sen. 112-681-577
Cil Puvat. MakatiCity
Carlos Benedict K. Rivilla IV Filipino 2l F Pacific Star Bldg., Sen.
\6'7 -589-322
Gil Puvat. Makati Citv
lsabelita C. Sales Filipino 2lF Pacific Star Bldg., Sen. 208-r30-969
Gil Puvat. Makati Ciw
Rhoel Albeno C. Nolido Filipino 2lF Pacific Star Bldg., Sen.
ls0-60r -725
Gil Puvat. Makati Citv
SIXTH : That the number of directors of said corporation shall be seven (7), at
least two (2) ofwhom shall be independent.
The names, nationalities and residences ofthe first directors who are to serve until their
successors are elected and qualified as provided by the by-laws are as followsl
(i) Ninety Four Million One Hundred Sixty Four Thousand Five Hundred Sixty
(94,164,560) Common Shares with a par value of P1.00 per share, or the
aggregate amount ofNinety Four Million One Hundred Sixty Four Thousand Five
Hundred Sixty Pesos (+94,164,560.00),
(iD Six Thousand Three Hundred Forty Four (6,344) Preferred A Shares with a par
value of Ten Pesos (P10.00) per share, or the aggregate amount of Sixty Three
Thousand Four Hundred Forty Pesos (P63,440.00);
(iiD Five Hundred Twenty (520) Preferred B Shares with a par value of One
Hundred Pesos (P100.00) per share, or the aggregate amount of Fifty Two
Thousand Pesos (P52,000.00);
(iv) Five Hundred Twenty (520) Preferred C Shares with a par value of One
Thousand Pesos (P 1,000.00) per share, or the aggregate amount of Five Hundred
Twenty Thousand Pesos (P520,000.00);
(v) Five Hundred Twenty (520) Preferred Dshares with a par value of Ten
Thousand Pesos (P10,000.00) per share, or the aggregate amount of Five Million
Two Hundred Thousand Pesos (f5,200,000.00)
The Common Shares of stock of the Corporation shall enjoy the same rights and
privileges. Subject to the limitatiods provided by law, only holde$ ofthe Common Shares of
stock of the Corporation shall b€ €ntilled to vote and be voted for in all meetings of the
shareholders ofthe Corporation where such vote is called for (including in the election, whether
regular or special, ofthe members, ofthe Board ofDirectors ofthe corporation),
l Subject to the provisions of applicable law, all classes of the Preferred Shares of the
Corporation shall be non-voting;
2. Subscription to any class ofthe Prefened Shares shall be for a minimum ofthirteen (13)
shares and in multiples ofthirteen (13) shares thereafter ("Board Lot");
3. A Preferred Shareholder may not sell or transfer their shares for less than a Board LoU
4. A Preferred Shareholder may not sgll, transfer or otherwise dispose oftheir shares until
the same has been fully paid and subject to the right of first refusal of the Common
5. A Preferred Shareholder shall be subject to a lock-up ofat least [six (6) months], from the
date he/she/it has fully paid their shares;
6. The Preferred Shareholders shall be entitled to use and occupy, for rwenty-eight (28)
nights per year (the "Annual Usage Entitlement"), the condominium units owned by the
Corporation in Acqua 6 Tower ofthe Acqua Private Residences (upon its completion and
only when such condominium units are ready for occupancy), subject to the following
a. Holders of Preferred A Shares shall be entitled to use the Studio room onlv:
b. Holders of Preferred B Shares shall be entitled to use the One Bedroom Deluxe room
c, Holders of Prefeffed C Shares shall be entided to use the One-Bedroom Superior
room onlY;
The exercise by the Preferred Shareholders ofthe Annual Usage Entitlement shall be
subject to the availability of rooms and the reservation rules and regulations of the
Corporation and/or the hotel manager engaged by the Corporation to manage its
property (the "Hotel Manager");
Exercise of the Annual Usage Entitlement shall be taken in minimum blocks of not
less than three (3) consecutive nights stay up to a maximum of twenty eight (28)
consecutive nights;
i. Use of the Annual Usage Entitl€ments shall be subject to a usage fee (the "Usage
Fee") for each night during which a Preferred Shareholder occupies a room pursuant
to their exercise oftheir rcsp€clive Annual Usage Entitlement. The Usage Fee shall
be payable at the time the Preferred Shareholder checkout. The Usage Fee shall
cover the costs of room amenities and housekeeping services whilst the Preferred
Shareholders are in residence together with the costs attributable to utilities service
charge and any local taxes which may be payable in respect ofsuch service;
j. Use of rooms in excess ofa Preferred Shareholders' Annual Usage Entitlement shall
be paid at the standard published rate of the Hotel Manager and paid immediately
upon checkout;
k. Preferred Shareholders may only transfer the use of all or a part of their Annual
Usage Entitlement to direct family memberc, who shall be subject to the same rules
and regulations provided herein;
l. The Prefened Shareholders shall be subject to such other rules and regulations which
the Corporation or the Hotel Manager may, from time to time, issue with respect to
the use ofthe Annual Usage Entitlement, provided that the Prefened Shareholders are
given at least thirty (30) days notice ofsuch rules and regulations.
