Bosnian Horoscop - DRAGON
Bosnian Horoscop - DRAGON
Bosnian Horoscop - DRAGON
beings that exists on Earth (humans, animals, trees, and plants), which permeates the mystical
path of a snake, in fact, monitors its spiritual transformation into a dragon, a mythical force
symbolizing resurrection and a new life.
According to the beliefs of our ancestors, the Forefather of the Illyrian originated from a snake,
and precisely because of this, the snake symbolizes the beginning or the first sign. Its privileged
position is confirmed by the legend and stories of Bosnian Bogumils, followers of Arian
Christianity, according to which the snake was created 40 years before the creation of the first
man. The snake in its winding path through every subsequent sign of the circle of destiny
embodies the indestructible seed of life that takes on evolution in a different forms, thus
acquiring consciousness or knowledge of existence. This seed of life represents universal wisdom,
which is in fact the core of the soul, the divine manifestation.
Personal number
The Bosnian horoscope is very compatible with numerology, and these two divination systems
are perfectly intertwined and complemented. In this way, we have a very precise insight into the
characteristics of an individual sign and of those born in the period as long as it takes. This
approach has proven to be successful, since it reflects in more detail the characteristics of an
individual, which ultimately contributes to better understanding, but also determining his
The secret lies in a personal number owned by each of us and it is obtained by collecting the
date of birth and deducing to a single number.
The following is an example of a person born in the Warrior sign, whose date of birth is:
12.03.1980. The given date is summarized as it follows: 1 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 8 = 24/6.
These are some general examples and explanations for individual personal numbers and signs:
Persons born in the Frog, Pigeon and Grandmother signs with personal number 6 are
radocholics, hard-working and careerists.
Persons born in the Snake, Frog and Salamander signs, especially women, with personal number
5 are very jealous and possessive, but also willing to selflessly give themselves to their partner
and make sacrifices.
People born in Snake and Salamander signs with a personal number 1 are generally nice and well
looking. But, almost always, they have a problem with their ego, stubbornness, and psyche and
Persons born with Rue, Swallow, Salamander and Snake with personal numbers 1, 3 and 8 are
most susceptible to the effects of black magic, or generally negative energy, and it's the most
victims among them.
The dragon is the twelfth sign in the Bosnian air and again entering the earth through
horoscope, ruling from September 15 to some hole in another location.
October 15. In the Illyrian people the dragon
was considered divine, and in Bosnian As this sign reigns, the circle of destiny slows
mythology it is described as a large serpent down, to complete its cycle and return to the
with wings that can have sexual intercourse beginning. People born during the reign of
with women, and thus a dragon cub known as the Dragon are known for doing everything
the Snijet is born. The serpent and the dragon slowly and without haste. Because of this,
represent the two basic principles of the they accumulate a lot of energy which, if
Universe - good and evil, life and death, directed in the right direction, can lead to
creation and destruction; and that is why major changes. What embellishes this sign is
they occupy the first and last place in the their sincerity, which can sometimes be
circle of destiny. The mythological protector misinterpreted.
of this sign is the Illyrian god of evil, the Black The dragon is a passionate lover who often
Sky Dragon. has no control over his emotions. He is prone
The position of the last sign in the Bosnian to falling in love suddenly and is therefore a
horoscope is not accidental, because in the pure victim of love disappointments. Men of
mythology the serpent or dragon, creates a this sign literally want to tame their partner,
vegetation cycle of fertility by exiting the subordinate her to themselves, but their
earth through water, then flying through the relationship at a late stage or marriage is not
dominant but harmonious.
In fact, they are partners who want a All women of this character are fiery, enjoy
harmonious and equal relationship, and if sex and are eminently possessive.
they succeed, they become very loyal. The
women of this sign are eminently emotional The Dragon woman with personal number 1
and therefore ready to yield and accept is a bit childish and lacks in tact with her
numerous concessions. partner. The situation is quite different with
those whose personal numbers are 2 and 3.
When it comes to love feelings, they can go to They are subtle, cunning, manipulative and
extremes. It is very rare for them to have a self-serving.
healthy emotional attitude. Often, they
consciously exploit their partners. Dragon woman with personal number 3 is a
great lover, but also arrogant, lying and
In business, the Dragon is persistent and materialist. Somewhat different behavior is of
motivated. When he starts a new job, he does a woman with a personal number 6 whose
not do his best at first but needs some time nature goes to the extreme, that is, she is
to show his potential. He is a creature of either spoiled and of a severe character or
creation, possesses the artistic urge, and lacks confidence and is inclined to put herself
therefore the people of this sign can achieve in a situation of being exploited by others.
great success in the business of design, new
innovations and research. If the female Dragon has a personal number 9,
then you have an eternal actress - a person
prone to pretending and acting. She will
offend you on purpose, and if you reciprocate
her, she will act as a victim. Typical
passive-aggressive behavior.
The Dragon Woman
The dragon woman is cunning, always hiding
something about herself, pretending that no Man-Dragon
one is good enough for her, and often knows
how to complain, and especially if it's not in The man-dragon is slow, which is why it is a
the spotlight. However, she is also symbol of inner strength, positioned at the
affectionate, ready to seduce her partner very end of the bright part of the year, and
with kind words and gestures. She is in no therefore shows the slowing of the circle of
hurry and has patience. She's pretty lazy. She destiny. It is precisely the loss of that
is therefore a dangerous player, and should momentum of energy and its gradual
not be underestimated. So, Dragons are accumulation that makes it special from many
known as women who in their subtle ways aspects. One is that Dragon is a gourmet,
can be intrusive. What is characteristic for extremely picky. He does not like to eat
most; they always look at their interest and leftover food left over from lunch or, worse,
benefit. Because of this insight, successful something from yesterday. He enjoys flavors,
men are irresistibly attractive to them. loves meat, sweets but also salty foods. He is
prone to being casual, adapting to a state
from which it is difficult to move. A kind of