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Updated Course Outline EE 221 - Digital - Logic - Design - Spring - 2023

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National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST)

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS)

Department of Computing

Digital Logic Design

Course Code: EE221 Semester: Spring 2023
Credit Hours: 3+1 Pre-requisites: Nil
Instructor: Engr. Arshad Nazir E-mail: arshad.nazir@seecs.edu.pk
Office: Room A-215, Faculty Block Telephone: +92 (0)51 9085 2117
Students Batch: BSCS-12ABC Discipline/Year: Computer Science/First
Lecture/Lab Days:Mon:1000-1050 (C/CR-12) Consulting Hours: Wed:1400-1500 Hrs (ABC/Off)
1100-1150 (A/CR-12) or
1400-1450 (B/CR-13) via email/WhatsApp
Tues:1000-1050 (C/CR-15)
1100-1150 (A/CR-12)
1200-1250 (B/CR-13)
1400-1650 (C/Digital Lab)
Wed: 1000-1050 (A/CR-12)
1100-1150 (B/CR-13)
1200-1250 (C/CR-11)
Thu: No class
Fri: 1000-1250 (A/Digital Lab)
1400-1650 (B/Digital Lab)
Lab Engr: Engr. Mughees Ahmed E-mail: mughees.ahmed@seecs.edu.pk
Knowledge Group: Digital Systems and Signal Processing Updates on LMS: on required basis

Course Description:
Digital Logic Design is a one-semester course taken by Computer Science students during first year of their
engineering program. This course introduces the logic operators and gates to lay the framework for
strengthening the basic understanding of computer building blocks. Both combinational and sequential circuits
are studied in this course along with their constituent elements comprising Arithmetic circuits, Comparators,
Decoders, Encoders, Multiplexers, Tri-state gates as well as Latches, Flip-flops, Counters and Registers. It lays
down foundations for advanced studies in Microprocessor Systems to be taught in the following semester.

Course Objectives:
In this course students will learn principles of Digital Logic Design. They will combine classical design
methodologies with a series of laboratory assignments in which they will demonstrate their ability to
successfully design, implement, and debug digital systems using Computer Aided Design tools and physical

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO)

Upon successful completion of this course the students will be able to demonstrate the BT LEVEL PLO
1 Understand the Digital Principles, arithmetic operations, and different C2 1
simplification techniques required to model any computing system.
2. Apply the acquired knowledge towards logic circuits optimization in a computing C3 2
3. Analyze combinational and sequential circuits forming key ingredient of any C4 3
computing system.

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National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST)
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS)
Department of Computing

4. Design combinational and sequential circuits of moderate complexity within C5 4

given hardware constraints.
5. Construct digital systems of moderate complexity using laboratory equipment P4 5
and simulation tools.
6. Function effectively both individually and as a member of a team A4 6
7. Exhibit good professional and ethical behavior. Adhere to lab safety rules. A5 9
* BT=Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=Affective
Mapping of CLOs TO Program Learning Outcomes
PLO1 (Academic Education) √
PLO2 (knowledge for solving Computing √
PLO3 (Problem Analysis) √
PLO4 (Design/Development of solutions) √
PLO5 (Modern tool usage) √
PLO6 (Individual and Team Work) √
PLO7 (Communication)
PLO8 (Computing Professionalism and
PLO9 (Ethics) √
PLO10 (Life-Long Learning)

Mapping of CLOs to Assessment Modules and Weight ages ( in accordance with NUST statutes)
To be filled in at the end of the course


Quizzes: 14%(10.5) √ √ √ √
Assignments: 6% (4.5) √ √ √ √
Mid Semester Exam: 30%(22.5) √ √ √
Labs: 70%(17.5) √ √ √
Final Lab Exam: 30%(7.5) √ √ √
End Semester Exam: 50%(37.5) √ √ √ √
Total: 100

Text Book: Digital Design(Fourth Edition) by M. Morris Mano and Michael Ciletti
Reference 1. Digital Fundamentals (Eleventh Edition) by Floyd
Books: 2. Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals (Fourth Edition) by M. Morris Mano and Charles R.
3. Fundamentals of Logic Design (Sixth Edition)by Charles H. Roth Jr
4. Digital Systems: Principles and Applications (Tenth Edition) by TocciWidmer
5. Contemporary Logic Design (Second Edition) by Randy H. Katz
6. Verilog HDL: A guide to Digital Design and Synthesis (Second Edition) by Samir Palnitkar