7. The Preferred Shareholders shall be entitled to a share in the Net Apartment Rental
Revenue at the rate of up to 30% ofthe room class corresponding to the class ofPrefened
Shares held, payable annually.
For purposes of this provision, 'Net Apartment Rental Revenue" means total revenue
from rentals of a room class less expenses, taxes and othe. deductions properly due
For the avoidance of doubt, the corresponding classes of Prefened Shares to room class
shall be as follows:
The Preferred Shareholders shall no longer participate in any dividend declaration ofthe
a. Regularly and diligently pay the fees, contributions, charges and other dues, including
but not limited to the Annual Managem€nt Fee, Annual Operating Budget, Furniture,
Fiftings and Equipment Reserve, pertaining to the maintenance and use of the
condominium units owned by the Corporation in Acqua 6 Tower of Acqua Private
b. Comply, observe and obey the rules and regulations to be adopted and provided by
the Corporation and/or the Hotel Manager for the use and proper govemance of the
condominium units owned by the Corporation in Acqua 6 Tower of Acqua Private
Residences and such other equipment, machineries or furniture appurtenant thereto.
a. Right to use the amenities and facilities of [Acqua 6 Tow€r of Acqua Private
Residences during the exe.cise by a Prefened Shareholder of their Annual Usage
b. Right to avail ofthe discounted rates for the use and occupancy of room ofthe Acqua
6 Tower of Acqua Private Residences in excess of the Prefered Shareholders'
Annual Usage Entitlements.
Denial of Pre-emptive Rishts
EIGHTH I That at least 25o/o ofthe Authorized Capital Stock has been subscribed
and at least 25olo ofthe toral subscription has been paid as follows:
Type of Shire
(in t)
Century Limitless Filipino 24,999,995 P 24,999,995.00 I 6,249.995.00
Tim Hallett British Common 1.00 1.00
Domie S. Eduvane FiliDino 1.00 1.00
Carlos Benedict K. Filipino 1.00 l_00
Rivilla IV
Isab€lita C. Sales t.00 t.00
RhoelAlberto B. Filipino t.00 t.00
Tot3l Comnon 25.000.000 p t 6250.000.00
TENTH : That Carlos Benedict K. Rivilla lV has been elected by the subscribers
as Treasurer ofthe Corporation to act as such until his successor is duly elected and qualified in
accordance with the by-laws; and that as such Treasurer, he has been authorized to receive for
and in the name and for the benefit ofthe Corporation, all subscriptions paid by the subscribers.
That the Corporation manifest its willingness to change its corporate
name in the event another person, firm or entity has acquired a prior right to use the said firm
name or one deceptively or confusingly similar to it.
l. Report under oath to the Securities and Exchange Commission any increase in the dues
which a Prefened Shareholder must pay; and
2. Notiry the Preferred Shareholders ofany fees that will be imposed against them by virtue
ofthe exercise oftheir entitlements as a holder ofthe Prefe(ed Shares.
In witness wh€reof, w€ have set our hands this Qb day of oo'd'NZol4 at Makati city,
TrN NO. t?2{8?-577
TIN NO. 150{01-725
Klown to me lo be the ssme persons who executed the foregoing instsument and they
acknowledged to me that the same is their fi€e and voluntary act and deed.
WTNESS MY HAND AND SEAL on the date at the plac€ first above written.
