CS 114 Fundamentals of Programming - Fall 2019 - Zunera - Final
CS 114 Fundamentals of Programming - Fall 2019 - Zunera - Final
CS 114 Fundamentals of Programming - Fall 2019 - Zunera - Final
Course Description:
The course introduces the fundamental concepts underlying modern computer programming. A systematic
approach is used to teach students how to write programs that solve well specified problems. Emphasis is
placed on the mastery of basic programming skills, with a considerable attention to the fundamental building
blocks of computer programs, and the associated concepts and principles.
Assessments Details
Theory: 67 % Quizzes: 15 %
Assignments: 5 %
OHT-1: 15 %
OHT-2: 15 %
End Semester Exam: 50 %
Labs: 33 % Lab Tasks and Viva: 70%
Project: 30%
Total : 100 %
Text Book: 1. C: How to Program (7th Ed.) by P. J. Deitel and H. M. Deitel
Reference 1. C Programming: A Modern Approach (2nd Ed.) by K. N. King
Topic 6 – Strings
String literals
String variables
C string library
Arrays of strings
Topic 7 – Advance Topics
File Handling
Grading Policy:
Quiz Policy: The quizzes may be unannounced and normally last for ten minutes. The question framed is
to test the concepts involved in last few lectures.
Assignment Policy: The course website will be the primary source for announcements and submitting
Lab Conduct: The labs will be conducted for three hours every week. The lab handouts will be shared on
LMS. The students are required to submit their lab tasks at the end of lab for evaluation. One
submission per group will be required. However, students may also be evaluated by oral viva
during the lab.
Plagiarism: Collaboration and group work is encouraged but each student is required to submit his/her
own contribution(s). Your writings must be your own thoughts. You must cite and
acknowledge all sources of information in your assignments. Cheating and plagiarism will not
be tolerated and will lead to strict penalties including zero marks in assignments as well as
referral to the Dean for appropriate action(s).
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