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National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST)
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS)
Department of Computing

Main Topics to be Covered:

1. Digital Systems. Binary Numbers. Number Base Conversions. Octal and Hexadecimal Numbers.
Complements. Signed Numbers. Binary Codes.
2. Basic Definitions. Axiomatic Definition of Boolean algebra. Basic Theorems and Properties of
Boolean Algebra
3. Boolean Functions. Canonical and Standard Forms. Other Logic Operations. Digital Logic Gates.
Integrated Circuits
4. The K-Map Method. Four-Variable Map. Product of Sums and Sum of Products simplifications.
Introduction to Five-Variable Map. Quine-McCluskey minimization technique (Tabulation).
5. Don't-Care Conditions. NAND and NOR Implementation. Other Two-Level Implementations
6. Combinational Circuits. Analysis Procedure. Design Procedure. Binary Adder-Subtractor. Decimal
Adder. ALU Design using Combinational Circuits.
7. Binary Multiplier. Magnitude Comparator. Decoders. Encoders. Multiplexers
8. Sequential Circuits. Latches and Flip-flops
9. Analysis of Clocked Sequential Circuits.
10. Mealy and Moore FSM. State Reduction and Assignment. Design of clocked sequential circuits.
11. Registers. Shift Registers. Ripple Counters
12. Synchronous Counters. Other Counters

Lecture Breakdown:

Week Lecture Topics Text Book Other References Remarks

No Reference

1. 1. Introduction: Digital Systems and 1-1

motivation for study
2. Number Systems: Binary, Octal, Decimal 1-2,1-3,&1-4 1-2 Ref Book(3)
and Hexadecimal Numbers and Base
3. Complements: Subtraction of Unsigned 1-5 .
Numbers using Complements.
Lab 01 Familiarization of Basic Gates and Digital
2. 4. Signed Binary Numbers Arithmetic: 1-6 2-6 Ref Book(2)
Addition and Subtraction of Signed Binary
5. Binary Codes. 1-7
6. Binary Storage and Registers. 1-8&1-9
Binary Logic: Definition of Binary Logic and
Logic gates.

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National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST)
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS)
Department of Computing

Lab 02 Introduction to Verilog HDL.

Basic language constructs and design entry
using Verilog HDL.

3. 7. Introduction: Boolean Algebra: Basic and 2-1,2-2, &2-3 2-2 Ref Book(3)
Axiomatic Definition of Boolean Algebra;
Two-Valued Boolean Algebra.
8. Basic Theorems and Properties of Boolean 2-4
9. Boolean Functions; Canonical and Standard 2.5 &2-6
Lab 03 Derivation of Boolean Functions from given
logic diagram and its Hardware
Function implementation using Verilog HDL
Gate-Level modeling.
4. 10. Other Logic Operations. 2-7 8-1 Ref Book (5)
11. Digital Logic Gates and Integrated Circuits. 2-8&2-9
12. Problem Solving Session

Lab 04 Minimization of Boolean Functions and its

Hardware implementation.
5. 13. Introduction: The K-Map Method; Two and 3-1 & 3-2 5-2 Ref Book(4)
Three -Variable K- Maps. Sum-of-Products
(SOP) simplification using Three-Variable K-
14. Sum-of-Products (SOP) simplification using 3-3 5-3 Ref Book(4)
Four-Variable K-Map; Essential and Non- 2.5 Ref Book(3)
essential Prime Implicants.
15. Five-Variable K-Map; Sum-of-Products 3-4 5-4 Ref Book(4)
(SOP) simplification using Map Method.
Lab 05 Design of Binary-to-Gray/Gray-to-Binary
Code Converter using basic gates.
Gate-Level Modeling of Combinational
Circuits using Verilog HDL.
6. 16. Product- of- Sums (POS) Simplifications and 3.5&3-6
Don’t Care conditions.
17. Quine-McCluskey Minimization algorithm 6-1, 6-2 &6.3 Ref
(Tabulation). Book(4)
18. NAND and NOR implementations. 3-7

Lab 06 BCD-to-Seven Segment Decoder Design.