Doc. No.l!:
Page No. 4 :
Bo;k No.l-;
Series of20l4
N-.r-y_T6r" cil''
uSI D.caL. tl. rla
Republic of the PhiliPPines)
City of Makati ) S.S.
foregoing Articles of
That I was duly elected by the subscribers narned in the
as Treasurer of the
rn.o.oo.ution oi c"niu,x Acqu; Lifestyle club corporation'
il#;; i" ;"4;t tuJr' unt .v successors has been dulv elected and qualified in
Treasurer' I have been
i""Tra-"" *Lf ,ft" gy-Laws ofthe Corporation, and that as suchsubscriptions paid in bv
ffi;#;il" J!"rii"r, to *""i""'fo' the corporation all capital stock of one
*" ."lr*ili.t for the capital stock; that out of the authorized
t"t;s (PiPl00'000,000 00), the amount or rwenrv Five Million Pesos
ii;"dr;;;ilt;; subscribed and the amount ol srx Million
a;,'fti'd;i;;"h-;i.hur"s h* b""n u"tuullv for the benefit and to
i*" if-,i"a.ia rinv fhousand Pesos has been actually paid to.him
(25%) ofthe entire number
,fr".r"Ji Cotporation; that at least twenty five per cent
;iil;;;;;;;:"i,ft" oi capital stock has bein subscribed and at least 25% or such
ir]t.iiip,ii'" i"lit""; p;iJti nim tor the benefit and to the credit ofthe corporation
withdrawn prlor to
That in case the said paid-up capital is not deposited or
named corporation'
approval of the Articles J ln*.po,oltlon,' t. in behalfofthe above
waive our right to a -,L" hearin! in the revocation of our certificate of
sUscRIBED AND SwoRN to befbre me *ris Ua& $r Philippines,
No. 4
Doc. ;
PageNo. 3 ;
BookNo. 4 ;
Series of20l4.
Section l. -
Subscription Subscribers to the capital stock ofthe corporation shall
pay to the corporation the subscription value or price ofthe stock in accordance with the terms
and conditions prescribed by the board ofdirectors. Unpaid subscriptions shall not eam inter€st
unless otherwise determined by the board ofdirectors.
Unpaid Prefened Shares shall not be entitled to any ofthe rights and benefits given to a
Preferred Shareholder, as provided in the Articles oflncorporation.
The subscription to any class ofthe Prefe(ed Shares shall be for a minimum ofthirteen
(13) shares and in multiples ofthirteen (13) shares thereafter (the "Board Lof').
Section 3. -
Tralsfer of Shares Subject to the restrictions, terms and conditions
contained in the Articles of Incorporation, shares may be transferred, sold, ceded, assigned or
pledged by deliver ofthe certificates duly indorsed by the stockholders, their attomeys-in-fact or
other legally authorized person. A transfer shall be valid and binding on the corporation only
upon record thereof in the book ofthe corporation, cancellation ofthe certificate surrendered to
the Secretary or Assistant Secreta.ry, and issuance ofa new certificate to the taansferee-
No shares of stock against which the Corporation holds any unpaid claim shall be
transferable in the books ofthe corporation,
A Preferred Shareholder may not sell or transfer their shares for less than a Board Lot.
All cenificatessunendered for transfer shall be stamped "Cancelled" on the face thereof,
together with the date of cancellation, and attached to the conesponding stub with the certificate
Section 4, !9!Lg9I!!SSg&! - In case any certificates for the capital stock ofthe corporation
is lost, stolen or destroyed, a new certificate may be issued in lieu thereof in accordance with the
procedure prescribed under Section 73 of the Corporation Code of the Republic of the
Philippines or any modification or re-enactment thereof for the time being in force (the
"Corporation Code")
Section 3. -
Plac€ of Meetins Stockholders' meetings, whether regulat or special,
shall be hetd in the principal officeofthe Corporation or at any place designated by the Board of
Directors in the city or municipality where the principal office ofthe Corporation is located.
When the meeting of stockholders is adjoumed to another time or place, it shall not be
necessary to give any notice ofthe adjoumed meeting ifthe time and place to which the meeting
is adjoumed are announced at the meeting at which the adjournment is taken. At the reconvened
meeting, any business may be transacted that might have been transacted on the original date of
the meeting.
Section 5. -
AcSIg-lq Unless otherwise provided by law, in all regular or special
meetings of stockholders, a majority of the outstanding capital stock must be present or
represented in order to constitute a quorum, If no quorum is constituted, the meeting shall be
adjoumed until the requisite amount ofstock shall be present.
Section 6. -
Conduct of Meetine Meetings of the stockholders shall be presided
over by the President, or in hiVher absence, by a chairman to be chosen by the stock:holders. The
Corporate Secretary shall act as Secretary of every meeting, but if not present, the Chairman of
the mceting shall appoint a secretary ofthe meeting.