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National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST)
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS)
Department of Computing

7. 19. Other Two-Level implementations. 3-8

20. Exclusive-OR function: Parity Generation 3-9

and Checking.
21. Introduction: Combinational Circuits: 4-1, 4-2 & 4-4
Design Procedure with Code Conversion
Lab 07 Design of a 2-bit Magnitude Comparator
using Classical design method.
Combinational Logic Design using Verilog
8. 22. Combinational Circuits: Analysis 4-3
23. Half and Full Adders: Design of 4-BIT 4-5
Ripple Carry Adder-Subtractor using Full
24. Design of 4-Bit Adder-Subtractor with 4-5
Carry Look-ahead Generator and
Lab 08 Design of a 2-bit Adder/Subtractor Circuit.
Combinational Logic Design using Verilog
9. Mid Semester Exam
10. 25. Decimal Adder. 4-6

26. Binary Multiplier. Magnitude Comparator. 4-7&4.8

27. Decoders/De-multiplexers. 4-9
Lab 09 Design of 4-bit ALU.
11. 28. Encoders. 4-10 4-2-2, 3,&4 Book (6)
29. Multiplexers and Tri-State Gates. 4-11

30. Problem Solving Session

Lab 10 Voting Machine Design.

12. 31. Introduction: Sequential Circuits and 5-1&5-2
different types of Latches.
32. Storage Elements: Latches 5-3

33. Storage Elements: Flip-Flops, Other Flip- 5-4 11-4,11-5,11-6 &11-

Flops, Conversion of Flip-Flops. 7 Ref Book (4)
Lab 11 Memory Elements: Latches and Flip-flops.
Design of a positive-edge triggered D flip-

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National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST)
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS)
Department of Computing

13. 34. Analysis of Clocked-Sequential Circuits; 5-5

State Equations, State Table, State
Diagram, and Flip-Flop input equations.
35. Analysis with D Flip-Flops, JK Flip-Flops, 5-5
and T Flip-Flops.
36. Mealy and Moore Models. Mealy-Moore 5-5
Conversion Procedure.
Lab 12 Flip-Flop Applications & Proteus
Simulation of Digital Circuits
14. 37. State Reduction using Row Matching and 5-7 15.3 Ref Book(4)
Implication Table Techniques. State
Assignment Method.
38. Design Procedure- 5-8
Synthesis using D Flip-Flops.
39. Design Procedure- 5-8
Synthesis using JK Flip-Flops, and T Flip-
Lab 13 Sequence Detector Design.
Sequential Logic Design using Verilog HDL
15. 40. Problem Solving Session
41. Introduction: Registers with Parallel Load. 6-1

42. Shift Registers; 4-Bit Shift Register; Serial 6-2

Transfer and Serial Addition.
Labs revision

16. 43. 4-Bit Universal Shift Register. 6-2

44. Ripple Counters; Binary and BCD Ripple 6-3

45. Synchronous Counters; Binary and BCD 6-4
Lab Final Exam

17 46. Other Counters; Counter with unused 6-5

States. Ring Counter and Johnson Counter
47. Problem Solving Session
48. Course Revision

18 End Semester Exam

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National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST)
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS)
Department of Computing

Lab Experiments:

Lab 1: Familiarization of Basic Gates and Digital ICs

Lab 2: Introduction to Verilog HDL. Basic language constructs and design entry using Verilog HDL.

Lab 3: Derivation of Boolean Functions from given logic diagram and its Hardware implementation.
Function implementation using Verilog HDL Gate-Level modeling.
Lab 4: Minimization of Boolean Functions and its Hardware implementation.
Lab 5: Design of Binary-to-Gray/Gray-to-Binary Code Converter using basic gates. Gate-Level Modeling
of Combinational Circuits using Verilog HDL.

Lab 6: BCD-to-Seven Segment Decoder Design.

Lab 7: Design of a 2-bit Magnitude Comparator using Classical design method. Combinational Logic
Design using Verilog HDL.

Lab 8: Design of a 2-bit Adder/Subtractor Circuit.Combinational Logic Design using Verilog HDL.

Lab 9: Design of 4-bit ALU.

Lab 10: Voting Machine Design.

Lab 11: Memory Elements: Latches and Flip-flops. Design of a positive-edge triggered D flip-flop.
Sequential Logic Design using Verilog HDL

Lab 12: Flip-Flop Applications & Proteus Simulation of Digital Circuits

Lab 13: Sequence Detector Design. Sequential Logic Design using Verilog HDL

Grading Policy:
Quizzes Policy The quizzes are a mandatory component of the overall assessment. The purpose of quizzes
is to keep the students up-to-date with the lecture material and test basic understanding
of the course concepts. There will be at least 6 unannounced quizzes conducted in the class
any time during the lecture. Each quiz will consist of questions that target specific topics
from the most recent as well as previous week lectures. An additional quiz will be from
class participation and evaluation will be based on students active involvement in different
online interactive forums made available to them.
Assignments In order to give sufficient practice and comprehensive understanding of the subject, a
minimum of 6 home assignments will be given to the students. The questions in
assignments will be challenging to give students the confidence and enable them to
prepare for the exams well. Home works will be submitted at the beginning of class on the
due date. The students are advised to do the assignment themselves. Copying of

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National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST)
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS)
Department of Computing

assignment is highly discouraged, taken as cheating case and dealt accordingly. No late
submissions will be accepted.
Conduct of Labs The labs will be conducted for three hours each week. For the conduct of lab the students
will be divided into groups with 2/3 students per group. A lab handout comprising pre-lab,
in-lab, and post-lab report parts will be provided to students for study and analysis during
the week preceding each lab session. The students are expected to complete pre-lab work
before lab starts and also come prepared for the lab. Any student failing to complete pre-
lab will not be allowed to attend lab session. The students will be evaluated during each
lab on the basis of demonstration, oral viva, and lab report submitted by them individually
on completion of lab work. The students are required to be punctual in the lab; late comers
will be penalized in award of marks.
Final Lab Exam The students will be evaluated in the final lab exam as per the schedule shared with the
students. Each student will be assessed individually based on oral exam and hardware
implementation of any given circuit in the lab. The students are expected to come
prepared for the lab exam.
Other Matters:
Online Discussions MS Teams link will be created and shared with the students. Students are encouraged
to optimally use this forum for clarification of their doubts, in course contents. Besides
this, a WhatsApp group will also be created for each section to be created by respective
Class Representatives during first week of semester commencement. This group will
be used for course-related assignments/collective queries. Individual clarifications will
be addressed separately.
Academic Honesty and Plagiarism
Plagiarism is the unacknowledged use of other’s work, including the copying of
assignments and laboratory results from the other students. Plagiarism is considered
a serious offence by the university and severe penalties apply. Therefore, all the
students must display originality of efforts and avoid plagiarism in any form.
Classroom Etiquettes
It is the collective responsibility of all the students to make the class environment
conducive for learning. To create and maintain a friendly atmosphere, the following
standards of class room behavior will be observed:-
1. Students will be punctual for the class. The teacher considers late comers
disrespectful of those who manage to be on time.
2. If a student decides to attend the class, he or she will not disrupt class by leaving
before the lecture has ended.
3. All the cell phones must be switched OFF prior to entering the class room.
4. The students must bring text book and calculators in the class and make lecture
A Few Tips for Good Learning and Grade Management
1. Punctuality and active participation in the class activity
2. Apriori study of course material to the taught in the class
3. Timely and non-plagiarized assignment submissions.
4. Regularity in lab work and adherence to lab rules/instructions.
5. Compensation for any missed evaluation immediately after occurrence.
6. Optimal use of online forums created for the students.
7. Problem solving of end chapter problems in the text and reference books

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National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST)
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS)
Department of Computing

8. Judicious time management during different evaluations like quizzes, labs, and
comprehensive exams.
9. Timely selection and prototyping of semester design project and its completion
well before the deadline.
10. Effective utilization of office hours i.e academic discussion with teacher
11. Regular monitoring of class and lab attendance and intimate anomaly, if any.

Tools / Software Requirement:

1. Verilog Hardware Description Language (Verilog HDL) software and HDL simulator
ModelSim version 5.7f will be used for the design and simulation of logic circuits.
2. Digital and Embedded Systems lab will be used for hands on practice.

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