Section 7, Manner of Votinq - At all meetings of stockholders, a stockholder may
vote in person or by proxy. Proxies shall be in writing and signed in accordance with the existing
laws, rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission. Duly accomplished
proxies must be submitted to the office of the Corporate Secretary not later than seven (7)
business days prior to the date ofthe stockholders' meeting for proxy validation.
Unless otherwise provided in the proxy, it shall be valid only for the meeting at which it
has been pres€nted to the Corporate Secretary. Proxies filed with the Corporate Secretary may be
revoked by the stockholders either in an instrument in writing duly presented and recorded with
the Corporate Secretary prior to a scheduled meeting or by their personal presence at the
Section 8. Closine of Transfer Books or Fixine of Record Date For the purpose
ofdetermining the stockholders entitled to notice of, or to vote at, any meeting ofstockholders or
any adjoumment thereof or to receive payment of any revenue, the Board of Directors may
provide that the stock and trdnsfer book be closed for ten (10) working days immediately
preceding such meeting.
A proxy need not be a stockholder, unless otherwise provided in the proxy; it shall be
valid only for the meeting at which it has been presented to the Corporate Secrctary. All proxies
must be in the hands ofthe Corporate Secretary at least !y9-lSlbqgi!19!!-!!qy! before the time set
for the meetine.
a) From time to time, to make and change rules and regulations not
inconsistent with these By-Laws for the management ofthe Corporation's
business and affairs;
b) To purchase, receive, take or otherwise acquire for and in the name of the
Corporation, any and all properties, rights or privileges including
secu ties and bonds of other corporations for such consideration and upon
such terms and conditions as the Board may deem proper ofconvenient;
To delegate, ftom time to time, any ofthe powers ofthe Board which may
lawfully be delegated in the course of the current business of the
Corporation to any standing or special committee or to any officer or aggnt
and to appoint any person to be agents of the Corporation with such
powers, and upon such terms, as may be deemed fit;
Section 2, Election and Term - The Board ofDirectors shall be elected during each
regular meeting of stockholders and shall hold office for one (l) yeaf and until their successors
are elected and qualified.
Section 3. ye!g!!lig! - Any vacancy occurring in the Board of Directors other than
by removal by the stockholders or by expiration of term, may be filled by the vote ofat least a
majority ofthe remaining directors, if sill constituting a quorum; otherwise, the vacancy must be
filled by the stockholders at a regular or at any special meeting ofthe stockholders called for the
purpose. A director so elected to fill a vacancy shall be elected only for the unexpired term of
hiYher Dredecassor in office.
The vacancy resulting from the removal of a director by the stockholders in the manner
provided by law may be filled by election at the same meeting of stockholders without further
notice, or at any regular or at any special meeting of stockholders called for the purpose, after
giving notice as prescribed in these By-Laws.
(b) Ifhe/she is a director, olTicer, manager or controlling person of, or the owner
(either of re{ord or beneficially) of2% or more of any outstanding class of
shares of, any other corporation or entity engaged in any line of business or
activity ofthe Corporation, when in thejudgment ofthe Board, by at least a
majority vote, the laws against combinations in restraint of trade shall be
violated by such person's membership in the Board ofDirectors; or
(c) If th€ Board, in the exercise of its judgment in good faith, determine by at
least a majority vote that he is the nominee of any person set forth in (a) and
(b) ofthis Section 4
(a) At least two (2) of the seven (7) directors provided in Section l, above shall be
independent directors. For this purpose, an independent director shall mean a person who, apart
ftom hiJher fees and shareholdings, is independent of management and free from any business or
other relationship which could, or could reasonably be perceived to, materially interfere with his/her
exercis€ of independent judgment in carrying out his,4rer responsibilities as a director of the
Corporation and includes, among others, a person who:
4. Has not been employed in any executive capacity by the Corpomtion, any of
its related companies or any of its substantial shareholders within the last
five (5) yea$;
5. Has not engaged and does not engage in any transaction with the
Corporation or with any of its related companies or with any of its
substantial sharcholders, whether by himself or with other persons or
through a firm of which he is a partner or a company of which he is a
director or substantial shareholder, other than transactions which are
conduct€d at arm'slength and are immaterial or insignificant.
i. Related company means another c-ompany which is (a) its holding company,
(b) its subsidiary, and (c) a subsidiary of its holding company.
ii, Substantial shareholder means any person who is directly of indirectly the
beneficial owner of more than ten percent (10%) of any class of its equity
l. He/she must b€ a holder ofat least one (l) share of stock ofthe Corporation
registered under hiVher name;
3. Fails, without any justifiable cause, to attend at least fifty percent (50%) of
the total number of Board meetings during his incumbency unless such
absenc€ are due to grave illness or death ofan immediate family;
(d) ElectionoflndependentDirectors
Section 7, !91!99 - Notice ofthe regular or special meetings of the Board, specifying
the date, time and place ofthe meeting, shall be communicated by the Secretary to each director
personally, or by telephone, telegram, by written message or by electronic means. A director may
waive this requirement, either expressly or impliedly
Section 11, gglqpgllgllg! - By resolution ofthe Board, each director shall receive a
reasonable per diem allowance for hiVher attendance at each meeting of the Board. As
compensation, the Board shall receive and allocate an amount of not more than ten percent
(10%) ofthe net income before income tax ofthe Corporation during the preceding year' Such
compensation shall be determined and apportioned among the directors in such manner as the
Board may deem proper, subject to the approval ofstockholders representing at least a majority
ofthe outstanding capital stock at a regular or special meeting ofthe stockholders.
Section l. Audit and Risk Committee - The audit and risk committee shall consist
of three (3) directors, one of whom shall be an independent director. The audit and risk
committee shall have such functions to be determined by the Board of Directors.
The Board may, from time to time, appoint such other officers as it may determine to be
necessary or proper. Any two (2) or more positions may be held concurently by the same
person, ixcepi thit no one shall act as President and Treasurer or Secretary at the same time'
Section 2. President - The President shall be the Chief Executive Offrce of the
Comoration and shall exercise the following functions:
c) To supervise and manage the business affairs of the Corporalion upon the
dir€ction ofthe Board of Directors;
k) To perform such other duties as are incident to his office or are entrusted
to him/her by the Board ofDirectors.
a) To record the minutes and transactions ofall the meetings of the directors
and the stockholders and to maintain minute books ofsuch meetings in the
form and manner required by law,
b) To keep record books showing the details requircd by law with respect to
the stock cenificates of the Corporation, including ledgers and tmnsfel
books showing all shares of the Corporation subscribed, issued and
c) To keep the corporate seal and affix it to all papers and documents
requiring a seal, and to attest by his,/her signature all corporate documents
requiring the same;
S€ction 6. The Treasurer The Treasurer of the Corporation shall have the
following duties:
b) To have custody of, and be responsible for, all the funds, secuiities and
bonds of the Corporation;
0 To exercise such powers and perform such duties and functions as may be
assigned to him/her by the President.
Sectior 7. q!I9f-.lqE99I - The Board of Directors may also appoint from time to
time such Assistant Corporate Secretary and Assistant Treasury, and such other olficers and
agents as may be deemed proper and nec€ssary for the c-onduct of the Corporation's business.
Each of such officers and agents shall hold office at the pleasure of the Board of Directors,
subject to any special agreement as to the length of time and service and to the provisions of
existing laws.
Section 8. Term of OIfice - The term of office of all oflicers shall be one ( 1) yea.
and untiltheir successors are duly elected and qualified.
Section 10. Compensation - The officers shall receive such remuneration as the
Board of Directors may determine. A director shall not be precluded ti"om serving the
Corporation in any other capacity as an ofTicer, agent or otherwise, and receiving compensation
section 2.IlssglJggl - The fiscal year ofthe Corporation shall begin on the first
day of JANUARY of each calendar year and shall end on the last day of DECEMBER of the
same year.
Form and lnscription - The corporate seal shall be determined by the Board ofDirectors.
These By-Laws may be amended or repealed by the affirmative vote ofat least a majority
ofthe Board ofDirectors and the stockholders representing a majority ofthe outstanding capital
stock at any stockholders' meeting called for the purpose. However, the power to amend,
modify, repeal or adopt new By-Laws may be delegated to the Board of Directors by affirmative
vote of stockholders representing not less than two-thirds of the outstanding capital stocki
provided, however, that any such delegation of powers to the Board of Directors to amend,
repeal or adopt new By-Laws may be revoked only by the vote of stockholders representing a
majority ofthe outstanding capital stock at a regular or special meeting.
5-685-7 47 TIN NO. I72-687-577
TIN NO. t67-589-322 8-130-969
22,.',-* 2tL2J
TINNO. t50-601-725
This is to authorize the representative of your olfice to examine and verify the deposit in the
amount of Six Million Two Hundred Fifty Thousard Pesos (P6,250,000.00) with BANCO DE
ORO, Pacific Star Building, in my name as Treasurer-in-Trust for CENTURY ACeUA
LIFESTYLE CLUB COR?ORATION, representing the paid up capital of said Corporation
which is in the process of incorporation.
This authority is valid and inspection ofsaid deposit may be made even after the issuance ofthe
certificate of incorporation to the corporation. Should this deposit be transferred to another bank
prior to or after the incorporation, this letter will also serve as standing authority for your office
to ve.iry and examine the same.
It is also understood that the duly authorized representative of the Securities and Exchange
Commission may examine the pertinent books and records ofaccounts ofthe Corporation should
it become necessary to trace the utilization and disbursement ofsaid paid-up capitat.
ict K, Rivilla IV
Book No.l[_;
Series of20l4
We,CarlosBenedictK'RivillaIVandDomieS'EduYanebothoflegalage'Filipinos Makati
U",t *ii-rii"" at Zt" ftoo, Pacific Star Building, Sen. Gil Puyal comer
""a "JAi"tr law hereby depose and state:
1,""""",-ft4"f"i Ci y *d, having been swom to in accordance with
Corporation' wlich is
That we are the incorporators ofCentury Acqua Lifestyle-Club
Securilies & Exchange Lommlsslon'
in the process ofregistering its oorporate name with the
purpose and intent it may serve.
Makati City.
Domie S. Eduvane
day of
$T ?i,' 2I
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this
to me their TIN Number as follows:
in Makati City by the above-named persons who exhibited
Doc. No. 10
Page No. 3
BookNo .1
Series of 2014.
NotnyPublrct t Marnn City
2lFPscinc Sl3rBuldi'{
OllAtFrctr. Matttr M4t ri Cit
Rou No.616?0
PIR No_ /g4l5z40t l t. r (e.hklti : ,4
IBP No. 968470/04.0a l4'1tti\3ti !ir)
Paym€nt ConU rrnation
http:// 50. I 50. 1 50.61/admidMainSery ter
The applic€nt undedakes lo change the resetued nar€ in cas€ anolher person
or frm has
acquired a prior right lo lhe use of lhe said fm name or lhe sarEiis deceplivety or
siftilarlo one already regislered.
Please do not pay for your Narne Reseruatron ahd Ettonsron VVITHTN THE SAME
DAy.via Funds
TEnsfer You may course your payment al any selected UnionBank bGnches oi attte
2004 SEC-iRegisler
All rights Reserved
9/4120)4 5:2'7 PM
,8 I Print Ro&rvation Notice http://iregisters€
Pnnl Finish
Reservation Notice:
This certifes that the name ACQUA LIFESTYLE CLUB CORPORATION has been reserved from
Soptember 4, 2014 to Oecember 3,2014 by CARLOS BENEDICT KANGLEON RIVILLA.
Reference Reservation Number (RRN): RRt{20140904085115280
Type of Induslry: [K74990]Other Business Aclivities, N.E.C
Payment Transaction Number: (reier to SEC Teller)
ReseNation Fee: PhD 120.00
lmportant R6mandet!:
Please paywilhin 4 days (on or b€fore S€ptember 8, 2014, except on Salurdays and Sundays) al
any SEC ofiice or at selected unionBank br3nches.
Please file your SEC Registration fomswilhinlhe reseruation pe od al SEC offce.
You may also accomplish and pdnt your SEC Registration foms online. For mor€ details, please
visit the SEC i-Regiatsr site at lreo, In case you don't have an inlernet access,
you may go to the nearest SECCCU Intemet desk. You will bs assisted by SECCCU slaff during
your online regislration.
Please do nol pay foryour Nane R€servation and Exlension WTHIN THE SAME DAY via Funds
2004 SEGiRegister
All righls Reserv€d
ft 914/2014llt36 AN
{'J Thrs is to certify that there is on deposit with this bank the sum of SIX MILLION
Savings Account No-003560242449 in the name ol !4L Carlos Benedict K. Rivi a lV
In the process of incorooration.
The said deposit is clear and free from lien. restriction. condition or holdout and
may be withdrawn in behalf of said company upon presentation of due
incorporation thereof
Doc. No--F6I-
Paoe No
eo6r No --1y- ,
,ry 2ubllc for Ma kati Citt
s&tts o+ zDtq.
apporntn€nt No. M,202
U ntil December _:1, 2015